Nome: Lorenzo Cognome: Fioramonti Cittadinanza: Italiana/Sud Africana Data di nascita: 29 April 1977 Attuale impiego: Vice-Ministro all’Istruzione, Università e Ricerca (Italia); Membro della Camera dei Deputati (Italia); Professore Ordinario di Economia Politica, Università di Pretoria (Sud Africa) – in aspettativa.


. 18 anni di esperienza professionale. . 15 anni di insegnamento post-laurea e coordinamento di ricerca per istituzioni accademiche, centri di ricerca e ONG internazionali. . Focus tematico: innovazione della governance; politica economica (internazionale); indicatori alternativi del progresso sociale; società civile; metodologia della ricerca sociale; sviluppo internazionale; integrazione regionale e inter-regionalismo. . Regioni di competenza: Europa e Africa (interesse crescente in America Latina). . Carriera politica: Membro della Camera dei Deputati, Parlamento Italiano (dal 2018) e Vice-Ministro all’Istruzione, Università e Ricerca, Italia (dal 2018). . Riconoscimenti: UP Premio per Eccezionale Ricercatore Giovane (UP Exceptional Young Researcher Award) (2012); UP Premio Miglior Libro dell’Anno (UP Best Book of the Year Award) (2014); Finalista Premio Assaf Migliore Libro dell’Anno (shortlisted Assaf Best Book of the Year Award) (2016). . Presidenze, cattedre e adesioni: prima cattedra Jean Monnet in Studi Europei in Africa (dal 2012); Presidente dell’Integrazione Regionale, Migrazioni e Libera Circolazione delle Persone UNESCO-UNU (2014); Presidente dell’Associazione di Studi UE sull’Africa Sub-Sahariana; membro della rete di ricerca sull’Economia del Benessere in Africa; membro dell’Alleanza per la Sostenibilità e Prosperità (Alliance for Sustainability and Prosperity); membro della task force JICA/IPD sulla Qualità della Crescita in Africa (“The Quality of Growth in Africa”). . Dimostrata capacità di coordinamento di progetti internazionali, insegnamento a livello pre- e post-laurea e supervisione di studenti/ricercatori (livelli Laurea specialistica, Ph.D. e Post-dottorato). . Autore/curatore di 10 libri per case editrici accademiche internazionali e di oltre 60 articoli/capitoli per riviste peer-reviewed (es. Ecological Economics, Third World Quarterly, Journal of Common Market Studies, Global Policy, Voluntas, Development Dialogue, European Foreign Affairs Review, African and Asian Studies, Journal of Civil Society, ecc.). . Autore di editoriali e op-ed pubblicati su: The New York Times, Financial Times, , Foreign Policy, Business Day, TruthOut, Die Presse, Das Parlament, The Mail&Guardian, The Sunday Independent e . Comprovata esperienza in raccolta fondi internazionale per progetti di ricerca. . Conoscenza eccellente scritta e orale di tre lingue (Inglese, Spagnolo e Italiano). . Conoscenza eccellente di tecniche qualitative e quantitative per la ricerca sociale. . Conoscenza eccellente di analisi comparative e sondaggi sociali. . Piena competenza in analisi statistica (es. SPSS, regression models and factor analysis). . Consulente di ricerca sulla misurazione dell’impatto, indicatori sociali e processi partecipativi per le agenzie pubbliche (es. Commissione Europea, Ministero Italiano per gli Affari Esteri, Lavoro e Pubblica Amministrazione, Flemish Development Agency, UK Department for International Development) e ONG Internazionali (es. Oxfam, Cordaid, Hivos, CIVICUS, Active Citizenship Network). . H Index: 16 . Le pubblicazioni più rilevanti, possono essere lette ai link: e


9/2001 – 5/2005 Ph.D. in Scienze Politiche (Politiche Europee e Comparate) Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Università di Siena, in collaborazione con l’Istituto Universitario Europeo. Titolo della tesi: Un caso di studio di Micro-Assistenza alla Democrazia: l’Unione Europea in Supporto delle Organizzazioni Comunitarie in Sud Africa (A Case Study of Micro-Assistance to Democracy: the European Union Supporting Advice Community-Based Organisations in South Africa) Focus: sviluppo, governance, economia dal basso, partecipazione.

9/2002 Corso in Unione Europea e Sviluppo, Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI), Milan ()

6-7/2002 Corso in Analisi dei Dati nelle Scienze Sociali, University of Essex (UK)

9/1996 – 3/2001 Laurea Magistrale in Storia Economica e Politica (110/110 cum laude), Facoltà di Filosofia, Università di Roma - Tor Vergata Focus: diritti personali, sviluppo umano, società civile e governance internazionale.

Carriera professionale

6/2018 – ad oggi Vice-Ministro all’Istruzione, Università e Ricerca (già Sottosegretario da 6/2018 a 9/2018)

3/2018 – ad oggi Membro della Camera dei Deputati, Parlamento Italiano

11/2014 – ad oggi (in aspettativa dal 3/2018) Università di Pretoria (Sud Africa) Professore Ordinario di Economia Politica

10/2016 – ad oggi (in aspettativa dal 3/2018) Università di Stellenbosch (Sud Africa) Professore Straordinario, School of Public Leadership

9/2012 – 3/2018 Centro per lo Studio dell’Innovazione della Governance (Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation) Università di Pretoria (Sud Africa) Direttore

4/2012 – 10/2014 Università di Pretoria (Sud Africa) Professore Associato di Economia Politica

7/2011 – 3/2012 Hertie School of Governance (Berlino, Germania) Global Governance Report Senior Fellow

4/2010 – 2/2012 Centre for Social Investment Università di Heidelberg (Germania) Senior Fellow (borsa di studio Compagnia di San Paolo)

7/2009 – 6/2011 Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche Università di Pretoria (Sud Africa) Associate Fellow

1/2008 – 4/2010 Dipartimento di Politica, Istituzioni, Storia Università di Bologna Docente Senior in Scienze Politiche e Relazioni Internazionali

7/2006 – 4/2008 Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche Università di Pretoria (Sud Africa) Fellow post-dottorato

1/2005 – 10/2007 CIVICUS: Alleanza Mondiale per la Partecipazioine dei Cittadini (World Alliance for Citizen Participation, Civil Society Index) Johannesburg (Sud Africa) Coordinatore di Ricerca Senior Coordinamento del Civil Society Index, un progetto di mappatura internazionale che ha coinvolto oltre 60 ricercatori in 50 paesi (

2/2004 – 12/2004 Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Università di Pretoria Pretoria (Sud Africa) Ricercatore Associato

3/2004 – 5/2004 Centre for Civil Society Università di KwaZulu-Natal Durban (Sud Africa) Visiting Research Fellow

9/2003 – 1/2004 Dipartimento di scienze politiche e sociali Istituto Universitario Europeo Firenze Ricercatore PhD

9/2002 – 2/2003 Centro per lo Studio del Cambiamento Politico Università di Siena Assistente di Ricerca e Docente Junior in Relazioni Internazionali

9/2000 – 7/2001 Clorofilla Agenzia di Stampa Ambientale Roma Reporter

Insegnamento e supervisione 2012-continuativo Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche Università di Pretoria Professore Ordinario (Professore Associato fino al 2014)

2011-2012 Istituto per le Scienze Politiche (Institut für Politische Wissenschaft) Università di Heidelberg (Germania) Professore Aggiunto

2011-2012 Hertie School of Governance, Berlino (Germania) Professore Aggiunto Corso U1 (in inglese): Comprendere la Governance in un Mondo Globalizzato (Understanding Governance in a Globalizing World) (Masters level)

2008-2011 Facoltà di Scienze Politiche Università di Bologna a Forlì, in collaborazione con l’Università di Howard e l’Università del Kent State (USA) Coordinatore Modello NATO per Studenti di Master in Affari Internazionali (in Inglese) (NATO Model for Masters International Affairs students).

