Current as of 20 October 2007


Max Weber Programme [email protected] European University Institute tel ++39 055 4685 647 Villa la Fonte fax ++39 055 4685 647 Via delle Fontanelle, 10 I-50014 San Domenico di Fiesole (FI) Italy


2007-2008: Max Weber Fellow, European University Institute, Florence (Italy)

2005-2007: Teaching Assistant, Law Faculty, University of X, Nanterre ().

2004-2005: Teaching Assistant, Law Faculty, University of Versailles/St Quentin (France).

May-July 2001: Privatdozent, Law School, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz (Germany).

Visiting positions

Summer 2006: Guest Researcher, Max Planck Institute for International and Comparative Law, Heidelberg (Germany).

Summer 2004: Guest Researcher, Max Planck Institute for International and Comparative Law, Heidelberg (Germany).

October 2003 – March 2004: (informal) visiting researcher University of Texas at Austin School of Law, Austin TX (USA).

Summer 2003: Guest Researcher, Institut für allgemeine Staatslehre und Politikwissenschaften, University of Göttingen (Germany).


2007: Ph. D., Public Law, University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne

2002: Master’s Comparative Law (with honours, first of the class), University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne (first semester as affiliate graduate at St John’s College, University of Oxford)

2001: LL.M. Magister Legum (Magna Cum Laude), Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz (Germany) / Master’s European Law (with honours), , (France)

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2000: Licence-Maîtrise (BA), University of (France)/Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz (Germany).


French: mother tongue. Portuguese: fair reading, writing, and speaking ability. English: proficient. Italian: fair reading and speaking ability. German: proficient. Spanish: fair reading ability.


Comparative Constitutional Law, Judicial Politics, Comparative Politics, European Integration, Competition Law, Legal Theory, Hermeneutics and Theories of Interpretation, Methodology of Social Sciences, Political Theory.


Judicial Activism in Comparative Perspective: The French Constitutional Council, the U.S. Supreme Court, and the German Federal Constitutional Court – Judicial Interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause, the Right to the Free Development of Personality and the Fundamental Principles Recognised by the Laws of the Republic

(L’activisme juridictionnel en droit constitutionnel comparé : France, Etats-Unis, Allemagne – La concrétisation juridictionnelle de la Due Process Clause du XIV e amendement, du droit au libre épanouissement de la personnalité et des principes fondamentaux reconnus par les lois de la République )



Dyevre, Arthur (forthcoming December 2007), « La prise en compte de critères extra- concurrentiels dans le droit communautaire de la concurrence » Revue Internationale de Droit Economique (RIDE).

Dyevre, Arthur (2006), « L’étude de l’activité normative du Conseil constitutionnel et de la Cour constitutionnelle fédérale ( Bundesverfassungsgericht ) », Annuaire International de Justice Constitutionnelle XXI (AIJC), pp. 39-55. (Paper translated into Portuguese under the title “O lugar das Cortes Constitucionais na produção das normas: estudo da atividade normativa do Conselho Constitucional e do Tribunal Constitucional Federal”, Opiniaõ Juridica 6 (2006), pp. 181-197.)

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Dyevre, Arthur (January 2006), « Quelques réflexions sur l’interprétation de la loi par la Cour de cassation et le Conseil d’État », (semantic analysis of statutory interpretation in France) Revue de la recherche juridique – Droit prospectif 114 (2006) (RRJ 2006-3), pp. 1247-1274.

Dyevre, Arthur (April 2005), “The Constitutionalisation of the European Union: Discourse, Present, Future and Facts”, European Law Review 30, pp.163-187.

Dyevre, Arthur (April 2005), « De quelques fausses croyances sur le traité constitutionnel », (remarks on the public debate preceding the French referendum on the EU Constitutional Treaty) online publication: .

Book chapter

Dyevre Arthur (September 2003), « La protection des personnes soumises à la détention ou à l’emprisonnement », (the rights of prisoners and detainees under international law) in Nicole Dhéry (ed.), Protéger les droits humains , Paris : Litec/Amnesty International, pp.317-325.

Book review

Dyevre Arthur (December 2006), Review of Paul Magnette (ed.), “La Grande ”, European Law Review 31, pp. 933-936.

Selected papers and conference presentation

Dyevre, Arthur (June 2006), « Une théorie des théories de l’activité normative des juridictions constitutionnelles ». Paper presented at the annual meeting of the French Legal Philosophy Society “New Avenues in the Philosophy of Law”, June 16, 2006, Paris, France.

Dyevre, Arthur (June 2006), « Retour sur un concept et un phénomène : la constitutionnalisation du droit ». Paper presented at the conference “Nature and Peculiarities of French Constitutional Law”, June 11, 2006, Paris, France.

