Kansliets noteringar Dnr Kod 2006-16873-36510-47 2006 Area of science *Linnéstöd och Berzelius Center Vetenskapsrådet Announced grants Linnaeus Grant Funds applied for (kSEK) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 5000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 5000 REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE HEI Name(Surname, First name) Bremer, Kåre Date of birth 480117-1192 Sex Male Email address
[email protected] Academic title Professor Position Rektor Phone 08-162271 ORGANISATION Organisation Stockholms universitet DESCRIPTIVE DATA Project title, English (max 200 char) Climate evolution, variability and sensitivity Project description (max 1500 char) The overarching aim of this proposal, comprising 26 scientists at four departments, is to further develop climate research at Stockholm University (SU), into a coherent cutting-edge environment consistently operating at the forefront of science. The research will be organized in five cross-disciplinary core themes, each of which brings together scientists from different departments, working on different scales and with complementary methods: 1/ Climate variability; 2/ Atmospheric and oceanic circulation; 3/ Boundary conditions for circulation system modelling; 4/ Small-scale processes with large-scale impacts; 5/ Biogeochemical cycles. The issues we address are of critical importance for an improved assessment of natural climate variability, anthropogenically-induced climate change and simulating future climate. To meet the core theme objectives we will conduct climate modelling experiments firmly rooted in a comprehensive understanding of the underlying processes, natural climatic evolution, and magnitudes of short-term climate variability. We will add critical expertise in key fields of modeling and focus on improved integration and exchange of data and ideas among research groups, improved formulation of scale transformation and upscaling strategies, and identification of critical information gaps that will be filled through field campaigns.