2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Agile Base Patterns in the Agile Canon

Daniel R Greening Senex Rex [email protected]

Abstract I partitioned practices in these agile methodologies Agility is the capacity of an actor (organization, by how they produced agility. Five groups emerged. I team, individual) to rapidly sense, adapt and create to then wrote an “agile base pattern” for each group. achieve goals in a rapidly changing economic I claim actors that Measure Economic Progress, environment. When an actor follows the first three base Proactively Experiment to Improve and Limit Work-in- patterns in the Agile Canon—Measure Economic process are agile, but can find it difficult to sustain. Progress, Proactively Experiment to Improve and Actors that Embrace Collective Responsibility gain Limit Work-in-process—it is agile. Its pace can keep resiliency. Actors that Solve Systemic Problems expand up with change. Adding a fourth—Embrace Collective agility beyond their boundaries. Responsibility—provides resiliency. The fifth—Solve Systemic Problems—expands agility beyond the actor 0.1.Pattern Languages boundary. To assess an actor, measure its conformance to these Agile Base Patterns. Agile researchers often People struggle to learn large ecosystems of frame their activities against the descriptive Agile concepts, such as agile . Concept Manifesto for Software Development. This has overly descriptions in isolation make little sense, especially if constrained their impact. The prescriptive Agile Canon they only teach us How to do something, not Why it pattern language is an alternative that could broaden works. Faced with this challenge, and strengthen agile understanding and application. professor Christopher Alexander developed a pattern language approach [3] to explain how to create healthy 0. Introduction towns, buildings and construction [4]. We adopt his approach for agile practices. Each pattern stands independently, describing a People often ask: How agile are we? The Agile context, a problem, forces that constrain solutions, a Manifesto, the most recognized definition, covers only solution that reconciles the forces and mitigates the software, but doesn’t really answer this question. problem, examples that use the solution and a resulting In this vacuum, breathless advocates contradict context. Patterns explain why; when we understand themselves. Agile is anything from no-rules self- why a solution is needed, we remember and use it. organization to command-and-control [2]. Pattern languages are collections of patterns But accepted agile methodologies have a goal. organized from general to specific. They describe an Agile methodologies seek to rapidly sense ecosystem generatively. Reading just the first pattern environmental change, adapt capabilities, and create of a pattern language provides value. Ideally, you can solutions. I assert agile methodologies adapt to chaos invent later patterns by applying earlier patterns. [16] to gain competitive advantage. We grudgingly pay The Agile Canon proposes a "theory of everything" for agility because it helps us win. pattern language for agile methodologies. The Agile Most creative activities can benefit from agility. As Base Patterns described here are the generative agilists make software production agile, we discover beginning of the Canon. non-agile actors outside software impede our agility. With this effort we address the most obvious and But when most people encounter the term “software” general agile questions: Why do all these agile in the Agile Manifesto for Software Development, they methodologies work? When do specific agile conclude “agile is a software thing.” Previously techniques apply? Is a specific effort, enterprise or proposed agile patterns have emphasized software [15]. person agile? We hope a general framework will help Agilists study and teach many related people answer field and methodology specific methodologies—Scrum, XP, , Lean Startup, questions. We also hope to guide people to the right Getting Things Done, Pomodoro and Lean methodology for their particular situation. —because they reinforce each other. Without further ado, let’s get to the base patterns.

