
Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

eeomn i boeia sine lctd n i d Jnio Bai) I i cniee oe f h world the of one considered is It (). Janeiro de researchinstitutions. Rio was It foundedby Dr.Oswaldo Cruz, noteda physician and epidemiologist in located sciences biomedical in development 2 environmentalju responses policy 1 T locations and activities prospection by affected company. the by given information with comparisonsthe make to order indata areas in co or soil deposition dust topby affected potentially of sampling and radiation gamma training monitoring. radiation of field workers the in and communities the of ability the improve to order in activities sampling limited organize to but study impact an conduct to not was mission this of goal The Ci Justiça, (CPT Terra 7 International, (April mission second A 2014 /Context1 and descr the mine and mining uranium of impact the about EJOLT CRIIRAD the of course the In radiation. ionizing of state effects French monitoring. in radiation specialised technicians and 7 engineers of with team a laboratory the the against from protection independent and is information CRIIRAD people improve to is goal whose CRIIRAD the of locality from km 40 approximately extracted currently is uranium Brazil, In 0 Autho

he h Owlo rz onain Fnaã Owlo rz as kon s ICU) s sinii nttto o rsac and research for institution scientific a is FIOCRUZ) as known also Cruz, Oswaldo (Fundação Foundation Cruz Oswaldo The En

/ iomna Jsie raiain, iblte ad rd (JL) (FP7 (EJOLT) Trade and Liabilities Organisations, Justice vironmental

Introduction activities activities r : Brunor : Chareyron, nuclear physics engineer, CRIIRAD director the of laboratory. Description in sessions The radiological impactINBuranium radiological The mine of in . The results of this first mission are first mission this of results . The , which is which , (Commission for Independent Research and Information about RADiation) RADiation) about Information and Research Independent for (Commission dadania (Mrs Zoraide Vilasboas). Zoraide (Mrs dadania This This Caetité - BA) sticegroups around worldthe are the the

, n spot olbrtv rsac ad cin n niomna cnlcs hog cpct bidn of building capacity through conflicts environmental on action and research collaborative support and .


presented below presented Comiss h lcl omnte o Ceié and Caetité, of communities local the The sampling activities included sampling of underground and rain water, monitoring of of monitoring water, rain and underground of sampling included activities sampling The

a partner of the EJOLT project, contributed project, EJOLT the of partner a of CRIIRADof

E Fax Tel Site Radioactivitéla sur d’Information et Indépendantes CommissiondeRecherche CRIIRAD - ã mission mail

o Paroquial de M de Paroquial o

:33+ (0)4 7541 82 50

: + 33+ (0)4 : 7581 2648 :www.criirad.org th


1 laboratoire

o 11 to iptionofactivities performed o rjc, FIOCRUZ project,

. That is why voluntary people participated in the the in participated people voluntary why is That

has received of the support second mission . th www.ejolt.org


2014) was organised with the support of FIOCRUZ, Medico Medico FIOCRUZ, of support the with organised was 2014) Caetité

making t mn oeae b IB (Indú INB by operated mine a at

eio Ambiente Ambiente eio presented ntamination by seepage. The point was to get independent independent get to was point The seepage. by ntamination



very preliminary radiation monitoring and sampling and monitoring radiation preliminary very

tate of of tate 2 n ncer prtr. RIA i rnig t own its running is CRIIRAD operators. nuclear and

raie a txc or to tour” “toxic a organised


in CRIIRAD CRIIRAD in Caetité ). (CPMA) (CPMA) Associação

(which would require much more resources), more much require would (which - Valence, Valence, cec i Society in Science

to this tour this to Caetité with FIOCRUZ and CP FIOCRUZwith and

“Medico International” de Caetité, Caetité, de report N° 12 N° report

M January 28th 2015 28th January

vmno al Jackson Paulo ovimento (BAHIA /BRAZIL) tis ulae d Bra do Nucleares strias . through education of education through


n April7 2010 the

- 87 (October 2012) 87 (October Caetité - sampling ) EOT aim EJOLT 1). Comissão Pastoral da Pastoral Comissão is a French NGO NGO French a is s an ulc health public main 's

in June 2012. 2012. June in th activitie

MA to11

t improve to s

/ people people . -

s É


l at il) near near th tica, tica, and


Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

(FIOCRUZ) Finamore Renan M. by Portuguese into translated and Chareyron M. by English in given was training The docum additional of and analysis the Project) (EJOLT 2012 Caetite INB of impact specific the about information / studies 3 CRIIRAD on based activities mining uranium etc.. tailings, metal, of impact the about performed presentation general / 2 principles radioprotection g / 1 : three sections training The mine phosphate and a uranium of project to the mine; Lago of communities the from citizens se training day one A Monday 7 1 - 1

/ T nrl nomto aot aiatvt, an ye o rdain hat efcs f oiig radia ionizing of effects health radiation, of types main radioactivity, about information eneral Hea raining raining communicationactivitiesand ; Agents lth th n rne r Afric or France in .

April 2014 dealt with dealt

Map of some Map

workers of INB; students; a students; INB; of workers ssion took place in the Centro Centro the in place took ssion the impact of uranium of impact the


: mat f rseto, iig mlig polm f at rcs sc rocks, waste of problem milling, mining, prospection, of impact : a

villages around INB uranium mine INBuranium around villages a

Real ,

mining on health and the environment and environment the and health on mining São Timóteo São

undertaking the process of licensing) of process the undertaking representative of representative Paro

based on CRIIRAD preliminary mission of June of mission preliminary CRIIRAD on based , Maniaçu, Maniaçu, , ents provided by the local community. local the by ents provided qu ial

in in

the communities of of communities the Caetité Caetité

(GoogleEarth) , with about 30 participants : : participants 30 about with , ;

vill agers living close to the the to close living agers , etc..


was organized in in organized was

( confronted confronted

tion rap 2 ,

Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

The debate was debate The France, workers. the of the exposure of monitoring in activities mining uranium of impact theand Africa of examples gave M. Chareyron by M. Portuguese into Finamore). translation Renan immediate with English (in presentation minutes 40 a gave CRIIRAD parish priest university than More U the in 9H30 to 12H30 from p took that Ambiente” e Saúde Riscos, Urânio: de “Mineração debate public a organised CPMA The 11 Friday two : activities monitoring additional for and 1503) RD (RADEX communities the to CRIIRAD by left to Thanks during Chareyron example, For water explained T April receive and sampling of SINDMINE the In (Radex). monitor mem radiation a of use the activities training Additional 8 Tuesday ann atvte as too also activities raining es o bers , etc… Due to the short duration of the mission, training activities took place also during the meals. meals. the during also place took activities training mission, the of duration short the to Due etc… , 9 th - 10 , the representative of of representative the , th

Picture N°1 / N°1 Picture how to use a a use to how the financial support of Medico International, some radiation monitoring equipment has been has equipment monitoring radiation some International, Medico of support financial the th Caetité 20

th ( te omnt ad M. and community the f April 2014 /April public 2014

Sindicato do Mineradores de e Micro Região) Micro e Brumado de Mineradores do Sindicato of of

Apri 0 people w people 0 2014 / training / training 2014 h ue f h rdn oio RMN a peetd o ebr o CPT of members to presented was RAMON monitor radon the of use the Caetité broadcasted live by the radio “E radio the by live broadcasted

l 2014 / training activities for the workers the for activities / training l 2014 the diner of Thursday 10 Thursday of diner the

and asked for more transparen more for asked and , padre

two electronic radon monitors (RAMON 2.2). (RAMON monitors radon electronic two d Training activities, Training ere attending this meeting including many students of the Mining section Mining the of students many including meeting this attending ere

Geiger the advice of the locals regarding the topog the regarding locals the of advice the k were organized for organized were

niversity of of niversity place during the sampling sampling the during place associated with sampling activities sampling with associated



Caetité Müller

Lucas Mendonça, Mendonça, Lucas

municipality in charge of the Environment, Environment, the of charge in municipality the State of Bahia, campus campus Bahia, of State the counter

Barbosa. th

2014. April7

the workers workers the

ducadora Santana” ducadora n a scintil a and

afternoon cy of INB in the area of environmental monitoring and and monitoring environmental of area the in INB of cy


2014 at the Paro atthe 2014 efre o Arl 9 April on performed representative , mine uranium the of

lometer, how to select select to how lometer, h smln srtg ws icse with discussed was strategy sampling the

. Caetit

. CRIIRAD could explain its strategy strategy its explain could CRIIRAD . raphy, raphy, qu

é ial f h uin f ie workers mine of union the of . accessibility,

Centre th

including a training about about training a including n 10 and egr Müller Geiger the Bishop, the former the Bishop, the

in samples of of samples

Caetité Th

etc.. . M. Chareyron Chareyron M. .


