Port Hills zoning review

Summary information and maps 1 to 22 1:40,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 500250 0 500 1,000 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 ° Compiled 27/08/2013

13 16 14 17 3 5 15 19 18 12 2 4 6 20 26

7 11 25 21 27 1 8 10 24 28 22 30 9 23 29

34 33 32


39 38 31 36


40 42 41



Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by City Council.

Map 1: Bowenvale

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 1

Expert advice provided to the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group indicated that there are site specific considerations relating to the GNS risk model around the following area:

• Properties on the eastern side of the valley at 101G and 101H Bowenvale Avenue:

The model overstates the life safety risk to these properties because: o There is a limited rockfall source; and o The presence of the road/pathway provides additional protection which is not reflected in the model. (In most circumstances the presence of a flat area such as a road carriageway or building platform tends to reduce the rockfall risk for properties located below the flat area.)

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 S124 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC S124 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 1: Bowenvale Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 ° Compiled 27/08/2013 79 77 59D 91 16 59C 89 66Port Hills64 Zoning Review Advisory Group Minutes44 - Area 21 61 59F 81 44F LEGEND91E 44E 59A e 6 74 Landsdowne Terrace iv 63 85 r 68 83 D Proposed Change5 Matthams Lane n 44A 74 e k To Green3 80 44D 44B 65 t 2 70 85 67A 83 Ai 44G r 8 o To Red 82 j Y 69A a 46 67 e 87 M 1 2/44C l 12 Modelsv 84 81 4 e -4 88 46A 46E 2/69 r 89 1/69 73A Rockfallto Risk 10 Area 2/86 1/86 n -4 46D P 7 3 90 46F Cliff lCollapsea 10 Area 91 46B 73B 14 c 96G 6 e 2 96 46G 3 Earthquake Event Lines 93 46C 94 77A 92 98 46H 48B 75 9 4 8 16 14 95 46J 12 8 100 11 S124 6 Bowenvale Avenue 77 79 11 16E 2/10 4 5 Emerald Lane 97 80 16 6 1 9A Plumwood Lane 10 48 82 18 9 4 2 79A 9 2 2 22 S124 18 7 8 21 81 1 5 5 3 19 83 3 4 6 20 11 7 5 17 50 6 15 Fineran Lane Rockcrest Lane 3 87 22 1 5 93 6 7 9 2 89 7 3 91 8 1/56 93A 4 1/54A 95G 4A 2/54A 2/56 13 5 Maurice Knowles Lane 95 101H 9 101I 58 101F 14 2 97 10 12 4 99 101G 101J 11 Dalefield Drive 1 101 54 3 5 101S 101B 7 2/66 1/66 2/9 103 8 1/9 1/66A 2/66A 101A 10 6 68 105 S124 11 12 72A 8A 107 101C 101E 70 72 S124 20 109 101D 12A 16 84 108A 74 2/84 20A 111 14 80 86 18 78 88 121 76A 119 123 1/82 90 2/82 76 147

Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 2: Woodlau Rise

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 2

None identified by the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group that had an effect on zoning recommendations.

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 2: Woodlau Rise Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 ° Compiled 27/08/2013

81 2/100 40 2/4 1/10 15 38 65 98 2/32B 43 Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group Minutes - Area 21 5 21 50 36 8 L LEGEND 4A 1 o 1/96 98B 2/10 o 39 4B k 11B 32C Proposed45 Change 2/96 17 a 38A 52 w 38 77 9 44 66 3 12 a 13 To Green 94 2/6 3 y 42 46 2/19 75A 61 1/6 19 L 96A a 54 To Red62 n 1/11 92 5 19A 11 1/19 14 e 15 75 1 Models 1A 3A 1 44A 60 -4 7 21 ay Plac 21 56 A 16 kaw e 17 Rockfallo Risk 10 Area 52 3 Loo te 54 8 61 a -4 Whaka Terrace 10 44D Te 9 4 1/23 Cliff Collapserra 10 Area 5 18 6 58A Avenue ce W 58 2/23 Eastern Terrace o 2 44C Earthquake Event Lines 2 o 6A 25 65A 7 11 d 20 4 l 7A a 23 46 62 15 u 44B 65 89 87

R 88 10 i 1/8 10 17 s 22 e 12 64 Centaurus Road 6 2/27 67 88A 8 25 1/27 27A 27B S 8 2/8 10 u 60 64A nh 9 7 24 2/14 86A av 1/27 69 en 24A 1/14 68 1 P ce 16 66B la 2/27 71 6 40 29 71A 86 9 26 71 12 3 72 77 84 2 66 4 5 2/18 66A 14 81 11 28 38 42 31 69 82 29 78 13 33 75 74 16 30 76A 9 15 36 67 85 44 1/35 74A 11A 15A 32 18 80 84 7 20 2/35 87 11 23 34 76B 7E 17 46 80A 15 19 29 1/52 63 88 5 76 17 48 2/52 1 31 82 91 19 25 37 80B 90 3 79 12 96 39 50 27 2/50A 1A 43 81 82A 1 59 14 21 23 33 12A 92 27 35 90A 25 7A 98 4 47 55 2/55 Enticott Place 41 100A 94 97 6 45 83 2 10 7 29 16 98R 7 9 11 102 101 15 87E 100 1 17 8A 5 10A 106 21 8 103 23 11 2 16 27 104A 108 18 10 87A 104 105 25 4A 4B 22 1/13 3 e 1 110 3 n 87B 6 a Caldwell LaneCaldwell 4 2/13 20 L 114 109 28 4C n 28E 9 i m 118 3 ja 8 n 6A 116 1 e 4 15 116A 2A B ve 30 ri 120 2 7 D 31 32 en 122 itk 6 A 35 33 117 or 2 126 aj M 132 124

Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 3: Centaurus Road

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 3

Expert advice provided to the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group indicated that there are site specific considerations relating to the GNS risk model around the following area:

• Properties in the View Terrace / Centaurus Road area (e.g. 2, 2F, 4, 6, 8, 10 View Terrace and 216 Centaurus Road)

There is a model boundary effect within the GNS model which tends to overstate the life safety risk to these properties. This is because the GNS model, like all numerical models, becomes less certain around the edges of the modelled area due to inherent model assumptions and mathematical constraints. There is no immediate risk to life associated with these properties.

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 3: Centaurus Road Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 ° Compiled 27/08/2013

