Prospectus for Listing of Shares 2011 IMPORTANT INFORMATION
Prospectus for listing of shares 2011 IMPORTANT INFORMATION In this prospectus “Concentric” or the “Company” means, depend- FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS AND MARKET DATA ing on the context, either Concentric AB (publ) or the group in which This prospectus contains certain forward-looking statements that re- Concentric AB (publ) is the parent company. “Concentric Group” or flect Concentric’s current views or expectations with respect to fu- the “Group” means Concentric AB (publ) and its subsidiaries. “Hal- ture events and financial and operational performance. The words “in- dex” means, depending on the context, either Haldex AB (publ) or tend”, “estimate”, “expect”, “may”, “plan”, “anticipate” or similar the group in which Haldex AB (publ) is the parent company. “Haldex expressions regarding indications or forecasts of future developments Group” means Haldex AB (publ) and its subsidiaries. or trends, which are not statements based on historical facts, consti- tute forward-looking information. Although Concentric believes that “Euroclear Sweden” refers to Euroclear Sweden AB. “NASDAQ OMX these statements are based on reasonable assumptions and expecta- Stockholm” refers to NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB. “SEK” refers to tions, Concentric cannot give any assurances that such statements will Swedish kronor, “USD” refers to U.S. dollars, “EUR” refers to Euro and materialize. Because these forward-looking statements involve known “GBP” refers to British pounds. “m” refers to millions. and unknown risks and uncertainties, the outcome could differ materi- ally from those set out in the forward-looking statement. NOTICE TO INVESTORS This prospectus has been prepared by reason of the listing of the shares Factors that could cause Concentric’s actual operations, result or per- in Concentric on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.
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