PHILIPS VALVE for Every Socket in Your Receiver 4R,R UAL TRIODE ME1001
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VOL. 1 No. 5 NOVEMBER, 1949 Registered at G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post as a periodical New Zealand. % \ \ ‘ 3 Circulating throughout Australia and 1 3 " There's a PHILIPS VALVE for every socket in your receiver 4r,r UAL TRIODE ME1001 Upper Frequency Limit 3,750 Mc/S (8 cm.) HE ME1001 is the first of a series of Mullard Disc Seal Triodes speci- Tally designed for U.H.F. applica- Illustration slightly. larger than full size tions. It may be used equally well as oscillator or amplifier in C.W. or pulse transmitting systems. Adequate cooling and low inductance are combined in the PRINCIPAL C H AR ACTERISTICS design of the anode and grid discs to give Heater Voltage 6.3V. an anode dissipation of 10 watts and an Heater Current 0.4A, upper frequency limit (as an oscillator) Max. Anode Voltage 350V. of 3750-3500 Mc/S (8-83 cm.). When Max. Anode Dissipation 10W. used in a co-axial line circuit with an anode input of 10 watts, the output power Max. Anode Current 50mA. is approximately 0.5 watts at 10 cm. 150mA. Max Peak Anode Current (3000 Mc/S). Power output (at 3000 Mc/s) 0.5 W. Full technical details of the ME1001 Power output (at 500 Mc/s) 3.5 W. and other special Mullard VHF valves 6mA/V. Mutual Conductance will be gladly supplied on application. Amplification Factor 30 The ME1001 is available ex stock. Mullard ther mionie valves e electron, tubes Mallard Australia Pty. Ltd., 35-43 Clarence St., Sydney, Tel. BX 2006 592 Bourke St. , Melbourne, Tel. MU 2366 Representatives in Australia for Mullard Electronic Products Ltd., London M11•49 2 "Australian RA DIO and TELEVISIO N News" November, 1949 BOB DYER I-- comedian-compere of the "Atlantic Show," heard over station 2UW Sydney every Satur- day night at 8 p.m., offers a 130 guinea jewelled watch to a contestant. • Here, Bob Dyer is measuring runs in the "Longest Ladder" competition during a recent "Atlantic Show" featured on 2UW. e Clive Amadio (saxaphone) with two members of his Quintet, Olga Krasnik (piano) and Edward Cochman (violin). The Quintet has been a feature of ABC programmes for more than 10 years, and brings to Sunday evening listeners programmes of pleasant and distinctive music. Featured on Interstate from 2FC at 7.30 p.m. e Fred Hartley rehearses a number with his ensemble in Sydney. They are L to R: Fred Hartley, Don BruceII (clarinet), Don Andrews (guitar), Eddie Fisher (bass), Phyllis McDonald (1st violin), Pat Buchanan (2nd violin), Rosalind Gumpertz (viola) and Muriel Lang (cello). Tssice weekly from the ABC; Saturdays 6.30 p.m. from 2BL. National, and Sundays at 5.30 p.m. through 2FC, Interstate. November, 1949 "Australian RADIO and TELEVISIO N News" 3 PERFECT FOR PORTABLES This NEW ROLA ELLIPTICAL LOUDSPEAKER This model is Rola's contribution to the compact design of next year's Portables. The new Elliptical Model 6-9L gives the equivalent perform- ance of an 8 inch loudspeaker (considered the ideal for high quality portables), yet can be fitted into the space normally taken up by a conventional six inch model. ROLA CO. (AUST.) PTY. LTD., THE BOULEVARD, RICH MOND, VICTORIA, and at 116 CLARENCE STREET, SYDNEY "Austlalian RADIO and TELEVISION News" November, 1949 AUSTRALIAN RADIO AND TELEVISION NEWS THE PROGRESSIVE NATIO NAL JOURNAL FOR EVERYBODY EDITED BY DON B. KNOCK Proprietors : HAYNOCK PRESS PTY. LIMITED, Publishers Directors: A. E. HAY, F.R.S.A., MI R E., Business and Advertising D. B. KNOCK, MI R E., (Aust.) M.W.I.A. Editorial Advertising Representative, N.S.W., D. R. WARDEN All Correspondence: Box 5177, General Post Office, Sydney Telegrams and Cables: "HAYNOCK", Sydney Telephones: Editorial and General, }Iv 2443. Publishing and Advertising, JR 3212, Secretary, BW 1633 Victorian Representative: R. HAIG-MUIR, A.M.I.R.E. Melbourne Office: 29 Collins Place. 'Phone Cent. 1061 Telegraphic Address: "LITCHFILM", Mélbourne Advertising Space Rates available on application VOL. 1 No. 5 NOVEMBER, 1949 FEATURES THIS MONTH . Page Editorial ..,.. '7 Television, Entertainment, and the Stage 8 Telenews 11 Martian Megacycles or Earthbound Electrons? 12 Broadcasting Brevities 14 Provincial Broadcaster-4T0 Townsville, N. Queensland 18 Design and Construction, Voltage Amplifiers 20 In Lighter Vein 28 Short-Waves 32 Reader's Floodlight 33 Com mercial Broadcasting News 34 RadiotiPs for Practical People 35 Round the Turntable 38 In Tune with the Trade 33 Amateur Radio Section 42 Reader's Exchange and Mart 50 Price per single copy one shilling. Subscription rate I2/- a year posted free to any address in Australia. 