All I SUS f)fOpOSal101 Jaicuiation Keglons (IJ(Ks) m accoruance ‘4 Article 15(1) ofthe Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of2’l July 2t)15 entso establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management

Annex Ia (for information only)

All TSOs’ proposal for Capacity Calculation Regions (CCRs) in accordance with Article 15(1) of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management Definition of the Capacity Calculation Regions (CCRs) in accordance with Article 15(1) of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM Regulation)

29 October2015


A 17 fCf-’ 4:’:_.. r :ordancewith e nt S O

Whereas (1) This document is a common proposal developed by all Transmission System Operators (hereafter referred to as “TSOs”) regarding the determination of capacity calculation regions (hereafter referred to as “(‘CR(s)”) (hereafter refened to as “CCRs Proposal”). The QCRs Proposal takes into consideration the regions specified in point 3(2) ofMnex I to Regulation (EC) No11/2Ot)9 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 on conditions for access to the network for cross border exchanges in elec’icity (hereafter refelTed to as “Regulation (EC) No 714/2009”) including all existing bidding zone borders from EU member states that joined the EU after the entry into force ofAnnex I ofRegulation (EC) No 714/2009 and that were not yet listed this Annex I.

(2) This (‘CRa Proposal takes into account the general principles and goals set in the Cornission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management (hereafter referred to as the “CACM Regulation”) as well as Regulation (EC) No 711/2009. The goal ofthe CAUM Regulation is the coordination and harmonisation of capacity’ calculation and allocation in the day ahead and inn’aday cross border markets, and it seft requirements for the TSOs to co operate on the level of C’CRs, on a pan European level and across biddg zone borders.

(3) Capacity calculation for the day’ahead and intrnday market tirneframes should be coordinated at least at the regional level to ensure that capacity’calculation is reliable and that optimal capacity is made available to the market. For this purpose, regions where such coordination is needed should be defined by all ISOs. In accordance with icle 2 (Defmifions) of the CACM Regulation these regions are defmed as “capacity calculation regions”, meaning “the geographic area in which coordinated capacity calculation is applied”. Therefore, a CCR needs to consist of a set ofbidding zone borders for which the capacity calculation shall be coordinated by’TSOs in accordance with the CAt’M—Regulation.

(4) This CC’RsProposal includes a detailed description ofthe CCRs, coveng the existing biddg zone borders between and within European Union (EU) Members States, to which the (‘ACM Regulation applies, and some new ones expected to be established by the end of2Ol S and to be operated by TSOs certified at the moment of submission of this proposal to all regulatory authorities. The inclusion of ffithre bidding zone borders allows for an early approval of the assignment of these bidding zones borders in the relevant CCR and as such for a smooth implementation ofthe CACM Regulation.

(5) The CCRs Proposal also includes the Gesmany/Luxembourg Ausu’ia (DE/LU AT) bidding zone border iimier the fnllnwin orounds:

-l.... F’U/TTT Am 1.1 r’uu r’r’D i.,. ._..I_f:... p. LU1I ., included , consultation period, following the Opinion of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators No 09/2015 dated 23 September 2015 (hereinafter refeired to as ‘e Agency Opinion No 09/2015”). In this opinion the Agency stated that the “implementation of a capacity allocation proccdurc on the DL’.1T border is rcguircdpursuant to Article 16(1) of Regulation (EQ No 711/2009 and points 12, 1.4 and 3.1 ofArrncx I to this Regulation. Jul 1 )U:; piopuai br apaciiy’(a1cu1ation Regions (CCRs) in accordance with Article 15(1) ofthe Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of2l July 2015 entso establishing a Guideline on Canacitv Allocation and Conegtion Management