1530-1605/16 $31.00 © 2016 IEEE 53675368 DOI 10.1109/HICSS.2016.664

1. Pattern: Measure Economic Progress unqualified commitments, but chaotic economies produce probability distributions. We can study others who succeed, imitate their Considering too many metrics creates confusion activities and gain their skills. But once we reach their and misalignment. Many organizations measure and capabilities, how can we improve further? report everything thought to be interesting, all the way up to executives. But this increases cognitive load and 1.1.Plans don’t guarantee creative success … decreases decision-making quality. Cognitive biases skew subjective measurements. Creative efforts operate in an economy: a system They affect team estimates, customer surveys, where people manage limited resources to maximize employee performance assessments and more. return and growth. Economies drive everything. They Every economy evolves: this year’s resource limits need not involve currency. We can measure are next year’s surplus. For example, startup philanthropic efforts by the number of lives saved per companies initially must show market traction. Later, unit of volunteer effort. We can measure companies by these same companies must show profitability. price-earnings ratio, market share or employee welfare. Variation accompanies creativity and chaotic economies. Aggressive attempts to control variation 1.2.Forces can destroy creativity. Well-intentioned process gurus applying to product development degraded 1.2.1. Economies innovation in several companies [13], including famous innovator 3M [25]. Economic actors who operate without a well- defined economy wander aimlessly. They don’t know 1.2.3. Rewards what they value. They don’t know their costs. Whether individual, company or nation, economic When measurement drives reward, people game the actors without a compass will likely dither and fail as measurements. People can game perceived value by their unguided efforts cancel each other out. simply omitting measurements. Monetary reward fails to produce better creativity. 1.2.2. Measurement Daniel Pink popularized the discovery that creativity improves when we reward people with mastery, The most accurate measurements of success can autonomy and purpose [48]. This does not require us to significantly lag the completion of creative work. discard economic metrics; it reveals that mastery, Lagging metrics applied to current decisions can fail autonomy and purpose are major elements in our perversely. For example, creative effort to build a economy. strong asset can cost money. If this cost is characterized as a current loss, the company may invest 1.3.… therefore, measure economic progress badly [21]. Progress metrics (or “leading indicators”) provide with well-chosen, evolving metrics. short-term guidance. We can use progress metrics to To “measure economic progress,” articulate what forecast short-term results, but predictions in a chaotic you truly value, find metrics to detect progress or system worsen exponentially with time, making long- retreat, and measure frequently. The best economic term forecasting impossible. Chaos even changes the progress metrics for agile actors are low-cost (so you utility of progress metrics: those that work now may can run them frequently) and fast (so you can adapt perform badly later. rapidly). Net Promoter Score surveys can measure Progress metrics that are blind to significant risk, loyalty in a single question [46]. such as measuring untested and unreleased software production, often do not correlate well with desired  outcomes, and thus produce bad decisions. 1.3.1. Identify desired outcomes A single metric rarely serves to guide wise Identify the biggest economic actor you influence decisions. (e.g., the company if you are an executive), examine its Costly metrics inhibit frequent monitoring and economy and articulate its goals. A mission statement produce inaccuracies. For example, detailed surveys lists timeless objectives, a vision statement lists multi- with dozens of questions will skew measurements year objectives, and goals are short-term objectives (a toward respondents with spare time. year or a quarter). Work to reconcile them. Construct a Managers demand forecasts to make decisions, and concise, specific description of your current strategic many such decisions cannot be deferred. They prefer activities at each time scale. Gain consensus from colleagues that everyone will seek these outcomes. The


