Synopsizing Sibel Edmonds: The Evolution of Operation Gladio -- Part Six Robert Paulsen America Judas April 12, 2013

James Corbett: ...And on that note, we have an email in from Robert, who has a blog called where he is starting to synopsize our conversations and he's got Part One and Part Two up already and has done a good job of putting in some relevant links and explaining some of the characters and the details, so I will put the links to those blog posts in the show notes for this, and also Robert had a question, he said, "In Part Two, Sibel mentioned that the Pentagon doesn't call it Gladio B, but there is a designated section, a physical office that deals with Gladio operations. Can she tell us what the actual name is, or has she been gagged from doing so on the grounds of State Secrets?"

Sibel Edmonds: Right, um, the FBI's file, because the name of the file itself wouldn't be even considered classified, it's the name of a file, the operation is considered the Operation Gladio Plan B. With the Pentagon, I can't because it has not become public, and it is part of or under another division; and again that division if I were to name the division, people would be very familiar, and it will be say 'Why, that's an interesting place to put the Operation Gladio Plan B and the office there'. I can tell you that the division is mainly international NATO officers, you're looking at lieutenant colonel and higher, and it has the only office that I know in the Pentagon with the highest number of Turkish officers, they're going to have both US citizenship and Turkish, but they're assigned to this Pentagon division. Now it changes, every four or five years, some are stationed somewhere else, but if you look at it let's say during a certain period of time, the highest percentage are Turkish officers there, female and male.

That Robert who emailed the question is, in fact, yours truly, Robert Paulsen. Part Six is certainly exciting for me on a personal level, but I also think this is one of the more exciting parts of the interview as far as the focus of the content. The part is subtitled: Sibel Edmonds Explains Who's At The Top Of The Pyramid. This interview follows the money where Gladio B is concerned. That takes us to some of the largest corporate and military interests that comprise what President Eisenhower warned us about in his Farewell Address on January 17, 1961: the Military-Industrial Complex.

Part Six Synopsis:

The interview starts with James Corbett bringing up the subject of what groups are puppeteering this operation. Sibel Edmonds starts by talking about her father, who tried to get her engaged in critical thinking. He was a lifetime anti-war activist in Iran. During a period of her youth, she really got into war films like The Great Escape that to some degree glorified war. In response, he took her to the hospital where he was the director and surgeon to show her a baby horrifically burned by war, to where the baby's skin had melted with the clothes on its body. The child didn't even have the lungs to cry out in pain. "When you hear bombs falling or read about it", her father said, this is what happens. Where war is concerned, her father also taught her to follow the money, that's where you'll find the only "winners" in war. The problem is, as Sibel

- 1 - mentioned previously, we too often try to characterize through a black hat/white hat mentality. It's so easy to paint Dick Cheney as Darth Vader, Democrats are much better at avoiding that kind of label. That's one way to miss the mark on locating the real power in charge, another is to generalize and say, 'It's the government!' If you just take a few individuals from a few different departments to blame, you're not going to get anywhere close to the truth. Take a look at those in government (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Feith, Rice), look what they were doing before they got in government, look what they did after they left the government, then look for a common theme. They're not working for themselves! To some degree, it's easier to be influential from outside the government. Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski are great examples of this. In general, the top two most important entities we are dealing with over the last few decades are: the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) and Oil. The financial institutions go with these two, regardless of what operations they undertake. Some might say pharmaceutical industry, but that's more domestic, the other two fit into the global scheme more. If you look at the Cold War, look at the period afterward before 9/11, look at 9/11 and the aftermath, the involvement of the MIC is not something that you need a whistleblower to uncover!