Moreover; such implcrncntation shall be coordinated at icast at thc lci’cl ofthc CEE rcgion. Thus, thc DE ATboidcrshouldform a constitucntpart ofthe CEE rcgionfor thc application ofcoordinatcd capacity calculation, optimisation ofallocation and sccurc opcration of thc nctwork, as required bypoint 3.5 ofAnncx I to Regulation (EC) No 714/2009. The Agency asks further the TSOs and the rcgulatoiy authorities ofthe CEE region to “commit, within 4 tnonths of tlw datc in which this Opinion is adoptcd and publishcd, to thc adoption of a cooidii;atcd capacity’ allocation proccdurc on thc DE AT bordcr, with a realistic but ambitious implcrncntation calcndar with concrctc stcps” for the capacity allocation on this hefde

b. All ISOs understand that the Agency Opion No 09/2015 explicitly regufres the implementation of a capacity allocation procedure on the DE AT border which according to the same opinion shall form a constituent paft of the CEE region. All TSOs undetand that this opinion has been approved by regulatoiy authoñcs in accordance with the applicable governance rules of the Agency’s Board of Regulators. The Agency Opinion No 09/2015 therefore reflects a common position ofthe re1atory authoties. With this QCRs Proposal all fSOs take over and implement this coion decision ofregulatory authorities, also in anticipation of an amendment requirement or an Agencys decision according to Article 9 (12) of the CAC’M Regulation which would othenvise be imposed. With the aprtwa-1 ofthis (CRs Proposal according to £icle 9 (6) b) ofthe CACM Regulation the appong regulatory authOflties nrc able to inherently reconfirm the decision included in the Agency Opinion No 09/2015 requesting an assignment ofthc bidding zone border Germany (r\L’ A1]2frifl AT\ fn f1i CPF region and the understanding T’f1 niitli ncr I in thi paragraph.

(6) This (CRs Proposal, with the oposed CCRs configuintion, represents a dynnmic and pragmatic pan European approach with a shoft and mid tenn view ofthc geographical scope ofCCRs that supports coordination across the bidding zone borders—where there is the highest observed interdependence. The need for larger CCRs will be assessed in due time and as early as possible by the relevant TSOs after some experience on coordination within a (‘CR and between CCRs in accordance with the CACM Regulation has been gained.

(7) According to Article 9 (9) ofthe (‘ACM Regulation, the expectedimpact ofthe proposed CCRs on the objectives of the CMM Regulation has to be described. The impact is presented below (points 8 to 16 of the Whereas) taking into account that the CACM Regulation places the definition of these CCRs as well as the methodologies to be applied in these regions within a framework of continuous harmonisation, applying the most efficient capacity calculation methodology within each (‘CR.

(8) The proposed C’Rs conibute to and do not in any way hamper the achievement of the obiectives of Article 3 of (‘ACM Reaulation. In narticular. the omnosed CCRs serve the

interuepenoencies oet’’een tile cross zonai capacities can ne moueiiea most accumteiy anu efficiently, and the optimal level ofeross zonal capacity can be given to the market. The number of CCRs across Europe also affects the opl use of sission infrascthre and the calculation of cross zonal capacity. rgc number —of--CCRs decrease the coordination

ENTS A (13) (12) (1 (10) (9) 1) 1 FF y elements tenTs When long-tenn ofthe the oper-ation regions. methodologies optirnising explicitly capacity One standardization each comprehensively a The endangering coordination use the Regulation). common might in capacity correctly Article The proposed. Thus, a However, in-accordance zone topology, Europe across for consideration possibilities ) infrastructure. p smaller Guideline ofthe accordance CCR proposed the operational CCRs proposed of target of CCR. borders electricity preparing the be bidding 3(c) market a ttnnsission the Commission would calculation and in number too taken grid few, required in and This optimal some target, serve Given, the of capacity ofthe capacity objectives on operational are between number high, The a’”” CCRs with between with of development the model, geographically zone traasmission without CCR across Capacity be into security the smaller the and transmission high, defined ofCCRs) regional the CACM by coordinated number (‘ACM for given Article enabling Article C’CRs objective borders configuration account methodologies calculation. configuruüon calculation. coordination, Regulation the and infinshcturc. which bidding (‘ACM as example, CCRs of endangering CCRs. (‘CRa security. Allocation of in to CAQM in size Proposal, 3(d) Regulation the 3(b) Regulation. features, of highly is the Europe, the network of is too in ofoptirnising give beneficial system and large CCRs of low. zone are-proposed Regulation CACM the ofthe --‘ ofthc market capacity This capacity transmission the high (EU) This Regulation CCRs Coordination also meshed a a electricity conthbutes On C’CRs TSOs and need and borders TSOs laying such coordinated high the that The is and CACM power possiblli)’ (‘ACM is with 2015/1222 affects-positively If to the Regulation a are to Congestion establishment operational contribute the calculation, calculation interdependency electricity for ixture ensure proposed exist, as level took tt’ansnssion ensure other will aims the the the regard in in and flows manual Regulation generution 1 Regulation. system. transmission fwst calculation ground to order ticles most careful of and ensure and hd, implies at for operational application the the of2l of to on cross time is harmonisation to Management sector CCRs in feasible modelling security to operations CCRs, compatibility optimal optimal within capacity cross transmission the to for Usually where consideration other of 21 July2015 , ensure gds, both operational an as zonal x, that contribute the long Coordinated and bct’veen (1) in optimallevelofcross QCRs system zonal configuration according pafts approach secu; the coordination a use in development use of a compatible (b) allocation (‘CRa consumption calculation operational tenn in capacity geographically of CCR case during the Union. oftransmission (vii) of capacity lay these of regional +..I (Article of lines bidding across security operation ünsission to ofunderstanding methodologies Europe, the down at will will and the