better you can align desired outcomes, the more stable discussing their own failures, before asking employees your metrics will be over time and the more productive to reveal theirs. your efforts. 1.3.5. Evolve  1.3.2. Identify relevant metrics Commit to a regular cadence to review and evolve Consider our goals for better measurements [37]. metrics to meet emerging needs. Metrics that serve We seek better progress measurements, which well at the beginning of a long project may not work produce better insights, which produce better toward the end. decisions, which produce better outcomes. Our mission, vision and goals describe desired 1.4.Resulting Context outcomes. We work backward from those outcomes to identify progress metrics; hence this technique is called Actors using this pattern obtain coherent mission, ODIM (outcome, decisions, insights, measurement). vision and goals. They will use a handful of evolving Create a metric suite, considering these factors: metrics to gauge progress. They will learn faster from • Keep the number of metrics low. People cannot both failure and success. They will more accurately easily consider more than seven [44]. forecast future events by incorporating probability • Ensure measurements can be performed frequently distributions. In short, they will better understand their without adverse organizational impact. economy and achievements. • Balance metrics to reduce perversity. • Identify subjective metrics, and reduce bias. 2. Pattern: Proactively Experiment • Consider growth rate, variance and other derivatives that may improve decision making. Plenty of data informs us. Externalities affect our Align goals from top (executive) to bottom progress: competitors emerge, partners help us and (individuals). Start with the company’s perspective delays harm us. We can forecast near-term futures. first, then derive the department, team and employee desired outcomes and measurements. This harmonizes 2.1.We may not improve fast enough … everyone’s work [1]. We suspect long-term dangers, economic loss, and 1.3.3. Create a forecasting discipline growing ineffectiveness. Our friends reassure us, Establish an approach for forecasts. Scrum includes choosing their words carefully. Data is eerily stable. a bias resistant forecasting technique for delivery time We aren’t learning anything new. based on velocity, story point estimation and “planning  poker.” However, it cannot responsibly model deferred 2.2. Forces risk. Monte Carlo simulation can improve forecasting results significantly [39]. 2.2.1. Complacency Lulls Us Never report forecasts without including When we observe passively, allowing ourselves to probability [38], especially when these forecasts are be buffeted about by circumstance, we may wait a long used for significant business decisions. time to discover new approaches. Competition and disruption motivate us to learn and improve, but when 1.3.4. Embrace objectivity nothing threatens us we enjoy our lead and relax. Resist the temptation to reward personal creativity During periods of dominance, we often devote with money, as this will degrade metrics. Better more effort to profitable operational (non-creative) motivators are mastery, autonomy and purpose. Even work. We decreasingly worry about competitive conservative oil companies have used these principles threats. History is rife with complacent dinosaurs— to guide performance management [33]. Kodak, General Motors, Yahoo—who captured a lead, Encourage objectivity and learn from both success enjoyed a long dominant period, and then disruptive and failure. When failure has no cost, the greatest competitors stole their markets. learning occurs when we challenge ourselves to We may measure progress less frequently during achieve a 50% failure rate [51]. Reducing the cost of stable periods, than during unstable periods. By the failure (such as by limiting work-in-process) can time we notice a problem we could be in trouble. improve reporting. Be wary of “missing information” Operational work, the predictable stuff we can put and encourage the organization to demand information on a checklist, is easy to do and measure. But it can from failures and successes alike. Executives can consume all our time, if we don’t limit it, leaving no model the behavior they want by comfortably time left for innovation and creativity. Manual tasks,