A y M. by BA

counters counters soil

of the of lace lace and 3

Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

taking into consideration the main wind direction. Samples of fine sediments accumulated in the natural natural were the soil of the surface the zones at drainage in accumulated sediments fine of Samples direction. wind main the consideration into taking TS12 TS11, TS10, TS9, performed team the Then, get to in order sample a get INB Fabio, Fabio o sample A page) and radiation been had radiation of level the In Wednesd below. is given activities the sampling of description A short samples The The the equipment. team scintillometer). professional a than efficient less monitor Müller Geiger RADEX (the expected than efficient less was radiation 10 April profes CRIIRAD that fact the to Due gamma translation, of inhabitants, with the contact radiation, monitoring GPS, with localization logistics, and driving function: specific a had member Each (CPT Firpo Marcelo Batista Joao M. (SINDMINE), Renan Mendonça M Lucas (CRIIRAD); M Chareyron (FIOCRUZ), Bruno M Finamore people: 4 of composed was sampling of charge in team The 1 - 2 / Sampling Sampling / 2 onand sit Gameleira TS team collected team list

. had

Pcue N°6 (Picture 6 and characteristics characteristics and Th , page 1 , page

were collected were in the vicinity the in

ay April9 ay to perform so perform to ( advised f the the underground water underground , INB has undertaken undertaken has INB , of this water in order to evaluate the uranium content. Other chemicals have been an been have chemicals Other content. uranium the evaluate to order in water this of

(FIOCRUZ) on April 10 on April (FIOCRUZ) baseline results which results baseline

Picture N°2 / N°2 Picture luggage luggage 3 ). nx page next ,

1 him not to drink the water anymore due to high uranium content. uranium high to due anymore water the drink to not him th 0 samples of top soil top of 0 samples


of the affected locations an locations affected the of

me of the measurements at night in order to compensate for the late delivery of delivery late the for compensate to order in night at measurements the of me in two fields in Gameleira Gameleira in fields two in ) in the area between between area the in ) was was

gamma radiation gamma o f the samples is given in table in given is samples the f P not delivered delivered not ) ublic debate, ublic debate, enha Ti wl is well This . e

( radiation monitoring activities (9 UW3 intensive drilling activities drilling intensive nced by the drilling activities, t activities, drilling the by nced sional equipment (DG5 gamma scintillometer) was available only on only available was scintillometer) gamma (DG5 equipment sional will Th .


be be was collected in collected was

and or sediments and or sediments and useful

monitoring monitoring on time time on April 11 located also also Tamandua an Tamandua So, i So,

sampling of water and top soil, etc.. soil, top water and of sampling

in case INB would open a new mine there. mine new a would open INB in case collecte af d directly on the former drills. former the on directly d

fected by the drilling campaign (pictures N°3 (pictures campaign drilling the by fected n order to accomplish the tasks initially planned, the the planned, initially tasks the accomplish to order n th ontem h popce area. prospected the downstream y h pae opn) te apn o gamma of mapping the company); plane the by

2014 at the University of of University at the 2014 and sampling of top soil top of sampling and

a well drilled by drilled well a d

1 (solid samples (solid 1 ( pictures N°7 to 9, next page). 9, tonext N°7 pictures d the open pit open the d

during year 2013. 2013. year during 3 samples of water of samples 3 he team monitored natural background background natural monitored team he INB on the property of M. Lucio M. of property the on INB th , page page , - . This sector was selected selected was sector This . 10 that the team could team the that

- and or sediments or and th A o Arl 9 April on BA) Caetité In order to determine if if determine to order In T

10 April 2014) op soil op CRIIRAD decided to to decided CRIIRAD

) and ) .

According to M. M. to According

table table samples samples

th 4 -


and M M and alysed

use use (liquid (liquid , (

TS8, next next TS5 is 4

Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

Mon Pictures Pictures itoring of gamma radiation, picture of a drill, meeting with local inhabitant, sampling of of sampling local inhabitant, with meeting a drill, of picture radiation, gamma of itoring N°3 to N°6 to N°3 Pictures Pictures Monitoring of gamma radiation gamma of Monitoring N°

/ Area of Gameleira impacted by uranium prospect uranium by impacted Gameleira of Area 7

to N° to


/ Area Area / underground water. underground between Tamandua and Tamandua between

, sampling of of , sampling

sediments TS9 sediments

the open pit open the ion activities ion


Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

Pi cture Pi cture



/ View of the tailings and waste rock dump (CRIIRAD) rock dump andwaste tailings the of View

/ View of the open pit from the fence (CRIIRAD) fence the from pit open the of View


Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

( monitor v also could team The access access ha fence th of influence (sample the dump under directly valley the of bottom the at soil contaminated : Note and then radioactive the that fact tree a under just rain the by deposited (420 values flux gamma downstream ( soil top of sampling and radiation gamma of Monitoring 170 Area possible a for check (y concentrate uranium soil Top are c rates radiation gamma high quite S 10 April On April10 Thursday connected to electricity to connected ample ample overed with material from this q from material with overed During During directly TS 13 TS ( s TS 14 TS . thermoluminescent dosimeter thermoluminescent be

been moved closer to the road the to closer moved been th

, the team performed additional performed team the , washed down at the bottom of the tree of bottom at the down washed of

was collected was TS4 first the the the was sampled sampled was

the tailings dump tailings the th contaminated contaminated

was collected at the bottom of the fence the of bottom the at collected was

2014 otmnto o te ol ih rnu cnetae dischar concentrate uranium with soil the of contamination

isit ellow cake) is produced and packed in packed and produced is cake) ellow ) dust dust Pi RIA msin n hs ra Jn 21) CIRD ol tk a ape of sample a take could CRIIRAD 2012), (June area this in mission CRIIRAD ; c/s passive passive

cture oioig ot LR post monitoring

with the DG5 scintillometer DG5 the with

blown in a in in the in

N°12 area where sample where sample area

q equipment (up to 640 c/s with the DG5 scintillometer) DG5 the with c/s 640 to (up

uarry from the waste rock dump, dump, wasterock the from vicinity of Area 170 Area of vicinity uarry. This material may have been used as well for building. well for as used been have may material uarry. This . At the entrance of Mangabeira property, besides the the besides property, Mangabeira of entrance the At .