Dyevre, Arthur (March 2006), « L’étude de l’activité normative du Conseil constitutionnel et de la Cour constitutionnelle fédérale ( Bundesverfassungsgericht ) ». Paper presented at the Joint Colloquium “European Comparative Law”, University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne/DVH Speyer, March 2-3, 2006, Paris.

Dyevre, Arthur (May 2006), « L’activisme juridictionnel en droit constitutionnel comparé », Conference New Researches in Comparative Law , May 28, 2005, Paris.

Papers in progress

Dyevre, Arthur (in progress – to be completed by December 1, 2007), “Understanding Judicial Lawmaking: A (Meta-)Theory of Theories of Adjudication”.

Dyevre, Arthur (in progress – to be completed as an EUI working paper by March 2008), “European Integration and the ECJ/National Courts Game: A Strategic Analysis”.

Dyevre, Arthur (in progress – to be completed by July 2008), “Path Dependence and Judicial Lawmaking in Brazil, the U.S., and the EU”. Current as of 20 October 2007 CV for Arthur Dyevre, Page 4 of 5

Dyevre, Arthur (in progress), « A quoi servent et pourquoi les théories du ‘service public ?’ ».

Dyevre, Arthur (unpublished – circulated as a memo while I was member of Amnesty International Legal Committee in Paris), « Quelques réflexions sur la notion de génocide : une analyse sémantique des éléments constitutifs de l’infraction de génocide en droit international public ».


Undergraduate Graduate (Law or Political Science) Comparative Politics Jurisprudence/Legal Theory Government Judicial Politics Comparative Constitutional Law Comparative Constitutional Law European Integration Methodology of Comparative Law EU Politics Methodology of Social Sciences


Teaching Assistant

Spring 2006 and 2007 Law: French Constitutional Law Course Professor: Guy Carcassonne. This lower-level undergraduate course introduces first- year law students to the theory and practice of French Constitutional Law. In my tutorial classes, I used comparative approaches and examples from other legal systems as a heuristic device.

Fall 2006 Law and Political Science: European Law and European Integration Course Professors: Patrick Daillier/Philippe Guttinger. This is an upper-level undergraduate course introducing third-year students of law and political science to the main institutional, political and legal aspects of European integration. In my tutorials, I put a particular emphasis on the principal theoretical approaches to European integration and the works of Scharpf, Haas, Moracsvick, Stone Sweet, and Weiler.

Fall 2005 and 2006 Law and Political Science: Government and French Politics Course Professor: Guy Carcassonne. Designed for first-year undergraduate students of law and political science, this course focuses on the evolution of the French political system, introducing the basic tools and classifications of political science (federal and unitary states, party-systems, electoral systems, presidentialism, parliamentarism…).

Spring 2005 Law: Public Law and Constitutional Theory Course Professor: Christophe Grzegorczyk. This course introduces the main theories and concepts of Public and Constitutional Law – such as state, sovereignty, constitutionalism, democracy, the rule of law, separation of power, fundamental rights, or judicial review.

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Fall 2004 Law: Legal Theory Course Professor: Christophe Grzegorczyk. This is a (challenging) introductory course to jurisprudence, discussing the works of Kelsen, Hart, Dworkin, and others. My teaching focused on interpretation and legal positivism.


May-July 2001 Law: Introduction to French Law and Legal Culture This is an 8-week course designed for foreign law students planning to study law in France. I taught a German audience the basics of French private and public law, and French legal methodology.



March 2003 – December 2004 Amnesty International, French Section, Legal Committee, Paris, FRANCE While providing expertise on current French and international legal and human rights issues (e.g. the notion of ‘genocide’ under international public law), I also actively participated in the genesis of a book on human rights that the committee members published under the title Protéger les droits humains ( Protecting Human Rights ).


-allocataire de recherche (University of Paris I/Ministry of Research, 2002, 40 000 €) -Aire culturelle (Foreign Affairs Ministry, 2006) -DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, 2004) -CIERA (Centre interdisciplinaire d’étude et de recherche sur l’Allemagne, 2006)


Professor Otto Pfersmann (dissertation chair), University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne, 9 rue Malher 75020 Paris, FRANCE, tel ++33 607 308 792, email: [email protected]

Professor Wojciech Sadurski (mentor at the EUI), European University Institute, Department of Law, Via Boccaccio 121, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI), ITALY, tel ++39 055 4685 245, fax ++39 055 4685 200, email: [email protected]

Professor Christophe Grzegorczyk, University of Versailles/St Quentin, Law Faculty, 3 rue de la division Leclerc 78280 Guyancourt, FRANCE, tel ++33 145 544 001 [email protected]

Assistant Professor Robert Sparling, University of Toronto, Department of Political Science, Sidney Smith Hall 100 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G3 CANADA, tel 416 929- 1098, email: [email protected]