Cub first baseman, Phil Cavarretta, Snow Hill Surrenders on JV. C. State Freshmen N.C. STATE WHIPS O’er the Tree Tops CANADIAN NAVY the sidelines. Coastal Plain Franchise Bonura, a right hander, batted Defeat Baby Deacons SPORTS •264 in the 49 games he played with the Cubs last 37 — C5>) — year. He broke into DEACONS, 40 TO DOES BIG JOB SNOW HILL, Feb. 15. WAKE FOREST, Feb. 15.—(iPI— the big time with the White Sox in waited a few days for be Bones N. Larry Mac- Snow Hill, said hereabouts to 1934. McKinney, C. State col- Phail to make up his mind on lege freshman scored 23 MISSING Paul Wolfpack Gains RevengS For Small But Growing Force Fac- one of the smallest towns in Class center, CATCHERS Waner, then went to press without points tonight as he led his metes D , threw up its Coastal Poison" on Earlier Defeat In Confer- tor In Dominion’s to a 36-28 over Wake "Big the list, The War Ef- Clark victory For- Plain league franchise today. Griffith Leaves est's The day the leaflet was distributed to ence Contest fort In Atlantic Waters yearlings. victory avenged DODGERS’CAMP Owner Josiah Exum said the 48-47 handed the IN the baseball writers, MacPhail de- sport To licking State Supervise Training freshmen the cided to hire Waner. was “too expensive in recent sea- by Baby Deacons Some of (Editor’s Nose: What is Can- Late And WAKE FOREST, Feb. 15 .—<•*>)— earlier this season. Reporting the ages given for players are sus- sons.” BELLAIR, Fla., Feb. 15—UP)— Phelps ada doing for the British was held to for Gaining revenge for an earlier de- McKinney seven Franks And Giu- picious; instance the Yankees It was here Clark Griffith, president of the Owen, feat by Wake Forest, N. C. State cause? Wade Werner provides expected that Rocky points in the first half, which ended list Red Rolfe as and 32 George Sel- the answer in five Mount, whose Piedmont league Washington baseball club, left here lia nu Are Holdouts defeated the Deacons, 40-37, in a Big daily stories, with Wake Forest leading by 17-16. kirk as 33. franchise was transferred today for Orlando to Five and Southern conference bas- of which this is the first, for recently, supervise But the Durham boy accounted for would take over the Plain spring of his ketball game here tonight. the Special News Service and Coastal training team, open- all but five of his team's points in club. Feb. tiuuauja o The ing 20. He had been here a the second stanza. I>Y If Luke takes any time The victory was State’s fifth, Star-News). Appling Snow Hill a new month. YORK, Feb. 15.—CP>—The this acquired park Leading scorer for the Baby Deacs N-r\V off season, watch for a KKKK against seven losses, in the confer- last have four catch- year. Griffith was accompanied by his was who tallied ,' hiyn Dodgers' infield for the Chicago White Sox— ence this season. Wake Forest now By WADE WERNER Kotesky, eight wife and who tiieir roster and not a Kuhel at has a .500 in the with OTTAWA— (Correspondence of daughter, Thelma, points. Pl oti first, Koloway at second, aVerage loop, at Havana. is his private secretary. them is in camp Knickerbocker at short four wins and four defeats. the Special News Service).—Si- 011 and Kennedy Sells Bonura was given permis- of Chicago pabe Phelps at third. The St. Louis Cardi- Wake Forest took an early lead lence hides the achievements ■ GLOSSOP Derringer, Albert Neal late and Micleey Owen, nals was Canada’s SOLD p to report will play six of their seven and ahead by 13-4 after six young navy. To Minneapolis Club and Herman Franks It Feb. 15—MV- s!t"„flo Giuliani night games on Fridays, but Wednes- minutes of play. State put on a gets little publicity, even in BOSTON, The Bos- Battle On Links Today a ... As result and led at ton Bees announced the „ ,ire holdouts. day is the most popular night with spurt, however, 14-18. Canada; and censorship blurs the CHICAGO, Feb, 15.—CP)—The Chi- today sale * Brooks’ Mon- ot the With and a half minutes of A1 — j Gillespie a total of 30 games booked for lights. two to go few glimpses one gets now and cago Cubs today announoed the sale Glossop, young outfielder, to SARASOTA, Fla., Feb. 15 (.