

by : . ·

B • A• H e·s k f n , · P • E n g . . . Oepattmen.t of Fisheries of Conodo, Vahcouver, B. C.

Presented at the

1 9 6 7 N o r·t h e a s t F is h a n d Wi I d I i f e C o n f e r e n ~ e ,



B. A. Heskin, P. Eng. , D e p a r tm e n_t o f F i s he r i e s Co f Ca n a d a , . . . Vancouver, B. •

Presented at the 1967 Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference,

Quebec City, Quebec, . . . February.12-15, 1967. THE BABINE LAKE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR SOCKEYE SALMON


The Babine River system, in north central is a leading producer of sookeye salmon. Inves.tiga.tions by the Fisheries Research. Board of Canada indicated that the main lake basin of Babine. Lake is presently under-utilized as a sookeye salmon nursery area. Studies., carried out by the Department of Fisheries of Canada to determine the most effective means by which the potential of Babine Lake could be more fully realized, revealed that major . .. development projects on two of the large tributaries of - . Babine Lake would be feasible and would substantially increase the fry production of the system. Subsequently, a seven"'!"yea1... construction program with an estimated cost of nearly $8 million was initiated in·l965 and includes several projects combining the principals of flow control, stream improvement, and artificial spawning

... -,; channels to1l .. 1bo.t.h. tll.~ :fµlton River and PinkUt Creek. ' ' -- -- -·· ----· ,I·

INT.RODUO TI ON The sockeye salmon is historically the most valuable of the. five species of Pacific Salmon and, because of its high oil content and ability to hold its red colour, is used solely for canning. Sockeye spawn in streams having lakes in their watershed and young sockeye .spend from one to two years in lake rearing areas before migrating to sea (Figure 1). · The sockeye salmon fishery, which is largely dependent upon the native runs to the Babine River system has an annual value of approximately $1,100,000 to fishermen and $2,200,000 as a processed product. Based on the

'' historical production records which show that catches have been two-thirds higher than the present catches, the Skeena historically ranks second to the as a sockeye salmon producer.

Babine Lake (Figure 2) is long and narrow, (about 100 miles long with a maximum width of 5 miles) and can geographically be divided into two general lake regions: 1. the Nox-th Arm - Nilkitkwa Region; and 2. the Main Lake Region, which represents 88 percent of the total lake surface area. The Upper and Lower Babine Rivera, in the North Arm - Nilki tkwa Region, provide 60 percent of the total spawning area for the entire Babine system and virtually all of the spawning area in the North Arm - Nilkitkwa Region. The main lake tributaries provide 40 percent of the available stream spawning area, with the Fulton· River aooounting for about half of this. -2-

On the average, stream spawners are distributed roughly in proportion to the area of spawning gravel provided in eaoh stream area. Many of the streams tributory to the main lake vary considerably fro:m year to year, however., in their capacity to accommodate spawners and to provide suitable conditions for egg survivals, due to notable variations in discharge during the spawning and incubation periods. Conversely, the spawning grounds located in the North Arm - Nilkitkwa Region benefit from the stabilizing effect of Babine Lake on flows during the spawning and incubation periods. In the spring, the sockeye fry produced from the spawn of the previous fall, leave ·t;he stream to t.ake up lake . residence until their seaward migration as smolts one or two years later. (Figure 1) The Fisheries Research Board of Canada have conducted extensive invesi;igations in connection with the abundance, distribution a.nd growth of young sockeye in Babine Lake. These studies reveal that the overall average density (number per acre of lake surface) of young sockeye in the North.Arm. - Nilkitkwa Region has been five times that observed in the Main Lake Region. The fact that the density is considerably higher is consistent with the expected production resulting !'rom the larger spawning populations and probable · higher egg-to-fry survival rates of the spawning areas in the North Arm - Nilkitkwa Region. These studies also suggest that the potential of the . ' Main Lake Region is at least equal to the North Arm ... Nilkitkwa Region as a lake nursery area. It has been reasonably assumed, therefore, that the Main Lake Region could support an equal -3-

