Ipm Committee Recommended Plant List

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Ipm Committee Recommended Plant List IPM COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED PLANT LIST BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Acacia baileyana Bailey acacia Acacia redolens postrate acacia Acca sellowiana (Feijoa sellowiana) pineapple guava Achillea clevennae silvery yarrow Achillea filipendulina fern leaf yarrow Achillea X kellerii kellerii achillea Achillea millefolium & hybrids common yarrow Aftrocarpus gracilior (Podocarpus gracilior) African fern pine Agapanthus africanus lily-of-the-Nile Agave spp. agave Agonis Flexuosa peppermint tree Albizia julibrissin silk tree Aloe spp. aloe Arbutus menziesii madrone Archontophoenix cunninghamiana king palm Arctostaphylos spp. manzanita Asparagus spp. (not Asparagus asparagoides). asparagus Atriplex spp. ( not Atriplex semibaccata) saltbush Baccharis pilularis consanguinea coyote bush Berberis spp. barberry Bougainvillea spp. bougainvillea Brachychiton discolor Queensland lace bark Brachychiton X hybridus hybrid brachychiton Brachychiton populneus bottle tree Brachychiton rupestris Queensland bottle tree Brahea armata blue hesper palm Brahea edulis Guadalupe palm Butia capiata pindo palm Callistemon citrinus bottle brush Callistemon pinifolius pine-leafed bottlebrush Callistemon subulatus callistemon (subulatus) Carpenteria californica bush enemone Cassia wizlizeni shrubby cassia Casuarina cunninghamiana river she-oak Ceanothus spp. California lilac Cedrus atlantica Atlas cedar Cedrus deodora deodar cedar Cedrus libani cedar of Lebanon Ceratonia siliqua carob Cercidium microphyllum little leaf palo verde Cercis occidentalis western redbud Cercocarpus betuloides mountain ironwood Cercocarpus minutiflorus San Diego mountain mohagany BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Chorisia speciosa floss silk tree Chrysothamnus nauseosus albicaulis rabbit bush Cistus spp. rockrose Clivia Bush Lilly Coleonema pulchrum breath of heaven Convolvulus cneorum bush morning glory Convolvulus sabatius ground morning glory Coprosma repens mirror plant Cordyline australis New Zeland cabbage tree Coreopsis auriculata 'Nana' dwarf coreopsis Coreopsis gigantea giant coreopsis Coreopsis lanceolata coreopsis Coreopsis verticilata cvs. threadleaf coreopsis Cotoneaster. Spp(shrubs) (not Cotoneaster lacteus or pannosus) cotoneaster Cotoneaster spp. (ground covers) cotoneaster X Cupressocyparis leylandii Leyland cypress Delosperma litorale Seaside delosperma Distictis buccinatoria blood red trumpet vine Distictis 'Rivers' royal trumpet vine Dodonaea procumbens hopseed bush (procumbens) Dodonaea viscosa hopseed bush Dracaena draco dragon tree Dudleya spp. dudleya, live forever Dymondia margaretae dymondia Echeveria spp. hens and chickens Echinocactus spp. barrel cactus Elaeagnus angustifolia Russion Olive Encelia californica California encelia Eryobotrya deflexa bronze loquat Erythrina coral tree Eschscholzia californica California poppy Eucalyptus ficifolia red flowering gum Euryops pectinatus euryops/shrub daisy Felicia futicosa shrub aster Ferocactus spp. barrel cactus Festuca glauca blue fescue Ficus microcarpa 'Green Gem' green gem ficus Forestiera neomexicana desert olive Fremontodendron spp. Flannel bush Geijera parviflora Australian willow Geranium spp. (not Geranium dissectum,molle or retrorsum) cranesbill Grevillea spp. grevillea Grevillea robusta silk oak Hakea laurina sea urchin tree Hakea suaveolens sweet hakea Hemerocallis spp. day lilly Hesperaloe paviflora red/yellow yucca BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Hypericum beanii Henry St. John's wort Hypericum 'Hidecote' St. Johnswort Iris spp. (not Iris psuedacorus) Douglas iris hybrids Jasminum angulare South African jasmine Juniperus californica California juniper Juniperus spp. Juniper Kalanchoe spp kalanchoe Keckiella antirhinnoides yellow penstemmon Keckiella cordifolia heart-leaved penstemmon Kniphofia triangularis (galpinii) coral poker Kniphofia uvaria red hot poker Koelreuteria bipinnata Chinese flame tree Koelreuteria paniculata golden rain tree Lantana montevidensis (sellowiana) trailing lantana Laurus nobilis sweet bay Laurus 'Saratoga' Saratoga laurel Lavandula spp. Lavender Lavatera assurgentiflora