customer calls, goalless meetings all interrupt creative and time, particularly when people demand details. focus [6]. Fear causes us to cling to the plan when unexpected things happen. And a detailed plan with confident dates 2.2.2. Loss of Control Scares Us and costs falsely reassures us. Failure risk accompanies innovation. Many people  join dominant organizations because they value 2.3. … therefore, proactively experiment to stability. They have learned to avoid situations with improve. significant failure risk, and some overreact by avoiding all risky situations, even when failure cost is low. They If our environment isn’t challenging us to innovate prefer to allow others to take risks, and if disasters effectively, we have to challenge ourselves. Our arise they can avoid blame. economic metrics can help inspire innovation. What Manufacturing gurus have told us that controlling new things can we do to help more people, more variance leads to higher quality. But their definition of effectively, and, get more value from our interactions? quality is predictability; when we try something new, it How can we work in new ways to produce more creates variance. When we follow their advice, rapidly, cause fewer problems, and enjoy our work and innovation becomes harder and eventually stops [7]. collaborations more? We can challenge ourselves by running adaptive 2.2.3. Non-Creative Work Is Easier “improvement experiments.” General scientists examine historical data, brainstorm, choose a Non-creative activities can easily be measured. hypothesis to test, run a controlled test to validate the Others have done it before, so we just compare hypothesis, compare resulting data with hypothesized ourselves to them. Here’s a common metric people outcomes and draw conclusions. Improvement use: “How hard does it look like I’m working?” scientists do all those things, but focus on process Unfortunately, for creative work, this can be a perverse changes, creative activities and prioritization to metric. When we are working hard at non-creative accelerate economic improvement. These improvement work, we make noise, send emails, schedule or attend experiments test work hypotheses (such as “our lawyer meetings, sweat, look worried. But maintaining these can reliably deliver reviewed contracts within a fictions defocuses us and degrades our creativity and week”), process theories (such as “pairing helps reduce others’. rework and increase skill elasticity”) and market For creative activities, just finding decent metrics theories (such as “millennials respond well to ironic can be hard. We want to try new ideas, and we learn ads”) to create theories (hypotheses tested by the most when about half our hypotheses fail. Should experiments). In Scrum, for example, such experiments we measure our failure rate, rewarding ourselves for a are constructed in the Retrospective Meeting. failure rate close to 50%? Or should it be lower, Before changing the goals and processes of creative because it costs more when we fail? work, brainstorm different options and explore the Procrastinators tend to defer cognitive tasks, such possible results in your economic model. How will the as reviewing performance data and making decisions, changes improve your existing economic progress with consequent poor performance and higher stress measurements? If you don’t think they will affect [27]. Strangely, procrastinators often perform better at progress measurements, but think you should make the cognitive tasks where there is no economic reward—it changes, maybe you are missing an important progress turns a chore into a game. metric to show the value of the changes. Consider revising your mission and economic progress metrics. 2.2.4. Uncertainty Confuses Us Experiments can be evolutionary or revolutionary Stephen Bungay argues three gaps interfere with [1]. Evolutionary experiments examine low-risk planning in chaotic economies. A knowledge gap changes, and may validate the hypothesis after a short separates what we would like to know from what we test. Revolutionary experiments examine more radical actually know. An alignment gap separates what we changes, and benefit from risk-mitigation. In the want people to do and what they actually do. An history of science, most experiments are evolutionary, effects gap separates what we expect our actions to punctuated with revolutionary upheaval when achieve and what they actually achieve. These gaps evolution stops working [35]. mean that long-range plans are not likely to succeed Once we establish a hypothesis, we construct an without adaptation [12]. experiment plan. To keep our adaptation rate high, we Despite these obvious planning uncertainties, we should test our hypothesis with short iterative often think making more detailed plans produces better experiments. Evolutionary changes can be responsibly results. But over-planning consumes valuable effort tested with just one or two iterations, while


