Iu I I Ii \| Register Volume 19 ^ Number 177
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IU I I II \| REGISTER VOLUME 19 ^ NUMBER 177 Washington, Saturday, September 11, 1954 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT graph or by any reenactment thereof as herein stated. CONTENTS EXECUTIVE ORDER 10558 S ec. 2. The Director of the Bureau of THE PRESIDENT Amendment of E xecutive Order No. the Budget shall from time to time re Executive Orders Page 10154,1 Designating Certain Officers port to the President concerning activi of the P ost Offic e Department to ties carried on by executive agencies and Amendment of Executive Order Act as P ostmaster General offices with funds allocated hereunder 10154, designating certain offi cers of the Post Office Depart By virtue of the authority vested in and shall, consonant with law, exercise such direction and control with respect ment to act as Postmaster me by section 179 of the Revised Statutes General___ __________________ 5879 of the United States (5 U. S. C. 6), and to the said activities as he shall deem appropriate. Providing for administration of as President of the United States, it is the President’s Management ordered that Executive Order No. 10154 Dwight D. E isenhower Improvement Appropriation... 5879 of August 22,1950, entitled “Designation T he W hite House, of Certain Officers of the Post Office Septem ber 8, 1954. EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Department To Act as Postmaster Gen [F. R. Doc. 54-7180; Filed, Sept. 9, 1954; Agricultural Marketing Service eral”, be, and it is hereby, amended by 2:34 p. m.] • adding to the list of officers contained Proposed rule making: therein at the end thereof the following: Milk handling in the Appa lachian marketing area_____ 5900 “5. Assistant Postmaster General in TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE charge of the Bureau of Personnel.” Rules and regulations: PERSONNEL Lemons grown in California and Dwight D. E isenhower Arizona; limitation of ship Chapter I— Civil Service Commission T he W h ite House, ments--------------------------------- 5883 September 8, 1954. P art 6— E xceptions F rom the Oranges, Valencia, grown in Competitive S ervice Arizona and designated part [F. R. DOC. 54-7179; Filed, Sept. 9, 1954; of California; limitation of 2:34 p. m.J DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY handling____ ._____ ________ 5882 Effective upon publication in the F ed Agriculture Department eral R egister, paragraphs (a) (2), (5) Delegation of authority to Secre EXECUTIVE ORDER 10559 and (6), (b) (1), (2), (3), and (4), (d) tary with respect to certain Cl). (j) (1), (1) (1), (m) (1) of §6.105, responsibilities (see Federal P roviding for the Administration of and paragraph (a) of § 6.204 are re Civil Defense Administration). the P resident’s M anagement Improve voked, and paragraphs (e) (1) and (g) See Agricultural Marketing Serv ment Appropriation (1) of § 6.105 are amended as set out ice; Commodity Stabilization below. Service. By virtue of the authority vested in me by section 301 of title 3 of the United § 6.105 Department of the Army. Air Force Department States Code, and as President of the * * * Armed Services Procurement Reg United States, it is ordered as follows: (e) Engineer Department. (1) Land ulations; miscellaneous amend appraisers employed on a temporary ments (see Defense Depart Section 1. The Director of the Bu ment) . reau of the Budget is hereby authorized basis for a period not to exceed one year and empowered to exercise the authority on special projects where knowledge of Army Department vested in the President by the paragraph local values or conditions or other spe Armed Services Procurement Reg appearing under the heading “Expenses cialized qualifications not possessed by ulations; miscellaneous amend of Management Improvement” in Title appraisers regularly employed by the ments (see Defense Depart I of the Independent Offices Appropria Department are required for successful ment) . tion Act, 1955, 68 Stat. 274, or by any results. Civil Aeronautics Administra reenactment of the provisions of such * * * * * tion paragraph in the same or in a different (g) Special Services Division. (1)Rules and regulations: amount of funds, to allocate to any Until December 31, 1956, positions paid Minimum en route IFR alti agency or office of the executive branch tudes; miscellaneous amend (including the Bureau of the Budget) from the appropriation “Welfare of En listed Men,” which entail responsibility ments______________________ 5884 funds appropriated by the said para- Security control of air traffic; for the direction or supervision of volun- designation 'of California 115 F. R. 5653; 3 CFR, 1950 Supp., p. 115. (Continued on p. 5881) (domestic), ADIZ___________ 5885 5879 5880 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Civil Aeronautics Board PaSe Federal Communications