N 54 g 35 a i 57 33A 18 Port 165Hills Zoning178 Review Advisory Group Minutes - Area 21 199 o 33C 33B 332 1/2 1 196 S LEGEND 1/186 56 t 180 188 202 r 61 31A 16 182 201 e 59 176 198 200 206 e 31B 334 2/163 2/186 2/2 1A 204 t Wilsons Road South Proposed Change 1/163 58 63 31C 203 14 To Green 4E 1/29 208 60 65 336 161 174 2/4 1/27 12 To Red 3 205 62 170 A/4 e 2/210 67 31D 2/29 2/27 R v iv i e 6B r 3/27 Modelsrla 6A D 6 212 207 10 338 w Centaurus Road 1/172 2/172 1/5 31E 1/25 Ter -4 159 s 2/5 8 race d S124 Rockfall Risk 10 Area n 2/25 5 8 a 214 209 8 e -4 l 31F u k 212A 17 3 157 168 r 7 Cliffn Collapse 10 Area a e 168A P 214A 211 6 v 6 2/10 1/10 214S AEarthquake Event Lines 9 221A 15 13 346 166E 166 10 216 1/221 2/227 g 2/155 155 213 n o 348 11 4 r 10A 1 t 350 215 s 153A 153 2/164 223 1/227 229 m 352 13 12 2 217 221 225 r 4 231 A 354 12A 14 4 220 9 2 2/162 12 4A 356 2/151 15 2F 249 1/151 1/162 View Terrace Centaurus Road 16 2/160 251 17 253 1/147 236 236A 255 1/160 9 3 2 230 1/232 257 143 18 19 21 19 1 1/228 234 3/261 25 23 224 158 17 2E 238 259 27 7 240 261 20 5 242 40 2/228 2/232 2 240A 2/156 21 4 263 244 2A 1/156 23 1/25A 2/25A 6 2B 22 38 4A 4 5 244A 2C 73 8A 8 22A 25 6A 6D 6C 6B 6A 4 1 3/8 6 1/248 2/12B 10 36 7 24 27 2/248 7 6 1/5A 28 8D 8C 8B 8A 2/8 1/8 29 12A 1/12C 12 34 5 53A 7A 2/5A 31 71 9 8 250 2/10 10 33 1/53 1/10 2/3 32 Albert Terrace 9 A/7 11 7 B/7 35 14 16 10 12 30A 16 37 2E 1 17 9 11 250D 30 16A 2/14 14 15 16A 51 12 1/2 e 69 18 11 2/2 c 17A 7 11 13 a 9 l 18 16 17 P 28 18A 47 r 11 4 e 19 13 20 f e i 19A 19 67 81 20 u 14 15 15A 1/19 2/19 n 26 18 n o e 15 2 Lascelles Street C 22F v 22H 6 A 1/21 21 15 65 2/21 19 20 10 y 17 22 r 4 17 u 4R 20 47 b 1 s A t 23 21 22 1/23 9 8 e n o 19 iv u 6 t 14 ea 49 Dr 24 2/51 s 68 H 22G 70 d 25 R n T Roscoe Street

a 12 la 8 er 22 1/51 2/53 k m 21

r r

ac 22L a a P 1/66 27 1/53 55A 2/28 1/28 h 22B 2A e 55 10 45 a 23 23 2 8 2/66 n 22A 4 1/6 55E a 22 64 2/30 29 R 1/30 o 25 25A 22E 25 a 2B 62 30A 19 16 d 22D 22J 30 2/6 8A 10D

Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 4: Rapaki Road

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 4

None identified by the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group that had an effect on zoning recommendations.

A further site specific consideration was taken by the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery prior to zoning decisions by Cabinet:

• Properties at 14 and 16 The Crescent

The rockfall source posing a risk to these properties has been removed and it is considered that there is no longer a life safety risk associated with these properties. The Cabinet agreed that these properties should be zoned green.

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 4: Rapaki Road Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 ° Compiled 27/08/2013

1/61 2/61 90 94 49 44A Port52 Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group Minutes - Area 21 46 1E 92 LEGEND 51 96 5 38 1/63 2/63 51 58 113F 49A 48 Proposed Change 53 49C 38A 1/65A 100 To Green 60 5D 65 53A 53 49B 102 55A 55 3 38B 98 To Red 1/62 67 2/65A 104 62A 71A 55 Models 57 40 50 -4 69 71 106 57 Rockfall Risk 10 Area 59 -4 59B 52A 52 66 108 59A Cliff Collapse 10 Area 64 42 75 73 61 44

Hillsborough Terrace Earthquake Event Lines 70 77 5A 63 63 79 48 46 72 5 65 54 83 52 81 81A 7 76 67 50 85 15 54 H 1 eyb 3 ridg 3E e L 11 78 an 17 Albert Terrace e 17A 2 80A 58 80B 19 4 6 8 10A 10B

3 2 64

Chorley Place 4 5 101 99

7 Vernon Terrace 75D 2 68 6 23 9 8 6 4

56 9 10 16

12 11R RapakiRoad 14

The Crescent


Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 5: Stronsay

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 5

Expert advice provided to the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group indicated that there are site specific considerations relating to the GNS risk model around the following area:

• Properties near the intersection of Port Hills Road and Opawa Road (e.g. 375, 373, 371, 369 Port Hills Road):

The GNS model tends to overstate the life safety risk to these properties because there is a diminished rockfall source located on the property. (‘Diminished rockfall source’ is one of a number of technical terms used by GNS and relates to the ability of the rockfall source to generate fewer rocks than the neighbouring rock sources.)

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 5: Stronsay Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 ° Compiled 27/08/2013 408 3 4 11 10 8A ce 4 423 la 1/364 Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Pl aGroupce Minutes - Area 21 P 406 nne 15 8B ale 404 ie lld 2/364 LEGEND c Hi 2/19 1/19 13 419 u 2/366 L 4 15 4B 10 10 21 2/368 1/366 360R Proposed Change 415 6 12 14 370 To Green 2 8 18 2/17 17 1/368 8 411 16 372 12 400 To Red 12 396 20 374 S124 1/361 407 398 392 363 Models 394 384 382 380 376 14 388 386 2/361 -4 P 2 Rockfall Risk 10 Area 6 ea rtr -4 ee L 15 Port Hills Road 371 367 365 Cliff Collapse 10 Area an e 373 369 3 375 350 Earthquake344 Event Lines 1 393C 393A 3E 401 381 397 395 389 377 393D 393B 349 399 S124 351 391 387 347 346 3 393 S124 5 Port Hills Road 10 379 Section 45 Notice 8 2 345 13 7 (Geotechnical) 3 341 S124 340R The Kilns 1 4 339 22 343 15 9 5 337A 6 2/24 24A 11 21 S124 S124 3 343A 337 17 2A 7 14 2 8 335 30 34 4 9 19 333 1 e an Pukeuri L 5 17 12 11 36 6 8 7 203 38 15 40 10 9 11 23 8 Alderson Avenue Alderson 9 327 321 42 25 3 5 e 10 7 an 6 L 1 ay S ns Lucas Lane tro 4 319A 7 e 2 1 rrac 2 5 Te 12 en av 1 h 2 ne 3 to S 3 ane 323 ir L vo er 4 es 10 11 1 R 9 8 5

7 6

Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 6: Port Hills Road

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 6

Expert advice provided to the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group indicated that there are site specific considerations relating to the GNS risk model around the following areas:

• Properties on the north eastern side of Avoca Valley Road (e.g. 1-31 Avoca Valley Road [odd numbers only] and 8 Gilders Grove):

The GNS rock roll risk model tends to overstate the risk to these properties as it does not take into account the presence of Avoca Valley Road. (In this instance the presence of the flat area formed by the road carriageway tends to reduce the rockfall run out.)

• Properties on the north eastern side of Port Hills Road (e.g. 308 and 310 Port Hills Road):

The GNS rock roll risk model tends to overstate the risk to these properties as it does not take account for the benching effect provided by Port Hills Road. (In this instance the presence of the flat area formed by the road carriageway tends to reduce the rockfall run out.)

• Properties on the western side of Avoca Valley Road, near the intersection with Port Hills Road (4A, 4B and 6 Avoca Valley Road):

Expert advice indicated that the rock roll risk model tends to understate the life safety risk to these properties, and that these properties are in an elevated risk area. Following ground truthing and a close examination of the model, it was determined that these dwellings are exposed to an Annual Individual Fatality Risk of 1 in 10,000 or greater in 2016.

