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Prn 198609.Pdf 4 NEW BOOKS FOR SUMMER--'-�--� FROM INTERURBAN PRESS California's Electric Railways A PICTORIAL REVIEW From Eureka to San Diego, from the mountains to the sea, California traction flourished, withered, and revived. Here's our 100th Special, beautifully created by Harre Demoro . celebrating 100 years of Golden State electric railroading! 342 photos, 208 pages. Target publication date: July. Spl. 100 .... ............ .. ... .. .. 36.95 Add 1.50 P/H For decades, California's Mendocino Coast reverberated to the sounds of steam as the Mallets on endocino Coast Caspar Lumber Co. logged by rail, and brought its product to market by coastal steamer. Another master· piece by Ted Wurm. 190 photos, 130 pages, maps, scale drawings. Target: August. TAB 275 ............ 28.95 Add 1.50 P/H The crowds rode behind Camelbacks and in. electric cars, their destination: Atlantic City and the Jersey seacoast. For years the mighty PRR and Reading fought each other with faster, even faster schedules. Then they joined hands to form Pennsylvania-Reading-Seashore Lines. This book, by Richard Gladulich, is the definitive, illustrated history of the entire system. There's a chapter nt By Rail to the Boardwalk �t�ee��;s ��d ��� TAB 276 ............ 47.95 Shore Fast Line, Add 1.50 P/H too. Cover paint­ ing by Larry Fish- er. 300 pages. Ta rget: Sep­ tember. When Eastern Michigan Rode the Rails-Book Two Jack Schramm and William Henning continue the story with an in-depth look at the Detroit­ Port Huron corridor: interurbans, streetcars, riverboats, steam trains and buses. Great wall­ to-wall photo coverage of an area rich in trans­ port heritage. 350 + photos, 232 pages. Target: September. Spl. 105 .... .. ........ 35.95 Add 1.50 P/H September 1986 No. 274 Pacific Rai/News and Pacific News are registered trade­ marks of Interurban Press, a California Corporation. SteamEXPO Album.. .. 8 PUBLISHER: Mac Sebree EDITOR: Jim Walker Santa Fe Behemoth Moved.. .. .. .. .. 14 ART DIRECTOR: Bill Bradley Future Operations Planned for No. 3751 NEWS EDITOR: Dick Stephenson PRODUCTION MANAGER: Ray Geyer CONTRIBUTING ARTIST: John Signor Copper Basin Railroad Off and Running .. ..... ..... .... ... .. ..... Dick Slephenson 16 STAFF: Operation Continues on SP Arizona Branch Kenneth M. Ardinger, Michael W. Blaszak, David R. Busse, P. Allen " . Miracles Take a Little Longer" . ... Dave Wood 18 Copeland, Harre W. Demoro, R. C. Farewell, Ralph Forty, Thomas Higgins, Santa Fe Derailment in Arizona Don Jewell, Ken Meeker, Steve Morgan, Clifford Prather, Karl Rasmussen, John A. Rushton, Jim Seal, Joe Strapac, Charles Vercelli. PaCific Rai/News (USPS 862840) is published Departments: monthly by Interurban Press (a corporation), 1212 South Brand Blvd., Glendale CA 91204. Rail News ... ............4 Preservation . ...... ... ..42 Second-class postage paid at Glendale CA 91209. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Call Board ................7 From the Past ... ..... ..43 Pacific RailNews, P.O. Box 6128, Glendale CA Railroads . .. ............ 24 Photo Stop .. .............44 91205. ISSN 8750-8486. Transit ...... .... ...... ..38 Interurbans Newsletter .....46 CORRESPONDENCE: Please use P.O. Box 6128, Glendale CA 91205 for ALL correspond­ Book Reviews ....... ...42 Extra Board Ads .. ........47 ence. UPS deliveries only to 115-C E. Palmer Av e., Glendale CA 91205. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: U.S. $25.00 for 12 issues, $47.00 for 24 issues, $67.50 for 36 issues. Foreign $29.00 for 12 issues, $55.00 for 24 issues, $79.50 for 36 issues. First class/air rates on request. Single copy $2.50 (subject to change COVER PHOTO-Canadian National 2-8-4 6060 moves west on May 30, 1986, as it without notice). crosses the Fraser River at Lytton, British Columbia. -NILS HUXTABLE CHANGE OF ADDRESS: The Post Office does not regularly forward 2nd Class Mail and PaCific Rai/News is not responsible for copies not forwarded or destroyed by the Post Office. Replacement copies/PO notifications will be A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR billed. Please allow us at least four weeks for any address changes. HERE DOES THE WEST BEGIN? ADVERTISING RATES: On request, or call Recently a reader wondered what the goings-on of the Soo (8 18) 240-4777. W Line in Minnesota or Wisconsin had to do with the west. We often Ar ticles and photographs for the magazine are welcome. When submitting material for consider­ say we concentrate on events west of the Mississippi River, but that ation, include return envelope and postage if you water course does not conveniently border some roads which we cover. wish it returned. Pacific Rai/News does not More and more, as big railroads merge into fewer and larger assume responsibility for the safe return of material. Payment is made upon publication. entities, the