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1-2-3 Magia (VHS) Summary: Este programa bien probado por los años presenta, paso a paso, ideas sobre disciplinar a niños de 2 a 12 anos sin gritar, discutir, o azotar = This video features a program that provides steps for disciplining children without arguing or spanking.

1-2-3 Magic: Managing Children's Difficult Behavior (DVD & VHS) Summary: Clinical psychologist Thomas W. Phelan explains to and teachers how to deal gently and fairly with the obnoxious behaviour of young children and how to recognize and manage the six kinds of testing and manipulation.

Abuso Infantil Y Negligencia: Una Guia Para Prevencion Y Reporte Para Padres (VHS) Summary: This video will teach about the different forms of abuse, the various indicators, and how to report abuse to authorities.

Abuso Infantil Y Negligencia: Una Guia Para Prevencion Y Reporte Para Las Guarderias De Ninos (VHS) Summary: This video will teach about the different forms of abuse, the various indicators, and how to report abuse to authorities.

Accepting The Challenges Of Fatherhood (VHS) Summary: The videos focus on the need for a strong male influence in every child's life.

All Men Are Sons: Exploring The Legacy Of Fatherhood (DVD & VHS) Summary: A documentary which follows five men from diverse backgrounds over the course of one year, as each explores his relationship with his father.

Aprovechando Los Momentos Cotidianos: 15 Puntos De 60 Segundos De La Crianza Desde El Nacimiento Hasta Los 5 Años De Edad (DVD) Summary: Esta colección de puntos de 60 segundos representa escenas de la vida real y motiva a los padres a estar dispuestos a apoyar el desarrollo de sus niños y hacer conexiones con ellos que duren siempre. Los temas incluyen: la comunicación; reconocer y valorarlas emociones; cómo aprenden los niños; destrezas de la pre alfabetización; conexiones seguras; los efectos del estrés.

Last Update: April 2010 Baby’s First Year (DVD) Summary: This video provides a roadmap for parents and caregivers to help them understand a baby's first 12 months of life. Included in this presentation is the identification of key developmental issues, with specific regard to the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual growth an infant undergoes during his or her first year. Interviews with experts in the field of help to further educate the viewer on how to successfully navigate through this critical time in a child's life.

Building Assets In Youth: The Power Of Positive Youth Development (VHS) Summary: Dr. Peter Benson shows how building assets in youth is key to helping them thrive and grow up healthy. Demonstrates how communities contribute to youth development.

Building Blocks For Successful Parenting (VHS) Summary: This video series helps parents with preschool children address the issues so important in the early years. Parents will gain a better understanding and learn effective steps and techniques in handling the experiences and situations that are the essence of this age group. Each program will equip parents with the building blocks that support successful parenting and successful kids.

Calm Down And Follow The Moves (For Parents) (VHS) Summary: In this video the hosts show parents the difference between confronting children in and using the six-step process to really help kids stay away from drugs.

Challenging Behaviors In Young Children: Techniques And Solutions (DVD) Summary: Live footage shows teachers effectively defusing crisis situations including tantrums, fighting, noncompliance, separation anxiety and other inappropriate behavior.

Child Abuse & Neglect: A Prevention And Reporting Guide For Caregivers (VHS) Summary: This video will teach about the different forms of abuse, the various indicators, and how to report abuse to authorities.

The Child From 1 to 3 (DVD) Summary: The transition from infant to toddler is a dramatic one. As physical, emotional, and social skills develop at this important time, parents and caregivers alike need to be aware of the important role that they during the growth process. This video offers an easy-to-follow guided tour through a developing child's early years of life. Advice from experts in the childcare field provides additional insight into this formative period of human development.

The Child From 4 to 6 (DVD) Summary: Experts agree that the ways in which we develop in childhood have a strong effect on our later lives. This video depicts child development from the ages of 4 to 6, the years in which a child practices and fine-tunes motor skills and coordination, tests physical abilities, and experiences the onset of demanding physical, emotional, and social changes and challenges. Included is the first year of school, in which children must adjust to a new environment that should encourage, inspire, and direct their intellectual development. The influence of parents and caregivers is all-important during these early years in order for a child to successfully reach his or her developmental milestones.

The Child From 7 to 12 (DVD) Summary: Although children 7 to 12 still need their physical safety and health protected, they also require strong role models, boundaries, and positive feedback to develop fully. This video

Last Update: April 2010 will take the viewer through two stages: (1) middle childhood, when children build on what they learned in early childhood, and (2) early , when children begin to undergo the changes associated with puberty. During these years, children typically pull away from the unit and pay more attention to peers. While the influence of adults may seem less important than during earlier periods, it is still vital that parents and caregivers learn to monitor and better understand each of the stages a child undergoes at this time.

Child Maltreatment (VHS) Summary: Part 1 defines neglect and discusses characteristics of negligent parents or guardians. Discusses effects of neglect on children of different ages and describes the nonorganic failure-to-thrive syndrome. Delineates activities that are deemed sexually abusive, the characteristics of perpetrators and victims, the phases of sexual abuse, and the physical and behavioral signs. Concludes by discussing the effects of sexual abuse on children. Summary: Part 2 defines psychological abuse and discusses its effects on children. Discusses characteristics of adults who physically abuse children and illustrates common physical signs of adult-inflicted injuries. Discusses effects of physical abuse on children's emotional and social development. Concludes by identifying women during pregnancy and in the postpartum period who may be at risk for maltreating their children.

A Child With Special Needs (DVD) Summary: of children with special needs share their stories to help others in similar circumstances understand that, while every child is unique, there are common experiences, emotions, and challenges they are likely to encounter as they work to help their child.

The Children Are Watching (VHS) Summary: A must-see for anyone who has ever wondered, "Why does my child act like this?". 'The children are watching' reveals the unintentional but often destructive impact of parents' behavior on their children.

Children With Disrupted Attachment (DVD, series) A secure attachment system forms the foundation for a child's development. The often devastating impact of disrupted or insecure attachment on children's sense of self, and on their capacity to form attachments with new caregivers, can pose major challenges for foster and adoptive parents, as well as therapists and group staff. In this video series, the presenters describe the impact of disrupted attachment on the ways that children see themselves and interact with others, and how adults can respond most effectively. They explore such topics as setting limits, avoiding power struggles, providing structure, and building a trusting relationship. Their observations are reinforced by the accounts of foster and adoptive parents, group home staff, and former foster children.

Common Concerns Of Parents Of Young Children (VHS) Summary: Several parents express some universal concerns they have regarding their young children. Dr. Angelo Bolea, Child Psychologist, Dr. Daniel Levy, Pediatrician and representative for American Academy of , and Dr. Fran Bond offer comforting and common sense suggestions about how to stimulate infants simply by talking to them; how to handle the new independence and associated tantrums two-year-olds exhibit; turning sibling rivalry into sharing; and how to deal with death with young children by keeping explanations simple.

The Context Of Vulnerability (VHS) Summary: Discusses factors in the child, the family, the environment, and the culture itself that causes young children to be vulnerable to inadequate parenting, abuse, and neglect. Discusses

Last Update: April 2010 resiliency in children. Details measure that professionals can take to assist children who are at risk.

Cooperative Parenting & Divorce: Shielding Children From Conflict: A Video And Educational Program (VHS) Summary: This program gives divorcing parents the power to make positive changes that shield their children from parental conflict and guide them into establishing a long-term relationship with the child's other .

Cuidado Infantil De Calidad: Haciendo Lo Mejor Para Usted Y Para Su Hijo (DVD, VHS) Summary: Este video incluye informacion sobre: por que una guarderia infantil de calidad es importante para el saludable desarrollo de su hijo, que es lo que usted deber buscar al seleccionar una guarderia infantil, preguntas a realizar en una guarderia infantil potencial, preguntas a hacerse usted mismo sobre el lugar adecuado del la guarderia infantil, informacion importante que debe comunicar a la persona encargada de cuidar a su hijo = Includes information on why quality is important for your child's healthy development, what you should look for when choosing child care, questions to ask a potential caregiver, questions to ask yourself when looking at a child care setting, and important information to communicate to your caregiver.

The Dad Difference: Raising Children Birth To Five (DVD & VHS) Summary: Volume 1 covers topics which include: the father's role in pregnancy, birth and infancy; balancing finances; postpartum depression; intimacy and caring for one's partner; the benefits of breastfeeding; SIDS; illness; crying; shaken baby syndrome; and coping with frustration. Volume 2 discusses child development; health and safety; setting limits; having personal goals and finding support; dealing with one's own father; resolving relationship conflict; making work more father-friendly; and and long-distance fathers. Also available in Spanish.

Daddy & Papa (VHS) Summary: A documentary exploring the personal, cultural, and political impact of gay men who are making a decision that is at once traditional and revolutionary: to raise children themselves. Taking us inside four gay male families, this documentary traces the critical issues that inevitably intersect their private lives, the ambiguous place of interracial families in America, the wonder and precariousness of and , the complexities of and divorce within the gay community, and the legality of their own parenthood.

Dads Make A Difference (DVD) Summary: Covers the following topics: Understanding the problem/father hunger -- The involved father: impact on child development -- The importance of father's approval: building a self- concept -- Dads and discipline: teaching self-control -- Dads as teachers and role models -- How dads benefit from active parenting -- Conclusion: creating a legacy.

