Sale of Chametz Schedule vwwc Sunday, April 10 th 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM Sunday, April 17 th 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM Shabbat Hagadol nd Drasha April 22 During the Siyum Breakfast Saturday, April 16, 2016 It is preferable to arrange for the Sale of April 9-15 2016 • 1 to 7 Nisan 5776 • Shabbat Tazriya HaChodesh 6:15 PM Chametz in person with Rabbi Perton. If the

From our archives WE EXTEND A MAZAL TOV TO “How Much Matza Do above times do not work, please feel free to Faigy and Rabbi Yitzchok Rosenberg on the We Really Need to Eat?” contact Rabbi Perton directly to arrange an birth of their grandson Yoel Rosenberg. The Aron Proud parents Zeldie and Rabbi Nachman alternative time. If any member is unable to Rosenberg. Proud grandparents Nechama Rabbi Rabbi Kodesh was Dina and Rabbi Yitzchak Minkowitz Proud Boruch leave their home, please contact Rabbi Boruch Perton unveiled great grandparents Gittel Rosenberg and Perton Perton to make arrangements 514-489-8411. [email protected] Shoshana and Rabbi Laima Minkowitz 438-930-4174 April 9 1989

Sale of Chametz forms are on the Beth Zion WE EXPRESS CONDOLENCES TO: Founding Rabbi Followed by Mincha Website and in the office. Sidney Shoham ZT”L Beverley Hamburg and family on the loss of and her husband, Elie Hamburg Z”L Beth Zion Congregation extends our Chazan Sheni appreciation to Rabbi Yamin Benarroch Yitzchok Rosenberg for leading Shabbat services this week WE EXPRESS CONDOLENCES TO: The family of the late Henry Novick Z”L President Earl Rosen ROSH CHODESH KIDDUSH IS SPONSORED BY Fagey and Simon Rossdeutscher and Judy and Harry Rossdeutscher Beth Zion Congregation 5740 Hudson Ave H4W 2K5 SEUDAH SHLISHIT IS SPONSORED BY 514-489-8411 Jose Levkovich, Rivi & Zigui Levkovich and family, Sheila & Alan Shapiro and family, Barbara & 514-489-3151 (fax) Tuvia Levkovich and family On the occasion of Perla Levkovich A”H’s yahrtzeit ~ Gemara Siyum during Seudah Shlishit Friday, April 8th Last week’s Seudah Shlishit was sponsored Candle Lighting: 7:14 pm In memory of Rabbi Sidney Shoham Z”TL Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 and 7:21pm Last week’s Seudah Shlishit was sponsored by Earliest Shema Fri. Joy and Moti Yunger in memory of his mother Sara bat Eliyahu Z”L night 8:19pm Latest Shema Shabbat morning THIS SHABBAT BULLETIN IS SPONSORED BY 9:37 am JOSE LEVKOVICH , R IVI & Z IGUI LEVKOVICH AND FAMILY , S HEILA & A LAN SHAPIRO AND FAMILY , B ARBARA & T UVIA LEVKOVICH AND FAMILY ON THE OCCASION OF PERLA LEVKOVICH A”H’ S YAHRTZEIT Shabbat Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday TAZRIYA April 9 April 10 April 11 April 12 April 13 April 14 April 15 April 9, 2016 • 1 nisan 5776 Hertz p.460 Maftir p.253 Haftarah p. 1001~ Stone p.608 Maftir p.348 Haftarah p. 1218 1 Nisan 2 Nisan 3 Nisan 4 Nisan 5 Nisan 6 Nisan 7 Nisan The focus of this portion is upon tzora'as, a supernatural physical affliction sent to warn someone to refrain from speaking badly about Rosh Chodesh others. The disease progressively afflicted home, clothes and then one's skin -- unless the individual corrected his ways and followed the Nisan purification process stated in the .

"And it will be in the skin of his flesh the plague of tzora'as" (Lev. 12:2). In this verse the term vehaya ("And it will") is used which denotes 9:00 am joy. Tzora'as is a very painful affliction, what possible joy can there be in having it? Rabbi Zelig Pliskin explains that pain can be viewed Shacharit 7:00am 6:15am 6:25am 6:25am 6:15am 6:25am as meaningful or random. If pain has meaning -- like the pain that accompanies giving birth -- the pain is more bearable. If one appreci- Sermon Yechiel Glustein Shacharit Shacharit Shacharit Shacharit Shacharit Rabbi Perton ates that pain can be a wake up call to examine one's life, an atonement for something one has done wrong or a challenge and oppor- tunity to grow, then one can appreciate the pain and value its benefit. A person may wish he did not have the pain. He may hate the pain. Yechiel Glustein Yechiel Glustein Yechiel Glustein Yechiel Glustein Yechiel Glustein 9:00am However, with focus one can have an element of joy in appreciating its meaningfulness. 8:00am Daf Yomi Daf Yomi Daf Yomi Daf Yomi Daf Yomi The sages taught that tzara'at was not a bodily disease, but a physical manifestation of a spiritual disease. They believed that it was a Rinat Yisrael Shacharit punishment for saying bad or untrue things about others. They said that the Hebrew word Metzora is a contraction of the words motzi Shacharit rah which means "one who spreads slander." The "treatment" or punishment for the metzorah (the one afflicted with tzara'at ) was being D’var Torah 8:45am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am outcast for a period of time. During this time of isolation, the metzorah could reflect on the damage done by his or her words. Once the Professor Ira Shacharit Shacharit Shacharit Shacharit Shacharit Shacharit condition had been cured, the metzorah then offered a sacrifice including two birds: one to slaughter and one to set free. Rashi says that Robinson God wanted the metzorah to sacrifice birds in order to remind the person about the sin of chattering like a bird. The Midrash Shocher