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 °

1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 6: Port Hills Road Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 Compiled 27/08/2013

Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group Minutes - Area 6

319 317


1 311 313

Nuttall Drive 3

301/A2 S124 301/B4 301/B2 301/B8 301/A8 301/D8 301/C3 314 301/E2 301/H8 301/C9 301/I4 301/H9 301/G6 22A 301/J4 301/C20 20A 301/I1 301/K2 301/H4 301/E5 301/J1 301/K4 301/K7 301/E8 301/K9 301/M1 301/F1 301/K13 301/F3 310 301/L14 301/M3 301/K17 301/L12 301/K19 301/N8 4 301/N6 S124 301/L2 301/N3 22 301/L7 308 S124 301/N1 301/L9 Port Hills Road 8 4B 32 S124 275 306 12 26 S124 38 S124 14 16 S124 S124 6 2 30 S124 S124 24 20 4A S124 S124 18 S124

S124 304

S124 40 S124 Avoca Valley Road LEGEND 19E Proposed Change 1 11 9 7 23 13 5 To Green 27 19 3 31 To Red 9A 3 Models 4 -4 8 2/269 1/269 271 Rockfall Risk 10 Area 5 -4 Cliff Collapse 10 Area 267 260F Earthquake Event Lines 11 9 7 265 260E 270 37

Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 7: Avoca Valley

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 7

None identified by the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group that had an effect on zoning recommendations (other than areas that overlap with Map 6 – see Map 6).

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 °

1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 7: Avoca Valley Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 Compiled 27/08/2013

Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group Minutes - Area 5

LEGEND Proposed Change To Green To Red Models -4 Rockfall Risk 10 Area -4 Cliff Collapse 10 Area Earthquake Event Lines


68 90 S124 S124 58 87 S124 S124

50 66 85 S124 S124 30 S124 S124 S124 81 42 S124 S124 64 44 S124 40 62 54 S124 56 60 Avoca Valley Road 73 69 27 33 31 79 41 77 63 35 4 8

67A 11

Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 8: Horotane Valley

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 8

None identified by the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group that had an effect on zoning recommendations.

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 8: Horotane Valley Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 ° Compiled 27/08/2013

Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group Minutes - Area 6 LEGEND

44 37 Proposed Change To Green To Red Models -4 Rockfall Risk 10 Area -4 Cliff Collapse 10 Area Earthquake Event Lines 43 48

Horotane Valley Road

50 49


S124 53

S124 62

S124 59

Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 9: Bridle Path Road (1)

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 9

Expert advice provided to the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group indicated that there are site specific considerations relating to the GNS risk model around the following area:

• Properties on the south western side of Flinders Road (e.g. 66, 68, 74, 76 Flinders Road):

The GNS rock roll risk model tends to overstate the risk to these properties as it does not account for the benching effect provided by State Highway 74. (In this instance the presence of the flat area formed by the road carriageway tends to reduce the rockfall run out.)

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 9: Bridle Path Road 1 Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 ° Compiled 27/08/2013

27 Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group Minutes - Area 7 45 27A LEGEND

Tunnel Road 25 Proposed Change 53 23 To Green 40 To Red 55 Port Hills Road 21 Models 57 -4 17 Rockfall Risk 10 Area 64 -4 59 15 Cliff Collapse 10 Area 66 Flinders Road Earthquake Event Lines 61 70 13 68 63 72 11 74 65 Bridle Path Road 80 7 5 78 82 76 84E 28 3 3F 1 84 26A 28A 6 26 4 1 8 3 24

10 5 90

12 Heathvale Place 7 88 22 14

16 11 9 20

13 15 16 14 12 18

S124 10A

10 3

Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 10: Morgans Valley

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 10

Expert advice provided to the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group indicated that there are site specific considerations relating to the GNS risk model around the following areas:

• Property at 52 Morgans Valley:

The GNS rock roll risk model tends to overstate the risk to this property due to local topographical effects in combination with proximity to model boundaries. (The GNS model, like all numerical models, becomes less certain around the edges of the modelled area due to inherent model assumptions and mathematical constraints.)

• Properties at the southern end of the valley (e.g. 56 and 58 Morgans Valley):

The GNS rock roll risk model tends to understate the risk to these properties due to: o Local topographical effects – in this particular instance the model is significantly influenced by the presence of a gully; and o Proximity to model boundary effects – the GNS model, like all numerical models, becomes less certain at the edges of the modelled area due to inherent model assumptions and mathematical constraints.

• Properties at the northern end of the valley (e.g. 17, 19, 21 Morgans Valley):

The GNS rock roll risk model tends to overstate the risk to these properties as it does not account for the benching effect provided by the road. (In this instance the presence of the flat area formed by the road carriageway tends to reduce the rockfall run out.)

• Property at 75 Morgans Valley:

The model does not account for the local topographical effect of a gully that runs beside the property. This gully provides the dwelling with protection from rock roll.

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 °

1:3,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 3015 0 30 60 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 10: Morgans Valley Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 Compiled 27/08/2013

Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group Minutes - Area 7 8 112R

18 10 5 92R 96R 20 16 7

12 MartindalesRoad 9 96 86R 112S124 14

22 112AS124 26 24 11 23 92 30 28 24E 32 15 36 34 46 23A 59 44 Morgans Valley 61 21 17 23B 57 19 48 63 67 65 42 69 55

40 53 S124 25 50 29 S124 33 31 S124 27 71 51 S124 S124 49 35 S124

47 S124 52 38 37 73 54 41 43

75 39 S124

56 79 45 77 58 81 70A 60 83 S124

64 66

62 S124 87


LEGEND 298 Proposed Change To Green 308 To Red 310 15 17 312 Models11 23 -4 25 21 Rockfall Risk19 10 Area 16 9 -4 Cliff7 Collapse 10 Area14 5 10 12 Earthquake6 Event8 Lines 3 4

Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 11: Bridle Path Road (2)

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 11

None identified by the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group that had an effect on zoning recommendations.

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 °

1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 11: Bridle Path Road 2 Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 Compiled 27/08/2013

Cooks Lane 22 79A Flavell Street 6 Port Hills69 Zoning Review Advisory23 Group Minutes - Area 8 105 24 97 2E 1/77 2/77 34 79 81 121 129 2 119 123 125 127 36 113 115 117 91 93 95 111 S124 2 111E Bridle Path Road 90 152 154 2 92A 1A 86 150A 106 78 146

152A S124 9 Morgans Valley 90A S124 S124 11A 116 S124 150 112R 11 S124 Hammerton LaneS124 15 S124 MartindalesRoad 13 144 S124

5 19 96R S124 92R 7 17 9 96 S124 112 86R S124

112A S124

11 23 92


21 23B

LEGEND Proposed Change 25 S124 To Green 29 S124 27 S124 To Red

S124 Models -4 Rockfall Risk 10 Area -4 Cliff Collapse 10 Area Earthquake Event Lines

Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 12: Bridle Path Road (3)

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 12:

Expert advice provided to the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group indicated that there are site specific considerations relating to the GNS risk model around the following areas:

• Properties at 230, 242 and 238 Bridle Path Road:

The GNS rock roll risk model tends to overstate the risk to these properties. Expert advice provided to the Advisory Group indicated that the majority of the rock roll source above these properties was removed during the Civil Defence Emergency period immediately after the 22 February 2011 earthquake as it impacted directly on the road below.

• Properties on the western side of Bridle Path Road (e.g. 201, 221 and 225 Bridle Path Road):

The GNS rock roll risk model tends to overstate the risk to these properties as it does not take account for the benching effect provided by Bridle Path Road. (In this instance the presence of the flat area formed by the road carriageway tends to reduce the rockfall run out.)

