

. · S'tATi::' 'OF WERMONT ".DEPARTMENT ·Qf',~HtGHWAYS '. .:"::.).•,) , MONTPELIER 01!11!02

March 17, 1..970

iloaabr BlUe town Gl•rk cf Harduboro War4aboro, .veriDUQt 05355 Deer Mlae Bills:

W~ have received the certiflcetes of Hiahway Mil••a• vbich you recentlJ forwarded to thia ~gCNlcy along with your uote relative to town highway ~dd1tions to be made later this aprla.g.

by f:. W& regret that any m11ease ch&ngee accepted the Board of Salee \' 0ftex- lf!lrch u. 1970 ea~t b• .. 1'8d411 .. ".!~~l."i)'.O;~t.U. l(lel'.~b,,U,. ~~'1~~· .,.,~ 1 - ,,, · · " » · 1." ·-,. :-~"··":~-~~--0~.. ~-:~·,..>i~.:.:-:.· ~~-' {\~ .. •/_-'.__.":':_;_:,... _'y:~---~·-"'ffrT~'.·7Sf··-_ ... ,:-._i; tf~ W• ere requtY~' by St-tut• t~. for,a~d ''to ~Jae St•t• Trea~u~r 67:,• ·. 1970 a Uet of the _official Dltlft8a•• la ••c- t.-.. cit1 and vt~l~p · ·" a.o of March U~ 1900. thet"efore, 111ay ci..oaes •cc:•pted by Ward•btto• that da~" ca'"10~,J'!:.J1•.i~!'e~~"'~·''~~;vl'°f~!tii of official 11Uema•• b'.llfore<. 1971.. . ' ·' \·. . ' ' ...... ,,,,"; ····~····~.'"":'

When the town ha• accepted tlteH aw bta1-1s to which 7ou re.f41r, ii·*' ;~~~~i;;~;.~~~~~;;,~;t~M~;1i11J· ·~··::i~~,~~~h~ ~ ·ir1:i ·,. · ~;;it:: wUl be iucluded on the Certtficatea of '"''1 "Kt11111ge to be forwar4ed to you oarly in 1971p Sincerely youra, · · ·'·· · ,. ,,,. I.;' .J :' ll~holls Btgbvay Planniog lagieeer

Sy: Jau11 B. Ii.Hon r Adnini1trative A1ai•t•Dt

PJN/.i'IB/ak cc: a. ,,o. Kmm, , •. - .+. »i~t~ic~ Di&h1'8Y log!neer ,, )

..., We a~tioipat• ·that we wil~Jl.i'! t.~Jsi~r .~~Ti·i~~~~ta~'.t~'.\-l( "~J;;.milesot··: '· highway thi$ spr~n,g. W9uld .. tller~ \le a_ :i;x>~~~~lity of l'l~yin~ this, . added on at a later dSite? DUe~t&;nat1lir"'cSr1d~tfbhs~'th'e'seteet•n"'L'l'~: are. not able to. look over the ~~ t<>wn .... '':· . highways. In all.probability they Wi'.\i':'~Ot. ije,jab1e .to loo\( them~-i:;.Tttti.~.. until May. tr at that time, we. finc;l tll,~e. l"Q&ds meet with :o:ur. spe.ci'.~,,·: .. ;: fications, we would like them· add~li ·o·n ·ta-this eertif'icate.·if·.pdssibD~'· ' -'j ' .. ' ·.;(~'S'· ' ' . . :.~" . 'f _ ..•_· ·,

' . ' -- L We 1*~hl~ ~~.,~',' have ~·ad~ ·slnCe. )I~ 1$, .•

2. We li&reby certify tbat the follo~g highways have been

since March 111, 1968, u substantiated by the attached. . copy. ,· of ...... :: ..... :...... :::~~--·~::~~·::-;'.S~:L.~:t~~f.t~.~ ... ::.:::.::::::::«::::.:". :.::::::::::::.:::::«::·:: :. ::: ... ::::":::::::· :: .:::::::::::.:::«::::.::::: .·::.: ::.:::: «·:::::.~:. ::::::1;:.::::::::~1~~4~~~:~:~~;,::::;~~~~.~:~:::::::::::::::',:.::~.::Ft~:&i~ 3. We hereby certlb that the foll4>winl roads have ~e ·un~~ elM.llbl~e,)fArcll'U, 1008: · . · ,-:...... :. -. ;-..· ' -.- :.-_ .. -{· ._,.; - . -- . - . :· '

,_ • • , , '" •, * •,,, • • •<> • • u <>H +' ' .. • • , > o •<, .. • •., • • • • • o ' o o o '• • + • o ' • • H .. •< .... H' • > • o ' ' • •: >• ' 0 o '' • ' ' • o ' • .. H •• > < h 0 ;,-. _.,:~, ~'~ ... •+i 0 ~ f\~~:{~~: ~ ..: .};·:~J!•'• '·'.~:~:~-:~-~:~;.,~-~~~ .. : •< .. :. i ~·" o • o • • > o o" o' ~ O •• .. ~ • ooho o • ;. ~.. •UO 0 ~·;~ ••:.~~----;~~~-: ...... '.·····:··'· ... ,.: ...... '.~~'(:r';.~i;\; ... :~t~·k'~}:;;;,:fr:\:.:a:····· .... :.: ..... ::.-:,::.,c:f:::::~i'

...... H ...: ••·.~;-•u~ ...... ·:~r~;~~f;,,j_·;t·r1~.J~'>~-A~i:~;;~i!.;·~~:.t~.. \~~~~ti~~

~: OF HIGHWAY CERTl~..:ATE·'' ... ~LEAGE ·- FOR YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY 10, 1969 Fill out in trlpllcate anc\ file w.ith your Town Clerk on or before Febru,ary 10, 196P (Note sections of Vermont StaMet Annotated on reverse aide of thl1 sheet) ~-:·. '' '. We, the &lleotmen of the town of ...... - ...... , on oath etate tbat'w& bave ~ mal:S,iui4< all the traveled blghW83'11 In tbla town and find that the total D1Ueelte¢travelad hli)1~1 aecordbia tO "'8e 19, V.S.A. Sec• .U,,111~· · 18111, Act No. 211, 1111t Including pent roads and t:raila, Jn this ~\ fo~ the rear endlllt flilbnw'J 10, !~· II ae foll~#: · · ·;:)2'.

ll!JLEAGE IN TOWN MILEAGE IN VILl.AGI !OuWde of village& (Incorporated for hlghwaya) Incorporated for highways)

Town State Aid state Town Stat.e Aid ffighways Blghways Hlghwan Highways Highways PREVIOUS MILEAGE OS shown March 15, 111118 32. '3 HIGHWAYS ADDED Since March 16, 11168, ae­ eordlng to statut&. Explaln under paragraph l below.

HIGHWAYS SWTRACTED Since MAl'Ch 1&,::19Q8. Those becoming untra.velei!, dlaoon· tlnued, legal trail!! or Jient O.Jt roads. ~ under para. graphs 2 and 8 below. TOTAL TRAVELED HIGHWAYS Feb. 10, 1009.

2. we hereby certify I.hat the following highways bave been dl&eontlnued, or changed to trails or pent road/I acoordlng to statute, since Man:h 16, 1968, as suh&tantlsted by thi> attached copy of tbe proceeding&:

...... :.~ .... ~ ...

3. we hereby certify tbat the following roads have become untraveled alnl!e Man:h 1&, 1968:

Before Ille,

Id 1\11 out following ond l'llJIU Diie white IU1d ·· rc~l) z\·:,_ ...:~ ...... c ~ ...... : &·zt ;~: ... ;,;;,.;.,; hereby c './ that th~ toregolng ls a t~'cojy' 11f~rd ot ur~: rolatlng to hlgliway mlleil§e, llled iiid re00til'ed-.1t.tblt. . . ' AtW·:::' ILD. SOtA-1200 11-611 Rw. liiell ';._·, I,•

• !..,:1,>. -<';;i(·:- ~:·:.Jt -:.)":..' ;-,t· ," -(:if·~~~-:· -H \ .. ~-.:: ;r,/ -(;.. q·..,,:,.!.'~.._~_,,:~- t.-. :.: ·, ; - i_ .-1 \ ;~ .:._';-_ ;?=~~/--~~," ,_.:-.~~ ,,.~ ;~"!•!.i ["....·':-~'!~ fr:~'!,:--~~.-~ ~_.._,...,:-. -~ l:;.··~· STA:t:E .. OF-.~"'M.ON1' '. ··~-· ·•·<-••··--.. 1.,."""~"":' .... -- ·\c£.fPA~TMtm3' OF HIGHWAYS '•.:;,•{ l · '•' . Mo'NTPELIER , ;. ,. l i· . '0'5602 i

- '.•; '!1• ,_,. • •.... ~:' ~l 1;._ ~- Ji.,,,.r4' of. Sttlo.c~ ToWA of· hrdehoH Wa'tifftw>ro, ·-ve~t 05!55 . :·.

·:1.. -.. ·

I: i' l · i Wti'hov~ .eUter•.t~ie .~angs.-012. th~ imclesfDd 1%9 Higbwa)~ Mil11as,e. ..­ O!t"ti fiOiHee .sfi.U \lli_U ~'PIL'@dSt$: ~'t' int~~ a~y ~t~er- -ch~ngH itt~-fiewa .. higmmy mi leag.ft proo~~e~-4 tn eH:eotdt.\uee vlth ·the. statut.\1fi. du1.'fag tbt'' P&st · J88n'·


a. J. Nicholls lf..sh~1 ~l~untn3 ltngineer

~M/JU/dl t:ne.

i,:1 1'!':Jj)'"'. • ; " • - ~. f.

D~iore 111u, CERTIF-ICAT:E FOR VIAR ENDINft:FJBRUARY 10, 1968 Fill out in triplicate and ftle with your Town Clerk -

MILEAGE IN TOWN l\ULl!:AGJ!; IN VILLAGE !Outlllde II!' vlllllees (Incorporated f&r highways) Incorporated for highways)

WARDSBORO Town State Aid State Highways Hlghweys Highways PREVIOUS MILEAGB as shown March lli, l!lll7 32.20 6.450 7.373 HIGHWAYS ADDED Since March 15, 1967, ac­ C()rdlng to statute. Explain · 1.3 .::u :osfk, under parall!'aph 1 below. SUIM.'O'l'AL HIGHWAYS SUBTRACTED Since March 15, 1967, Those becoming lllltraveled, discon· tlnued, legal trails or pent roads. Explain under para· graphs 2 end 3 below. TOTAL TRAVELED HIGHWAYS Feb. 10, 1968. 1. We hereby certify that the following bighwaya, u substantiated by the attached "selectmen's Cedlllca~ of :c~etton'*, "" -""'[ 1?!fi .#:!f .fi:d}?;Z/:£1],;~7fhi1%.-~ =,~!~::. • • • < •• • -ft:. < • • • • • • ..... < .. • • ..... ••••• • ...... • ;:...... ~

2. We hereby certify that the following highways hnve been discontinued, or changed to trails or pent roads aiioordlng ~ since Marcil 15, 1067, ns substantiated by the attached copy of the proceedings:

••' ''"'''''' ., ..... , .. ,,,,,. • ""'«•••••••>••'-•<>•••••••••'""'' ,.,.,, .... ,.,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,.. Ho<•••••• ...... ,~ ..... ,,,,:,;:••·+•~\;~~~~· .. ··-~···H

3. We hereby certify that the following reads have become untraveled since ll!arch 1', 1116'1:

. • • 't ~"'- • • •••••••••• ., ...... ' ...... ' ••••• ,., ...... ,. ' .... ". o+• ...... :··~· .. :~· ....• .,,-.;~l-:•~·~;;•. ;-:~;l

' •• ' "'' '< '"'''''*''" >U->>~••>" <••''''"+OOH">• '~f' .. '>>>• ••»hOO~<"•*~••+<>'H+>••·~·· .. ;~, 0 •• ;.,.~·--··-·-"•


BcfOl'il Die,

(Town Clerk should fill out following and mnll one whit&

v:on~ o~ 7JJZ.Ma 1~ ...J~~;"'.''.·:r, heteby c!!I'tlfy 1h11t the fo o!ng ls 11 tl'Ue copy of l'eeo rol11tln11 to blgh\1111.Y mllooge, filed lllld recorded nt thl•·

H.D. 301-400 11-67 Rev. 1~ OF'l"ICE Oft 'l"HE COMMISSIONER

STATE 6¥i'Ji£AMo~T··· ~·. ,, DEP!-\.~T~ENT .. Qf J.fl.~HW~ YJ~"..

• h ·' • '' •. /, ·M9~~~i.1;~ft.:,; ......

Ol3~i2 b

B.o.a'r:d of Seleotium t<».na of Wardaboro Wardaborop Vermont 05355 Attontiou of Cha1rllW:l

.L , Geritlemens

With r&gard to t~lll!_l968 Bi91a:v.a1 ~l note th.at wo are incre!Wlllng State-·na:- '"' 1. ~: '· \11' tOlfll 'bf''O~

We havia ent11-r-4 tbb aage Gl\ tbtJ1 eulg14:.Cer.Ufioate &cl ~ld AppHdat• your ent.edug ay chans•• la' ,_..Dtamray mileaa• proceseed 1~ 4@cordance vith the Statutes during the peat yaar.

