Yeshivah Board Looks Forward Collaborating on JOSHUA LEVI

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Yeshivah Board Looks Forward Collaborating on JOSHUA LEVI NEWS The Australian Jewish News – 6 Friday,April 7, 2017 Yeshivah board looks forward Collaborating on JOSHUA LEVI THE Yeshivah Centre’s roof board, Yeshivah Centre Ltd (YCL), has said dementia research it will work towards “modelling good AJN STAFF leadership” and ensuring that all boards within the organisation have AN Australian medical researcher the “best practice in governance”. has teamed up with an Israeli pro- When Yeshivah’s three boards, fessor to find a treatment for a YCL, Yeshivah Beth Rivkah Schools common type of dementia. Limited (YBRSL) and Chabad With dementia currently Institutions of Victoria Limited affecting more than 50 per cent of (CIVL) marked 100 days in office Australian nursing-home patients, recently they expressed their future and no treatment or cure available, visions to The AJN. this research has wide appeal. Professor Bernard Lerer of “The board aims to ensure finan- Research collaboration has Yeshivah College. Photo: Peter Haskin Hadassah Hospital. cial stability so that all the mosdos been assisted and funded by ence working with treatments (departments) are able to thrive and and integrated into the school, and learning institution); our Kashrut AUSiMED, a local not-for-profit that inhibit iron in the brain and continue to serve the community, that we continue to ensure there authority; Chabad Youth and our organisation that facilitates and Hadassah has unique ways to oversee establishment of policies and are appropriate facilities across the synagogues,” the board said. encourages medical collaboration examine the effect of these new procedures to ensure the welfare and school campuses.” The CIVL board has already draf- between Australia and Israel. treatments on vascular dementia. safety of those we have the privilege The board said it will continue ted policies to permanently embed The research project is being AUSiMED chair Antony Cohen of serving and ensure the ethos and to work on the Jewish and secu- proper governance, to ensure the led by Professor Ashley Bush at said: “We are very fortunate to have practices according to Chabad teach- lar educational programs and has correct treatment of victims of any Melbourne’s Florey Institute of two highly skilled teams collabor- ings are upheld,” the YCL board told started implementing healthy food crime and it has appointed several Neuroscience and Mental Health ating on this project. Neither team The AJN. guidelines in cooperation with sub-committees. and Professor Bernard Lerer at could do this work without each Those sentiments were echoed by the Yeshivah Beth Rivkah Parents “We want to build a relationship Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. other’s support. It’s a great combin- the YBRSL board, which oversees the Association. with our community – that includes Hadassah’s Dr Amit Lotan, an ation of skills and knowledge from running of the schools. The CIVL board, which has the Chabad Community and the AUSiMED research fellow, played Australia and Israel, which is what “For the short-term, plans are in attracted unwanted attention greater Melbourne Community. a key role in bringing together AUSiMED does best.” place to meet with teachers in lead- because it continues to pay Rabbi “We want to see a Lubavitch the Australian and Israeli research The research will initially be ership positions in the near future as Zvi Hirsch Telsner 18 months after organisation that well under- teams. funded from two major donations well as engage with some of our gen- he resigned, said that serving the stands and anticipates future chal- The research collaboration by Australian families on the occa- erous donors and explore new oppor- community is always a challenge but lenges; that has strong relationships focuses on vascular dementia, the sions of two simchas, one a 60th tunities to develop increased financial all members of the board will con- throughout the rest of the Jewish and second most common form of birthday and the other a wedding. security,” the YBRSL board said. tinue to work towards an innovative general community; that provides a the disease after Alzheimer’s, and “We have two major capital and exciting future. centre of spiritual care and engage- seeks to determine whether iron, To find out more about funding projects underway, being the Beth “The board has been focusing ment for all members of the Jewish which excessively accumulates in further stages of this project at a Rivkah Primary building and the on strategic plans for all areas of the community and the public at large. the brain with ageing, contributes simcha or from a donation, please Trade Skills Centre. organisation including Ohel Chana “We can achieve this by continu- to the onset of vascular dementia. go to or contact “We are working on ensuring (our women’s tertiary learning insti- ing to strengthen the transparency The Florey team has experi- AUSiMED on 9272 5699. these new facilities are well managed tution); Kollel (our men’s tertiary and governance processes.”.
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