revolutionary changes could require more. Even with shine an experimental lens on our creative, revolutionary change, we should try to find results in collaborative work, for the first time, we can improve the earliest iterations to help decide whether to much faster. proceed, change or abandon later experiments. In teams, process adaptation helps balance perfect 3. Pattern: Limit Work-in-process communication (expensive and slow) with unrestricted parallel activity (prone to mistakes caused by lack of We measure our economic progress and experiment coordination). I studied this phenomenon in parallel with processes and products. However, experiments artificial intelligence applications [20]. Sometimes can take a long time, and failures can have huge costs. high communication generates better results, sometimes low communication generates better results. 3.1.We are going too slowly. Creating We can’t identify those situations in advance, so we more detailed plans make things worse. need to inspect and adapt. Innovation causes variability. Low-risk variation Our stakeholders, as a whole, make unsatisfiable can result in useful learning. When the economic demands. If we do not limit the number of things we metrics do not include metrics related to learning, the start, we end up with many unfinished items and will, economic actor is likely to control itself into stasis, of necessity, fail more stakeholders and squander more adapting but not innovating as conditions change. resources than if we focused resources on the most Ultimately, this makes the actor fragile. important things and ignored less important things. emphasizes small improvements. In a sense, PDSA and Kaizen are greedy , they always 3.2.Forces accept process changes that result in metric improvement and reject others. In chaotic systems, like 3.2.1. markets and product development, greedy algorithms can result in locally optimal results but drastically bad Fungible assets can help us weather periods of global results. This explains why we should not rule- scarcity, but increasing assets decreases cash flow. out revolutionary experiments, and expect some Many people overvalue assets. Many creative variation even in evolutionary experiments. assets are not fungible. Once they're completed, they Variation always accompanies chaos and complex earn a return on investment; before then, they are non- adaptive systems. Variation control is perhaps a great earning assets, which responsible people worry about. economic goal for mobile phone services (low- If we are operating in a highly chaotic market or creativity), but not for mobile phone (high- production economy, these assets may hold us back. creativity). If we want to innovate in a chaotic system, In their favor, non-fungible assets can pose a our metrics must allow for and celebrate variation barrier to entry against competitors, but only if the proportional to the chaos in the economy. assets are at least as hard for competitors to overcome. There are two solutions to these problems in This is rare. chaotic systems. First, we must compensate for People who fear failure often resort to more production metric variation by including learning detailed planning [12], a costly, non-fungible asset. metrics, and compensate for cost metric variation by Detailed plans take time to develop, they are situation- including risk reduction metrics. Second, we must specific, and until their offspring become viable, they innovate at multiple scales, not just experiment with have no tangible value. A plan that demands enormous the small-scale changes advocated by Kaizen. investment before we validate its assumptions creates enormous risk [14]. 2.4.Resulting Context Most people have a cognitive bias called the sunk cost fallacy: after we invest time or money in a project, Teams that rigorously apply experimental we tend to continue investing, even if we discover that techniques can become hyperproductive, increasing we won't get a decent return from the follow-on their productivity and quality by factors of 4 or more investment. [28] [29]. This could seem miraculous, but when The combination of detailed plans and sunk cost observing teams, you’ll find creative people spend fallacy produces terrible results in chaotic economies. substantial time communicating and learning (as well We invest work creating a detailed plan, start executing as blowing off steam). Many people use inefficient the plan and then discover that slavish adherence to the work techniques, but traditional operational plan will likely generate a loss. Because we have management has no reasonable way to monitor and invested so much time, we continue following the plan, improve this, and can destroy creativity. When we which could end in huge capital waste.


3.2.2. Congestion complete a superficial version of an item, that doesn't When we saturate a roadway, our production line or require the dependency, because we can release the our personal calendars, things slow to a crawl. Here's a superficial version to discover whether customers will quick test to see whether your company is agile: look buy the sophisticated version [11] [50]. at executive calendars. If they are full of meetings, the A discipline called Inbox Zero applies this Product company is not agile. No one can rapidly sense the Backlog idea to email [41]. It asserts that email environment, adapt and create new things when their inboxes are not ordered by personal profitability, and calendars are full. their disorder takes our valuable time and attention. As randomly timed requests to a system increase its Therefore, we must filter and move email items from utilization, the delay before a request is started (called the disordered inbox to an ordered backlog elsewhere. "latency") increases exponentially. The delay is caused Scrum teams limit work-in-process by creating a by requests being queued up behind earlier requests. Sprint Backlog for work the team will focus on in a Sprint (typically a fixed time period of four weeks or 3.2.3. Cognition less). The Sprint Backlog, like the Product Backlog, is roughly ordered by profitability, so the team attempts Our most limited resources, as creative people, to work on the highest item first. are time and attention. Our cognitive limits argue for people considering at People can remember a maximum of about 7 most seven items at a time. In my experience, highly ordered concepts in one session [44]; more than this effective Scrum teams have Sprint Backlogs with about and people start making mistakes. seven items. Many environmental factors interfere with Cognitive limits also suggest creating fractally cognition. Late in the day, after making many structured Product Backlogs to help us rapidly see how decisions or when blood glucose drops, people projects could unfold. About 7 small Backlog Items experience reduced capabilities, limiting their ability to appear at the top, followed by about 7 bigger ones, etc. choose [30]. Insufficient sleep degrades creativity and Fractal Product Backlogs limit the amount of planning innovation [31]. Interruptions degrade creativity and effort invested early in a long project, thus radically quality [18]. reducing detailed planning (a dangerous form of  waste), decreasing sunk cost bias and encouraging 3.3. ... therefore, limit work-in-process to rapid adaptation to new information about markets and improve value flow. production [22].

