Magazin Bibliologic Nr. 1-4, 2014

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Magazin Bibliologic Nr. 1-4, 2014 ISSN 1857-1476 Magazin bibliologic 2014, nr. 1-4 Revistă ştiinţifică şi bibliopraxiologică Editori: Biblioteca Naţională a Republicii Moldova Societatea Științifică de Bibliofilie și Ex-libris “Paul Mihail” din Moldova Liga Bibliotecarilor din Republica Moldova Director şi redactor-şef: Alexe Rău, doctor în filosofie Colegiul de redacţie: acad. Andrei Eşanu, acad. Petru Soltan, acad. Mihai Cimpoi, doctor hab. Roman Motulski (Minsk), doctor hab. Gheorghe Postică, doctor conf. Elena Tîrziman (Bucureşti), doctor conf. Nelly Țurcan, doctor Tatiana Luchian, Doctor Honoris Causa Iurie Colesnic, Vera Osoianu Secretari responsabili: Elena Turuta Tatiana Bahmuteanu Redactor artistic: Dragoş Popa-Miu Procesare computerizată: Diana Stoian Com. nr. 2. Imprimeria BNRM, str. 31 August 1989, 78 A, Chişinău SUMAR 5 - 8 AGORA Lyon Declaration on Access to Information and Development Presidential Address by IFLA President Sinikka Sipilä to the IFLA World Library and Information Congress, 80th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, 2014, Lyon, France 9 - 19 INVITATUL REVISTEI MB Yao Zhang. The development of library and information science in China (1840-2009) 20 - 32 VALORI BIBLIOFILE Dr. Maria DANILOV. Două tipărituri basarabene: Catihisisul creştinesc (1844) și Chiriacodromionul (1860) identificate în sursele buzoiene Nina MATEI. Monument literar „neajuns la maturitate” : Biblia de la 1936 Liubovi KARNAEVA, Valeriu HERȚA, Augustin STEPANOV, Nona ȘOROC. Ex-Libris-uri din Colecţia Koch 33 - 42 GALERIA MB Aliona TOSTOGAN. Moștenirea muzicală a lui Dimitrie Cantemir Liubovi KARNAEVA, Nona ŞOROC, Augustin STEPANOV. Persona- litatea savantului, medicului-bibliofil german Richard Koch reflectată în colecția personală păstrată în fondul Bibliotecii Ştiinţifice Medicale a USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” 43 - 68 STUDII ȘI CERCETĂRI Acad. Andrei EȘANU, Valentina EȘANU. Dispersarea patrimoniului de carte veche românească (sec. XIX-XX). Colecții și colecționari din străinătate Dr. hab. Anton MORARU. Organizarea și completarea Bibliotecii Muzeului de Zemstvă din Basarabia: 1889 – 1917 Dr. Igor CERETEU. Biblioteca mănăstirii Chistoleni Dr. Elena CHIABURU. Relația dreptului bisericesc cu istoria cărții − furtul cărților vechi 69 - 72 SIMPOZION Veronica COSOVAN. Vestigii europene păstrate în fondurile serviciului Carte veche și rară al BNRM 73 - 109 IFLA. INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LIBRARY ASSOCIA- TIONS AND INSTITUTIONS How library and information science academic administrators perceive e- learning in LIS schools: A qualitative analysis Information evaluation and the individual’s cognitive state: Some insights from a study of British teenaged users Library adoption of knowledge management using Web 2.0: A new para- digm for libraries 110 - 115 CENL. CONFERENCE OF EUROPEAN NATIONAL LIBRARIANS CENL in 2013-2014. Annual Report 116 - 144 TEL. THE EUROPEAN LIBRARY The European Library. Annual Report 2013 145 - 148 BIBLIOSOFIE Dr. Alexe RĂU. Filosofia ca infrastructură a gândirii biblioteconomice 149 - 156 TEORIE ȘI PRACTICĂ Alla PANICI. SIBIMOL. Metamorfoze 2003-2014 Vera OSOIANU. Comunicarea profesională : aspecte ale formatului virtual 157 - 162 REȚELE SOCIALE Aliona MUNTEAN. Optimizări pentru rețele sociale 163 - 174 REMEMBER DIN SERTARUL LUI IURIE COLESNIC Dr. H. C. Iurie COLESNIC. Sunt poeți care trăiesc din poezie și sunt poeți care trăiesc pentru poezie I FLA Agora WLIC Conference, Lyon, 2014 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions 2014, Vol. 40(4) 240–241 Lyon Declaration on Access to ª The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permission: Information and Development DOI: 10.1177/1535370214554886 The Lyon Declaration of August 2014 was written in Ensure accountability, transparency, good gov- English. The wording of the English version shall ernance, participation and empowerment. prevail. Measure progress on public and private com- The United Nations is negotiating a new development mitments on sustainable development. agenda to succeed the Millennium Development Goals. The agenda will guide all countries on approaches to improving people’s lives, and outline a new set of goals Declaration to be reached during the period 2016–2030. In accordance with the findings of the High Level We, the undersigned, believe that increasing access Panel on the Post–2015 Development Agenda, the to information and knowledge across society, assisted post-2015 consultations of the United Nations by the availability of information and communica- Development Programme (UNDP) and the Open tions technologies (ICTs), supports sustainable devel- Working Group Focus Area Report, all of which opment and improves people’s lives. identified the crucial role of access to information We therefore call upon the Member States of the in supporting development, we, the undersigned, United Nations to make an international commitment recognise that: to use the post-2015 development agenda to ensure that everyone has access to, and is able to understand, use 1. Poverty is multidimensional, and progress in and share the information that is necessary to promote eradicating poverty is linked to sustainable sustainable development and democratic societies. development across a variety of areas. 