Edmonds directs our attention to a graph that shows military spending from 1962 to present day. It's a very revealing graph, we see a large rise throughout the Cold War, a drop during the 90's and the subsequent spike after 9/11 and the Iraq War. If you look at the top ten companies of the Military-Industrial Complex, Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, Northrup-Grumman, their existence is dependent on a fear factor. That fear factor during the Cold War was Communism, equaling trillions of dollars. Communism's collapse and the end of the Cold War was the MIC's "WTF!" moment. With The Monster gone, what happens to all the profits derived from the fear of it? You're talking about some very nervous people during the 90's. The lesson learned: we're not going to create a monster that can be taken out, it must go on forever. The new threat is "like amoebas", they are all over, different countries, hidden in caves, and we must always be on alert. Going back to what her Dad asked, "How much are those bombs hitting those caves?" Three million dollars? Five million dollars? Who profits? How did they create this New Monster that never dies? Edmonds cites as very important the creation of the Project for the New American Century. If you look at the list of signatories, you see much more than just "the government" you see the true beneficiaries, the corporate heads that comprise the MIC. They knew they needed a new threat to scare us into keeping their industry bulked up. It has remained up since 9/11 because there are so many secret wars all over the map in the name of the War on Terror.

Corbett concurs with that assessment, noting how low the price of oil was during the 90's and how high it has risen since. Edmonds then cites Pepe Escobar's Pipelinestan as a good source mapping the oil trade in Central Asia. The companies involved are all looking down the road to where the industry will be 40 years from now. They know to protect their investments they'll need the military guarding the pipelines. We know we can't trust whatever despot or dictator is in charge, that's why they bring in the IMF and the World Bank in addition to the military. If you look at the US military bases erected since 2001, the vast majority are in oil-rich locations. Corbett adds these locations also intersect with major drug routes. Edmonds mentions she just wrote an article on how this is being done through Azerbaijan with the Turkish NATO actors. Since the Cold War, things have shifted from Russian control to where our control of the

- 2 - drug trade is over 90%. In that context, she also talks about how Baluchistan will never be economically feasible for China, because they don't control security in that region, we do.

Corbett then elaborates on the characters involved in Baluchistan, then cautions against using the word "we", that it is not done with our will, but these dark characters in positions of power like the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) acting in our name. He then mentions another organization like CFR not mentioned as much, the American Turkish Council (ATC). Edmonds corroborates how they are connected with her case, explaining how they were set up to act much like the American Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) does, and were created in 1995 by and Douglas Feith. In 1989, Richard Perle, while a government advisor, set up a lobby group for Turkey setting himself up as a foreign agent. This became a huge scandal when discovered in 1994, because you're not allowed to be a foreign agent while working for the government! Thus, ATC was created by Perle and Feith. Edmonds says it's not just her word, the Justice Department has identified the ATC as the top FBI target in her case, some operations involving heroin, others terror. Once again, if you look at the top players in ATC, you see people connected with the MIC and oil companies. That is their ultimate boss, not the Turkish or US government. They serve as subcontractors getting US tax dollars in the hundreds of millions that gets diverted from its intended purpose for nefarious ends like money laundering, weapons smuggling, drugs and terror. Again, who do they really serve?! Who does the CIA serve? Look who established it, the major players. She mentions she read a book about the Rockefellers and was surprised how many family members worked for the CIA. These powers serve a shadow government, there objective is to promote US businesses at the behest of the MIC. It's irrelevant who is President, who is in charge of specific agencies, it's this collection of top tier people working inside and outside the government for the MIC. Corbett reiterates that it is a revolving door through which these people work inside and outside the government. Edmonds uses that point to illustrate how Henry Kissinger was tapped to be the original chair of the 9/11 Commission. In 2-3 days, the Jersey Girls were able to find out how Kissinger actually representing bin Laden family members! Again, look at who gave these people the power to get into government agencies, then look where they go when they leave.

After encouraging people to check out the links referencing this material, Corbett asks Edmonds if she has anything to say to wrap up the subject before moving on to viewer questions. She mentions news they both broke 15 months ago on how Jordan is being used as a seat of operations for NATO against Syria. Now it's headline news in The Guardian. This is not an aberration, typically the news gets out but is not reported, you have to pay attention to be on top of the situation. Part of the problem with our news cycle is an addiction to scandals; unless a whistleblower comes forward, it's not sensational enough, it gets ignored, or if one does come forward, the revelation isn't big enough or exciting enough to sustain the average viewer interest. Our nation has an attention deficit disease! There's no "smoking gun" that's going to reveal the whole criminal enterprise at once, but it's all out there, you don't need a whistleblower to find it, you just need to pay attention and dig deeper, do your own research!