10/2009 – 5/2010 Scuola di Politiche Internazionali e Cooperazione (School of International Politics and Cooperation) Federazione Organismi Cristiani Servizio Internazionale Volontario (FOCSIV, Italia) Docente Senior Programma Master Internazionale in Politiche Internazionali e Sviluppo Modulo: Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo.

5/2008 – 6/2009 Dipartimento di Politica, Istituzioni, Storia Università di Bologna Professore Aggiunto Modulo: Politica Internazionale.

3/2008 – 3/2009 Facoltà di Studi Amministrativi ed Europei Podgorica (Montenegro) Docente Senior International Masters in European Studies Modulo: Geopolitica e Politica Estera Europea (in inglese)

11/2007 – 2/2008 Centro per gli Studi Interdisciplinari Post-Laurea Università di Sarajevo (Bosnia – Herzegovina) Docente Senior Master Europeo Regionale in Democrazia e Diritti Umani nell’Europa Sud-Orientale Modulo: Diritti Umani e Sicurezza in Europa (in inglese).

6/2006 – 10/2007 Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche Università di Pretoria (Sud Africa) Docente (durante il Post-Doctoral Fellow) Modulo: Corso Jean Monnet in Studi Europei. Target: honours students – in inglese

10/2004 – 9/2005 Dipartimento di Politica, Istituzioni, Storia Università di Bologna Docente Modulo: Politica Internazionale.


2017 Oltre 20 conferenze e discorsi di apertura in vari convegni internazionali in occasione della pubblicazione dei libri Wellbeing Economy: Success in a World Without Growth e The World After GDP: Economics, Politics and International Relations in the Post-Growth Era. 1/2017 ‘The World After GDP: building a wellbeing economy’, (Il mondo dopo il PIL: costruire un’economia del benessere) discorso di apertura presso la Società per l’Economia Ecologica di Australia e Nuova Zelanda, Università di South Australia, 9-13 Gennaio 2017.

9/2016 ‘Wellbeing economy: the future of prosperity in Africa’ (Economia del benessere: il futuro della prosperità in Africa), discorso alla cena di gala in occasione della conferenza annuale della Land Rehabilitation Society of Southern Africa, Kimberley, 14 Settembre. 6/2016 ‘Wellbeing economy: the future of prosperity in Africa’, (Economia del benessere: il futuro della prosperità in Africa) discorso pubblico al Change Maker programme, Sustainability Institute, Sud Africa, 2 Giugno 2016. 11/2015 ‘Building a Social and Equitable Economy in South Africa,’ (Costruire un’economia sociale ed equa in Sud Africa) discorso di apertura al meeting generale annuale della Foundation for Human Rights, Sud Africa, 5 Dicembre 2015. 11/2015 ‘Beyond GDP: Towards a Wellbeing Dashboard for Africa,’ (Oltre il PIL: verso una dashboard del benessere per l’Africa) discorso di apertura al Summit “Misurare il Benessere e lo Sviluppo in Africa”, Durban Convention Centre, Sud Africa, 12 Novembre 2015. 11/2015 ‘Gross Domestic Problem: How Moving Beyond GDP Can Help Change the World?,’ (Problema Interno Lordo: come superare il PIL può aiutare a cambiare il mondo?) discorso di apertura alla conferenza annuale di Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP), Cape Town, Sud Africa, 13 Novembre 2015. 11/2015 ‘Why We Need a Horizontal Economy to Build a Good Anthropocene in Africa’, (Perchè abbiamo bisogno di un’economia orizzontale per costruire un buon antropocene in Africa) discorso di apertura al Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) Policy Day, Cape Town, Sud Africa, 2 Novembre 2015. 10/2015 ‘What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Growth,’ (Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo di crescita) discorso di apertura alla Google’s Wisdom Conference, Stoccolma, Svezia, 6-7 Ottobre 2015. 10/2014 ‘How Numbers Rule the World…And What It Means for Our Democracies,’ (Come i numeri comandano il mondo… e cosa significa per le nostre democrazie) conferenza pubblica all’Istituto Tedesco-Americano, Heidelberg, Germania, 14 Ottobre 2014. 8/2014 ‘Gross Domestic Problem: Why Africa Needs to Move Beyond GDP’, (Problema Interno Lordo: perchè l’Africa ha bisogno di superare il PIL) discorso al governo Ugandese, Laico Lake Victoria Hotel, Entebbe, 21-23 Agosto 2014. 6/2014 ‘Rethinking trade in the 21st century’, (Ripensare il commercio nel 21° secolo) discorso di apertura all’Eschborn Dialogue, la conferenza annuale internazionale organizzata dalla GIZ tedesca, 17 Giugno 2014, Eschborn (Francoforte), Germania. 4/2014 ‘How to Build a Child-friendly Economy in Africa,’ (Come costruire un’economia amica dei bambini in Africa) discorso di apertura alla conferenza internazionale annuale di Save the Children, 29 Aprile 2014, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, Sud Africa. 3/2014 ‘Gross Domestic Problem: Why Africa Needs to Move Beyond GDP’, (Problema Interno Lordo: perchè l’Africa ha bisogno di superare il PIL) Namibia Statistics Agency, 19 Marzo 2014, Protea Hotel Windhoek, Namibia. 3/2014 ‘From food sovereignty to food democracy: the future of food in a changing world’, (Dalla sovranità alimentare alla democrazia alimentare: il futuro del cibo in un mondo in trasformazione) conferenza internazionale Veg-i-Trade, progetto FP7 finanziato dall’Unione Europea, Pretoria, South Africa. 2/2014 ‘Africa’s Gross Domestic Problem: Is the Continent Really Rising?’, (Il Problema Interno Lordo dell’Africa: il continente sta davvero crescendo?) Heinrich Boll Foundation, 25 Febbraio 2014, Berlin, Germany. 2/2014 ‘The Do’s and Dont’s of a Post-GDP Economy’, (Cosa fare e non fare in un’economia post-PIL) Schumacher College, Totnes, UK. 12/2013 ‘Gross Domestic Problem: Why We Need New Measurements in Africa’, (Problema Interno Lordo: perchè abbiamo bisogno di nuovi misuratori in Africa) Meeting Annuale African Union Head of Statistics, Johannesburg, Sud Africa.

11/2013 ‘Leadership in the Networked Economy’, (Leadership in un’economia inter-connessa) Borsa Valori di Johannesburg, Breakfast Networking Events, Sandton Convention Centre, Sud Africa. 8/2013 ‘Building Healthy Economies in Africa: A Post-GDP Perspective’, (Costruire economie sane in Africa: una prospettiva post- PIL) The Institute of Internal Auditors: 16th Annual National Internal Audit Conference, 12-14 Agosto 2013, Sandton, Sud Africa. 7/2013 ‘Mother Nature vs. Big Money: Why Natural Capital Accounting is Turning Into a New Financial Speculation’, (Madre natura contro grandi profitti: perché contabilizzare il capitale naturale sta diventando una nuova speculazione finanziaria) School of Development Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Winter School on Rethinking Development, 18 Luglio 2013. 5/2013 ‘Gross Domestic ‘Problem’: The Dark Side of GDP and Why It Matters to Africa’s Future’, (Problema Interno Lordo: il lato oscuro del PIL e perché è importante per il futuro dell’Africa) Speakers Programme Lecture, Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town, Sud Africa, 30 Maggio 2013. 3/2013 ‘Gross Domestic ‘Problem’: The Dark Side of GDP and Why It Matter to Africa’s Future’, (Problema Interno Lordo: il lato oscuro del PIL e perché è importante per il futuro dell’Africa) Inaugural Expert Lecture at the , Sud Africa, 14 Marzo 2013. 2/2013 ‘Gross Domestic ‘Problem’: The Dark Side of GDP and Why It Matters to Africa’s Future’, (Problema Interno Lordo: il lato oscuro del PIL e perché è importante per il futuro dell’Africa) Special Lecture at Business School of Exeter University, UK, 1 Febbraio 2013. 1/2013 ‘Gross Domestic ‘Problem’: The Politics Behind the World’s Most Powerful Number’, (Problema Interno Lordo: le politiche dietro il numero più potente del mondo) Special Lecture at Business School of Plymouth University, UK, 31 Gennaio 2013. 3/2011 ‘Human Rights and Security in Africa: an Assessment’, (Diritti umani e sicurezza in Africa: una valutazione) Special Lecture, Centre for International Governance Innovation, Ottawa (Canada), 14 Gennaio 2011. 5/2010 ‘Civil Society After Democracy’, (Società civile dopo la democrazia) Special Lecture, Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea), 11 Maggio 2010. 5/2010 ‘The Evolution of Civic Activism in Korea and South Africa’, (L’evoluzione dell’attivismo civico in Corea e Sud Africa) Special Lecture, Korea University, Seoul (Corea), 10 Maggio 2010.

