The Life and Times of Gerald De Cruz
INDEX Note: Pages numbers followed by “n” refer to notes. A anti-British, 13–14 Abdullah, C.D., 48 in India, 26 Abdul Rahman Ya’kub, 94 anti-colonialism, 60 Abdul Razak Hussein, 92 anti-colonial nationalism, 140 Ah Moke, 37, 61, 72 power of, 137 All-Malayan Council of Joint Anti-Fascist Committee of Soviet Action (AMCJA), 53 Youth, 66 All-Union Council of Trade Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom Unions, 177 League, 66 All-Union Leninist Young anti-tank regiment, 19 Communist League, 66 Arthur Lim, 178n1 AMCJA. See All-Malayan Council ASEAN. See Association of of Joint Action (AMCJA) Southeast Asian Nations AMCJA/PUTERA group, 59 (ASEAN) American Revolution, 122–23, Asia Foundation, 113 128–30 Association of Southeast Asian and French Revolution, Nations (ASEAN), 182 129–30 An Autobiography (Nehru), 13, 16 B Anglo-Malay agreements, 53 Balakrishnan, V.R., 175 Anglo-Malay sovereignty, 54 Ballas, Jacob, 78 anti-Asian sentiment, 10–11 Battle of Singapore, 21 15-01089 13 Life&Times_GeraldCruz.indd 213 4/8/15 2:06 pm 214 Index Battle of Waterloo, 127 children, intellectually Bayly, Christopher, 41 handicapped, 87–90 Bernstein, Eduard, 182 Chinese Communist Party, 32, Bettelheim, Bruno, 189 150, 155–56 Bloodworth, Dennis, 67 Chin Peng, 37, 62 Boestaman, Ahmad, 38, 48, 58 Churchill, Winston, 57, 159 Bose, Rash Behari, 24–25 Civil Disobedience Campaign, Bose, Subhas Chandra, 25 56 Boswell, Wilbur, 82 Civil Rights Convention, 106 Braga-Blake, Myrna, 10 civil servants, 117–18 British Commonwealth, 44 Civil War, 124, 129 British Empire, 11–12, 17 CJA. See Council of Joint Action British imperialism, 13 (CJA) British Military Administration, 34 Clarke, Hilda, 86–87 Burhanuddin al-Helmy, 38, 48 columnist Burke, Edmund, 130 de Cruz as, 7 Burmese Communist Party, 66 for New Nation, 181–92 Comber, Leon, 60 C Commonwealth Office, 79 Calcutta conference, 65–66, 68 communism, 87, 93, 106, 119, Cape of Good Hope, 19 122 Carey Island, 36 books, 137, 145–58 CC AUCP (B).
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