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 °

1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 12: Bridle Path Road 3 Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 Compiled 27/08/2013

Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group Minutes - Area 8 225 131



201 238 242 220

216 208 S124 204 S124 Bridle Path Road 202 212 171 S124 198 S124 6 192 190 S124 200 188 S124 S124 186 S124 S124 182 174 5 172 184 176 S124 182A 3

160 166 S124 2/170 S124 196A 156 158 1/170 S124 134 S124 168 S124 194 150 S124 152 154 2 196 2 158A 180 S124 178A S124 4 S124 182 3 150A 19E 146 ne 5 La 7B S124 ing 152A S124 Lapw 9 S124 19 7 5 S124 17 15 11A S124 7A 150 9A 11 11 S124 178 9 2/7 Hammerton LaneS124 1/7 15 180A S124 13 S124 190 5 225 19 S124 227 3 192 LEGEND229 206 Proposed Change 2/2 231 17 Brigid Place S124 To Green229E 1/2 To Red Cannon Hill Crescent 208 208A Models -4 Rockfall Risk214 10 Area 216-4 Cliff Collapse 10 Area218 232 210 Earthquake Event Lines

Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 13: Mt Pleasant

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 13:

Expert advice provided to the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group indicated that there are site specific considerations relating to the GNS risk model around the following areas:

• 10 Quarry Road, and 2/51A and 51C Road:

Expert advice provided to the Group indicated that these properties are exposed to the potential for immediate land damage with an associated risk to life as a result of the earthquakes. The properties are affected by cliff recession and debris inundation. The cliff was not included in the GNS cliff collapse model but is exhibiting significant instability.

• Properties bordering Main Road (e.g. 3 and 7 Quarry Road):

Based on expert advice the GNS cliff collapse model tends to overstate the risk to these properties and there is no evidence that there is an immediate risk to life.

• Properties on McCormacks Bay Road, below Mt Pleasant Road (e.g. 18, 1/20 and 2/20 McCormacks Bay Road) and 57 Mt Pleasant Road:

The GNS cliff collapse risk model tends to overstate the risk to these properties as they are located at the end of the cliff (where it turns into a steep slope) and this creates a model boundary effect in the GNS model. (The GNS model, like all numerical models, becomes less certain at the edges of the modelled area due to inherent model assumptions and mathematical constraints.)

• Property at 28 Aratoro Place:

The GNS cliff collapse risk model tends to overstate the risk to this property as it is located on a steep slope, rather than a cliff, and this creates a model boundary effect in the GNS model. (The GNS model, like all numerical models, becomes less certain at the edges of the modelled area due to inherent model assumptions and mathematical constraints.)

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 13: Mt Pleasant Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 ° Compiled 27/08/2013

Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group Minutes - Area 18 LEGEND Proposed Change 62 Main Road To Green

3 5 7 Mt Pleasant Road To Red 9 54 Models 2A -4 1/1 2/1 2 Rockfall Risk 10 Area 2 3 3 6 8E -4 The Brae 11 Cliff Collapse 10 Area 4 1/8 2/8 4 8 15 12 Earthquake Event Lines 18 2/4 7 4 16 14 16 48 Q 7 14 17 uar ry Road 6 10 46 19F 9 6E 18 23 17 15 11 6 4 21 1/20 19 9 14 8 6 23 S124 18 25 2/20 22 2/22A 41 10 Tama Terrace 27 21 2/51A McCormacks Bay Road 51B 15 S124 24 15 11 51 29 22 23 51C 9 20 26 e 7 5 28 24 c 17 3 31 32 la 25 P ro 19 o 45 21 t 43 47 49 33 a 27 1 5 r 1/36 7 9 A 39 53 11 17 e 15 35 S124 55 c Seamount Terrace30 37 a 3 38 59 r 8 57 r e 32 T 28 37 S124 4E

a 2 r 10B 5 i 42 t 26 a 10 46 44 6 8 34 S124 4 40 g n 12 12 38 61 18 7 a 16 39 48 36 46 50 R 14 36 S124 34 20 32 2 22 14 9A 2/46 50 9B 6 1 52 1/52 63 65 S124 6 6A 69 38 11A 1/5 52B 10 8 18 S124 11B 8 2/5 53 71 22A 12 S124 15 SolearesAvenue 64 52 67 40 1/54 75 20 10 9 14 5 51 56 22 2/54 25 16 9 77 11 14 62 7 50 58 57 24 1/12 66 3 49 64 44 2/12 11A 11 20A 28 79 18 Marama Crescent 41 47 58 61 3 26 16 15 72 81 58 45 30 20 1/45 63 19A 18 37 1/32 19B 29 78 83 1/6 33 35 62 2/32 2/21B 22 31 M 19J 21B 21 aj 65 34 19C 19 17 or e 7 21C 2/6 H 85 n 19I 24 o a 64 19D r L 36 24 n b 80 St Andrews Hill Road 44 ro 87 s 19E o n 9 25E 27 40 k e 19G 42 R t 66 19F oa r 69 16A 14 38 o 29 30 d 24B 16 311 26 28 32 34 89 M 11

Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 14: Maffeys Road

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 14:

Expert advice provided to the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group indicated that there are site specific considerations relating to the GNS risk model in the following area:

• 76 McCormacks Bay Road:

This property is exposed to the potential for immediate land damage with an associated risk to life. The sub-vertical loess (soil) slope bank immediately upslope of this property shows signs of ongoing distress (as evidenced by ground cracking), suggestive of ongoing ground movement. There is a high possibility of collapse which is considered to pose a direct life safety risk to occupants. Ground damage is earthquake exacerbated, though not necessarily earthquake caused, and mitigation options are unclear.

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) S124 Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 14: Maffeys Road Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 ° S124 Compiled 27/08/2013

9B 6 1/52 3B Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group MinutesS124 - Area 19 11A 52B 69 38 18 11B 8 1/5 2/5 LEGEND 22A S124 71 3A 40 S124 15 1/54 64 1/68 Proposed Change 75 20 10 9 22 2/54 2/68 To Green 11 77 14 To Red 1/12 62 66 44 57 24 2/12 11A 20A Mt Pleasant Road 28 Models 79 -4 58 3C 3 61 26 4 Rockfall Risk 10 Area 16 15 -4 81 58 30 Cliff Collapse 10 Area 63 19A 18 3 1/32 19B 1 83 1/6 Earthquake Event Lines 62 2/32 2/21B 65 19J 17 21B 34 19C 19 21C e 7 2/6 8 M n 19I c 64 19D 78 C a 36 24 o L SolearesAvenue 19E rm s 9 27 a n 66 25E 19G 2/80 c e 19F k t 69 10 s r 16A 29 14 S124 B o 16 a 24B 82 y M 76 11 2/88 R 12 o 26 16B a 31 1/88 d 39 71 44A 15 22 92E 28 33 18 20 74 73 36 84 92 76 42 35 24 26B 94 75 26A 30A 96 78 30 37 30 2/28 25 77 1/28 44 98 80 1/102 108 39 32 100 108A 79 40 27 82 24A 34 110 38A 24 2/102 112 42 41 38 114 86 81 36 4 106 1 43 2/40 93 2/44 40 6 46 42 22 3 7 40 47 Maffeys Road 31 104 45 48 33 8 52 46 20 5 49 1 5E 10 95 95A 52 51 L 14 Basil Place 43 a 1/11 2/11 3 12 2/56 49 C 56 o 53 54 s 97B t 15 45 a 5 55 58E L 16 18 97 8 a 16 17B 101 10 n 17A 49 e 57 8 55 53 99 e 7 n 60 6 60 22 a 10 iz L 59 20 Cad 61 23 3 57 24 102 41 59 1/9 Santa Maria Avenue 25 21A 11 61 4 14 26 3 63 39 7 81 46 2/9 105 44 48 63 27 37 12 28 4 65 42 50 65 29A 6 35 103 2 10 10A 30 29B

Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 15: Virginia Lane

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 15

None identified by the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group that had an effect on zoning recommendations.