towards e Capacity to the the the cases, ofcross to and need ,,,., allows which 29 needs capacity and efficiency capacity ofregional given the reveal calculation be features the coordination 3(g)

efficient zone n expense in behavior thus, smaller (9). and larger for allocation. accordance less commonly the regions

market t across of zonal Calculator zonal infrastructure. borders in to By frastrncture for development

coordination S constraining endangering objective cross the calculation based calculation continental the across of respective and CCR long CCRs the a common

and 0 capacity capacity process, without opümal bidding CAQM is market proper within better is zonal long As term with on (and also gid and not the are for of a a 4 All i’SO’ proposal for Capacity Calculation Regions (QCRs) in accordance with Article 15(1) ofthe Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of2l July 2015 entso establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management

methodology within the CCRs and merging of CCRa when efficiency reasons justify doing so. iiiis C’CRs Proposal is an important step on the rondmap towards this long-term target. It is crucial that this roadmap is efficient and does not jeopardise progress towards the long term target. The CCRs Proposal builds, thus, on cuffent practice and existing projects, and represents a progressively pragmatic harmonisation ofcapacity calculation.

(14) The CCRs Proposal conbutes somewhat to the objective ofpromoting effective competition in generation, trading and supply ofelecthcity (Article 3(a)) ofthe QACM Regulation) because it takes into account market specificities on bidding zone borders by allowing optimally confired cc-Rs to be established.

(15) Regarding the objective oftransparency and reliability ofinformation (Article 3(f) ofthe (‘ACM Regulation), the CCRs, being proposed by all TSOs and approved by all regulato’ nuthorffies, will be the basis for ffi;her work towards market integration in the most nsparent way. The proposed (‘CR configuration shows where coordination between bidding zone borders in capacity calculation is necessary and all TSOs ofeach (‘CR will develop common methodologies ns defined in (‘ACM Regulation. Ihese methodologies will be consulted upon, npproved by regulatory authorities when applicable and published by TSOs, thus, increasing bnnspnrency and reliability of infonnation.

(16) In conclusion, the limited number of CCRs conibutes to the geneml objectives of (‘ACM Regulation to the benefit of all market participants and electricity end consumers.


TITLE 1 General Provisions

Article 1 Subject matter and scope

1. Ihe CCRs as determined in this (‘(‘Ra Proposal shall be considered as the common-proposal of all TSOs in accordance A (A with Article 15 of (‘ACM Reculation and followinc the &‘.-‘‘—.. y’,tj”

1. The (‘(‘P.s cover the followine: a) all existing bidding zones borders within and between Member States, to which the (‘ACM Regulation applies; b) future bidding zone borders due to interconnections operated by legal entities certified as TSOs which are under construction at the time of the approval of this proposal and planned to be commissioned before 201 8; and c) the Germany/Luxembourg Austria bidding zone border (DE/LU - AT) flowing-Thc Agency opinion No 09/2015 dated 23 September 201 5 in accordance with Article % of this Proposaldocument. 2. I3ased on the CACM Regulation, the following terms and conditions or methodologies shall be developed in each (‘CR and submitted for approval to the competent regulatory authorities: a) the coimnon capacity calculation methodology in accordance with Article 20 of the (‘ACM Regulation;