) (pictures (pictures Monitoring post LR010 near Tamandua LR010near post Monitoring for for

located located ,

so that that so the monitoring of of monitoring the gamma radiation gamma

for the collection of dust of the collection for 010 N° between Maniaçu and and Maniaçu between during April 2014 mission, mission, 2014 April during

13 to 18, next page) next 18, to 13 when it it when

oae near located TS4 had been collected. been had TS4 ) were . Area 170 is 170 Area . TS 15 TS is raining , pictures N° 27 N° pictures ,

monitoring monitoring ambient gamma dose rate, an air sampler sampler air an rate, dose gamma ambient monitored on top of an layer of clay of layer orange an of top on monitored can be deposited be can to )

took place place took metallic drums. CRIIRAD was willing to willing was CRIIRAD drums. metallic Tamandua .

and r and

the section of INB plant INB of section the . This situation may be due to the to due be may situation This . and sampling sampling and the the ain water, radon monitors radon water, ain in in - INB mine INB of streets Some . it was no longer possible to possible longer no was it . This post includes includes post This . 28, page 20 page 28, Mangabeira Mangabeira e tailings and waste rock rock waste and tailings e

on the leaves of the of leaves the on

ged by the chimney chimney the by ged

activities : activities . This carry shows shows carry This . ). Later on, t on, Later ). about 800 m m 800 about road; where the where Maniaçu

a higher , etc.

tree TLD TLD he of 7 , ,

Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

Pi ctures

N°13 to N°1 to N°13 8


Mangabeira, sampling of of sampling Mangabeira,

soil soil sample sample TS 15 TS (April 2014) (April


Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

r using family is now The for drinking. no more but or washing cooking for and used in tank the week a oronce twice Mangabeira downstream km 4 and valley Vaca at tank alluvium get could Vaca property), we Eventually, (INB da Mangabeira Riacho in the samples get in to water was not there). farmer (the Fazenda possible underground not of was it sample Varg effect, a In get mine. the to downstream order in attempts many d tailings and rock waste the of 10 April of evening the in Later in activities prospection the before INB by performed studies these activities. of impact the precisely more evaluate toorder baseline the of copy a get to necessary above was radiation N°2 a along locations radioactive t that see could team The uraniu of city the to back way the On 1 inha (no access to the wells, the local people told us that the water was now provided by truck), truck), by provided now was water the that us told people local the wells, the to access (no inha

Pi below). below). m Pega Bem Pega cture

prospection area of of area prospection rock

N°2 t h srae of surface the At s Pi (INB uranium concentration plant can be seen on the top of the picture) the of top the seen on can be plant concentration uranium (INB . CRIIRAD monitored dose rates about 10 times above times 10 about rates dose monitored CRIIRAD . 1 ctures .

epoain rnh mte wd ad udes f ers og (se long metres of hundreds and wide metres 4 trench exploration n / This house is located is house This

1 View of the trenches in the forest at the uranium prospectio uranium atthe forest in the trenches the of View

300 ain water for drinking. Sample Sample drinking. water for ain

N° a

c/s c/s rench digging rench sample sample 19 (

Th scintillometer scintillometer to N°2 to Caetité

2014, the team team the 2014, oe ok lef rocks some ump of of 0 , M. Chareyron decided to make preliminary make to decided Chareyron M. , underground water underground

/ , in order to sample underground water. water. underground sample to order in ,

(see map on page 2 and picture N°21 below). N°21 picture 2 and on page map (see Sampling of water water of Sampling about 1.5 km downstream the dam built by INB in the Riacho da Riacho thein INB bybuilt dam the downstream km 1.5 about

had had DG5

remove (see map on page 2) page on map (see ucvrd fe te prospection the after uncovered t decided to look to decided ) , and and

d RW1 the

the protective layer of soil covering covering soil of layer protective the

doserate doserate

(sample (sample was collected in the in the was collected UW4 UW4

for a for in Pega Bem (April 2014) (April Bem in Pega . above UW4 The The well located well basic basic , underground water underground

picture 2 µS 2

natural values at different different at values natural rainwater rainwater v/h The team had to make make to had team The s

measurements measurements , under the influence influence the under

n area of Juazeiro of area n N°19 ( Radex gamma of flux the

- 20 below 20

tank. )

the naturally naturally the .

It would be be would It is pumped pumped is e

picture picture in the in )

in a in or


Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

sample) sample) Code TS-15 TS-14 TS-13 TS-12 TS-11 TS-10 A (no A K (no K TS-9 TS-8 TS-6 TS-5 Table 1 / List of 1 /Listof Table 10/04/2014 10/04/2014 09/04/2014 09/04/2014 09/04/2014 09/04/2014 09/04/2014 09/04/2014 09/04/2014 09/04/2014 10/04/2014 10/04/2014 Sampling Sampling day day Samplin g hour hour g 16H50 15H10 14H40 18H25 17H40 17H25 17H15 17H10 10H50 (local (local 11H0 9H10 time) 17H samples samples RF, JB, JB, RF, JB, RF, JB, RF, JB, RF, JB, RF, RF, JB, JB, RF, JB, RF, JB, RF, MF, MF, MF, MF, MF, BC, BC, BC, BC, BC, BC, Op. RF, RF, BC, RF, BC, RF, BC, RF, BC, BC, BC, BC, LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM Between Between Between deposition of the dust accumulated accumulated ofdepositiondust the LR10,INB besides monitoring post Maniaçu used for the roads and possibly forfor used roadsandthe possibly In layer of clay deposited by the rainthe depositedby oflayer clay aremonitoredof ontop anorange Thefor look drums. objectiveto is to way theOn ofmiddleleadingpathTS-9 the to Mangabeirathe besides property, drainage roadmainsmall athe in In ofvalley the bottom the before At underThisverymaterialtree. the to Close Main roadMain frontin of pit, besides the main roadmain thethe in besides pit, reaching road ; higherroad values; gammaflux entranceofthe dump at tailings of yellow accumulation possible the open pit in the center ofcenter thethe inopen the pit uranium concentrate is put into into put uraniumis concentrate Ina Mangabeira on the leavesonthe oftreeand the Mangabeira prospectedarea (reference) Field affectedFielduranium by affectedFielduranium by probably comes from probablythe comes prospection activities in activities prospection in activities prospection pit, downstream TS-8 pit, quarry cake dust in the soil the in dust cake of soil or sediments soilorsediments of washed by the rain.the washed by Tamandua Tamandua Tamandua and INB. This material is andThisINB. is material AREA170 Tamandua Gameleira Gameleira results of gamma radiation monitoring radiation gamma results of (reference) windaxis) Location building located between located Tamandua , on the main roadmainon the , pit , downstream the , of INBwhere andthe andOpenthe andOpenthe Gameleira Gameleira (downwind , near ,

Open open pit, but possibly under influence possibly but openpit, bêta-gammaratemonitoredcounting (clearcolour) clay withoutsandFine ofmiddlethe ainmaterial black Fine top ofroadtop the below tree(alpha- the meanvalueswith place a at of taken middle ofmiddlenatural a drainage besides Fine grainedFine (redmaterial andbeige walls theOn 400c/s). : gammaflux N°drillF31 to brown, close soil, top Small rocks and soil (the sample is is (the sample andsoil rocks Small top soil (disturbed) close to drill N°drill to (disturbed) close soil top Very thin layer (< 2 mm) of clay on ofmm) clay 2 (< layer thin Very ofquarrythe higher measurements besides the road theby (accumulation besides in colour, clear withmaterial Fine with MCB2 detector without cap is is cap without detector MCB2 with Extremely Fine red clay (wet)a in redFine clay Extremely the in colour, clear with sandFine colour)naturala indrainage of the drainagefencethe of besides the are monitored up to 640 c/s DG5 aremonitored640 c/s upto the middle ofmiddlethenatural a drainage hole in the middle ofmiddlethenaturalhole ain naturaldrainage ofroad the plateau , besides the roadthe besides plateau, the fencethe ofopen the pit of the tailings pile oftailings the besides the roadthe besides collected by CRIIRAD on April9 on byCRIIRAD collected 1.6 to 5.2 c/s) 5.2 to 1.6 Description Naturalsoil Naturalsoil the rain)the F33 Contact of soilof Gamma Dose Gamma Rate (µSv/h) , (µSv/h), Rate 0,41 0,28 0,21 0,40 0,22 0,38 0,18 0,22 0,34 0,27 0,27 0,45 Radex Radex above above

