Amendments to Appendices I and II Adopted at Cop1

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Amendments to Appendices I and II Adopted at Cop1 AMENDMENTS TO APPENDICES I AND II OF THE CONVENTION adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention during its first meeting Berne (Switzerland) 2 to 6 November 1976 Interpretation: a) The abbreviation "app." is used to denote all species of a higher taxon. b) An asterisk (*) placed against the name of a species or higher taxors indicates that one or more geographically separated popu- lations, sub-species or species of that taxon are included in Appendix I and that these populations, sub-species or species are excluded from Appendix II. c) Two asterisks (**) placed against the name of a species or higher taxon indicate that one or more geographically separated popu- lations, sub-species or species of that taxon are included in Appendix II and that these populations, sub-species or species are excluded from Appendix I. d) The symbol (-) followed by a number placed against the name of a species or higher taxon indicates the exclusion from that species or taxon of designated geographically separated populations or species as follows: -101 Lemur catty -102 Australian population e) The symbol (+) followed by a number placed against the name of a species or higher taxon denotes that only designated geographically separated populations or species of that species or taxon are ín- eluded in the appendices as follows: +201 Population of South America +202* (A) Stock in North Atlantic off Iceland (B) Stock in North Atlantic off Newfoundland (C) Stock in area from 40 degrees south latitude to Antarctic Continent,. from 120 degrees west longitude to 60 degrees west longitude. +203* (A) North Pacific stock (B) Stock ín area from 0 degree longitude to 70 degrees east longitude, from the Equator to the Antarctic Continent . f) The symbol (> 3) placed against the name of a species or higher taxen designates tree trunks and excludes any other parts or deriva- tives. *Interpretations of +202 and +203 are reversed compared to the original proposal.'The accurate interpretations are mentioned at the beginning of Appendices I and II, page 519. (Note from the Secretariat). 48 1. The following species and other taxa were added to Appendix I or II: Appendix I Appendix II FAUNA MAMMALIA MONOTREMATA Tachyglossidae Zaglossue app. PRIMATES PRIMATES app. * Lemuridae Lemur app. Callíthricídae Callithrix auríta Callíthríx flavlceps Ćebuella pygmaea . 8aguínus bicolor S а g'ínus leucopus Saguínus oedipus Cercopithecidse PresbYtis potenzíaní Pongídae Pongídae app. ROD ENTIA Chínchillidae Chinchilla app. +201 CETACEA Balaenopteridae Balaenoptera borealis +202 Balaenoptera borealis * Balaenoptera physalus ** Balaenoptera physalus +203 CARNIVORA Canídae Canis lupus Speothos venaticus Vulpes cana Ursídae Seleпarctoa thíbetanus $edroaíanus 7remarctos ornatus Mustelídae Lutrínae app. * Lutra lutra Vlverrldae Cryptoprocta ferox Éuplereв goudotii Eupleres major Fossa fossa Heini ga lus derbyanus Felídae Felídae app. * Appe dí I Appendix II п и PΣNNIPEDIA Otaríídae Arctocephalus spp. PROBOSCIDF,A Elephantídae Loxodonta africana PERISSODACTYLA Rhinocerotidae Rhinocerotídae spp. ARTIODACTYLA Cervídae Dama mesopotamica AVES FALCONIFORMES Accípítridae Accípíter gentilis Accípíter gundlachi Accípiter nísus Aegypíus monachus Aquila spp. * Aquila heliaca Chondrohíerax wilsonti Circaetus spp. Circus spp. Gypaetus barba_tus Gyps fulvus Haliaeetus spp. * Haliaeetus a1b1c111a Haliaeetus leucocephalus Harpyopsís novaeguíneae Milvus milvus Pandíonldae Pandlon haliaetus Falconidae Falco araea Falco newtons aldabranus Falco peregrínus (pelegrinoides /babylonícus) Falco punctatus GALLIFORMES Tetraonidae Lyrurus mlokosiewiczi Phasíanídae Pavo muticus PSITTACIFORMES Psíttacídae Cacatua (Kakatoe) tenuirostris Calyptorhynchus lathami . Opopsítta díophtalma coxeni •Pezoporus wallícus Polytelis alexandrae Psephotus (Northíella) 50 ha ιematogaster narethae Appendix I A рendiх II STRIGIFORMES Tytonídae Tyto soumagnei Strigidae Bubo bubo Ninox novaeseelandíae royana Ninox squamípíla natalis Nyctea scandiaca Strix butlers REPTILIA CROCODYLIA AlHgatoridae A1lígatorídae app. * Crocodylídae Crocodylidae app. * Crocodylus palustrís Osteolaemus tetraspís TESTUDINATA Testudinidae Testudínidae app. * Psammobates geometrica Cheloniidae Cheloníidae app. * Eretmochelys imbricata SAURIA Gekkonídae Cyrtodactylus aerpensinsule Phetsunia app. Pygopodídae Paradeltna oríentalís Agamidae Uroτnastyx app. Chamaeleonídae Chamaeleo app. Teíídae Crocodílurus lacertinus Dracaena guíanensís Tupínambís app. Iguanidae Conolophus app. Cyclura app. Iguana app. Helodermatídae Helodenna app. SERPENTES Boídae Boídae app. * Acrantophís app. Bolyeria app. Casarea spp. Epícrates ínornatus Sanzínia madagascaríensís 51 Appendix I Appendix II PISCES PERCIFORMES Scíaenldae Cуnoscíon macdonaldí INSECTA LEPIDOPTERA Papílíonídae Orníthoptera alexandrae Ornithoptera alloteí Orníthoptera chin'aera Ornithoptera golíath Ornithoptera meridionalis Ornithoptera paradises Órnithoptera victoríae Parnassíus apollo FLORA ====s CYATHEACF.AE CYATHEACξAE spp. > 3 CYCADACEAE CYCADACEAE spp. * DICKSONIACEAE DICKSONIACEAE spp.