Getting Started with Podcasting Before we get started, let’s talk Zoom webinar tools.

Audio Settings: Q&A: This is where you can Use the Q&A button for choose your audio settings questions you’d like the such as selecting your presenter to answer that speaker. Everyone will be have to do with the muted during the webinar. content being covered.

Chat: Use the Chat button for adding examples, participation with the presenter, or side chatter. You can choose to share your message with everyone on the webinar, or just the panelists in the chat window. Jorie Munroe

Inbound Professor

I could talk forever about: reporting strategy, flywheels and funnels, Game of Thrones, and cooking shows.

Favorite : Lore, Last on the Left, Myths and Legends, Directionally Challenged, Noble Blood Anni Kim

Inbound Professor

The past few weeks at home I... cooked a ton of korean food, attempted calligraphy, became a plant mom!

My favorite podcasts: Dr. Death, Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness, Gladiator: Aaron Hernandez and Football Inc., Stuff You Should Know HubSpot Academy

HubSpot Academy is the worldwide leader in free online training for inbound marketing, sales, and customer service professionals.

We specialize in comprehensive certifications, singular topic courses, and short lessons for professionals looking to grow their career and business.

The HubSpot Academy team purpose is to educate and inspire so that we, together, transform the way the world does business. Agenda

1. Podcasting as Content

2. Finding Your Ideal Listener

3. Planning Your Episodes

4. Your Value Proposition

5. Choosing a Podcast Format

6. Your Podcasting Toolkit

7. Growing Your Audience Icebreaker

● Name ● Company/Industry ● Favorite podcast and why ● Poll A poll should launch on your screen.

Tell use what you do?

● Marketing ● Sales ● Services ● Ops ● Other Poll A poll should launch on your screen.

How comfortable do you feel creating content for a podcast?

● 1: You’ve listened to podcasts but don’t know how it could help your business. ● 2: You are curious about how to start a podcast. ● 3: You’ve considered starting a podcast and started researching how to do it. ● 4: You’ve started the podcast creation process. ● 5: You actively have your own podcast. Podcasting as Content A crash course in what you need to know What is a podcast? A program (as of music or talk) made available in digital format for automatic download over the A brief

The word “podcast” is a combination of “iPod” and “Broadcast.”

Adam Curry and coined the term when they created a program called iPodder in 2004.

Apple’s early investment

Apple picked up on this trend in 2005 by adding “Podcast Support” to iTunes.

Apple's early investment in the podcasting space has given the company a de facto top spot in the market. Modern Listenership

The world’s most popular apps

Apple makes up two-thirds of podcast listeners.

Spotify has the second-largest listenership — and they make up 7% of listeners. Today, podcasts are quite popular.

Nearly 1 in four Americans, roughly 68 million people are listening to podcasts on a monthly basis. Outside of the podcasts are being consumed at similarly a rapid rate.

Source: Nielson Is podcasting right for your business? Yes. Podcasts are long form.

There is no ideal length for a podcast episode. It all depends on the content you're creating and the type of show you're producing.

In 2019, Dan Misener of Pacific Content, analyzed 19 million podcast episodes, the mean average episode length was 41 minutes and 31 seconds. Weekly podcast listeners spend on average six hours +6 hrs and 37 minutes per week listening to podcasts.

Source: Edison Research Listeners are engaged.

A recent report by Sumo found that the average visitor only about a quarter of an article and only 20% of readers finish the articles at all.

Podcasts are different. According to Edison Research, 80% of podcast listeners consume the entire episode. On average, podcast listeners listen to 7 different ~7 podcasts per week.

Source: Nielson Podcasts ads are memorable.

According to a report comparing podcast ads to digital ads by Nielsen, podcast ads generate 4.4x better brand recall than display ads.

The study also found that 61% of consumers who heard the podcast ads were likely to purchase the featured product. Over $650M (USD) was spend on podcasting 650M advertising in 2019.

Source: Ad Age The format is convenient.

Unlike videos or , the advantage of podcasts is that they do not require the visual attention of the audience.

While your audience is driving home, walking their dog, grocery shopping, they can be listening to your podcast. How do you get started?

