Port Hills zoning review Summary information and maps 1 to 22 1:40,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 500250 0 500 1,000 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 ° Compiled 27/08/2013 13 16 14 17 3 5 15 19 18 12 2 4 6 20 26 7 11 25 21 27 1 8 10 24 28 22 30 9 23 29 34 33 32 35 39 38 31 36 37 40 42 41 43 44 Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council. Map 1: Bowenvale Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 1 Expert advice provided to the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group indicated that there are site specific considerations relating to the GNS risk model around the following area: • Properties on the eastern side of the valley at 101G and 101H Bowenvale Avenue: The model overstates the life safety risk to these properties because: o There is a limited rockfall source; and o The presence of the road/pathway provides additional protection which is not reflected in the model. (In most circumstances the presence of a flat area such as a road carriageway or building platform tends to reduce the rockfall risk for properties located below the flat area.) Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 S124 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC S124 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 1: Bowenvale Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 ° Compiled 27/08/2013 79 77 59D 91 16 59C 89 66Port Hills64 Zoning Review Advisory Group Minutes44 - Area 21 61 59F 81 44F LEGEND91E 44E 59A e 6 74 Landsdowne Terrace iv 63 85 r 68 83 D Proposed Change5 Matthams Lane n 44A 74 e k To Green3 80 44D 44B 65 t 2 70 85 67A 83 Ai 44G r 8 o To Red 82 j Y 69A a 46 67 e 87 M 1 2/44C l 12 Modelsv 84 81 4 e -4 88 46A 46E 2/69 r 89 1/69 73A Rockfallto Risk 10 Area 2/86 1/86 n -4 46D P 7 3 90 46F Cliff lCollapsea 10 Area 91 46B 73B 14 c 96G 6 e 2 96 46G 3 Earthquake Event Lines 93 46C 94 77A 92 98 46H 48B 75 9 4 8 16 14 95 46J 12 8 100 11 S124 6 Bowenvale Avenue 77 79 11 16E 2/10 4 5 Emerald Lane 97 80 16 6 1 9A Plumwood Lane 10 48 82 18 9 4 2 79A 9 2 2 22 S124 18 7 8 21 81 1 5 5 3 19 83 3 4 6 20 11 7 5 17 50 6 15 Fineran Lane Rockcrest Lane 3 87 22 1 5 93 6 7 9 2 89 7 3 91 8 1/56 93A 4 1/54A 95G 4A 2/54A 2/56 13 5 Maurice Knowles Lane 95 101H 9 101I 58 101F 14 2 97 10 12 4 99 101G 101J 11 Dalefield Drive 1 101 54 3 5 101S 101B 7 2/66 1/66 2/9 103 8 1/9 1/66A 2/66A 101A 10 6 68 105 S124 11 12 72A 8A 107 101C 101E 70 72 S124 20 109 101D 12A 16 84 108A 74 2/84 20A 111 14 80 86 18 78 88 121 76A 119 123 1/82 90 2/82 76 147 Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council. Map 2: Woodlau Rise Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 2 None identified by the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group that had an effect on zoning recommendations. Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 2: Woodlau Rise Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 ° Compiled 27/08/2013 81 2/100 40 2/4 1/10 15 38 65 98 2/32B 43 Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group Minutes - Area 21 5 21 50 36 8 L LEGEND 4A 1 o 1/96 98B 2/10 o 39 4B k 11B 32C Proposed45 Change 2/96 17 a 38A 52 w 38 77 9 44 66 3 12 a 13 To Green 94 2/6 3 y 42 46 2/19 75A 61 1/6 19 L 96A a 54 To Red62 n 1/11 92 5 19A 11 1/19 14 e 15 75 1 Models 1A 3A 1 44A 60 -4 7 21 ay Plac 21 56 A 16 kaw e 17 Rockfallo Risk 10 Area 52 3 Loo te 54 8 61 a -4 Whaka Terrace 10 44D Te 9 4 1/23 Cliff Collapserra 10 Area 5 18 6 58A Huntsbury Avenue ce W 58 2/23 Eastern Terrace o 2 44C Earthquake Event Lines 2 o 6A 25 65A 7 11 d 20 4 l 7A a 23 46 62 15 u 44B 65 89 87 R 88 10 i 1/8 10 17 s 22 e 12 64 Centaurus Road 6 2/27 67 88A 8 25 1/27 27A 27B S 8 2/8 10 u 60 64A nh 9 7 24 2/14 86A av 1/27 69 en 24A 1/14 68 1 P ce 16 66B la 2/27 71 6 40 29 71A 86 9 26 71 12 3 72 77 84 2 66 4 5 2/18 66A 14 81 11 28 38 42 31 69 82 29 78 13 33 75 74 16 30 76A 9 15 36 67 85 44 1/35 74A 11A 15A 32 18 80 84 7 20 2/35 87 11 23 34 76B 7E 17 46 80A 15 19 29 1/52 63 88 5 76 