Corbett then addresses an email sent from Hannah who asks, "I'm curious about the importance of the B-T-C oil pipeline, which takes oil from Russia's backyard through Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey bound for Western refineries. Could Mrs. Edmonds comment on any collaboration there may have been between Western oil interests and Gladio B forces in terms of bringing this

- 3 - pipeline to fruition?" She doesn't have much info, but advises to remember how Russia is still a big player in all this. They've got the power to tell the Ukraine they're not getting gas, then shut it off. So there are a lot of European powers supporting US interests as a result, for which the US is willing to throw out some crumbs to divide and conquer. The Europeans know this, they just don't want to put all their eggs in one basket.

The request for a contest for the best synopsis of this interview series is mentioned again by Corbett, with the caveat that while he won't be holding an actual contest, he appreciates all attempts to condense this endeavor. He mentions his own efforts to do so, including a podcast titled Gladio Revisited as well as other links on his site. He highlights the efforts of this blog, American Judas, praising the "good job" I've done synopsizing and analyzing, then asks my question, "In Part Two, Sibel mentioned that the Pentagon doesn't call it Gladio B, but there is a designated section, a physical office that deals with Gladio operations. Can she tell us what the actual name is, or has she been gagged from doing so on the grounds of State Secrets?" Edmonds says the FBI calls it Operation Gladio Plan B. She can't name the Pentagon division, since that info hasn't been made public, but if she did, that division would be very familiar. She can say the division is filled with NATO officers ranking Lieutenant Colonel and higher and that it has the highest percentage of Turkish officers. In closing, she points out "we are making some people very nervous". Before broadcast of the first interview, she googled Turkey Operation Gladio NATO Central Asia, there were hardly any hits. If you do that today, there's been a huge increase. This alone has made some people "way up there" very nervous, this kind of attention could make a certain operation too public, with too much visibility. Edmonds then asks, "How many whistleblowers have we had from NATO?" We've had none publicly, but privately she has been contacted by someone who retired from the NATO Belgium office in 2003 or 2004 who provided a signed affidavit to help her with information on the Dickerson case. But it isn't done publicly because it's just too dangerous. So the more eyes that look into this, the more we will understand why the world works the way it does. The powers in charge will do their best to sow confusion, but the more we dig and gain awareness, the greater the opportunity we can unite in action against this.

Part Six Analysis:

"Follow the money." I wonder if Sibel Edmonds' father was a fan of All The President's Men. Of course, when talking about Watergate, I can't help but think of how Nixon tried to cover it up by telling H.R. Haldeman that looking into this would open up "the whole Bay of Pigs thing". Haldeman believed that this was a code for the JFK assassination. Many people believe that JFK was assassinated by the Military-Industrial-Complex, in fact the testimony of Col. L. Fletcher Prouty in his books The Secret Team and JFK: The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy is the basis for the character X played by Donald Sutherland in the Oliver Stone movie JFK who explains why President Kennedy was a threat to the MIC. There was a "disastrous rise of misplaced power" as President Eisenhower warned us, and Sibel Edmonds in this interview does a great job of explaining how it still exists today.

One thing that I really appreciated from this interview is the links provided accompanying the information Edmonds is talking about. I linked in the synopsis for the graph on military spending since 1962, plus the top 10 MIC companies. But there's also a great link on the 25

- 4 - biggest defense companies spearheading the MIC. There is also a fantastic link on the American Turkish Council and similar "subcontractors" operating in the Central Asia and Caucuses region, a link to more on Richard Perle's dark deeds as well as other important links worth checking out.

All right, let's get to what's really exciting for me on a personal level: what is the identity of this mysterious Pentagon division that Sibel Edmonds can't reveal by name? She certainly lists some tantalizing clues. Now, while I've been independently investigating deep political machinations for going on a decade, that doesn't mean my initial approach was not completely devoid of naivete. I thought I could just go to the Department of Defense website, browse through personnel listings and determine which division had the highest percentage of officers with Turkish names. Take a look, it's not going to be that easy. So, I decided to look closer at the clues she left behind. What division in the Pentagon is "very familiar" to me? After looking through a chart of DOD organizations, one name that stood out as very familiar, if somewhat sinister, is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). When you're talking about DARPA, the discussion can devolve into low or High Weirdness, depending on your point of view. Everything from mind control, which I find plausible, to time travel, which I don't. But it's not all theoretical where DARPA's power is concerned, they deserve credit for the development of GPS and the internet, James Corbett himself did an entire show on the subject.