Developing Teen Parenting Skills (VHS) Summary: Provides teenage parents with tips on bonding with their children, coping with stress, continuing their education, and creating a safe home environment for children.

Discipline: Teaching Limits With (DVD) Summary: Setting limits is not , but a loving way to teach a child how to control his or her own behavior. Included is information on: why a child actually looks for limits; techniques for setting effective limits from the start; why a firm but gentle approach is the most effective;

Last Update: April 2010 managing your own emotions and avoiding physical punishment; why the limits children learn in their first few years build a foundation for the rest of their lives.

Different Moms (VHS) Summary: Different Moms introduces you to three mothers with developmental disabilities. It tells their stories, their struggles and their joys in bringing up children. Different Moms also shows the huge difference community-based support for developmentally disabled parents can make in the lives of parents and their children.

La Disciplina: Ensenando Límites Con Amor (DVD & VHS) Summary: La disciplina establecer los límites - es uno de los retos más difíciles que enfrentan los padres. En este vídeo, la Dra. Antonia C. Novello, antigua Cirujana General de los Estados Unidos, muestra a los padres que establecer límites no es un castigo, sino una forma amorosa de ensenarle al nino a controlar su conducta = Discipline establishes limits: it is one of the most difficult challenges which parents face. In this video, Dr. Antonia Novello, former U.S. Surgeon General shows parents that setting limits is not punishing a child, but teaching him to control his behavior.

Divided Loyalties (VHS) Summary: When mothers and fathers are too young, too ill or too consumed by addiction to raise their own children, grandparents are taking over as parents. Explores the challenges and rewards of grandparents as parents.

Effects Of Divorce (VHS) Summary: Discusses the negative effects of divorce, such as reduced parenting and changes in lifestyle, on children. Describes signs of emotional trauma in children from infancy to early school-age, the harmful effects of parental conflict, and offers guidelines for helping children cope with divorce.

Emotion Coaching (DVD) Summary: Helps parents understand the importance of valuing emotions, both in children and in themselves. Begins by asking parents, "How do you feel about emotions?" which helps to answer the next question: "How do you parent?".

Entérate! (VHS) Summary: This video offers suggestions for parents about what they can do to prevent drug use and how to act if they find out their children are already using drugs.

Exercise With Daddy & Me (VHS) Summary: This workout program for new dads and their babies contains a warm-up with baby, circle time, arm & ab work out for dad with baby, cool down stretch and infant massage, as well as dads sharing their experiences of new fatherhood and medical experts' advice.

A Fair Chance: Parents With Developmental Disabilities (VHS) Summary: This video takes you inside the homes and lives of six parents who have various types of developmental disabilities

Families Talk About... Fathers Matter (VHS) Summary: Introduces urban fathers - married, single and divorced -who reflect on what it means to be a father, their influence on the next generation, and new roles, challenges, and opportunities for fathers in a changing society.

Last Update: April 2010 Fatherhood USA: Part 1: Dedicated, Not Deadbeat (VHS) Summary: Looks at several fathers in Baltimore and Boston and the community-based programs supporting them.

Fatherhood USA: Part 2: Juggling Family And Work (VHS) Summary: Focuses on three men in intact families coping with a workplace that isn't always family friendly.

Fatherhood USA: Part 3: Fatherhood Workshop (VHS) Summary: Covers the importance of fathers, father-mother communication, juggling social work and family, and fathers and social support.

Fathering: Bonding Through Play (VHS) Summary: Featuring Dr. Ron Klinger and Alphonso Rincón, this program highlights the importance of fathers bonding with infants and toddlers. The videos include one training tape in English aimed at professionals and one tape for fathers in English and Spanish.

Fatherless In America (VHS) Summary: Focusing on the fact that 40% of American children live in homes where their father is not present, the program looks at this problem, at its causes and effects, from poverty to , as well as at some efforts to reverse the trend toward fatherlessness in America.

First Year Milestones: A Monthly Guide To Your Baby’s Growth (DVD) Summary: This engaging program illustrates the physical, emotional, and linguistic milestones of the first year, and it includes corresponding brain development and safety information throughout. Also available in Spanish.

The First Years Last Forever (DVD) Summary: The new research in brain development tells us of the vital importance of the relationship between caregiver and child in the critical first years of life. New parents have a wonderful opportunity to help their child reach their full potential.

Food And Fitness Matter: Raising Healthy, Active Kids (DVD) Summary: Food and Fitness Matter provides parents with the information and support they need to improve children's health and wellness.

For The Child: Information On Mental Health And Advocacy For Resource Parents (DVD) Summary: This program aims to help foster parents and kinship care providers: understand the most common children's mental health problems; navigate the local mental health service delivery system; develop alliances with birth parents, school systems, mental health providers & caseworkers; feel increased comfort with seeking mental health services; recognize the rights and responsibilities of foster children, birth parents, kinship providers, foster parents and caseworkers; identify who to call, what to say, and where to go to obtain the right services; and be an effective advocate for the children in their care.

Foster Kids, Our Kids (VHS) Summary: Originally aired as a television documentary, this program presents teens talking about their experience with . Includes an interview with Mark E. Courntey, Executive Director of Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago.

Last Update: April 2010 Getting Men Involved In Childcare, Education And Social Work (VHS) Summary: This educational program provides School Administrators, Educators and Caregivers information about developing male recruitment and involvement programs. It details the challenges of recruiting men, strategies for successful male involvement, and cites successful programs.

Getting Men Involved: Young Men As Fathers: For Educators And Caregivers (VHS) Summary: Provides suggestions for recruiting and retaining young men as fathers and mentors. Viewers learn how to set up and implement effective programs that encourage young fathers to participate in the lives of their children, regardless of their individual circumstances. Also discusses myths, challenges and outreach issues.

Golpes Y Gritos . . . Como Evitarlos (VHS) Summary: Spanish version of "Shaking, hitting, spanking". Designed to teach parents alternatives to corporal punishment with positive and effective behavior management techniques and attitudes.

The Happiest Baby On The Block: The New Way To Calm Crying And Help Your Baby Sleep Longer (DVD) Summary: Dr. Harvey Karp demonstrates what he calls the five S's, techniques for calming crying newborn babies. The techniques used independently or together help simulate the conditions in the womb. They are swaddling, side or stomach position, shushing, swinging, and sucking.

The Happiest Toddler On The Block (DVD) Summary: Noted pediatrician and child development expert Harvey Karp teaches parents how to cope with their toddlers. Includes tips on how to calm outbursts, stop most tantrums before they start, and build a loving and respectful relationship with their child.

Healthy Steps For Teen Parents (DVD) Summary: Teens get practical advice from their peers for all stages of pregnancy, labor and birth, and postpartum.

Helping Parents Understand Their Newborn: The Clinical Neonatal Assessment Scale (DVD) Summary: Discusses the Clinical Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale, which can be used by parents, clinicians and educators in hospital encounters and home settings during the first three months of life to develop relationships between babies and their caregivers.

Holding Our Own: Strategies During Pregnancy And Motherhood To Stop Smoking (VHS) Summary: Pregnant women and mothers share their personal strategies on quitting smoking. Health care providers explain symptoms of withdrawal, suggest alternatives to smoking, and offer tips and advice about smoking cessation.

Homeboys: My Daddy's In Jail (VHS) Summary: Young men talk about dealing drugs, being part of gangs, and losing their closest friends to violence.

The Importance Of Fatherhood. [Part] 2, Disappearance Of The Father (VHS) Summary: This is the second video in a series of three. This one cites figures which indicate that America is increasingly becoming a fatherless nation and the societal factors that are contributing to this phenomenon. Focuses on the reasons many non-custodial fathers gradually

Last Update: April 2010 drop out of their children's lives and the detrimental effects of this on the children and on society as a whole. The role of the stepfather is also examined.

The Importance Of Fatherhood. [Part] 1, Life With Father (VHS) Summary: This is the first video in a series of three. It discusses the role of the father from the time of conception and compares parenting behaviors of mothers and fathers. Surveys the historical roles of fathers and then discusses particular aspects of the contemporary roles. Examines in some depth the unique contribution of fathers to their children's development. David Blankenhorn comments on issues of protection, sponsorship, and breadwinning.

The Importance Of Fatherhood. [Part] 3, Life Without Father (VHS) Summary: This is the third and last video in a series of three. It addresses the emotional effects of fatherlessness and the difficulty of separating these from the trauma of family disruption such as divorce. Also discusses some of the destabilizing events in a child's life resulting from a marital breakup. Describes the effects of fatherlessness on children's school performance and behavior, and later development. Concludes by discussing some strategies to counter the flight of fathers from their families.

Internet Predators: Preventing The Attack Against Our Kids (DVD) Summary: Instructive look at the dangers kids may face on the Internet and what parents can do about it.

Journeyman: A Documentary About Rites Of Passage, Mentoring, And Male Culture In America (DVD) Summary: Journeyman focuses on the worlds of two boys, Mike and Joe, from fatherless households, who are in the throes of dealing with gangs, violence, and depression. It introduces their mentors, who struggle to get the boys to open up, and are ultimately rewarded as the matches really take off. Viewers will also hear from some of the nation’s leading experts on "boy culture," who illuminate many of the cultural and societal barriers to boys' success. In the second half of the documentary we follow the boys and their mentors into the woods for group mentoring and rites-of-passage ceremonies. We also hear from program leaders and mentors on why they think many men are sometimes reluctant to mentor and why mentoring is an invaluable experience for men who choose to do it.