17 48 2/52 1 31 82 91 19 25 37 80B 90 3 79 12 96 39 50 27 2/50A 1A 43 81 82A 1 59 14 21 23 33 12A 92 27 35 90A 25 7A 98 4 47 55 2/55 Enticott Place 41 100A 94 97 6 45 83 2 10 7 29 16 98R 7 9 11 102 101 15 87E 100 1 17 8A 5 10A 106 21 8 103 23 11 2 16 27 104A 108 18 10 87A 104 105 25 4A 4B 22 1/13 3 e 1 110 3 n 87B 6 a Caldwell LaneCaldwell 4 2/13 20 L 114 109 28 4C n 28E 9 i m 118 3 ja 8 n 6A 116 1 e 4 15 116A 2A B ve 30 ri 120 2 7 D 31 32 en 122 itk 6 A 35 33 117 or 2 126 aj M 132 124 Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. Aurecon cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or positional accuracy of the data. February/March 2011 aerial imagery sourced from Orthophoto V21 Napier. Crown Copyright Reserved. 2009/2010 aerial imagery sourced from and owned by Christchurch City Council. Map 3: Centaurus Road Site specific considerations relating to the GNS model for Map 3 Expert advice provided to the Port Hills Zoning Review Advisory Group indicated that there are site specific considerations relating to the GNS risk model around the following area: • Properties in the View Terrace / Centaurus Road area (e.g. 2, 2F, 4, 6, 8, 10 View Terrace and 216 Centaurus Road) There is a model boundary effect within the GNS model which tends to overstate the life safety risk to these properties. This is because the GNS model, like all numerical models, becomes less certain around the edges of the modelled area due to inherent model assumptions and mathematical constraints. There is no immediate risk to life associated with these properties. Compiled 27/8/2013 www.cera.govt.nz Published by CERA on 5/12/2013 1:2,000 @A3 Produced By CERA (IJ) Data Sources CERA, CCC 2010 0 20 40 m Projection New Zealand Transverse Mercator Port Hills Zoning Review: Zoning Changes Map 3: Centaurus Road Datum Geodetic Datum of New Zealand 2000 ° Compiled 27/08/2013 N 54 g 35 a i 57 33A 18 Port 165Hills Zoning178 Review Advisory Group Minutes - Area 21 199 o 33C 33B 332 1/2 1 196 S LEGEND 1/186 56 t 180 188 202 r 61 31A 16 182 201 e 59 176 198 200 206 e 31B 334 2/163 2/186 2/2 1A 204 t Wilsons Road South Proposed Change 1/163 58 63 31C 203 14 To Green 4E 1/29 208 60 65 336 161 174 2/4 1/27 12 To Red 3 205 62 170 A/4 e 2/210 67 31D 2/29 2/27 R v iv i e r 3/27 r 6B 6 207 338 Modelslaw 6A D 212 10 Centaurus Road 1/172 2/172 1/5 31E 1/25 Ter -4 159 s 2/5 8 race d S124 Rockfall Risk 10 Area n 2/25 5 8 a 214 209 8 e -4 l 31F u k 212A 17 3 157 168 r 7 Cliffn Collapse 10 Area a e 168A P 214A 211 6 v 6 2/10 1/10 214S AEarthquake Event Lines 9 221A 15 13 346 166E 166 10 216 1/221 2/227 g 2/155 155 213 n o 348 11 4 r 10A 1 t 350 215 s 153A 153 2/164 223 1/227 229 m 352 13 12 2 217 221 225 r 4 231 A 354 12A 14 4 220 9 2 2/162 12 4A 356 2/151 15 2F 249 1/151 1/162 View Terrace Centaurus Road 16 2/160 251 17 253 1/147 236 236A 255 1/160 9 3 2 230 1/232 257 143 18 19 21 19 1 1/228 234 3/261 25 23 224 158 17 2E 238 259 27 7 240 261 20 5 242 40 2/228 2/232 2 240A 2/156 21 4 263 244 2A 1/156 23 1/25A 2/25A 6 2B 22 38 4A 4 5 244A 2C 73 8A 8 22A 25 6A 6D 6C 6B 6A 4 1 3/8 6 1/248 2/12B 10 36 7 24 27 2/248 7 6 1/5A 28 8D 8C 8B 8A 2/8 1/8 29 12A 1/12C 12 34 5 53A 7A 2/5A 31 71 9 8 250 2/10 10 33 1/53 1/10 2/3 32 Albert Terrace 9 A/7 11 7 B/7 35 14 16 10 12 30A 16 37 2E 1 17 9 11 250D 30 16A 2/14 14 15 16A 51 12 1/2 e 69 18 11 2/2 c 17A 7 11 13 a 9 l 18 16 17 P 28 18A 47 r 11 4 e 19 13 20 f e i 19A 19 67 81 20 u 14 15 15A 1/19 2/19 n 26 18 n o e 15 2 Lascelles Street C 22F v 22H 6 A 1/21 21 15 65 2/21 19 20 10 y 17 22 r 4 17 u 4R 20 47 b 1 s A t 23 21 22 1/23 9 8 e n o 19 iv u 6 t 14 ea 49 Dr 24 2/51 s 68 H 22G 70 d 25 R n T Roscoe Street a 12 la 8 er 22 1/51 2/53 k m 21 r r ac 22L a a P 1/66 27 1/53 55A 2/28 1/28 h 22B 2A e 55 10 45 a 23 23 2 8 2/66 n 22A 4 1/6 55E a 22 64 2/30 29 R 1/30 o 25 25A 22E 25 a 2B 62 30A 19 16 d 22D 22J 30 2/6 8A 10D Produced by CERA DISCLAIMER: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes.
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