12/. Sty. to British Empire excepting Canada. Canada and USA. 2 dollars 50 for one year. All other countries 15/-. The Editor invites contributions on any topic covering radio, television, home interests and handicrafts in general. Con- structional articles are acceptable but these must be suitable for perusal by non-academic readers. Short stories and humourous articles will • also be considered. If accepted, contributions will be paid for upon publication. A stamped addressed envelope MUST accompany all MSS for return if considered unsuitable. "Australian RADIO and TELE- VISION News" is distributed through wholesale channels by Gordon & Cotch (Australasia) Limited. The publishers will permit the re-publication of Editorial matter only by written permission, otherwise the contents of this journal are strictly copyright. THIS M O NTH'S COVER ILLUSTRATIO N:— • Despite the fact that modern short-wave receivers use bandswitching, the plug-in coil is as useful as ever fur the home-made receiver. November, 1949 "Australian RADIO and TELEVISIO N News" 5 RELIANCE SKY KNIGHT 5 Valve W ORLD RANGE Radiogram CHASSIS UNIT Easy Terms in Sydney and Metropolitan Area. RELIA NCE GIVES YOU THESE ADVA NCED FEATURES! NOW AVAILABLE • New type variable Tone Control which gives RELIANCE much more efficient mixing of Bass and SAPPHIRE NEEDLES Treble notes than, ordinary types. • Inverse Feed Back, automatic volume con- 8/6 Post Free trol, FM PLUG-1N, extension speaker socket. • RADIO -GRA MO switch combined with wave change switch. • Type E n() Valve for NOISE FREE LONG DISTANCE RECEPTION. A FAMOUS • Latest type 12". Permanent magnet speaker. NAME IN RADIO BEHIND THIS SET! NOW AVAILABLE The Reliance Sky Knight is a companion to the famous Reliance Sky 16-Valve Super Sky Master Raider and Sky Master, backed by over 20 years of technical experience in RADIOGRAM producing communication type receivers and luxury type multi-valve sets. Limited number of this super luxury set available, complete in magnificent The Reliance Sky Knight brilliantly combines many of the distinguished cabinet. It contains many of the new features of these super sets and it comes to you in COMPLETE form to features of the 36-valve SUPER SKYMASTER exhibited at the Royal enable you to fit it to your own cabinet easily and at low cost! If you Show including a DOUBLE PUSH wish, we will supply a cabinet, motor and P/U or record changer at low PULL PARALLEL audio with 807 type prices, too! valves. FREE PACKING FREE AIR FREIGHT Wherever practicable we despatch by AIR FREIGHT. This is FREE IN N.S.W and to Melbourne and Brisbane. Nominal charge elsewhere. The set is securely packed in a special carton. There is NO CHARGE for packing. Write or Call For Full Technical Details SOCS RA1310 10 BARRACELIA K ST., SYDNEY, NE XT DOOR TO LOTTERY OFFICE Telephone: BX 2691-2-3 "YOU can be sure of THIS door" 6 "Australian RA DIO and TELEVISIO N News" November, 1949 AUSTRALIAN AND READ AND RADIO A MAGAZINE ENJOY FOR EVERYBODY TELEVISION NEWS Vol. 1, No. 5. SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. November, 1949 Piet Wee PPepa9ailet4 European Misuse of Frequencies A Vital Factor in Shaping the World of TO-MORRO W FEW months ago a prominent American Com- broadcasting to him, and he doesn't care what happen's munications Engineer expressed the opinion that to other services so long as he gets what he wants." Aof the 300 million people throughout the world It cannot be denied that short-wave broadcasting has who daily listen to some form of broadcasting, less than been and is being mis-used; one has but to listen to 3 per cent. hear any form of direct short-wave broad- that portion of the spectrum that was once the exclusive casting. The guess is probably somewhere near the amateur "forty metre band" to note the early morning mark, and that being so, the thought arises about the chaos. Europe is a seething mass of broadcasters, not appalling wastage of valuable frequency channels. One even to those who cannot really understand the language, has only to run over the short-wave range of a dual- particularly kindly disposed to each other. The ironical wave receiver to know that thousands of stations, large part of it is that in Continental countries for whom the and small, are continuously jostling each other, churning anti-Western propaganda is intended, most of the peoples out programmes of all kinds in languages of all kinds. are too poor to live decently, let alone afford the dubiou's Prior to the war, these frequencies were notable as being luxury of a radio receiver capable of receiving these a verbal battleground for the Axis Dictators, with intensi- transmissions. It is an insane state of affairs. The fication of vituperation and hate as the war proceeded. communication channels are inundated with propaganda, Then came the end, and the Lord Haw Haw's were no and as this journal sees it, the talking shop of Atlantic more. Now, with the rumble of war hardly receded City didn't result in any real control over mis-users of from memory, the higher frequency channels are again channels; the same old state of affairs exists.