Keeping Your Kids Tobacco, Alcohol, And Drug Free (VHS) Summary: Describes prevention resources which are available to parents.

Lamaze: Lo Mejor Para Su Bebe (VHS) Summary: Provides information on the care of newborn infants for first-time parents, including techniques for breastfeeding, bathing, diapering, dressing, automobile safety, and well-baby visits to the doctor.

Let's Help Youth Stay Drug Free, Part IV: Parents: The First Line Of Defense In Prevention (VHS) Summary: Examines various risk and protective factors, including parental substance abuse, family management practices, and family bonding. Part IV also stresses the importance of parent-child communication and suggests ways for parents to encourage discussion of substance abuse with their children.

Last Update: April 2010 Life Skills For Teen Parents (DVD) Summary: Tells teen parents the truth about creating a promising future by finishing high school and waiting before having another baby. The first volume deals with creating healthy relationships with partners, family members and friends. The second volume shows young parents how to finish school, become financially responsible, set goals and achieve their dreams.

Life With Baby: Parenting From Birth To 12 Months (DVD) Summary: Drawing on the latest research in parenting, brain science, and child development, this DVD will help you learn how your baby's brain is developing, how to understand and respond to your baby's feelings, and how to connect in ways that will last a lifetime.

Life With Preschooler: Parenting From 3 To 5 Years (DVD) Summary: Drawing on research-based information on parenting, brain science, and child development, this DVD will show you how preschoolers think, feel and learn. Between ages 3 and 5, kids want to do things on their own. If you haven't heard "I can do it myself" yet, you soon will. Your job is to support your preschooler's independence, encourage them to try new things, and be there in case they need your help. Their confidence to meet new friends and try new things stems from the strength of your relationship.

Life With Toddler: Parenting From 1 To 3 Years (DVD) Summary: Drawing on the latest research in parenting, brain science, and child development, this DVD will show you how toddlers think, feel and learn. Between ages 1 and 3, your toddler grows in amazing ways; from walking to running, from a few words to a thousand, and from being totally dependent on you to wanting to do things on her own. This is a time when your child begins to explore and be independent. You can help by letting her know you will be there for her. When you respond in a positive, caring way, you are helping your child's brain grow in healthy ways. Your relationship with your child is the most important connection you can make.

Listos Para Aprender (DVD & VHS) Summary: Cuando usted sostiene a un bebé con amor y le habla, canta o le lee, la cercaniá emocional y las experiencias del lenguaje que usted le brinda son una parte importante en la preparacio*n del ninõ para cuando tenga edad suficiente para aisitir a la escuela. Existen muchas cosas que los padres y las personas encargadas de cuidar ninõs pueden hacer para ayudar a construir las habilidades literarias de los ninõs desde el momento que nacen. Summary: When you hold a baby and talk, sing or read to her, the emotional closeness and language experiences you provide are an important part of preparing her to learn when she is old enough for school. There are many things parents and caregivers can do to help build children's literacy skills from the time they are born.

Making Everyday Moments Count: 15 Sixty Second Spots On Parenting From Birth To 5 Years (DVD) Summary: This collection of 60-second spots depicts real-life scenarios and encourages parents to be there to support their child's development and connect in ways that will last forever. Topics include: communication; recognizing and valuing emotions; how children learn; pre-literacy skills; secure attachment; the effects of stress.

Mas 1-2-3 Magia (VHS) Summary: En este programa Dr. Thomas Phelan los explica como lograr que sus hijos hagan las cosas buenas que ustedes desean que ellos llevan a cabo, tales como el levantarse y alistarse por las mañanas, comer, irse a dormir y que recojan y limpien por si mismos=In this

Last Update: April 2010 program, Dr. Phelan explains how to get your children to do the things you want them to do such as getting up and out in the morning, eating, going to bed, and picking up after themselves

Medicating Kids (VHS) Summary: Frontline investigates the growing use of psychoactive drugs by children and the challenges of parenting and schooling in a world of high stress and increasing family disintegration.

Men: Caring For Young Children (VHS) Summary: Features interviews with men who work with young children and discusses what men bring to the child care profession.

Men In Children's Lives (VHS) Summary: Discusses the roles that men play in children's lives and how children benefit from having the unique perspective of men and women in their care and guidance.

More 1-2-3 Magic (DVD & VHS) Summary: Dr. Phelan explains how to get your children to do the good things you want them to do, such as getting up and out in the morning, eating, going to bed and picking up after themselves. The tape teaches strategies for encouraging your children's independence and healthy self-esteem.

My Wings Grow Powerful (VHS) Summary: Profiles the DARE To Be You preschool parent education program and curriculum.

New Fathers, New Lives (VHS) Summary: This program features a panel of four new fathers and a studio of forty more ... all with at least one child under a year old. These men share their feelings and experiences about juggling work and family.

Para El Niño: Informacíon Sobre Salud Mental Y Abogacia Para Padres De Crianza (DVD) Summary: Entienda los problemas mas comunes de salud mental en niños; Navegue el sistema local de servicios de salud mental; Desarrolle lazos con los padres biológicos, sistemas escolares, proveedores de salud mental y trabajadores de casos; Siéntase mas cómodo buscando servicios de salud mental; Reconozca los derechos y responsabilidades de los niños de crianza, padres biológicos, proveedores de cuidado familiar, padres de crianza y trabajadores de casos; Identifique a quien llamar, que decir, y donde ir para obtener los servicios adecuados para el niño(a) en su cuidado; Abogue efectivamente para los niños en su cuidado.

Parenthood: Are You Prepared? (DVD Summary: Parenthood is a very tough, long-term commitment. That's the take-home message of this information-packed video and guide, as viewers follow a diverse group of young parents, and a pregnant teen, through their daily tasks. The video is broken down into four sections: emotional preparation, physical preparation, financial preparation and social preparation. Program emphasizes key teaching points including: parenthood requires maturity; a stable home environment; a reprioritizing of your life, time and money. The cost of a child, from food to diapers, medical care, child care, education and beyond, is very expensive and can strain budgets. Teens will learn that being a parent is a demanding job that needs careful consideration before it happens.

Last Update: April 2010

Parenting And Recovery: The Challenges (VHS) Summary: Offers tips on how recovering parents can begin to rebuild relationships with their children.

Parenting Gay Teens: What You Should Know (DVD) Summary: This program presents answers from two kinds of experts: the professionals who work with gay kids and their parents, and the families who have lived through it. Explores the social, cultural and personal challenges straight parents and their kids face when the teens are gay.

Parenting Is Prevention: Building Healthy Families - Part I (VHS) Summary: Stresses the importance of parents' role in preventing alcohol and drug use in their children. Part I of this series outlines some of the key parenting practices that can have a preventive effect.

Parenting Is Prevention: Building Healthy Dialogue - Part II (VHS) Summary: Underscores the influence parents can have on their children and the decisions they make. Children discuss their concerns about alcohol and drugs.

Parenting Is Prevention: Building On The Past For A Healthy Future - Part III (VHS) Summary: Provides a unique look at how families and prevention have evolved since World War II. This retrospective examines the lessons we have learned and provide a broader, more informed perspective on prevention. Helps guide viewers toward healthier families and more effective prevention in the new millennium.

Parenting Is Prevention: Building Healthy Communities - Part IV (VHS) Summary: Explores the role of parents in creating safer environments for prevention to benefit all young people.

Parenting Puzzle: The Middle Years (VHS) Summary: Looks at parenting issues for the middle school years.

Parenting The Explosive Child (DVD) Summary: Drs. Greene and Ablon help parents understand the specific cognitive skill deficits that can impair a child's capacities for flexibility and frustration tolerance and provide step-by- step guidance on their approach for teaching these skills.

Parenting Works! (VHS) Summary: Designed to help parents of pre-school youngsters deal with the real-life challenges of parenting.

Parents On Board: Building Academic Success Through Parent Involvement (VHS) Summary: Gives parents the tools they need to create a home environment that fosters learning and academic success. (volume 1) teaches parents how to set up a "school smart" home by making sure children get proper nutrition, exercise, sleep, have a good start in the morning by preparing the night before, and how to get homework done. (volume 2) Helps parents to give polite requests, firm directions, and offer natural and logical consequences. (volume 3) Offers guidance to parents about being a support for homework. Each tape comes with a summary pamphlet and group discussion guide.

Last Update: April 2010 Parents Or Pushovers (VHS) Summary: Helps parents learn how to handle various parenting issues and how to regain respect and authority within their households.

Parents Who Care: A Step By Step Guide For Families With Teens (VHS) Summary: Interactive video/workbook program based on the latest research. Realistic activities help parents and their teenage children relate to a variety of situations.

Parents Who Care: A Step By Step Guide For Families With Teens: Facilitator Version (VHS) Summary: Interactive video/workbook program based on the latest research. Realistic activities help parents and their teenage children relate to a variety of situations.

A Place Of Our Own. Behavior And Emotions (DVD) Summary: Host Debi Gutierrez talks with child development experts and caregivers about helping kids identify and express their emotions, handling bullies, positive discipline, handling tantrums, and more.