EN504 All I UJ proposal ir apacity aiculanon egion t. IJKS) m accoruance wnn Article 15(1) ofthe Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of2i July 2t)15 entso estahlishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and (onge;tion NIanagernent

b) the methodology for coordinated redispatching and counterbading in accordance with Article 35(1) ofthe CACM Regulation; c) the failback procedures in accordance with Article 44 ofthe CACM Regulation; and d) the redispatching or countertrading cost sharing methodology in accordance with Article 74(1) ofthe CACM Regulation.

3 . Any changes in the bidding zone border configuration in the Member States shall be taken into account for amendment proposals of this CCRs in accordance with Article 9(13) ofthe CACM Regulation.

Article 2 Definitions and interpretation

. 1 for the purposes of the Ct Ra Proposal, termslerms used in this document shall have the nieanmg ofthe definitions included in Article 2 ofthe CACM Regulation.

2 In this ( t P Piopo alpppt unless thc context icquues otherwise a) the singular indicates the plural and vice versa; b) the table ofcontents, headings and examples are inserted for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of this €;hicument: c) any reference to legislation, regulations, directive, order, instrument, code or any other enactment shall include any modification, extension or re-enactment of it then in force; and d) in case of inconsistency between any of the provisions in Title 2 and the maps included in the Appendix to this t--Rs-Proposal (“Maps of the Propo;ed CCRs”)pgjiept the provisions in Title 2 shall prevail; and e) any reference to the bidding zones of Germany/Luxembourg (DE/LU) or Austria (AT) for the definition of the bidding zone boideis m this (-R-Pi-opo’a1docuinuit shall also be iead as the bidding zone of Germany/Austria/Luxembourg (DE/AT/LU) for the purposes of capacity allocation on the affected bidding zone bcrders untilthe requirements described in Article ofthis (‘(Ra Proposaljgupnj are fulfilled. 3. This tf’R&1kopesaMocument shall be binding upon and shall ensure to the benefit ofthe TSOs as referred to herein and their permitted successors and assigns and inespective of any change in the TSOs’ names.

TITLE 2 Capacity Calculation Regions Article 3 Capacity Calculation Region I : Nordic

The CCRNordic shall include the bidding zone borders listed below and shown on the mapNo 1 included in the Appendix to this CCRs Proposaljpjipt as attributed to the refeiTed TSOs: a) Denmark I - Sweden 3 (DK1-SE3), .dk and Svenska kraftnät; b) Denmark 2 - Sweden 4 (I)K2-5E4), and Svenska kraftnät; c) Denmark 1 - I)enmark 2 (I)Kl -I)K2),; d) Sweden 4 - Sweden 3 (5E4-5E3), Svenska kraflnät; e) Sweden 3 - Sweden 2 (SE3-5E2), Svenska kraftnbt; f) Sweden 2 - Sweden 1 (SE2-SEl), Svenska kraftnät; g) Sweden 3 - Finland (SF3-fl), Svenska kraftnät and Oyj;and h) Sweden 1 - Finland (SF1-fl), Svenska kraftnbt and Fingrid Oyj.

4 \\ All ISOs’ proposal for Capacity Calculation Regions (CCRs) in accordance with Article 15( 1) ofthe Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of2l July 2015 entso establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management

Article 4 Capacity Calculation Region 2: Hansa The CCR Hansa shall include the bidding zone borders listed below and shown on the map No 2 included the Appendixto this (URs Proposalckctiinent as attributed to the referred TSOs: in a) Denmark 1 - Gennany/Luxembourg (DK1-DE/LU), and TenneT iSO GmbH; b) I)emuark 2 - Germany/Luxembourg (I)K2-DE/LU), and 5Olleitz Transmission GmbH; and c) Sweden 4 - Poland (SF4 — PL), Svenska Kraftnät and PSE S.A..