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 15: Virginia Lane Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 ° Compiled 27/08/2013

3 41 59 1/9 3 25 21A 2 Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory61 Group Minutes4 - Area14 19 ne 2 39 26 LEGEND La ess 17 2/9 ern 65 44 46 48 63 27 Inv 28 Proposed61 Change 37 S 12 an 20 42 50 ta Basil Place To Green M 65 29A 3 a 35 r 10A 29B 63 ia 30 To Red 10 40 52 A 1 8 v 69 31 67E 67 2/33 1/33 54 56 e 8 Models n -4 6 38 u 14 1/33 Glendevere Terrace 36 e 3 Rockfall Risk 10 Area 58 73 2/33 2 60 -4 29 26 2 2 34 P Cliff Collapse 10 Area a 35 t 4 64 m 4 4 19 32 28 101 6 Earthquake Event Lines71B o 71A 17 s 37 3 68 30 62 P 103

l Margot Lane a 26 6 15 28 c 5 4 72 e 39 5 105 74 73 24 41 11 26 12 6 8 111 76 7 107 e 5 84 2 22 n 5 9 10 a 22

L 7 75 109 a 82 20 i 7 7E n 78 i 6 2/3 5 Gazelle Lane 8 g 6 1/12 121 r 18 i 8 77 Selleck Street V 7 15 88 77A 1/3 3 16 80 1A Rifleman Lane 2/12 123 9 7 9 23 6A 5 14 76 7 8 14 79 e 8 10 n 8 90 21 6 96 a 4 L 10 9 11 y 2 11 m 7 9 92 4 e 4 12 Assisi Street 81 19 6 11 R

78 10 t 2/14 2 S 6 15 86 10 94 90 d 117 5 a 3 o 85 Highbank Lane 6 17 5 8 11 R 83 8 12 1/14 10 17 19 e a 88 r 10 7 2 t 7 s 15 16 12 n 87 e 9 21A 13 l 3 3 G 14 1 9 17 5 nt 8 89E Da 11 20 16 ce 6 96 rin 18E s g 5 re 5 L 89 an 11 7 18 C e o 98 93 D e 9 15 r ay 15 m 4 6 to O 91 n 9 20 18 2 1 D

r 10 i 17 v 3 100 95 e 11 16 10 104 8 19 8 106 90 15 14 8 102 97 12 24 6 21 6 101 7 108 12 17 4 5 1 27 25 14 2 4 116 103

Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 16: (1)

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 16:

Expert advice provided to the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group indicated that there are site specific considerations relating to the GNS risk model around the following areas:

• Properties on McCormacks Bay Road below Balmoral Lane (e.g. 150 and 154 McCormacks Bay Road) and the property at 19 Glenstrae Road:

The GNS rock roll risk model tends to overstate the risk to these properties due to a model boundary effect. (The GNS model, like all numerical models, becomes less certain at the edges of the modelled area due to inherent model assumptions and mathematical constraints.) There is no immediate risk to life associated with these properties.

• Property at 29 Glenstrae Road:

Expert advice indicated that the GNS rock roll risk model tends to overstate the risk to this property. The property is located above a bench in an old man made quarry. This and the local geology mean that there is no immediate risk to life associated with this property.

• Property at 6 Balmoral Lane

The GNS rock roll risk model tends to underestimate the risk to this property, as it does not accurately reflect the cliff line. The property carries an immediate risk to life.

• Property at 10 Balmoral Lane:

The GNS cliff collapse model tends to overstate the life safety risk to this area in terms of earthquake event lines, as the cliff is lower in this area. There is also a model boundary effect, as this property is at the edge of the model. (The GNS model, like all numerical models, becomes less certain at the edges of the modelled area due to inherent model assumptions and mathematical constraints.)

• Properties between Glendevere Terrace and Balmoral Lane (e.g. 27, 27A and 31 Glendevere Terrace, 48 Balmoral Lane):

These properties are located in an area of cliff deformation and mass movement. The cracking continues well beyond the retreat lines and there is the potential for immediate cliff collapse or land movement with an associated risk to life.

• Property at 32A Raekura Place:

The GNS cliff collapse risk model tends to overstate the risk to this property.

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 16: Redcliffs 1 Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 ° Compiled 27/08/2013

109 107 Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group Minutes - Areas 4 and 19 157 1/105 5 113 2/105 103 S124 66 LEGEND S124 8 7 156A 156 S124 S124 64 Proposed Change 6 108A 57E 62 To Green 154 S124 60 108 17 Celia Street 4 10 To Red 53A 58 19 51 Models S124 21 -4 1 51A 8A Rockfall Risk 10 Area 14 -4 S124 2/23 55 49 1/47 Cliff Collapse 10 Area 150 12 8B 1/23 35B S124 25 45A 7 55A 35A 2/47 Earthquake Event Lines 1/16 116A 27 9A S124 2/37A 45B 1/43 10A Section 45 Notice 33 2/16 116 29 2/31 2/43 39 22 (Geotechnical) 11 S124 2/37B 9 1/31 2/43A 8D 3/31 1/37B 37 18 1/43A 15 20 3B 17 20E S124 39A 3/45A S124 124A 39 5/43 24 8E 8F 4/43 126 41 2/45A 3/47A 21 27 S124 3/43 3A 34 128 2/43 25 26 1/45A 2/47A 2/29 S124 1/43 19 S124 124E 1/47A 2/49A 29 36 45 23A 38 124C S124 1/49A 23 Main Road 47 134 e 31 n S124 51A S124 a 124D L 49 3C 42 51B l 40 a r S124 o m 51 130 35 l a 53 B S124 S124 55 S124 46 124 128 50 57 McCormacks Bay Road S124 S124 S124 59 124B S124 S124 21 54 48 S124 29 1/56 38 136 2/126 52 S124 142 31 36 8 124 2/56 136C 29 S124 10 6 27 27A 34 1 122 20 S124 16 12 Raekura Place 19 136R 3 21 32 e S124 14 ra R 18 17 t o 25 5 148 s 18 30 S124 n a G e d le l I 20 n n 24 120B G d 30 7 15 v e S124 9 19 e 34 v S124 4A 120A r e 26 22 n r 38 e 16 e 30A 11 s 108 3 11 T 1 s 28 4 e S124 108A 32A S124 L rr 13 6 a 28 110 17 23 a n S124 112 32 14 23B c S124 116 5 e 23A e 8 114 36 S124 3/12 2/10 4 Basil Place 1 9 44 2/12 106 1/116 7 30 15 12 26 1/10

Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: ThisS124 product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerialS124 imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 17: Redcliffs (2)

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 17:

Expert advice provided to the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group indicated that there are site specific considerations relating to the GNS risk model around the following areas:

• Property at 2 Moncks Spur Road:

The GNS cliff collapse risk model tends to overstate the risk to this property because it does not accurately reflect the location of the cliff edge and the height of the cliff face.

• Property at 200 Main Road:

The GNS cliff collapse risk model tends to overstate the risk to this property as the property is located by a steep slope, not a former sea cut cliff.