&>!— a lookover and before the end Kansas 'n.l farm is getting The Giants offered Atlanta over of the half, Wake then of its activities. of First Baseman Zeke Bonura to City of the American as- Paul Derringer, the Bill Jurges thinks Forest was in front and it sociation. o£ work. $30,000 for Willard Marshall and by 21-15, Yet it shares one of the most Minneapolis of the American Asso- The price was not made pitcher, and Albert Neal of Sara- Cubs are the if” team was then that the State boys took and ciation in a cash public. The Bees obtained sota the Chicago were turned down Wonder how critical perilous assignments straight transac- Glossop and Marion, N. C., will battle over. in the National league. much of the whole war: that tion. The amount was not disclosed. and Manuel Salvo from the New 36 holes over the mu- 0 vateh Earl Mann can get for him Keeping Bobby Jones is some talk that the In just 33 seconds, the Raleigh who has with three York Giants la*st June in Th,ere if Judge Landis’ edict on optioning supply line open between North Bonura, played exchange nicipal course here tomorrow for the scored like to Outfielder team three field goals—by major league cluV White for Toney Cuccinello. is a Giants Would buy players stands. Manager Bill America and the United Kingdom. 3—Chicago Glossop city golf championship. from the Phillies' Ev Levin, Roy Cromartie and Senators and former R'izzo didn’t to in It is a navy without Sox, Washington New Piedmont leaguer. Derringer advanced to the finals T’i 'i’osta Terry expect keep him -to tie the battleships, 32 George Strayhorn- count York Giants—was t’ 3 -pft, Gomez has dropped the National this and cruisers or and purchased by today with a 3-2 triumph over Wes j- league year at 21-all. Five seconds before the aircraft-carriers, Hartnett also is Cubs last year from Washington. Recent indicate that the Gabbv would have had to take a chance on herefore seldom gets a chance to reports Ferrell, Boston Bees hurler and for- pounds half ended, Monte Crawford scored He was obtained in of in the middle of state highway patrolmen of Geor- mer baseball links Neal slimmer. losing him for $6,000. field and State participate exploits offensive champ. another goal, led, the season after appendicitis will be Yankees are holdouts. sea warfare. had gia courteous to tourists at walloped "Chuck” former col- gK-teeh 23-21, at the intermission. Taylor, Hank forced Glen Russell from the lineup all times even to the extent of Foxx. Ted Williams, A Defensive Jon lege basketball star, one up in 19 Tirnmie- From that point on, the Deacons and an Chapman (of all A report is out that Dolly Stark ankle injury put the other helping them tires. 4 holes. Sam able to catch al- The Royal Canadian’s navy’s big change Greenberg-and- wants never were State, *-—- in every Ameri- to return to the National people) bit homers though the Red Terrors never got job is defensive—mainly, the con- last season. league’s umpiring staff. Leo park more than five in the lead. of merchant across ,an league to points voying ships the Cleveland Indians Durocher says he’ll stay in shape r.e susce, thte Atlantic, or to a point in mid- with 17 different clubs play shortstop for the Dodgers any- oad, piaved Atlantic where British warships observer time Peewee Reese can’t. This ’’a'years..An expert Duke Quint Wrns Over take over the convoy. They leave Jimmie Ripple is the first time in five years that ,ls us ihe reason an unidentified Canadian port at until Joe Medwick has taken part in the And Lee been able to get going Washington an unannounced time for an un- h“n't first workout of his season in recent years spring training ]atP in the disclosed destination, traveling has reported away club. He was an invariable DURHAM, Feb. 15.—UP)—Fight- that he always rough sets in small ships without bench holdout with the Cards. Pitts- ing to gain a place in the Southern Warming the lights: and the folks at home have overweight—and burgh may not keep and conference basketball tournament in get him into condition; to be when the never helped the Duke Blue glad radio silence at Montreal got Russ Bauers, the two big pitching Raleigh, university nlaviiv- every day is unbroken!