:~ ~ 't't a • .J. «t~koll•i Highway Pl.acning Bnaiueer ~-~n.·~29};~,,~:,'~~,~:c~~*i;.~~~~~t',

- ~ ' ·,~.~~i.,;:.- '~'.7

.•.·.·.· ...... ··., ••l!..,·.'.·.·:·:···.,·'·.···: _) >ot. 4ND. OPE;NING ~ERT·'·:o·····F·;fF:·,:.. .., -" ·· ~·· ~ititfuL:Icr~TitAWLop~iil:rioli . ' . '·.·- -.: _, ;-,'.<>h-r : ••,:_\;-·-:.

· Be~erley ~.- liescoc·k. ;r~ Ol~rk Jr the Town .ot Wa.rdsboJ"o, VerJl!.Qnt . · .. · Pursuant•·· to ·.tlttr·.J.;~ ·. v.s .A., ~Gi;fQn;·l~, •. :&s .am~ri~,4, ;.~~.f. ~~.; .· to certify' .that the i'ol:Lowing. descj,-i'b,~ se~'tf.;~,,():t .~S~W~:Y. 1.:J.li,;tJi'" .. ,. Town of Wardsboro, Route Numbe'.f #lO, was COMPLE'l'U AND.OFEN l\"QR. TRA.VF..J.,, on F•bl"l.lary 9, 1968. " · · ·· ·. . .·.. · .. ·. ' . . "\;: Description ot Right-ot-W'ay: Beg;l:lning 8.:t the bro9J.c.Aftdt e.ri~~~at

me~~J\~re~tJ!;.~htvU lllilibor lQ...... :.l:;hence -t.,i.,U:~ns .~,i~ £•••"- .~ '« n • • •• • " sliela~- ceiifF''lieleis...... : .. ·...... ·.. ·. ,.~..,···· . . . . ; :-_: ..:.£;:~~;';,:;,.,.; This highway known as the ~heldon Road.: .. ~-.··:'-".":t.:'.;~

and as shown on :1 Highway Map as an untraveled road of' the Toi-JJj(;'.~;: of Wardsboro dated 196.5, and .filr.td in Book 7 on Page 90 ot the lt9c~fds ··· ot the Town of Wardsboro by the Town Clerk of said Town o! W~~'bo·()·' ·. . incorporated herein by reference and attested to on sa.id•p l;>y·sa:i,d Town Clerk. · ··· ····

Dated a.t Wardsboro, County 0£ Windham, and State of Vermont. 9th day o.f February, A..D. 1968.

Wardsboro, Vermont February 9th, 1968 The above is a true copy of' description ot section of highway COMPLETED AND OPENED l!'OR PUBLIC TRA. VEL, recorded in Book 7 9n P~ge 90 .... of Town Records o.f the Town 0£ Wardsboro on the 9th day of Feb~ry,. 19 .·. at 9:JO o'clock P.M. ~·· . ""~, ~···· .. · Attest: ~ Town Oler ot Warc;tsboro, Ver on~ ~-.


Beverl"Y L. Heacock, Town Cl•rk of_ tl)~. '1'9~ Of Jfardsboro, Vermont

Pursuant to Title 19 \l'.S.A., Sectio~ l.5; .~s amended, thia is to certify that the following cleecribed · 8eotiorr 6:.f';'fiighway in the. Town of Wardsboro, Route Number , was COMPLETED AND OPEN FOR PUBLic TRAVEL, on February- 9th, 1968

Descriptian_tif Right-or~wa-y:.;__Begi.nning .ori:' th,e Ea.~.s.,~-~~~,,.,,,...-~~"""1"-­ Town Road #6 thence N 49° JS' E a distance of 412 i'eet; thencei S 64° ·. JO' E a distance of 19.5 feet; thence N 26° .55' E a distance ot 690 feat. · .

and as shown on a Highway !llap titled "French AcrM", and filed in the Town of Wardsboro, dated July 1962 and .filed in Book ? on Pag• 90 of the records of the Town of Wardsboro by the Town Clerk of said Town of Wardsboro, incorporated herein by reference and attest to on said map by said '£01·m Clerk. :~-:~:~' Dated at Wardsboro, County of Windham, and stat• of Vermont, ~is '.;IL 9th d:i.y of February A.D. 1968. ~,g:~,;~~; . './~~~~1~:

Wardsboro, Vermont February 9, 1968 The above is a true copy of description of section of highway, COMPLETED AND CPE.~D FOR PUBLIC TRA.VEL, recorded in Book 7 on Page 90 of Town Records of the Town of Wardsboro on the 9th day of February 1968, at 9;)0 o'clock P.M. ~ Jlllf'AI. ~ Attest: ~~ Town Cle of Wardsboro, Vermont HIGHWAY DEPARTr~T


: . .. - .. FROM: •• .J. •t.Glaolb, lf.ablJ fl..... ,Jqi ... , DATE: hpt.... •• 1967 SUBJECT: lute .At.4 lal•etioa Cert:ltteate • tow. of W•rd•Nlo

A tnograpbical error •• M4• ta p..,.d., .t.M aw State At• Ml~~~::;~;;' C.l'ttficaCH for tile Ton of WH'dlboro. 1119 l-.dt of IA lo. Z U.0.14 ltti:' .. ··. '{ 5.tso ldl••· not 6.uo ld.l••·

•luH ad.Yi•• the toe to •ke the aece1u17 cornctioa •• w11 •• cornecta1 your aw nconta.

IJll/JIB/aa cc: Central 'iles ..:...... _.. ··::;.···

s No. 2". .l..~.!~Q ...... miles.

Beginning at SA 1 11! ... ~~J.!°~~ ...!~~~~~~~ ...... _,...... _.... .

extending (Give direction).

ending at .. the Newfane Town Line

No. 3 ...... miles.

Beginning at

extending (Give direction). ...

ending at.

No.4 ..... miles.

Beginning at...... - ...... ,_, ...... - ......

extending (Give direction) ...... -......

ending at

miles. No. 5 .. .~ ..•. k'; .

Beginning at

extending (Give direction)

ending at ..

?to. 6 ..... miles.

Beglnnl.ng at ending

No, 9 ... - ...... miles.

Beginning at.

ending at

No. 10 . miles.

Beginning at

!!>..'tending (Give direction) ..

ending at

No. 11 miles.

Beginning at.

ell.tending (Give direction)

endlng at

We have this. day of

selection which is to supersede and replace any and all selections made prior to this time.

Approved: J(9.(l::tt~·· 19~7


FROM: "'R. J. Nichol~s J Highway Pl~nn1LP,&.;~1,.1${S.~~~r _.!2 ~ ~rt>'JL : < ' by: G. H•: Mar.ti~··· Speci~~.·Assigmu nts B.ng·iA~--~<~,~·:t::ii'i.' PATE: August,:30, 1967 . . ··' . ,

suaJECT: wardsboro State Aid Selection ·ce'rti'licates

Attached for your signature you will find ~ew state aid selection for· the Town of Wardsboro~ << These are necessary to correct a 0.05 mile error in the length of SA l previous certificate.·

RJN /G'f!ll./na 1 Attach. r ~ (f.\ I OK 6 tr/J ~

H0•296 25M 4•66 - HIGHWAYS Feb; 10, 1967 l. We hereby certify that the following new highways, as sublltantlated by the attached "Selectmen's Certl.fleate· of .Coinplettm•. have been added since March 15, 1966:

...... ,...... u ...... u ......

2. We hereby certify tbat the following highways have been discontinued. or changed to trails or pent roads according to statute, since March 15, 1966, as substantiated by the attached copy of the proceedings:

3. We hereby certify that the following roads have become untraveled since March 15, 1968:

•••, •••. ••»••••<>•H•'""'"'•·• • ••••••• • •• •••• P• •• ••• • · "'" · ••·•••• ••• ••·~••••"••' · ''''""'"' •· •»•••<> •••·•"'''"""""'''"" "''""""''''"""'"'"'''""'"'"''"'"••••••••"'''"''"'"" ,.,.,..,.,,.,,,.,,., ...u .. ,.,,.,,., .•• n.,•••,.••U••~h•••"•••••.,••••U•• ••••>>•+>•••> .. ><>>•>'•>••>••••'"' •••••+• < '''"°'""'"'''"' '''""•-'<•••••"••"''"''"'••>•••>»,.><•<•H••••••••"'"''"'"'"""'•••OO•"'"''<"""'""''•>•••o•H...... ,z .... ,...... <>••'T>>'"'''"<>o+<>>+•• .. •.C...... in the county ot .... ~~:-:zt·t:ut.-')t;:·~· ...... 11 ...... f.be ...... t:f !Z..... day of./ ...... 1

. . . would you pleaH forward· the attached Hleetton certlflcata to tbe ael,ctmu . Wardsboro.

l have also enclosed a copy for your fll•s•

UN/Cltl/gs Attach/

HD•2!18 2!5M 4·66 HIGHWAYS Feb, 10, 1967 T I l. We hereby certify that the i'ollowlng new highways, as substantiated by the attached "Sel~tmen's Certificate of .~pletlon", have been added since March 15, 1966: . "'

•••••••• ,, •• , •••••••• , •• , ...... h ...... £ ••••••••• ~ ...... to••········ ·'

2. We hereby certify that the following highways have been discontinued, or changed to trails or pent roads according to statute, since Mareh 15, 11166, as substantiated by the attached copy of the proceedings:

,,...... , ...... ,.,,,,..,,,,,.., .... ,,.,,,,.,,,..,, .. , .• ., ... ,, •... ,,.,..,,, ,.,,..,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,._.. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,.,,.,,,.,.,, .• ,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,.,,,.,.,,.,,,,.,,,,,,.,,u,. •• ,.,,,,,",.'"''"''""''''""'''''''''''''u•••.,•••H••,.••nh••••• .. ••••• 3. We hereby certify that the following roads have become untraveled since March 15, 11166:

"''''''''"''•'••••o<•••<•»O••••>>•••H'''''"''''' ••••• •»•><•o•><•'"••O>•>•"'''>•<>•+o•••>"''''''>0>•><0 .... , .. ,,,,,,,,,,.,,,, .... , ...... ~ ...... ,

•••••<••••"''''''''''''''''''*'''''''"''*''''''' •••••••••••••••,.,.u••••••'<"''"''"'''*''""""'''"'"'""''''"''"""""••••>•oO•*'"'''''""''''"'"•''"'''''"''''"''"'''"'''""'"'"''''"''"''"'''"'''"''"""'''"H*•••••••••"'~•••H•"""'' ., ...... ,,,,,,,,.,.,.,.,,.,,,,, .., •• , .. ,,,. .... , •••·•••••••'''"'"'""''''"'''''''"'''''''"''''''''•••••"''''"'''"''''''''""""''''""'"""'"'''"'"'""'''""'"""'u••••••"•*'••"'"'"'"''•"••••>••••"'"'"''u••••••"'''H•"'~'••••"••...... z ...... ,.... U.. ... ~.J.~U:.. .. {~ ...... ~ ...... SELECTMEN: rJ~~::~~{4...... '1'·~* .. ~1f.:~: ...... ' .I J .I ...fi,J~1Xl.l!l:-::t~ .. £.: .... L.~~.¢.;.... ~...... At l{...~A.M.':fftu>- ...... In the county of .... ~d&.!.i::J.J..A./Ul.4:14::,; ...... , ...... "jf...... the . . .t.f. ~... ~Y ~r 1~...... 'Meiv...... , 1967 personally appeared ~!.'U:".'~ /(/, ... /f!l~~,.., ...... )V-t!,tdi.['<. ... :2ruac ...... "' ... .&v.~.'ri:t.. .. IZ~(.. .. C:~ .... ~-:i.1:1~ ...... 1 Selei!tmen of ...... -:f..4:~...... and made oath to the truth of the foregoing aftldavit by them subllerlbed .