Fellowships, coordinamento ricerca internazionale, editoria, premi e conferenze organizzate FELLOWSHIPS . 2013: Rockefeller Foundation fellowship per una breve permanenza presso il Bellagio Center, Lago di Como. . 2010-2012: Compagnia di San Paolo borsa di studio speciale per l’eccellenza nella politica economica, Centre for Social Investment, Università di Heidelberg (Germania). . 2008-2012: Research fellowship at the Department of Political Sciences, Università di Pretoria (Sud Africa) EDITORIA E RECENSIONI . Capo-redattore, Solutions, la rivista scientifica di punta . Editore Associato del The Journal of Common Market Studies, la rivista scientifica leader nell’integrazione del mercato Europeo. . Membro del Comitato Editoriale del The Journal of Civil Society. PREMI E CATTEDRE . 2012-2020: Jean Monnet Chair in Studi Europei (primo in Africa). . 2012: Premio per Eccellente Ricercatore Giovane (Exceptional Young Researcher Award), Università di Pretoria. . 2014: Premio al Miglior Libro dell’Anno, Università di Pretoria. . 2014-2017: Cattedra UNESCO-UNU in Integrazione Regionale, Migrazione e Libera Circolazione delle Persone. . 2016: finalista “Migliore Libro dell’Anno” all’Academy of Science of South Africa nella categoria ‘scienze sociali ed economiche’.

COORDINAMENTO RICERCA INTERNAZIONALE . 2016-2017: Coordinamento del Wellbeing Economy in Africa Lab, in partnership con il Global Leadership Academy e GIZ. . 2013-2015: Coordinatore del progetto di ricerca internazionale Atlantic Future – (EU Framework Programme 7 SSH-2012-1) presso l’Università di Pretoria. . 2013-2014: Coordinatore del progetto di ricerca internazionale REGIOCONF (finanziato nell’ambito del progetto ‘Europe and Global Challenges’ da Volkswagen Foundation, la Compagnia di San Paolo e Riksbankens Jubileumsfond), in partnership con L’Università di Tubingen (Germania). . 2009-2011: Coordinatore del progetto di ricerca internazionale EU-Grasp – Changing Multilateralism: The EU as a Global-Regional Actor for Security and Peace (EU Framework Programme 7 SSH-2007-1) al Forum on the Problems of War and Peace. . 2009-2012: Coordinatore del progetto di ricerca internazionale Mercury: Multilateralism and the EU in Contemporary Global Order (EU Framework Programme 7 SSH-2007-1) presso l’Università di Pretoria. . 2007: Ricercatore Aggiunto per il progetto internazionale ‘The EU through the eyes of the others’ coordinato dal Prof. Martin Holland, Università di Canterbury (New Zealand). . 2006: Coordinatore nazionale (Sud Africa) per un sondaggio dinanziato da DfID sull’efficacia di donatori multilaterali, coordinato dall’Overseas Development Institute (Londra, UK). . 2005-2007: Coordinatore della ricerca CIVICUS Civil Society Index. . 2005-2006: Coordinatore del progetto di ricerca ‘The External Image of the European Union’, co-finanziato dal network of excellence GARNET (EU Framework Programme 6) e dal Ministero Italiano per gli Affari Esteri. . 2005-2006: Consulente per le cinque organizzazioni Olandesi co-finanziatrici: Oxfam Novib, ICCO, HIVOS, Cordaid e Plan the Netherlands. Missione: condurre uno studio sull’efficacia degli aiuti in Uganda e Bolivia. . Consulente per il Dipartimento Italiano della Pubblica Amministrazione e FORMEZ. Missione: sviluppo di uno strumento metodologico per la conduzione di una valutazione civica dei servizi pubblici e la qualità urbana a livello municipale, in collaborazione Active Citizenship Network. . Consulente per l’Istituto per la Formazione al Lavoro (ISFOL, Italy). Missione: coordinamento di un progetto di ricerca sull’esclusione sociale, l’integrazione dei migranti e le risorse finanziare del settore terziario promosso dal Ministero Italiano del Lavoro, della Salute e delle Politiche Sociali. PRESIDENZE E MEMBERSHIPS . President of the European Studies Association of Sub-Saharan Africa, a member of ECSA World. . Member of the JICA/IPD task force on ‘The Quality of Growth in Africa’ chaired by Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz . Member of the European Union Studies Association . Member of the Global Leadership Academy, an initiative promoted by the German Development Cooperation Agency (GIZ) . Member of the International Studies Association . Advisory Board Member of the Business Guide to NGOs and UN Agencies, an initiative promoted by UN Global Compact and Dalberg Global Development Advisors. ORGANIZZAZIONE DI CONFERENZE INTERNAZIONALI . 2011 – Regional integration in Europe and Africa: models, practices and comparative perspectives (funded by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme) . 2012 – Regional governance of migration and social policy: Comparing European and African regional integration policies and practices (funded by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme) . 2013 – Governance Innovation Week – Building regions from below: civil society and supranational governance in times of crisis (funded by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme, the Flemish Delegation to Southern Africa, the South African Institute of International Affairs and the Heinrich Boll Foundation) . 2013 – Governance Innovation Week – BRICS at the crossroads Prospects for Green Economies and Sustainable Progress in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (funded by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme, the Flemish Delegation to Southern Africa, the South African Institute of International Affairs and the Heinrich Boll Foundation) . 2014 – Governance Innovation Week, including four international workshops on sustainable regions, regional integration and conflict transformation, global governance innovations and new innovations in Atlantic governance (funded by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme, European Commission’s FP7, the Volkswagen Foundation, Compagnia di San Paolo, Riksbankens Jubileumfond, University of Gothenburg and SA Department of Science and Technology). . 2015 – Governance Innovation Week, including four international workshops on EU-Africa relations, South-South regional cooperation, policy convergence and norm transfer in environmental governance, regional migration in Southern Africa and new economic paradigms in Africa (Beyond GDP). . 2017 – Governance Innovation Week and Wellbeing Economy Festival. Raccolta fondi . Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale 2008-2009. 50,000 EUR per condurre una ricerca internazionale sulla percezione dell’opinione pubblica e delle élites politiche dell’Unione Europea. . EU 7th Framework Programme 2009-2011. Due progetti di ricerca sul multilateralismo, inter-regionalismo e politica estera dell’Unione Europea. 1) MERCURY assegnato all’Università di Pretoria (finanziamento totale EUR 1,5 milione, di cui UP ha ricevuto circa EUR 150,000) e EU-GRASP assegnato al Forum on the Problems of Peace and War (finanziamento totale EUR 1,5 milioni, di cui il Forum ha ricevuto circa EUR 300,000). . EU Jean Monnet Programme 2010. 30,000 EUR per il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche dell’Università di Pretoria per organizare un convegno internazionale sull’integrazione regionale in Europa, Africa e Asia. . South African Department for Science and Technology 2010. ZAR 250,000 (circa 25,000 EUR) per lanciare un’Unità di Ricerca per gli Studi Euro-Africani presso l’Università di Pretoria. . EU Jean Monnet Programme 2011. 30,000 EUR per il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche dell’Università di Pretoria per organizare un convegno internazionale sull’integrazione regionale, migrazioni e politiche sociali. . EU-SA Dialogue Facility 2012. 31,500 EUR per il Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation (Università di Pretoria) per condurre uno studio comparativo di politiche migratorie in Africa Meridionale, in cooperazione con l’Università di Witwatersrand (Sud Africa). . EU Jean Monnet Programme 2012. 40,000 EUR per il Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation (Università di Pretoria) per organizzare una conferenza internazionale su “costruire regioni sovrannazionali dal basso” come parte della Governance Innovation Week 2013. . EU Jean Monnet Chair 2012-2015. 45,000 EUR per il Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation (Università di Pretoria) per stabilire la prima Cattedra Jean Monnet in Studi Europei in Africa. . Volkswagen Foundation, Compagnia di San Paolo, Riksbankens Jubileumfond 2013-2014. 100,000 EUR per il Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation (Università di Pretoria) per condurre una ricerca sulla connessione tra l’integrazione regionale e la trasformazione dei conflitti in Africa. . EU 7th Framework Programme 2012-2015. 200,000 EUR per il Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation (Università di Pretoria) per coordinare la squadra Sudafricana coinvolta nel progetto di ricerca internazionale sulle relazioni inter-regionali chiamato ‘Atlantic Future’, finanziato dall’Unione Europea sotto il 7th Framework Programme (totale finanziamento 2,7 million EUR). . South African Department of Science and Technology. 100,000 EUR (1.2 million ZAR) per supportare la ricerca sulla mappatura dell’innovazione della governance nello spazio atlantico (co-finanziamento per Atlantic Future). . EU Jean Monnet Programme 2013. 50,000 EUR per il Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation (Università di Pretoria) per organizzare una conferenza internazionale sul ‘regionalismo sostenibile in periodi di crisi’ come parte della Governance Innovation Week 2014. . EU ERASMUS+ 2014. 60,000 EUR per il Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation (Università di Pretoria) per organizzare la Governance Innovation Week 2015. . Belmont Forum 2015. 2 milioni di EUR per il Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation (Università di Pretoria), per condurre un progetto di ricerca comparata sulle nuove strategie di investimento in Africa e come impattano la governance regionale nel campo della gestione della terra, della sicurezza alimentare, agricoltura e migrazione. . Mellon Foundation 2015. 336,000 USD per il Graduate Programme ‘Rethinking Development: Wellbeing and Social Transformation in Africa’. . Global Leadership Academy 2016-2017. 120,000 EUR per il laboratorio Wellbeing Economy in Africa. . Friedrich Ebert Foundation 2016. 20,000 EUR contributo per il laboratorio Wellbeing Economy in Africa. . European Union (ERASMUS+) 2016: 65,000 EUR per ospitare la Governance Innovation Week 2017. . National Research Foundation 2016: 1 million ZAR (62,000 EUR) per il Wellbeing Economy Festival 2017. . GIZ/Global Leadership Academy 2016: 120,000 EUR per il Laboratorio Wellbeing Economy in Africa 2016-2017. . Friedrich Ebert Foundation 2016: 20,000 EUR per il Laboratorio Wellbeing Economy in Africa 2016. . Friedrich Ebert Foundation 2017: 25,000 EUR per il Wellbeing Economy Festival 2017. . EU Jean Monnet Chair 2017-2020: 50,000 EUR per la continuazione delle attività della Cattera Jean Monnet.