density of young sockeye. To achieve this density, an

additional output in excess of 350 million fry would be required in the Main Lake Region. This additional fry produotion,assuming the fry ... to-adult survival rate remains constant, would result in a three fold increase in the Skeena River catch. Extensive biological surveys reveal that even a modest increase in fry output is beyond the present capacity of the spawning grounds within this region due primarily to the limited area suitable for spawning. It would appear, therefore, that an increase in fry production must be . obtaint:1d by supplementing tlie natural production of the spawning grounds. A number of techniques have been used attempting to increase salmon fry production. Three of these techniques attempt to increase fry production by increasing the survival from the egg-to-fry stage. The three are: {a) hatcheries • hatchery methods have usually resulted

in egg-to-fry survival rates of 80~; (b) artificial spawning channels - artificial spawning channels have produced fry at rates ranging from 30% to 60%; (c) flow control and stream improvement - early indications from the Big Qualicum Project suggest that egg-to-fry survival rates of from 25% to 35% can be expected. ' ' Assessments of these techniques as related to a·dult returns are incomplete. However, results from three experimental -4- hatcheries in British Colu:m.bia show that hatchery produced sockeye fry were notably less viable than natural fry. In additionj several assessment studies of adult production also reveal that survival from hatchery fry-to-adult has been lower than t:he survival of natural fry-to-adult. Based on the significant results of these studies, hatcheries were not given detailed consideration a.s a means of supplementing natural fry production a.t Babine Lake. On the .other hand, lt has been observed that sockeye spawn incubated in artificial spawning channels produce fry

which show the sai:ne characteristics as fry from natural spawning area.s • There is also evidence of favourable results fro:m. the artificial spawning areas at Jones Creek (pink salmon) and Baker Lake, Washington (sockeye salmon) where good adult returns have been recorded from fry produced in artificial spawning areas. Since spawning channels are gene rally located adjacent to natural spaiNning areas, some degree of flow control .is require·d to ensure an adequate water supply to the channels while also maintaining tb.e desired flows to the natural spawning· areas.···· Because of the near natural environmental conditions provided by flow control and·artificial spawning channels and the fact that fry comparable in viability to natural fry can be produced, a decision was made to carry out detailed studies incorporating these techniques for supplementing the natural fry px>oduction at Babine Lake. -5- l . CRITERIA FOR SITE SELECTION · In 1961 the Department of. Fisheries ot Canada initiated.e.xtenaive biological and engineering studies or all sockeye salmon spawning streams tributary 'to 'the· main 'basin of Babine Lake to consider the various possible development projects which would enhance the fry production of the streams (Figure 1). The basic criteria set for aelaoting streams for possible development projects were: 1. The stream must have native stocks of salmon of such a

. magn1 ~ude to make possible the increase of fry· :i,n;:.$:};le,,:'"1,

required range. The ·minimum incn~ease ir1 fry production was set at 100 million ..

2. The stream should.?~,~ ;t:~~~. ,t;'~~. ~Q. as to provide storage

.. ritu:1ew~.r;l;rs .·.f~a.r , .flow o on t ro 1 • ' ~ .~ . ' ' ' .. .3.. The average discharge must be av.!'fioient to provide the requi:rad· !'lows for a.n installation of the size necessary to produoe a large number of fry. Subsequently three streams: Fulton River, Pinkut

Creek and Morrison River wer(,!l aeJ.~g:lu;.'lQ. f9:ra :detailed study to deteX"llline the feasibility of' the various development projects

employing. the techniques of artificial spawn1.ng oh~bne~. development and f'low control and stream improvement as · described in an earlier section.

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT SITES ' . Ful.ton River with a drainage area of 532 square miles, .flows -· ... - ...... in an easterly direction through Chapman Lake (2.7 square miles) and through Fulton Lake t3 .5 square mile a) and empt1.e a 1ntq Babine Lake at . The elevation of Fulton Lake is approximately 190 feet higher than that of Babine Lakee Fulton River passes over a 40-foot falls immediately down­ stream of Fulton Lake and then passes through a mile of rook canyon and approximately three miles of narrow valley to enter Babine Lake. Salmon spawn in the four miles of river down­ stream of the base of the failae Fulton River.is the principal spawning stream entering_ the main basin of Babine Lake. The spawning populations since 1949 have ranged from 15.2 to 170 thousand with an average of 83 thousand. This average figure accounts for one-half of the observed spawners in the main lake tribu·t;aries. The Fulton River hydrograph is characterized by low winter .flows (in the range of 30 to 70 cfs); a flood peak occurring in May or June, resulting· primarily from sno'W'melt (maximum reoorded flow of 6900 cfs); and variable flows in

tb.e autumn with flood peaks caused by storin rainfall.