...... '" ~~-~k.:4····rni~,,...... " ... -2:2:::2:kt:z~~~'-lllfiliil..... __ i (l~~~.~r:;J'" ,. . ; " - :_-_ .. : .. ,, .... ,·::.;!{-~ ... ;.~<--:\~;s,~r:,--?~·- ;~ .-.. ~- :;; ___ ~\ POR?'f.~,.,~~~~ F.E.IRUA•v·1of 1967 Fill out In t;riplic:~tc; an¢ file with your To\Vn cieJ~~~Or· ~ ,Fe.b~...; ~o. 19fl7 at*Mctions of V•nnont $ta~\;ti~i~'0n\·•veff. ~Ide of thl1 shMt) w.,, the s61.ec~.or the town ot ...... 'ii;;''.;'''·"'"*·'( ...... ,., ...... , w ~ .iate fll.at we 11.&l't ~· all tl,\e traveled. lllihWU. In thlll town and l!nd .f:bat. · .. . .•~il!lj! Of ~v~ ~ ~· ~ Tttl.ii,19;~v.S aJl!Bllded. 19'11, . Act No.. 311, not lncludlnc ~f ~~ ,~ H. "'1:·~·tow!if~ ~.~ ~ ,~·10, li97• Iii MiLBA,~ m:'f'Awt;i ' ': ,,• '···~~IN VILLAolli IOUbrlde ol ~- · (f!l~Uid fill' hlahwa)IS) Incorporated tor liiah~)·

~BOBO .. state Aid Blghwaya PtllVIOUS MILIAGE u all.own Huch 111, lllllG 32.20/ 6.450 / HIGHWAYS ADDl!D Since llfarch 15, tlMis, 80< eonllng to A&tute. Expl&ln wuler panigniph 1 ~ow.• SU&TOTAL HIGHWAYS SUISTll.ACTED Since March li,0 i9!1& •. Those becoming untra~ dlscon· tinued, l11P1 ~· or J,,mt roads. Explain: ·!Wter para. graphs 2 aml lUiei(,w. ·,-

TOTAL T!'AVE~ID "- HIGHWAYS ~j 10, 1867

L We h-by CerUty that the following new hlgbway11, 'as sulx!t1111.Uated 111 the aU.Ohqd "-tztten'if: Certlfielltlt' o( ~Plet!oo.", bave beeG added 8We llfarcb 15, 11166: · .. · • ~ .• ", .·' ·, ~ .:: :~ - :·_ : _ ~=:::::: ::= :=~~::::::::::;:::: ~~i:~:~Iiili t~· -·

....•. ., ...... ,...... h...... h••><:1·~·"'""-·:-• ... .. 2, We hereby certify that the following hlahw~ hav& been dlse011tmued, or chaqe;i to b'alla or IM!!lt ~ ~ ~ '.iatute, since March 15, 1986, as 1111belutlated by the al.l:ached copy ol Ille proceedJQp: • ·· ' · · · · · · · · ...... ,, ...... ,......

•'"'''''''''""'"''''''''''''«••o»•••••••H•+"""""'' ••••••••••••••• • ,,.,,,,,,,.,,, ''"'"''''''""'*"""'"''"''''''•''"""*'"""'h"'"l'"'"'~'H"''''''''' .. '"~'~''"''"•'•••»•+•«••"•'•'·•"•

••><•••+>•••••>>•••••••><••••o•<"'"'"'"'"'''"''"*"'''""'•••"*"'"'''"'""''''°'"'''««••H•••••""''""'''"'*>•>>>O•!>"''""''"'''"'''*""••l..... HO ..Ol"'"'"'''H"'."!"'!';·;; RUSSE:LL A. HOLDEN COMMISSIONER 01'1' HIGHWAYS

1 ·' ,l..: , i'-l;.::P.;;0!5602. !; .. "', ,l!l', I- ,:'<•·,;'<-, ·' ~"~ff~r::~~-Planntn.8 Di.vision

ff'~)\\•1; ''. ·''''"' \t t ~ {'.gb-..n:~ :. ~"

t . -. .·. . .~ ' ';'> --

~;: :.:; r,{:. ')~li:.\f~,,1·· ~•

Jlcj,, -O!e •!funD;' I· Dia trtct·'ilighway Engineer ··:e~a~~i~ti~t-o'. :vermont 05301 ' · · j ' • . ~ : r • ' · !"". l _<

In addition to the selection certificate for your fil••• we enclose the certificate fo~ the town record8. Very truly yours, R. J. Michollu ._\,·';;:er:-::,,,,,,:·,,"""; Uigb;miy: P.lanniogi,EttgiUliH/11!.:.H-«l~~'fi ii> ·'"""1~ .-~. r:c-·1 .";•P:·' r ~-- ~-:n. y~.p_-,.,~~<~

By: SydnEy Liff Adminintrative Assietant

RJN/SL/sa· Attach.

,.- ~·'I

·" ( -- '4.( We, the Selectmen Or the town of ....._ ··-····-J!~&W.bJ:i.r.o..... _. ____ .__ ., ___ ...... , on oath mate that we have <:al:11fi!Jl>' • all the. traveled highways In this town and find that the total mileage of traveled blghwa,ys according to Title 19, V.S. .I\. nml!l)ded 1961; Act No. 28, not Including peiit roads and trails, in this town for the year ending February 10, ljl66, .l;S ~""· ,

MILEAGE m TOWN MILEAGE IN Vl(lAGE (Outside of villages !Incorporated for highways) incol'i;iorat(!d toy highways)

WARDSBORO Town State Aid State Town State Aid State · Highways Highw&yii Hlgh\vays Hlghw~s lilghwaya High Ways· l'UVlOUS MllJ!AGI as shown March 15, 1965 ll.38 14.080 HIGHWAYS AllDID 0.82 .. Since March 15, 1965, ac­ 7.-373 cording to statute. Explain under paragraph 1 below. -· SUB-TOTAL HIGHWAYS SUITIACTED 7.63 Since March 15, 1965. ThO!le becoming untraveled, discon­ tinued, legal trails or pent roads. Explain under para­ graphs 2 arid 3 below. TOTAi. TRAVEi.ii> HIGHWAYS Feb. 10, 1966 3 .:2,;2. 0 I #e. t./SD 7. .J7 3

1. We hereby certify that the following new highways, as substantiated by the attached "Selectmen'a Ce:rtiflcal:e Ci!f·P~IJlil!letP>il'.', have been added since March 15, 1965: · · ·

2. We hereby certify that the following highways have been dll!eontlnued, or changed to trails or pent roads according since March 15, 1965, as substantiated by the attached copy of the proceedings:

a. We hereby certify that the following road& have become untraveled !lince March 15, 1005:

(Town Clerk should Jlll out following and mllil one white Verr;,o~t":.~~f~·""··-·--·~··:'"'~··'~::• hereby ccrtUy that the foregoing ls a true copy of ~corjl.;9f: relating to highway mileage, filed and retarded at i!ils ;6!11.~ . '; c.:-..::,' (__~

H.D. 301:-400-9·1"15 Rev. 1966 ·. ' . .·~· ... ·.tsGHWAY DEPARTMEMT '{·~~ • . ' : o' <'·' ' ': ~;:··J~:r:;: TO: t. s. Pelau:~··.oiitrlgt/'lJ~jJ~;;~i~ifaii,:::'~·· FROM: R. J. Nicholls, Htgbway Pl•nMna ·sn.&fn••.r · , , 'YJy:-;·~;Sydnet· tsri; Ad111ini.atl'.atlve AaiJ.•t•ljJ " , . , . . ~. ·.,,:.~r~ DATE:


Attacll9<1 hnell1th are ••l•ctlon cert.lftcate• for the Town of St~•tt6tt~ reflecting the «•letton of. SA 12 from state aid hi&hways • . , .,...... ,.

RJN/S~/mja Attach.

HD-296 40M 6·65

We would recommend that we accept the right-of-way from Wardsboro' as well as the other towns on Route 100.

RHA/lp cc: E. B. Bly

r • '

H0-296A 20M 6·6' --· 1"3\C-} - "... .' _:.··-)"'.; ~-·~------~~-~------· --~ -~~~~-~'.

.· . 'tllGHWAY DEPARTMENT r-... . TO: \>mmiJsioner Rus$eU Ao. Hotden vti cfitef'i~~i~~er, Bishop

FROM~. H. Arp.old, Assistant Obid·!ngtneer fl.\~\...\ DATE: January 20., 1966 \l.t SUBJECT: Transfer of State Aid ·u.18hwaj8 ~o Town Highways in Town of Wardsboro, as well as other towns on Route 100 Reference is made to. your 1"1110r,11dl,lm.of January 7, 1966~ .~i~~~ating further information on the encroachm~Jl,~s on the right•of:..way in 'the "ro~~of Wardsboro, as well as other towns in simil.ar ci~·tances·., ·· .· ·

I discussed this with MeSBra. Bly and .Pe~k, 1ahd bi turn ~lscus.s.a.cl this with you b;rtefly after a Board meeting •. Mr. Pe.ck stated he d:i.ct nc:>t~feH it was illegal to take the right .. of.. way with encroachments upon it, but wanted us to be aware of the fact: that we could insist that the right•of-WIJ1 b~ ·clear :;7 of any encroachments. We w-ould still recommend that we accept' the Hght•of•waj'·i q ' with any encroachments, as petitioned by the town.

It would appear to us that if we follow strictly the statute .it ~~.ld''-. be practically impossible to take on any of these State Aid htShways unless we >.''.' narrowed up the risht .. of-way to something leae than three rods, which we feel :1,,· we should not dot and also believe we have similar circumstances on the State highways whereby there are encroachments in the highway riaht•of-way which we cannot clear without reimbursement to the property owner.

We would recommend that we accept the right-of-way from Wardsboro, as well as the other towns on Route 100.

RHA/lp cc: E. B, Bly \

.~·---·-, "~. '-,;;t._J._A,

HD-29M 20M 6·6' TO: Hon. .IUJllt.11 4,.. HQl\i!!rt, ·· . .. FROMs Louis p .-· ;~~~' :;~ty Attorney~ General / ..

DATE: · , .Ja~~y 18, 1966' 7~i.'\ '""v:l'! '' SUBJECT: Transfer of s~"'~~.id tI,ighways to state Highways in 'tl\e · Town of 'Wa'rdsboro ·· " .. , ~·· -,"_- - ;·Tci:.z~;:A~::- -~.!~·._;;:{..< {.~-·,,_= _,. - ~~~::·~; .. ' l have your memo of J'~nuary ,7J!~$'.~r.· .. ,·~~~1l~"~, subjtlict. By ..-ay of written con:firmaitbn:1.fiti .. · rit~ of this matter, I feel my letter to Mr. Biy 'may e'Wh*t:n- terpreted. I did not intend to say or suggest that it· ta· as such ·for the State. to tra-iti'ter s'tate 1A\d :Qr. 'fown Highw Sta~ system simply because the.re may ·'6-,':"a' .s~.£.)i~~ •oJi-~,~

struction within the right-of~w~y.·' In>iny, 1.opl;1;\!oti; "'.trt~

The only thing I cautioned abo~t. is··~~i;:~~~ "~itJ:~~~tf1tr1 having such obstructions removed, and 1ig.;~~Y. ~~ta~cea for CQ~!"' pensatlng the owner will also fall·on;,_t~,,~tf~(· l:t J't:f · · my feeling that the State may propct:dy~J~is:t.~~!'iat 'the;,tti be cleared before accepting the road as a Sf8.te::1llighW1a.y, ,,9µ a decision for you or the Board to make as a matter of pol1

,_;.-' LPP/f

ce: R. H. Arnold !!. Beach Bly ~·· ~""i~~~ ~. '""""&<..~ ~


ending at L .... .J.J ... ; I;. Lmz l~· AA··~; .•y 1~7g::rµ,·1·;.:~ ~=~~""'I~""·· . t I ti \.9 · . i:uGHWAY DEPARTMENT :;-...... ,


PROM: DATE: Jn11.., '• t• f; If.!- - '5":1. L ./r .\'#;i~~ ...... j).... - ...... :,#1 -DEPARTMEfifi' OF mGH~S .. ·.. ;,~~ TRANbi\f;l'l'TAL SLIP; TO /". .. .··.. • ·····.··D· ~r :· '':;):.~Je 111ih11 I .... _ ..1111• ...... > : /) t ·. . ;~~~·/1 ...... FROM:. "'.~ .• '".. .· /l.r/ c:,t;: ·If .t 8ill•t&al .. '811., .. liiillt.· r· .··~ ~ li• ·. "'9 ,....,... - ta •H•M•r• . ~· ACTION D Note & File O Prepare Reply for My L..,...... * ..... Ilda .. :·~~~::_ Signature II& *9 .. - ...... ~-·. D Note & Return to Me ...... O Return with More D Take Appropriate Action ••IW•r.. ·=·.II - ....,. Details O Pei· Your Request 111 ...... el..,. O Not,e & See Me O Sign & Mail .-.. al•t all .. ,_ Hal• . , About This ...... a...... , .. O Sign & Return O Please Answer Ill• ... •• •u•• •• • •11111 O For Your Approval For Your Information O Per Our Conversation O Investigate & Report a ...... trlR • ant 11 •MtM COMMENTS:

HD 361 25M 3-65

··-· ...... ~------...... ,, ...... ,. ...

enrling at

. ._. ~"--..:·, ...... _.· --~ .. ·::'-'' :~·'''··~-,-~~='';i',"t:?:r~~,;r:!~;i!'.~~~~~,l~~~;~~!~,\~m: ·-+ ,,.~:. .. . . '"r..··.· .... ~ .· ... r-'\ .ICTIOM of"*-'~~ ·A;~>HIOHWiv~ .·-;,;f,;,~;~{f?!l:.r?, . . , . . , . ~-'·:: Of:· ...... ··:~.-;:,,;: . .a.own ...... -.. ...=::::: .... _.:..;w! .,...._....,,, ....~ /· ..