—for no news is good on their roster this Devils defeated Washington and The Doors of Wisdom Art to be a sensation for question marks, him in shape Lee here tonight, in Duke gymna- news, so long as the period of Reds last fall. season if they don’t produce; but all the World Champion 45 to 33. The triumph gives waiting finally produces two Manager Frankie Frisch will say is sium, Never Shut Duke six wins and four losses in words: “Safe arrival.” Franklin this desk that they will be given every chance Team rosters are hitting conference contests, and just about During 1940 the small, silent and the Giants’, to make good at camp. even- day now, assures the Durham quint of a place navy quietly convoyed some 3,700 Brannick, still is edited bv Eddie in the tournament. vessels across the North Atlantic, was delayed sev- the finest. His Will For Washington and Lee U was carrying a deadweight tonnage of trade but Don Curry Manage eral davs while a dangled, Dick Pinck and Signaigo who play- more than 22,000,000 tons. Dodgers 1 tor shoot- the deal vanished-The Portsmouth This Yeai ed the leading roles, Pinck But all this time the navy was ing 17 points and Signaigo for his doing other things, too. fine floor work. PORTSMOUTH, Va-, Feb. 15.—ta?) It was patrolling the seacoasts "Chuck” Holley, Duke center, 1941 —Don Curry, second baseman, will of Canada, on the alert for long- February 15, was the star for his team with 14 manage the Portsmouth Cubs in the range enemy submarines or sur- points, while Eddie Shokes, guard, 1941 Piedmont league, owner Frank face raiders. played a great floor game, as did Lawrence announced today. And it was to D. Sam Rothbaum, sensational sopho- trying desperately who was the champion field- Like a thrown Curry, more. grow. boy suddenly ing second baseman in the Piedmont Targer Tolile of Norway Ski club into a man-sized job, it was doing of New York makes ski of league last season, succeeds Bill jump the job and trying to grow up to The Cubs him 273 feet at Leavenworth in Cascade To The Stelnecke. purchased Omelet Santa it at the same time. Junior Mountains of The ef- Texas Captures Washington. Wilmington from Shreveport of the league Small but fort wipes from the records the pre- Growing in 1939. Margarita Handicap vious North American mark of 257, When the war began in Septem- also announced to Lawrence plans established by Iiob Roecker in 1939. ber, 1939, Canada’s navy consisted West — — take a squad of 23 players to LOS ANGELES, Feb. 15. <£>> of six destroyers, five mine-sweep- Beach. Fla., for train- a 15-to-one the Chamber Palm spring shot, of Omelet, captured ers and several small Commerce auxiliary 29. Lane Love Alone ing March 110,000 Santa Margarita handicap Says vessels; its personnel numbered ver a sloppy track before a compara- Will Make Fall 1,800 officers and men. tively small crowd at Santa Anita Her Today it has more than 180 ves- Ruth Ordered To Pay Park today. sels and nearly 16,000 officers and Dear Members With the highly favored Fairy HOLLYWOOD, Feb. 15— The In Accident Case next time Priscilla Lane it; men. Some of the new ships were $700 Chant finishing out of the money, falls, be in love. built under a naval construction Augury ran second and Barrancosa may I have been with interest CITY, N. J., Feb. 15.— She’s program calling for 130 vessels of noticing particular the campaign ATLANTIC third. Trailing behind were Valdina through tumbling down, county direct- into or movie various sizes and categories—most (£>)_An Atlantic jury Gold, Flying Wild, Primulus, and the through sets, says which Junior Chamber of H. (Babe) Miss Lane. of which are still under construc- you (the Commerce) have been ed today that George Foxcatcher farm’s Fairy Chant, win- Oomps-a-daisy sponsoring Ruth $700 damages to Anthony “I learned how to fall when I tion and therefore will add to the pay ner of the race last year. for the of the a worker, as the took she