United States
Patented Sept. 7, 1937 2,092,322 UNITED STATES PATENT of FICE 2,092,322 PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF OR GANC PEROXDES Franz Rudolf Moser, Amsterdam, Netherlands, assignor to Shell Development Company, San Francisco, Calif., a corporation of Delaware No Drawing. Application March 18, 1935, Serial No. 11,667. In the Netherlands September 14, 1934 12 Claims. (C. 260-16) This invention relates to processes of manu the latter "wetted' whereby its explosiveness is facturing organic peroxides and deals, particu greatly reduced. larly, with a novel, simplified method for eco My invention may be practiced with any suit nomically producing peroxides from ketones, able organic compound which forms peroxides 5 aldehydes, and the like. It is also concerned with by reaction with hydrogen peroxide. Suitable the production of new compositions of matter organic compounds which may be used as start comprising organic peroxides suitably 'wetted' ing material are, for example: aliphatic ketones, to reduce their explosiveness and make them of which acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, diethyl capable of safe handling, transportation and ketone, methyl isopropyl ketone, methyl second storage. ary butyl ketone, methyl tertiary butyl ketone 10 O The preparation of organic peroxides by the are typical: aromatic ketones such as aceto reaction of hydrogen peroxide upon ketones, phenone, benzo-phenone, benzyl-ethyl ketone, aldehydes, dialkyl sulfates, acid anhydrides, acid benzylnaphthyl ketone, and homologues and chlorides and the like is well known. Particu analogues thereof; aliphatic aldehydes, such as 5 larly with ketones and aldehydes, the reaction has formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde, 15 been carried out in the presence of strong acids, isobutylaldehyde, methyl ethyl acetaldehyde, such as hydrochloric and sulfuric acids, while trimethyl acetaldehyde, and the like; aromatic maintaining a low temperature.
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