tree mallow Lavatera hybrids lavatera Lavatera maritima bush mallow Leonotis leonurus lion's tail Leptospermum laevigatum Australian tea tree Leptospermum petersonii lemon scented tea tree Leucospermum cordifolium nodding pincushion Leymus spp. (also see Elymus spp.) wild rye Limonium commune var. californicum coastal statice Linaria purpurea toadflax Liquidambar styraciflua sweet gum Liriodendron tulipifera tulip tree Liriope spp. lilyturf Lithocarpus densiflorus tanbark oak Lobelia laxiflora Mexican bush lobelia Lonicera japonica Japanese honeysuckle Lophostemon confertus Brisbane box Lotus scoparius deer weed Lupinus arboreus coastal bush lupine Lyonothamnus floribundus Catalina ironwood Macadamia spp. macadamia nut Magnolia grandiflora Southern magnolia Magnolia X soulangiana saucer magnolia Mahonia aquifolium Oregon grape Mahonia bealei leatherleaf mahonia Mahonia 'Golden Abundance' golden abundance mahonia Mahonia lomariifolia Chinese holly grape Mahonia nevinii Nevin mahonia Mahonia repens creeping mahonia Malacothamnus fasciculatus bush mallow Malosma laurina (Rhus laurina) laurel sumac Maytenus boaria Mayten Tree BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Metrosideros excelsa New Zealand Christmas tree Mimulus spp (shrubbery) monkey flower Myrica californica Pacific Was mystle Myrsine africana African boxwood Myrtus communis true myrtle Nandina domestica heavenly bamboo (Nana) Nerium oleander oleander Nolina recurbata (Beaucarnea recurvata) bottle palm Oenothera caespitosa tufted white evening primrose Oenothera fruiticosa golden sundrops Oenothera speciosa Mexican white evening primrose Olea europaea olive Opuntia spp. prickly pear/cholla Panicum (native spp.) switch grass Parkinsonia aculeata Mexican palo verde/Jerusalem thorn Parkinsonia florida (Cercidium floridum) blue palo verde Pelargonium sidoides geranium (sidoides) Pelargonium tomentosum peppermint-scented geranium Penstemon wild spp. penstemon (wild) Phlomis fruitcosa Jerusalem sage Phoenix dactylifera date palm Phormium tenax New Zealand flax Pinus canariensis Canary Island Pine Pinus halepensis Aleppo pine Pinus mugo mugo pine Pinus pinea Italian stone pine Pittosporum phyllyraeoides willow pittosporum Pittosporum tobira "Wheelers Dwarf' dwarf pittosporum Plecosstachys serpyllifolia (Helichrysum) straw flower Podocarpus gracillior Fern Pine Prunus ilicifolia holly leaf cherry Prunus lyonii Catalina cherry Quercus agrifolia coast live oak Quercus berberidifolia California scrub oak Quercus ilex holly oak Quercus lobata Valley Oak Quercus suber cork oak Rhamnus alaternus Italian buckhorn Rhamnus californicus coffeeberry Rhamnus croceus redberry Rhaphiolepis indica Indian Hawthorne Rhaphiolepis 'Majestic Beauty' majestic beauty Rhus integrifolia lemonade berry Rhus lancea African sumac Rhus lenti pink flower sumac BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Ribes aureum golden current Ribes indecorum white flowering currant Ribes malvaceum chaparral current Ribes sanguineum red flowering currant Ribes speciosum fuchsia flowering gooseberry Ribes thacherianum Santa Cruz island gooseberry Ribes viburnifolium evergreen current Robinia X ambigua locust Robinia pseudoacacia black locust Romneya coulteri Matilija poppy Rosa californica California wild rose Rosemarinus officinalis rosemary Rosemarinus 'Prostratus' trailing rosemary Salvia apiana white sage Salvia kellifera black/green sage Salvia mexicana Mexican sage Salvia spathacea hummingbird/pitcher sage Sambucus spp elderberry Schefflera pueckleri (Tupidanthus) Australian umbrella tree Schinus molle California pepper tree Schinus polygamous Peruvian pepper tree Sedum spp. stone crop Senecio cineraria dusty miller Senna artemesioides (Cassia australis) feathery cassia/senna Senna bicapularis (Cassia candolleana) New Zealand cassia/senna Senna multiglandulosis (Cassia tomentosa) Wooly senna Senna odorata (Cassia odorata) senna/cassia (odorate) Sesuium verrucosum western sea-purslane Simmondsia chiensis jojoba Sisyrinchium bellum blue-eyed grass Stenocereus thurberi (Lemaireocereus) organ pipe cactus Stipa spp. grasses Strelitzia reginea bird of paradise Washington robusta Mexican fan palm Westringia fruiticosa (rosmariniformis) coast rosemary Yucca spp. yucca .
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