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zx Is, This Beautiful Daughter of a Poor Italian ?w Professor, Freed at Last from Her Husband, Russian fe j& About to Take .ys t sr

t Her Place as dFtf Queen ? of SK, 'f . the Famous ?; 'tri. . v. fk23ai Goelet Millions and The- - Beautiful Elsie Whelen Goelet Mrs. "Bobby" Goelet No. 1 Who Found Name Just "Maintaining the Goelet Pride"' :&r'? ' Too Burdensome. . - - jr" Like Some s Vr Mr. Robert Wilson Goelet ?''' mm WHEN outstanding fig-- ffNf Heroine of m ure among kings of finance, once SBBSBm called " the, richest bachelor in the world," r and former husband of the beautiful Elsie Fiction? Whelen Goelet, of Philadelphia sailed on 41 ' " the last voyage of the Aquitania, did he go 'Wf: abroad to add the final chapter to what has become known to the fashionable society in America and Europe as the romantic mastery of the Princess Riabouschlnsky? In other words did Mr. " ' " Goelet sail to make, at last, this beautiful and sprightly Italo-Russi- an the lawful suc- cessor to the first Mrs. ' -- 3. Goelet, who, by the way, is ,,' , now Mrs. , Jr.? t Jf0, Mr; Goelet, when asked point blank 'whether he was i.fc tra tfrt: i-- The Princac Riabou- schinsky n One of the Charming Wit Gowm m with Which .She Fas- cinated Fashionable Society of New York nd Newport;

To the Left Nicholas Riabouschinsky,. Prin- neiet cess, or Mme. Riabow-schinsk- ys Divorced going to wed Mme. or the Princess after York more difficult Husband. he reached Paris said: to please than Mrs. "Wouldn't it be better to ask the lady Goelet in the mat- about it Instead of asking me?" And when ter of a daughter- - - it was objected that she was a little too far in law. Indeed, Charming Photograph away to be interviewed at this moment, when her only son Another of the Princess Mr. Goelet smilingly said: "Well, I can't and heir to the Riabouschinsky, Whom, Fashionable Society prevent you from saying anything you $35,000,000 of the Believes, Mr. Goelet Has Gone to please about it." Goelets fell in love Join and to Wed in Paris. Fashionable society in New York and with Elsie Whelen, Newport are positive that it is Mr. Goelet's the famous Phila- - intention to confer his name on that won-drousl- y delphia beauty, Mrs. Goelet did her best One night Hyde took Goelet aside and had gone back to Russia for a few months, once. The only thing that brought tempo- way. His fortune is one of the greatest beautiful and most - puzzling of to break up the match. said something like this: "Bobby, my boy, but would follow her when he had wound rary peace was Mr. Goelet's being sent in this country; he has a splendid town ladles, who is now in Paris glorying in the Miss Whelen had family and social there's a new beauty coming here to-nig- up his Russian affairs. overseas in the army. He made frequent house and a superb country estate near possession of a freshly won divorce. position far and away ahead in Philadel- she's just back from the Riviera and she's The air was speedily filled with all sorts trips back, however, for his Job was in the Goshen, N. Y. He can marry wfiere he The romance between the multi-millionair- e, phia of Mrs. Goelet's own, but she lacked the most gorgeous beauty in all Europe. I of rumors. The two most persistent were transportation section, and whenever he chooses and lose nothing but social pres- who by birth is as powerful in the a fortune, and this was a frightful draw-'bac- k want you to be nice to her." that Riabouschinsky himself had turned was in New York he made it a point to tige and the friendship of many of his aristocratic circles of the United States as in the eyes of the mother-in-la- w to Just before midnight the lady arrived. Bolshevist and his wife had fled to America send Ogden and Peter to spend the day peers. At the moment he is in a mental saying he Is in the circfls of high finance through- be. However, had his way Afterward Goelet is quoted as he to escape being made a Bolshevist wife. with the lady of his dreams. state where he counts the world well lost except out the world, has for many months been then, as always, and he married the girl did not know what she had on that The second was that she had already se- Then shortly after the armistice Madame for love, and with all that he does possess, green one of the most interesting and fascinating he adored. But his mother never forgave it was yellow and black and and cured a divorce, and was but awaiting the Riabouschlnsky went to Paris; again ru- why worry about the loss of his friends? glittered eyes in the dark. And problems of that same fashionable society. her, not even when she presented her with like a cat's proper moment to marry Mr. Goelet. Both mor had it that she had gone to Russia to Mr. Goelet was not born yesterday; he very slithery and made him There are so many apparent obstacles two handsome grandsons. Later, when It was also of these rumors eventually proved untrue. get a Bolshevist divorce, but "they order knows there are any number of men and of a slender snake in the Bronx Zoo. up to the marriage that society cannot for young Mrs. Goelet got a divorce and mar- think The husband turned and proved to be this matter better in France," and It was women, too, who will be glad to flatter possibly dis- In plain English, Goelet was bowled over mild-mannere- d whis- the life of it see how it can take ried Mr. Henry Clews, Jr., Mrs. Goelet a although weirdly in Pari3 that she secured her divorce. about him, even should he marry so as to yet, knowing the indomitable more completely. He attached himself to the kered chap who seemed as indifferent to place and liked her than ever! Human nature When this news was cabled to New York, displease a lot of staid dowagers. - so nice to her before character of Mr. Goelet, society is equally is a queer thing. lady and became that his wife's charms as he was to her friend gossip that had somewhat died down dur- war-tim- e agog The "most beautiful woman of Europe' if he really wants to marry the And the former Mrs. Goelet openly said long even Paris was with ships. ing up again, now sure that her absence started and has nothing to lose, but everything to gain, lady nothing can stop him. that the whole reason for the break be- interest. Society was in a terrible quandary. society is divided Into two camps those you lady's hus- by a