Tov says "The damage done by evil talk is compared to the piercing, irreparable destruction of an arrow. Why is the tongue compared to an arrow? An arrow cannot be called back once it has been shot, even if the marksman wishes to do so. Just as the victim does not know about it until it actually reaches him, so the effects of evil talk are not felt until the arrows of a wicked person pierce him." A story is told of the Chofetz Chaim who readily agreed when another prominent rabbi requested his help with a communal matter in another city in Poland. In the course of their trip the two rabbis stopped at a roadside inn to partake of a meal. They were happy to eat at this establishment as a Jewish woman who was well respected for her high standards of ran it. The two rabbis were seated at a special table and accorded every mark of honor. After they had finished the meal the proprietress came to their table to inquire how they had enjoyed the food. The Chofetz Chaim smiled politely and replied: "It was very tasty, and I enjoyed it very much. Thank you." The 6:05pm 7:25pm 7:25pm 7:25pm 7:25pm 7:25pm 7:00 pm other rabbi answered: "The meal was very good, thank you. Only, if I might say, the soup might have used a bit more salt." When the Yechiel Glustein Mincha/Ma’ariv Mincha/Ma’ariv Mincha/Ma’ariv Mincha/Ma’ariv Mincha/Ma’ariv Mincha/ Kabbalat owner left the table the Chofetz Chaim turned to his companion, and in an anguished voice said: "Unbelievable! All my life I have avoided Daf Yomi Shabbat speaking or listening to 7:20pm 8:00pm lashon hara and here I am, going on a trip to perform a mitzva, and I have been put into a situation of having to hear you speak lashon 6:35pm Duplicate Bridge with Rabbi hara! I deeply regret my involvement in this mission, for it cannot be a true mitzva. If it were, such a terrible thing would never have hap- Hilchot Tefillah– Gimple pened to me!" The other rabbi was shocked and upset by the Chofetz Chaim's reaction. To him it seemed to be a perfectly innocent

Rabbi Michael Wolff 8:00pm remark. "What was so terrible about my comment? I only mentioned that a little salt would help the food, which was otherwise very Gmara Shabbat 7:23pm good." The Chofetz Chaim began to explain himself. "You certainly don't understand the power that words possess! Just see what a 7:05pm Shiur Candle Lighting chain reaction your words have set off: I'm sure that the woman who owns the inn doesn't do her own cooking; she probably employs Mincha some poor person to do it, maybe even a widow who depends upon this job for her living. Seudah Shlishit 7:30 pm "Because of your thoughtless comment the employee will be reprimanded for not adding enough salt to the food. She will try to defend 2nd minyan herself before replying that she certainly did put in enough salt, which will be a lie. Then the owner will accuse her of lying, since she will Mincha/ Kabbalat certainly take your word over that of the poor cook. This exchange will lead to an argument and the owner will, in her anger, fire the poor 8:10pm Shabbat cook, who will then have no income with which to support herself and her family. The rabbi, who had listened closely to the Chofetz Ma’ariv Chaim's explanation, replied respectfully: "Reb Yisrael Meir, I simply can't help but feel that you are overreacting to the whole incident. My few casual words couldn't have created all that damage. I think that your scenario just isn't realistic." The Chofetz Chaim rose from his seat, still in an agitated state, and said: "If you don't believe me, then follow me into the kitchen and you will see with your own eyes what has happened!" The two rabbis quietly entered the kitchen, and a sorry sight met their eyes. The proprietress was standing before an elderly woman and giving her a sharp tongue-lashing; while the woman stood there with tears streaming down her face. The shocked 8:20pm rabbi ran up to the cook and begged her to forgive him for all the pain she was suffering. He then turned to the owner of the inn and Shabbat ends pleaded with her to forgive him and to forget that he had ever made a comment. He had never intended that it be taken so seriously. The proprietress of the inn, who was really a kind person by nature, had never actually intended to dismiss her elderly employee and was

happy to accede to the rabbi's request. She explained that she had merely wanted to impress upon the cook her responsibility to be more

careful in the future. She assured the rabbi that the woman's job was secured and he had no grounds for worry. The rabbi turned to the Chofetz Chaim with an understanding look. He had certainly acquired a new profound respect for the awesome power of words. Prepared by Devorah Abenhaim