..'°"";' ~ -w ..... ,..., ... by TIU• 19, V.S.A., """'~' 1 & 13• •· , • ·~.i No. i ...... L:ll...... mnes. ·

Beginning at...... A.l ....tnlta .. 1.o.lln ...Mu ...... ~, ...... ~ ...... -·-···-~:~:~:·.-.·.~--~-~~-.·:-.:.'_'·.. :~.-.·~~-·;____ -_~.:_ ..·_-:'-._,·-.~-:_ •.__:_,·,.:·:_~:--~.·.'. __:··-·-·-,·:·.·,· extending (Give dlrection) ...... Ul&U~...... -...... ·· · .. ····· · :~\

'"··-··-····· .. -· ...... , •• ''''''"'"''"'••••••• ••Oo•oo>h0••••-•••0> ..•M• ... ••••.. ••"•o0•>"ri•"''''"'"'"'''''""'"''""''''''""''~""''"""'"''-" ...... ,,,,, .. , ...... - ...... ,,..... ,,,,,,...... _ ...... ~~.::\ •'

ending at ...... ft. ... .111. -~ ...... -~- .... ·~···- ... -...... "... _,;,,_,, ...... -_ ......

...... -...... ,_,_,._,,, ...... :...:·t·~:~ . ending aL...... ~-'-····~~---~ ... M.M. ·•';.1;.:~~

No. 3 ...... miles. \.;~~~t·_.·.· ~~ ••t..• Beginning at ...... ,_ ...... ~ ...... -...... •••• _...... _...... ;;, ...... ~;; .. :. ... .J...... *}'o~;,:,..:,,~i.41*-;d~f~~

extending (Give direction)...... ~······ ...... ""' ...... _____ ;_,..,,_ ..... _~:~~tt', ..... ,,,.. :·• ... ~~~~~.- ...... ~ ...... """"''"""'" ...... _...... ~ ...... :_...... 7:.:·

ending at

No. 4 ... miles.

Beginning at

extending (Give direction)

ending at

No. 5 miles.

Beginning nt


...... ;,l...... ,,.~: ...... ~ .. ~: .. .

enrllng at

No. 6 . miles.

Beginning at

r.xteml!ng (Give direction) . ;4,.v.. • .... _ ... ,.. ~ ...... ~. .- ..... ~ .. .,·~-~i?· ~ ...i. ·. ~ ·~ ~;: "":_: ·, ti!l~.. ~~~~~~~.~· .. t)£.df :~. ~V;?;~~.. -~ ~,~: ,.~~-~~n;.y(~-f·~ ~-!i!;.: .. :~~:,~1ut:d~ii.. .. __ .... _.~ ...... ~:;:_ ...... ~ .... ~.: .. ~:.~:.: ..·~~-: ..... :...... ~ ...... extending (Glved;~J'~;.. , . . · ·:·_,· ..• . ' · . . . "'"'1•~),...... _..-... ..; • .:~-•L..·tl-;,,;; ...... ,._; ...;...:_..;_,,,, ... ,-; .. -., .. ..,~~.- ...... :..... :...... :...... ·-...... ~ ... ~"''"•"''..;,""'-'

·.·' ·, ,i. ·. .... mllea.

Beglmung aL

No. 9 ...... miles,

Beginning at ......

extendJ.ng (Give dh'!!

ending at ......

No. 10 ...... miles.

Beginning at..

extending (Give direction)

ending at ..

No. 11 .. miles.

Beginning at

extending mive direction)......

ending at

We have tbls . .. day of.

Awrowtl: J!l!ll' ......

lol9 -":llGHWAY DEPARTMENT /~'), ~ TO: Conunissioner Russell A. Holden

FROM: Ro H. Arnold, Assistant Chief Engineer DATE: December 29, 1965

SUBJECT: Town of Wardsboro

Attached find copy nf letter from Attorney Peck in reply to Mr. Bly's le'j:~er of December""'-2, 1965. This letter confirms previous conversations between Mr.if:;,Peck and Mr. Bly. -;~' ·

We are aware that some obstructions do exist in the right-of-way such ~-it£ences and buildings, and believe you were also informed of this situation when we i&ked your approval to accept the certification of the right-of-way in Wardsboro. :;,\1~~: . . .· :jJ,iJf_'.?-' Similar conditions will exist in Towns of Stratton and Jamaica. Mr. BliY_falso informs me that these type of obstructions were present on other highways whtch we have taken onto the State System. - •··

~--~ .. RHA/lp cc: R. J. Nicholls Eu B. Bly

HD-296 40M 6-6~

i I i

'·,. ~WSSE!...L A. HOLDEN ·) ,~ COMM!!>.~IONli:R OF NIGMWA'l'6

t ·-o 1'9


TO: a. ... Ai'w>ld t .Usbhnt Gated! ID&iUITf'

FROM: 1 .. J .. liteh.0111, Bf.~ Hanf.q lqla.Mr

DATE: Daee&lllibor 27, 1965

. ::··· 'ftd.a 13 to tnfom yoo tt-.at the uee11Hq pqer11 ad lllP• baft Ha f ...... to ll. O. Humi1 8 Metrlct llqtuer, a of todaf to add VT 100 tu 1fudper4f·~· ltiP,w1e. · l'i':

fhe ~nrwal of tld.11 action •• taba by the Riahmy lo.In at tUtr lllilliia December 13, 196S.. · i~

'ihil 10 prior to fol'lfSil approval bJ AttOJ:UJ fleek5 hO'lfflNK 11 a• & nlUJ.t •f the Comis1tiOM1t"•a appt.'O'M1 cf a letter fna Buch Bly to Actornq Nck f.illcatiq that he folt tao tmm h.M -..de u11ubetaattal cGllflllmc•" vttb urtlfJ'D.& $~ft.pt• of<>Wf • it •• dete'l:lildad that tho BHn'• ectioa lilbwlcl be cCl!lllfU.H '4d.th · ": intndi.ataly. 1.be fU.iug of the mp by the tow. will oipUy tile trnefor lo lept. r,:~~,.,,,,,.~,"'~·~~~~~~••• .,, .) I"' RUSSE!..L A. HOL.OEN

COMMl\;!;S~ONEFt Of' HIGHWAYG \~i9 r;;,., A- -· s, u'

HVGHWAV DEPA~ F-.~ !""~ .. OFFICE MEMORANDUM I TO: ~••lour IYHoll A,, ftt..14ea R i[l~~ N" FROM: a. a. Aft.01~111 .AiH11otamt Gide! • .,,,.,...,.. tw

DATE: t.lffeUer 27 1 le&S

SUIBJECT: AoHoa cm htttton for lcilecttn a1 Stat• Aid b•t• 100 !• Wa.U••

M a N8\iU @f th paUtloa fl'Oll Che TWD of VH'Ubon .. cutf.fU.lieD •f the daht.. ftoWalf., •haw to&av 11eac co th• Town cten lhc M&CtHHF ..,.:._. e4u•tU'icatu hr ~a'kio1 Q~ht tM Stet• IU&f:wa1 SJ'•tM tile ,oraton ef B&Mate lll la t!M 'llcwft. of WardafM>n, ..

,'hie voe do':!l1't after conferrtlli wlcb ,~ offtee ~..,.ws•tlag .,,.. ._1 of thi111 actln, lo aplte of the claue wln wao Suludad ta cbe 1uve1 nptlt IWlt -~ ta Mr ... 111•a ..-rattt.bara of Dac•hr n, 1965 to a.ttoft\OJ' hek. U. Board 11.C?~ed on tlut tr:aufer of acute 100 ca Stale etatwa1 SJ•&:• at cu1r -..Ctq on Deco.her 13" conttcpnt on the ~lettou of dpt•of....,a7 fe4luira a.ala _, C6lt>tUieetion ..

1'1e .. H.1'5coeh.,. kl•uw.n ef TWIB of Ward111Mtro 1 called ae oa 'ftw.nd&J.1 ~C$Qttet:' 23 re.,.esUn& that at.:tton be tAluan ao that tht.1 eould tam tu road owl' to fl~ ae eoom H poHibltfl,, l tafo~ htro 1 wuld fcUov up an tlse utter ... ~Ufy Diatdct Enpooer *• 1t1oprdtaa thte utter. l calt.d Mr .. .._ coar 1.md lntorMd bll\ tbat tMi ••r& and ups wn betq &CQt to bin toda1. and n• iifi1$61ted that ho ruo thrail wttb t"- ton Clerk Aeeipt of ait111111 md that .. ~tU'y ~Ir. 'eiQt1~oek of o~t ~UQn.. Hr.. !1UM is prapa1red to t&ke tu ldaiat•J owr a&t that Ua'lo


l! ff 9o Sly "' L,, Po l'Kk '!t., J., Nidiolb it .. c. a1t10 ', ~: ~l\~ l ~ \.9 ' :,,r- '..f;i.,;t' \~ JOHN ·P, C:ONNARN

A'nOlllflltY Gl!!!>Ul:'IAI.

'.:.}~ .:,~ Sl'ATE OF VERMONT . !~ OP'l"IC:::IE OP' THlt A'l"fOltNEY CHINSfiAI. MONTPEL,IER %~~.~... ·· ~.r,·'A!·. OH02 ·-·,_ December 27, 1965 b t ; iw.· Mr. E. Beach Bly . -{!~f ';' l;,I~ Chief of Operations i-: r:.:;,. .. l~'f Highway Department !rt:. Montpelier, Vermont mw, :m:1 ~j Re: . ToliU of warqeb'*o . ''i ~;1 ~-,f Dear Beach:

have. yours of December relative to the JI,;~ -\.~ I 22 above, "-i~ and my review of the resurvey report of the Selectmen. r~ \~~ Please understand my review was only advisory, and pointed out a probable defect. If it does.not concern you, and if the lina is to be changed anyway at which time the store you mention will no longer be a problem, you are certainly free to proceed as you see fit.

It is my understanding however, that the Bureau in­ sists on the removal of obstructions from the right of way. Are you sure this is something that will not recoil against the State at considerable cost later. Merely identifying the right of way can mean little from the point of view of ultimate cost if it runs through various st~uctures or other obstructions. I do not feel either, that any provisions of No. 253 of the Acts of 1963, which relates solely to the Town of Montgomery can be used as a necessary indication of legislative intent in the case of Wardsboro. Department procedure from this point however, is a matter of policy. All I can do is point out the problem areas and state that in my opinion the State can insist on a clear right of way. Very truly yours,

<'i . i . ·' ,! ,y ...... , / .... / _,. -1 l I~ . "' l« _, ·~ r -- < ~- LOUIS P. PECK Asst. Atty. General (Highway) LPP/f . STATE OF VER,,,ONT DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS R.J. N. MONTPELIER. oaeo:z

December 22, 1965 Mr. Louis P. Peck Assistant Attorney General (Highway) Attorney General's Office Montpelier, Vermont 05602

Dear Mr. Pee: le

Mrs. Flood read your notes to me regarding the resurvey report filed by the Selectmen in the Town of Wardsboro. You mentioned that you did not like the clause whic:h reads as follows:

"The Selectmen also atated that the resurvey was made in connection with the taking over by.the State Highway Board of the highway as resurveyed, that the highway as resurveyed is the same as the highway as it now exists and that there is no present intention of undertaking highway construction within the bounds as resurveyed and that if such construction is undertaken in the future such rights as abutting property owners may have acquired to maintain fences and buildings or enclosed lands within the highway right of way as it existed and as now resurveyed will not be taken or interfered with without following the procedures and paying such compensation as may be required by law."

You further stated that you preferred the Town should clear the right of way of all obstructions before the State takes it over. It is my opinion that this puts the Town in an impossible situation as there is a store in the Village within the limits of the right of way. The cost to buy this store would be considerable; aleo. when the village bridge is relocated to eliminate two bad approach curves~ the line wil 1 be entirely changed.