de- size of fleet—some of them adoption of for the Guerrieri, garment Omelet paid $30.20, $9 and $5-20; dancing lessons,” the Council-Manager plan government automobile accident. clares. “Relax, and fall to one were or liners result of an Augury $7.60 and $4.80, and Barran- freighters passenger home king, side. But converted to naval of the few months. I wish to The former cosa $6.80. enough’s enough.” or yachts uses, City Wilmington during past congratulate had accepted re- One she skidd-d off a and seven of the 12 de- through counsel, Sweet Nancy was scratched. The picture navy’s for a collision near here 10-foot springboard while trying obtained from the on the work are and to inform sponsibility race was limited to mares and fillies stroyers were you you doing you that you have my but contested the $5,500 for to attract Morris’ atten- May 15, 4 years old and up. Wayne United States in the British-Ameri- tion in another she in- which Guerrieri sued. and plopped can destroyer deal. whole-hearted support in doing so. _—--— Dick Powell ^ to a water trough with By next autumn Navy Minister HEARING PLANNED Y.M.C.A. Junior Varsity looking on. Angus L. MacDonald hopes to have She bruised both knees, hopping As know it had been intention DURHAM, Feb. 15.—<£>)—A con- 250 vessels and 23,000 men in the you may my to announce my Downs 26-23 off a train with John Gar- troversy between the. Milwaukee base- Southport, freight nation’s set forces. field in a third film. In a fourth for in ball club of the American Associa- There have been losses, too. One candidancy mayor the forthcoming elections; however this was The Y. M. C. A. Junior Varsity she slid down a banister and tion and Montreal of the Internation- destroyer, the Saguenay, was bad- won a return match against South- crashed onto the floor, and in done al league over the contract of Short- ly damaged and lost 21 men in being only because I, along with many others, felt the port, 26 to 23, last night on the Y. another Jeffrey Lynn caused her sincerely stop Claude Corbitt will be given an an encounter with a German sub- M. C. A. court. to be thrown by a bicycle. oral hearing at Hot Springs, Ark-, the Fraser dire need for a towards a more efficient *Wo,rB,r?-,0ic®° d marine; two others, change $40.00 nUm•ro,*• B High scorers were: Southport, Sel- Now, in “Miss Wheelwright Dis- municipal government WithPbla7lrdW,th b,ack I on Feb. 25, President W. G. Bram- and the sank after, col- numeral*. $37.3© H lers 8, Willis 7: Y. M. C. A. Pridgen covers America,” she leans too far Margaree, ham of the National Association an- lision in the crowded for the of 10, Butler 7. over a railing, to watch Ronald blacked-out, City Wilmington. nounced today. off Britain. Reagan, and falls head-over-heels waters Arizona down a of stairs. On the other hand, Canadian CAPTURES MEET contains many of the flight However, I would like to at this time that I think ihe HRmiLTonl rarer For but the most warships have inflicted their share say America's specimens of big game found all dangerous Preferred Gift Watch B ORLANDO, Fla., Feb. 15.—(A’)— in the United States, according to falls, Priscilla does her own stunt of damage on the enemy. The flo- Miss Alberta Little of Lexington, Ky., of which are the fish and wild life service of the work. tilla leader Assiniboine assisted a Council-Manager plan government you appealing to the Rcllins college co-ed, captured the U. S. department of the interior. “In this one,” she says, “some- British cruiser in the capture of Geo. annual Mid-Florida women’s golf citizens of to soon is a far better and W. Co. Mule deer lead the list, white-tailed one else does the upper staircase the German freighter Hanover ear- Wilmington adopt efficient plan Huggins I championship here this afternoon de- Jewelers Silversmiths HI deer come second, and the state part—but I have to fall so much of ly in the war. The Italian freight- feating Mrs. Laddie Irwin White- have of than also has peccaries or javelinas, the way I might as well er Capo Noli was captured in the government the existing plan which