TOWN OF BRECKENRIDGE OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMISSION Monday, May 19, 2014 Breckenridge Recreation Center Multi-Purpose Room 880 Airport Road ***Please note temporary meeting location and time***

6:00 Trails Open House

7:15 Call to Order, Roll Call

7:20 Discussion/approval of Minutes – April 21, 2014

7:25 Discussion/approval of Agenda

7:30 Public Comment (Non-Agenda Items)

7:35 Staff Summary • Breck Bike Guides License Agreement Renewal • 2014 Recpath Mile Markers and Kiosk

7:40 Open Space • Central Mountains Wilderness Proposal

7:50 Executive Session

8:15 Adjourn

For further information, please contact the Open Space and Trails Program at 970-547-3155 (Scott) or 970-453-3371 (Chris).

Memorandum To: Breckenridge Open Space Advisory Commission From: Open Space Staff Re: May 19, 2014 Meeting

Staff Summary Breck Bike Guides License Agreement Renewal In 2013, Breck Bike Guides signed a license agreement with the Town to offer guided mountain bike tours on Town Trails. This license agreement was discussed and approved by BOSAC for 2013. The agreement required Breck Bike Guides to pay 3% of their gross guiding-related revenues to the Town and an annual review/renewal approach. In 2013, the 3% requirement yielded $192.75 in income for the open space program. In general, Breck Bike Guides successfully met their agreement obligations in 2013; they caused no discernible damage to the Town trails and offered a valuable orientation service for visiting cyclists seeking local advice and access.

Breck Bike Guides has requested a 2014 license agreement so that they can continue with their business operations on Town trails. Staff will renew the license agreement, with similar conditions, pending any questions or concerns from BOSAC.

2014 Recpath Mile Markers and Kiosk In 2014, Summit County Government intends to install mile markers along the countywide recpath system, as well as informational kiosks in select locations. The goal of these signs is to inform recpath users regarding travel distances, wayfinding, and general use information. Summit County has requested that the Town cost-share for this mile marker/kiosk effort within the Town’s jurisdiction. Total Town-related cost for implementation of the program is approximately $3,800. This contribution would split the costs of mile marker materials and installation, as well as one kiosk located near the Gold Hill Trailhead.

Open Space Central Mountains Wilderness Proposal As BOSAC has previously discussed, Rep. Jared Polis and Sen. Mark Udall have been working with Conservation (formerly Colorado Environmental Coalition) over the past several years to draft a federal wilderness proposal to include National Forest lands in Summit, Pitkin and Eagle counties. The goal of the wilderness bill would be to add a layer of public land protection, while preserving and promoting outdoor recreational opportunities. More specific bill-related information can be found on Rep. Polis’ website and Sen. Udall’s website.

Following the presentation of several draft maps, in 2012, BOSAC and Town Council directed staff to work with Conservation Colorado, the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA), and the Summit Fat Tire Society to amend the proposal maps within the Upper Blue basin to ensure that local trail access was preserved to match the White River National Forest Travel Management Plan. Also, Town Council expressed concerns regarding any potential limitation on the ability for the Town, the Red White


and Blue Fire District, the U.S. Forest Service, or any other entity to prevent, fight or respond to wildfires within the area.

Accordingly, Conservation Colorado has worked to address the concerns expressed and revise the proposal maps accordingly. Attached are the latest revised maps to be reviewed by BOSAC. Several boundaries have been adjusted to address trail-related access issues and expand the “Special Management Areas” (SMA’s- a.k.a. Companion Designations) that serve as wilderness buffers. SMA’s are a relatively new management tool that results in greater land protection (e.g. no mining, commercial logging, etc.), but also allows uses and activities prohibited in federal wilderness (e.g. chainsaws, mechanized travel, etc.). SMA’s are intended to complement wilderness protection efforts while offering a broader array of management options and user access.

IMBA developed a short video and press release to better explain their support of this wilderness planning effort.

The attached maps are the latest version being proposed for consideration by the general public. Conservation Colorado seeks general community support for this evolving proposal, as well as specific letters of endorsement from local elected officials. Town Council directed staff to present the current proposal to BOSAC for discussion. BOSAC’s comments will then be presented at a future Town Council meeting. Staff has also contacted Red, White and Blue Fire District staff for their comments.