We take a broad view that work-in-process (WIP) 3.3.2. Collaborative Focus refers to activities by large factories, by individual teams, by a person physically and by a person Scrum and XP teams swarm on the topmost items mentally. So work-in-process can refer to inventory in they are working on. The goal is completion, and team a warehouse or the number of things we are thinking members are discouraged from starting something about. unlikely to be completed by the end of the Sprint. Scrum and XP require teams to produce a shippable 3.3.1. Cognition and Backlogs product increment at the end of every Sprint. This limits production work-in-process and helps identify A clear mind helps better prioritize work. Start and limit technical risk. by limiting your own mental work-in-process. David Communication delayed can be a form of work-in- Allen argues by ridding ourselves of mental clutter we process. Scrum mandates a short daily Standup can reduce stress and improve creativity [5]. Nagging meeting to limit delayed communication between team worries that we will forget to complete tasks and members. pursue opportunities clutter our minds and prevent us from focusing on high priority work. 3.3.3. Value Stream Optimization By focusing on the most profitable work, we can earn new resources that help us with less profitable Kanban boards track active work by category and work. Scrum teams order a list of work items, called a explicitly limit work-in-process for each category. The Product Backlog, by relative return on investment (or organization can then thoughtfully observe how work- profit). The most profitable items for the team's current in-process degrades work flow. situation appear at the top. Inter-item dependencies Organizations using Value Stream Mapping, which often create situations where it is more profitable to the maps the time "from concept to cash” called lead team to finish a dependency before the thing that time [49], can motivate work-in-process limits. depends on it. But other times it's more profitable to Managers can identify the constraints where excessive


work-in-process is creating queuing or congestion guilty. None of this blaming seems to fix anything, but delays, and limit work-in-process upstream to we stick to our comfort zone. eliminate queuing and congestion at the constraint. These limits can reduce lead time all on their own, by 4.1.We delay improvement by avoiding reducing congestion, switching cost and queuing. responsibility … But now we can also increase flow by repurposing freed resources. If we limit work-in-process from the We are responsible for an outcome if our actions or constraint through all upstream sources (called inaction affected it. People assert we are “responsible “subordinating activities to the constraint”), it helps us for a failure,” if we could have prevented it. We assert easily find available resources that can help increase we were “not responsible for a failure,” if we were not the capacity of the constrained activity and increase authorized or equipped to prevent the problem that flow rate through the system. This approach is called caused the failure. People characterize us as “a Theory of Constraints [19]. responsible person” if we act to prevent or recover from failures. 3.3.4. Incremental Work To limit work-in-process, we can break a project 4.2.Forces into pieces and work on those pieces successively, but each completed piece must have value to an We readily claim responsibility for success, but external stakeholder. This is called incremental refrain from claiming responsibility for failure. It feels development. If we modularize a project, and do each wrong to take responsibility for failures where we feel module in succession, we usually cannot deliver value others had more control, and unfair to be held to a customer until all the modules are done; this fails responsible when our passivity allowed failures to to limit work-in-process. occur. In large projects, managers often organize teams to We like to operate in our comfort zone, where we focus on different modules, but this also fails to limit can exercise our skills with mastery. This helps a work-in-process. To propagate a change from a deep collective effort when specialized skills are needed, but infrastructure module to an external stakeholder, otherwise our specialties may contribute little to an elements must be handed from one team to another, outcome. People sometimes protect their special status with a queuing delay. by working in isolation, by hoarding specialist tasks, or Feature teams compress parts of a dependency tree by denigrating those with similar skills. into parallel efforts, and thus reduce lead time [55]. When demand for a particular specialty is high, a group may not have the capacity to meet the demand, 3.4.Resulting Context and the whole effort may fail. When the demand for a specialty is low, a specialist could continue to produce By limiting work-in-process, we can specialized assets that aren’t needed, creating waste more rapidly deliver a single increment of new work to and failure risks. an external stakeholder, and get feedback. This helps Members having greater agency—i.e., the capacity us learn what the stakeholder will pay for, and adjust to affect the outcome—more readily take responsibility our plans incrementally to better meet stakeholder [52]. When others perceive us controlling a situation, it needs. When the stakeholder decides we've done motivates us to act rapidly to fix problems and prevent enough, we can redirect our attention to another future failures [10] [56]. profitable project. Each new work increment also helps When someone tells others they are inherently us better understand our production realities, and adapt “responsible” or “irresponsible”, it demotivates their to those. If we limit work-in-process sufficiently, we future problem solving activities [32]. can profitably adapt to chaotic market and production The Responsibility Process® claims that when economies; in short, we are agile. failures occur, people progress through a series of unproductive stages before acting responsibly to solve 4. Pattern: Collective Responsibility problems [9]. Unfortunately, they can get stuck in any unproductive stage, leaving unaddressed problems to recur. It takes us time to decide to fix problems, and we 1. We may deny the problem. let some problems fester because we don’t want to get 2. We blame others. near them. When we are on a team, we can blame 3. We justify our actions by blaming circumstances. someone or something else for a problem, and often 4. We blame ourselves and feel ashamed. do. We might blame our own permanent flaws, feeling 5. We may feel obligation to keep “doing our job”.