But after further research, I don't think DARPA is the division Sibel speaks of. DARPA is an agency, not specifically a division. So to try looking for more clues, I decided to go back to the person she said was working for NATO in Part One who went to her home to try to recruit her into this sinister nexus, Douglas Dickerson. I reread the chapter in her book about the incident, and my jaw hit the floor when I read this paragraph on page 63 of Classified Woman by Sibel Edmonds:

We sipped our drinks and made small talk for about 15 minutes. "Doug" briefly talked about his background and current position with the U.S. Air Force and Defense Intelligence Agency, under the procurement logistics division at the Pentagon, which dealt with Turkey and Turkic-speaking Central Asian countries: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. And, he casually added, he was part of a team at the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans overseeing Central Asian policies and operations. (emphasis added)

Reading this on the subway this morning, I can't imagine how bug-eyed my face must have looked. The Office of Special Plans?! The entire Part Two section of American Judas 2nd Edition: INVESTIGATE CHENEY & UNRAVEL THE CABAL was devoted to the Office of Special Plans! I'll quote a relevant portion about who they are and what they've done:

Part Two: The Office of Special Plans

“WHIG, and its intention to sell an unnecessary war to a shell-shocked public, is only half the story. The other half of the manipulative sales team could be found in the neighborhood occupied by the Department of Defense. The Office of Special Plans, or OSP, was created by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld specifically to second-guess

- 5 - and reinterpret intelligence data to justify war in Iraq. Think of it like baseball: the OSP pitched, and WHIG caught.

The OSP was on no government payroll and suffered no Congressional oversight. Their tainted information and interpretations overtopped the Iraq data being provided by the State Department and CIA. The OSP was able to accomplish this thanks to devoted patronage from high-ranking members of the administration, most prominently Vice- President Cheney.

The highest levels of the OSP were staffed by heavy-hitters like Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith and William Luti, a former Navy officer who worked for Cheney before joining the Pentagon. When the OSP wanted to intimidate analysts into shaping conclusions to fit the already-made war decision, Cheney went to CIA headquarters on unprecedented visits. Once there, he demanded "forward-leaning" interpretations of the evidence. When Cheney was unable to go to the CIA, his chief of staff, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, went in his place.

That's it, right there. Mr. Libby may be a target of Mr. Fitzgerald, but no one should forget the trips Cheney personally made to Langley in order to wring war-supporting evidence out of the analysts. He went himself. His fingerprints are all over the scene”.

-William Rivers Pitt

The catching part of Mr. Pitt’s baseball analogy, WHIG, was set up by White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card in August of 2002 and chaired by Karl Rove in the wake of what has come to be known as the Downing Street Memo. Weeks earlier on July 23, George W. Bush perceptibly shifted in London by wanting to remove Saddam through military action justified by terror links and WMD. With the formation of WHIG, Bush could publicly proclaim his commitment to diplomatic solutions to Iraq through the UN, while WHIG would highlight his real intentions through the justifications set on Downing Street, couched in “smoking gun” and “mushroom cloud” metaphors. While these scare tactics easily cowed a Congress still shaken by the events of September 11 only one year earlier into giving Bush authority to attack Iraq if he felt it was warranted, the UN looked for proof. The IAEA found the opposite on March 7, 2003, when Dr. Mohammed El Baradei told the UN the documents of the purported sale of uranium from Niger to Iraq were forgeries. The following day, as Joseph Wilson describes in pages 325-327 of his book The Politics of Truth, a “workup” was done for the Office of the Vice President, the objective of which was to figure out how to discredit Wilson, who had already reported how phony the story in the Niger Forgeries was to the CIA the previous year.

So where exactly did the OSP get their “forward-leaning” intelligence on Iraq to pitch to WHIG? Certainly Doug Feith, who General Tommy Franks referred to as the “fucking stupidest guy on the planet”, couldn’t have interpreted it all. Instead, Feith allowed OSP to become an open, unfiltered conduit to the White House in some very provocative ways.