Article 5 Capacity Calculation Region 3: Central west Europe (CVE)e 1. The CCR 4WhUore shall include the bidding zone borders listed below and shown on the map No 3 included in the Appendix to this as attributed to the referred TSOs: a) France - Belgium (FR - 13E),RTE — Réseau de transport d’électricité and Elia System Operator NV/SA; b) Belgium - Netherlands (BE - NE), Elia System Operator NV/SA and TenneT TSO By.; c) France - Germany/Luxembourg (FR - I)E!LU), RIE—Réseau de transpoitd’electricite; GinbH and TransnetBW Gmbll; d) Netherlands - Germany/Luxembourg (NL - DE/Ul), TenneT TSO By. and TenneT TSO GmbH and Amprion GmbH; and g)Belgium - Germany/Luxembourg (BE-DE/LU), Elia System Operator NV/SA and S.A.. eflGci nrnny/Luxcmbouig Poland (QE/LU PL) 0Hei1z 1iansmiion GmbIl and PSLjj.. 3g)Qgjjpany/Luxembourg - Czech Republic (DE/LU - CZ), TenneT TSO GmbH, 50Hertz Transmission OmbIl and EPS, as.; gjj\ustha-CzscfrRepubjjçj -CZ). hiLAustria - Hungary (AT- HUI. Austrian Power Grid AG and MAVIR hungarian lndpendent Tnmjnjssion ijLAustria - Slovenip (AT - Si), Ausfljan Power Grid AG and ELd.oo.; jjzech Retwbhc - Sloyakia (CZ - S1,EP&as. and Slovenská elektrizaná prenosová süstava.

kiLCzcch Republic - Poland (QZ - PL), EPS. as. and PSE S.A.: jJImjaySkyakiajUSJMAVIR Hppgarian hdepgndeniansrnisiQnipei Companyit&an4SiQvenskáelektnzaèná prcnosovã s4pyp PSE S.A. *J____croaua- SQYRtll! - SI), Qroatjan Transmission System Operator Ltd. H0PS d.o.oJ

(HR.- HU), MWlRIlimgadaa1ndependent Transmission Oprator pan Ud. Hungay{RO HU) _ppppnia N.ation’ulade 1;anpo;t alLne1g1L1Elcciuce “Transejgctrica’ S.A.. MAVIR Hungariap Independent Transmission Operator Qompany Ltd.; (14I1_c1 MA’JIP F4

S j\H I US proposal ior ‘Japacity iJaiculatlon egions (tiKs) m accoruance witil Article 15(1) ofthe Conimiion Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of2l July 2015 entso establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management

lennei TSO GmbH aniAmimii3inbll. s)

.;__:g aosiicnt of the bidding zon—bordcr BE DE/LU to tho CCR CWE in accordance with paragraph 1 item e) ofthia Article shall be effective from the date ofopemtion ofthe interconnection 00 this bidding zone border, which is under consUction at the date of submission of this CCR Proposal.

3. For coordination purposes and due to existing interdepcndenciea, 5OHertz Transmission GmbH, ‘7reos Luxembourg tad Austrian Power Grid AG haI1 be also attributed to th ( IR (\k’f- Onrn the approval ofthis CCRs Proposal.

2. The assignment ofthe bidding zone border BE-DE/LU to the CCR Core shall be effective from the dateotoperationofthemterconnection on thisbidding zone border.

3 . For the avoidance ofdoubt. capacity allocation on the I)E/LU - AT border shall be introduced in line with an implementation calendar to be aeed upon by the relevant regulato authorities and TSOs and at the latest when implementation of flow-based capacity calculation takes places in the (CR (ore in accordance with the CACM Regulation.

4. The assignment ofthe bidding zone border IIU-SI to the (CR Core shall be effective from tcgte ofoperation ofthe interconnection on this bidding zone border.

Article 6 Capacity Calculation Region 4: Italy North The CCR Italy North shall include the bidding zone borders listed below and shown on the map No 4 in the Appendix to this as attributed to the referred ISOs: included a) Italy NORD - France (NORI) - FR), TERNA Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA. and RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité; b) Italy N()RI) - Austria (NORI) - AT), lERNA Rete Elettiica Nazionale SpA. and Austrian Power Grid AG; and c) Italy N()RD - Slovenia (NORD - SI), TERNA Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA. and ELES d.o.o.

