FRIDAY JANUARY112019 Local 3A Star Telegram,STAR-TELEGRAM.C OM1/11/2019 Cropped page Page: 3A S1 TEXRail is off and running, and here’s where to catch it Transit’s Orange Line the retired American Ea- BY GORDON DICKSON light-rail service a few gle employee said. “We fly
[email protected] hundred feet away in out of the airport all the Terminal A. time.” DFW AIRPORT The commuter rail serv- After delays related to ice already was proving TEXRAIL STATIONS the federal shutdown, the popular. A T&P Station (down- long-awaited TEXRail Just after 10 a.m. Thurs- town Fort Worth) commuter line is now day, a train pulled into the 221 W. Lancaster Ave. open to anyone who wants station at the lower level Fort Worth, TX 76102 to ride it. of Terminal B carrying 67 A ITC Station (down- But where the heck are passengers. A handful town Fort Worth) the stations? carried luggage and ap- 1001 Jones St. For rail aficionados, it peared to be ready to Fort Worth, TX 76102 might seem like a simple board flights. A North Side Station question. But the simple Other riders said they (north Fort Worth) fact is, TEXRail is running just wanted to check out 2829 Decatur Ave. through parts of Northeast the quality of the train Fort Worth, TX 76106 GORDON DICKSON
[email protected] Tarrant County that ride. Among them was A Mercantile Center Passengers step off a TEXRail train at DFW Airport Terminal B. The commuter rail line is haven’t had passenger Kurt Troeger, a retiree Station (north Fort Worth) now open to the public and free to ride through the end of January.