Like the rest of your content, it all begins with aligning with your buyer persona — in this case, your ideal listener. Finding Your Ideal Listener Who are you podcasting for? The Importance of Defining Your Ideal Listener

● Narrows your audience so you can deliver valuable content ● Simplifies the topic brainstorm process ● Encourages partnerships with other brands ● Concentrate your energy on promoting the podcast on specific platforms buyer persona a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers It all starts with your buyer persona

In short, buyer personas help you understand who your customers are. This important insight helps you tailor your content to the needs of your target buyer.

Questions you want to answer:

● What are their demographics? (Age, location, income, industry) ● What is their typical day like? ● What are their dreams? ● What everyday challenges do they face? ● What’s something they want to learn more about? “Amy’s 36 and teaches English as a second language in Montana. And while she likes her job, it’s not her passion. She’s feeling stuck in her small town and wants to find a way to live in Italy, where she studied abroad for a semester during college.

This is more than a dream for Amy: she’s taking action and evaluating ways she can start an online business to work from anywhere. She’ll drive an hour to spend an afternoon in a cozy bookstore so she can flip through information on global travel and how to live abroad (and she’ll take a sneak peek at the celebrity mags). While she’s jogging in the morning, Amy listens to a mix of ’80s pop, NPR, and podcasts about travel and world affairs. She loves history and walking tours and wants to learn to salsa. She’s not huge into social media, but you’ll find her on Instagram, seeking travel inspiration and sharing her passion for wine and Italian cooking. ”

- Sarah Mikutel, host of Postcard Academy Finding Your Ideal Listener

● Conduct customer surveys and interviews to find which topics resonate most with your listener. ● Ask questions on social. ● What other podcasts do they listen to? ● What social media platforms do they use? ● How do they discover new podcasts? Determine the direction of your podcast. Planning Your Episodes Choose a topic or theme

● What’s the goal of hosting a podcast? ● What makes your business stand out? ● Consider a topic that you know others will be able to contribute to ● Audit existing content to discover your most popular topics Brainstorm Episodes

● Content: What will you cover in each episode? ● Titles: What will each episode be called? ● Guests: Do you know anyone who can speak to your topic well? Set a timeline

● When do you want to launch your first episode? ● How frequently will you release episodes? ● How long will production take? Activity Think about a podcast you could potentially host and answer the following questions.

Time: 5 min

1. What’s the overall theme? 2. What topics will you cover? 3. How many episodes? 4. When will each episode be released?

If you don’t have a podcast idea in mind, research a podcast you enjoy and check out the topics covered. Your Value Proposition Aligning with the needs of your listener Human and helpful

Connecting with your audience

Podcasts give you the opportunity to provide firsthand, real-time information from reliable and trustworthy source. What is a value proposition? A value proposition is a promise of value to be delivered should someone choose to buy or use your product Creating Value

The value of your value proposition

A good value proposition, tied with a solid picture of your idea listener, makes it a no-brainer for any casual browser to subscribe to your show. A value proposition is based on:

● Who is your ideal listener?

● What makes your show and your unique?

● How is your show different from others in your field? Skill Up

Take your professional skills to the next level with Skill Up. Each season brings quick and practical lessons for you to learn everything you need to know about the most sought-after business skills. Advance your career, show off your skills, and grow your business. Activity

Value Proposition Scavenger Hunt

Pick one of your favorite podcasts. Search for their value proposition. This can be in their descriptions, blog posts, or post-credit details. Activity Value proposition scavenger hunt

Time: 2 min

1. Pick one of your favorite podcasts 2. Find that podcast’s value proposition 3. Paste it in the chat. Write a sentence or two on how this value proposition helps this podcast stand out. Choosing a Podcast Format Which delivery method helps you achieve your goals? Podcast Formats

Why? ● Structure provides consistency for listeners ● Comfort ● Boost engagement ● Eases planning process Podcast Formats

What formats are available? ● Solo ● Co-host ● Interviews ● Panels ● Storytelling Solo

● Flexible schedule ● Editing is easier ● Develops a personal brand

Example: ● Skill Up (Seasons 2-4) ● Business Wars ● How I Built This Co-host

● Facilitates natural conversation ● Balance two unique personalities ● Energy!