Article 7 Capacity Calculation Region 5: Greece-Italy (GRIT)

The CCR GRIT shall include the bidding zone borders listed below and shown on the map No 5 included in the Appendix to this CCRs Proposaldocument as attributed to the referred ISOs: a) Italy BRNN - Greece (BRNN - GR), TERNA Rete Flettrica Nazionale SpA. and Independent Power Transmission Operator S.A.; b) Italy NORD - Italy CNOR (NORD - CNOR), TERNA Rete Elettrica Nazionale S.p.A.; fnatted:ItaIian(ItaIy) c) Italy CNOR - Italy CSUD (CNOR - CSUD), TERNA Rete Eleftrica Nazionale S.p.Aj fformatted: Italian(Italy) d) Italy (NOR - Italy SARD (CNOR - SARD), TERNA Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA.; e) Italy SARD - Italy CSUD (SARD - CSUD), IERNA Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA.; [:Italian(Italyj]

I ______. ENTsn-E establishing Article All 2. TSOs’ 1. preparation CACM rules shall, Proposal zone The j) assignment )pinion gg) if) ee) bb) dd)Qccia z) o) aa) y) w) x) 15(1) A-rti’i v) u) k) h) 1) g) The f) included I AT proposal 4 Gcrmany/Luccciboccg Hung.; MAVIR Crcotc Cccpc’-Ltd. hungary (‘zcth Czech “Tmaoolcotñoa” Remocic Poland c.,.; Aut:s Austria Tmnarnioaion Gcrrnany’Lmtombourg Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Fcnnci assigjiment a CC’R border on bidding ustlia without ofthe Guideline 7 Regulation. the 09/2015 (1\ by -j’ CSUD Capacity ROSN SUD SKi SUD SliD in Republic Ropublic (‘FE ofthe the shall, all lEO for DE/LtJ Germany/Luxembourg Commission hungarian ‘this Elovnkin Qzoh EIcv=i Iluugai zone !hcgcry ‘‘‘““—“.b -—Uungary S’- - - - - prejudice regulatory’ ‘0)pendix Capacity’ Italy Elo;nlda Italy ofthe Italy Italy shall - - on doted CrnbII methodologies Italy Cmbll Italy without :md cn CCRs border Capacity from Pop±Ec Calculation E,., PRGP ROSN FOGN I3RNN Slovnkin Poland AT include (PL . (UR (PT bidding 23 5K] SUD !cvcsk (FJ Independent nnd Calculation and to Proposal. Regulation to authorities described the P9 September (IIU prejudice and MU/IR BK), (SICI this paragraph

(ROSN s!), at’i: (SUI) (CSUD Sl, (SUD (SUD Amprion Allocation (CZ cEPE, approval E (T the Czech RU), (QZ not zonobordorBE C’CRs Qrcotioc and As±r PEE cIc!c’izc bidding HU), - Rcgion EK), already - -QZ), - PL), - PRGP), Ilungnrinn in cr1Dir ‘-‘ ROSN), - FOGN), (TYE,’LU Transmission no.; BRNN), - to Qcccthm or EK), proposals Regions (EU) Austria 2015 SICI), E.. SUD), Republic pamgraph GrnbII. ofthis Proposal 3, a paragraph and EPE, )trticlc Qanpccic t’VIR “ decision -—, T:no:ioocc ,ustrim EPE, Powor cooperate zone IT 2015/1222 and regarding -‘ig.n listed 6: TERNA Congestion TERNA TERNA TERNA border —PJ), TERNA Po TERNA (CQRs) C’CRs Central T:cmiDocc pcccccv Dl . Indcpondcnt to Elovcnokã p.o DE/LU —I, borders as (DE/LA] no C-rid 8 \ for be 1 i; by hungarian 3, Opomtor Pcwo allributed item and Ncicca! Aaot’ian developed Cnd Proposal, with Rete the and any the with be Rete I-d Rete of2l in Rete Rete AC Rete PE yctcmOp Eastern to a) Management Hated accordance effective Agency compliance cfstcvc, £lovonoká other existing Grid Elettrica p oloktrirnóná the Elettrica the shall .nd Elettrica Eleftrica Elettrica Trnnominoion ( July Elettrica Company E.A.; (‘Z), Sytcco to Pawoc Indopondont CCR and the below do TSOs by border ELES, A.G the be 2015 in Europe co.; the TSOs from m European Trocpcc M Nazionale TcnnoT o refened assigned accordance ratc Nazionale In olokbiznnã Nazionale Nazionale with Nazionale C’d Nazionale ofthe Occtc and QCR from Ltd. icc.; accordance pron000vá under EPS, the . IR responsible Lti A2, Opcrntor f..5.TJ —,,‘.‘—. shown (CEE) congestion

