Call The San Francisco Sunday


»\u25a0 a A. Fitzgerald pers, false teeth, foot warmers, shawls "Singularly enough I started to J. and the rest of the equipment used in grow after reaching Kansas City," "JOE' TINKER,THEPERFORMING "CUB,"BATS OUTFEWA FAST ONES FORUP! Here comes the Osier league." continued Tinker. "Joe" Tinker, one of the old set- "Why did you stop shdrt?" Afraid of New York "To become a ," said tlers of the Chicago National don't look to be a day over THE EVERYBODY "You Tinker. "You into a play got twenty-five." league team, and he's a lot that time." "That's the kind of ball I like," said of loose talk he wants to hurl around. ? "You're entitled to two bases on FANS Tinker. "Itcut the plate." Hold your dish because he carries that hit." Sunday before that game we beat out "How long have you been kicking "I've got everything today," said Pittsburg before a howling thirty one of the finest brands of fan food up the cinders?" Joe. "I'm going to break up this game thousand. We had to beat them or it you ever tasted. And don't be afraid is my thirteenth season. I've "This in a minute. You figure shorter was all off with us. We laid in Pitts- in Chicago eleven years." me to ask for a second helping. This is his been than I am. Most fans do. I'm five feet burg until Wednesday night and then "It's your own fault. There's any \y ;ttle party and he doesn't want any eight, but they generally guess me hit the trail for New York. We had to number of trains to New York every to go away From your two or three inches shorter. I'm up- fight way into the grounds one dissatisfied. day." our Polo position in the grandstand or bleach- right, but the uniform gives me a that day and fight every inch of the "I might have made the trip if I or on the wrong side of a knot- square look. Business of laughing. way through the game. We won with ers had some sheet iron clothes," laughed hole you've heard him bouncing ora- Ha, Ha!" forty thousand rabid Giant fans hoot- Tinker. "I guess I leaned against that tory off the umpires time and again, "Another break like that and you go ing us. We jumped back to Chicago one, all right, allright." but now you have the opportunity of out of the game." that night and jumped right into the "Chicago hasn't got anything on hearing him wallop Webster's delivery "Allright, I'llbehave. I began as a world's series with Detroit. We won New York when it comes to the shoot- at range. , playing that position the series. No team has ever been close ing game," was the feeble response. There may be a few fpreigners in for teams in and around Kansas City. called on to go at such a heartbreak- "Not an awful lot, but there's this the audience who are not aware of John Kling and I were graduated from ing pace." difference," said Tinker. "Out there the fact that Joseph is superintendent the Kansas City lots about the same "Is it true that you have designs on they at least give a man a chance to of that portion of the "Cubs" real es- time. I got my first big baseball job Hamlet?" throw up his hands before making a which lies between second and Denver, in I man- been thinking playing It tate Swiss cheese out of him. If Jes'se with 1900. told the "I've of third base. He has been on patrol ager I was the best third baseman in with bare hands," said Tinker. James lived in New York right now duty there for years, and as a result the world, and he showed me he be- -iThere's a lot of line drives in it but his mother would be afraid to let him of his vigilance thousands of ambi- me by putting me on second. I think I could grab them." out after six o'clock." lieved tious young basehits have been cut One morning I found that I made an "That one took a nasty bound, Joe." Designs on down in the full bloom of youth. Many racket when I walked. I Hamlet "It's your own fault. You didn't play unusual "That wouldn't be much of a novelty. healthy swat has left home fully de- behind I was a it right." looked and found that The poor old fellow has been handled termined to make a name for itself, escorting a can. I finished the season "You're strong for Chicago aren't without gloves lots of times." only to meet a violent death at his with Helena. In 1904 I helped you?" Port- "?if that's the case I'llstick to vau- hands a second later. His direction is land, Ore., win the pennant, and in "I'll talk about it fifteen any deville," laughed Joe. the grim for basehits. I was to tea with route old time. If I had my way I'd have 1902 invited take the "Won't you sing us a little song?" All of which gives rise to the im- been born Cubs." ", mother, the Indians are upon pression that our young hero is t£ere." "Where did the Stork muff you?" us!" shouted Tinker. "I never sang in against*basehits of all kinds an im- Wanted Third Base "Muskado." my life. I do a lecture stunt in vaude- pression which is entirely erroneous. "What position were you playing "I didn't ask what bit you. I asked ville. I lecture on baseball. My stage It is only basehits of foreign make, then?" where you were born. You misjudged debut, a few years ago, was the result those manufactured by opposing play- pitchers don't cheer when he faces "Strike one! Come across with your "Third base. I had gotten away with that one." of a bet. The of a stock com- ers, that arouse his ire. He makes no them under such conditions. No less age!" it at Helena and Portland with room "I got it with one hand," insisted pany was shy an actor when he secret of the fact that he dislikes an authority than "Christy" Mathew- "That was a mile away from the to spare, so I handed Frank Selee then "I was born in wanted to put on 'Brown of Harvard.' them, and even has been known to go son, master workman of the whole plate," protested Tinker. Tinker. Muskado." manager of the Cubs, my favorite I told him I'd play the part, and he way discourage them. tribe of twirlers, has given it as his "Strike tuh!" third hase solo. 