we now have. I know head of N. 1-up Upper Montclair, J., prong-horned antelopes, elks black done the start of it too. S't. Lawrence by a Canadian ship, in a 37-hole match. spectacular and grizzly bears. “From now on I think I’ll sit and the German freighter tfeser from personal observation that other cities that are now using this stunt back and let an experienced became a Canadian prize off the the girl take the bruises. This is Mexican coast. plan of government are being run far more efficiently and economical- last time I’ll fall for a man.” 5 ly, than those cities that are operating under any other plan. May Robson Says Laugh Especial- at a And Live To Old Age ly time when self-governing democracy has been losing ground elsewhere in a distressed to world, the manager plan has re-awakened j HOLLYWOOD, Feb. 15.—How be 100 in the opinion of live to popular faith in the of to function and to May Robson, who is three-fourths ability democracy efficiently of the way there: Laugh. solve the it faces without a “There’s too much gloom in this directly problems being forced through world,” says the 75-year-old ac- THE REOPENING OF THE NEWLY bottle-neck of or selfish tress, “and in these times our mo- political aspirants. tion pictures should have light themes. should laugh— People I would like also to say that I mention these facts without REMODELED AND EQUIPPED that’s the way to reach a ripe old age.” view whatsoever as to office with new Miss Robson made her choice be- any accepting any public any and tears 58 tween laughter years form of government which the it is the fact MINUTE LUNCH ago, when she embarked on her city may adopt; merely career. STREET that I think it is a more democratic and of 103 PRINCESS “I wasn’t the leading lady type,” all round better plan

■ she says. “I knew I would have —Truly most modern in every detail, we are able to serve you better. Hake it a habit to drop in I had government for any often to refresh yourself and meet your friends. to portray character roles. city to'adopt. to decide whether to specialize in —-—————l Excellent Food — Courteous Service comedy or tragedy. “Even an onion can make people SAVE TIME-"KEEP GOING" I BEVERAGE COOLER n Vnr Ta<1. an(1 Mon J Wishing you success, am, Booths For Ladies and Men I didn’t know of via NORFOLK and BALTIMORE LUNCH COUNTER cry. any vegetable 1 that made people laugh, so I de- on newest and largest steamers Very truly yours, a tnd on HAMBURGERS cided to become comedienne Chesapeake Bay jj DISPLAY CASE BAR-B-Q avoid unnecessary competition.” Break your trip at Norfolk—save 230 miles of driving. NO draining of gas. S. Warren Sanders _ ~ BEER S0FT DRINKS CIGARS JUST OVERNIGHT wildcat Quint Ekes Out Leave Norfolk 6:30 PM daily. Arrive Balti- CIGARETTES SEAFOOD LUNCHES more 6:30 AM. Direct route with excellent AnHTnllfpH Win Over 39-37 roads to New York and eastern cities. More Citadel, comfort, more pleasure via Old Bay Line. Ex- SANDWICHES OF ALL KINDS cellent food, music, dancing, games. Hostess.

_B*_ — Autos CHARLESTON, S. Feb. 15 $ C., any <7P)—Davidson and The Citadel ran make SNEEDEN-YORK New — Sani I neck and neck in the second half of We Ask The Best for ary hot Everything Outside stateroom, upper and lower berths, Only Wilmington and cold $1.79, others to -— tonight’s basketball but the running water, air conditioning game 14.60. Staterooms SAME PRICE for ore or Wildcats and more persons. REFRIGERATION ROYAL BAKERY'S had the extra punch Ship-to-shore telephone. J LEEUWENBURG DAIRY I j won the Southern conference en- Reservations should be made in advance Write for illustrated booklet "Save 230 Miles" — counter, 39-37. FARM'S Pastuerized BREAD ROLLS with road map and complete information. The Bulldogs a 10-point ^ ® ^ ^ enjoyed P S. GORNTO, General Agent Grade A Dairy Products AND BUNS lead at the half but the North Wharf, foot of West Main St. Norfolk,Vat The Carolinians opened their bag of Wilmington Junior Chamber Oi Commerce INVITED Served Daily Served Here tricks when the second stanza got under way and scrambled first across the victory line.