Index for July, 1939
THE CITY RECORD INDEX FOR JULY, 1939 ART COMMISSION— BROOKLYN, PRESIDENT, BOROUGH OF- COMPTROLLER, OFFICE OF THE- Minutes of meetings held— Proposals- 221-a applications denied, 5273. June 13, 1939, 4681. For fencing with chain link fences eight (8) feet high 221-a applications to Board of Estimate, 4837. July 11, 1939, 5141. vacant lots located as follows : On the east side of 221-a applications filed, 4836. ASSESSORS, BOARD OF— Brighton 1st place between Brighton 1st street and 221-a and tax applications filed, 4997, 5061, 5272. Notice to present claims for damages— Brighton Beach avenue, known as Lots 1066, 1068 Approval of sureties, 4837, 4998, 5061, 5083, 5273. Brooklyn, Borough of, 4694. and 1070, Block 7284 ; on the north side of Degraw Claims allowed, 4837, 4997, 5061, 5082, 5273. Queens, Borough of, 4694. street between Hicks street and Cheever place and Claims certified to Board of Estimate, 5273. BOARD MEETINGS, 4675. on the west side of Cheever place between Kane Claims disallowed, 4837, 4997, 5061, 5082, 5273. BRONX, PRESIDENT, BOROUGH OF THE— street and Degraw street, known as Lots 71 and Claims filed, 4836, 4997, 5061, 5082, 5273. Changes in the department, 4999, 5142. 72, Block 321; on the south side of Avenue M Claims paid on transcript of judgment, 5273. Extracts of minutes of Local Board meetings held June between McDonald avenue and East 2d street, and Opening of proposals, 4837, 4998, 5061, 5083, 5273. 28, 1939, 4864. on the east side of McDonald avenue and on the Orders, judgments, etc., filed, 4837, 4997, 5061, 5083, Proposals— west side of East 2d street, each between Avenue M 5273.
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