6. We may quit. 5. Pattern: Solve Systemic Problems 7. We take responsibility, and fix the problem. Every state but the last is lazy. We do nothing to We measure, proactively experiment, limit our improve the situation until we reach the final state of work-in-process, and embrace collective responsibility. responsibility. When we operate independently of others, we can meet economic challenges and succeed. 4.3.… therefore, help people embrace collective responsibility. 5.1.External factors prevent us from adapting rapidly enough … 4.3.1. Collective Responsibility Collective responsibility is the notion that if any We don't have the knowledge, specialty resources, individual in a group can affect the group’s results, we elasticity or authorization to do everything ourselves, can attribute the successes and failures of the group to but relying on others puts us at risk. every individual. This sense of collective responsibility improves outcomes in many situations [26] [36]. 5.2.Forces Three conditions—autonomy, understanding and agency—allow us to assert a member has collective When we operate in a system with many actors, the responsibility [34]. dysfunctions of other actors can limit system agility, We can motivate members to act on behalf of the despite our best individual efforts. Myopia may focus group, by better aligning their values with the group’s criticism on innocents and leave causes unmitigated. values [47]. Avery argues that this alignment, For example, we often blame recently contributing particularly with small teams, is two-way: members actors for a late delivery, when common causes include bring their personal interests and values, and the group executives failing to adjust the delivery forecast after a brings its goals and mission. When both member late start [40] and other teams producing poor quality values and group values are negotiable, we can drive components long ago. higher alignment [8]. We may compete for attention from dependencies, We can increase agency by providing group creating queues that dramatically increase average members with broader authority, greater information or latency and, just as bad, increase variability. Even more training. when a dependency can start immediately, few can The Responsibility Process teaches us how to move accurately forecast progress. Virtually all dependencies more rapidly through irresponsible stages to reach have a risk that they will never complete (by the collective responsibility. Being able to recognize the Turing incompleteness theorem), and this hidden stage we occupy t tells us what to do next. danger can damage or destroy our efforts.