0,35 0,21 0,17 0,31 0,19 0,31 0,18 0,15 0,23 0,22 0,36 soil NM 1m 1m Contact of soilof Radiation flux flux Radiation NM NM 220 420 200 400 NM NM NM NM NM NM (c/s),DG5 Gamma Gamma 290-360 above above NM NM soil 190 360 160 NM NM NM NM NM NM 1m 1m th - 10 S13º50.669' S13º50.652' S13º49.413' S13º49.405' S13º51.498' S13º49.236' S13º49.689' S13º49.529' S13º49.762' S13º49.742' S13º50.694' Th GPS

2014 and 2014 W042º18.970' W042º19.048' W042º17.325' W042º17.295' W042º20.404' W042º18.917' W042º18.349' W042º17.772' W042º17.700' W042º17.746' W042º18.968' GPS 10

Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

The The of monitoring the for (ASN) Authority site). web ASN Safety on details (see environment the in radiation Nuclear French the by agreed is laboratory CRIIRAD The spectrometry. gamma 63 below wind cases, both In   limitation All 1 uranium 238 ratio was 5.4). was 5.4). 238 ratio uranium TS15, from meters T 238 chain. decay uranium rocks waste the with associated B (390 200 to activity (close activity 238 uranium higher a has 15 TS Sample the consideration into (taking TS14 cake sample in dust yellow with a contamination of is indication no There one to close is ratio 226 radium to measurements). the with associated uncertainties 238 uranium the samples, both In page

he contaminated soil TS4 sampled by CRIIRAD in June 2012 at at 2012 June in CRIIRAD by sampled TS4 soil contaminated he - TS-15 TS-14 Code 3 / Resultsof / laborat3 solid solid influence of the of influence Sample below S results are plotted in table 3 table in plotted are results ). in connection with connection in ample ample

Mangabeiraroadthe property, besides ; on the leavesonthe oftree andthe washed by highergammavaluesflux are monitored Thismaterialvery fromprobably comes the deposition of the dust accumulated accumulated deposition ofthe dust the samples (10 samples) have been brought to CRIIRAD laboratory in France, but d but France, in laboratory CRIIRAD to brought been have samples) (10 samples uranium concentrate is put into drums. drums. into put uraniumis concentrate s deposited by the rainthe under deposited by tree. the , Thefor look objective possible to is coming fromcoming ventsthe ofplant. the micrometres AREA170 building In dust of cake accumulation yellow Close to to Close on top ofontop an orange oflayer clay only two samples of soil could be analysed be could soil of samples only two tailings dump at the entrancethe ofdump at tailings Table 3 / Analysis of top soil by gamma spectrometry at CRIIRAD laboratory atCRIIRAD spectrometry soilby gamma Analysis top of 3 / Table TS 14 TS

Mangabeira TS TS Bq/kg). the objective was to look for the deposition of fine radioactive material material radioactive fine of deposition the for look to was objective the 15 AREA170



collected besides the ro the besides collected dust from the from dust the rain.the

was very probably probably very was ie rie mtra dpstd n h si udr tre a under soil the on deposited material grained fine This , downstream the,

uranium uranium analysed analysed of INB where

material is not made of tailings but more probably comes from from comes probably more but tailings of made not is material

orysamples ofthe solid analysis .

below mining activities. activities. mining waste rock and tailings dump. and tailings rock waste at CRIIRAD laboratory. The The laboratory. CRIIRAD at

r u t blasting to due or Finegrained material(red and beige colour)a in Uranium 238 decay chain 238 decay Uranium Very thin layer (< 2 mm) of clay on top ofontop the of mm) 2clay (< layer thin Very naturaldrainage the besides plateau of , the counting ratecountingmonitored detector MCB2with (uraniu otmntd by contaminated roadbelow tree(alpha-bêta-gammathe ad in a natural drainage of the plateau located immediately immediately located plateau the of drainage natural a in ad without cap is 1.6 to 5.2 c/s) 5.2 to 1.6 is cap without m 238

The Description

decay chain) and table 4 (other radionuclides (other 4 table and chain) decay road refore, the refore, , .

s hr i n sgiiat ieulbim n the in disequilibrium significant no is there as

material including including material CRIIRAD decided to decided CRIIRAD


samples samples q /kg surements surements h bto o te valley the of bottom the

for radium 226 radium for 238(Bq/kg) 160 68 were sieved and the the and sieved were Uranium Uranium in e alns te aim 2 to 226 radium (the tailings ± ± were were analyse: 60 37 Mangabeira Radium 226 Radium . perform 191

81 (Bq/kg) transported by the the by transported ) and thorium 232 thorium and )

± ± 33 15 ue to budget budget to ue ed by HpGe HpGe by ed

aot 2 about , under the the under 180 131 Lead 210 Lead particles (Bq/kg) fraction fraction , next , ± ± 60 42 11 0

Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

h ipc o ti evrnetl otmnto o te lr, an ad ua big sol be should beings human and fauna flora, the on contamination environmental precisely. monitored this of impact The and workers the on but products its decay activities mining the of authorities impact the and company the radiological public, general the evaluating when that means This 232 thorium of activity the that noted be should It   the tailin The

TS-15 TS-14 Code

a transfer of fine particles by the wind (sample TS wind (sample bythe fineparticles of a transfer material radioactive of a transfer results Mangabeiraroadthe property, besides ; on the leavesonthe oftree andthe washed by highergammavaluesflux are monitored Thismaterialvery fromprobably comes the deposition of the dust accumulated accumulated deposition ofthe dust the uranium concentrate is put into drums. drums. into put uraniumis concentrate gs and waste rock waste rock and gs deposited by the rainthe under deposited by tree. the Thefor look objective possible to is coming fromcoming ventsthe ofplant. the In dust of cake accumulation yellow Close to to Close on top ofontop an orange oflayer clay tailings dump at the entrancethe ofdump at tailings ( Mangabeira

Uranium obtained after analysis of samples TS4 and TS15 and TS4 samples of analysis after obtained Table 4 / Analysis of top soil by gamma spectrometry at CRIIRAD laboratory atCRIIRAD spectrometry soilby gamma Analysis top of 4 / Table AREA170 Location the rain.the , downstream the,

235, lead 212 lead 235, of INB where also thorium 232 and its decay products. products. its decay and 232 thorium also dump:

Finegrained material(red and beige colour)a in

Very thin layer (< 2 mm) of clay on top ofontop the of mm) 2clay (< layer thin Very naturaldrainage the besides plateau of , the counting ratecountingmonitored detector MCB2with

from roadbelow tree(alpha-bêta-gammathe (including tailings) tailings) (including without cap is 1.6 to 5.2 c/s) 5.2 to 1.6 is cap without

the Description

thorium 232 decay chain, decay 232 thorium road should should in sample TS15 TS15 sample in

1 5). by the water from seepage (sample TS4), TS4), (sample seepage water from the by take into consideration not only uranium 238 and 238 uranium only not consideration into take


(Bq/kg) is about t about is U235 < <

different contamination routes routes contamination different 29 17 other radionuclides) other (Bq/kg)(Th 390 137 232 decay 232decay Lead 212 Lead wice as high as uranium 238. uranium as high as wice chain) ± ± 50 20 40 (Bq/kg)40 660 Potassium < ± 500 150 (Bq/kg) 41 Be7 Be7