Pubblicazioni Referred peer-reviewed academic journals 1/2018 FIORAMONTI, L., Dekeyser, K. and Korsten, L. ‘Food Sovereignty: Shifting Debates on Democratic Food Governance’, Food Security, 10 (1): 223-233 [Impact Factor: 2.271]. 12/2017 FIORAMONTI, L., Costanza, R., et al. ‘Twenty Years of Ecosystem Services: How Far Have We Come and How Far Do We Still Need to Go?’, Ecosystem Services, 28: 1-16 [SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.935; Impact Factor: 4.072; 5-Year Impact Factor: 5.866 ]. 1/2017 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘South Africa’s Perceptions of the EU in Energy Governance: A Partner in Decline?’, Comparative European Politics, 15(1): 99-114. 9/2016 FIORAMONTI, L., Costanza, R., et al. ‘Measuring Sustainable Wellbeing in Connection with the UN Sustainable Development Goals’, Ecological Economics, 130: 350-355. [SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.733; Impact Factor: 3.227; 5- Year Impact Factor: 4.227 ]. 3/2016 FIORAMONTI, L. and Mattheis, F., ‘Is Africa Really Following Europe? An Integrated Framework for Comparative Regionalism’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 54 (3): pp. 674–690. [Impact Factor: 1.83; ISI Journal Citation Report Ranking: 2015: 12/86 (International Relations); 25/163 (Political Science); 61/344 (Economics); ISSN: 1468-5965]. 3/2016 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Post-GDP World? Rethinking International Politics in the 21st Century’, Global Policy, 7 (1): 15-24. [ISI Journal Citation Reports Ranking: 2015: 42/86; Impact Factor: 0.837; IBSS Journal; ISSN: 1758-5899]. 3/2015 FIORAMONTI, L. and Kononykhina, O., ‘Measuring the Enabling Environment of Civil Society: A Global Capability Index,’ VOLUNTAS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VOLUNTARY AND NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS, 26 (2): 466-487. [ISI Social Sciences Citation Index; Impact Factor: .881 2012; IBSS Journal; ISSN 0957-8765]. 1/2015 FIORAMONTI, L., Slippers, B. and Vogel, C. ‘Global Trends and Opportunities for Development of African Research Universities’, SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE 111 (1-2): 1-4. 11/2014 FIORAMONTI, L. and Nshimbi, C. ‘The Will to Integrate: South Africa’s Responses to Regional Migration from the SADC Region’, AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 26 (1): 52-63. [ISI Social Sciences Citation Index; Impact Factor: .633; IBSS Journal; ISSN 1467-8268]. 4/2014 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘The World’s Most Powerful Number: An Assessment of 80 Years of GDP Ideology,’ ANTHROPOLOGY TODAY 30 (2): 12-15. 2/2014 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Africa Rising? Think Again,’ PERSPECTIVES: POLITICAL ANALYSES AND COMMENTARY, 1 (February 2014): 6-9. 12/2013 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Regions without Borders? Regional Governance, Migration and Social Protection in Europe and Africa,’ REGIONS AND COHESION, 3 (3), special guest editor. 5/2013 FIORAMONTI, L. and Thumler, E., ‘Civil Society, Crisis and Change: Towards a Theoretical Framework,’ THE JOURNAL OF CIVIL SOCIETY, 9 (2): 225-232. [IBSS Journal; ISSN 1744-8689]. 5/2013 FIORAMONTI, L. and Thumler, E., ‘Accountability, Democracy and Post-Growth: Civil Society Rethinking Political Economy and Finance,’ THE JOURNAL OF CIVIL SOCIETY, 9 (2): 117-128. [IBSS Journal; ISSN 1744-8689]. 11/2012 FIORAMONTI, L., ‘Micro-Assistance to Democracy: Two Revolutions in Promoting Consolidation of Democracy in Developing Countries,’ STRATEGIC REVIEW OF SOUTHERN AFRICA, 34 (2): 110-127. [IBSS Journal; ISSN 1013-1108]. 4/2012 FIORAMONTI, L. (ed.), Regionalism in a Changing World. Perspectives from Africa, Europe, Asia and Latin America, Special Issue of THE INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR, 47 (1): 176p. [IBSS Journal; ISSN 0393-2729] In particular, Fioramonti, L. ‘ Building Regions from Below: Has Time for Regionalism 2.0?’: 151-160. 4/2011 FIORAMONTI, L. and Thumler, E., ‘The Financial Crisis and the Nonprofit Sector: Can Philanthropic Foundations Support the Creation of a Civic Watchdog of International Finance?,’ INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NOT-FOR-PROFIT LAW, 13 (3): 33-42. Available online: 3/2011 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Poteri emergenti nell’economia politica internazionale: il caso di India, Brasile e Sudafrica’ QUADERNI FORUM, 2/2009. 3/2011 FIORAMONTI, L. & Kimunguyi, ‘Europe vs. China in Africa: public opinion and elite views in Kenya and South Africa’, THE INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR, 46 (1): 69-82. [IBSS Journal; ISSN 0393-2729] 10/2010 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Europa Potenza Globale: un ridimensionamento delle ambizioni europee nei rapporti tra Nord e Sud del mondo’, QUADERNI DI RELAZIONI INTERNAZIONALI, 13 October 2010: 44-56. 6/2010 FIORAMONTI, L. & Fiori, A. ‘Civil Society After Democracy: the Evolution of Civic Activism in South Africa and Korea’, JOURNAL OF CIVIL SOCIETY, 6 (1): 25-40. [IBSS Journal; ISSN 1744-8689]. 2/2010 FIORAMONTI, L.& Fiori, A. ‘The Changing Role of Civil Society in Democratization: Evidence from South Africa and Korea’, AFRICAN AND ASIAN STUDIES, 9 (1-2): 83-104. [Social Sciences Citation Index; IBSS Journal; ISSN 1569-2094]. Impact Factor: 0.23 7/2009 FIORAMONTI, L., ‘Sustainability and Micro-Assistance to Democracy: An Empirical Study of EU aid to Post-Apartheid South Africa’, POLITIKON: SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL STUDIES, 35 (3):321-338. [Social Sciences Citation Index; IBSS Journal; ISSN 0258-9346]. Impact Factor: 0.538. 3/2009 FIORAMONTI, L. 'African Integration and the European Union: Views and Perspectives', Centre for Policy Studies Synopsis, 10 (1), 2009: 3-7. 1/2008 FIORAMONTI, L. & Poletti, A. ‘Facing the Giant: Southern Perspectives on the European Union’, THIRD WORLD QUARTERLY, 29 (1), 2008: 167-180. [Social Sciences Citation Index; IBSS Journal; ISSN 0143-6597]. Impact Factor: 0.920. 12/2007 FIORAMONTI, L. & Naidoo, K. ‘Governance and Civil Society in an Era of Globalisation,’ NEW AGENDA: SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC POLICY, 28 (4): 66-69. 12/2007 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘The Internal Contradictions of Global Civil Society: What Impact on Democracy?’ DEVELOPMENT DIALOGUE, 49 (2007): 131-141. [IBSS Journal; ISSN 0345-2328]. SJR Index: 0,025. H Index: 3. 8/2007 FIORAMONTI, L. & Olivier, G. ‘Altruism or Self-Interest: An Exploratory Study of the EU’s External Image in South Africa,’ EUROPEAN FOREIGN AFFAIRS REVIEW, 12 (3), 2007: 401-419. [IBSS Journal; ISSN 1384-6299]. 8/2007 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Different Facets of a Strategic Partnership: How the EU is Viewed by Political and Business Elites, Civil Society and the Press in India’, EUROPEAN FOREIGN AFFAIRS REVIEW, 12 (3), 2007: 349-362. [IBSS Journal; ISSN 1384-6299]. 8/2005 FIORAMONTI, L. 2005. ‘Civil Societies and Democratization: Assumptions, Dilemmas and the South African Experience’, THEORIA: A JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL THEORY, 107 (August 2005): 65-88. [IBSS Journal; ISSN 0040-5817]. 12/2004 FIORAMONTI, L. 2004. ‘Analysing Micro-Assistance to Democracy: The European Union Supporting Grassroots Organisations in South Africa’, DEVELOPMENT IN PRACTICE, 14 (6): 741-752. [IBSS Journal; ISSN 0961-4524]. SJR Index: 0,054. H Index: 16.