• Properties near the start of Moncks Spur Road (e.g. 4 and 8 Moncks Spur Road):

These properties are adjacent to a high near-vertical loess cliff (soil cliff), which was not included in the GNS model as it generally included sea cut rock cliffs only. Expert advice indicated that the loess cliff presented an immediate life safety hazard, caused or accentuated by the earthquakes. In localised areas the cliff has already failed and impacted the dwellings. As a result the Advisory Group considered the properties are exposed to the potential for immediate land damage with an associated risk to life.

• Properties to the north east of Defender Lane (e.g. 10, 12 and 14 Defender Lane):

Expert advice indicated that the GNS cliff collapse risk model tends to significantly understate the life safety risk to these properties. Mass movement and concentration of cracking was observed around 10 and 12 Defender Lane. Below the properties are steep to very steep slopes and they form distinct benches. The GNS model appears to pick up the lower bench of the cliff only. Expert advice is that there is the potential for cliff recession in a future earthquake affecting 10 and 12 Defender Lane. 14 Defender Lane (which sits below 12) has the potential to be inundated, and the risk on balance is similar to other properties to the south along Defender Lane.

• Properties at the southernmost extension of the Redcliffs cliff area (in particular, 16 Egnot Heights):

The model appears to stop before it reaches the property at 16 Egnot Heights. However, expert advice indicated that there is a model boundary effect in the model which causes the risk to life at this location to be underestimated. (The GNS model, like all numerical models, becomes less certain at the edges of the modelled area due to inherent model assumptions and mathematical constraints.)

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013

The ground cracking and ground truthing in the area is evidence for ground instability with the potential to give rise to sudden cliff collapse with associated risk to life. This area is affected by cliff collapse and land movement. Extensive land cracking was observed nearby.

The model appears to be skewed due to the presence of the access road to the south of the property. The very steep slope is bisected by the road but there is evidence of land cracking and property damage indicating that land has moved in past events. There is a steep to very steep slope present and expert advice is that on balance the risk on this property is similar to the properties to the north and north east along Egnot Heights and Defender Lane that feature very similar topographical and geological settings.

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m S124 Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning S124Review: Zoning Changes Map 17: Redcliffs 2 Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 ° Compiled 27/08/2013 G S124 l en 28 13 19B 15 28 6 1 71A 73A Port Hills Zoning Review23 d Advisory Group Minutes -S124 Areas 4 andS124 20 19C 14 23B 23A e 8 3/17 v 36 S124 e 3/12 2/10 LEGEND e 11 ac 3 2/73 75 2/79A r l 9 e 44 a P 2/12 Proposed Change ur 1/10 158 1/73 T k 12 26 Rae 1/79A 9 8 e r 13A 1/12 7 To Green r 77 10 a 17 79 c 156 1/162 7 D 2/54 15 14 10 e To Red 12 7 u S124 9 2/162 81 11A n 1/54 2/18A 5 1/164 5 12E k 24 20A 7A 3/162 e 11 18 1/166 Models l 1/18A 3 -4 d S124 6 2/164 2/83 8 8 168 1 L 22A 1/11 6E 7 2/166 83A Rockfall Risk 10 Area a 20 Inverness Lane -4

n 12 9 5 22C 8A e Cliff Collapse 10 Area 22 22A 22B 2/11 6A 6 85 6 6 13 Earthquake Event Lines 14 22 172 Beachville Road 7 4 8 89 20 24A 15 2/17 176 1/87 97 17 4 15 10 178 2/87 5 3 S124 17A 1/19A 101A James Street 1/180 91 24 19 21B 12 1/14 16 18 24B 2/19A 101C 3 14 S124 2/14 2/180 184 99 2 21 19 186 95 2 16A 26 S124 21A 23 16 21 107 65 17 1/28 18 16 25 2 101 103 61 12 S124 4 111 23 10 3/28 S124 27 31A 22 105 3 14 S124 Taupata Street 109 113 63 S124 1/24 25 Main Road 7 8 1/32 31 33A 6 188 8 12 5 S124 S124 34 27 1/115 67E 67 D 2/32 33 2/24 26 e 6 30B

6 f 28 1/198 e 117

n 2/39 10 6 S124 35 30 3 2/198 d 30A e 3 32A 8 2 n e 32 a r 4 38 8A 7 200 L L 2/41 64 S124 Egnot Heights 1/39 2/196A w a 1/40 e 4 5 n S124 9 194A 71B i 1 32B 71A V e 42 68 s 31 24 43A 12 13A ff 43 li 2/40 2/9A 2 c 21E 44 14 d 21 22 S124 2A 72 e 3 45 1/9A R S124 42A 15 74 73 29 ne 46 11A S124 La 20 22B 44A 13 r e 1/22A 48 16 8 28 g S124 44B n 26 19A 2 e 17 11 84 ll 18 2/22A 18A 27 28A a 9 21A 19B 3 h 46A 1 1A 75 C 24 18 1/7 82 28A 22 21B 2/7 20 20A 4 d 16 22 5 a 25 30 11 20 o 77 2 28 26 24 23 24 R 25 8 88 e 77A 13 a 30 28 r t 4 7 Cave Terrace s 32B 30 9 n 23 27 25A Moncks Spur Road le 32 32A G 6 1 29 32 79 32C 33 34 15 21 39 8 3 36 33A 29A 40 36 10 34 44 43 2/37 19 1/17 81 44A 34 1/37 31 19 10 3A 45 35A 22 20 56 3/37 42 1/47 41B 44 42 35 202 85 5 Augusta Street 18 83 17 12 40 11 54 2/47 49 41 48 7 27 9

Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 18:

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 18:

Expert advice provided to the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group indicated that there are site specific considerations relating to the GNS risk model around the following areas:

• Properties in the Bay View Road and Main Road area (e.g. 19A Bay View Road and 242 Main Road):

The GNS cliff collapse model tends to overstate the risk to these properties, which are located by a small sea-cut cliff where no damage has been noted.

• Properties in the Bay View Road and Red Rock Lane area (e.g. 31, 67A, 69A, 71 Bay View Road, and 4, 9, 10 Red Rock Lane):

Expert advice provided to the Advisory Group indicates that rockfall hazard to these properties tends to be overstated in the GNS model. The rockfall source behind 9 Red Rock Lane and the gully behind 67A Bay View Road has been treated.

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 18: Moncks Bay Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 ° Compiled 27/08/2013 13 265 38 20 270 Port Hills24 Zoning Review Advisory Group2 Minutes - Area 20Main Road 266 44 15 1 22 222 40 15A 4 1/19 224 264A 264 46 LEGEND28A 2/19 6 28 1/21 226 S124 8 228 243 M Proposed30 Change 237 239 u 266A 23 2/21 l 10A 230 g 32 10 a To Green 27 n 48 3 232 s