< ±

20 25

(Bq/kg) Cs 137 < < from 2,9 1,6 12

Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

ha activity bêta gross alpha and G France. in Laboratory 26 LDA the by monitored been have uranium including metals main cations, laborat CRIIRAD at monitored been has 222 radon Dissolved    all samples. in monitored not be d but France, in laboratory limitation CRIIRAD to brought been have samples) (3 samples water All 1 24 (page Appendix results The

- 4

Code Gross alpha and gross bêta activity in samples activity bêta gross alphaand Gross UW4. m conductivity, pH, used f be then can sample the that so destructive not is monitoring This samples. all in 222 radon Dissolved RW1 UW4 UW3 / Resultsof/ laboratory of analysis s

, or the measurement of other parameters. of or the measurement 10/04/2014 10/04/2014 09/04/2014 Sampling Sampling and the limited amount of wate of amount limited the and of radiological monitoring monitoring radiological of day Table 4 /L Table hour (local (local hour Sampling Sampling and 18H15 18H10 12H28 time)

i ain ad cations and anions ain 25) ist of ist of

BC, Joao BC, BC, MF, MF, BC, MF, BC, RF, LM RF, LM RF, Batista Op. water samples water ve CRIIRAD decided to to decided CRIIRAD Water from a tank in PEGA BEM BEM PEGA infrom Water tank a Theforused but water cooking is Rain water from a tank in PEGA RainwaterPEGA infrom tank a Theweek. watera oroncetwice downstreamThis dam. Vaca the from GameleiraWater wellina ,

drinking since the installation of installation the drinkingsince well has been installed by INB. beenby wellhas installed not used forusedthenot drinkingsince filledunderground with is tank on the right bank ofrightbankonthe Riacho da area,property of LuciouFabio been monitored by EICHROM laboratory in France. laboratory EICHROM by monitored been year2013), nomorebut used concentration, located onthe located concentration, installed by INB (Well n°171,INB (Well by installed donwstreamprospectionthe BEM.The water is used forused BEM.Thewater is right bank of a small river ofrightbank small a installation of rainwaterainstallation because ofbecause highuranium the rainwaterthe collector. and monitoring of chemicals chemicals of and monitoring Location collector. collector. r per sample, sample, per r

collected by CRIIRAD on April9 on CRIIRAD by collected m , water

ain metals metals ain UW4 and RW1. UW4

analyse the following following the analyse waternomore forused watertop surface m 5- waternomore forused drinkingfromsampled drinkingfromsampled a tap at the bottom of bottom the at tapa a tap at the bottom of bottom the at tapa drinking(depth 64m, aspiring with a small aspiringsmall awith of by sampledtube),

samples Water used forused Water all Description plastic tube plastic the tank the tank the pertinent chemicals and radionuclides could could radionuclides and chemicals pertinent ory (gamma spectrometry), main anions and and anions main spectrometry), (gamma ory ( nldn uranium including are given in table are given

S13º49.959' S13º49.959' S13º50.664' GPS parameters: th W042º15.201' W042º15.201' W042º19.129' - ) 10 GPS s n samples in

Th A1


and and Sample amount Sample 250 cc of water 250cc of water 500cc of water 250cc ue to budget budget to ue

A2 inA2

W and UW3 r oss 13

Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

Pi Pi cture cture

N°2 N°2 3 2

/ / View of Pega Bem , samples of underground water UW4 and rainwater RW1 rainwater and UW4 water underground of samples Bem , Pega of View View of the uranium prospection area in Gameleira (location of drills) and UW3 drills)UW3 and of (location in Gameleira area prospection uranium the of View un derground water sample water derground


Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

be performed taking into consideration the risk of airborne contamination by radioactive dust and and dust radioactive by contamination airborne of risk the consideration into taking performed be fo rainwater using now is family ( concentrations uranium INB as anymore water this drinking not was he that us told property the of owner The is water this of consumption of concentration the UW3, sample In 15 was of concentration The and made be should consumer the to dose the of necessary. when taken countermeasures appropriate evaluation an limit, this exceeds activity 222 radon the above The (Gameleira). UW3 sample in detected is radon Dissolved water Underground recommenda different value uranium.for guidelinesintegrates thirdedition,the which was published 2004.in 4 http://www.ejolt.org/wordpress/wp 3 the view of 232, thorium suggest va twice be would activity alpha by its and 238 uranium that assume we of concentration 238 uranium The ( the by WHO value set The half theAs activity. Bem Pega limit in detection collected the below is 222 radon of activity The (Pega B UW4 water Underground activities. mining with inconnection radon

30 µg/l A discussion A about dosethe due toingestion of radon dissolved waterin can befound pages at 29 Guidelines for d for Guidelines u o 0.55 of lue

u ranium 238

µg/l. T µg/l. ) s .

that the concentration of other alpha emitters emitters alpha other of concentration the that value radiological and chemical characteristics of this water this of characteristics chemical and radiological etc he value recommended in 2011 is 2011 in recommended he value

rinking water quality water rinking ql gos alpha (gross Bq/l …)

of of concentration - life of radon 222 is 3.8 days, its activity is divided by 2 every 3.8 days. 3.8 every 2 by is divided its activity days, is 3.8 222 radonlife of

is low. But additional monitoring would be necessary to get a more comprehensive more a get to necessary be would monitoring additional But low. is 100

uranium UW3 (Gameleira) UW3

for drinking for

. Picture N°2 Picture

we could not see the results of the monitoring performed by the company). Th company). the by performed monitoring the of results the see not could we B The storage of the water in in water the of storage The q/l - content/uploads/2014/11/141115_U not recommended. not recommended.

as high which is 0.52 Bq/l. Th Bq/l. 0.52 is which high as e b te uoen Commission European the by set , first addendum to third edition. Vol 1: Recommendations. WHO, 2006. This 2006. WHO, Recommendations. 1: Vol edition. third to addendum first , is r drinking (see picture (see drinking r

of of 1

- 1.5 µg/l 1.5 water 20.6 µg/l 20.6 activity 20. em 4

/ tank for rainwater inG storage rainwater for / tank 6 ) nitrates


µg/l product uranium 234 are in equilibrium in the samples, the gross gross the samples, the in equilibrium in are 234 uranium product ( 15 ), taking into consideration consideration into taking ), . T


µg/l he he monitored monitored

former former ( esponds to an to esponds

) 180 mg/l 180 30 µg/l. 30 , but , but

remains remains N°24 Thesecond addendum third to editionpublished 2008in didnot guidance value set by the WHO the by set value guidance in sample UW4 UW4 in sample a < 7 Bq/l) 37 (< -

mining.pdf UW4 sample in

) is above WHO limit of 50 mg/l, therefore the therefore mg/l, 50 of limit WHO above is ) tank below). is evaluation is

alpha in recommended value belowthe radon 222 radon enables a certain lowering of radon 222 222 radon of lowering certain a enables .



n sample in codn t te omsin i the if Commission, the to According Monitoring of the rainwater should rainwater the of Monitoring activity esrmn ucranis This uncertainties. measurement is above t ameleira (

like radi like activity activity is

of 0.26 Bq/l 0.26 of coherent with coherent

W (negon water) (underground UW4 - 31 of he he

um (107 former former

had had 226, polonium 210, polonium 226, 4 ±

for for


41 Bq/l) Bq/l) 41 mentioned mentioned guidance guidance drinking the version of the of version measured measured

2011 2011

may be may 238)

water high 15 . If . e

Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

rainwater as it may be more sensitive to atmospheric atmospheric direction. wind the and at INB to performed activities the of depend sensitive more be may it get as to rainwater necessary be would (chemicals) monitoring results These limits detection Bq/l) 0,04 (< The water. rain using family is now The that us told property the owner of The Rain activity of dissolved of activity water water RW1 of the rainwater sample RW1 collected in in collected RW1 sample rainwater the of . suggest that the radioactivity of the rainwater collected in Pega Bem is low. Additional Additional low. is Bem Pega in collected rainwater the of radioactivity the that suggest