'I'm glad to hear it,' out of his to Product of Kansas City bet me I couldn't. I took the bet. I "Joe" Tinker other hand, he is particularly personal opinion that Tinker at the "I see you're determined to make "Is that an insect or a regular stop- he said. 'Go out there and play short On the had ono speech twenty-seven lines those which bear the Tinker bat with men on base is his idea of no me bat at it, but I hate that underhand ping place?" today. I've been there eleven years." land, Ore., with Mrs. Tinker and my fond of long and, believe me, I did a lot of label, spends a large share of his situation to make merry over. In addi- delivery. I'm in my early thirties." "It's a regular stopping place in "Eleven years of continual war- two boys. I have a big fruit farm near and fumbling trying to master it. I was fr time in planting them in safe places. tion to being an expert gardener and "How early?" Missouri but I didn't stop there long. fare!" Portland. Along about December I fouling it off every chance I got. I Any league wood turner, Tinker has a topknot "Thirty-two." A few after I "This old Cub machine has surely have arranged to go on a shooting ? pitcher in the National minutes arrived I managed to get it over in good shape, this statement. They which he uses for something else be- "What's the objection to displaying learned the name of the place and I been on the firing line," said Tinker, trip. I do a lot of shooting in the will corroborate and then they starred me in a piece him as one of the most dan- sides a hatrack. the birthday certificate?" put up a frightful roar. I kicked and "and there's a lot of speed In It yet." winter." regard called 'A .' gerous men at large. "Come on, now Joe! Get in the "There's a lot of youngsters on the kicked, until at the age of three the "When was it at its best?" " "Where do you generally go?" game!" team and when they learn my age family moved in to Kansas City to "In 1908, In my opinion. That's the ' To Desert the Drama "To a little place in Illinois." said Pitcher Needs an Alibi "Give me one about shoulder high they'll expect me to take them on my pacify me. Kansas City is eighty miles year we won the pennant by one game. "Where does the Tinker troupe open Tinker. "But I think I'llcome to New When a new pitcher has filled the and I'll lose it," came the confident lap and tell them stories. And the from Muskado, but doesn't brag about I refer to the famous game with the this season?" York this time. It appears to be the bases and sees him walking toward reply. minute a ball player hits the thirty the close connection." Giants. It may sound like a boast, but "I've decided to leave the drama to open season here the year around." the plate he begins framing an alibi "How old are you?" year thing his mail is filled with ad- "Go on! Go on! Your story interests I don't think our work of that year its fate this year. I expect to make an That was the wallop that- broke as to why he left the big league. Old "Help!" vertisements for rocking chairs, slip- me strangely!" will be duplicated in a hurry. The automobile trip from Chicago to Port- up the game. BATTING AND THE POTENCY OF THE "BEAN" BALL

N. Wheeler that it is not going to break and curve me," he remarked "but I fooled them." acquired the unsportsmanlike habit of fast ball is probably one of the fastest ones with his head came to the mana- ters get more safeties off me than they John over the plate. "Larry" still grabs off his cap when throwing the first ball at the heads of ever discovered. At least ball players ger and said:? should because they are not afraid to natural hitter, and I me a "There's a guy that's got the stuff in he makes a more extensive hit thap a these men who have been "beaned" say that it is. Johnson hit Martin in "Don't I get my old job back? Be- stand up to the plate. They feel that manager, I jwill make a ball player out of him," declares the and he , and rushes around the bases once. This is to drive them away from the head with a particularly fast one, cause a guy hit me in the head am I I am not going to hit them. him and about him," is the often repeated pre- holds to sets making a with it in his hand. He is one of the the plate. There is little sentiment in and Martin naturally saw many things thrown out of the lineup?" " 'Shoot one at their bean, Matty,' fielder out of the recruit. Many a man and scription of John McGraw, the mana- most picturesque batters in the big baseball. that astronomers talk about and Wolverton put him back, that says 'Mac' sometimes." has the Giants in just this come to leagues, and one of the most effective. Many men have been "beaned" and promptly forgot all about the ball day the little shortstop got three .hits, A story is told of old "Joe" McGin- ger of the Giants, when discussing the way. He is now a polished fielder, but it have come back strong. Roger Bres- game. There was some question for although the ball was directed at his nity when most of his speed was gone requisites of a big leaguer. "Larry" Doyle was far from a pol- was his remarkable hitting which first nahan, formerly the Giants' a few minutes whether the ambu- head with great frequency and persist- and his curve had lost the old, fast