'ijffil Chl RhTf ~ Rtt ~~~ O-NerilJg Bharat Coking Coal Limited (d,'rC1 ~j~<:IT C:fil \l(J; \3'11(1)11) ~<V~~rt,~\'l)o;~ (A Subsiaiety ot Coei tndi« Limited) ~ ~ , cf.rm;n 'n:f'1 q,"nrffi;-P]"x Regd, Off. : Koyla Bhuwan, Koylu Nagar < ,F1<11<;-826005' 4> Dhunbud - 826005 ctl,~., : UltlIUIJHI\)72GOIOI)O'llt-l ~ ,~,'~ ~ (IN: U10I0IJ.!i197~_GOI000918 - -qQmciiou' ~ <PI-ci5i~fct~ \ ClO~ll\b~ i OFFICE OF THE PRO~J~£.=C~T~O-F~FI-:-:-C-=E~R '!!<cftclla 20/21 ~~ Q5'rFc1an 1t~1 G~'b'Q Murulidih 20/21 Pits Colliery ~ ~,~ 'iIR I tIRl: ~~,~: ~ (~)-82830S PO & ps: Mahuda, DISH: Dhanbad (Jharkhand)-828305 Gt! ;j 0326 2273354:~: 0326 2273445. ~-~:
[email protected] PHONE NO:0326 2273354, FAX NO: 0326 2273445, e-mail:
[email protected] Ref: - W:rA! M N (j)/~N" /'2020/ r f 89(A) Date: - 'Q8/oS/2d2D ~ The Director, Ministry of Environment & Forest and Climate Change Regional Office (ECl), Bungalow No. A-2, Shyamali Colony, Ranchi - 834002 Sub: - Submission of six monthly reports on implementation of Environment measures for the period From October '19 to March '20 in respect Cluster-XIII group of mines of BCCL. Ref: EC Order No - J- 11015/11/2010-IA.1I (M) Dated: - 06.06.2013 Dear Sir, Please find enclosed herewith the six monthly reports on implementation of Environment protection measures for the period from Oct '18 to March '20 in respect of Cluster XIII group of mines of BCCL. We hope you wil find in order. Thanking you, End: - As Above Yours faithfully "p ~~6S~ Project Officer Mahuda Group of Mines it: CC to:- 1.