Would it not be acceptable to accept the Town's best efforts in obtaining this resurvey? I think the Legislature hae shown their willingness to take roads into the sv1te System with obstructions in the right of way when they passed Act 1253 of 1963 which aaid that "Upon substantial compliance by the Town of Montgomery - • - • the State Highway Board shall take ovar such highway as part of the State Highways." Very truly yours,

&~E. Beach Bly Chief of Operations ~flB/ 1 b cc : Corn:nll.rn loner llo lden R. J, N!.cholls //,~

.~:-.,,.-·------~----- ...... ,,...... ,,__.~~~- ·~·--· .. -----~--···~·--~ .. ., .. .__,, ____ ~••,..,~,:' =,.,,,,.. .. , ...... ,__,.~ ..... ~.• ~.1'.'..-,·.~.: '•!~:.~:i-: - Rl!$$E1..!. A. HOi.DEN C0MM!$SiONi!:ri or- M!!>HW.i'\Ye ' ~ ;


DEPARTMt:;iNl'.; Qff. ~it{,~""r~ '.J,f. ;; t~9£1 05602 ni~vaj' ~ :~~~.J~·~~·r

. ,,,~~P,;ta~; . .$~11lt2 ht3bny c~rUficatctS mid UfG for: the 't~ ~f Wardaborot ~~flfl:cdcs 'th on cf~ port!~ of SA l ad 41111 of SA~ to &\tat• hipWJ•• Ab~ for JfAJ~ u.e. 81~ mQ~B for the tGlll1!f.l ~ecorda M'll* , ~o''\:ltff''~~a..*•.. i1tili\.a-. ,,;,·p ~: ·_..:·~_{, ;,i ';: _~; :.' f~ ~l.{°J-:f-~·:. t:r~ ttJ.! ~;;-~\: 1 l\lt~!_~ 't ", '• ;_: i :~Ji -'\ - ... ~~ _.~.r..r~~ ~?ti W~ ,;{i'iM~,,~fi- <:a:".c"" O:i~s~1:l•t•; ~{.~~.- ' :· :H.:_~ ... :~·y· µ_;f:/r"°"':J ~.'[~ \lei;· f~, t,-4;~} ~f~~ :i'rt:i:,t~:·.\:C>l.'!i;-,'\f1~ Y~f. V'~'

1 ,, .• " i!tllii1l'lt~ ~fil~ii(~tpiii'·h1~1i,fH!lw&*81t1att1ii!>itfo~J *• ,,_.,0e\. ft~~·> ... 'j'"'ttti' fdf'" ''t:l't~!'i .iitla--~6*1>1itk\d-li~-"'~~t- Y>tllY,:.. ~f-~t~~ ~ighltN.y ~e-g>tifi~~t~ i' to b~ ~~tu~ t~ tht# @ff1ee.

Wt: '~t~ &Yr.JU·"'· ~ii~id!~'+cftPleii @lt ~e•&~~~!::.fi«leet,t~!< Otti~tH.Mfff«"i :rafl@~t4,~.tt4.':1 c~~ns•. ~i:i ~ut:o .. ~i~ hipw1a. · 1 , -... ·--.-::-. '!:".,/~~~:;c :~ :;;.\41:t~ .:/: ~'··~_,";,:".~ ~ "{ ' £~"..\ ¥ 111:.:i \:-}~~·;..ilt~ ·~-;:~\Y~.·~·~;;i' • . · .~~ ~:·:·~},":. t ., ·.: ;, ~~: ~i;_ .::.· '~<:;~. 4 { . ,.,. -,- -~l· • ~,· .. v-;2_.; ::-:_,<~~~~ " ,';:;)_.~·· ~ ·~~~~1_ ...t;::i-;. ~~~'~.f, ~-'(~ '"'" .,,,,,., .. ~ '. ' ' ' ~·~·i/'':'oJi;~~'I:{~'s~- ' .. '.if"',.·" ~~· .7 ~.. ~, •.,. c~ ?·?..:'{_,/:>:;,·:· ,. ·i"·~·,·: r.""i!;J) ~\;;J:,~141·::\;t,,~ ·~>·_·.g;.;~- lt. J. iH..cho1b ru.sh•y ll'l.amiflS ttqtuur

m.mlei../tJW, i'\:l; r.a11::h~

\ ~ 'f . j_ /,,, H01.Dt::N ! fH.'~l~R OF HtGH\"VAYS ' " ''

' . "-..J -. ' ~ l 1 ;;. ; .• I '- /

-...... /t --·. ~ .... _~~· 1 t, , :S1-:o~'TE (J{e VE'.'RMONY P.F£'PJ'Wlif'.ME!NT'6Fl'

~i§l'r~f Pl~~ ~!vi~irm ' .. :__ ,.,._.._.

.::- . ·. ·~~ . ..,- -' ~~llii/~~jt t. ·Ml~MMk · ~\ii Clei'k *ttll:dt\h@"f~ 9 \f~~{t


,_·,: · .. \. . - . 1· ' '>;;:-1.'. &tt;;~h~ tl';'f &:!'..~ l'ti~l'~E' ~ ~~-i~ t~~ ,twe"8-11tri$_._f~)~- .~f: fil~ .. 31dl ...... ~y dl~~~~~ ~Iii~ $~ ·~t&~ f~ -~- ~'11 "t'-'1~t~'i51 gila g\~lt~«id t~ tht• 1':'f~~~~~ '·. ' •.' - ~'"21. -~· 1-,i \ .. :i!:.- ·::~--~ ~ tf'"·".

'.ttl?.!J .. t~~t~flf.I~ of ~U~fi(\l ~is ~~~~~"~;'~&~!fine t9~ v~~~ ::iecu."" 10..

• • • .'. • : ~, ,·:-- • - :· ·,. 1- '. •• ~ --~ _ :_ .. -i :1; . ·l~~;t!-L~":1. • --~~ -~~ ~tt(l-:~a·i;~ ~ !S:Ioo~ n ~M\ e.pp1'~~iat@ it if yg;u would t:;f.t'1.~lfit~ei 'e;ho ·~"~4~.:1.'@ clfi~.U.t ;fo~:.' ~~ wi.1.1 J~14\. l}~~!d~ b;\9 ~Uit Mittict FJ.~tJi~»·Jtv~tim~,,,-. ~~"·-'·-~~ · ~~-~11M1 h t@ ~~ i.'Wtrd.~~ ~.u yUilir fUes .. ~&it tit'irl1t· ~tlftl i:S f..;.~ ~~ a.i~~d(!3: @egil'tffr9 e ~.i.~ait:i:lli' 11 imd thii 66~ ~ .hi t-\' b~ :t'lil\\'.t3~"M-~ ft.r~ f.:hh ~ffi41it~ ..

it~ J. NiebtJU~ !i:l~\ffty P~ilil,$ ~~-~

~Tg S~-1.,u;f '"c''·--.· ·· ,Vhf}\n.ti!'tll'~t\:t~ A~~1ltit8.fit


To the S•l•ctaina & fOWft Clerk ,.....,.tTotm of Vardeboro

ln •c.conanH with Tltl• 191 98"1 Sectioa 10, tu Selscmoa •f the 'r_. of WH•dsboro lwY• petlti•.t "'9 Stat• H1allw1 INrd to ulce wer •• a et:at• · IU.pw:v the follow.las •tU•·•td h1.... 1• ta tlae ,_..,_ ef Wadaboroa Portico. of SA \ .. bqimd.aa at tile 1aternct1oa. of SA 3, ext-4ing northeaater11 S.35 1111•• ll'.IMf end1q at the Wazdeboro•Jdlll!lllc• TOll!l L1••• a totel di1tance of 5.35 ailH.

SA 3 - be&1•i&l& at tllte Strattoo·V.rdaDo'l'.'o 'fOlftl Lille, utw:Lng ilOrtluw:leterly 2.21 Id.le•, .-.I eading at laeaillniDI of SA 3. a total diataac• of 2 .. 21 ail••·

AM. •• provided by 'title 19 1 f8A1 S.Oti• 10, a •P alaovtq tla1e lalpwJ ua b•ea Hlei bJ t"8 State llillrtMJ' IMl!ll.

S' --itlGlllAY IQAID / · . · ULU£f C{_;?fµ-C:~i._ 111 c.-i••t.. r of ....._.,.

DAt. December 28, 1965 l:OO P.M...... m • beoriME Paa• wto., )?~---··= 9olUM llo. ___2_4 ______

u_.., .... ---1:!~~ _,_,. ,., , ,_l•oori• Gf cll• tom o(""" __wa_r_d_s_b_o_ro ______-· ·t RUSSELL. A, JiOl..Dll:N 1· ": COMMISSION!!!>'! or>' HIGtlWA'tS


.' '' Sl'ATE OF VERMONT - p~PAR>'EM~N1'1)·~~;,1HIGHWAYS' ·~'" MONTPl!L.IER 05602

../ f

" i ,,

.. : ':f'. ie~r IS, lfff ~. ~t: 1 --. :1, f\~i'A·i

,•.,.; ' . ~ -- ' , j 1 /1 , -- : ! . ; . ,· .

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io&:r4 ~t hlu:v.am tlarfi~t· ·'lenuoe· MS53' t'~· ~ ~ I '···t.' i ·\~-:: '. , ~··.-'1l•_q·~to ttP<~ ! ~~ ..~ ; , ~ P. ·~•· ' ' '~ .,_; l\rHH d

', • d r ~-.,, ~: ;~ 'P< .:.\~f•rl ,. wtab· nam to ·th• a'8t~ti~at'Witeap'bt.tte1t1cuita•~ u a ~e!fltt.lt of a Hd.d t:d.p ~ by ~I'" hrolcl haem, Bo1eetM'A11 .and ~. n~ il~y of th:l" offf.Ati, th• follntns ch•1u to thil tcnsi ••p ... , "'mu } : , \ifii;J;. a1F1t!i\1a· lll'tB ~ 6"6'~ ~ <> , · " : • , \ "' I! I ' '''"'ii " ,.· ''. ""' " < ;_' _ ''" ""' "', , .... " .. ,£.. "")" - , ... ~:. _,, ..., f'~' .J' ~; ~.;.~~ f --i lt;.~~ :r:'\\"'h. ':' ~\t_·"· !.i;...;·~-:, ;:•t-trfl.~L~-" ., ·'.)'. T~-~~:,10::·ut.rafthd pettiea op&n"·tc ~i:'aftl '''" """' "' 1 t

!; • "i I I' \ ~ j ll , ... ' -,1 ,, ·~ ~ i"'~U i). f \ O).d .~t~,·1'-·(bt!W1te~~ ,iott·~~ ~~~a~a~·i,. . ...- 1._ 1 , -•rHlrn~ , " Ill l),e&te~,.t"@•tt'on 1 UWC•.Y ~'•film .. 1 ,.- . , ,., , ..,., ,, .. ~.;,; ~km•>h•!; • ,_ • i· > - •, i '.J\., i' : J , • • ~. t t ~( ~ •• \ p ;"i 'n, i .,. r...,•f! ~~ l r ... • I • 1 , hz:- ~· C«WMkD*..."tl·, 1 t.hll• C$&atnfd.!lage of'O~si mite hu ~. 1 IS'lli:tl1!8' ~ t~'.1' •r.~~~~.H~Pf!J:~iitfue.,Ott:Uftoat;JO~ ...... ' . -.·,_~: f ·: '~;~'.;~·' ' , ,,, j. '.·,;:q \-.,-. \ ('1:"'1"i'~;;t1C<--~if ).i}ih !H.-._•f','(\'".: H~~·; ,_., ' ,. h. '"' ' · , ""iJ.u@. 69~ tef th• eitdf.t.ioa ef 1 .. 373 wUu of' M1\hvq eto St•~ Biahw~ 1 \'&~t. 100 bl f~'. t"' .;~1l,, •t!•~-~·J4~y tdl9'llllf.O WM' ,-~M '\y ·' l~'~" ., .t\3 etl••·

'A'be ""b@'ffl dtangcg hf.MB 1.1111i@ '-'u" ontend en tbtt il!gbwzt)' Hileap ' r~,~<.t;~,~~ct.~1.!(!\$J,,.. ,\ln '-''f ,l '• '•'. t.·'1'.lil:'~•"""""' t i:,·,, !•i>.1>"''' i,, I,;.,. ~ '1 -- • f -: ~ : , ',. ·.. ~ ~•• '; • , t ;t ··. J: f' '. ( ~ i t-t ~ \l; i'\ ! Y • ·f'.l . : :, 11 .~:,,,, ,, ,, ;, •• ,,, r o~ O:'iru1:~~nJ4''1lf1i'"~ '' ' ' '~·. ~' '. ',

1t .. J. ~itliwU~ ff.iatlllf31J7 il'lndag iqil*tr ;p~{ __ "i_ '( J-tY. l •J ?., ~, ; ~·. 1 t ~..... -0~~ h<_ .- ~.Yl!J/St/fla ~ti/•'' rna POtflfi Gf~:JClfl'.tiJ:!lCF. •Y-;rl 1i:9(i-·.,-.,·,;";.::ut o ;;j;;,""r an•1n U€!r:f'mh9t l., l 9i»5 • \I.hem

On thn 11rojnr:tA namcU'hdt ...... · y <"'~' · l. .:r1·~_t;J!•t:~~".'-~!1.1!.1::?!!•. ?.e.~t.J..l)n_~~t...!'~x-:~.t,u·,1:.:''"' ••:·~t. rt:-1 ..9.1 :-.'-.. .0). .

z. l!rl tr )."4~:".~~-n~t f.!'~~1•. 1'!'.c.1:! .o."..J»!Jt!'r.~JP._r~:!'."'!'~'~'F1. t'l:..;t_ .•'!l ::~ .(}.>_ ·rJ:!t J"'.'l~~J~# lnten:h1101~0) 'l'o re:lmhurne thtt co•trmlt"ut• ll•:r•rl•ml•Jotm•on, foi- ~o• la connftctlo" •lth r•tJ•dsnln1t Bradford ltaterclu.tn1\~• · · '·

Br•dlorrl-N,!11'1ur1 049ctton of llt1ttfortl .. ll"!l1.tl1ury ll.;l 91-2 (l) l'rojt•d lntecclumr\o) To reir11b\lr11e the co11A1.1ltrmt, tkF11rl"nd-John"on, for ln connrir.tion with r"''"dr.n of Wol h Ri Vllll' lnt.,,.rnbnnr."•

Noting the amount& involved in the. ehove three Rupplemental /\greeme#· feet that all had been approved by the Bureau of Public: Road11, the Htghw&': today concurred in the action taken in each Instance.

b) Approval of 1Mmll1li11tft tr•m•fP.l' to th" StAt• lllP,ht-1Ay !ly111tfl!Tll of tl1<1 :JPrt· hm of R()1' ioo· in th111 Tmrn of WnrtlrJboro, dnce lt lvu• C?01·•1•U11t•\ wlth l'i1ht-of-wt1y c•'rtifica~fi'n in •clv.once of the Town" of 8tr,.ttm1 end J111111de• •lut al'• In th• proc4!H Ot( ':~¥· C0tat1leting the l'ittht-of-va7 proctHUllnKll• ';'t.