ished second base when Few good hitters have been manu- performer at obtained for him the job on the Giants. and now the manager of the St. Louis lance doctor or the coroner should be ency.l 11l health later caused his re- break and about all that he had left joined Giants, factured. Like poets, painters and he the but one look at Many batters who have no desire to club, was hit in the face with a pitched summoned, and the little busher was lease to Rochester, but he willbe back was his head. A youngster came to him in action at the bat was enough other artists, they are born, not made, step back when they first move into ball when the Giants were playing carried off the field very limp and next season. the bat and Bresnahan was catching for the keen eyed McGraw. The Giants Many pitchers be the league get "beaned," and are plate Cincinnati several years ago, and it wilted. never throw the ball for the Giants. The veteran battery the latent talent lingering there to often tell of what New man- the York shy ever afterward. That is the ulti- made extensive alterations in his face. It was a case for the ambulance, at a batter's head, considering the held a consultation in the pitcher's developed. To continue along the Mc- ager Brouthers, said after "Dan" the mate test of gameness in a ball player. He spent some time in the hospital, and concussion of the brain developed. practice unsportsmanlike and also box as to what should be served to the had his find the Graw line of thought, the manager of scout, brought to To get "beaned" is to be hit in the but when he came out he was up Martin had a serious time of it, and thinking that the injuring of a man recruit, while various and sundry fans Polo ground. the Giants has built a baseball club head with a fast ball, and it always there batting as strong as ever, and Wolverton, the New York manager, does their own nerves as much dam- suggested, as usual, that the Giants' "There's a guy that's a hitter," re- age it does those of the curled battery out of a lot of batters, and has won means going to sleep, the duration of never considers withdrawing that put in considerable time worrying as man exchange letters. marked McGraw. "He falls away on the nap depending upon the speed with front foot, matter how had up. Mathewson is one who does not "Bean him, 'Joe,'" said Roger. a pennant with it, and now appears no many are whether this "beaning" spoiled a his back and hits them. It won't make which the ball is hurled and the sus- shot at his head. The pitchers have good ball player. "I'm afraid he'll throw the ball at a batter's head in- "Bean him!" to be well on his way toward the sec- any difference him the to whether ceptibility of the "bean." Sometimes it long since abandoned the practice. never come back," complained Wol- tentionally. i "Yes, but what with?" asked McGin- ij ond. It is a notable feature that in is a left or right hander." And pitcher results in two days in the hospital Perhaps the most remarkable case verton. "I figure," says the great pitcher, nity, looking around as if for a brick, team fielding the Giants are away it doesn't. "Larry" stands up there at spent in a state of coma. After such of "beaning" occurred in a game be- When Martin had recovered, a "that there are enough ways to fool and realizing that he could not bend a down near the bottom of the list, but plate the and follows the ball with a terrifying experience a man is nat- tween the Washington club and the youngster named Dowd was being tried most batters without trying to scare pane of glass with a baseball then. in the standing of the clubs, which is his eye and punches at it. He is what urally timid about standing up to the Highlanders last spring. "Jack" Mar- out at shortstop and showing great them to death and maybe seeing them Many try to scare young what really counts, they are away up is known as a natural hitter and a plate when the ball Is again aimed for tin was spending his first season in promise. Wolverton kept him there for sent off to the hosptial. I have never batters coming into the big leagues near the top. There are certain faults free swinger, the acme of batting the head. Being aware of this fact, and the big league and making every effort several days with Martin on the bench. used the "bean ball," and have got by talking to them of the wildness of a batter can correct that will improve perfection. It is hard for most left keeping a carefully compiled list of to get by. was pitch- At last the young man who had along fairly well without it. I only certain pitchers and their habit of his hitting. handed hitters to bat southpaw pitch- the "beaned" boys, many pitchers have ing for the Washington club, and his stopped one of Walter Johnson's fast recall hitting one man in the head throwing the ball at the batter's head. The cardinal sin of batting is "step- ers. ?» \u25a0 with a pitched ball, and that was his Kling, the old Cub, was a bad man at Many a youngster comes very ping back." "Larry" was rough in his stick own fault this. into big leagues in the spring with work when the Giants, the he first came to "Itoccurred many years ago in Cin- "There's a fellow In the hospital of hope and stimulated bringing with many his heart full him of the tricks TRAVELING SOCIAL DIRECTORS cinnati, and 'Eagle Eye Jake' Beckley now that stopped one of this guy's ambition to climb which of the "honeysuckle always every by the same circuit." For in- the world trips, which have kind of illness, she must be furnished evening and this holds was the victim. 