Books 5/2017 FIORAMONTI, L. Wellbeing Economy: Success in a World Without Growth, Johannesburg and New York: MacMillan, 2017 (paperback). 2/2017 FIORAMONTI, L. The World After GDP. Economics, Politics and International Relations in the Post-Growth Era, Cambridge: Polity Bookss, 2017 (paperback). Reviewed by: □ Financial Times: (2017) 4/2016 FIORAMONTI, L., Scholte, J.A. and Nhema, A. (eds) New Rules for Global Justice: Structural Redistribution in the Global Economy, Lanham and London: Rowman and Littlefield. Paperback. 1/2014 FIORAMONTI, L. How Numbers Rule the World: The Use and Abuse of Statistics in Global Politics, London: Zed Books, 2014 (paperback). Reviewed by: □ LSE Review of Books: the-world-by-lorenzo-fioramonti/ (2014) Translations: □ Published in Korean by Bookstory (2015). 1/2014 FIORAMONTI, L. (ed.) Civil Society and World Regions: How Citizens Are Reshaping Regional Governance in Times of Crisis, Lanham: Lexington, 2014. Paperback in January 2015. Reviewed by: □ Journal of Common Market Studies, 53 (2), 2015: 429-430. 11/2013 FIORAMONTI, L. & Thuemler, E. (eds) Citizens vs. Markets: How Civil Society Is Rethinking the Economy in a Time of Crises, London: Routledge, 2013 (paperback). Reviewed by (among others): □ Political Studies, 2015, 13: 597-598. 1/2013 FIORAMONTI, L. Gross Domestic Problem. The Politics Behind the World’s Most Powerful Number, London: Zed Books, 2013 (paperback). Reviewed by: □ Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 15:2-3. □ Red Pepper Magazine: (2013) □ United Nations University, One World, Development and Society: gross-domestic-problem.html (2013) □ Included among the 3 most influential books on GDP by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture: (2014) □ Reviewed and profiled by Public Books: (2014) Translations: □ Published in Chinese by Beijing Xingshengle Book Distribution (2015). □ Published in Korean by Humanitas (2016). □ To be published in Bahasa by Marjin Kiri by end of 2015. □ Published in Italian by L’Asino D’Oro Edizioni (2017) 9/2012 FIORAMONTI, L. (ed.) Regionalism in a Changing World. Comparative Perspectives in the New Global Order, London: Routledge, 2012. Reviewed by: □ Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, 8 (1), 2013: 88-89. 6/2012 FIORAMONTI, L. (ed.) Regions and Crises. New Challenges for Contemporary Regionalisms, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2012. Reviewed by: □ International Spectator, 48 (2), 2013: 133-136. □ Australian and New Zealand Journal of European Studies, 2012 (2): 73-75 □ Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 26 (1), 2013: 265-266. □ South African Journal of International Affairs, 21 (2), 2014: 300-302. 3/2010 FIORAMONTI, L. European Union Democracy Aid. Supporting Civil Society in Post-Apartheid South Africa, London: Routledge, 2010. 9/2009 FIORAMONTI, L. & Lucarelli, S. (eds.) External Perceptions of the European Union as a Global Actor, London: Routledge, 2009. Paperback published in 2011. Reviewed by: □ European Journal of Development Research, 23 (3): 507-509. □ Millennium – Journal of International Studies, 2011, 39: 902-903. □ Political Studies Review, 2012, 10 (2): 293-294. 12/2007 FIORAMONTI, L. & Heinrich, V.F. (eds.) Global Survey of the State of Civil Society (Volume 2), Bloomfield: Kumarian Press (paperback). 12/1999 FIORAMONTI, L. & Baccarini, E. (eds) Diritti umani. 50 anni dopo [Human Rights: 50 Years Later], : Aracne, 1999.