Staff requests BOSAC review the attached (and hyperlinked) information, and answer the following questions: 1. Does BOSAC have any clarifying questions regarding the attached wilderness proposal maps? 2. Does BOSAC have comments or recommendations regarding the current draft of the wilderness proposal?


Town of Breckenridge April 21, 2014 Breckenridge Open Space Advisory Commission

Roll Call Jeff Cospolich called the April 21, 2014 BOSAC meeting to order at 5:48 pm. Other BOSAC members present included Chris Tennal, Elizabeth Lawrence, Jeff Carlson, Elizabeth Miller, and Craig Campbell. Staff members present were Peter Grosshuesch, Scott Reid, Mark Truckey, Chris Kulick and Brian Lorch from Summit County Open Space. Local residents Drew Goldsmith and Theresa Chipala were also present.

Approval of Minutes The minutes were approved as presented.

Public Comments Mr. Goldsmith offered to field questions regarding easements building envelopes and other issues associated with the Athol and St. Paul Lodes.

Mr. Campbell – Can you explain the access to the St. Paul Lode? (Mr. Goldsmith - We’re not tied to a specific route. There would be no winter access with the exception of administrative at times in winter to deliver supplies and propane.) (Mr. Reid – Both parties desire to easiest access with the least amount of disturbance.)

Mr. Campbell - What is the size of the proposed structure on the St. Paul Lode. (Mr. Goldsmith – A 750 SF main structure with a 300 SF out building, we could build the out building by right to 600 SF but will settle for 300 SF.)

Mr. Truckey – A portion of the property may not be allowed to split off and granted to Open Space because that will make the property smaller and more non-conforming, so instead there are Open Space easements proposed for the St. Paul property instead? (Mr. Goldsmith – Correct.)

Mr. Goldsmith – I’m not thrilled with granting a right of first refusal to the Town and County because I have concerns with the length of time but will work timeline with staff to hopefully reach an amiable conclusion.

Open Space BOSAC Meeting norms Mr. Cospolich presented a revised copy of the BOSAC meeting norms, which are reviewed periodically with the commission and with new commissioners.

Election of BOSAC Officers To conform to Town meeting protocol, staff requested that BOSAC nominate and elect BOSAC officers, including Chair and Vice-Chair.

Mr. Campbell – made a motion to nominate Mr. Cospolich for chair. The notion was seconded by Mr. Carlson. BOSAC unanimously supported this nomination.

Mr. Tennal – Made a motion to nominate Mr. Carlson for Vice Chair. The motion was seconded by Ms. Miller. BOSAC unanimously supported this nomination.

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Town of Breckenridge April 21, 2014 Breckenridge Open Space Advisory Commission

Jeff Cospolich was selected the as the Chairperson. Jeff Carlson was selected as the Vice- Chairperson.

Trail Use Data Staff presented a summary of trail use data from winter 2013/2014. This data is summarized and periodically presented to BOSAC to provide overall trail use trends at three popular trailheads.

Mr. Tennal – Is there any consideration for studying Baldy usage? (Mr. Kulick – Not at this time. Since Baldy has multiple accesses and use areas it would be a difficult study.)

Mr. Cospolich – Do we have any data on River Trail usage? (No. Ms. Lawrence – The River Trail has multiple entry points as well.)

Mrs. Miller – Why did we begin the trail use study in 2010? (Mr. Reid - We felt it was in our best interest to gain some knowledge of use patterns on our trail system; plus it is very beneficial when applying for grants.)

BOSAC supported continuing the annual trail study.

Wellington Trail Project As previously discussed, staff is working to secure access across the Xcel/Public Service Company (PSCo) substation in order to complete a trail connection from Wellington Road to the Wellington Trail and the wider French Gulch trail network. The trail easement/license agreement request to PSCo is under consideration and must be aligned in coordination with a future substation expansion, the designs for which are currently being drafted. A PSCo decision is expected in summer 2014. Staff will keep BOSAC informed of any progress on this trail easement and construction project.

For the Wellington Trail to connect to the French Gulch trail system (e.g. B&B, X10U8 Trails), a new bridge would need to be constructed to cross French Creek on the southeastern end of Wellington Neighborhood. BOSAC previously discussed the Wellington bridge concept and agreed to postpone construction of the bridge until construction of the Lincoln Park portion of the Wellington Neighborhood was pending.