Pinkut Creek discharges into Babine Lake in the southeast pa.rt of the main basino The Pinkut Creek drainage area is approximately 320 square miles and includes three lakes: Taltapin Lake (8.6 square miles), Augier Lake (3.7 square miles) and Pinkut Lake (2 .. 1 square miles). Access to salmon

is limited to the lower J.200 yards of stream by an impassable

falls. Pinku·t; Creek is second in importance as a. spawning .. stream tributary to the main lake basin, with sookaye salmon '. populations ranging from 3.2 to 146 thousand and a 1949-1966 average of 33 thousand. -7-

The runoff characteristics of the Pinkut Creek area

are similar to those of the Fulton Lake area 9 with low flows observed in the winter and a flood peak, resulting from snow­ melt, occurring in June. The autumn floods a.re less prominent than those observed at Fulton.

!'.!2.!rison River• has a drainage area of approximately 183 square miles and drains in a southerly course through a aeries of valleys :tnto Babine Lake., The Morrison River sockeye population has ranged from o.6 to 22.8 thousand with an average of 10.2 thou·sand .fish,., It is fourth in order of sookeye

escapement being exceeded by Fulton River, Pinkut and Pierre Greeks. The runof.f characterit:rhics are similar to the Pinlrut ' Creek area, with the .f.lood peaks being less prominent«>

INVESTIGATIONS AND DESIGN - a - Wl•lll... "•-• Studies on these streams were oriented to obtain a complete physical representation of the th:t•ee areas so as to permit a variety of developmeht projects to ba proposed utilizing various combinations of spawning channel development, stream improvement and flow control schemes. An integral part of these studies were comprehensive field surveys to: ·a) obtain stream flow measurements to complement the.hydrology studies which eventually form the basis for a feasibility study of any water-use scheme; b) establish topographic · ma.pping o.f the streams, their banks and those adjacent areas . ' considered suitable as potential spawning channel sites; o) assess the various lakes and lake outlets for suitability as ·~; ' -8-

storage reservoirs and for possible dam sites; d) deter.mine the physical characteristics of the stream in terms of velocity, depth, Ertream gradient and gravel compositione An interpretation of these physical characte1.. istica of the stream with information gathered from biological studies of spawning behaviour and densities ultimately serve as the basic criteria in the eventual spawning channel design. Upon completion of the field investigations, engineering studies were carried out to: a) determine the potential of the various spawning channel sites; b) determine the degree of control and regulation necessary both to maintain minim.tun flows and to prevent flood flows exceeding va.riotls specified limits.., This included hydrology studies and an assessment of various types of dams and control works; o) assess the other factors affect:l.ng project arrangement and coat.., These factors included: reservoir clearing; means of conveying water to artificial spawning areas; and effects of staging cons·truction so as to best utilize available spawning stocks and also in consideration of availability of f\J.nds. Following completion of these studies, engineering designs were undertaken to better define the possible arrangemen·t of a number of projects and to prepare cost estimates of the projects. The rela."tive potential of the different projects indicated that i·t would be economical to proceed with partial . ' flow control and artificial spawning channel projects at . Fulton River and Pinkut Creek. The Morrison River system is -9-

considered to have potential for a spawning channel development project, but was assigned a lower priority than either the Fulton River or Pinkut Creek because of the low level or present escapements and its location. The cor1sulting engineering firm of G. E. Crippen and Associates was engaged to investigate and report on the means of obtaining flow control and regulation, and more recently has been authorized to prepaz•e detailed plans and specifications .for this phase of the work.. The consulting engineering firm of Dolmage, Mason and. Stewart was retained to consult on the geological condi'l;ions in the area and to prepare plans and specifications for the tunnel project.