(Pega B (Pega radon 222 radon em )


he was he 11 Bq/l) 11 no more no , gross alpha activity alpha gross ,


using underground water for drinking. drinking. water for underground using oe opeesv ve o te ult o the of quality the of view comprehensive more contamination. the

rainwater collection collection rainwater

(< 0,02 Bq/l) 0,02 (<

The risk of contamination will will contamination of risk The

and residual bêta activity activity bêta residual and tank are below the the below are tank


Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

monitoring performed by INB around the mine. It took 6 month for CPT to get of copy of these results. results. these of copy of get to CPT for document INB The month 6 took It mine. the around INB by of performed community monitoring local the for difficult extremely is It 2 below version the in included above. 1.4 in chapter presented been results analytical have comments additional Some at downloaded be prelim can Portuguese in report This debate public the during Re Firpo, (Marcelo FIOCRUZ by CRIIRAD prepared report preliminary by presented been have 11 April on organised conclusions preliminary these of Some findings main CRIIRAD summarises document present the of Section 2 /S 2 http://www.ejolt.org/wordpress/wp 6 cancerafter . of causesecondthe humans andcarcinogenicis Radon to ore. is the of leaching the createdbytailingsthe and minethe from 5 the of part chemical the in used are that chemicals etc.. extraction process, uranium organic ore, uranium the with associated be may like cations and anions th nitrates sulphates, main nuclides), other of presence the for check and to alpha order (in gross activities ingested), beta when gross substance radiotoxic most the among is 238 uranium with associated higher much consumer the to dose a deliver may and waters underground in high particularly be may activity (radon radon dissolved well. as monitored substances. radioactive 20 than more contains chains analysed in radiation of monitoring the For / 4 mode the of system the in radiation of monitoring the Regarding / 3 living population the by the received doses monitor the not of evaluation the tomine. close does accurate make to INB possible addition, not is it In therefore valleys). decay its and and radon depressions between factor in equilibrium higher usually is concentration Riacho of mine (only limited too is mine loc posts monitoring of amount the that fact the to due mine the of monitoring the For / 2 population. the to dose and the pro a perform to order in detail in studied be should washed containing the and soil the sediments of contamination the of monitoring m the for given are results No / 1 many insufficiencies: from suffers information This the

- A discussion A about the dose due to in Radonradioactivea permanentlygasis created bydisintegrat the 1 / The environmental monitoring program of INB of program monitoring environmental 1 / The air , but all posts are located in located are posts all but , . This raises the question of the representativity of the results of air monitoring by INB. by air monitoring of the results of the representativity of question the raises . This -

ummaryofCRIIRAD main fiocruz and monitoring of of monitoring and on y h ri ad accumulate and rain the by down

by INB INB by da Vaca where the impact from the tailings tailings the from impact the where Vaca da uranium 238 and thorium 232 thorium and 238 uranium .

h aayi o tp ol S5 olce b CIRD n agbia s Mangabeira in CRIIRAD by collected TS15 soil top of analysis The - CRIIRAD air sampler air

( uranium, radium 226 radium uranium, (R at are usually indicators of the impact of mining activities, non radioactive metals that that metals radioactive non activities, mining of impact the of indicators usually are at RIA rcmed te oioig f h floig aaees atvt of activity : parameters following the of monitoring the recommends CRIIRAD th T

- 2014 in 2014 - URA caetite radon concentration in the open air open the in concentration radon uranium, radium 226 radium uranium, mntrn posts monitoring 3

- content/uploads/2014/11/141115_U 6 located in Tamandua (monitor LR010) LR010) (monitor Tamandua in located

- than uranium itself), activity of polonium 210 (t 210 polonium of activity itself), uranium than 05 - gestionof radon dissolved waterin can befound pages at 29 U

11 -

14) niversity of of niversity the north the - onitoring of of onitoring 4

- gives the results of of results the gives 2014.pdf underground water water underground

and and and their decay products products decay their and s - western corner western

the State of Bahia, campus Caetité campus Bahia, of State the

n h soil. the on



ambient gamma radiation gamma ambient

are located at a distance distance a at located are and and air -

rdcs hs radio whose products

, CRIIRAD noticed on April 9 April on noticed CRIIRAD , 210 Caetité lead per evaluation of the contamination of the foodchain foodchain the of contamination the of evaluation per http://www.criirad.org/mines ion of radium 226 contained in the uranium ore,wasteuraniumthe 226rocks radium contained theion of in - ), URAsuffer and waste rocks rocks waste and od chain food uranium -

Thorium 232 and its decay products should be be should products decay its and 232 Thorium mining.pdf

210 while the uranium 238 and uranium 235 decay decay 235 uranium and 238 uranium the while

Dust deposition on the crops and edible food food edible and crops the on deposition Dust

to get access to the results of the radiation radiation the of results the to access get to samples nan Finamore) and CRIIRAD (B CRIIRAD and Finamore) nan ). No monitoring post is located in the valley valley the in located is post monitoring No ).

in in 5 ated in the immediate environment of the of environment immediate the in ated underground water underground , it is impossible to analyse the impact of impact the analyse to impossible is it ,

monitoring and and monitoring was not operating not was s from important weaknesses important s from , monitoring of of monitoring , is , only 3 radioactive substances are are substances radioactive 3 only ,

deposited on deposited . toxicity is higher than radon one, one, radon than higher is toxicity

dump may be significant (radon (radon significant be may dump ,

eo 3 ioers rm the from kilometres 3 below , taking into consideration the the consideration into taking dust deposition dust his radioactive heavy metal metal heavy radioactive his

- th 31 of and and - radon uranium/bresil/relatorio

2014 that the p the that 2014 ufc waters surface the tree leaves, then leaves, tree the

were samples.


on a continuous a on 222 included in the the in included

. Chareyron). Chareyron). . monitoring in in monitoring

on the soil, soil, the on

that umping umping


and lung 17 st st -

Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

radiation at the surface of the soil is much higher compared to the situation before the prospection prospection (see activities drilling the by undisturbed locations 5 different at by CRIIRAD the before situation the 2.5 was N°F31 drill to of vicinity the in rate dose gamma The compared Ap higher on performed much monitoring CRIIRAD is by illustrated is soil This activities. the of surface the at radiation deposits, uranium the encounters drill the When more. and meters 70 of depth a have drills the of Some mine). the from km in especially activities prospection intensive commissioned INB 2013, year During soil the of /contamination activities Prospection CPT and Som impacts. FIOCRUZ CRIIRAD, by performed activities monitoring Nevertheless INB of impacts actual the properly evaluate to possible not is it programme, monitoring comprehensive a of results the Without 2 radiation, the risk of contamination of surface and underground underground and surface of contamination atmosphere the to radionuclides of risk the radiation, initially companies. the by digged trench m 4 a of edge the on laying where background normal the above in a in activities monitoring preliminary very performed CRIIRAD 2014, 10th April On soil. the by filtration without natural aquifer the into directly transferred be pa the can rainwater Therefore (see drill the of pictures the of one water underground on noted be could It of drills. numerous the of contamination because water the of possible circulation the of themodification the to due field, this in grazing is which cattle the to transfer the and plants the of leaves the on deposition the through ingested and there living population the by inhaled particles radioactive of amount the ground, the on deposited material contaminated the by created radon p evaluated be should activities drilling the of impacts Other year. the of the end at dose cumulative negligible non a induce will days 365 during drill this near day per minutes 5 Spending - 2 /Examples of present impac present of 2 /Examples Juazeiro

covering these radioactive rocks radioactive these covering Picture N°2 Picture

(see page page (see , e examples are described below. aredescribed e examples

a first analysis of the data mentioned above, in above, mentioned data the of analysis first a 0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60

radioactive material is brought to the surface. If this material is not removed, the the removed, not is material this If surface. the to brought is material radioactive

5 Intersection of roads Intersection of -

URA / Dos / 9 )

and discovered that radioactive rocks with a dose rate more than ten times times ten than more rate dose a with rocks radioactive that discovered and activities on the environment and local population. local and environment the on activities e rate monitored by CRIIRAD 1 meter above ground inGameleira ground meter above 1 CRIIRAD by monitored rate e .