A Place Of Our Own. Early Academics (DVD) Summary: Host Debi Gutierrez leads engaging discussions on early learning areas with parents, caregivers and child care experts. Topics include literacy, language development, writing skills, science, math and more.

A Place Of Our Own. The Power Of Play (DVD) Summary: Host Debi Gutierrez talks with experts and caregivers about why play is important to a child’s development.

Positive Discipline Without Shaking Shouting Or Spanking (DVD) Summary: In this series parents learn how to use positive discipline techniques instead of more harmful practices to get the results they want. Viewers will see real-life parenting challenges and learn age-appropriate strategies that lead to non-violent resolutions. A Spanish version is also available.

The Pre-K Promise (DVD) Summary: This video, featuring well-known experts on early care and education, provides guidance to help parents understand how preschool programs can benefit young children; what a quality preschool program looks like; what questions to ask when evaluating a preschool; and how to help make quality, affordable preschool programs more widely available.

Prenatal Development (DVD) Summary: Research shows that our development in the womb can have a profound influence on our later lives. This video examines the nine months beginning with conception and ending with the birth of a healthy baby--the period of time called prenatal development. In addition this video contains information on the major physical milestones during pregnancy, emphasizing the importance of the expectant mother's health, nutrition, and care and describing the proper development of the baby. It also shares what mothers-to-be can look forward to during these crucial months. Proper prenatal care provides a healthy start and is essential to the entire process of human development.

Last Update: April 2010 Preparing For Parenthood (DVD) Summary: Includes information on forming healthy habits before and during pregnancy, the importance of prenatal care, how to prepare for your baby's birth, and how and where to get help with your questions.

Los Primeros Años Marcan Para Siempre (DVD & VHS) Summary: Este vídeo incluye información sobre: Lazos y vínculos, comunicación, salúd y nutrición, disciplina, auto estima, cuidado de los niños, auto-conscienca = This video includes information about: bonding and attachment, communication, discipline, self-esteem, health and nutrition, and child care.

Quality Child Care (DVD) Summary: Includes information on why quality child care is important for your child's healthy development, what you should look for when choosing child care, questions to ask a potential caregiver, questions to ask yourself when looking at a child care setting, and important information to communicate to your caregiver.

Raising Cain: Exploring The Inner Lives Of America's Boys (DVD) Summary: Child psychologist Michael Thompson explores the emotional development of boys in America, bringing attention to new research about behavior and introducing innovative programs that are effective for boys.

Raising Children Of Divorce: Practical Help For Parents (VHS) Summary: Gives parents and adults who work with children concrete ways to help children through divorce.

Ready To Learn (DVD) Summary: When you hold a baby lovingly and talk, sing, or read to her, the emotional closeness and language experiences you provide are an important part of preparing her to learn when she is old enough for school. There are many things parents and caregivers can do to help build a child's literacy skills from the time he is born. This video provides helpful information about: The importance of communicating with your newborn, establishing reading routines, materials that prepare your child for reading and writing, activities to spark your child's interest in learning, the importance of quality childcare, incorporating literacy into everyday activities.

Recovering Hope: Mothers Speak Out About Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (DVD) Summary: Recovering hope is an intimate and evocative video about the mothers and families of children who are affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Eight women speak out about how alcohol use during pregnancy affected their children, how they are learning effective new ways to parent, and how they are recovering hope for the future. Six researchers and clinicians support these stories by explaining the physical, mental, behavioral and learning disabilities associated with FASD.

Resistance: Preventing Teen Fatherhood (VHS) Summary: This program helps young men to understand the pressures to be sexually active that come from their peers, to understand the consequences of fathering a child as a teen, and to offer strategies for avoiding teen fatherhood.

Safe From The Start (DVD) Summary: Childhood is a time of growth, experimentation and learning. Although a few bumps and scrapes are to be expected along the way, there are many things parents and caregivers

Last Update: April 2010 can do to help prevent serious childhood injuries. It is important to think ahead about potential hazards to make a child's environment as safe as possible. Prevention will go a long way towards making children "safe from the start”.

Season Of Hope: Mothers In Recovery (VHS) Summary: Through a series of interviews, this video describes the struggles of women recovering from drug addiction while attempting to be good mothers.

Seguros Desde El Inicio (DVD & VHS) Summary: Las heridas representan el primer lugar en el numero de muertes de niños menores de 5 años de edad en America. Es de esperar que los niños sufran unos cuantos chichones y arañazo, pero hay muchas cosas que un padre o quien tiene a su cuidado niños peuden hacer para prevenir las heridas serias en la ninez. Es importante pensar con anticipacion sobre los peligros potenciales para hacer el medio ambiente infantil lo mas seguro posible. La prevencion tenda mucho efecto para asegurar que los niños esten "seguros desde el inicio" = Injuries are the leading cause of death for children under age five in America. This program shows the steps which parents or caregivers can take to prevent serious injury in children. Prevention plays a major role in ensuring that children are "safe from the start".

Ser Un Papa (DVD & VHS) Summary: Este video ofrece información sobre lo siguiente: cómo la paternidad inicia aún antes de que el bebé nazca; cómo los padres pueden relacionarse con sus hijos desde el principio; lo que pueden hacer los padres para promover un cercana relación con sus hijos, aun cuando vivan separados; y cómo los padres pueden superar los retos de la paternidad bajo circunstancias especiales como la seperación y el divorcio.

Shattered Dreams: Healing After Divorce (VHS) Summary: Presents people who have suffered the pain of divorce, have walked through a recovery process, and have found healing and hope in life again.

Show Your Love (VHS) Summary: Presents interviews with teens whose fathers do not live at home as well as teens whose fathers do live at home. Teens are asked how they feel about their fathers, how things would be different for them if their fathers did live at home, and what kind of relationship they have with their fathers.

Single Dads (VHS) Summary: Discusses the unique features of being a single father.

Stop Smoking Now: Reasons Not To Smoke When You're Pregnant (DVD) Summary: When you're pregnant, everything you eat, drink and breathe affects your health and your baby's health. So when you smoke, your baby does too. Quitting smoking is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your baby. When you stop smoking, you increase the amount of oxygen your baby will get; you lower the risk that your baby will be born too early; and increase your chances of having a healthy baby. This video provides support, guidance and information about resources to help you resist the urge to smoke.

The Story Of Fathers & Sons (VHS) Summary: Over 400 men and boys were interviewed for this film about the relationship between fathers and sons. The result is a broadly diverse story about real-life fathers and sons of every

Last Update: April 2010 age, race and emotion. Also includes the stories of NBA superstar Shaquille O'Neal, teen TV star Zachery Ty Bryan and actor Edward James Olmos.

Strengthening Families Program For Parents And Youth 10-14: Parent Booster Session 1: Handling Stress (VHS) Summary: Vignettes and narration on topics which include: identifying adult stressors that affect parenting; finding ways to cope with stress; and avoiding arguing with youth. This is one of the booster sessions to be held 4-12 months after the seven core sessions of the Strengthening Families Program.

Strengthening Families Program For Parents And Youth 10-14: Parent Booster Session 2: Communicating When You Don't Agree (VHS) Summary: Vignettes and narration on topics which include: using parenting tools to solve problems; understanding differing views on parenting; and using speaker-listener technique. This is one of the booster sessions to be held 4-12 months after the seven core sessions of the Strengthening Families Program.

Strengthening Families Program For Parents And Youth 10-14: Family Session 3: Using Family Meetings (VHS) Summary: Vignettes and narration on topics which include: understanding the value of family meetings; how to carry out successful family meetings; and appropriate topics for family meetings.

Strengthening Families Program For Parents And Youth 10-14: Family Session 6: Parents Helping With Peer Pressure (VHS) Summary: Vignettes and narration on topics which include: understanding the importance of parents' support and encouragement as young people handle peer pressure, and supporting youth using peer pressure resistance skills.

Strengthening Families Program For Parents And Youth 10-14: Youth Sessions 5 And 6: Handling Peer Pressure (VHS) Summary: Demonstrates peer pressure resistance skills through narration and role plays. Topics covered include: understanding pressures youth face ; how drugs and alcohol can hurt youth's future; learning what to say if friends want them to do something wrong; and learning what to say if friends won't listen.

Strengthening Families Program For Parents And Youth 10-14: Parent Session 1: Using Love And Limits (VHS) Summary: Vignettes and narration on topics which include: identifying qualities parents/caregivers want in their children; understanding the value of showing love and having limits; and supporting youth's goals and dreams.

Strengthening Families Program For Parents And Youth 10-14: Parent Session 2: Making House Rules (VHS) Summary: Vignettes and narration on topics which include: understanding pre-and young teen development; deciding on appropriate rules and responsibilities; and using "I" statements.

Strengthening Families Program For Parents And Youth 10-14: Parent Session 3: Encouraging Good Behavior (VHS) Summary: Vignettes and narration on topics which include: understanding the value of positive ; using a point chart to improve behavior; and building a positive relationship.

Last Update: April 2010

Strengthening Families Program For Parents And Youth 10-14: Parent Session 4: Using Consequences (VHS) Summary: Vignettes and narration on topics which include: giving consequences that are reasonable, respectful and appropriate for the severity of the behavior problem; and understanding the value of parents' staying calm.