' ' DESCRIP'J.1ION °0Fb':THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM General As stated earlier, the primary objective of the development program is to increase the sockeye fry output to the main lake basin of Babine Lake so that the potential of Babine Lake as a nursery area will be more fully realizedo In January, 1965 a program was approved whereby a combination of projects on the Fulton River and Pinkut Creek would add in excess of 100 m:i.llion fry to this lake area. Looking beyond the present program, the development works at Fulton and Pinkut col:'l,tain provision for ,future expansion and, with the implementation of similar development works at Morrison River,

. ' ther•e appears to be the potential for producing sufficient nmnbers of fry to eventually create an average density of young sockeye in the main lake basin approaching the optimum -10-

density. The initial development program started in 1965 with construction or the first of two spawning channels on the Fulton Ri var. The total program is scheduled over a aeven­ year period with completion set for 1971.

Description of bulton River Pro.~~~ The Fulton River Project consists of a partial flow control scheme and the development of several artificial spawning channels (Figure 3)& A 25 ... root concrete gravity dam at the outlet of Fulton Lake will ,Q.er.a.a,t;e a reservoir with a capacity _of 76, 000 acre-feet and will provide flow I'e ..g~latt'();'"~r' ~ulton River

i•anging from a. minimum of 100 cf a dur~ng the spawning and incubation period to a maximum of 3500 cfs during tha·spring runoff. In addition, a minhnum flow of 100 cfs will be provided for the a1"tificial spawning channels. A typical flow schedule and its relation to the life stage of sockeye salmon is shown in F'igure 4. The control works for regulating Fulton Lake outflow (Figure 3) consists of a vertical. gate·-shaft, a 12-foot diameter concrete-lined tunnel approximately 500 feet long, and a valve house at the tunnel outlet,, several hundred feet downstream from the storage dam. The gate-aha.ft consists Qf three gates which will permit either the selection of water from various depths in '. the reservoir or be capable of discharging surface water over the full range of reservoir levels. In addition provisions exist for an auxiliary, low-level, intake pipe to be extended -11-

into the lake in the event cooler water is required, for mixing purposes, to obtain the desired degree of temperature controlo Flows will be regulated by two 84-inoh diameter and one 30-inch diameter hollow-cone valves. Clearing of appro.xi:ma. te ly 1800 acres of undeveloped lakeshore area which will even·hually be flooded will be scheduled over a three-year period. Realizing the potential. importance of Fulton Lake as a :recreation and conservation area, the specifics. tions for reservoir clearing are being developed through liaison with the Provincial Departments ot Fox-estry, Parks, Fish and Wildlife, and Water Resources .. It was mentioned earlier that the development program was initiated in 1965 with the construction of the Fulton River Spawning Channel No. l (Figures 5 and 6). This channel, 4800 feet long and 30 feet wide, can accommodate 22,000 adult spawners with and will produce an estimated 12.,000,000 fry. The channel is located in an area immediately adjacent to the Ful·bon River and utilizes the section of rive.r with a relative steep gradient to obtain the required head for successful operation. A unique aspect of this channel is the use ot a· composite timber and concrete divider wall to form sections of the channel (Figure 6) and thus derive the maximum spawning area in the land area available while still .. maintaining a channel cross-section and flow conditions consistent with the head available. A second channel (Figure 3) is proposed for Fulton which will accommodate 135,000 adult spawners. This channel, 16,700 .feet long and 50 feet wide and with the expected egg­ to-rry survival of 40 percent, will produce- 68,000,000 fry. The site of this channel, although relative.ly flat and thus ideal for channel construction, is appro.xima. tely 40 feet . higher than the river channel and thus presents a problem for water supply. A number of proposals we1"e examined and it was ultimately decided to conv,ey the water directly from Fulton Lake through a combined tunnel and pipeline approximately 10,000 feet in length. The water supply tunnel is a 7.5 toot diameter modified horseshoe type and is 3800 feet long and will originate from ·the regulating tunnel, approximately 75 ' ' .feet from the gate struoturei·• An added feature in obtaining water directly from Fulton Lake is the capability of providing cooler water to offset the possible heating ef feet s of' solar radiation during the start of the adult migration in late August.