Main road ts of INB of ts A c A onsequence of such such of onsequence Dose rate 1 m above ground(µSv/h) rate1mabove Dose ge

has been removed been has

4 ; ht h patc ue ae led boe i sm cases. some in broken already are tubes plastic the that ); Murundu

and increase of gamma doserate gamma of increase and

In front of a house of In front times times , increasing therefore the local level of gamma of level local the therefore increasing , prospection activities activities prospection roperly like the contamination of the air by air the of contamination the like roperly addition with addition above the natural background monitored monitored background natural the above etres Natural Rock - A n ue 9 June on BA w ril 9 ril

wide and and wide tr n the and ater Th

picture N°25 picture 2014 in a field in Gameleira. Gameleira. in field a in 2014 the results of the of results the Drill N°F31

hundreds of metres of hundreds is that is Gameleira th new prospection area area prospection new

2012 2012 risk of of risk

the soil that was that soil the


show various various show

preliminary preliminary (at about 2 about (at tra

se of nsfer



Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

In addition, the radioactive dust will contaminate the soil, the surface waters in the ponds, the leaves of leaves the ponds, the in waters surface the soil, the contaminate will dust radioactive the addition, In to leads air this contaminated of inhalation The upwind, located downwind km 2 about (at Tamandua 2011 period the during that, show data official INB polonium considering is the INB, to According downwind leaving the andpopulation workers the by inhaled his that dust contaminated activities, Mining activit mining of Impact be should prospection before activities. radiation the prospection of impact the evaluate properly to order in available made of level natural the describing studies baseline Comprehensive 8 7 collection water the of conception inaccurate an and rainfall water high the contaminated system, to due 2004, of summer the During INB why evaporate it should where Thi is dump. waste That solid the material. and contaminated mine the the from of fraction coming water contaminated the collect finest to order in dump, the the of bottom the at drains of carries system a installed rain the raining, is it When Vac da the Riacho of valley above the 300 above is spills through called ore the wasteof activity the consideration into solid Taking contamination and rocks waste radioactive of / amounts huge generate activities mining waste The radioactive of storage contamination the of Impact and tailings waste rock the of influence the under located TS15 sample soil in CRIIRAD by detected contamination the consideration into Taking therefore lead and the plants

See See therefore therefore page33 pages


15t 7 of

about about

o20 http://www.ejolt.org/wordpress/wp all uranium uranium all 000 Bq/kg. These radioactive materials are dumped by INB on the edge of the plateau plateau the of edge the on INB by dumped are materials radioactive These Bq/kg. 000 etc..).

about 7 km from the from mine. km 7 about

of especially especially Unat (µBq/m3) Unat 37 http://www.ejolt.org/wordpress/wp

uranium content of of content uranium 100 120 500

20 40 60 80 Picture N°2 Picture 0 Mean uranium activity in the air (µBq/m3) 2011-(µBq/m3) activityMean uraniumair the in ies / radioactive dust in the air the in dust ies /radioactive before reaching the environment (see picture N°18, page 8). page picture N°18, (see environment the reaching before

Bq/kg ea pout (ie thorium (like products decay blasting and and blasting to additional doses by ingestion. ingestion. by doses additional to according to INB official data (2011 data official INB to according overtopped

(uranium 238 only), which means means which only), 238 (uranium 6

/ TAMANDUA of a (see picture a (see Mean uranium activity in the air (µBq/m air in the activity uranium Mean dumps,

2012 (INB official data) 2012 official (INB the open pit) was 6 times above the value monitored at J at monitored value the above times 6 was pit) open the - content/uploads/2014/11/141115_U crushing of the radioactive ore generates huge amounts of of amounts huge generates ore radioactive the of crushing

the ore the

7 times the settling pond settling the 7 times wtr s et oapn lctddwsra te dump, the downstream located pond a to sent is water s ,

- non

a monitoring post should be installed in Mangabeira. Mangabeira. in installed be should post a monitoring content/uploads/2014/11/141115_U one can show that the total activity of some of the tailings tailings the of some of activity total the that show can one GAMELEIRA - -

2012, the mean concentration of uranium in the air at air the in uranium of concentration mean the 2012,

negligible in in N°11 Caetité

, page 6). page ,

3, aim 2, ao 22 radon 226, radium 230, JUAZEIRO

doses to the population the to doses

is about about is

- 2012) - mining.pdf oe hn 500 than more 0.3 %. 0.3 . MANIACU

- mining.pdf


he radioactivity of the ore the of radioactivity he 3 )



0 Bq/kg 000 of of

the mine. mine. the n airborne and 2, lead 210, 210, lead 2,

tailings. tailings. uaz

when when

eiro eiro 19

Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

cultures. nearby the andgas) also and leaching the in then, 2 of activity 226 radium tailing the with associated metals heavy radioactive lived long with CRIIRAD at TS4) (sample soil contaminated this of analysis b upper the on c/s 200 about from changed ground above meter one performed measurements The settled. had material contaminated the 9 June On 9

CRIIRADlaboratory isagreed for environmentalradiation monitoringby th Gamma radiation rate is 3 to 6 times above normal values normal above 6 to times 3 is rate radiation Gamma Picture N°2 Picture th Picture N°2 Picture

2012, CRIIRAD monitored a monitored CRIIRAD 2012, long term, increase the contamination of surface and underground water through natural natural through water underground and surface of contamination the increase term, long

8 impact the quality of the air (re air the of quality the impact

/ Sampling /



/ Location of sample TS4 TS4 sample of Location

downstream the waste rock and tailings dump rock tailings and waste the downstream Bq/kg and lead 210 activity of 1 of activity 210 lead and Bq/kg can be seen on the upper part of the picture) the partof upper the seen on can be

o f contaminated soil soil contaminated f orders of the valley, to 700 to valley, the of orders high gamma radiation rate in the bottom of the valley the of bottom the in rate radiation gamma high - suspension of contaminated dust, exhalation of radon radon of exhalation dust, contaminated of suspension in Mangabeira, in Mangabeira,


in Mangabeira (CRIIRAD, June 2012) 2012) June (CRIIRAD, in Mangabeira 870 Bq/kg). This contamination of the soil will the soil of contamination This Bq/kg). 870 e French ASN(Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire). 9

laboratory show laboratory

c/s in the centre of the depression. The The depression. the of centre the in c/s (the waste rocks and tailings dumps dumps tailings and rocks waste (the s