4.3.2. Culture 5.3.… therefore, collaboratively analyze and Organizational culture largely determines whether mitigate systemic dysfunctions teams and individuals embrace and sustain collective responsibility. Most good leaders learned from (often When we don't completely understand a system, we spectacular) failures. Good leaders share those must engage others to help. When we don't have direct experiences to encourage followers to learn from power over others, we must convince them to mitigate failure rather than hide it. dysfunctions. We must collaborate.

4.4.Resulting Context 5.3.1. Root cause mapping If a problem involves many actors, bring When team members operate from responsibility stakeholders together to analyze it. Using the “five most of the time, everyone will likely complete more whys” method, work together in to deeply understand useful work, and waste less effort. Chronic causes and identify the most effective fix [23]. dysfunctions will likely get resolved faster. Collective responsibility motivates the 5.3.2. Static analysis development of broadly skilled colleagues. Broader Static dependency mapping helpa us understand skills create greater elasticity for uneven demand and and reorganize dependencies to reduce work-in- avoid creating specialist assets before they are needed. process, reduce lead time and increase quality [24].


effectively, our own agility improves. We may interact more frequently with external actors. We may merge the activities of dependencies into our own work. We may find that long-standing problems disappear.

6. Scrum Example

Dependency mitigation candidates For example, this figure shows the dependency Scrum events as Agile Base Patterns graph of a large software system. Each oval shows teams that are candidates for merger. The solid oval This figure shows how the Scrum methodology encircles two teams that were ultimately combined, implements the Agile Base Patterns. The first part of shaving 1 sprint off the lead time for changes made in the Retrospective Meeting, shown at the upper left, levels 4 through 1. assembles economic progress metrics, such as velocity, bug count and happiness [53]. The team tests their 5.3.3. Dynamic analysis hypotheses: did they achieve the Sprint Goal and hypothesized velocity? Team members brainstorm Dynamic techniques analyze the flow of activities process changes that might improve their metrics, through a system. Value stream mapping presents the hypothesize, and commit to the changes. Retrospective value-add time, the non-value-add time and the completion marks the start of Scrum’s proactive queuing time for each actor in creating value “from experiment to improve. The Sprint Backlog limits concept to cash” [43]. We can then identify and work-in-process for the team. Team members embrace mitigate systemic dysfunctions. Minor organizational collective responsibility by swarming, pairing, and changes to flow can often dramatically reduce lead seeking help in the Daily Standup. During the Sprint, time and improve other systemic progress metrics. the ScrumMaster mitigates systemic dysfunctions In the Theory of Constraints method [19] we leave (impediments), often outside the boundary of the the flow structure alone, but shift resources from the team.. least constrained components to the most constrained. This approach advocates creatively retraining and  repurposing people and equipment. 7. Summary

5.3.4. Teaching The Agile Base Patterns prescribe agile practices for any field or scale. Every agile methodology in this Seeking to fix external actors can be risky. We “big tent” analysis exhibits the five Agile Base can’t order them to change. We may try to explain their Patterns. The first three Agile Base Patterns are dysfunctions and implore them to improve. Sometimes necessary and sufficient for agility. The fourth adds this works; other times it threatens them. This can agile resiliency. The fifth adds agile expansiveness. backfire to endanger agile programs and advocates. The Agile Base Patterns arise from clustering roles, Teaching agile patterns to external actors has many artifacts and events of agile methodologies, and are advantages. It helps them not only eliminate the prescriptive. In contrast, the Agile Manifesto arises dysfunction that concerns us now, but prevents others from the consensus of agile leaders, and is descriptive. from arising later. Toyota famously taught its suppliers Colleagues using the Agile Base Patterns to assess to use just-in-time manufacturing, because they were organizations and guide transformations report limiting Toyota’s agility [45]. This built a favorably. I believe researchers and practitioners who infrastructure of just-in-time in Japan that accelerated incorporate these patterns in their work will improve its recovery from WWII. their outcomes. 5.4.Resulting Context

In applying this pattern, our ecosystem becomes more agile. When actors respond more rapidly and


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