American Square Dance Vol. 42, No. 5
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AMERICAN Annual $10.00 SQUARE DANCE Single Copy $1.25 MAY 1987 THE JOY Or DANCING WAGON WHEEL RECORDS 8459 Edmaru Ave., Whittier CA 90605 (213-693-5976) NEW RELEASE: 45 rpm flip/inst. Calling by BOB RUFF WW 923 MISSISSIPPI Basics 1-25 WAGON WHEEL EASY SINGING CALLS AND CONTRAS Suitable for one-night stands and the community square dance program. 45 rpm flip/inst. Calling by Bob Ruff 911 Gentle On my Mind Basics 1-8 921 Shindig In The Barn Basics 1-22 912 Bad Bad Leroy Brown Basics 1-8 922 King Of the Road Basics 1-9 913 Engine 9 Basics 1-14 924 Houston Basics 1-17 914 Hey Lei Lee, Lei Lee Basics 1-8 925 England Swings Basics 1-34 915 If They Could See Me Now Basics 1-17 926 Walkin' in the Sunshine Basics 1-32 916 Long Lonesome Highway Basics 1-22 927 Sweet Personality Basics 1-32 917 Robinson Crusoe Basics 1-16 928 The Race Is On Basics 1-28 918 Glendale Train Basics 1-19 929 Shortnin' Contra Basics 1-19 919 Big Sombrero Contra Basics 1-19 SPECIAL FREE OFFER With your purchase of any of these easy singing calls or contras we will include an equal number of records with Mainstream basics—FREE. Buy all 18, get 18 records free. Send your order to the above address. INSTRUCTIONAL LP'S FOR SCHOOLS & NEW DANCERS: Calling by BOB RUFF THE FUNDAMENTALS OF SQUARE DANCING, Levels 1,2, & 3. Basics 1-35. SQUARE DANCE PARTY FOR THE NEW DANCER, No. 1 and No 2, Basics 1-34. Clogging STEVENS STOMPERS FOR THE BEST in CLOGGING! TAPS... • will not crack...guaranteed • designed not to scratch floors • best sound; steel, not aluminum • out-wear all others 2 to 1 "Nail-on's" or "Glue-ons," Ladies'/Children's or Men's Also carry shoes, costumes, video teaching tapes & records SEND FOR FREE CATALOG #3 STEVENS STOMPERS P.O. Box 60 MOORESTOWN NJ 08057 Call toll-free 1-800-722-8040 or call 609-235-9468 or 751-1332 AMERICAN 17 SIJURRE ORNCE VOLUME 42, NO. 5 MAY 1987 THE INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE WITH THE SWINGING LINES VEEECENEEFEEIEEWEEEILECEECEEE.EVEVEEEEEEEEEE ASD FEATURES FOR ALL SQUARE DANCE SCENE 4 Co-Editorial 45 LEGACY Spinoff o. 54 36ih Naiiuntil Convention 7 Meandering with Stan 56 AC Lines 11 Whas May Without A Maypole? 56 Callerlab News 13 Why A S/D Convention? 68 International News 15 Lee Schmidt 86 Date-Line 17 Dancing the Fox-Trots 19 Teen Tempo ROUNDS 21 Linear Cycle Around the Globe 17 Dancing the Fox Trots 23 Encore 64 Facing the LOD 25 Hem-Line 65 Cue Tips 27 Best Club Trick 77 Flip Side/Rounds 29 Line-Light 83 R/D Pulse Poll 37 Disc-Count 41 Party Line 43 Product Line FOR CALLERS 43 Front Line Coverage 46 Easy Level Page 49 Dancing Tips 51 Calling Tips 71 QueST: QS Tips 58 Creative Choreo 74 People in the News 63 PS:MS/QS 75 Plumb Line 66 Steal A Peek 85 Puzzle Page 78 Flip Side/Square 105 Book Nook 82 S/D Pulse Poll 106 Finish Line 90 Underlining the Note Services 108 Do-Ci-Do Dolores tap- OUR READERS SPEAK alk '4)VA 6 Grand Zip 4i0 31 Straight Talk /I\ - E.E.ILEAMEECEE.C.E.E.E.WEEIEVEVECEEEVECEENECEEVE.E. Publishers and Editors Editorial Assistants Stan & Cathie Burdick Mona Bird Mary Jane Connerth Mary Fabik Member of NASRDS Connie Maike Bob Mellen National Association of S&RID Suppliers Jean Wright American Squaredance Magazine Workshop Editors Ed Fraidenburg (ISSN-091-3383) is published by Burdick Bob Howell Walt Cole Enterprises. Second class postage paid Feature Writers at Huron, Ohio. Copy deadline first of Harold & Lill Bausch Bev Warner month preceding date of issue. Subscrip- Mary Jenkins Russ & Nancy Nichols tion: $10.00 per year. Single copies: Record Reviewers $1.25 each. Mailing address: PO Box Frank & Phyl Lehnert Dick Bayer 488, Huron OH 44839. Copyright 1987 by Canadian Representative Burdick Enterprises. All rights reserved. Orphie Marcellus American Squaredance, May 1987 verytime we hear of theories and E predictions, we have a tendency to cn thITI111111 apply the information to square dancing. We've been involved in an adult discus- sion on coping with technological pro- cesses and progress wisely. One of the sessions focused on the fact that Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest in nature has for many years been accepted as an absolute. The proposal of an alternate theory, called the Gaia theory after the Greek earth goddess, is made in the study guide—one in which every species