Campbell Interurban Press. I
Campbell Interurban Press. Fourteenth Year. CAMPBELL, SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1907. No. 10. C AMRBELL ¡NTERURBAN PRESS CIIAS. W. DAVISON Practical Sympathy. Attorney at Law PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY Dr. Edward Everett Rale called up Room 10 City Hall, San Jose. Phone, Brown 632 ELGIN C. IIURLBERT Editor and Proprietor on the editor of a paper In a small New England town. In the course of Subscription. $1.01 a Year in Advance Advertising Rates. .Vic. an Inch per menth conversation tl^e editor told how he GEORGE W. WALDORF Locals, .it' a lino each insertion Resolutions of respecl and condolence,5c a lino. was worrying about his wife, how he Attorney at Law Cards of thanks, 50c. Notices of entertainments, where a charge is made, 5c a line. had sent her to the country for her Telephone—Office Main 271 health, how she was growing worse The Rea Building San Jose, Cal. Entered as second-class nAtter September 30. 1904. at the Postofflce at Campbell, California, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879 rather than better, how his heart urg ed him to go to her and how the neces JOHN F. DUNCAN sity of grinding out his editorials day Notary Public The Agricultural Department of the United States is constant by day was keeping him from her bed Office: Batik of Campbell Hot Weather Foods ly increasing the variety of food stuffs and medicines of the coun side. Dr. Hale returned to bis hotel and called for writing materials. After F. B. BROWN Full line cereal foods, Just try by the introduction of new plants from foreign countries to several hours he returned to the editor Attorney at Law i the thing for hot weather, sections adapted to them, says the Morgan Hill Times.
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