: . ' . Description of Pinkut Creek Project~ The range or scope of development programs at Pinkut Creek was very limited since the stream is only accessible· to salmon in its lowermost 1200 yards. The provision of fish-passage facilities to extend distribution above the falls was soon ruled uneconomical and. the choice . ' was soon resolved to an artificial spawning channel. development

. in a large .area. of lc;>"'1"".·~~rins land, ~dJ~,c ..~m~ .. to the ·!llkl:\.n spawning grounds at the mouth of Pinkut Creek. -13-

As part of the initial program, a channel 8000 feet long and 40 feet wide with a velocity of 1.9 fps and depth of l.,J feet has been designed to accommodate 54,000 adult spawners with an expected fry production of 37 million (Figure 7). A second stage channel, 12,000 feet long and 40 feet wide, will be added at a later date. A small diversion dam will divert water in the canyon area above the spawning grounds, through 750 feet of tunnel to the channel intake structure. The channel design

provides for all waters circ~lated through the spawning channel to be directed back into Pinkut Creek upstream of the main spawning grounds. Since minimum flows of 7 cfs have been recorded ' ' during spawning and incubation periods, the need for a storage reservoir was obvious. The spawning channel is designed to operate at 100 ofs during spawning periods and 70 cfs during incubation, and requires a minimum storage capacity of 32;000 acre ... feet to provide the mini.mum.flows during the period August 15 to May 15. Proven darn sites were available at the outlets of both Taltapin Lake and Augier Lake. The Taltapin Lake site

was chosen since ;i:t,,, wa~ ,possible to q~P.~~,!1_, ~he ,;required storage without undertaking any reservoir clearing. This matter again was developed through liaison with the Provincial

. ~·· _-..., Government to maintain the recreational value of the areas ... - -· , - . '.··:, ,,,. surrounding the lakes. The entire st,orage at Taltapin Lake can be obtained below the :maximum flood level of the lake by -14-

dredging a series of small lake areas immediately downstream

of the dam site o This ·dredging work was _C,~I.l~i

to obviate reservoir clearing. The dam and control' works (see·· Figure 7) consists of a rockfill overflow weir, with a ··concrete cap and· sheet pile cut-off, and an outlet structure and pipeline with a minimum ca}.)aoity of 75 ors. The .-dam is six· feet high and its ere st 303 .feet lo.ng; the .54-inch diameter outlet pipe is approximately 400 feet long. The dam and control works were completed in 1966 •

. PRESENT .STATUS· OF·. PROJECT . .. ., . · The Babine: La.lt&· De;v~·lopm.ent :Program is ent;~ring. the

th.ird year .. of a .seven~y~a..7?.,?-B·U~:tif3C.tiQn program. Three . '·1 .·projects have been -completed to .date: Fulton River Spawning Channel No. l; The-Regulating Tunnel and Water Supply Tunnel at Fulton River; The Taltapin Lake Control Works. The. . . . . ' remaining projects at Fulton River will be scheduled as out•

lined ~n F;i,g:u.r~. J.,_ while the construction of the spa~ing . channel at Pinkut Creek will be· completed in time for the 1968 adult migration. Of the three projects completed, only the Fulton Spawning Channel :is fully operational. A total of 21, 000 . ·... ··'- - .. ·- -".··· .. . . adult salmon spawned successfully in the· cha.nr1el last fall

and a full ~ssessment program in the spring will measure the success of tlie cha.nnel as a fry producer •. The Taltapin Lake

Control Works will, by virtue of providing a minimum flow of 70 c:t.'s, assist in the egg-to-fry survivals of the natural spawning beds of Pinkut Creek. The full benefits, however, -15- will only be realized with the completion of the artificial spawning channels. The total estimated cost of the program is $8 million, with the Fulton River pr~jects totalling $5.5 million and the Pinkut Creek projects totalling $2.5 million.