in nature is interdependent. Each group is necessary for the well-being of the en- tire ecosphere. That was enough to start some "meanderings of the mind" into square this means subscribing to the idea that dance channels, with some questions im- the one-night dancer is as important to us mediately arising. Have we been as the high frequency dancer; that the operating our square dance classes and Mainstream dancer and the Challenge clubs on the "survival of the fittest" plan? dancer are equally necessary to the total In the areas that report drops in member- picture; and, most of all, that dancers in ship and in club numbers, are only the all the varying programs and facets of the "fittest" still dancing—those who have activity can co-exist while dancing hap- really hung in there no matter what? pily in their own realms. Utopia? or a Can we picture a square dance activi- realistic goal toward which our associa- ty where every dancer is cherished as an tions and federations could set their important part of the activity? Applying sights? Think about it. RUTH 8 REUEL deTURK THE • INC.,. • SINCV1 • HOURS: 1606 Hopmeadow Street Mon. thru Sat. Simsbury, Conn. 06070 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Routes 10-202 Other times by Opp. Bowling Lanes at the Appointment GRANBY LINE MEMBER Phone: 203-658-9417 OUR 27th YEAR SERVING THE DANCERS ...I'S-1 P 4COZY SWEATERS— (Not Bulky) Washable and just enough warmth to take off the chill. WHITE, OFF- WHITE. NAVY, M-L-XL. 100% Acrylic S19.98, Buy two for $34.98 FUN SHIRTS. "I'd Rather Be Square Dancing" Brown on Beige/Navy on White 50/50 Cotton, Poly, M—L—XL $9.98, Two for $16.98 Add $2.sapg. for 1 Item, $3. for more 4 American Squaretiance, May 1987 ,./■ his month submissions and news just I never stopped arriving. At deadline BY-LINE time, articles were still arriving. One re- port not published is that on the special New Year's Eve theme to conclude the Spirit of '86 celebration. Those articles and others will be caught up on in the June issue. Keep the cards and letters coming, and we'll include everything possible. Evelyn Borden wrote to tell us that, long after she submitted the article to us, Lee Schmidt and Marilyn Hansen were married in Banff last January, we presume while there for the super Banff square dancing holidays set up by Tortuga Express Tours. Best wishes tr.; Lee and Marilyn! While Jo Jan Nunley is writing about a state convention, her reasons for attending one can be applied to the national events, too. Great fun and excitement for all! Our other authors are Millard and June McKinney with their series on round dan- cing. This month we found a picture to use, to acquaint us with these "regulars." May your May be filled with good dancing-Maypole or otherwise! 1 ASDS 72-73 26. Double J Services 23 51. Charley Muff 64 76. Scope Records 6 2 ASD Tours 30 27. English Mt 100 52. Jack Murtha 100 77. Sea Squares 107 3 Ashton Electronics 52 28. ESP Records 104 53. Mustang Records 95 78. Shirley's S/D Shoppe 99 4 Authentic Patterns 41 29. Fontana Village 53 54. Nat S/D Campers 102 79 Gary Shoemake 76 5. Bachelors 'n Bachelorettes 70 30. Ed Foote 70 55. Nat S/D Directory 100 80 Meg Simkins 33.50 6 Badge Holders 99 31. Four Bar B Records 48 56. Nita Smith 82 81 Skyline S/D Products 81 7. Pat Barbour 44 32 Fun Valley 67 57. Orthlours Inc 43 82 Sophia T's 68 8. Dick Bayer 20 33 Golden Fiesta 57 58. Ox Yoke Shop 4 83 Square Cuts 80 9 Bermuda Convention 14 34. Grenn Records 95 59. P-M-D-0 Recording 38 84 Square Specialties 91 10 Blackwood Travel 99 35. Hi-Hat Records 16 60. P & S Porcelains 69 85. Stevens Stompers 2 11. Bloomers 6 Things 103 36 Hilton Audio Products 12 61 Palomino SID Service 81 86. Sting Records 33 12 Bonnie's Gust Boutique 103 37 J & J Upholstery 62 62. Bill Peters 62 87. Sundance Dist 31 13. Al & Bea Brundage 47 38 JoPat Records 102 63. PettiPac 45 88. Supreme Audio 107 14. Callers' Partner 105 39. Calm Records 98 64. Projection Audio 78 89 Swing Thru 28 15. Catchall 18 40 Kirkwood Lodge 81 65 R & J Specialties 86. 107 90. TNT Records 69 16. C Bar C Records 66 41. Lee Kopman 57 66. R & L Records 32 91. Tortuga Ex Tours 24 17 Chaparral Records 42 Kroening's 87 67. Ranch House Records 79 92. Triple R West. Wear 77 18 CharmziReaclion 70 43 J B Kush Inc 97 68. Random Sound 27 93. Twelgrenn 97 19 Chinook Records 39 44 Jack Lasry 71 69 Rawhide Records 92 94.