Strengthening Families Program For Parents And Youth 10-14: Parent Session 5: Building Bridges (VHS) Summary: Vignettes and narration on topics which include: learning to listen to young people's problems; seeing things from their point of view; and helping youth meet basic needs in positive ways.

Strengthening Families Program For Parents And Youth 10-14: Parent Session 6: Protecting Against Substance Abuse (VHS) Summary: Vignettes and narration on topics which include: protecting against alcohol, tobacco and drug abuse; supporting children in school; and monitoring youth's activities.

Su Bebe Saludable (DVD & VHS) Summary: Para darle a un niño la oportunidad de comenzar su vida saludablemente, los padres y las personas dedicadas a cuidar niños necesitan la información más actualizada con relación a la salud y la nutrición infantiles. Este video ofrece consejos de expertos sobre que pueden hacer los padres para ayudar que sus hijos establezcan hábitos saludables = In order to give a child the opportunity to start a healthy lifestyle, parents and caregivers need the most current information about child health and nutrition. This video offers advice by experts about what parents can do to help their children establish healthy habits.

Surrounded With Love: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (VHS) Summary: More than 3.5 million children in the U.S. are raised by a grandparent. In their own words, three grandmothers explain the reasons for their caregiving/parenting decisions, and share their rewarding experiences raising their grandchildren. Dolores, a 48-year-old married woman, is raising three grandsons after her daughter was murdered. Aderian, a 65-year-old grandmother, is raising two grandchildren, ages 12 and 6, after mental illness incapacitated both of their parents. Jewel, a 64-year-old grandmother, is raising three grandchildren, ages 18, 13, and 4. Explores both the positive and negative feelings of the parenting grandparent: the hard word, the challenges, and the added responsibilities. Includes comments by professionals, including Fernando Torres-Gil, former Assistant Secretary of Aging.

Talk, Listen, Connect: Helping Families During Military Deployment = Hablen, Escuchen, Conecten (DVD) Summary: Sesame Workshop presents this bilingual educational outreach program, designed for military families and their young children to share.

Teen Dads' Point Of View (VHS) Summary: Provides an in-depth look at how young men deal with sex, birth control, and the pregnancy of a girlfriend.

The Teen Files Flipped: Father/Son (VHS) Summary: With the help of Chris, age 16, and his father, Kevin, The Teen Files Flipped: Father/Son explores the pressures and problems common in the diverse worlds of today's teens and adults. Throughout their "flipped day", both Chris and his father are confronted by the

Last Update: April 2010 erroneous attitudes and perceptions they each hold about the other, and acquire new understanding and respect for the responsibilities, stress, and demands they each face daily.

The Teen Files Flipped: Mother/Daughter (VHS) Summary: In this program, Jill and her 16-year-old daughter Connie don't see eye-to-eye. Jill, a single working mother of three teenage girls, is finding it increasingly difficult to balance home and work. Connie, her oldest daughter, hates to clean her room and do laundry, and spends her time instead listening to music, hanging out with friends and having fun. All that is about to change as Jill and Connie switch places for one eye-opening day.

Teenage Pregnancy (VHS) Summary: Explores the difficult realities of pregnancy by taking the adolescent beyond thoughts of "having someone to love and play with" to showing what is immediately involved physically, emotionally, and financially and what can be anticipated as ongoing concerns.

Think About It: Understanding The Impact Of TV/Movie Violence (VHS) Summary: This program on media violence brings together the perspectives of a variety of individuals including Hollywood insiders, psychologists, historians and prisoners. Interviews, news reports and statistics to reveal the devastating effects media violence can have on young people around the world.

To Be A Father (DVD) Summary: This video provides information on: how fathering begins even before the baby is born; how dads can connect with their children right from the start; what fathers can do to foster a close relationship with their children even when they live miles apart; and how fathers can overcome the challenges of parenting under special circumstances, like separation and divorce.

Too Soon For Jeff (VHS) Summary: High school senior Jeff is upset when he learns that his girlfriend is pregnant and determined not to let a baby ruin his plans to go to college on a debate scholarship, but his feelings change after the baby is born.

We Understand: Urban Parents Reach Out To Parents (VHS) Summary: Inner city parents discuss how to communicate with children, coping with stress, the violence and drug use of the city, and the help available through parenting support groups. Also available in Spanish.

What's Up With Middle School Guys (VHS) Summary: Chronicles the lives of middle school boys as they go through puberty. Through first- person narrative and self-recorded group sessions with a video camera, it unveils the personal dramas of boys from different backgrounds as they develop coping skills to deal with the conflicts they encounter regarding peer pressure, families, school, puberty, drugs and girls.

Worth The Trip: Raising Children With Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (VHS) Summary: Parents of children affected by fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) discuss some of the problems they have encountered in raising their children and offer practical advice for other parents of children with FAS.

Last Update: April 2010 Yelling, Threatening And Putting Down: What To Do Instead (VHS) Summary: Provides commonsense techniques for dealing with four challenging parent-child interactions: when children are very active; when children get angry; when children whine; when siblings fight.

Young Mothers And Young Fathers: Where Do We Go From Here (VHS) Summary: Describes two programs available for young and unwed parents. Teenage parents discuss such issues as responsibilities, joys and problems of parenthood, absentee parents, and parenting skills.

Your Healthy Baby (DVD) Summary: In order to give a child a healthy start in life, parents and caregivers need the most up-to-date information on children's health and nutrition issues. In this video, Phylicia Rashad delivers expert advice on how parents can help their children establish healthy habits, with information on: how to maintain good health during pregnancy, bottle-feeding versus breast- feeding, when you and your child should visit the doctor, what foods to feed your child and when, the importance of exercise


20 Things Adoptive Parents Need To Succeed / Sherrie Eldridge Call Number: 649.1 E37

ADHD: A Complete And Authoritative Guide / Michael I. Reiff, with Sherill Tippins Call Number: 618.928589 R361

Acquainted With The Night: A Parent's Quest To Understand Depression And Bipolar Disorder In His Children / Paul Raeburn Call Number: 616.895 R134

Adolescent Drug & Alcohol Abuse: How To Spot It, Stop It, And Get Help For Your Family / Nikki Babbit Call Number: 649.1 B112

Adopting The Hurt Child: Hope For Families With Special-Needs Kids: A Guide For Parents And Professionals / Gregory C. Keck, Regina M. Kupecky Table of Contents: Call Number: 649.1 K25A

American Medical Association Boy's Guide To Becoming A Teen / Amy B. Middleman, medical editor ; Kate Bruenwald Pfeifer, writer Call Number: YOUTH 613 A512

American Medical Association Girl's Guide To Becoming A Teen / Amy B. Middleman, Medical Editor; Kate Gruenwald Pfeifer, Writer Call Number: YOUTH 613 A512G

Assessment Of Parenting Competency In Mothers With Mental Illness / By Teresa Ostler Call Number: 618.9289 O85

Last Update: April 2010 The Answer Is No: Saying It And Sticking To It / Cynthia Whitham Call Number: 649 W596

Becoming A Father: The Real Work Of A Man's Soul / John L. Hart Call Number: 306.8742 H325

Becoming Dad: Black Men And The Journey To Fatherhood / Leonard Pitts, Jr. Call Number: 306.8742 P692

Big Lessons For Little People: Teaching Our Kids Right From Wrong, While Keeping Them Healthy, Safe, And Happy / Lois Nachamie Call Number: 649.1 N119

The Bipolar Child: The Definitive And Reassuring Guide To Childhood's Most Misunderstood Disorder / Demitri F. Papolos and Janice Papolos Call Number: 616.895 P218

Black Fatherhood: The Guide To Male Parenting / by Earl Ofari Hutchinson Call Number: 306.8742 H975

The Black Parenting Book / Anne C. Beal, Linda Villaros, and Allison Abner Call Number: 649.1 B366

Broke But Not Deadbeat: Reconnecting Low-Income Fathers And Children Call Number: 306.8742 R349

Building The Bonds Of Attachment: Awakening Love In Deeply Troubled Children / Daniel A. Hughes Call Number: 155.92 H893

Calm And Compassionate Children: A Handbook / Susan Usha Dermond Call Number: 372.019 D435

Caught In The Middle: Protecting The Children Of High-Conflict Divorce / Carla B. Garrity, Mitchell A. Baris Call Number: 306.89 G242

The Challenging Child: Understanding, Raising, And Enjoying The Five "Difficult" Types Of Children / Stanley I. Greenspan with Jacqueline Salmon Call Number: 649.153 G815

Children Changed By Trauma: A Healing Guide / Debra Whiting Alexander Call Number: 618.928521 A375

Coaching For Fatherhood: Teaching Men New Life Roles / by Lewis Epstein Call Number: 306.8742 P64

Commitment: Fatherhood In Black America / artistic concept and photographs by Carole Patterson; guest photographs by Anthony Barboza; essays by Arvarh E. Strickland and Minion KC Morrison; captions and biographical narratives by Clyde Ruffin; edited by Marlene Perchinske

Last Update: April 2010 Call Number: 306.8742 P317

Cómo Ser Un Padre Amoroso, Paciete & Feliz / Joe Kita Call Number: 306.8742 K62 SPANISH

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Parenting A Preschooler And Toddler Too / by Keith Boyd and Kevin Osborn Call Number: 649 B789

Confronting Father Absence: A Guide To Renewing Fatherhood In Your Community Call Number: 306.8742 E16C