Com- Pag« FEDERALljÿREGISTER Notices: mission eOwrtO*‘»a* «.K City of Sioux Palls, S. Dak.; Notices: postponement of prehearing Regional Managers and District conference_____ ____________ 5919 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Field office areas; statements and days following official Federal holidays, Proposed rule making: of organization,% delegations by the Federal Register Division, National Uniform system of accounts and of authority and public infor Archives and Records Service, General Serv reports for certified air car mation_____________________ 5921 ices Administration, pursuant to the au riers_______ ______________ 1 5916 Van Curler Broadcasting Corp. thority contained in the Federal Register Rules and regulations: (W TRI); memorandum opin Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Irregular air carrier and off- ion and order designating ap amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula route rules; airman require tions prescribed by the Administrative Com plication for hearing_______ 5919 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by ments______________________ 5883 Proposed rule making: the President. Distribution is made only by Civil Service Commission Amateur radio service; tech the Superintendent of Documents, Govern nician class operator privi ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Rules and regulations: leges---------------------- 5917 The regulatory material appearing herein Competitive service, exceptions Television broadcast stations; is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, from: table of assignments__ ____ 5916 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Air Force Department (2 Rules and regulations: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as documents)-__ ________ 5881, 5882 amended August 5, 1953. Amateur radio service; frequen Army Department___ _ 5879 cies and types of emission; The F ed era l R e g is t e r will be furnished by Farm Credit Administration. 5881 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 modulation of carrier wave— 5899 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Formal education requirements Domestic Fixed Public Service; advance. The charge for individual copies for appointment to certain operational fixed stations and (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the scientific, technical, and pro fixed stations___________ 5898 size of the issue. Remit check or money fessional positions; Cotton Frequency allocations and radio order, made payable to the Superintendent Technologist______________ 5882 of Documents, directly to the Government treaty matters; general rules Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Commerce Department and regulations; frequency There are no restrictions oh the republica- Delegation of authority to Secre allocations_________ 5891 tion of material appearing in the, F ed e r a l tary with respect to certain re Industrial, scientific and medi R e g is t e r . sponsibilities (see Federal Civil cal service; short wave epila Defense Administration). tion equipment__________ — 5899 Delegation of authority to Secre Radio broadcast serv ices; CFR SUPPLEMENTS tary with respect to procurement broadcasts by candidates for contracts for experimental, de public office.__ ________ :__ 5894 (For use during 1954) velopmental, or research pur Stations on land and shipboard poses by Bureau of Standards in the maritime services: The following Supplements are now for executive agencies; revoca Amateur radio service; Re available: tion (.see General Services Ad gional Managers and Dis ministration) . trict Field office areas____ 5898 Title 7: Parts 210-899 ($2.25) See Civil Aeronautics Administra Use of telephony_____ ______ 5897 Title 19, Revised 1953 ($5.00) tion. Federal Power Commission Commodity Stabilization Service Notices : Title 32A, Revised Dec. 31,1953 Proposed rule making: Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line ($1.50) Corp.; order fixing date of Cotton, Upland, 1955 crop; de oral argument. ________ 5922 terminations to be made with Title 46: Part 146 to end ($6.50) respect to national marketing General Services Administration Previously announced: Title 3, 1953 Supp. quota, national, State, and Notices: ($1.50); Titles 4-5 ($0.60); Title 6 county acreage allotments, Palm oil held in the national ($2.00); Title 7: Parts 1-209, Revised and formulation of regula stock pile; disposition______ 5922 1953 ($7.75); Part 900 to end ($1.25); tions pertaining to farm acre Secretary of Commerce; delega- Title 8 ($0.35); Title 9 ($0.50); Titles 10- age allotments______________ 5915 tion of authority with respect 13 ($0.50); Title 14: Parts 1-399 ($1.25); Defense Department to procurement contracts for Part 400 to end ($0.50); Title 15 ($1.25); experimental, developmental, Title 16 ($1.00); Title 17 ($0.50); Title Rules and regulations: or research purposes by 18 ($0.45); Title