AC'HON1 Highway Board 111,proved immediate transfer to the Stnte llighw:\y Syateitd~f section of 11.oute 100 located in the Town of Wardaboro wlt.h the undeut.And{'~"' aectior1R in the Towns of Stratton and Jamaica wl. l1 be transferred upon co' of their right-of-way requirements and certification. ·~~·. Draft fl'Olll At111ilitent AttorlM'ly f~en1lr1tl (lllutw11;1) L. r. Fed~ /lnl'rn·liu;~ Tl.tle 19 V.;~,~~•t Section J1 • tranHIQitted to Connb•ioner with P1P.1110l'1ut1h1111 dHte1l l\4'cc'n1ber 6 1 196J~ :-'~, ·.,• :.·· {·:>. /.C'J:IORs Draft of letter emending Title 19 V.R.A., Section 37 aatlafa~tory to 89~rd, -- written.

D•t•• to be Ht b1 Bo•rd per 19...0randu• of Decmiib•r z, 1965. Compensation lleartnge to be held .January 4, 1966 on two projects, Fn• West Haven S Ol59 (l) end Ira-West Rutland F 020•1 (5) Projects. at hour& to be announced.

J\CTlOlfl A) Chairman Marro set the date of Wednesday, December 29, 196!; fot . (>' Meeting, vlth the same to co11111ence at 10:00 A.M.

~.. ' '

·~----·------~~:;::- TO:~fe LI , . FROMf·'(S b'N \.-\ ftR:~Y£.~\",i;+ DATE{ ~E. c. . "L ;:{'\·g~~,'

suai&cl-: ~ . A . 'rA,\:~"~ bt:: ·· c. ,f~ t..')'b~'

\b \ 9

~t ~t\.\j \)'\'.'. ~' O:t'.L(~

.:.nc TO( FROM!


lw poU.etlla .... that "::; /.:.}. I lw· ~-·, .. ., /. 3 .._,, CG e~ ,,, "'· ,.. .,__ .. i· f£ :. ..$+;;~ff~ ~:; v~ ."' ·;.. •.t•t.for ••t.t 7 :..~: ·-· . ...,., ' -e y-/."l'.· .. /· ~~.i ...e. 6=. '..;. .-:!', _!Y (l' "'._/

/, ..) 0 L...,_' /~ !,


·,,,; ,:·

tOM 8·1111



SUBJECT: Mdf.ttClll of ft 100, few Of lfanUol'O, . to ltau IUPa:r n .. .::.:•.:':::.:i:',;!r~:.:tC'·fr'IJt F.t;:".It:i~ r~wU.:> ltnn..~wa_.-.o._.:.,....,..:,Oilp1e&e .. J.._., Wrup'm ciffltr" ri&ll&•of..._, to die liaTn•J' load. · · 'Ike "*" of WUdaHro It&• CtOlf"'~.. daitf.' d--~-or-., ·priatllelt.ap W. •:- _,, ... tnu.eitted to tide office ta Octolta'. ·...... ,. '!.k: n ,,

'l'h• 't«Mt of Stratton held daelr MeftVI oa llovtllDa lZ, lHS ad at t:U ad of t11e appeal pert.a, Dec•ar.. c12, 1165 t.f tlMlllJr .1n ao .,,..i., w .-W be a•ttln& a cop7 of tlulir proc... ba•• · ·, ···· ··

'ltle ,._ of .J1mtu ua HM4u,led a ua1·1q for n.caiber 11, 1165•·'• ·' :· . aaMtiM early la 1966 tMJ lllaouhl llaft t'betr ript•oi..,..~ proc... Ua• CtOlfl•tel•J ,.>. ' I wuld Uke to HODSllM dlat •lac• V.n1bol'o .... CCMflled 'Ida oil: ' ' . .• policiea tbat thia portion of vt 100 be •pprove4 .· fO~ &d4llUon •• Stat4 lffatiW,w:~~ - that tbe UCHHr)' ...,. - certtff.catu be fU.t •• .-•• pouDle.

I wutd also nc11 eat! tbat with tbe 'l'CMI• .el StractOI\ ailll .Jmtca·~;t ..c __ , wrl1 CG11Pleted in their procatd;lqe that ft 100 in· tb.eae twO t"'*'t lie ·~.-·· for addttlaa aa Stat• Klghwya uw, and that •P• and certtfleatee be ftled... .UJect t• ncel.pt of copf.•• of tMfi'l. procteclf.aa••

HD•ll9111A tOM a-ea

1 f:n ~; ~ . .' ...

TO: 1 • ...._, Llff1 Actiq AIW.alan•tlft A•1 t. FROM: a. 3. It.Ulla, llf.Pwa1 tl•...,aa lqt.uer DATE: OclGMr S1 190 SUBJECT: -:~.:~;}).. ~~~: . Au.a•• f.8 a ..., fro. a. aea• JllJ wlltala t• .....,, ..u__,i.a..,Y~.:.;i:~;t~-- · : ..~~f~•,= :;e::.:::.~' • •na1 ... uuaa •ta ""'* • ·· :,s~.i~.t~::·''". <--z-~~~:-·. tn.-.ltlJ uch tow llu data d&t.a • ft.le. ftit ia ta fir•t OM w ...... rtiael'ftd aad Hr. lly ts t'Hl•ndf.q chat we olttala tile_. &JP* e>f de.ta for tbe Te\1D1 of wU.mD1tcm1 ao.er, lteadebft• .ad sunnraa die nNMla . already added to tlte 1tate 11ac... . ,.\1~:~r-<=-- 11 we laeluded a aotti la 1111r proucllara to dM Dl1trict • ....,., &qi...li~t~( · tlaat tilt. data l• reqtalre4 1 ,.a11t.11 it cwld M f01'WU4kf vit._t Mkilla a ::;~~~ry' · •pedal n.taue•t fn •ll fu.tur• hQbar •.Wtttoua for u.apl•, tu T-. of f'f Stratton. and the 'J.'OWD of Jaaud.ca. <

Hr. 8171 1 reference to taf.crofU•ia\S ie tld.•, ·U va have our ffPJ' af.cro• ftlud whn we recotw tt1 a ctrn of tn •lcrofUa le pnael'Wl4 la a .flr•p'*'f etor•a• piece tn lublic leQord• and w11l btD awallable forever. Pleame work tl:ds into the pncedure and Mb a •tt-.pUD obtain coptea of ubat we are lacking on pre¥tou• addition• by wr1tiag 4tractl~ to the Tewll Clarice.

Abo, wUl you cheek ~o •H 1f th• ortataal Dover petition iaeluded die project now UIU!er eoa.etructiitn or will they need an additional petitiOR to add this an ..


HD·296/\ 20M 6·65

l F.:1c ! • ------c--·-- ~ -~ .·,· !; J.J ~I ,\ r r

-·----- ,,, ____ ----·-'·----~ ·; __ :

' ' ( ' ,I ·1 !, ! Dear Mr. Krist~nsen,: You~ letter of September 21, inclli.dtn_g ·the resurvey in the Town of Wardsboro, has been receiyed: Please accept my thanks for your. fet:te'l"'a.nd my •co1inpJU,:il1!i!ti[t-$'-~-'.: on what appears to be an excellent Tesurlfey -report. · · very truly youi:s. ~-- E. Beach Bly Chief of Operations

EBB/lb cc: G. A. Pierce R. O. Munn c:::-p1anning Divisio~


1 Encl. stat~. Departm~ht State ·Off'lcei. :auilding Montp:elier, Vermont

Attention: Right-o£-WayDiv:L$itin Mr. Bly De;:i.r Mr. Bly:

Enclosed herewith is a copy of .the Report o':f>·.t,he: ,<·:,o:. Selectmen of the Town of Wardsboro· in .connection'with':<,:·: their resurvey of Route 100 as it passes throU'gh' tbt¥ '<;,~ town in an easterly direction from the Stratton t·own. line to the Jamaica town line.

The survey used is that which was prepared by. your · department. The written Survey is the same as that pre"" pared by your department except that the abutting land~ owners have been corrected and brought up-to-date as of the date of the hearing. ·

Aa you can see from the last page of the report, this report has been filed in the Town Clerk's office in Wardsboro and is recorded pursuant to law. Should you desire proof of notice of the landowners, I can send you a certificate duly notarized of the mailing.·· of the notices required by law. . I can also send you a · copy of the newspaper publication.

As I understand the situation, there is nothing mo~e which need be done by the town in order to have the t;tat:~. accept this highway as a part of the state highway syst:~ ..

Very truly yours 1


'.• Your pi.11tition -r«que1tin8 that State At4 fl fros tlut Wadisboro Town Line to Rt1utia 30 be added tct the State S1,'t~t°'1 1 .:·':··.;tuiw ~n recetvP and ~ill b.e $iv•J1J..~i~ct.m.\Jl,u~r),~ ·- '.1•' ' 7 fi ,r;;: ~. f4 ~ }'~ ,:. ~ -i.J . ,, va~c-.u17J.~i; •;Ol·~·tl:'\:r1'.1 •. .::1Cf;.1; }' ;!.:': '·'-· .:~: • . ,'- ! • I-·~ ;': ~ -:r.:;;~,~ 1 .J)c;.l~If:ri} rr.,~ ~rJ:; ~,~ Yf:/~.nifft-· ,./ I. BMCb Bly /~- \ - ' I,'· • <*id of OptRatlGD&

!iB/lb .. · .:; .: : . ; '. '}'· :> 4'iC: U'~ :·:t~ 1Fari:'ingtoo. V G, A. Pierce &. !). Munft Note: please proce8S this in the usual manner, although 1 exp;ct. 1 that tb··s wHl be approved along with the Stt:~t.tpJ?. J?:"'i:.'!:1:.-.:!:9.D.wlien .. :: .. ;; ;,,., .•-~--, ...... the Dovel'.' project is completed. .,._1..,• ..::; ••. -·~·'''° TO STATE HIGHWAY BOARD

PURSUANf' !l'O Srcc'l'ION .. 1/J)' TITJ.. E 19 v .s.A.


B:rarcsr PE!'If'zo• 1.£1JlE HraB~Ar 1,Bo.i1.&D- "' fR~ Sr:A:•~ rHA~ 'J.'HE FOLLOWING DESCBIBED RIGBWAr,, HAVING A




Ar ~nz· Sf!BATroN - WARDSBORO TowN LINE; ~HBNcrc NosrBEBLr

ALONa SrA'J.'E AID #1 AND #S ro 'l.'HIC WARDssoao - J.A1t.lZ.c..t TowN

LINE, ~ DIS~ANCE OF 7.651 nZLES. 1 IJ.A~ED .it!l' WARDSBORO '!'HIS di J .-..J' D.AY oFefj?-tw.f 19.65 •

.~~/d. tJ( ~:-.eJ/' , , ·<:.~·:,.

SELEC'l'HT&N oF 'l'HE TowN OF W.rtabii'J:i11.o ~ J,~ "":

... tx;:;;r;.;·;:j~blla ...... ,...... :...... "·(Write official title, aB Notary ~bllc) ~-~-.4.-,_~- ·-;,·~.<~~~~~~f:~(~~~'· z~~~-~-..,~ .. ,, ~-·- ·- ~ ""' '" ~-~~ ~~~~~-~~~-~~:~~iY{'~ij\ !Nore sedlon~·of V~~t Sta. Ailn~ted ~n·:~:;Ji1.e side of thi~ ~~)

all Jo, tJio Seliitm.en of the town~ '·:·: ...... :········ .. ~~.;~.:!E?.~...... ".... :., .O!l oath s~te !:bat w;iJlye;~~~-~;;~3}, e tmveled highway11 m th1i town aud ft!!d .that the total nillelige of tr&vel!ld !ll11hway1 aceo!dlng t.O"Titlli!tJ>, :v. amended 1961, Aot No. as, not lncludfnir ]Mlli~ roads 8nci trall,e, ~ tl)is town :for the year ending ~~~ru:a'r,. w,Ji1ii6d1 . . - , ··v . : .._ . - . ;·. ; .. -~.. <.. :-:: '·" MIL.EAGE IN TOWN MlLEAGE ~ ~OE (o\iteide of ~a (Incorporated :far li!ghWa1s> . incorpo~ted for lrlgliwoya)


Town State Aid State Town State Aid Highways Blghwi.p _Blg_hways Wghways Highways PRIVIOUS MILEAGE as shown March 15, 1964 '31. 38 14.080 HIGHWAYS ADDED Since MUcl. 115, 11164, ac­ cording to statute. Ezplaiu ~der pl\ragraph l below. SUB-TOTAL HIGHWAYS SUaTRACTED Since March 15, 1064. 'rboee becoming uutraveied, dleeon­ tinued. legal traila or peat roads. EA-plain under para­ graphs 2 and S below. TOTAl T1lAVILED HIGHWAYS Feb. 10, 1966 1. We hereby certify that the following new highwaju, ~ mbata.ntiiited by the attached "Belectmeu'a Certi11~t1' iif ~ptetloii;~ have been added since March 16, 1964: ...... ·, ·:-, ·.: ,, · ~: .