at the bottom of a valley of bottom at the (thorium 230 ac 230 (thorium


that it is contaminated contaminated is it that

tivity of 1 of tivity

000 Bq/kg, 000



Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

2 it to plans how explain INB should (ae substances radioactive dumps. and tailings the waste of rock from by rain) the and transfer transfer the limit to taken be should measures Appropriate in center horticultural gamma of radiati level abnormal the explains phenomena This rain. the by down washed then and trees the of addition In material (75 half long extremely live an with metals heavy radiotoxic very contain radioactive, are tailings the that noted improved be system collection water contaminated the of design the and INB by decontaminated be should area this that considers CRIIRAD a of lowering while doses radiation to gamma exposed probably negligible very is non where guard the facility Caetite, the of of case the fence In the stored. from are concentrate meters uranium 200 of drums than more of distance a at radiation gamma of AREVA excess at France, In staying. is The / 2 t of contamination of risk radioactive significant the a that therefore is highly showing radio this of inhalation by and ingestion workers There dust atmosphere. yellow the with to covered discharged are is stack material the of surroundings the cases, such uraniu process, chemical the in much too increases temperature the when year, each times many that say Workers material. this in kilogram per Becquerels a the at Assuming colour. yellow its to due cake” system “yellow called is concentrate uranium The filtration drums. in conditioned no is There / 1 have r workers effect, In INB. for a priority is not workers the of health the of protection the that suggest and questions raise that information some collect c CRIIRAD - purity of 80 % of the concentrate, one can calculate that the uranium concentration is above 10 million million 10 above is concentration uranium the that calculate can one concentrate, the of % 80 of purity 3 / Bad working conditions working 3 / Bad on mo on

drums containing the yellow cake yellow the containing drums

0 yas o toim 3) n ta te ofnmn o sc a ue amount huge a such of confinement the that and 230) thorium for years 000 is a struggle , ould not visit the mine, but during training activities organised for the workers, CRIIRAD could CRIIRAD workers, the for organised activities training during but mine, the visit not ould

his exposure to radiation. to his exposure in Mangabeira, Mangabeira, in nitored by CRIIRAD on the thin the on CRIIRAD by nitored . Mangabeira (see CRIIRAD results, page 10 and 11). and 10 page results, CRIIRAD (see Mangabeira Picture N° Picture

to the guardcabin the to the radioactive material material radioactive the

29 - guarantee guarantee OUHX rnu cneso pat CIRD ol mon could CRIIRAD plant, conversion uranium COMURHEX


Drums containing yellow cake yellow cake containing Drums in order to cope with situations of heavy rain. Again, it should be be should it Again, rain. heavy of situations with cope to order in tc o ae 170 area of stack

layer of clay deposited deposited clay of layer at INB are stored a few meters only from the cabin where the guard the where cabin the from only meters few a stored are the confinement of this type of waste on the long term. the waste on of this type of confinement the eported to CRIIRAD and FIOCRUZ the following the following FIOCRUZ and to CRIIRAD eported aporae mlnain f i ca his of implantation appropriate n - URA (source : plant worker) :plant URA (source transported by the wind the by transported

m concentrate is transferred directly into the air. In air. the into directly transferred is concentrate m toxic


where the uranium is concentrated and and concentrated is uranium the where

near a tree a near stored close stored

is deposited on the leaves the on deposited is on the road leading to leading road the on

i wud nbe a enable would bin

rial dispersion dispersion rial f radioactive of facts: tr an itor

th 21 he e -

Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

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See very Picture http://www.ejolt.org/wordpress/wp http://www.ejolt.org/wordpress/wp

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Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

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Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

Table A1 / AnalysisA1 of / Table Potassium (mg/l) Potassium (Bq/l) activity bêta Gross (Bq/l) alpha activity Gross Radon222(Bq/l) Uraniumuranium235 (% 238) U238Bq/l) ( Calc. activity Uranium238) µg/l( (degré T.A. français) (degréT.A.C français) Conductivity20 °C(µS/cm) at (µS/cm) Conductivity25°C at measured as Water T°C hen pH w w pH Sampler Residual bêta (Bq/l) activity Gross Potassium 40 (Bq/l), calculated Global radiological parameters 222 Radon Uranium conductivityand pH (laboratory measurements) Sample Code (on site)(on Code Sample Amount collected (cm3) collected Amount GPS coordinates GPS coordinates GPS Sampling daySampling Water type Water LabCode Location

water samples samples water collected by CRIIRAD on April9 on CRIIRAD by collected BoreholeN°171 chareyron) CRIIRAD (B. water(depth 64 W042º19.129' Not monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot m) / nomore / m) Underground Gameleirain downstream S13º50.664' prospection 09/04/2014 107 ± 41 ±107 150414A1 uranium drinking forused 250cc UW3 16,3 7,30 area 0,72 0,14 11,5 883 979 < 2 < 21 chareyron) CRIIRAD (B. water(no more INB-URAdam Tank in PEGA TankPEGA in 0,401 ± 0,017± 0,401 W042º15.201' 14,55 ± 0,61 ± 14,55 Underground 0,23 ± 0,03 ± 0,23 0,08 ± 0,63 0,25 ± 0,55 downstream S13º49.959' 10/04/2014 150414A2 drinking) used forused 500cc BEM, BEM, UW4 < 37 < 0,70 0,26 20,6 16,8 7,80 861 954 < 2 < th 30 - 10 Th

2014 chareyron) CRIIRAD (B. Rainwaterused INB-URAdam Tank in PEGA TankPEGA in 0,041 ± 0,002± 0,041 Not monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot W042º15.201' 0,06 ± 0,02 ± 0,06 downstream 1,48 ± 0,06 ± 1,48 S13º49.959'

fordrinking 10/04/2014 150414A3 (radionuclides) 250cc < 0,04 < 0,02 < BEM, BEM, RW1 < 11 <


Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement

Table A2 / AnalysisA2 of / Table Sampler Metals / semi-quantitative evaluation by ICP * / results in µg/l Anions cationsand (semi-quantitative screening by ion )chromatography Bicarbonates (Hydrogénocarbonates) Bicarbonates mg/l Chloride(chlorures) mg/l site)(on Code Sample Amount collected (cm3) collected Amount GPS coordinates GPS coordinates GPS Magnesium mg/l Magnesium Potassium mg/l Potassium Sampling daySampling Sulfates mg/l Sulfates mg/l Calcium Nitrates mg/l Nitrates Sodium mg/l Sodium Water type Water LabCode Location Mo Mn Te Sn Se Sb Pb Fe Cu Co Cd Be Ba Ag Zn Sr Cr As Tl Ti Ni Li Al B V U

water samples samples water BoreholeN°171 chareyron) CRIIRAD (B. water(depth 64 W042º19.129' m) / nomore / m) Underground Gameleirain downstream S13º50.664' prospection collected by CRIIRAD on April9 on CRIIRAD by collected 09/04/2014 150414A1 uranium drinking forused 250cc 11,50 12,70 65,10 17,20 20,50 88,40 97,90 86,80 256,2 UW3 6,90 20,3 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,40 0,00 5,40 1,80 0,24 7,70 1,00 0,90 0,00 0,30 0,00 77,3 0,00 area 200 180 2,1 5,7 44 65 18

chareyron) CRIIRAD (B. water(no more INB-URAdam Tank in PEGA TankPEGA in W042º15.201' Underground S13º49.959' downstream 10/04/2014 150414A2 drinking) used forused 500cc BEM, BEM, 367,2 106,7 343,7 124,0 UW4 6,80 0,00 20,6 0,00 6,70 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 3,60 10,3 3,00 62,4 3,90 1,80 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 90,9 0,00 < 1 < 120 0,5 68 15 11 87 70 chareyron) CRIIRAD (B. Rainwaterused INB-URAdam Tank in PEGA TankPEGA in Not monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot monitoredNot W042º15.201' S13º49.959' downstream fordrinking 10/04/2014 150414A3 250cc BEM, BEM, RW1 th - 10 Th

2014 fordrinkingwater fordrinkingwater WHO guideline WHO guideline WHO 1530thenµg/l

(chemicals) 3 0003µg/l 0002µg/l 250mg/l 200mg/l 250mg/l 500µg/l 300µg/l 700µg/l 300µg/l 200µg/l 50mg/l 10µg/l 10µg/l 20µg/l 70µg/l 50µg/l 10µg/l 5 µg/l5 µg/l3 - -


Siret 341 802 544 00054 – APE 7219 Z Association loi 1901 agréée pour la protection de l’environnement