CEE entso Tmnomiooion Ilunganan the approval ISOs: [EQ to legislation pamaph co cI SpA. (HOPE SpA; Tconzti2W SpA.; Ltd. SpA.; with the SpA.; SpA.; CCR Opwa pronooová in Eoccgi:i ‘...‘-. oüotan, on ..,1 CrnbIl, with accordce CCR Compony (MOPS Article for the icc.), and nci: of CEE management c ..--- Indopondont the the (1) the this CEE. map no.; E!cctccc Opomtor c —, oüotnva, 5OIIorft bidding Agency a) 9 Gm!oH, DE/LU for - d.o.c); ELE, A C’CRs of Ltd.; . No with This - the the in) 6 ,, — — -

[ted: C formatted: Formatted: Spanish Spanish Spanish (Spain, (Spain, (Spain, Traditional Traditional Traditiona’ Sort) Sort) Sort) Jul 1 U3 propoai ror apacity ‘ aicuiat;on eg;on tJKS) m accoruance witn Article 15(1) ofthe Cornmi5ion Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of2l July 2015 entso eGtabliQhinga Guideline on Capacity Allocation and (‘ongeGtion Management

I . For the avoidance ofdoubt, capacity allocation on the DE/LU AT border ball be intioduced in line with the implementation calendar agreed upon by the relevant regulatory authorities and ISOs in accordance with the Agency Opinion No 09/2015 and at the latest when implementation of flow based capacity calculation takes places in the (CR CEE in accordance with the CAtM Regulation.

5. The assignment ofthc bidding zone border HU SI to the CCR CEE in accordance with paragraph 1 item in) of this Article shall be effective from the date of operation of the interconnection on this bidding zone border, which is under consction at the date ofsubinission ofthis CCRs Proposal.

Article 9 Merger of the CCRs CWE and CEE Under ENTSO F facilitation the TS()s flom the CCRs (YE and the (‘FE shall closely cooperate from the moment ofthe submission ofthis (‘CRs Proposal to all regulatory authorities towards the merger ofthe two (‘CRs, which shall take place as soon as possible. In order to defme a clear roadmap, the TSOs from the CCRs C\VE and the (FE shall submit within thur (1) months after the submission ofthis CCRs Proposal to the relevant regulatory authorities of the proposed (CRs CWE and CEE a joint roadmap on how to merge the two CCRs. This joint roadmap shall use, as a basis, existing solutions on the flow based day ahead and intmday capacity calculation methodology, which shall be amended where necessai’ to adapt, among others, to the different grid structures ofCWF and (‘FE ISOs.

Article 4-Oh Capacity Calculation Region 76: South-west Europe (SWE) The CCR SWE shall include the bidding zone borders listed below and shown on the map No T included in the Appendix to this GR’&cument as attributed to the referred TSOs: a) France - Spain (FR - ES), RIE - Réseau de transport d’électñcité and REF - Red Elécfriea de España, S.A.U.; and b) Spain - Portugal (ES - PT), REE - Red Eléctrica de España, S.A.U. and REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A..

Article 142 Capacity Calculation Region g7: Ireland and United Kingdom (IU) The CCR IU shall include the bidding zone borderbetween Great Britain and Single Energy Market in Ireland and Northern Ireland attributed to the EirGrid, Moyle Interconnector (Moyle), National Grid Electricity Transmission plc (NGEI) and SONI. The IU CCR is shown on the map No % included in the Appendix to this C(Rs Proposaldocument.