Example: ● Skill Up (Season 1) ● Stuff You Should Know ● Directionally Challenged Interviews

● Different perspectives on similar issues ● Saves time

Example: ● Weird Work ● Agency Unfiltered ● The Show ● 99% Invisible Panels

● Variety of voices and opinions ● Opportunities for promotion ● Plenty of content

Example: ● The PR Week ● Earn & Invest ● The Kitchen Cabinet Storytelling

● Encourages creativity ● Memorable ● Naturally brings listeners back

Example: ● Lore ● Noble Blood ● Revisionist History Your Podcasting Toolkit

Equipment and setup for any budget Capturing Audio

Almost any audio recording software will do.

Free options: ● GarageBand ● QuickTime ● Audacity * (Recommended by HubSpot Academy Video Producer, Stephen Fiske and Sr. Podcast Producer, Matthew Brown)

Paid options: ● Zencastr ● Zoom Pro tip

When interviewing your guests online, make sure you’re:

● in a quiet room ● wearing headphones ● speaking directly into your microphone Mighty Microphones

Great options for every budget

Low cost options: ● Earbuds with a built-in microphone ● USB headset Mid cost options: ● Blue Snowball Mic. ● Blue Yeti * (Recommended by HubSpot Academy Video Editor and Producers, Oscar Estrada and Jamal Meneide) High cost options: ● Zoom H4N digital recorder ● XLR microphone (plus an XLR/USB interface) Pro tip

Recording solo? Dealing with audio that echoes?

Try recording in a closet. Use two pillows to cut down on sound waves. Your RSS Feed

All you need to do is upload your audio files and those services will provide you with a feed that you can submit to a podcast directory.

Most cost a small fee per month or per year for storage and distribution. ● BuzzSprout ● Captivate ● Castos ● Libsyn ● PodBean ● Simplecast ● Soundcloud Uploading Episodes

When uploading your episode to your preferred feed, select your recording from your computer’s hard drive. Then, simply add the title, tags, cover art, and a short description before publishing your new episode. Pro tip

Have multiple episodes recorded before submitting your feed to Apple Podcasts.

The last thing you want to do is scramble to record another episode after you release your first one. Plus, you will get more downloads right out of the gate if you launch with multiple episodes. Episode Editing

Great options for every budget

It’s up to you how much editing you want to do after you’ve recorded your audio. One thing you might want to do to make your podcast sound more professional is to record a quick introduction and find some music to lead into your show. “If you have 100,000 listeners and you edit out one useless minute, you are saving 100,000 wasted minutes in the world. You're practically a hero.”

Roman Mars, 99% Invisible Additional Apps:

Recommended editing apps: ● ● Podbean

Recommended transcription app: ● Descript (includes free options) ●

Bumper music: ● Youtube Studio Free Music Library ● Audio Jungle * (Recommended by Jesse Abbruzzese, Video Editor For HubSpot Academy) Growing Your Audience

Marketing Your Podcast Growing Your Audience

Create a website Promote, promote, Engage with Build a and social media promote! listeners community accounts Create a website or social media accounts

Website: ● Post transcripts of episodes ● Have an archive of past episodes ● Ask for feedback or additional questions which can be topics for future episodes

Social Media: ● Meet and build relationships with fellow podcasters Promote, promote, promote!

● Repurpose episodes into different content formats ● Blog ● Social media posts ○ Facebook, LinkedIn, , Instagram, etc. ● Partner with other businesses or podcast hosts to broaden your reach ● Join podcast communities, like Podcast Movement on Facebook Engage with listeners

● Answer questions ● Like or respond to comments ● Direct them to your blog or other resources you’ve created ● Re-post others’ thoughts ● Have exclusive offers or giveaways Build a community

● Start a , so your listeners can easily see what others are saying ● Facebook group ● Show appreciation ● Organize a live event (webinar, Instagram/Facebook live, etc.) Next Steps and Resources Let’s connect

The team: @HubSpotAcademy

Anni Kim: in/anni-kim/

Jorie Munroe: @findingjorie Share your thoughts

Feedback is the breakfast of champions. We want to hear from you. Always be learning

Continue to learn about podcasting and grow better. Resources

● Guide: The Podcast Host

● Guide: The Audacity to Podcast

● Guide: BuzzSprout

● Inspiration: HubSpot’s Podcasts

● Podcasting Worksheet Thank you