Republic of Turkey Çukurova University Institute of Social Sciences Department of English Language Teaching

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Republic of Turkey Çukurova University Institute of Social Sciences Department of English Language Teaching REPUBLIC OF TURKEY ÇUKUROVA UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING A CORPUS-BASED STUDY ON TURKISH EFL LEARNERS’ WRITTEN ENGLISH: THE USE OF ADVERBIAL CONNECTORS BY TURKISH LEARNERS M. Pınar BABANOĞLU A PHD DISSERTATION ADANA, 2012 REPUBLIC OF TURKEY ÇUKUROVA UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING A CORPUS-BASED STUDY ON TURKISH EFL LEARNERS’ WRITTEN ENGLISH: THE USE OF ADVERBIAL CONNECTORS BY TURKISH LEARNERS M. Pınar BABANOĞLU Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Cem CAN A PHD DISSERTATION ADANA, 2012 To the Directorship of the Institute of Social Sciences, Çukurova University We certify that this dissertation is satisfactory for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Cem CAN Member of Examining Committee: Prof. Dr. Hatice SOFU Member of Examining Committee: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet DOĞANAY Member of Examining Committee: Asst. Prof. Dr. Hülya YUMRU Member of Examining Committee: Asst. Prof. Dr. Hasan BEDİR I certify that this dissertation confirms to the formal standards of the Institute of Social Sciences. ...../...... /2012 Prof. Dr. Azmi YALÇIN Director of the Institute Note: The uncited usage of the reports, charts, figures, photographs in this thesis, whether original or quoted from other sources, is subject to the law of Works of Art and Thought No: 5846. Not: Bu tezde kullanılan özgün ve başka kaynaktan yapılan bildirişlerin, çizelge, şekil ve fotoğrafların kaynak gösterilmeden kullanımı, 5846 Sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu’ndaki hükümlere tabidir. iii ÖZET YABANCI DİL OLARAK İNGİLİZE ÖĞRENEN TÜRK ÖĞRENENLERİN YAZILI ANLATIMLARINDA DERLEME DAYALI BİR ÇALIŞMA: TÜRK ÖĞRENCİLER TARAFINDAN ZARF BAĞLAÇLARIN KULLANIMI M. Pınar BABANOĞLU Doktora Tezi, İngiliz Dili Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı Danışman: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Cem CAN Haziran 2012, 202 Sayfa Aradil, uzun zamandır ikinci/yabancı dil edinimi araştırmalarının önemli bir konusu olmuştur. Birincil amaç ikinci dil edinimi ve süreci ile ilgili daha iyi tanımlamalar yapmaktır. Öğrenen dili ile ilgili yeni bir düşünce olan Bilgisayarlı Aradil Derlemi (Computer Learner Corpus), ikinci dil edinimi alanında tanımlayıcı ve dikkate değer deneysel bir öğrenen veri kaynağı sunmaktadır (Granger, 2004). Aradil derlemi, yabancı dil öğrenenlerce üretilen dilden oluşturulan bilgisayar kaynaklı veri tabanıdır (Leech, 1998). Bu aradil derlemi, İngilizce öğrenenlerin dilbilgisi, sözcük düzlemi ve bir kompozisyon yazarken karşlaştıkları zorlukları araştırmak için öğrenenlerin yazılı ürünlerinden oluşan güvenilir bir veri sağlamaktadır. Aradil hakkında daha iyi bir anlayışa sahip olmak için aradil derlemi yoluyla aradil ile aradil araştırması üzerine kurulu birçok derleme dayalı çalışma yapılmıştır (Altenber & Tapper, 1998; Granger & Tyson, 1998; Aijmer, 2002; Housen; 2002; Neff et al., 2003; Narita et. al., 2004). Bu çalışmada, ikinci dil olarak İngilizce öğrenen Türk öğrenenlerin İngilizce metinlerinde ki zarf bağlaç kullanımı araştırılmıştır. Zarf bağlaçlar, bu kullanımın eğer varsa olası bir anadil aktarımından ve farklı anadil artlanlarından gelen öğrenenler arasında ortak aradil özelliklerinin bulunup bulunmadığı açısından incelenmiştir. Çalışmada, zarf bağlaç kullanımında farklı öğrenenler arasında bazı ortak aradil özelliklerine rastlanmıştır. Ayrıca, Türk öğrenenlerin zarf bağlaç kullanmlarında anadil aktarımı adına bazı anadil etkileri bulunmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bilgisayarlı Aradil Derlemi, Zarf Bağlaçlar, Uluslararası İngilizce Öğrenen Derlemi, Uluslararası Türk Öğrenenler Derlemi. iv ABSTRACT A CORPUS-BASED STUDY ON TURKISH EFL LEARNERS’ WRITTEN ENGLISH: THE USE OF ADVERBIAL CONNECTORS BY TURKISH LEARNERS M. Pınar BABANOĞLU Ph.D. Dissertation, English Language Teaching Department Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Cem CAN June 2012, 202 Pages Investigation of interlanguage has long been an important subject of second and foreign language acquisition research. The primary goal is to provide better descriptions for SLA and its process. Computer Learner Corpus (CLC), which is a new way of thinking about learner language (Granger, 2004), offers a source of learner data suggesting empirical base for a remarkable and descriptive contributions in the field of SLA. Learner corpus is the computer texture database formed by the language produced by foreign language learners (Leech, 1998). This interlanguage corpora provides a reliable data of learners written production in order to examine the learner grammar and lexis and the main difficulties experienced by learners of English when writing an essay. Many corpus-based studies have been conducted on interlanguage investigation