Eurovision Song Contest 2020 as a catalyst for urban renewal A research about short-term cultural events to increase positive impacts for the city and local communities Fleur Huisman | Master thesis | July 2020 | Delft University of Technology1 II “It always seems impossible until it’s done” - Nelson Mandela III Colophon Eurovision Song Contest 2020 as a catalyst for urban renewal A research about the strategy design of short-term cultural events to increase positive impacts for the city and local communities Student Name: Fleur Huisman Studentnumber: 4787277 E-mail adress:
[email protected] Phone number: Education University: Delft University of Technology Faculty: Architecture and the Built Environment Adress: Julianalaan 134, 2628 SL, Delft Master track: Management in the Built Environment Graduation lab: Urban Development Management (UDM) Document: P5 report Date: 9 July 2020 Supervisory team First mentor: Dr. A. (Aksel) Ersoy Second mentor: Drs. P.W. (Philip) Koppels Delegate of the board: W.W.L.M. (Willemijn) Wilms Floet IV Preface at the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology of the faculty. This thesis I knew how important it is to choose a subject that has your interest and motivates you to work on it for almost a whole year. In September 2019 I was one hundred percent sure this topic would have something Therefore, my choice to graduate in the direction of Urban Development Management (UDM) was quickly made. think I must have had three potential subjects before I found the right one. All potential topics had something mentioned the Eurovision Song Contest that would take place in Rotterdam later that year.