Chapters 10/2016 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Horizontal Economy: How Africa Can Build a Thriving Economy in the 21st Century’, in Gumede, V. (ed.) The Great Recession and Its Implications for Human Values: Lessons for Africa, Johannesburg: MISTRA. 6/2016 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Beyond GDP: A Green Economy Dashboard for South Africa’, in Swilling, M., Kaviti-Musango, J. and WAkeford, J. (eds) Greening the South African Economy, Cape Town: University of Cape Town Press. 4/2016 FIORAMONTI, L. & Nhema, A. ‘Governance Innovation: Enabling Collective Action for Structural Redistribution’, in Fioramonti, L., Scholte, J.A. and Nhema, A. (eds) New Rules for Global Justice: Structural Redistribution in the Global Economy, Lanham and London: Rowman and Littlefield. 11/2015 FIORAMONTI, L. & Kotsopoulos, J. ‘EU-Africa Interregional Relations and the Role of South Africa’, in M. Telo, L. Fawcett and F. Ponjaert (eds), Interregionalism and the European Union: A Post-Revisionist Approach to Europe’s Place in a Changing World, Farnham: Ashgate, 2015. 1/2014 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘The Role of Civil Society in (Re)Shaping World Regions’, in L. Fioramonti (ed.) Civil Society and World Regions: How Citizens Are Reshaping Regional Governance in Times of Crisis, Lanham: Lexington, 2014. 1/2014 FIORAMONTI, L.'The European Union Promoting Development in Africa: the Economic Partnership Agreements as a Case of Aggressive Multilateralism', in C. Bouchard, J. Peterson and N. Tocci (eds.), Multilateralism in the 21st Century: Europe’s Quest for Effectiveness, London: Routledge, 2013. 9/2013 FIORAMONTI, L.'The European Union Promoting Human Rights and Democracy in Africa’, in T. Murithi (ed.), Handbook of Africa’s International Relations, London: Routledge, 2013. 3/2012 FIORAMONTI, L. 'Is the EU a ‘Better’ Global Player: An Analysis of Emerging Powers’ Perceptions', in T. Renard and S. Biscop (eds.), The European Union and Emerging Powers in the 21st Century. How Europe Can Shape a New Global Order, Farnham: Ashgate, 2012. 2/2012 FIORAMONTI, L. 'Promoting Human Rights and Democracy. A New Paradigm for the European Union the EU', in J. Peters (ed.), The European Union and the Arab Spring, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2012. 3/2012 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Apartheid’, in H.K. Anheier and M. Juergensmeyer (eds.), Encyclopedia of Global Studies (London: Sage) 4/2010 FIORAMONTI, L. 'Reforming Global Governance: Official proposals, internal rivalries and future prospects', in Free Trade Dis-agreements, Brussels, Partnership for Change: 2010 9/2009 FIORAMONTI, L. & Lucarelli, S. 'Introduction', in L. Fioramonti and S. Lucarelli (eds.), External Perceptions of the European Union as a Global Actor, London: Routledge, 2009. 9/2009 FIORAMONTI, L. & Olivier, G. 'The Emerging Global South', in L. Fioramonti and S. Lucarelli (eds.), External Perceptions of the European Union as a Global Actor, London: Routledge, 2009. 9/2009 FIORAMONTI, L. & Lucarelli, S. 'Conclusion', in. L.Fioramonti and S. Lucarelli (eds.), External Perceptions of the European Union as a Global Actor, London: Routledge, 2009. 6/2008 FIORAMONTI, L. & Balfour, R. ‘Vecchi e nuovi interlocutori. Le relazioni esterne tra vicinato e paesi emergenti’ [Old and New Partners: EU's foreign policy between the neighbourhood and emerging powers], in F. Pastore e R. Gualtieri, L’Unione Europea e il governo della globalizzazione, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2008. 6/2008 FIORAMONTI, L. & Lucarelli, S. ‘How Do the Others See Us?’, in F. Cerutti and S. Lucarelli (eds.), The Search for a European Identity. Values, Policies and Legitimacy of the European Union, London: Routledge, 2008 12/2007 FIORAMONTI, L., Fowler, A. & Heinrich, V.F., ‘The Challenge of Socio-Economic and Democratic Development: Marrying Civil Society’s Social and Political Roles’, in L. Fioramonti and V.F. Heinrich (eds.) Global Survey of the State of Civil Society (Volume 2), Bloomfield: Kumarian Press, 2007. 12/2007 FIORAMONTI, L. & Regelbrugge, L. ‘From Corporate Philanthropy to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Unfulfilled Potential of Civil Society-Business Engagement’, in L. Fioramonti and V.F. Heinrich (eds.) Global Survey of the State of Civil Society (Volume 2), Bloomfield: Kumarian Press, 2007. 12/2007 FIORAMONTI, L. & Serbin, A. ‘Civil Society in Latin America: Between Contentious Politics and Participatory Democracy’, in L. Fioramonti and V.F. Heinrich (eds.) Global Survey of the State of Civil Society (Volume 2), Bloomfield: Kumarian Press, 2007. 7/2007 FIORAMONTI, L. & Naidoo, K. 2007. ‘Civil Society and Responsible Competitiveness’, in The State of Responsible Competitiveness, London: AccountAbility, 2007. 5/2003 FIORAMONTI, L. 2003. ‘Moyen Age et Epoque Moderne: les libertés comme origine de l’organisation internationale’ [Middle Age and Modernity: Liberties as the origin of the international system], in Tega, W. et al. (eds.), La philosophie et la paix, Paris: Vrin, 2003.

Refereed working papers and reports 7/2015 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘We Can’t Eat GDP! Global Trends on Alternative Indicators’, Global Trends. Prospects for World Society. Available online: 10/2014 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘How Moving Beyond GDP May Help Fight Poverty in Africa’, CROP Policy Brief, October 2014. Available online: 2/2014 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘The Evolution of Supranational Regionalism: From Top-Down Regulatory Governance to Sustainability Regions?’, UNU-CRIS Working Paper, W-2014-2. Available online: 7/2013 FIORAMONTI, L. and C. Nshimbi, ‘A region without Borders? Policy Frameworks for Regional Labour Migrations Towards South Africa,’ MiWORC Research Report 1. Available online: Report-1.pdf 4/2012 FIORAMONTI, L., Schoeman, M. and Olivier, G. ‘The EU and Multilateral Crisis Management: Assessing Coordination with the UN’, MERCURY E-PAPER N.19. Available online: paper_no_19_2012.pdf 3/2012 FIORAMONTI, L ‘Human Security? The Weaknesses of the EU’s Involvement in Human Rights Crises’, EU-GRASP Policy Paper, March 2012, Brugge: United Nations University. 7/2011 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘The European Union Development Strategy in Africa: the Economic Partnership Agreements as a Case of ‘Aggressive’ Multilateralism’, MERCURY E-PAPER N. 10. Available online: 5/2010 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Time for a U-turn: Advocating a European Strategy for Climate Justice and Alternative Development Models’, European Alternatives Briefing Paper, 18th May 2010, London: EuropeanAlternatives. 2/2010 FIORAMONTI, L. with M. Ceccorulli, R.H. Santini and S. Lucarelli ‘EU Security Governance’, EU-GRASP Working Papers, No 2, February 2010, Brugge: United Nations University. 6/2009 FIORAMONTI, L.'India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) and International Political Economy: the ambitions and constraints of a new alliance', Centre for the Study of International Politics Briefing Paper, Rome: CESPI, 2009. 1/2009 FIORAMONTI, L. African Perceptions of the European Union: Assessing the Work of the EU in the Field of Democracy Promotion and Peacekeeping, Report commissioned by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, Stockholm: IDEA, 2009. 9/2008 FIORAMONTI, L. & Lucarelli, S. ‘Have You Heard of the EU? An analysis of global Images of the European Union’, GARNET Policy Brief, 7/2008, Brussels: Garnet. 4/2007 FIORAMONTI, L. & Heinrich, V.F., How Civil Society Influences Policy: A Comparative Analysis of the Civil Society Index in Post-Communist Europe, Research Report commissioned by Overseas Development Institute, Johannesburg\London: ODI and CIVICUS, 2007. 1/2007 FIORAMONTI, L. & Schall-Emden, J., ‘Welcome to Chavezuela’. An Anatomy of Polarization in Today’s Venezuela,’ Briefing Paper Centre for International Political Studies, University of Pretoria, 2/2007. 5/2004 FIORAMONTI, L., ‘The EU Promoting Democracy in South Africa: Strengths and Weaknesses’, Development Studies Association Paper, Manchester University Press, 2004.