- 6 - One colorful example is that they forged close ties to a parallel, ad hoc intelligence operation inside Ariel Sharon's office in Israel specifically to bypass Mossad and provide the Bush administration with more alarmist reports on Saddam's Iraq than Mossad was prepared to authorize. It is believed they were responsible for reports in mid 2003 that the reason why the fictional WMD were missing was because they had been moved to Syria.,2763,999737,00.html

But prior to the war in 2001, Feith needed people he could trust to sift through raw intelligence to shape the story that the inquisitive Cheney and OSP creators Rumsfeld and his deputy secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz wanted to hear.

The answer was to delegate the task to a loyal pair called the Counter Terrorism Evaluation Group (CTEG), or the “Wurmser-Maloof” project. Feith didn’t create this group all by himself; he had help recruiting one member by a Middle East specialist named Harold Rhode. This member was , the director of Middle East studies for the neo-conservative organization American Enterprise Institute. Together with F. Michael Maloof, a former aide to Richard Perle, they head a secret intelligence unit, though neither are intelligence professionals. This four- to five- person unit, a “B Team” commissioned by Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, use powerful computers and software to scan and sort already-analyzed documents and reports from the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, and other agencies in an effort to consider possible interpretations and angles of analysis that these agencies may have missed due to deeply ingrained biases and out-of-date worldviews.

Perhaps Wurmser’s best qualification for this job, in the eyes of his neo-con associates, was the paper he wrote in 1996 titled "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm". It advised then-Israeli Prime Minister "to work closely with Turkey and Jordan to contain, destabilize, and roll-back" regional threats, help overthrow Saddam Hussein, and strike "Syrian military targets in Lebanon" and possibly in Syria proper. Coauthors of the report included his wife Meyrav Wurmser, Richard Perle and Doug Feith. In addition, Wurmser worked on a strategy document in 2000 published by Daniel Pipe's Middle East Forum and Ziad Abdelnour's U.S. Committee for a Free Lebanon that advocated a wider U.S. role in Lebanon. The study, "Ending Syria's Occupation of Lebanon: The U.S. Role?" called for the to force Syria from Lebanon and to disarm it of its alleged weapons of mass destruction. It also argued that "Syrian rule in Lebanon stands in direct opposition to American ideals" and criticized the United States for engaging rather than confronting the regime. Among the documents signers were several soon-to-be Bush administration figures, including Elliott Abrams, Douglas Feith, Michael Rubin, and Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs Paula Dobriansky. Other signers included Richard Perle, Michael Ledeen, and Frank Gaffney. syria.htm Finally, there was the paper he wrote in 2001 titled ‘Middle East "War:" How Did It Come to This?’ To quote Wurmser, "Israel and the United States should adopt a coordinated strategy to regain the initiative and reverse their regionwide strategic retreat. They should broaden the conflict to strike fatally, not merely disarm, the centers of

- 7 - radicalism in the region—the regimes of Damascus, Baghdad, Tripoli, Tehran, and Gaza. That would reestablish the recognition that fighting with either the United States or Israel is suicidal." Wurmser was moved into the State Department, and then became Middle East advisor to Dick Cheney.

aloof, a former journalist, has had a hard time hanging on to a security clearance; a necessity if one is to analyze classified documents. He was stripped of his security clearance in November of 2003 for being associated with a Lebanese-American businessman under federal investigation for possible involvement in a gun-running scheme to Liberia, the West African nation embroiled in civil war. The businessman, Imad El Haje, approached Maloof on behalf of Syria to seek help in arranging a communications channel between Syria and the Defense Department. He was also reportedly involved in a bizarre scheme to broker contacts between Iraqi officials and the Pentagon, channeled through Richard Perle, in what one report called a 'rogue operation' outside official CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency channels. http://www.sw- But what is even more intriguing, in light of Patrick Fitzgerald’s grand jury investigation into the leak of Valerie Plame’s CIA identity, is the previous occasion Maloof had his security clearance revoked in December 2001. The following April, James Risen reported in The New York Times, “Several intelligence professionals say he came under scrutiny because of suspicions that he had leaked classified information in the past to the news media, a charge that Mr. Maloof denies.” His connections with the news media is significant in light of this quote from Frank Foer of New York Magazine on Judy Miller: “In particular, Miller is said to have depended on a controversial neocon in Feith’s office named Michael Maloof.” This is the same Judy Miller that Fitzgerald charged with contempt of court who spent 85 days in jail for refusing to testify that Scooter Libby revealed Plame’s identity to her.