> 3 DIDIEREACEAE DIDIEREACEAE эр?. PALMAE Chτyaalídocarpua decípien Chrysalidocarpus lutescen Neodypsis decaryi STANGERIACEAE STANGERIACEAE spp. * Stangería eríopus WELWITSCHIACEAE WELWITSCHIACEAE эр?. * ZAMIACEAE ZAMIACEAE spp. * Encephalartos sp?. 2. The following species and sub-species were transferred from Appendix II to Appendix I: Appendix I FAUNA MAЮ ALIA CARNIVORA Felidae Panthera leo persica 52 Appendix I REPTILIA TESTUDINATA Cheloníídae Caretta caretta Chelonia mydas -102 Lepídochelys olívacea Dermochelyidae Dermochelys coriacea 3. The following species were transferred from Appendix I to Appendix II: Appendix II FAUNA пaaaп MAMMALIA MARSUPIALIA Macropodídae Macropus parma Phalangerídae Wyulda squamícaudata Burramyídae Burramys parvus Dasyuridae Antechinomys laníger Planígale tenuírostrís AVES PSITTACIFORMES Psíttacídae Neophema splendida 4. The following species and sub -species were deleted from Appendices I and II: Á рendiх I Appendix II FAUNA MANMALIA MARSUPIALIA Dasyurldae Planígale subtilíssíma ROD ENT IA Castorídae Castor canadensis frondatoi Castor canadensis .mexicanus Castor canadensis repentirn Crícetidae Ondatra zibethicus bernardi CARNIVORA Ursídae Ursus americanus emmonsií Mustelidae Martes americana strata Viverridae 53 Helogale derbianus Appendíx.I Appendix II PINNIPEDIA Phocidae Mirounga australís 5. Following the adoption of the amendments set out in items 1, 2, 3 et 4, the following species and other taxa will no longer be listed, as they are in Appendix I or II: Appendix I Appendix 'II FAUNA = MAMMNLIA MARSUPIALIA Macropodidae Macropus parnia Phalangeridae Wyulda squamicaudata Burra'nyidae Burramys parvus Dasyurídae Antechínomys laníger Planigale subtílíssima Planigale tenuirostris PRIMATES Lemuridae Lemur spp. -101 Lemur catta Lorisidae Loris tardígradus Nycticebus coucan& Cebídae Cebus capucínus Ceτcopíthecídae Colobus badius gordonorum . Colobus verus . ' Macaca sylvanus Presbytis johníí Rhínopíthecus roxellanae Pongidae Gorilla gorilla Pan paniscus Páß troglodytes Pongo pygmaeus abelií ' Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus RODENTIA Castorídae Castor canadensis frondator Castor canadensis mexicanus Castor canadensis repentínu: Cricetldae Ondatra zibethícus Bernardi Chínchíllídae Chinchilla brevícaudata boliviana CARNIVORA Canídae Canis lupus crassodon Canis lupus irremotus Canis lupus monstrabílís Canis lupus Zallipes 54 Appendix I Appendix .Il Ursídae Ursus americanus emmonsii Mustelídae Martes americana atrata Viverridae Helogale derbianus Felidae Felis (=Caracal) caracal Felis colocolo budini Felis colocolo crespoi Felis colocolo pajeros • Felis concolor azteca Felis concolor mayensis Felis concolor mi ввоиlепа is Felis lynx isabellína Felis pardalis Felis serval Felis tigrina Felis wiedii Felis yagouaroundí Panthera leo persica Panthera tigris altaíca (amurensís) PINNIPEDIA Otariidae Arctocephalus australis Arctocephalus galapagoensis Arctocephalus phílippíi Arctocephálus townsendí Phocídae Mirounga australls PERISSODAC11íLA Rhinocerotídae Ceratotherium simum cottoni Diceros bícornís Dídermocerus sumatrensís Rhinoceros sondaícus Rhinoceros unicornis AVES FALCONIFORMES Acclpítrídae Aquila chrysaetos Gypaetus barbatus merídíonalís Halíaetus albícilla &roenlandícus Halíaetus heliaca adalbertí Halíaetus leucocephalus leucocephalus Falconídae Falco peτegrínus anatum Falco peregrinus babylonicus Falco peregrínus peregrinus Fá1co peregrínus tundrtus 55 Appendix I Appendix -II PSITTACIFORMES Psíttacídae Neophema splendida REPTILIA CROCODYLIA Allígatorídae Caiman crocodilus crocodiluE Caiman crocodílus fuscus (chiapasíus) Caiman crocodílus yacare Paleosuchus palpebrosus . Paleosuchus trigonatus Crocodylídae Crocodylus acutus Crocodylus johnsoni Crocodylus novaeguíneae novaegulneae Crocodylus Palustris kímbula Crocodylus palustris palustris Crocodylus porosus Osteolaemus tétraspís osborní Osteolaemus tetraspis tetraspis TESTUDINATA Testudínídae Chersine app. Geochelone app. * Geochelone (=Testudo) geometrica Copherus app. Homopus app. Kinix s app. Мalacochersus app. Pyxis app. Testudo app. * Cheloniidae Caretta caretta Chelonia depressa Chelonia mydas Eretmochelya imbricata bias Eretmochelys imbricata imbricata Lepídochelys olivacea Dermochelyidae Dermochelys coriacea SAURIA Iguanídae Conolophus pallídus Conolophus subcristatus Helodermatídae Heloderma horridum Heloderma suspectum 56 Appendix.I Appendix II SERPENTES Boidae Constrictor constrictor Epicrates cenchris cenchris Epícrates inornatus
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