Report di ricerca e presentazioni selezionate 10/2013 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘On the BRICS of Collapse: Why Emerging Economies Need a Different Development Model’, research report presented at the Bellagio Center of the Rockefeller Foundation, Italy, 7-15 October 2013 (available at: ). 3/2011 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Multilateralism and Human Security: The EU’s Discourse in Cases of Human Rights Violations’, paper delivered at the annual convention of the International Studies Association, Montreal, Canada, 14-20 March 2011. 9/2010 Organization of the Panel “EU and Africa: the quest for effective multilateralism” and presentation of the paper “Is there an African multilateralism?” Annual conference of the South Africa Association of Political Studies (SAAPS), Stellenbosch, September 2010. 10/2009 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘External Perspectives on the EU as a Global Actor’, paper delivered at the international seminar The European Union in 2030: Geopolitical Realities and Considerations for EU Policy Strategies, organized by The Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Cligendael’, The Hague, 6-7 October 2009. 5/2009 FIORAMONTI, L. & Lucarelli, S. (eds.), The External Image of the European Union – Phase 2, GARNET Working Paper Nr. 62/09. 9/2008 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘What do you think of the EU? A survey of public opinion and elites in South Africa’, paper delivered at the UCN Conference 2008 – “Europe and the Changing World: Challenges, Priorities and Research Collaborations”, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 26-27 September 2008. 11/2006 FIORAMONTI, L. 2006. ‘Report on South Africa’, in S. Lucarelli (ed.), The External Image of the European Union, GARNET Working Paper Nr. 17/07. 11/2006 FIORAMONTI, L. 2006. ‘Report on India’, in S. Lucarelli (ed.), The External Image of the European Union, GARNET Working Paper Nr. 17/07. 11/2006 FIORAMONTI, L. & Lucarelli, S. 2006. ‘The EU Viewed by the Others: Drawing Some Conclusions’, in S. Lucarelli (ed.), The External Image of the European Union, GARNET Working Paper Nr. 17/07. 7/2006 FIORAMONTI, L. 2006. ‘Civil Society in Uganda: An Analysis of the Civil Society Index 2006’, in Batthyany, K. and Fioramonti, L., A Pilot Study of Development Programmes Funded by Dutch Co-financing Organizations in Bolivia and Uganda, The Hague: NOVIB. 7/2006 FIORAMONTI, L. 2006. ‘Civil Society in Bolivia: An Analysis of the Civil Society Index 2005’, in Batthyany, K. and Fioramonti, L., A Pilot Study of Development Programmes Funded by Dutch Co-financing Organizations in Bolivia and Uganda, The Hague: NOVIB. 8/2004 FIORAMONTI, L. 2004. The Foundation for Human Rights and Advice Offices: Sustainability and Future Perspectives, Pretoria: Foundation for Human Rights. 10/2004 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Supporting Change from Below: Some Theoretical Aspects of Micro-Assistance to Democracy’, Centre for Civil Society on-line paper. 9/2004 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘The European Union Assisting Advice Community-Based Organisations in South Africa: a Study of Sustainability’, paper presented at the annual conference of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica held in Padova (Italy), September 2004. 9/2003 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘The European Community Promoting Human Rights and Democratic Consolidation at the Micro-Level: the Case of South Africa’ paper presented at the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference held in Marburg (Germany), September 2003. 9/2003 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘L’Unione Europea Promotrice di Democrazia: il Caso del Sud Africa’, paper presented at the annual conference of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica held in Trento (Italy), September 2003. 7/2003 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘The European Community Promoting Human Rights and Democratic Consolidation at the Micro-Level: the Case of South Africa’ paper presented at International Political Science Association World conference held in Durban (South Africa) in July 2003.