EVALUATION An evaluation of the development program will be oonduc ted not only to me a sure the sucoe s.s of the program but also to reveal the success or failure of the met);:i.QAs used to exploit the potential of the Main Lake Region of Babine Lake as a sockeye sal.iuon rearing area. • The evaluation studies will include:

1. Measurements· Qt t.b.c:t .. ef~e.otivene~s xr;f:. the tish cultural ~ ' . . . ~ ·.. ':. ' . . .

·'·~~.tb:oda.,used .:(:lt-.,e .. ·spaw·ning channels, water flow and · temperature control). 2. A comparative study of the viability of "survival potential" o.f fry produced in artificial spawning channels and fry produced on the natural spawning grounds. 3. Measurements of the growth and survival of both types or fry as lake populations increase. 4. Measurements of the overall gain in adult production. Headlnt .llR11Wm Life Cy_ole o/'.. lhe

T.he five lpecles aro1 Sockeye, Pink, Coho, Chl~ook ai Churn.

::-~·'--- -=--·-:::.------· . ··- - filll§..• ·-· ·- . . ~-=~§=;.~... . - . ·--· THEORETICAL CALCULATIONS - ·--- - . ,.;. - ·- ·-- .. ~ .. ARE f'Ofl llOCKIEYE SALMON SKEENA RIVER


C't .-. ••• .., I I I I I I 1 OUf:EN I CHAlll.OTTf: I' ISLANDS 81 MORRISON RIVER '6'1 DEVELOPMENT AREA. ~I JI / 1i I ~I ~I ct I I '~'/ €1 ' £1 \\ I I VANCOUVER I . t:, I ISLAND ,J ______-..i~~ I HALIFAX I NARROWS I I I' I I I 100 I KEY PLAN °· I r I I I KEY TO LAKE REGIONS I I c sl N ~w·.~\~ .Main Lake Reg'1on 'Ehl \\\\~;\•., ~I North Arm - Nilkitkwa Region ..JIi' W--+-- I ·~1 ::E I I I I s I I I I I . ,__ -- - __ """:"'_ .. __ - -·------·-·------.....


. ' o~iiii~at==:::::'io5aii''11 - M11.Es

FAl.1.9 ~

Figure 2. 'i_ Ch onnol.

50' -o" z5 ' -o"

Ga lehou se.

5+ 00 Berm. El. Z560 oo lb rlprop § po ~l n; ; r o,..\ ./ ~~~·-~o·~· ;:hi:c•~· ---~==~==~f=~' -~6 ~·======~dflr~ ~, I "-.!~...___.,ib ~---_-_- _- __-

L EN GT H ' 16,000 FEET

WI OT H• 50 FEE: flloec. o1 d•l. IOft. 9 Q : IOOe.h . V • I. .Jue at d • 1.4' 1 ft. Q : 15 0 c.l L V•ZDI ~t .0015 CHAN NEL SLOPE ADULTS. -z------~ , ~2: 92 CAPA CITY ' 135,000 1- 30" Ho ll ow cone >1 ol ve. concrete inloke pioe 5 4" O. omeler low le;eilntoke channel. in lhe lrench unde Siu \ \in ~ WI S F ult0f1 River. TYPICAL SECTION THRU' SPAWNING CHANNEL No 2 .

11 \~~-~~ sc o1 e 1 1 *' 20' \n tok t Structure Outlet Wor ks ' ,_

\ i of proposed SpawninQ Channel N" 2 ·

_Reservoir clearin9 . . N• I Spawnin9 Channe I N° I . ProJ(comple• CI 1e d October 1965.l

SCALE 120o

SCHED ULE OF CONSTRUCTION FULTON RIVER PROJECTS 1965- 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972

(c) reservoir clearin9 (d) stora9e dam / 3 Spawnin9 Channe I N°· 2 (a) 1ta9e I

(b) waler supply pipeline



FULTON RIVER - I a> RtQulot i nQ Tunnel Wo tor Supply Tunnel GENERAL LAYOUT


~ Iii 3000 ~---NOTE .: Sprino floods with a probability of 0 once in 10 years will be reouloted to UJ a maximum discharge of 3500 c.f.s. (!) a:: ~ 2000 J: (.) (/) 0

MAXIMUM FALL 1000 FLOOD 1oboc.f.s.