.···-··· ,...... ·············-······-····················· ·····-···············-··-··········-··········· .. ··············~·~·:t, 2. We hereby certify that the following highways have been dlscoutinued, or changed to trails or peat roads according to statu~ ~~-;;:·: since March 15, 1964, as 311bstantiated by the attached copy of the proceedings: · ';,''.·t ...... ::.;;.iif{

...... ! .... ~·~-;- ...... ---··· ...... ·-·· ...... ·- ...... ·--·····--······· ...... ~ -~~:~~~{~~~

' Wo >

'""·~, ... w•M:7:L:1:;.:~··········· :~'.;·=~~;~~.~i2~i;;" SAlectmen of ...... Wardsboro . and made oath to the truth of the foregoing affidavit by them aubecl'ibed. ~"t:U:\' ..... ·~i~ .. ACTION- .. :::--· l\J~. ·-_.>.!· .;,_~·= D Note -& '·' File •d ·-Prepare Raply for My ...... '...;. ... . §igl)ntllN ·:-:...... :':~,:.~; , D }fote & Return t6 Me ·i;~·J: D neturn With More Ci Take Appropriate.Action

...... If .; QI Details , D Per Your Request ...... ,_ . n ·~· a. D Note & See Me ":1 ..... I'.'" & n •. n.. 'About This 0 Sign Mail n .•• :u1 ,. ··''· ..u •.•.. D Please Answer D Sign & Ret.urn at •• 11· .. - .." .. O For Your Approval O For Your Information ". ' ~· ... "' ... ''· O Per Our Conversation "- •• D D Investigate & Report.~: ,"".. .. "

. i



\ '--,--- · .i:..T~r------~.-;...,..-..;...,.....;...-..;..;;;.;;;;.....;.;;,..~:;. ~\.~Y.. ·.·-~; :-_·.~~~~~:;:-.-. •_-'-~"'·Jo;~ . !.::_ 1-· ~\~::: ., .. h•ft,.l,t ~-,~,;~~c

,. ~n··~•'ft"

·•·1f ..,.,••. ···'*_4tl

ii,, ~· \····•:~ u _: *'*• ...... >-•~ 1~ ·- !!-.•· U: .. 111,•n n .~• oo. u .. •.11. n ...... , ... " lH A1 •• Ott{ 1• •• • ... 'l:'I

.. h " •• • • ; t t~ ,. . - , ~\ l.' ... lif>I

\)- .. ••·~ ··""• .• l ..... ·~ ~ .. '~. .. ~" . ..,. n ;~ 11.&t .. ...• 1-

\11& ., I I ~ I ;! I ~ . I I ~ ----1' I D


J,. - ··' MltEA61l: iN IOYli.1 {Ollt:ildo oi :.m., ·~ ~ ~ftJI> WAJiDSIO§ ..

T!l'.Wll State Aid mg'hW$1 Highways

::~~~:196:1 31.38 i4•080 i ::H>7:ijie:<:ffw.::-:;.~~""'n"'"'':-A.,...i>ll...,l-D""'·---t----1-----j----!----'-"1----t----;....:._;_:..;;.;;:-== Slii:ee' .~ 1&~ lll~, !IC· j .. } eol'lllng 1io Gt{ll:o.te. ~hllii • I under Plll8gNph l below. I.

HIGHWAYS SUURAC'rlp S~ Mazch l&,tl983~ 'l'bose beeomfqu:n~fel.et d!W>n. tlnued, legal tlfli}J" or .,Ut road&. Eltpblhiintder plita· graphs a ali,d !. ~"'· ' TOTAi nAvluir> . HIGHWAYs Fllb: 10, iDM !JI, 38

, ••••••••••••>••••+•<>»•••••••••>••»«••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••<'"'''•••••••'•HH•••h••"'''"""''''"'""'°''''''''"'"'''*''"'0''"''"'.'"'<

2. We hereby certify that the following highways have beta discoliiinlied, or changed to mils or pent toad.$ accorifilig·cn ·sb.. ti.nee Mtrch 1 S, t!M3, as •ubstantlaud by the attached copy of the proccedirip:

< <' • ''"'' < < •< • < >+<• o o< » '> '. < '' >' >0 < <>< •<+<. • '< • 0•0 > 0 •> •• ' <• <>< < « 00 ' .... , ... 0 •••• 00+< •. , .. , •,, o.' o •••• <'

• ''''''''''''''"'""'''''°'' '' o "'"''''•>••••••"'""''H•••""''''"''""'''"'"''"'"'"''**••••>> ll'lll out in triplicate and file with i~llt \{;jl:~Oll·~~~fore F~niaryJ~ ioos (Note sectlot'ls of Ve.miont 'Sfatutes . Iliad .. reYlrJe lido of this .heetl U ;:e, me ~ O~ the ;own of ...... ~i.n,..,H~.'.::'.··•·:;1),£,, ... ., ..... , ,..... , ~ oath !tate t!3Jit Wfl M}'.~ ~'. ·;,. ~tnvelcd highways 1.11 this town and find rhlit, tbe.tOial of trawled hi,~hways ncoordipg to;clJ.'.jtJe,l?"Y;S,.\ 1%1, Act No. 28, not in~uding pent· · ·· mwn for µie y~ ending Pebiu.uy'l0;·1 •.

MILEAGE JN TOWN MILEAGE JN VILLAGE (Ounide of villaaei ln0>~·for hiiirwari/ (lo"'IP!>•ottd for hl,ghwar•)

Town state Md Slelll 'l'oWJI state Aid Stele . , IDghway1 ltlgliwaye ffjghwaye mghWillJ Highw~)'ll · ~wi

PRllVIOU$ MILEAGE --'' as ahOM;I March 111, 1"2 31.38 ; 14.100 HIGHWAYS ADDl!D Since lo!iireh 11>, l902, 111> cording to statute. Explain !. :::::~r=~~~o -----;----;---- ,4.;.,, ·.J;:;:lr-a..+'ut;;..:'--:~7-:f-:~-- ~~·;..:·""'·~~"*"""'"">''. ::~~:!t!~:i::'·:!,°: o.izo · i cdir.slnk~J.., ·. j, •. · ·· llnued, legal tra11a· <>r pent l . . . l ~· . roads. Explain llllder pa?a. i i l graphs z and ll bl!low. i 'i i

TOTAL TRAVEi.ED ., l 1 .1.-----.,.- ,,7 . ·.. ,.,. , .. - HIGHWAYS Feb. 10, 19$.1 ..:J/. .3 fl l Jll, 0 80 l - ! :. ; • t7¥_~.~~ tj:\'~J. ,' ,. • ' ' ' • • ,;_,.,'::'-.,'Ii•'••' _,.. w,:,,;,>:C;. 1. We hereby certify that the following new highways, as submu.itlared by the amiched "Selectmen's ~ of~~i:in;. ha~,::,~,

been adikd siii~--=•1:5.. ::~:~~'.:::::···::_·.,::·:::.::::::::·:::·::::::·_·:::----- ...... :·: .. :::·:::·:::::,:·:::.·::::·:::::::::.::~:::::<:··:·:.:Lr::L:_~_:_,T_:_~.~·:L:,::~;;; \:. ;'. >

:S. We hereby certify char chi: foUowing roads have become untraveled since March 15, 1962:

/ (ToWn Clerk ~Id fill .oil~. fjll~lng atnd ~l;~e,.'.\V . Vennont, on or befote Match 15~) ..... : '. · ·. ,, . :i'r I...... >~~~f~~~-,~%... j@:('' hereby certify that the fotegQ1118 iS _ , re!J.tl.o,g ro highway mi~, Ille~ rM;·,_, . : ~ ' ' . ' -.. _--:~ .. \,;-~;·,t?~.> . ' MON'i"FS:li.1Efl:\, ;~, , ;

, ~ tt.: ' ~- #' :tUQ~ti«>Y ?1annlii9 lHvtsfon

n;.,4)..,.. i!hhl',, .·· .. ·tli~t~~t.}f~~~~ T!,;\gin~ew ·Srt!t~\eao~j. ,va~nt

W~ ar.e eru:.1.ot1hll'.; ff>~· yow: reeoa-il!S ~ dopy of th~ state....-aid t'el!feleet!oo. lb.bm t>f the cm&t'i~tlti:Ji,. :fiJ1>". f;:~\111,. . W111X'tirJoot'~~ i"iNl~t:ly ~pp2'0V<&d by JH9hooy Seard .. , Th€£'~ .Dlf!J.i\g no ·~:jer1• Oh3~~(1:;::·f~"~;~.~~Q~~'~Ft~¢' t~$~i~tj~°t~ff: '°~,1,-~e f1.Jt:> th~ ~~ r.(!Cm~~m ~~t (H~eetly to the C.-rui1fftu!n itJt!'tfl~~&•J'td ot

;. ·'

Att~~l'.'.ihoo !'o~· ynm~ !J'.!f!.\:rr.A~Mon. fl.l tb'll lfilA;t~. oi' t~n5:mft~l to the . ' ';'·• ~~t •••

•, .. H.,,, )-;- • F'~:~·.t>lngton ., ,. , 'Jf ~S~~e.i:-f .?"1snn ing Dhr 11.don

n. 'i! o i"&rdft6tfm f.i:C.19h~:r nun~.ttil ~i'fl@llr'

(Je;:.innin~~ at .•"-.- . i ·~r· ..


.~d q,f kl•c~ ·:··~~boeroi> Ye~t''

\' \ GJ£tAl! • W ~lh t'4l e&U 'g'(WJf !liUillDtitm to & ~ ta 3toto ilcJ utna.,

gliit&t$.ti f.ih )'Oll'li', ~~· . . . ". . >·L :·.• ;~.'c:-. _::.~,-·

h4i t:o 1963 coattncUcn w Suto Ai" Mo. 3, the Stettt Md llile&ae1 la \fardl1Jbel'011 CMfAt&d f:rOta 14aa«f to 14.081> ct.e,, • reliGettm.t of 0.110 Rf.1•• · -. · ·. ~"' <~r~ ~~; .;;"'.,•: i- ( ~;~_\ ;.:,,f~,t-·J." i-t.~:~

~ M'\N •*M; d!tB-~ -~ n -~· CA the t1Wt1&11HIO odlqga con:lfi•

eatH ttad wul~ Gtf~octate '"" Mtiq olf li'A)' elumt• th,ag!! •1 han taku J>!l8lG~ on t@wn rlish~.ii ~the p.ttt Jffr..

1. f. l'•n-.soa ~1 Pl&n!q Jaaiuer

No. 6 miles.


Town of.

County of.. m ••• JO.M•...... ··-·-·····""'·'"""'

Vt. Hwy. DI.st. No. J..

Total S.A. Mileage . ~! ....

ImPQrtant town highways as required by Title 19, V.S.A., Sections 1 & 13:

...... miles.

Beginning at ..

extending (Give direction) .. m~~9-~~~~.~~.!'... ~.... ~~~t. .. ~ ...... ;.;.;,;.,~ ... '. .. ······-~--~~~

ending at. theJ.m.ca-.uu...... '""''~ .•. ,.,, ...... ,.

No. 2 ,,,_:t .... miles .

Beginning at ...... f..~4.. f.l.~ ...~--••'4~ ......

extending (Give direction) ~~tr.

ending at

No. 3 .... f.~ ..~~ .. miles .

Beginning at ...... ~~... ~.~l't~t.~~.. ~ .. ~ ...... _......

extending {Give direction) .. DOJ'.~~J .. (I.~!-~~ .!~t ...

ending at ..

No. 4 miles.

Beginning at

extending (Give direction)

ending at No. 5 miles.

&!ginning 11t

miles. No. 6

Bcglnnh1r. nt

extending . 7 .. " milro.



No. !L.... miles.

&!ginning at

<:;xtendlng (Give direction)

ending al

Nu. 9. miles.

Beginning at

ext,;nd!.'lg (Give rih-cctionl

ending at


Beginning at

extending (Gh·~ direction l

ending at .

N(l. 11 . . ... mUes.

Beginning at


ending al.

