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ENVIRONMENTAL and SOCIAL MANAGE- MENT PLAN August 2018 3Rd Release Corridor 25: R26 Mihailovca – Sadaclia – lordanovca – R3 (RFP No.: LRIP/CS/10) ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGE- MENT PLAN August 2018 3rd Release Republic of Moldova – Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure – State Road Administration OBERMEYER HELLAS Ltd Republic of Moldova – Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure – State Road Administration Local Roads Improvement Project Corridor 25: R26 Mihailovca – Sadaclia – lordanovca – R3 (RFP No.: LRIP/CS/10) ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN Cover Page Project Title Corridor 25: R26 Mihailovca – Sadaclia – lordanovca – R3 (RFP No.: LRIP/CS/10) Country Republic of Moldova Client Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure – State Road Administration Consultant Joint Venture between OBERMEYER Hellas Ltd., OBERMEYER PLANEN + BERATEN GmbH and ADT OMEGA S.A. Contact Person Dr. Ioannis Kiru (Authorised Representative of the Joint Venture) Address 56, 3rd Septemvriou Street, Athens GR 10433, Greece Telephone Number +30 210 88 460 88 Fax Number +30 210 82 32 767 E-Mail [email protected] REVISIONS 2 08/2018 3rd Release S. Gkouvatsou S. Gkouvatsou Dr. I. Kiru 1 06/2018 2nd Release S. Gkouvatsou S. Gkouvatsou Dr. I. Kiru 0 01/2018 1st Release S. Gkouvatsou S. Gkouvatsou Dr. I. Kiru Rev. Date Issue / Description Elaboration Author Check/ Approval CLIENT’S APPROVAL Name Signature Date OBERMEYER HELLAS Ltd i Republic of Moldova – Ministry of Transport and Roads Infrastructure – State Road Administration Local Roads Improvement Project Corridor 25: R26 - Mihailovca – Sadaclia – Iordanovca – R3 (RFP No.: LRIP/CS/10) CORRIDOR 25, ROAD SECTIONS: R26 – Mihailovca – Sadaclia – Iordanovca – R3 Section I: • Road L626 R3 – Sadaclia – Iserlia – stația Cimișlia, km 1.42 – 16.58. Section II: • Road L627 R3 – Carabetovca – Sadaclia, km 0.00 – 7.31 OBERMEYER HELLAS Ltd Republic of Moldova – Ministry of Transport and Roads Infrastructure – State Road Administration Local Roads Improvement Project Corridor 25: R26 - Mihailovca – Sadaclia – Iordanovca – R3 (RFP No.: LRIP/CS/10) CONTENTS LIST OF ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................. 3 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 4 1.1. PROJECT CONTEXT....................................................................................................................... 4 1.2. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AND SCHEDULE.............................................................................. 5 1.3. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................... 6 2. LEGAL, REGULATORY AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK .................................................. 6 2.1. ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION .................................................................................................. 6 2.2. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK ...................................................................................................... 7 3. METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................. 8 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT ...................................................................................................... 9 5. ENVIRONMENTAL AND CLIMATE BASELINE ........................................................................... 12 5.1. REGIONAL CLIMATE AND GEOGRAPHY....................................................................................... 12 5.2. GEOMORPHOLOGY, GEOLOGY AND HYDROGRAPHY ................................................................... 12 5.3. VOLUME AND QUALITY OF SURFACE AND GROUNDWATER ........................................................ 12 5.4. THE LANDSCAPE ......................................................................................................................... 13 5.5. ORGANIC AND BIOTIC RESOURCES ............................................................................................. 13 5.6. AIR QUALITY ............................................................................................................................... 14 5.7. THE NOISE IMPACT ..................................................................................................................... 14 5.8. SOIL PROPERTY .......................................................................................................................... 15 5.9. USE OF LAND AND DISTRIBUTION OF SETTLEMENTS. ................................................................ 15 6. PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL AND HEALTH AND SAFETY IMPACTS AND THEIR MITIGATION ...................................................................................................................................... 16 6.1. THE SOIL ..................................................................................................................................... 16 6.2. SURFACE WATERS ...................................................................................................................... 17 6.3. GROUNDWATER .......................................................................................................................... 18 6.4. WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK ............................................................................................ 18 6.5. GREEN AREAS AROUND THE ROAD ............................................................................................. 19 6.6. PROTECTED AREAS .................................................................................................................... 20 6.7. ATMOSPHERIC AIR PROTECTION ................................................................................................ 21 6.8. COMBATING NOISE AND VIBRATION .......................................................................................... 21 6.9. CONSTRUCTION WASTE .............................................................................................................. 22 6.10. HEALTH PROTECTION OF WORKERS AND LABOR SAFETY .......................................................... 22 6.11. ORGANIZATION IN EXCEPTIONAL EMERGENCY SITUATIONS ..................................................... 23 6.12. ROAD TRAFFIC AND ROAD SAFETY ............................................................................................. 23 6.13. ACCESS TO LAND AND PROPERTIES ............................................................................................ 24 6.14. OPERATIONAL IMPACTS AND THEIR MITIGATION MEASURES ................................................. 24 6.15. POSITIVE IMPACTS ..................................................................................................................... 24 7. SOCIAL ASPECTS .............................................................................................................................. 25 7.1. THE SOCIAL IMPACT .................................................................................................................. 25 8. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ASSESSEMENT ................................................................. 28 8.1. ESMP FOLLOW-UP AND CONTRACTUAL ASPECTS ................................................................... 28 8.2. GENERAL MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND TEAM ORGANIZATION .................................... 29 8.3. REPORTING ................................................................................................................................. 31 8.4. THE CONTRACTORTR’S MANAGEMENT PLAN ........................................................................... 31 8.5. HEALTH & SAFETY MANAGEMENT............................................................................................ 35 8.6. ROAD TRAFFIC & SAFETY MANAGEMENT PLAN ....................................................................... 35 8.7. GRIEVANCE MECHANISM ........................................................................................................... 36 9. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN ...................................................................................... 36 OBERMEYER 1 HELLAS Ltd Republic of Moldova – Ministry of Transport and Roads Infrastructure – State Road Administration Local Roads Improvement Project Corridor 25: R26 - Mihailovca – Sadaclia – Iordanovca – R3 (RFP No.: LRIP/CS/10) 10. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND DISCLOSURE ............................................................................. 37 10.1. PROJECT PREPARATORY PERIOD 2014 - 2015 ........................................................................... 37 10.2. PROJECT PREPARATORY PERIOD 2016 – 2017 .......................................................................... 37 APPENDIX 1: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................... 37 APPENDIX 2: ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN................................................................... 78 APPENDIX 3: INVENTORY DATA FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL OBJECTIVES, CORRIDOR 25 ..................................................................................................................................... 85 APPENDIX 4: SUMMARY OF REPUBLIC OF NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION AND RELEVANCE TO THE PROJECT .......................................................................................... 104 APPENDIX 5: PUBLIC CONSULTATION ...........................................................................................
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