marriage with Goelet. The wealth of The Princess, or Madame Riabouschln- tween herself and "Bobble" was too much Paris, see, knew of the Should it or should it not call upon the who will receive her if Goelet marries her He was typical Russian of the a Croesus will be hers to command. Al- sky, is the daughter of Professor Rocchi, mother-in-la- band. a lady? That was the question. A few of and those who will not. Needless to say, was in France on some ready orders have been;glven for a palatial of the University of Terugia. There is con- "I am tired of the constant thought of middle class who Mr. Goelet's good friendB he has a great the greater number are in the latter with the war, and his wife steam yacht, and her jewels are already siderable doubt about the title with which the Goelet name and the way to maintain work connected many took her up and even invited her camp! Mrs. Goelet Senior, a very pow- is To up things any wife blond-bearde- immediately made a dazzling sensa- famous. count the her d Russian husband is said the Goelet pride," the bride is said to have had to small dinners and luncheons. And it erful person her daughter, is the Duchess She was incorporated in Hyde's pet even of Robert Goelet would posses woald be to have endowed her. Her first name is replied when her then husb'and urged her tion. must be confessed that those who did of Roxburghe, and her sisters are Mrs. and world was beginning to for- doings overwhelming. To "The Riabouschinsky" Fernanda. Certainly Madame or Princess to stop thinking of the divorce. circle the not entertain her made her and her Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., and Lady Her- get had a real live husfcand. their possession would mean ail the. joys or "The Riabouschlnsky" as Newport Considering Mrs. Goelet's bitterness to- that she a topic of steady conversation. Her clothes London. bert, of delights of world while not belonging to Ameri- daughter-in-law- , Mr. Goelet returned to America were always the sensation of the hour, and and this calls her, ward her first perfectly suitable When backing of his women, no g ap- Without the How away are days of girl- can exclusive circles, has all the fire and her feeling toward her possible he is reported by Newport gossip as har-in- her limousine was the most perfectly far the her man not even a Goelet can do very much was Hhe simple daughter beauty of her race. To these, by several second one can be imagined! Madame been madly, deeply, abysmally in love pointed seen on the Avenue. hood when she socially, so If Mr. Goelet, as is rumored, very poor professor of the years association with her husband's peo- Riabouschinsky is called the most beautiful with the lady but she was apparently cold Society, even those who entertained of a learned but winds up his journey by marrying the lady Perugia, Italy! Verily, she ple, she added much of the curious phil- woman in Europe. During the past three to his ardor. Mme. Riabouschinsky, said that Mr. Goelet University of how could it is doubtful if he will bring her to New has come far since those days! osophy and mysticism of the real Russian. years she has been the most talked-o- f The Russian husband had been a bit un- would never marry her, and he. York or Newport very soon. Those who have come in contact with the in New York. Mr. Goelet has fre- pleasant toward the last. Paris did hear anyway, because of her husband? Then Mrs. Goelet, Senior, is in Newport at her woman Then there are his two sons. It is well ' fascinating foreigner are enthusiastic aa his first meeting with that he had even threatened a duel, but this most mysterious person disappeared magnificent marble villa, ; her quently described Clews, mother, - known that Mrs. their has to the charm and magnetism produced by the lady he is expected tomake his wife. this was- considered too silly to be believed. from sight, and the last heard of him he sister Lady Herbert, is with her, and very country. Gossip been perfectly willing to leave them with ' this blending of Italian warmth and Rus- It was during the second year of the war At all events, Mr. Goelet returned to his was headed for his native tragic are their days. What to them Is this society their father so long as he .remained un- sian cold. "Fire and ice," Mr. Goelet is when Paris was dark and cold and on the own land and the Riabouschinskys stayed reached torrid heat, and again said modern sentimental Journey? A tragedy married, or possibly if he should marry a said to have described her the day he first verge of going hungry. Goelet was there on in Paris. Goelet would and would not. of tragedies, perhaps. They, too, know woman of his own circle. But Mrs. Clews met her, and this very well expresses the on some business connected' with the A few months before the United States As might be supposed, these were par- that "Journeys end ln lovers' meetings" roof-tre- e! has sent word that the minute her former lady. French Ambulance Service. James Hazen went into the war, Princess, that is, Mme. lous times under Mrs. 's and .they are very angry and very unhappy. husband marries Madame Riabouschinsky This curious and novel blending of fire Hyde was also there. Hyde made it a Riabouschinsky, arrived in New York and For months that estimable lady ig- It is a foregone conclusion that Madame the boys are to be sent to her. This con- and ice, however, fashionable society, at point to gather several of his friends to- took up her residence in an exquisite little nored her son's Infatuation, but when he Riabouschinsky under any name will never least, asserts, does not seem to be just the tingency adds to society's interest In this gether every night or so in his big. studio, apartment in the Park avenue sector. began taking his two boys, her grandsons-Ogde- tread the stately white stairway leading to best matrimonial mixture for a Goelet, strange and unusual romance. Ochre Court, nor single one of Mrs. and especially for the son of the Ogden and, of course, Goelet was included among Friend husband was not in evidence. She and Peter, to lunch and drive with wear a Goelets. There are few women in New the lucky ones. explained his absence by saying that he Mme. Riabouschinsky, she declared war at Robert Goelet is independent in every Goelet's Jewels. Copyright, 1011), By Star Company. Urcat Britain Rights Reserved.