distinction of "east" or "west" will blur; some roads which touch the Pacific states may continue way past the Mississippi. © 1986 INTERURBAN PRESS Mac Sebree, President The geography of our nation is a state of mind. Upon asking a Jim Walker, Vice-President resident of Hartford, Connecticut, if he had ever been "out west," I was told matter-of-factly that, yes, he visited Buffalo (New York) once. Conversely, I have been told by fellow Southern Californians that they had been "back east"-in Denver! -JIM WALKER SP Extra 9264 West at Promontory Point, Utah, on May 19, 1986, shows the level of said. "It is a vital link to a major copper the Great Salt Lake was high even before Globe Branch producer in Arizona. ... Elimination of the big stonn that covered 11 miles of SP Abandonment Denied SP's crucial access to its main line and track three weeks later. SP trains are de­ touring over fo nner WP trackage (now by ICC Judge gateways beyond would add $3.5 million to UP) on the south edge of the lake. IC's costs, consisting of capital costs -KEN MEEKER An ICC administrative judge ruled on June fo r converting its extensive fa cilities to 13 that Southern Pacific may not abandon truck ...." If the line was abandoned and the 134-mile Globe, Ariz., branch. IC switched to trucks, 177 additional Administrative Law Judge Frederick M. trucks would travel area highways daily. California Lumber Dolan said abandonment would cripple Shortline Shuts Down Inspiration Consolidated Copper Co., which provides 98% of Globe Branch traf­ Santa Fe-SP Merger Operations on the Camino, Placerville and fic with its mining, smelting and process­ Denied by ICC Vote Lake Tahoe Railroad ceased in mid-June, ing operations in the area. with the last group of empty cars brought In reply to SP's contention that it suf­ By a 4 to 1 vote, the Interstate Commerce down fr om the mill to Placerville. Even in fe red financial losses fr om operations, the Commission on July 24 ruled against the quitting the business, things were not com­ judge scolded the railroad for fa iling to proposed merger of the Santa Fe and pletely smooth, as the SP interchange was maintain a branch line accounting system Southern Pacific railroads; Chairman blocked on the scheduled June 17 last run, (a system used to collect data critical to Gradison cast the lone affirmative vote. and the delivery of outgoing cars to con­ financial aspects of abandonment propos­ Further, the ICC instructed Santa Fe necting Southern Pacific was not com­ als), reported Traffic Wo rld, a trade journal. Southern Pacific Corp. to submit a plan to pleted fo r a couple of more days. He said that the record showed a profit fo r divest its ownership of Southern Pacific Owner Michigan-California Lumber Co. operations over the line in the base year Transportation Co. SPT continues to oper­ has filed with the California PUC to aban­ (July 1984 to June 1985). ate as a separate carrier. don the seven-mile, 82-year-old line. There The judge ruled abandonment would A written opinion was to be fo rthcoming is some talk of a tourist operation using the harm Inspiration Copper more than con­ in a matter of weeks, but an immediate old line, which sits in an area rich with tinued service would harm SP. "This reaction is that preservation of competition tourist potential (see photo p. 33). (Don 134-mile line generated 3,350 carloads, was a major fa ctor in this decision. Bain, Ken Meekel) weighing 316,026 tons in the base year," he (Cominlled all page 47) 4 •. SEPTEMBER 1986 Ex-TP&W Mileage Sold To Shortline by AT&SF Keokuk Junction Railway and the Santa Fe Railway have reached a preliminary agree­ ment fo r Keokuk Junction Railway's pur­ chase of28 miles of the fo rmer TP&W line fr om La Harpe, II!., to Keokuk, Iowa, plus the branch fr om Hamilton, II!., five miles to Warsaw, II!. Included in the transaction is the right of KJRy to establish rates to Peoria, II!. The shonline commenced operations with purchase offormer Rock Island track­ age in Keokuk fr om the RI Trustee on September 1, 1981. Its main customer is the Hubinger Co., a wholly-owned subsid­ iary of H.]. Heinz, which produces corn syrup fo r soft drinks and other products on a 24-hour, 365-day-a-year schedule; it owns Santa Fe SD45-2 7219 is seen at San Bernardino, Calif. , on June 11, 1986, inJull (SPSF) a fleet of 500 tank cars. The KJRy brings "postmerger" lettering. After a photo session, the SP portion was covered. With the July in empties fr om its BN and AT&SF inter­ 24 ICC vote against the merger, this may be a very rare view! -JAMES HEARD changes in Keokuk, and stores loads until a delivery order is given by Hubinger. It presently owns two Alco S2 locomotives. Rail Briefs ... in mid-June to abandon a 3.87-mile section between Schell ville and Sebastiani in the Trains carrying hazardous materials in California wine country.
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