Connect 5: Finding The Caring Adults You May Not Realize Your Teen Needs / Kathleen Kimball-Baker Call Number: 649.1 K49

Connecting Low-Income Fathers And Families: A Guide To Practical Policies Call Number: REF 306.8742 C752

Covering Home: Lessons On The Art Of Fathering From The Game Of Baseball / Jack Petrash Call Number: 306.8742 P493

The Daddy Guide: Real-Life Advice And Tips From Over 250 Dads And Other Experts / Kevin Nelson Call Number: 306.8742 N4271

Daddy, Papa And Me: How My Family Came To Be / Andrew R. Aldrich; illustrated by Mike Motz Call Number: YOUTH FICT A365

Daddy Smarts: A Guide For Rookie Fathers / Bradley G. Richardson Call Number: 306.8742 R521

Dad's In Prison / Sandra Cain and Margaret Speed Call Number: YOUTH 306.8742 C1352

Divorce & New Beginnings: A Complete Guide To Recovery, Solo Parenting, Co-Parenting, And / Genevieve Clapp Call Number: 306.89 C5895 2000

The Divorcing Father's Manual: 8 Steps To Help You And Your Children Survive And Thrive / Barry B. Frieman Call Number: 306.8742 F899

Doc Pop's 52 Weeks Of Active Parenting / Michael H. Popkin Call Number: 649.1 P828P

Don't Make Me Stop This Car!: Adventures In Fatherhood / Al Roker Call Number: 306.8742 R7421

Last Update: April 2010 Easy Does It, Mom: Parenting In Recovery / Barbara Joy Call Number: 649.1 J88

Easy To Love, Difficult To Discipline: The 7 Basic Skills For Turning Conflict Into Cooperation / Becky A. Bailey Call Number: 649.64 B154

Estimula A Tu Bebé: Desde La Cuna Hasta Los Primeros Pasos / Robin Dodson Call Number: 649.1 D647

The Explosive Child: A New Approach For Understanding And Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children / Ross W. Greene Call Number: 649.153 G799

The Faith Factor In Fatherhood: Renewing The Sacred Vocation Of Fathering / edited by Don E. Eberly Call Number: 306.8742 E16

Family Man: Fatherhood, Housework, And Gender Equity / Scott Coltrane Call Number: 306.8742 C725

Father Courage: What Happens When Men Put Family First / Suzanne Braun Levine Call Number: 306.8742 L6652

Father Facts Call Number: REF 306.8742 H813F

Father: Famous Writers Celebrate The Bond Between Father And Child / edited by Claudia O'Keefe Call Number: 306.8742 OK412

A Father For All Seasons / Bob Welch Call Number: 306.8742 W439

Father To Son: Life Lessons On Raising A Boy / by Harry H. Harrison, Jr. Call Number: 306.8742 H319

Fatherhood / Ross D. Parke Call Number: 306.8742 P2375

Fatherhood Arrested: Parenting From Within The Juvenile Justice System / Anne Nurse Call Number: 306.8742 N974

The Fatherhood Movement: A Call To Action / edited by Wade F. Horn, David Blankenhorn, Mitchell B. Pearlstein Call Number: 306.8742 H813

Fatherhood: Research, Interventions And Policies / H. Elizabeth Peters, Randal D. Day, editors Call Number: 306.8742 P481

Last Update: April 2010 Fatherneed: Why Father Care Is As Essential As Mother Care For Your Child / Kyle D. Pruett Call Number: 306.8742 P9712

Fathers & Babies: How Babies Grow And What They Need From You From Birth To 18 Months / Jean Marzollo; illustrated by Irene Trivas Call Number: 306.8742 M3932

The Father's Guide To The Meaning Of Life: What Being A Dad Has Taught Me About Hope, Love, Patience, Pride, And Everyday Wonder / by Joe Kita Call Number: 306.8742 K62

The Fatherstyle Advantage: Surefire Techniques Every Parent Can Use To Raise Confident And Caring Kids / by Kevin O'Shea and James Windell Call Number: 306.8742 O82

Finding The Right Spot: When Kids Can't Live With Their Parents / Written By Janice Levy; Illustrated By Whitney Martin Call Number: YOUTH FICT L668

Finding Time For Fatherhood: Men's Concerns As Parents / Bruce Linton Call Number: 306.8742 L761

Freed To Be Fathers: Lessons From Men Doing Time / Kenwyn K. Smith Call Number: 306.8742 S653

Generation MySpace: Helping Your Teen Survive Online Adolescence / Candice M. Kelsey Call Number: 305.235 K29

Generative Fathering: Beyond Deficit Perspectives / edited by Alan J. Hawkins, David C. Dollahite Call Number: 306.8742 G326

Getting Our Kids Back On Track: Educating Children For The Future / Janine Bempechat Call Number: 649.1 B455

The Gift Of Fatherhood: How Men's Lives Are Transformed By Their Children / Aaron Hass Call Number: 306.8742 H3532

Girls Seen And Heard: 52 Life Lessons For Our Daughters / by the Ms. Foundation Call Number: 155.5 M939

Good Parenting Through Your Divorce: How To Recognize, Encourage And Respond To Your Child's Feelings And Help Them Get Through Your Divorce / Mary Ellen Hannibal Call Number: 306.89 H245

Great Dads: A Celebration Of Fatherhood / edited by Jonathan Decker Call Number: 306.8742 D2951

Last Update: April 2010 Greater Expectations: Overcoming The Culture Of Indulgence In Our Homes And Schools / William Damon Call Number: 362.7 D1632

The Grieving Child: A Parent's Guide / Helen Fitzgerald Call Number: 155.937 F552

Growing A Girl: Seven Strategies For Raising A Strong, Spirited Daughter / Barbara Mackoff Call Number: 649 M159

Growing Up Great: Positive Solutions To Raising Confident, Self-Assured Children / James W. Varni and Donna G. Corwin Call Number: 649 V321

The Happiest Baby On The Block: The New Way To Calm Crying And Help Your Baby Sleep Longer / Harvey Karp Call Number: 649.1K18

Harriet's Had Enough! / Elissa Haden Guest; Illustrated By Paul Meisel Call Number: YOUTH FICT G936

Healthy Parenting: An Empowering Guide For Adult Children / Janet G. Woititz Call Number: 649.1 W847

Helping Children Manage Stress: A Guide For Adults / James H. Humphrey Call Number: 649.1 H926

Helping Your Child Overcome Separation Anxiety Or School Refusal: A Step-By-Step Guide For Parents / Andrew R. Eisen, Linda B. Engler Table of Contents: 649.154 E36

Hiperactivo, Impulsivo, Distraído: Me Conoces? / José J. Bauermeister Call Number: 618.928589 B344

Home Is Where We Live: Life In A Shelter Through A Young Girl's Eyes / Photographs By B.L. Groth; Book Design By Kimiko Call Number: YOUTH 362.7 H765

The Home Visitor's Guidebook: Promoting Optimal Parent & Child Development / by Carol S. Klass Call Number: 649.1 K63

How It Feels To Have A Gay Or Lesbian Parent: A Book By Kids For Kids Of All Ages / Judith E. Snow Call Number: YOUTH 306.874 S674

How To Behave So Your Preschooler Will, Too! / Sal Severe Call Number: 649.64 S4988

Last Update: April 2010 How To Handle A Hard-To-Handle Kid: A Parents' Guide To Understanding And Changing Problem Behaviors / by C. Drew Edwards Call Number: 649.64 E26

How To Help Children Through A Parent's Serious Illness / Kathleen McCue, with Ron Bonn Call Number: 649.1 M133

How To Help Your Kids Choose To Be Tobacco-Free: A Guide For Parents Of Children Ages 3 Through 19 / Robert Schwebel Call Number: 649.4 S398

How To Raise A Drug-Free Kid: The Straight Dope For Parents / by Joseph A. Califano Call Number: 649 C153

How To Talk To Your Kids About Really Important Things: For Children Four To Twelve: Specific Questions And Useful Things To Say / Charles E. Schaefer and Theresa Foy DiGeronimo Call Number: 649.4 S398

How To Talk With Teens About Love, Relationships & S-E-X ; A Guide For Parents / by Amy G. Miron and Charles D. Miron Call Number: 649.125 M676

If Your Adolescent Has Depression Or Bipolar Disorder: An Essential Resource For Parents / Dwight L. Evans and Linda Wasmer Andrews Call Number: 618.928527 E92

The Irreducible Needs Of Children: What Every Child Must Have To Grow, Learn, And Flourish / T. Berry Brazelton, Stanley I. Greenspan Call Number: 649.1 B739

The Involved Father: Family-Tested Solutions For Getting Dads To Participate More In The Daily Lives Of Their Children / Robert Frank with Kathryn E. Livingston Call Number: 306.8742 F828

Involved Fathering And Men's Adult Development: Provisional Balances / Rob Palkovitz Call Number: 306.8742 F828

The Joy Of Fatherhood: The First Twelve Months / Marcus Jacob Goldman Call Number: 306.8742 G619

Just A Little Too Thin: How To Pull Your Child Back From The Brink Of An Eating Disorder / Michael Strober, Meg Schneider Call Number: 616.8526 S919

The Kazdin Method For Parenting The Defiant Child: With No Pills, No Therapy, No Contest Of Wills / Alan E. Kazdin; With Carlo Rotella Call Number: 649.64 K23