2. Sustainable development must take place in a human-rights based framework, where: Principles a. Inequality is reduced by the empower- Sustainable development seeks to ensure the long- ment, education and inclusion of mar- term socio-economic prosperity and well-being of ginalized groups, including women, people everywhere. The ability of governments, par- indigenous peoples, minorities, migrants, liamentarians, local authorities, local communities, refugees, persons with disabilities, older civil society, the private sector and individuals to persons, children and youth. make informed decisions is essential to achieving it. b. Gender equality, along with full social, In this context, a right to information would be economic and political engagement, can transformational. Access to information supports be significantly enhanced by empowering development by empowering people, especially mar- women and girls through equitable access ginalised people and those living in poverty, to: to education. c. Dignity and autonomy can be strength- Exercise their civil, political, economic, social ened by ensuring access to employment and cultural rights. and decent jobs for all. Be economically active, productive and d. Equitable access to information, freedom Magazin bibliologic innovative. of expression, freedom of association and Learn and apply new skills. assembly, and privacy are promoted, pro- Enrich cultural identity and expression. tected and respected as being central to an Take part in decision-making and participate in individual’s independence. an active and engaged civil society. e. Public participation of all is ensured to Create community-based solutions to develop- allow them to take ownership of change ment challenges. needed to improve their lives. | 2014 1-4 nr. 5 Lyon Declaration on Access to Information and Development 241 Agora 3. Increased access to information and knowl- 5. Improved ICT infrastructure can be used to edge, underpinned by universal literacy, is an expand communications, speed up the delivery essential pillar of sustainable development. of services and provide access to crucial infor- Greater availability of quality information and mation particularly in remote communities. data and the involvement of communities in its Libraries and other information intermediaries creation will provide a fuller, more transparent can use ICTs to bridge the gap between allocation of resources. national policy and local implementation to 4. Information intermediaries such as libraries, ensure that the benefits of development reach archives, civil society organisations (CSOs), all communities. community leaders and the media have the 6. We, the undersigned, therefore call on Mem- skills and resources to help governments, insti- ber States of the United Nations to acknowl- tutions and individuals communicate, orga- edge that access to information, and the skills nize, structure and understand data that is to use it effectively, are required for sustain- critical to development. They can do this by: able development, and ensure that this is recognised in the post-2015 development a. Providing information on basic rights and agenda by: entitlements, public services, environ- ment, health, education, work opportuni- a. Acknowledging the public’s right to access ties, and public expenditure that supports information and data, while respecting the local communities and people to guide right to individual privacy. their own development. b. Recognising the important role of local b. Identifying and focusing attention on rele- authorities, information intermediaries and vant and pressing needs and problems infrastructure such as ICTs and an open within a population. Internet as a means of implementation. c. Connecting stakeholders across regional, c. Adopting policy, standards and legislation cultural and other barriers to facilitate com- to ensure the continued funding, integrity, munication and the exchange of develop- preservation and provision of information ment solutions that could be scaled for by governments, and access by people. greater impact. d. Developing targets and indicators that d. Preserving and ensuring ongoing access to enable measurement of the impact of cultural heritage, government records and access
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