To36 Red34 12 T 50 37 29 2/14 ra 7 234 c 1 38 k 39 Models 1/14 S124 2/31 2/16A 9 2 1 250 256 S124 38A -4 7A 6A 240 244 246 52 33 33A 1/16A 248 1E 2/260 262A 45 40 44 Rockfall Risk 1035 Area 16 252 258 1/260 54 -4 11 254A 58 Cliff42 Collapse 3710 Area 256A S124 18 6 4 11A 2 3 S124 48 Earthquake Event Lines 1/20A 11B 47 41 43 39 2/20 1 S124 48A 1/20 13 10 8 5 258D Wakatu Avenue 41 22 2A 4 258B 55 44 15 CliffStreet 5 256B 52 45 6 9 49 45A 24 17 S124 53 45 9 7 3 57 49 19 8 54A 26 11 S124 Bay View Road 254 53 256C 46 47 58 30 10 55 21 242 242L 2 62 32 19A S124 2/57 242A 242E 11A 34 23 S124 64 59 14 44 1/57 12 66 2/61 36 19B 1/63 242M 242F 242D 40 38 63 242N 74 63A 2/242J 242B 242G 5 Section 45 Notice 76 5 80 65 12E 11 (Geotechnical) 38 84 78A 67 242C 8 90 31 3 60 72 86 69 38A 14 12 15 2/40 46 1/40 90E 67A 18 66 48 73 71 6 15L 42 69A 22 44 75 10 20 50 17 Red Ro 85 ck Lane d a 19L o 23 26L R 77 87 a 23 70 89 4 m 26 a r

o 79 2 n 101 99 6 4 a 103 P 95 8 89 9 Hurst Seager Lane 97 1 28 10 3 87 101A 91 12 5 7 101B 100 16 99 15 9

Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 19: Kinsey Terrace

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 19:

Expert advice provided to the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group indicated that there are site specific considerations relating to the GNS risk model, or no modelling, around the following areas:

• Properties in the area between The Spur and Nayland Street (e.g. 5 and 6 The Spur):

The GNS cliff collapse risk model tends to overstate the life safety risk to these properties, as it does not take into account localised treatment of the cliff pre-dating the earthquake events.

• Property at 1 Clifton Bay:

The GNS model tends to overstate the risk to life at this property, as there is a large flat area between the cliff and the dwelling.

• Properties around the intersection of Kinsey and Clifton Terraces (e.g. 1 and 2 Kinsey Terrace and 50, 51, 49, 48, 39 Clifton Terrace):

While risk to life has not been quantified for this area, significant ground displacement was observed at the eastern end of the cliff (Peacock’s Gallop). Expert advisers and GNS have advised that the eastern mass movement area around the intersection of Kinsey and Clifton Terraces has moved approximately 1 metre laterally and 300 to 500mm vertically over three earthquake events. Given the mass movement and relatively high elevation, there is thought to be an immediate risk to life associated with these properties.

• Properties in the Deans Head area (e.g. 280A Main Road):

Significant ground displacement was observed at the western end of the cliff, as evidenced by ground cracking, accentuated by earthquakes and rainfall.

• Property at 26 Kinsey Terrace:

This property has significant cracking associated with land movement and has an associated risk to life.

• Properties in the Main Road area (e.g. 274 and 276 Main Road):

The GNS cliff collapse risk model tends to overstate the risk to these properties, as the cliff is a man-made slope. (Man-made slopes in the Port Hills in general were less likely to suffer from shaking damage.) The dwellings are set back from the recession line and there is no immediate risk of failure causing risk to life.

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013

• Property at 272 Main Road:

The cliff location near 272 Main Road is not accurately represented by the model. There is no evidence of cracking and experts believe there is no immediate risk to life. The cliff to the north does not affect this particular area – the life safety risk lines are the result of a boundary effect on the model. (The GNS model, like all numerical models, becomes less certain around the edges of the modelled area due to inherent model assumptions and mathematical constraints.)

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 19: Kinsey Terrace Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 ° Compiled 27/08/2013

Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group Minutes - Area 2 S124 LEGEND S124 286 Proposed Change S124 Main Road To Green 1/284A S124 284R 30C To Red 2/284A S124 Models -4 30 Rockfall Risk 10 Area S124 -4 284 30B 300 Cliff Collapse 10 Area 280 S124 S124 Section 45 Notice 28 S124 Earthquake Event Lines 280A 24A (Geotechnical) S12420 S124 1/278 26 S124 42 S124 S124 S124 S124 Section 45 Notice S124 18 40 2/278 32A 14 4 44 (Geotechnical) 274A 22 S124 Main Road S124 38 24 8 rac 34 insey Te 46 er e K rra T 274 32 ce n o S124 t f 39 i l 301 272 2 48 268 C 36 21 17 21A 15 7 49 38 33 265 23 270 25 Clifton Bay10RR 266 44 11 31 40 29 5 S124 264A 25A 51 264 46 9B 9A 3 50 31 34B 1 28 1 S124 M 33 20A 2 u 266A S124 305 l g 3 a 16 54 4 n 48 27 s 53 55 34 T 50 37 35 ra 36 1 28 12D 4 c 20 18 56 57 k 39 26 14 5A 5 S124 S124 32 30 22 25 2/260 262A 52 45 38 54 40 10 26 10 6 awera Te 58 Tu rra 24 1 S124 ce 59 17 11 3 The Spur S124 23 9 S124 47 41 43 61 31 7 33 21 19 6 2 2 55 39B 39 27 25 15 44 63 8 2R 49 15 7 S124 53 45 13 4 57 29A 21A 65B 13 12 6 35 19A 1/65A 2 2 S124 11 12 46 47 18 10 67 8 4 2S 39A 29 A 3 23 9A r 6 5 19B an 32A o 9 7 5 n 69 73E i 69A 2A 1 9 T 2T 20 73C r 7 18 a 4A 7 44 8B 3 k 9 6B c 10B 10A 72 71 32 26 73D 5A 5 24 16 71A 11 40 22 74 73A 13 42 15 28 1/14 8A TheSection Zig Zag 45 Notice 10 76 73F 2B 2/14 12 6A 73B (Geotechnical) S124 S124 Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 20: Richmond Hill Road

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 20:

Expert advice provided to the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group indicated that there are site specific considerations relating to the GNS risk model around the following areas:

• Property at 10 Richmond Hill Road:

The model overstates the risk to this property due to the geometry of the cliff and topographical effects.

• Property at 98 Richmond Hill Road:

Expert advice to the Advisory Panel indicates that although the property is outside the earthquake event lines the evidence of cracking signals that there is a high risk of sudden cliff failure.

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 S124






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° 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 20: Richmond Hill Road Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 S124 Compiled 27/08/2013

SectionS124 45 Notice 5 6 Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group Minutes - Areas 3 and 15 (Geotechnical)2G 2D 2B 9 8 7 11 10 6A 6B 4 2 7A 13 12 6 15 14 8/11 2/3 2/8 6/11 8A 17 16 7 49/11 5/11 9 S124 5 1/3 1 18 S124 46/11 4/11 11 21 20 45/11 3/11 2/11 23 9/11 12 22B 22 25 50/11 35/11 16 44A 4/24 3/24 4/20 22A 54 24 14 2/20 38 30 27 22B 61 48 26 16 24 1/15 3/15 6/20 26 56 52 50 1/24 4/15A 97 S124 2/22 7/22 46 44 10 S124 18 28 59 28 17 6/22 9/22 34 28A S124 29 65 58 S124 26 30 22 16 S124 19 60 S124 31 5/6 32 67 62 12 21 S124 4/6 34 64 70B 18 NaylandStreet 33 69 30 8 3/6 36 11 66 S124 71 74 23 2/6 2 38 16 68 35 99 75 S124 Burgess Street 14 83 70 12 85 74G 2 16A 89 10 Section 45 Notice26A 6 97 72 S124 25 7/9 3/9 5 1 95 (Geotechnical) 10 1/9 S124 16 3 40 De Thier Lane 105 93 78 26 14 S124 18 103 80 S124 29E 109 S124 5 1 44 82 Marriner Street S124 Richmond Hill Road 84 3/31 8/46 S124 13 7 5/46 S124 S124 24 4/43 15 5/42 6/46 S12488 86 7/31 S124 S12490 1/46 94 S124 19/42 8/31 48 S124 34 5/43 8/42 96 S124 3/43 116 100 S124 34D 28 15A 112 110 108 106 98 41 41A 7/42 50 102 Section 45 Notice 6/43 35 37 114 1E S12434C S124 38 36 6/42 2/36 41B (Geotechnical) 34 7/43 25 56A 48 1/40 6 6 S124 2 1/36 2/40 50 S124 29 38 31 3 33 1/43 52 58 S124 42A 42 2/43 46A 8 42 5 4 44 54 LEGEND 10 1/37 52 4/1 51 46 56 Proposed Change Section 45 Notice 5/1 6/1 57 57A 6/54 5/54 4/54 1/54 To Green (Geotechnical) 8/1 7/1 48 S12448A 39 To Red 48 5 4A 56 4/59 43 4/50 3/50 1/50 1/59 3/59 Models 6 4C -4 7 58 48B 45 52 8A Rockfall Risk 10 Area Wakefield Avenue 61 Esplanade -4 47 56E 60 S124 10 Wiggins Street 28 Cliff Collapse 10 Area 56 24 3/56 12 10 2 63 8 6 4 62 38 36 34 4/30 2/30 26 Earthquake Event Lines S124 44 42 32 4/56 S1242/58 54 S124 S124 Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or S124 be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should S124 review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. S124 Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. S124 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.