OP-ED e articoli di giornale 3/2017 FIORAMONTI, et al. ‘The Decoupling Delusion: Rethinking Growth and Sustainability’, The Conversation, 13 March 2017 (available here). 2/2017 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘To Counter Trump’s Ideology, The World Needs to Ditch Its Obsession with GDP’, The Conversation, 14 February 2017 (available here). 1/2017 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Despite the Achievements, Barack Obama’s Legacy Will Remain Controversial’, Business Day, 20 January 2017 (available here). 12/2016 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Trump Leaves Citizens a Job To Do’, Business Day, 23 November 2016 (available here). 11/2016 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Everyone Should Be a Madonsela’, Business Day, 2 November 2016 (available here). 9/2016 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Let Us Find Win-Win Ways to Make Education Affordable’, Business Day, 22 September 2016 (available here). 7/2016 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Black American’s Lot Shows It’s Not About Creating Wealth’, Business Day, 28 July 2016 (available here). 6/2016 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Service Delivery Fails Because It Doesn’t Empower People’, Business Day, 24 June 2016 (available here). 4/2016 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Europe Needs Pragmatism and Idealism Simultaneously’, Business Day, 6 April 2016 (available here). 3/2016 FIORAMONTI, L., Costanza, R. and Kubiszewski, I. ‘The UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Dynamics of Well- being’ Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 14 (2): 59. 2/2016 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘The Lily Mine Sinkhole is a Metaphor for Entire Country’, Business Day, 26 February 2016 (available here). 1/2016 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Wellbeing Economy: A Paradigm for the 21st Century’, Solutions, Volume 6, Issue 6,: 1-3 (available here). 1/2016 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘SA Must Rethink Economics and Build a New Social Contract’, Business Day, 26 January 2016 (available here). 12/2015 FIORAMONTI, L., Costanza, R. and Kubiszewski, I. ‘Why Vulnerable Countries Must Take Ownership of Their Skies’ The Guardian, 22 December 2015 (available here). 11/2015 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘The Linux Approach to Human and Ecosystem Wellbeing’, EuroScientist, 25 November 2015 (available here). 11/2015 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Natural Resources Must Be Put at the Centre of Economic Planning’, Business Day, 30 November 2015 (available here). 10/2015 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Transformation Demands Universities Rethink Their Role’, Business Day, 27 October 2015 (available at here). 10/2015 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Growth Without Wellbeing Brings No Lasting Progress’, Business Day, 6 October 2015 (available here). 9/2015 FIORAMONTI, L., GIOVANNINI, E., COSTANZA, R., KUBISZEWSKI, I. PICKETT, K., RAGNARDOTTIR, K.V., DE VOGLI, R. AND WILKINSON, R. ‘Say Goodbye to Capitalism: Welcome to the Republic of Wellbeing’, The Guardian, 2 September 2015 (available here). 8/2015 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Charity Must Begin at Home for Graft Riddled Department of Home Affairs’, Business Day, 28 August 2015 (available here). 7/2015 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Africa Should Avoid Copying Europe’s Failing Experiment’, Business Day, 30 July 2015 (available here). 6/2015 FIORAMONTI, L., ‘Drop Classification of Pupils to Treat Academic Autism’, Business Day, 23 June 2015 (available here). 6/2015 FIORAMONTI, L., ‘A Post-GDP World,’ Foreign Policy, 2 June 2015 (available here). 5/2015 FIORAMONTI, L., ‘Wellbeing Economy is Key to Africa’s Growth and Progress,’ Business Day, 27 May 2015 (available here). 4/2015 FIORAMONTI, L., ‘Water Shortages About to Put Load Shedding in the Dark,’ Business Day, 5 May 2015 (available here). 3/2015 FIORAMONTI, L., ‘Big Is Beautiful Is Blinding our Energy Policy Makers,’ Business Day, 27 March 2015 (available here). 3/2015 FIORAMONTI, L., J. Boik and G. Milante ‘Rebooting democracy,’ Foreign Policy, 16 March 2015 (available here). 2/2015 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Technology Can Turn Haves and Have-nots Into Partners for Development,’ Business Day, 27 February 2015 (available here). 1/2015 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘ Redistribution the Only Way to Stop the Downward Spiral’, Business Day, 21 January 2015 (available here). 11/2014 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘World Needs a New Bretton Woods, with Africa in the Lead,’ Business Day, 27 November 2014 (available at: lead). 10/2014 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Creative Ideas on Migration Will Open the Doors to Growth,’ Business Day, 28 October 2014 (available at: 10/2014 FIORAMONTI, L. & Boik, J. ‘Competing with Capitalism to Maximize Wellbeing’, TruthOut, 20 October 2014 (available at: 9/2014 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Business by Numbers Can Dull Creativity at the Workplace’, Business Day, 30 September 2014 (available at: 8/2014 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Private Sector Must Address Challenges of the 21st Century’, Business Day, 20 August 2014 (available at: 7/2014 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Time to Liberate Ourselves from a Misleading Statistic’, Business Day, 25 July 2014 (available at: 2/2014 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘The BRICS of Collapse: Why Emerging Economies Need a Different Development Model’ openDemocracy, 26 February 2014 (available at: collapse-why-emerging-economies-need-different-development-model) 1/2014 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘GDP Turns 80. Time to Retire!’ openDemocracy, 29 January 2014 (available at: 1/2014 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘The Politics of Numbers in the Age of Austerity’ openDemocracy, 25 January 2014 (available at: 12/2013 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Mandela’s Unfinished Job is Our Job’, CIDOB, 11 December 2013 (available at: 8/2013 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Africa Rising: Grounded Optimism or Statistical Mirage?,’ The Star, 12 August 2013. 7/2013 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Royal Baby Boon for the Economy,’ The Star, 30 July 2013. 06/2013 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Nigeria vs. South Africa in Flawed GDP Battle’, The Mail and Guardian, 28 June 2013 (available at: 06/2013 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Gross Domestic Problem,’ Cape Times, 4 June 2013, p.6. 03/2013 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Diplomatic Euphoria Aside, This BRICS Party Will Soon Be Over’, The Sunday Independent, 17 March 2013, p.11 (available at: 07/2012 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Rebuilding Regions in Times of Crises: the Future of Europe and the ‘Voice’ of Citizens,’ openDemocracy 18 July 2012 (available at: future-of-europe-and-%E2%80%98voice%E2%80%99-of-citizens) 06/2011 FIORAMONTI, L. and OLIVIER, G. ‘SA must remain vigilant as EU endgame plays out’, Business Day, 6 December 2011, p.9 04/2011 FIORAMONTI, L. & Thümler, E. ‘Financial watchdog: a move in the right direction’, openDemocracy 14 April 2011 (available at watchdog-move-in-right-direction) 03/2011 FIORAMONTI, L. and OLIVIER, G. ‘Crisis Stunts the Shift to a New World Order’, Business Day, 10 March 2011, p. 13 . 02/2011 FIORAMONTI, L. & Thümler, E. ‘A civil society watchdog for financial markets: where private foundations stand’, openDemocracy 24 February 2011 (available at: ekkehard-th%C3%BCmler/watchdog-for-financial-markets-foundations) 09/2010 FIORAMONTI, L. 'Berlusconi's Assault on Democracy Smacks of SA', The Mail&Guardian, 3-9 September 2010, p. 33. 08/2010 FIORAMONTI, L. 'How Billionaires Can Help the World', openDemocracy, 23 August 2010 (available at 08/2010 FIORAMONTI, L. & Thumler, E. 'The Financial Sector Needs a Civil Society Watchdog', openDemocracy, 3 August 2010 (available at sector-needs-civil-society-watchdog) 6/2010 FIORAMONTI, L. & OLIVIER, G. ‘Forgetful Sceptics Versus Frail Defenders of European Unity’, Business Day, 15 june 2010, p. 15. 5/2010 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘The Gross Domestic Problem’, openDemocracy, 31 May 2010 (available at 5/2010 FIORAMONTI, L. ‘Beyond GDP’, The International Herald Tribune, 12 May 2010, p. 7 5/2009 FIORAMONTI, L. & Lucarelli, S. ‘Das globale Image der Europäischen Union’, Das Parlament (Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte), 23-24/2009. 9/2008 FIORAMONTI, L. & Lucarelli, S. 'What do they think of the EU? External perceptions of the European Union as a global actor‘, Eyes on Europe, 9, 2008. 6/2008 FIORAMONTI, L.& Cammarano, F. ‚Brüssel muss sportlicher denken’, Die Presse, 21 June 2008, p. 4 (Meinung) 11/2007 FIORAMONTI, L. & Olivier, G. ‘EU Unknown to, and Unloved by, Most in SA’, Business Day, 5 November 2007, p. 11. 10/2007 FIORAMONTI, L. & Lucarelli, S. ‘Have You Heard of the EU?’, International Herald Tribune, 24 October 2007, p.6. 7/2007 FIORAMONTI, L. & Olivier, G. ‘AU puts Cart before the Horse’, Business Day, 5 July 2007.

Interviste selezionate Dal 2018, il Prof. Fioramonti è stato intervistato centinaia di volta dai media nazionali ed internazionali. Di seguito, sono riportate solo alcune interviste precedenti il 2018. 6/2006 Guest in Africa Insight, with the EU Ambassador to South Africa, SABC Africa (15 June 2006) 1/2013 ‘Is Africa’s focus on GDP misplaced?’ (Reuters international), 25 January 2013. Read here: 2/2013 BBC World Service, interview about my book Gross Domestic Problem (6 February 2013) 3/2013 SUMMIT TV, Business Report, interview about my book Gross Domestic Problem (21 March 2013) 4/2013 ‘The Gross Domestic Problem,’ interview with Our World 2.0 United Nations University. Read here: 5/2013 702 Talk Radio, guest of the Money Show with Bruce Whitfield. Topic of the interview: Why is GDP misleading African countries? (13 May 2013). 6/2013 SA FM Radio, guest of the Ashraf Garda’s afternoon show. Topic of the interview: Why is GDP a wrong measure of economic performance (4 July 2013). 2/2014 Thinking Allowed, BBC Radio 4. Topic of the interview: Numbers in global politics (5 February 2014). Listen here: 3/2014 GDP – The Wrong Numbers Game, Pod Academy (24 March 2014). Listen here: wrong-numbers-game/ 3/2014 ‘What development for Africa?’, long interview as part of the TV documentary on the implications of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership produced by the German public broadcasting company ZDF (20 March 2014). Watch here: and here 5/2014 702 Talk Radio, guest of the Money Show with Bruce Whitfield. Topic of the interview: ‘Why the media should be more suspicious of certain economic statistics’ (20 May 2014). 12/2014 702 Talk Radio, guest of the Money Show with Bruce Whitfield. Topic of the interview: ‘Inequality and Piketty’s book on Capital in the 21st Century: what lessons for South Africa’ (15 December 2014). Listen here: 10/2015 ‘How to Transform Universities in the 21st Century’, interview with Stephen Grootes, The Midday Report, 702 Talk Radio

12/2015 ‘Five things SA should consider for an economic plan’, interview with Bruce Whitfield, The Money Show, 702 Talk Radio, 2 December 2015 (available at: for-an-economic-plan) 1/2016 ‘We must rethink economics and build a new social contract’, interview with Bruce Whitfield, The Money Show, 702 Talk Radio, 26 January 2016 (available at: social-contract)

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