Keys To Successful Step-Fathering / Carl E. Pickhardt Call Number: 306.8742 P597

Last Update: April 2010

Keys To Your Child's Healthy Sexuality / Chrystal de Freitas Call Number: 613.9 D3161

Kids In The Syndrome Mix Of ADHD, LD, Asperger's, Tourette's, Bipolar, And More! : The One Stop Guide For Parents, Teachers, And Other Professionals / Martin L. Kutscher Call Number: 618.9289 K97

The Lesbian And Gay Parenting Handbook: Creating And Raising Our Families / April Martin Call Number: 306.874 M379

Let's Talk About Taking Care Of You: An Educational Book About Body Safety / written by Lori Stauffer and Esther Deblinger Call Number: YOUTH 362.76 S798

Let's Talk About Taking Care Of You: An Educational Book About Body Safety For Young Children / written by Lori Stauffer and Esther Deblinger Call Number: YOUTH 362.76 S798Y

Life Without Father: Compelling New Evidence That Fatherhood And Marriage Are Indispensable For The Good Of Children And Society / David Popenoe Call Number: 306.8742 P826

Live-Away Dads: Staying A Part Of Your Children's Lives When They Aren't A Part Of Your Home / William C. Klatte Call Number: 306.874 K63

Living Alongside A Child's Recovery: Therapeutic Parenting With Traumatized Children / Billy Pughe And Terry Philpot Call Number: 618.928521 P978

The Lowdown On Families Who Get High: Successful Parenting For Families Affected By Addiction / Patricia O'Gorman and Philip Diaz Call Number: 649.1 O35L

Managing To Make It: Urban Families And Adolescent Success / Frank F. Furstenberg, Jr. Call Number: 305.235 M2661

Map And Track: State Initiatives To Encourage Responsible Fatherhood / Stanley Bernard, Jane Knitzer Call Number: 306.8742 B521 1999

Me, Myself, And I: How Children Build Their Sense Of Self: 18-36 Months / Kyle D. Pruett Call Number: 155.422 P971

The Modern Dads Handbook / John Badalament Call Number: 306.8742 B132

The Modernization Of Fatherhood: A Social And Political History / Ralph LaRossa Call Number: 306.8742 L331

Last Update: April 2010 Mommy And Daddy Are Always Supposed To Say Yes--Aren't They? / B. Annye Rothenberg, Illustrated By Marion Eldridge Call Number: YOUTH 649.64 R846

Mothering Against The Odds: Diverse Voices Of Contemporary Mothers / edited by Cynthia García Coll, Janet L. Surrey, Kathy Weingarten Call Number: 306.8743 M918

The Mother's Survival Guide To Recovery: All About Alcohol, Drugs & Babies / Laurie L. Tanner Call Number: 618.32 T166

Multicultural Parenting Educational Guide, Volume One: Understanding Cultural Parenting Values, Traditions, And Practices / edited by Stephen J. Bavolek Call Number: 649.1 M961

The New Don't Blame Mother: Mending The Mother-Daughter Relationship / Paula J. Caplan Call Number: 306.8743 C244

New Expectations: Community Strategies For Responsible Fatherhood / James A. Levine with Edward W. Pitt Call Number: 306.8742 L66504

The New Father Book / by Wade F. Horn and Jeffrey Rosenberg Call Number: 306.8742 H8135

Nonresidential Parenting: New Vistas In Family Living / Charlene E. Depner, James H. Bray , editors Call Number: 649.1 N8144

The Nursing Mother's Companion / Kathleen Huggins Call Number: 649.33 H891

Parent Training Is Prevention: Preventing Alcohol And Other Drug Problems Among Youth In The Family Call Number: 649.4 P228

Parenting A Bipolar Child: What To Do And Why / Gianni L. Faedda & Nancy B. Austin Call Number: 616.895 F147

Parenting For Prevention: How To Raise A Child To Say No To Alcohol And Other Drugs: For Parents, Teachers, And Other Concerned Adults / David J. Wilmes Call Number: 649.4 W743 1995

Parenting From The Inside Out: How A Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive / Daniel J. Siegel and Mary Hartzell Call Number: 649.1 S571

Parenting Teens With Love And Logic: Preparing Adolescents For Responsible Adulthood / Foster Cline and Jim Fay Call Number: 649.1 C641

Last Update: April 2010 Parenting The Hurt Child: Helping Adoptive Families Heal And Grow / Gregory C. Keck, Regina M. Kupecky Table of Contents: Call Number: 649.1 K25P

Parenting The Strong-Willed Child: The Clinically Proven Five-Week Program For Parents Of Two- To Six-Year-Olds / Rex Forehand and Nicholas Long Call Number: 649.64 F714

Parenting Well When You're Depressed: A Complete Resource For Maintaining A Healthy Family / Joanne Nicholson Call Number: 616.8527 N626

Parenting With Positive Behavior Support: A Practical Guide To Resolving Your Child's Difficult Behavior / by Meme Hieneman, Karen Childs, and Jane Sergay Call Number: 649.64 H633

Parents As Mentors: A New Perspective On Parenting That Can Change Your Child's Life / Sandra Burt and Linda Perlis Call Number: 649.1 B973

A Parent's Guide To A Drug Free Home Call Number: 649.4 P2287

A Parent's Guide To Building Resilience In Children And Teens: Giving Your Child Roots And Wings / Kenneth R. Ginsburg with Martha M. Jablow Call Number: 649.1 G493

The Parent's Handbook: Systematic Training For Effective Parenting / Don Dinkmeyer, Sr., Gary D. McKay, Don Dinkmeyer, Jr. Call Number: 649.1 D5852

Parents, Teens, And Boundaries: How To Draw The Line / Jane Bluestein Call Number: 649.7 B6588

El Primer Año Del Bebé: Guía Para Madres/Padres Adolescentes / Jeanne Warren Lindsay; versión en español de Argentina Palacios Call Number: 649.1 L748

Positive Discipline For Teenagers: Empowering Your Teens And Yourself Through Kind And Firm Parenting / Jane Nelsen, Lynn Lott Call Number: 306.8742 N4241

Power Source Parenting: Growing Up Strong & Raising Healthy Kids / by Bethany Casarjian Call Number: YOUTH 649.1 C335

The Prodigal Father: Reuniting Fathers And Their Children: With A Special Section For Mothers / Mark Bryan Call Number: 306.8742 B915

Last Update: April 2010 Queen Bee Moms & Kingpin Dads: Dealing With The Parents, Teachers, Coaches, And Counselors Who Can Make--Or Break--Your Child's Future / Rosalind Wiseman with Elizabeth Rapoport Call Number: 649.1 W814

Queen Bees & Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends, And Other Realities Of Adolescence / Rosalind Wiseman Call Number: 305.2352 W814

Raising Boys: Why Boys Are Different--And How To Help Them Become Happy And Well- Balanced Men / Steve Biddulph Call Number: 306.8742 B5841

Raising Children Who Refuse To Be Raised: Parenting Skills And Therapy Interventions For The Most Difficult Children / Dave Ziegler Call Number: 649.153 Z66

Raising Nuestros Niños: Bringing Up Latino Children In A Bicultural World / Gloria G. Rodriguez Call Number: 649.1 R696

Raising Preschoolers: Parenting For Today / Sylvia Rimm Call Number: 649 R577

Raising Resilient Children: Fostering Strength, Hope, And Optimism In Your Child / Robert Brooks and Sam Goldstein Call Number: 305.235 B873

Raising Strong Daughters / Jeanette Gadeberg Call Number: 306.8742 G1232

Ready, Set, Grow! : A What's Happening To My Body? / Lynda Madaras Call Number: YOUTH 612.6 M178

Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons From The Myths Of Boyhood / William Pollack Call Number: 306.8742 P7712

Real Boys Workbook: [The Definitive Guide To Understanding And Interacting With Boys Of All Ages] / William S. Pollack and Kathleen Cushman Call Number: 306.8742 P7712 WORKBOOK

Reality Check: Teenage Fathers Speak Out / by Margi Trapani Call Number: YOUTH 306.8742 T773 1999

Reshaping Fatherhood: The Social Construction Of Shared Parenting / Anna Dienhart Call Number: 306.8742 D562

Running In Place: How American Families Are Faring In A Changing Economy And An Individualistic Society / Nicholas Zill and Christine Winquist Nord Call Number: 306.85 Z69

Last Update: April 2010 Saying No Is Not Enough: Helping Your Kids Make Wise Decisions About Alcohol, Tobacco, And Other Drugs--A Guide For Parents Of Children Ages 3 Through 19 / Robert Schwebel Call Number: 649 S412S

Search Institute Everyone's An Asset Builder Collection Call Number: REF 649.1 S429

Selling Out America's Children: How America Puts Profits Before Values-- And What Parents Can Do / David Walsh Call Number: 305.23 W223

Setting Limits: How To Raise Responsible, Independent Children By Providing Clear Boundaries / Robert J. Mac Kenzie Call Number: 306.8742 M1571

Seven Things States Can Do To Promote Responsible Fatherhood Call Number: 306.8742 H813S

Sex, Men, And Babies: Stories Of Awareness And Responsibility / William Marsiglio and Sally Hutchinson Call Number: 306.8742 M372