Yet in spite of all these shenanigans, Maloof remained on "special detail" to Feith until August 2004, three years after his security clearance was revoked. The result is that the OSP got what Cheney called “forward-leaning” interpretations of intelligence, or what others have called cooking the books. James Risen of the New York Times wrote that Wurmser, Feith and Maloof culled classified material, often uncorroborated CIA data, uncovering what Maloof calls 'tons of raw intelligence' that two were 'stunned' to find was not mentioned in CIA's finished reports. The CTEG saw new alliances among Islamic terrorists such as Shiites and Sunnis and secular Arab regimes and gave senior Bush administration figures conclusions connecting Iraq and al Qaeda, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. Some intelligence experts charge the CTEG had a secret agenda to justify war and was staffed with people handpicked by conservatives like Richard Perle to justify preordained conclusions. Patrick Lang says those brought in were not analysts but people who would deliver desired opinions; chart showing links between Feith, Maloof, Wurmser and Richard Perle, head of DoD intelligence Stephen Cambone, leader

- 8 - of Iraqi National Congress (INC) Ahmad Chalabi and top officials briefed by unit: Undersecretary of State John Bolton, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, CIA Dir George Tenet, national security adviser Stephen Hadley and Scooter Libby. syria.htm

But above all, Dick Cheney was CTEG’s patron. He had the group present its material at the Office of the Vice President (OVP) and the National Security Council. He made frequent public remarks, drawing on CTEG conclusions, alleging an al-Qaeda/Saddam connection. Even after the 9/11 Commission delivered its verdict that there was no collaborative relationship between the two sides, Cheney announced that the evidence of the Bin Laden-Baghdad ties was “overwhelming”. John Hannah, a Cheney aide who became the Vice President’s national security adviser after Libby’s resignation, recycled some of the material into a draft of the speech Secretary of State Colin Powell was to give at the United Nations in February 2003 – a draft that Powell threw out, calling it “bullshit”. The link between OVP and OSP is William Luti. He had come to run the Pentagon's Near East and South Asia Affairs section (NESA) directly from the office of Vice President Cheney. According to Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, who was working at NESA in 2002, she recalls one meeting in which Luti, pressed to finish a report, told the staff, "I've got to get this over to 'Scooter' right away." She later found out that "Scooter" was none other than Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Cheney's chief of staff. According to Kwiatkowski, Cheney had direct ties through Luti into NESA/OSP, a connection that was highly unorthodox. "Never, ever, ever would a deputy undersecretary of Defense work directly on a project for the vice president," she says. "It was a little clue that we had an informal network into Vice President Cheney's office."

This seems like the perfect milieu within which to run Operation Gladio Plan B. To be clear, this is a working hypothesis based on the clues Sibel Edmonds had provided in the interview and her book. I don't have the proof yet, but if I were to ask Sibel another question, I would ask whether Doug Dickerson was part of the same Office of Special Plans that was run by Doug Feith, who just in case you forgot, was one of three officials, the other two are Richard Perle and Marc Grossman, targeted by both Valerie Plame's Brewster Jennings & Associates CIA team and a major FBI investigation of organized crime and governmental corruption on which Sibel Edmonds was working on prior to her termination in April 2002. I'm not sure if OSP is actually the division dealing with Gladio operations or if it is the DIA "procurement logistics division at the Pentagon" that Dickerson worked for. But I believe I'm close to the truth. Close enough to make people "way up there... very nervous". If you google "Turkey Operation Gladio NATO Central Asia" today, you'll see Part One of my synopsis/analysis is right below Sibel Edmonds' website. So if that spotlight shakes up powerful people, so be it. This dangerous nucleus of Machiavellian manipulators are the last people on Earth who deserve to sleep easy at night.

Will there be a Part Seven? Stay tuned!

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