Simone De Beauvoir & Existential Phenomenology: a Bibliography
Simone De Beauvoir & Existential Phenomenology: A Bibliography Ted Toadvine Emporia State University I. Primary Sources (Listed Chronologically) The following have been consulted for primary sources by Simone de Beauvoir: Bennett, Joy, and Gabriella Hochrnann. Simone de Beauvoir: An Annotated Bibliography. New York: Garland, 1988. (Interviews only.) Cayron, Claire. La nature chez Simone de Beauvoir. Paris: Gallirnard, 1973. Francis, Claude and Femande Gontier. Les ecrits de Simone de Beauvoir. Paris: Gallirnard, 1979. Simons, Margaret A., ed. Feminist Interpretations ofSimone de Beauvoir. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University, 1995. Moi, ToriI. Simone de Beauvoir: The Making ofan Intellectual Woman. Cambridge: Blackwell Publishers, 1994. Zephir, Jacques J. Le neo-feminisme de Simone de Beauvoir. Paris: Denoel-Gonthier, 1982. Of these, Les ecrits de Simone de Beauvoir, edited by Francis and Gontier, is the most comprehensive through 1977 and contains many useful summaries and quotations from obscure sources. 1926 Camet. Holograph Manuscript. Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Paris. 1927 Camet #4. Holograph Manuscript. Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Paris. 1928-29 Camet #6. Holograph Manuscript. Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Paris . 1929-30 Camet #7. Holograph Manuscript. Bibliotheque Nationale de France , Paris . 1943 L 'invitee. Paris: Gallimard. Translated as She Came To Stay, by Yvonne Moyse and Roger Senhouse. Cleveland: World Publishing, 1954. 206 TED TOADVINE 1944 "Jeunes agregee de philosophie de Beauvoirva presentersa premiere piece," interviewed by Yves Bonnat. Le Soir (13 October). "Un promeneur dans Paris insurge," in collaboration with J.-P. Sartre. Combat (28, 29, and 30 August; 1,2, and 4 September). Pyrrhus et Cineas . Paris: Gallimard. 1945 Les bouches inutiles. Paris : Gallimard.
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