The Single Father: A Dad's Guide To Parenting Without A Partner / Armin A. Brott Call Number: 306.8742 B8741

Single Fatherhood / Chuck Gregg Call Number: 306.8742 G819

The Resource: An A To Z Guide For The Challenges Of Single Parenting / Brook Noel with Art Klein Call Number: 649.1 N765

Single Parenting: From A Father's Heart / by Steve Horner Call Number: 649.1 H816

Sometimes My Mommy Gets Angry / Bebe Moore Campbell; Illustrated By E.B. Lewis Call Number: YOUTH FICT C187

Stranger In The Nest: Do Parents Really Shape Their Child's Personality, Intelligence, Or Character? / David B. Cohen Call Number: 155.2 C67S

Strategies And Adaptations In Working With Parents With Intellectual Disabilities Call Number: 362.7 C792

Strengthening America's Families: Promising Parenting Strategies For Delinquency Prevention: User's Guide Call Number: 362.2917 S915

Taking "No" For An Answer And Other Skills Children Need: Fifty Games To Teach Family Skills / Laurie Simons

Last Update: April 2010 Call Number: 649.1 S611

Talking Back To OCD: The Program That Helps Kids And Teens Say "No Way"-- And Parents Say "Way To Go" / John S. March, with Christine M. Benton Call Number: 618.9285227 M315

Teens In Turmoil: A Path To Change For Parents, Adolescents, And Their Families / Carol Maxym and Leslie York Call Number: 305.235 M465

Teeth Are Not For Biting / Elizabeth Verdick; illustrated by Marieka Heinlen Call Number: YOUTH 649.64 V484T

Touchpoints: Your Child’s Emotional And Behavioral Development / T. Berry Brazelton Call Number: 305.231 B827

Throwaway Dads: The Myths And Barriers That Keep Men From Being The Fathers They Want To Be / Ross Parke & Armin A. Brott Call Number: 306.8742 P237

The Transgender Child / Stephanie Brill And Rachel Pepper Call Number: 306.766 B857

Understanding Attachment: Parenting, Child Care, And Emotional Development / Jean Mercer Call Number: 155.92 M554

The Unhappy Child: What Every Parent Needs To Know / Kenneth N. Condrell Call Number: 649.1 C746

Voices From Fatherhood: Fathers, Sons, And ADHD / Patrick J. Kilcarr, Patricia O. Quinn Call Number: 306.8742 K48

Waiting For Normal / Leslie Connor Call Number: YOUTH FICT C752

Welcome Home: A Guide For Adoptive, Foster, And Treatment Foster Parents / By Christopher J. Alexander Table Of Contents: Call Number: 649.1 A375

We're Running Late!: Teachable Moments For Working Mothers / Kass P. Dotterweich Call Number: 649.1 D725

What A Difference A Daddy Makes: The Indelible Imprint A Dad Leaves On His Daughter's Life / Kevin Leman Call Number: 306.8742 L546

What About The Kids? Raising Your Children Before, During, And After Divorce / Judith S. Wallerstein, Sandra Blakeslee Call Number: 306.89 W198

Last Update: April 2010 What Am I Feeling? / John Gottman; Photographs By Talaris Research Institute Table of Contents: Call Number: 649.1 G686

What It Means To Be Daddy: Fatherhood For Black Men Living Away From Their Children / Jennifer Hamer Call Number: 306.8742 H214

What Kids Need To Succeed: Proven, Practical Ways To Raise Good Kids / Peter L. Benson, Judy Galbraith, and Pamela Espeland Call Number: 649.1 B474

What To Do-- When Kids Are Mean To Your Child / Elin McCoy Call Number: 649 M129

What Works For Bipolar Kids: Help And Hope For Parents / Mani Pavuluri Call Number: 616.895 P340

When Anger Hurts Your Kids: A Parent's Guide Call Number: 152.47 W567

When The Breast Fairy Comes: Understanding And Communicating With Your Daughter During Adolescence / Stacey Roberts Call Number: 155.5 R647

When Your Child Is Cutting: A Parent's Guide To Helping Children Overcome Self-Injury / Merry E. McVey-Noble, Sony Khemlani-Patel, and Fugen Neziroglu Call Number: 616.8582 M176

Why Can't You Catch Me Being Good?: 26 Principles Of Raising Self-Confident, Well-Behaved Children / Edythe Denkin Call Number: 306.8742 D3962

Without Spanking Or Spoiling: A Practical Approach To Toddler And Preschool Guidance / by Elizabeth Crary Call Number: 649 C893

Working With Fathers: Methods And Perspectives Call Number: 306.8742 M6653

The World According To Dad: A Manual For The Good Life / C.M. Mantis. Call Number: 306.8742 M292

Understanding Attachment: Parenting, Child Care, And Emotional Development / Jean Mercer Call Number: 155.92 M554

Your Amazing Newborn / Marshall H. Klaus, Phyllis H. Klaus Call Number: 649.1 K63Y

Your Anxious Child: How Parents And Teachers Can Relieve Anxiety In Children / John S. Dacey, Lisa B. Fiore

Last Update: April 2010 Call Number: 649.1 D117

Your Defiant Teen: 10 Steps To Resolve Conflict And Rebuild Your Relationship / By Russell A. Barkley And Arthur L. Robin; With Christine M. Benton Call Number: 649.125 B255

Zen And The Art Of Fatherhood: Lessons From A Master Dad / Steven Lewis Call Number: 306.8742 L676


24/7 Dad A.M.

Active Parenting For Stepfamilies: For Parents And Step-Parents

Active Parenting Of Teens [Kit]

Beautiful Beginnings: A Developmental Curriculum For Infants And Toddlers

Building Foundations: A Curriculum Guide For Supported Parenting

Caring Dads: Helping Fathers Value Their Children

Cooperative Parenting & Divorce: Shielding Children From Conflict: A Video And Educational Program

The Couple And Family Therapist's Notebook: Homework, Handouts, And Activities For Use In Marital And Family Therapy

Creating Lasting Family Connections

Early Childhood STEP: Systematic Training For Effective Parenting Of Children Under Six

Focus On Families: Parenting Skills Curriculum

Guiding Good Choices: A Program For Parents Of Children Ages 9-14

The Health & Wellness Program: A Parenting Curriculum For Families At Risk

Health Education [10th Grade] Curriculum Guide

Inside Out Dad: A Program For Incarcerated Fathers

Intervening With Parents Of Students Who Abuse Alcohol Or Other Drugs

Juegos Para Mejorar La Autoestima En Los Niños

The Learning About Myself (LAMS) Program For At-Risk Parents: Handbook For Group Participants

Last Update: April 2010 The Learning About Myself (LAMS) Program For At-Risk Parents: Learning From The Past-- Changing The Future

Life Skills Training: Parent Program: A Guide For Raising Drug-Free Youth

Living With 10 To 15 Year Olds: A Parent Education Curriculum

Mapas Para Papás: Haciendo Las Cosas De Papá (Nacimiento Hasta Los 36 Meses): Una Guía Para El Desarrollo De Quienes Son Papás Por Primera Vez

Mapas Para Papás: Haciendo Las Cosas De Papá (Prenatal): Una Guía Para El Desarrollo De Quienes Son Papás Por Primera Vez

Maps For Dads: Doin' The Dad Thing (Birth To 36 Months): A Developmental Guide For First- Time Dads

Maps For Dads: Welcome To Dadhood (Prenatal): A Developmental Guide For First-Time Dads

The Nurturing Program: Program Implementation And Resource Guide

Parenting Skills Homework Planner

The Parenting Skills Treatment Planner

Parenting Works!: Parents Helping Parents Raise Their Preschool Children: Parent's Handbook

Parents And The Law Program: Teaching Young Parents Practical Law & Life Skills: A Law- Related Education Program

Parents Children Getting A Head Start Against Drugs

Parents Who Care: A Step By Step Guide For Families With Teens

Pasos Adelante = Steps Forward: A Resiliency Enhancement Curriculum For Preschoolers And Their Parents

Pathways To Competence: Encouraging Healthy Social And Emotional Development In Young Children

Pathways To Competence For Young Children: A Parenting Program

Planning A Good Life For Our Family

Playwise: 365 Fun-Filled Activities For Building Character, Conscience, And Emotional Intelligence In Children

The Psychotherapy Workbook: A Home-Study Guide For Growth & Change

Recompensas Para Niños: Por Buen Comportamiento

Rewards For Kids: Ready-To-Use Charts & Activities For Positive Parenting

Last Update: April 2010

Siempre Papá A.M.

SMART Leaders: A Peer Leader

Staying Connected With Your Teen

STEP – Systematic Training For Effective Parenting

Strengthening Families Program Ages 6-10 For Parents And Children

Strengthening Families Program Ages 10-14 For Parents And Youth: A Video-Based Curriculum

What Every Girl Needs To Know About The Real World: Social Skills, School Skills, Coping Skills

Wishing Wellness: A Workbook For Children Of Parents With Mental Illness

Working With Groups On Family Issues: Structured Exercises For Exploring Divorce, Balancing Work And Family, Family Problems, Solo Parenting, Boundaries, Intimacy, Stepfamilies

Working With Men's Groups: Structured Exercises In Consciousness Raising, Self-Discovery, Intimacy, Parenting

Last Update: April 2010