We have this ..~... dayoL. ,..,. ~< :, \ Wll.. t..IAM POE'l'IHI :~ ~ ; . C:QMlillllllllONl!:R OF l~iGHWi\YS

DEPART.MENT ~fr· t:H~J;i)Al:A YS ' . . ·.· . ·.. > MOKi'rPEL'tER

;:--:.:• -

F" A.. R0Mm.1u::;n 'fowa Cl~k W~dsboto 11 .)/tJi'tl'iont.

lJ~ Sb'i

*>$.. ru:e 11Mlodr1.g tc.'l' }f(ifil' t'eeords a map of the t.Q~,.~lff;.W ·· · ~woo· J;iy t.~$l' (::~,~~~~- .. 91' ..iU~·.··•··F4U~.-~~ :i:f62~~::: otficie,Qf.,~~,e1~ei:f~'.~~ In a&M Oigbtayt be. lfuien.~. 1 ~ 2!f1J !lo. tiall!d~ t\'t$ Ntf«tdgna · tm ot such hl~~"S •ha-nJ~li .4aiid8~ttS!fi "' h:a.ve t*'lkian ~l~e© • # ~ $ A .i."i:: d'P4~~~11Mf<)t the sit!!lte.. ald btgbway mi!~~g~ th~ll bs ~~~ by tn0 · 1 and the district h~g,~ti\\y Qngtneer at let~st ont~<'; hl ev

M., Fa Fitrdngton Hlg.ltwy Planning Engln..,

HFF /iJNT,/d m:a to R. o. J!wm, f~l.1!·

~------_ ...... ----..----~-...~~...n~ .. --C,Q;J·~ -----~·· ! Before me, /{'>/ ~~(:~< (~;<."!..' t~~·4za:.4q' . Nota.l';lLFUblic " ...... ·~...... (W~·ite official title, as Notary Publtc)

• A • I ,t f ,,, ;.; l ' . 77 " .. ? ETER


·-," .: STATE OF .VERr\tONT DEPAfiTM~.11'· OF HIGHV1i,,.'X~ . ''MbN't'PEL.IER . "'.

T~f. AU 8yt~1··~;;

Rubert. O., ~ flls~l~t Hi~ ,J!'egbl~r BNtU~~, Vfll"Rlont Dar ·S!'f'I·

We &re wcl\"Jslrag fQ:t' '/C'IU'11 reaoms ~>Pia ot thi: at~t~ :&:t~f'ra•~eott.or~ cutl!''t,~~t lnc lud$d va eda -. r..,~~ ~··

---~;..,;}'<· St~«ld WlPS £or the ~· roaol'dl btftg btten to~ed dfi"tletly to ~~ $'· t;:;• et~. Fw ~t' J~o~tl~, .,,,.~ -~10\fhtg a ~ ()f t:hc u1t.t.wr.~. tnanma§ttlti ·to ths 'Cl'tA1 clerk -of"~ ~· "· ~ 1 ". · · .. . •>r1i/Jt'''~"' .:J In 11tddit!on to thft Ntiitl~tiw e«L"tf.tlnt«s for yoor tilea, w: enclose. the ceeti!'!.aa.t~ tor t.'\e town recGf:'ds,.

Tu~ t'elto:?l~auoru1 ai>~ in 'qjtCCoroance u!th Title 1.9, v.. s,.A., Sectlosw l t!nd 13"'

H. f'.. F'Stt!ngton "· . lUs,'hWJy P.1.Mnlng Englnea-


Before me,

q n t * "--·· .. ...· '>'·;~:'~!':~flf~~~A'f': "2EAGlJ F()R: y~ ~~lMC F.. RUMtY 10, 1962 Fill out in triplicate and file \V:lth your Town Clerk on or before February 1(), 1002 (Note aectlona of Vermont Stohite• Annoioted on revl!W side of this 1heetl We, the Selectmen of the town of...... '!:l.~.r.4§.l;!<.>.t.:9...... , on oath state that we have carefutly . . .. the traveled highways in this town and find that the total mileage of traveled highways according to Title 19 V.S.~: am~nded 1961, Act No. 28, not including pent roads and trails, in this town for the year ending February 10, l962i

MILEAGE IN TOWN MILEAGE IN VILLAGE 1ouu1<1e ci vmast1 mroiporatm fer hlfhwaru tlttatP-Or•ted tor bl1bwu1l


Town State Aid State Town State Aid State lllgh~·s Highways Highways Highways Highways Highways REVIOUS MILEAGE shown March 15, 1961 29.54 16.040 HIGHWAYS ADDED Since Marcil 15, 1961, BC• · cording to statute. ExPJnlr. 1.84 under paragraph 1 below. SUS..TOT.AL HIGHWAYS SUBTRACTED Since March 15, 1961. Those becoming untraveled, dis· continued, legal traila or pent roads. E>.-plam under P8.l'lig:J~apl'ls 2 and· 3 below.

1962 .31.38 ...... - 1. We hereby certify that the following new· highways; as substalritia.ted pletion," have been added since March 15, 1961: . ·

2. We hereby certify that the following highways have been discontinued, or changed to trails or pent roads aci:ortl.ing statute, since March 15, 1961, as substantiated by the attru:hed copy of the proceedings:

3. We hereby certify that the following roads have become untraveled since March 15, 1961:

...... , ...... ,.,,,,_ ...... ,...... ,.., .. , .... , ... ., ..... "''""··········· .. ~·:~;' ...... ,,, ...... ,. ... ., ...... '".'""'"•····-.. ~:{kf:,;';: ...... ········· -.. ~ £. :QI.;;[·~ :: : : --: : :: :=.::;s. SELECTMEN: ( ... ~~······· ... 6~ ··· ...... ~:.~._'.: !...... (~ .....('.' ...... ~ ...... : .... i;;f$.\': "'· A~:",,.;.~~~:?~~:t~ ~~:~E.:::~~;?::=:::.:=:=~:-=:.,iiC~~:;··· Selectmen of...... ~~.i:c.l~P~r.~...... ~···· ...... ,.,. .... :.. :.:::..:::;,;· and made oath to the truth of the foregoing affidavit by them sublicfibed. ·

(TownO!erk.ahoiild fill outfoll~\Ying and riiltil oh · Vermont,'on orbefoi~ ~~c~ Wlq •· . . ...•... ·.. I, ...... : ... , ...... J>..~J~:~~ar.~~.Q.~.:.:... ; . li~reby te!lity .that ~li~ f!ittgol~if is a tttt~'. relati~tf th~ Mg~\itjy rii.lleb.gtl;; ~I~: ·fu:ul ..

Town of

County of ·-...IYindhom --.-...... _____ ------.. ··-·--·

Vt. Hwy. Dist. No.

Total S.A. Mileage

Important town highways as required by Title 19, V .S.A.,. Sectioll.B l & 13:

No. 1 ..6..a.65. miles.

Beginning aL ~:.t.:t'.iilt.to.ri .T/.T,, .. ···--·····-····---···-···-· ·········-······-· .. ---······-· .. ···-·····-·"········--····-·--··-·····--·-··

.... ·····-··· ...... -...... _,,, ______...... ____ ,., ...... -·-····--...... ,_,., ..... ,, ____ ,, ......

No. 2 5.15 . miles.

{ - .· Beginning at...... S.A~I.Jn .. North ~l.a1~.'>.!JO.:i::2 ...... - ......

extending (Give direction). . ~a.s.:t~;rly

ending at ...... ~~''.1 ~~.TI~ r!J:::.

No. 3 .. ~.40.. miles.

Beginning at...... SJJ:.~:l;to.n. .I/I.-. ..

extending (Give direction) ... 11Jo:r:the.1:~Y. (\I~.~-- ~.()()J ......

ending at.. SA#l

No. 4 ... miles.

Beginning at

extending (Give direction) ..

ending at.. No. 5 ... miles.

BP.ginning at

extending (Give direction). .

ending at ...... ,...... No. 7...... miles.


ending at

No. l:L ...... mlles.

Beginning at ..

extending (Give direction) ...

. .. ··-· .. --..~-· ·~"" ~ . ' ' ending a L ...... ,

No. 9.... mUee.

Beginning at ..

extending (\Jive r.lirection)

ending at

No. 10. .. miles.

Beginning at


ending at.

No.11 miles.

Beginning at

extending (Give di•:ectionl ...

ending at...... _ ......

We have this. 1··· .. ... ,.. ··=·-·~·---- ...... dt'lll. of' .... ~.'cJ.:.;... ;o~,p.~~~~:r=c~~<:--...... ,,,,_~-··-··--- .. ····--·­ selection which is to aupel'l!ede and rm1l111~··.1Wil alid' hu' ··\· !"'"':. 'fballk you tor the prompt StJ.blllialld.o,,M~ {~~t.-~~J'!llln1' MU_,. Oertificates.

Harrever, we do not kD.Ol!l 'llbat cbsn ,,'.

118.18. M ~ have •de no entr;y on these certificates. : ,._. .,_ . •,,

regarding their CCillJ>letion and a break.dorm. sheet of tbe 1960 ReafasurtlllDt.

Changes. Cont:ral.7 tc tlle o~ion. ot itlQllf; tc:lma w do~ rake cba:!Jp1 on 1 . . - . your mileiage C81"tit1cates without 10fiZ pel"J!dnion, •o nane ot the cl!illnaa eh01'ft'l on the breakd.

To clear tbta ma.tte:r up euil7 and quiokl.7, all t.bai; :ta required. ls far the selectmen to sign, and haw nowued, the breakdolu •et ot change.is, and autnit it. to this office• no later tban April ,3rd.

1his w.Ul take care of all ~ oba.ngu exoapt. hieh..,. u, for 1dd.ch lt ie a.1.$0 necuipar;y to eubmit a certtricate ot eom,1,uan and Opm.i1'Ja to Pal4,..,:' ,. - ., 1'<;:;\~;~-~·· . .:" :1r •:.;~ ti: ;~~>..0;i.,.£'NV ;"1;;;:: _,.! ..... $;M!ll ~vfMC!t~1i~:«t1 ~V t~,~~~ mJmlfRI. Ence. ....

Ofl"PICE OF THI!: ·-· COMMlSSION~A .. ~~,

STATE .OF VE:;;~~fl'J .;,~ "·.'.ii· DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS MONTPELIER~·: "'' ~.,,,..·~ .,, a~ lltm1d11 aU!i' ''

'ltJi MYE! ~~\lked ~ f'~ 0..'q t• Tcfn ftP'\f ~e f(At' the 'f'Glll:t,

o.t 1~be.l'o, a1¥l t1.nd tha.t tne1 grQ. ~ iacs a•n on tHe ru.pq ~·. -,(

Al9 n ~N nm. Mi ~1, l"'ft'i.Pd Out" eps, w &l'"J 'IUJ.lible to,. 10\1. Q\111

t-t.i~t re!lm;s fQU1" ~"1-d ~, but n M'& nel~ ooe that ~­

ttlll' fi~i! .thC'lm mt th0 'Ulp limi· of' the lf6l ii~W1l\r' t41~~ ~°'··~·· , -· •' , ·._:~_:-:-~~~~:~..

'tt!~ mi tb&t FOl1 Ufl. t.ae .... ·

~d if '.U. 1mt4d bto af lri;f Pl''liOl!l to J'Q~-' WO ~d M #la4 to llRlil 1'ft a --~· :~".:..~tr .. :::,:-

.. , vrws·_."·-r~·,:~1,~ B1J.1;.;-,~' il'l'FICII OF THI! COMMISSIONER

STATE OF VER_MONI;,,; .. -·:..-~· .:, ... DEPARTMENT OF HIGHW~Y.$ i~!;J,; ..,,;,._, MONTPELIER ". . ... '"' : f¥ ~~:-'

AM.mt,ia of t2111&.._ •. ,.,- /,-'.,:iJ: r~f

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~~ ""0 .. $) Fo1•ti€J~ nw Wl\W&'l\tU'id betVftft Cliff ~t~~ tflilfip U&tl Sill th ~er en.po HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT

TO: H. Ee Sargent9 Ohi~f Ens1nee~

FROM: H. Fo Far~ington, Mgr_, Highw•1 Planning surve1 DATE: January llB 1957

SUBJECT: St&t~ Aid R~seleotions in Waitstield & P'a~ston. .-.

Attached are resol~ctions for state-aid highways in the towns of Waitsfi&ld and Fayston, r~tleoting the change in State.... Aid mil.eag~ due to the addition of the state-ai4 highway from Vt9 100 to the McCullough Highway to the State Syateme

\'\ '\

\'\ \ H El·2D6 25M·D-56 \ .?"' ~...... ~ -~------·------·-~----- ~- - HIGH\rVAY DEPARTMEN-- .. OFFI- MEMORANDUM

TO: R. Oo Munn, District Highway Englne0r FROM: H.. F,, Farrington, H!ghwy Plmm!n.g Engfneu BY• Vincent Thnrlen. DATE: J~ 7, 1963 Administrative Ai11!1taat. SUBJECT:

Attached are !'aseleetion certi.t'tcateai for the Tom ot W&rds.boro, re.fleetimg changes due to rt1111nsUl'flllent..

It. would he apprec lated l.f the Selectmen• s ~ lgnatures could be obtained and the rssoleet.lcns retumed by 'lbursda_y, Janual'Y loth. 'Jhartk >'N• ·