through learner corpora (Altenber & Tapper, 1998; Granger & Tyson, 1998; Aijmer, 2002; Housen; 2002; Neff et al., 2003; Narita et. al., 2004) to gain insight for a better understanding of learner language. In the present study, the use of adverbial connector in L2 writings of Turkish adult learners has been investigated. Adverbial connectors have been examined whether, such usage is effected by a possible transfer from mother tongue and there is a common interlanguage properties among learners from different mother tongue backgrounds. In the study, some common interlanguage properties among different EFL learners have been identified in use of adverbial connectors. In addition, some features in the use of adverbial connectors by Turkish EFL learners have been found in respect of L1 transfer. v Keywords: Computer Learner Corpus (CLC), Adverbial Connectors, Turkish International Corpus of Learner English (TICLE), International Corpus of Learner English (ICLE). vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This dissertation represents a milestone in my educational and professional career. During the process of preparation and completing of this project, I have received valuable support anf help from a number of people to whom I owe thanks and would like to acknowledge. First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Cem CAN who has provided tremendious support and mentorship througout my doctoral time . His guidiance not only has led to the complation of this study, but also he fostered my academic development. My most sincere thanks go to him. I would like to present my great thanks to Professor Hatice Sofu who has provided valuable support for writing this dissertation with her profound knowledge. Her insightful comments and constructive suggestions on each draft have facilitated the creation of this dissertation. I would also like to extend my great thanks to Professor Ahmet Doğanay for his invaluable comments and suggestions especially in statistical considerations of the dissertation. I am also very greatful to him for his patience and kindness. I would also like to thank to Professor Hülya Yumru and Professor Hasan Bedir for accepting to be a comitee member. My special thanks go to Professor Mike Scott who provided stimulating comments and important suggestions for the dissertations during my research visit at Aston University. I am fortunate for receiving his co-supervision and great advices. I am also thankful to my close friend Eliz Can for her valuable friendship and for encouraging me during the process with her generous kindness. Finally, my special thanks go to my precious family member who deserve my special thanks most. I eternally gratitude to my dear mom Fatma Babanoğlu for her constant love, patience and invaluable support. Without her precious parentship, I do not belive that I can go on in my life and I owe her so much. I am also greatful to my dad for his strong supports and always being there. I truly thank to my brother Onur Babanoğlu for his valuable helps as well as to my brother Cumhur Babanoğlu for being there as my family member. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages ÖZET ........................................................................................................................ iii ABSTRACT....................................... ........................................................................ iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................ ................................................................ v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................. ........................................................ x LIST OF TABLES .................................................. .................................................. xii LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................... ............................................ xv LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................... ...................................... xvii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. General Background .............................................................................................. 1 1.1.1. Corpus Linguistics and Corpus Research ...................................................... 1 1.1.2. Corpus Approaches in Language Studies ..................................................... 2 1.2. Research Background ............................................................................................ 4 1.3. Statement of the Problem........................................................................................ 6 1.4. Purpose of the Study .............................................................................................. 7 1.5. Research Questions ............................................................................................... 7 1.6. Limitations ...........................................................................................................
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