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17_578243 bindex.qxd 4/21/05 2:56 PM Page 393 Index Alkjær Lukke (Ringkobing), Antvorskov, 182 A alborg, 10, 351–362 309 Apostelhuset (Næstved), accommodations, 356–358 Allinge, 218–219 183–184 nightlife, 361–362 Almindingen, 214 AQUA Ferskvands Akvarium restaurants, 358–361 Almindingen (Bornholm), 208 og Museum (Silkeborg), shopping, 355–356 Amager Museum (Dragor), 317 sights and attractions in 128 Arbejdermuseet (The Workers and near, 352–355 Amaliehavn (Copenhagen), Museum; Copenhagen), special events, 352 114 104, 106 transportation, 352 Amalienborg Palace (Copen- Århus, 10, 321–335 traveling to, 351–352 hagen), 96–97, 108, 114 accommodations, 328–331 visitor information, 352 The Amber Specialist nightlife, 333–335 Aalborg Carnival, 17, 352 (Copenhagen), 117 restaurants, 331–333 Aalborg Jazz and Blues American Express shopping, 327–328 Festival, 352 Copenhagen, 56 sights and attractions in Aalborg Kongres og Kultur traveler’s checks, 16, 17 and near, 322–327 Center, 361 American Foundation for transportation, 322 Aalborg Marinemuseum, 352 the Blind (AFB), 23 traveling to, 321–322 Aalborgtårnet, 352 American Institute for visitor information, 322 Aalborg Zoologiske Have, Foreign Study (AIFS), 40 Århus Domkirke (Cathedral 352 Amigo Bar (Vordingborg), of St. Clemens), 324 Aarebo Pub (Æroskobing), 190 Århus Festival Week, 18 252 Ancestry, tracing your, 41 Århus Kunstmuseum, 324 AARP, 25 Andersen, Hans Christian, 4, Århus Pass, 322 Abelholt Klostermuseum 105, 196, 343, 347 Århus Theater, 333 (Hillerod), 136–137 in Odense, 224 Århus University,
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