Map 21: Wakefield (1)

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 21:

Expert advice provided to the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group indicated that there are site specific considerations relating to the GNS risk model around the following areas:

• Properties along Wakefield Avenue between Arnold and Campbell Streets (e.g. odd numbers such as 67, 69, 81, 83, 1/91, 93 Wakefield Ave and 2 Denman St):

The GNS rockfall risk model tends to overstate the risk in this particular area. Rockfall source areas in this area are less significant (diminished) than the suburb average used in the model. Additionally, there is a benching effect provided by Wakefield Avenue that will reduce the rockfall run out. (In most circumstances the presence of a flat area such as a road carriageway or building platform tends to reduce the rockfall risk for properties located below the flat area.)

• Properties around the intersection between Campbell St and Wakefield Ave (e.g. 4 Campbell St and 97 Wakefield Ave):

The GNS rockfall risk model tends to overstate the risk to this area as there is a benching effect provided by Wakefield Avenue that will reduce the rockfall run out. (In most circumstances the presence of a flat area such as a road carriageway or building platform tends to reduce the rockfall risk for properties located below the flat area.)

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 S124 S124 S124 S124 S124 S124 S124

S124 ° 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCCS124 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 21: Wakefield 1 Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 Compiled 27/08/2013

Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group Minutes - Areas 15 and 16 S124 56 Section 45 NoticeS124 44 S124 S (Geotechnical) to S124 ke Street S1241/58 60

S124 S124 2/64 62 39 2/2 S124 55 1/37 3/37 1/64S124 66 2/37 4 2/2

1/57 3/2 59 61 4 63 65 67 2 70 69 2/4 1/4 3 8 2 5 12 6F 7 79 77 4 21 81 9 1/14 83 6 6 11 2 72 3 8 Wakefield Avenue 1/91 16 Section 45 Notice 93 3 3A 5 97 4 8 1/7 (Geotechnical) 6 2 1/1 2/91 5 101 12 4/7A 2/7 103 10 10 Hardwicke Street 2/1 8 7 4 4 3/7A 105 S124 1A 107 9 22 6 12 1/3 10 31 27 25 23 S124 5 Colenso Street 33 29 Section 45 Notice S124 6 10A 26 S124 1 2/3 11 Thorpe Street S124 S124 28 26 (Geotechnical)S12494 3/2 7 96 12 30 S124 S124S124 S124 3 8 13 31 28 98 S124 14 5 S124 5 32 11 7 S124 S124 1/9 2/9 3/9 33 S124 2/16 16 Arnold Street 9 30 S124 S124 119 117 15 1 S124 100 Duncan Street 10 34 16 35 S124 S124 S124 15/2 2 102 3 8/2 9 11 18 21 37 4/34 32 17/2 16A Denman Street 2/39 S124 S124 7C 4 1/39 3/34 S124 S124 S124 18/2 12 36 23 5 10 Whitfield Street 14 S124 15 6 6B 20 15 18 1/34A 36 S124 7 6 LEGEND41 S124 1/123 12 11 1/8 25 16

CampbellStreet 2/34A 38 121 10 4A 13 2/16A Proposed Change41A 2/8 10 6A 4 24 17 27 9 7A 15 8E 125 2/123 18 16 16A To Green 10A 12 St Leonards Square 19 24 43 17 17 17A 29 20 To Red 18 12 19 Street Truro 19 16 28 Models22 42 50 19 -4 20 6 125A Paisley Street 10 26 21 8 Rockfall Risk 10 Area 22 20 18 16 -4 22 21 24 21 12 28 52 16 44 42 40 18 Cliff Collapse45 10 Area van Asch Street Earthquake Event Lines van Asch Street

Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.


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Map 22: Wakefield (2)

Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 22:

Expert advice provided to the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group indicated that there are site specific considerations relating to the GNS risk model around the following areas:

• Properties on the eastern side of Finnsarby Place (e.g. 6, 8, 10, 1/12, 14 Finnsarby Place):

The GNS rockfall model tends to overstate the life safety risk to these properties due to the presence of the road. (In most circumstances the presence of a flat area such as a road carriageway or building platform tends to reduce the rockfall risk for properties located below the flat area.)

• Property at 44 Sumnervale Drive:

Expert advice to the Advisory Panel indicates that the risk modelling is affected by local topography.

Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 ° 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 22: Wakefield 2 Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 Compiled 27/08/2013

Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group Minutes - Area 16

Section 45 Notice (Geotechnical) S124 Section 45 Notice 100A (Geotechnical) Section 45 Notice S124 S124 S124 S124 S124 (Geotechnical)S12494 96 S124 S124S124 S124 S124 98 S124 S124 S124S124 48 31 104B S124 S124 S124 104A 100 25 S124 S124 S124 20 102 S124 2/18 S124 S124 21 11B S124 1/18 S124 S124 17 22 104 S124 S124 S124 S124 S124 34 32 7 S124 9 S124 15 S124 16 106 1/123 S124 121 108 14 122 S124 1/12 Wakefield Avenue125 2/123 44 S124 40 S124 S124 S124 S12430 S124 124 112 46 5 10 114 8 2/12 2/3 2/132 116 S124 3E 1/6 12 1/3 1/132 50 CascadePlace 152 125A 45E 1 4 2/6 150 134 126 2 35 33 1/29 128 39 37 52 16A 146 130 16 2/29 16 4 27 2/25 14 136 12 6 van Asch Street 2/3 1/25 23 1/3 31 4 2 6 2/19 5 1/19 1/8 7 Sumnervale Drive

2/8 17 170 1/7 43A 11 9 1/5 2/3 LEGEND 15 1/3 2/7 115 2/5 3/3 Proposed Change 86A 117 27 26 15 To Green 86 24 119 25 16 26 2/6 88 18 16 4 To Red Sum 121 21 1/6 125E 116 23 Models ne 123 18 rv 17 -4 118 al 22 20 12 10 8 Section 45 Notice 1/104 e D 125 14 Rockfall Risk 10 Area rive 127 (Geotechnical)38 -4 120 20 2/104 d Cliff Collapse 10 Area S124 129 131 ss Roa 106 124 30 28 Evans Pa Heberd enue 38M S124 133 139 en Av Earthquake Event Lines 32 S124 128 135 34 S124

Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council.


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