JAN. FEB. MAR . APR . MAY JU NE JU LY AUG . SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. Figure 4. A typical flow regulation curve for Fulton Lake showing its relcstion to adult migration, spawning, incubation and fry migration.

Figure 5. Fulton River Spawninq Channel N° I. MAIN DIKE 3D'-s" TYPICAL BERM /DIVIDING


SC AL E' 1" =20° (APPROX.)

LE Nf3 TH: 4900 FEET. WIDTH = 30FEET. FRY ERU MERATION FACILITIES Q = 75 cf.s. V = 1.8 ft./sec. at d = 1.3 ft. CAPACITY : 22,000 ADULTS . r HllN NFI ~I nPF :: nnnq .' ' .. ,· I 0' - o" EL . 2349.50


EL 2346.75 EL.2346.00 EL.2345.50 • -~; · ~ • ·.o.. .- .. '4.:. . . ~.:. :.· .. .~ .


SCALE : 1" = 4'- o" ...




LEN FJ TH : 4900 FEET. WIDTH : 30 FEET DEPARTMENT OF FIS HERI ES, C ANADA Q = 75 cfs V = 1.8 ft./sec . at d = 1.3 ft. CAPACITY : 22,000 ADULTS . CHANNEL SL OPE = .0009 ,Q BABINE LAKE DEVELOPMENT I I"() I (.!) I FULTON RIVER . O'> FULTON RIVER SPAWNING CHANNEL No I. PAWN ING CHANNEL N° :,7"- 1 SCALE 1 C\J I 60 30 0 60 120 FEET ------I I D RAWN: S W D ATE: JULY 14, 1966. 6--ww-J - -- C HECK~ -7/~ ,.- SCALC : As noted . - /[JJ!.ilh--r.--r- - APP R OVE O: ,,?f 7 '\.. - ~~ OW G . N a 21- 19 DIVIS I ON EN G I N EER Figure 6. OischorQe structure. f Sil- lalond / Landing / I I / ( , , ' ,,_,'' , I ,J--T Abandoned roads. Spawning channel site. I / 54' I. 0. concrete I I pipe. - · // .,,"" l~ I -- - \..,,, I -- ,,:---­ • •I I

15 ' corruQated motol pipe . -----W~..... r---:-~------1.

Site for future storage dam . ------~~ Project N" 2 Taltapin Lake control works ( (constructed 1966.l , __ , ,/ v•.._..,e,', -10 01Jf"'-"' PLAN Scale :

40'-o" Vories. River bed.

LE NGTH STAGE I ' e,ooo FEET STAGE 2 ' 12,000 FEET WIDTH ' 4-0 FEET Q ::i: 70 c.f.s. V = 1.33 ft./sec. at d =1.05 rt . Steel 1h11t pilinQ. O = IOOc. f.1; . V::i:l .92.ft.lsec.atd =1.30 11 . CHANN EL SLOPE " .0009 SECTION A -A CAPACI TY STAG E I ' 54,000 ADULTS . Scale : STA GE 2 , 81,000 ADULTS . SCALE LAYOUT OF TALTAPIN LAKE CONTROL WORKS 0 2 Milas (appro•.) w I t. Channel. it_ Channel. s5 '-o" DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, CANADA Diffusion works. ' ' Tunn e l .~ F ishway. ; BABINE LAKE DEVELOPMENT v I (!) I SCHEDULE OF CONSTRUCTION I I I Pl NKUT CREEK I PINKUT CREEK PROJECTS 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 a> TYPICAL SECTION THRU' CHANNEL Diversion weir Storage Dam (Taltapin Lake control works.) :­ Scale : .,. -;....J._-, GENERAL LAYOUT 2 Spawning Channel stage I. I t - =-=r:=-+---+-----+---1 I LAYOUT OF SPAWNING CHANNEL 001. JANUARY 16, 1967 o uw"' SW As noted c .. 1: c 11. yl/,. I - _:._ Scale : t" = , , / -7'": / .o,"""0 YllD/ .., OWO "" C -..-•.~ . ',.:.:·;,;u' ,,,_ Jl · ~.;;~ ,;-; 21-18 - G14 Fin11rA 7