Article 14jQ Capacity Calculation Region : Channel The (CR Channel shall include the bidding zone borders listed below and shown on the map No 9 included in the Appendix to this (+R-P-itpeal d()ci11t as attributed to the referred ISOs: a) France - Great Britain (FR - GB), RTE - Réseau de transport d’électheité, National Grid Electricity Transmission plc (NGET) and National Grid Intereonneetors Limited (NGIC); and All TSOs’ propoa1 for Capacity Calculation Regions (CCRs) in accordance Article 15(1) ofthe Coimiission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of2l July 2015 entso estab1ihing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management

b) Netherlands - Great I3ritaii (NL - GB), BritNed I)evelopment Limited (BritNed) and TenneT TSO B.V..

Article 1-;3il Capacity Calculation Region 4-02:Baltic

-h The (‘CR Baltic shall include the bidding zone borders listed below and shown on the map No -l-0 t Formatted: Nobullets or numbering included in the Appendix to this CCR; Proposa1jgpjpgpt as attributed to the referred TSOs: a) Estonia - Latvia (EE - LV), AS and Augstspriegurna tilds; b) Latvia - lithuania (LV - LT), Augstsprieguina tilds and AB; and c) Estonia - Finland (EE - Fl), Elering AS and fingrid Oyj; d) Lithuania Sweden 4 (LT-SE4), Litgrid AB and Svenska kiaflnät; and e) Lithuania- Poland (LT-PL), Litgrid AB and PSE SA..

ofthis C(’Rs Proposal. Article 1411 Capacity Calculation Region 14jj: South-east Europe (SEE) The CQR SEE shall include the bidding zone borders listed below and shown on the map No 14j included in the Appendix to this (CRs Proposaldoctiment as attributed to the referred TSOs: a) Greece - Bulgaria (GR - BG), Independent Power Transmission Operator S.A. and Elektroenergien Sistesnen Operator (ESO) FAD; and b) Bulgaria - (BG - RO), Elektroenergien Sistemen Operator (ESO) EAD and Compania Naionalä de Transport al Energiei Electrice “Transelectrica’ S.A..

TITLE 3 Final provisions

I Article 1-j2 Implementation date of CCRs The TSOs shall apply the proposed CCRs as described in Title 2 as soon as all regulatory authorities have approved the nrooosed tCRs or athe decision has been taken by the Agency in accordance with Article 9(1 1) and 9(12) ofthe (ACM Regulation.

Article I6j4 Language The official language for this shall be English. For the avoidance ofdoubt, where TSOs need to translate this CCRs1upoaldocument into their national language(s), in the event of inconsistencies between the English version published by TSOs in accordance with Article 9-(14) of the (‘ACM Regulation and any version in another language, the interpretation of the English version published - by TSOs shall prevail. C)

C) C








CD 0

C- 0 C CD

C- C- C-

C C- C CD C- D .1 C Cl) CD CD 0 C-

I All TSO’ proposal for (‘opacity Calculation Regions (CCRs) in accordance with Article 15(1) ofthe Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of2l July 2015 entso establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management

3. Capacity Calculation Region 3 I

4. Capacity Calculation Region 4: Italy North (AT-SI bidding zone border is not part ofthis CCR)





C r All I Uf propoai br I apacity .aicuiation Keglons (t. I. KG) ifl accordance witH Article 15(1) ofthe Commiion Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of2’l July 2t)15 entso establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management

5. Capacity Calculation Region 5: Greece-Italy (GRIT)




4 Regions (CCRs) in accordance with (EU) 2015/1222 of2l July 2015 e fl t s o — on and Congestion Management

7-6.Capacity Calculation Region : South-west Europe (SWE)

Capacity Calculation Region Ireland and United Kingdom (IU)

4 \ All TSOs’ proposal for Capacity Calculation Regions (CCR) in accordance with Article 15(1) ofthe Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of2l July 2015 entso establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management

I Capacity Calculation Region 9: Channel

-t4)L...... Capacity Calculation Region -l-05:Baltic (SE4-PL bidding zone border is not part ofthis CCR) I


apggo-E 4 I -NjQCapacity establishing Article Jul 1 u; 15(1) prupoai a Guideline ofthc Calculation br Comrnision on apacity Capacity Region (‘alculation Regulation Allocation -14-jQ: South-east Reion 1ZlJ) and ii ‘ Congestion t Europe iL rs ui in (SEE) c Management accordance uiy ui n




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