'Joe' Kelly, then the with his bean," Kling would say, and men in other walks of life he used throw his so Increased In popularity a amiable, yet firm good throughout actuates stance, to bat after within tactful and in emer- the tour. Lectures, manager of the club, thought that he then sign for a high fast one. A bat- the field and does sen- he hit ROUNDfew years, have opened up a new gencies. Moreover, she must be ex- concerts, games?sometimes there must and goes out in the ball, and frequently he was getting our signs on the coaching go many the real occupation for woman, that of social tremely well dressed. be to divert the passengers and to make ter has to to tests before he sational work. Then comes wss not particular where he aimed it. and off director on the trip, a part begins steamship They get lines tipped Beckley at the is finally accepted into the big league. They call it "slingin' the bat" around it is desirable Her before the them contented. like to their test. position, with a good salary, an oppor- leaves* port, for she acts as booking moneys worth on such a trip, and this bat to a curve ball. 'Jake' stood there Only one batter comes to mind just turn ," says the man- the Finally so many "Take a lots. catchers tunity to become familiar with Inter- agent between trips, that being the is one of the ways of making them feel waiting for the ball to break, and it npw who was really manufactured, complained about this ager. unpleasant esting foreign lands and to make plea- source of a part of her income. In the that they are doing it. was a high fast one all the time with and John McGraw put the trademark walks up to the plate habit of the New York second base- acquaintances. The recruit sant first few days at sea she gets ac- In the various pevts the social direc- not a break in its system. By the time on him. The player is Fred Snodgrass. is usually applied man that rule every woman can posi- quainted passengers on duty. and the acid test a was made in* the Not fill this with the and en- tor must still be She knows 'Jake' tried to duck ft was too late, and He came to New York as a catcher manager the pitcher league that whenever a tion, however, and the duties, although' deavors to make them feel at home. where are the best shops and can give first. The directs batter struck he took it in the ear. .He was in the and was made into an by at his bean." If catcher by the pleasant, are exacting. In the first She does what may be done for the advice on all manner of subjects. She to "shoot a fast one a careless manner in hospital for three days, and he told McGraw. He also place, a woman must have good looks comfort and relief of those who first must never fail any one who wants was turned into a the man steps back from the plate he which he placed the bat after hitting when and an attractive manner. She must fear they are going to die and then lest anything, and her duties do not end me he came out that he would batter, being very weak with the a-tlcl- steps back from the the ball he was out of the game ipso at the same time know the conditions of travel, she must they will not. For those who are In until she has seen the party safely re- never again take a tip on a sign. That when he first arrived from college. chances of big facto, used to say. limelight, because his as Cicero never be seasick or have any other good condition amusement must be turned to America. is the danger of Signal tipping. If the Besides the natural requirements go that foot. "Larry," who has no respect league associations with for the batter is told wrong the manager is for a baseball player to be a good bat- foot in the water conventions and niceties of the big "He puts one as liable as not to have a dead ball ter he must have great courage. If you the manager, leagues, promptly got a stout piece pail" is the verdict of of player on his hands, and dead ones don't believe it drop out to the warrant twine and tied his bat to after AGREED WITH THE COURT Polo and it is the player's death himself have no value in the open market. ground some morning when the Giants he been WISH to make a motion." presiding judge, but at times he was opinion of the r fast company. had removed from three or 44* "Is that the court?" "I did not feel sorry hitting are at practice and let Marquard or I The speaker stood a little un- not quite In condition for decorous "It Is." about however, that he is clumsy four games for bouncing the willow Beckley > Suppose, steadily, looking at the judge, proceedings. "Well, that's the first correct opin- because he was trying to get Tesreau or Mathewson shove the the ball awk- off the more or less resilient shins who court in the field and handles of Ignored him. The judge shook his head and, lean- ion I've hoard from this court," he our signs, bat I don't as a rule under- "bean" ball your way, and the retreat to the several catchers, to the great wardly, but when he comes detri- Pausing a moment, the would bo ing forward, said sternly: "The court remarked with an air of solemn ap- take to scare batters in this way. Fre- of the English at Bunker Hill would "bean ball" ment of the shins. proval, and returned to his chair, he steps toward the maker of the motion sat down. He Is of the opinion, Mr. ?, that you quently McGraw has complained that look like a stroll beside your haste rule where be remained In Imperturbable and ducks only his head after he sees "I guess that was aimed at was a good lav and a friend of the are not quite yourself." , content. I am particular about it that the hit- to get away from the plate. M