BOSAC received a copy of the Lincoln Park subdivision Master Plan. This subdivision project is proceeding, with construction likely to begin in 2014 or 2015. Based on this construction schedule and the likely new construction of the Wellington Trail, staff asked BOSAC to revisit the Wellington Bridge concept and timeline.

The bridge was designed to be a wooden structure with wooden decking and 4’’ square wire mesh, similar to the Reiling Dredge bridge upstream. The Wellington bridge would be slightly wider, a single span, and may include more substantial bridge abutments. Excavation of a functional trail surface on both sides of the bridge would also increase the capital cost of this bridge project as compared with the Reiling Dredge bridge. In 2009, Wellington bridge construction costs were estimated at $35,000.

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Town of Breckenridge April 21, 2014 Breckenridge Open Space Advisory Commission

Completion of the bridge would fulfill a portion of the vision for connecting trails from Town to the French Gulch trail network. If BOSAC agrees that the Wellington bridge is a necessary capital expense in the near term, staff would generate a more current cost estimate and begin planning and permitting for a 2015 construction timeframe.

Mr. Campbell - When will they begin construction on phase three of the Wellington Neighborhood? (Mr. Grosshuesch – In about a year.)

Mrs. Miller – It is in our best interest to put the trail in before the phase three development occurs to avoid future conflicts.

Mr. Carlson – We should construct this project as soon as possible. I believe the current demand in French Gulch already justifies it.

Mr. Tennal – I agree with Mr. Carlson.

Ms. Lawrence – I support construction in 2015.

Mr. Campbell – I agree it should be constructed in 2015, although I don’t love the alignment next to power station.

Mr. Cospolich – I also support construction in 2015.

Trails Open House Based on the March meeting discussion, staff is planning a trails open house during the May 19th BOSAC meeting. The primary goals of the open house are to raise awareness of the overall trail program, highlight the 2014 Town, Summit County, and USFS trail projects, recruit interested volunteers, and increase awareness of mud season trail use ethics.

Staff is working on details of the open house, but the plan is to invite members of the public to attend between 5:30-6:30 pm to discuss trail projects and program goals. The normal BOSAC meeting would then begin at 6:30 pm. Staff is considering hosting the open house and meeting at the Breckenridge Nordic Center or another similar venue to offer a more comfortable meeting space. We will publicize the open house via the newspaper, email distribution list, social media outlets, local radio, and word of mouth through local shops.

Mr. Tennal – This isn’t a bad concept for the first year but May is a month when a lot of people are out of town. We should possibly have it in a more visible location like the Riverwalk Lawn at a busier time of year. (Mr. Kulick – There are certainly pros and cons to hosting the open house at different times of year. One advantage to hosting in May, despite having less population, is there is a pent up demand for trails related activities after the long winter, similar to the demand for ski movies in the fall.)

Ms. Lawrence – We might benefit from hosting the open house at a site that already has a lot of traffic like the Rec Center. (Staff – We will pursue hosting the open house at the Rec Center.)

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Town of Breckenridge April 21, 2014 Breckenridge Open Space Advisory Commission

Mr. Campbell – We should make the open house an opportunity for feedback from the public relative to open space and trails. (Staff – We will be happy to take feedback from the public at the open house.)

Pro Forma Mr. Truckey presented a revised open space pro forma, reflecting recent expenditures and sales tax revenue projections.

Ms. Lawrence – Do you keep the TDR budget of $10,000 for a place holder? (Mr. Truckey – Yes, we will adjust the amount up word if we know of a large project that will require a significant number of TDRs.)

Mr. Cospolich - Has the Town ever tried to refinance the B&B bond. (Mr. Truckey – We looked into this a year ago with our finance manager Brian Waldes and he stated we are currently lumped in with several municipal projects and have a favorable rate.)

Executive Session Mr. Carlson – Motioned to move into executive session at 7:17 pm to discuss property acquisition negotiations.

Mr. Campbell - seconded the motion.

Mr. Cospolich – Made a motion to come out of Executive Session at 8:20 pm. Mr. Carlson seconded the motion.

Next Meeting The next regularly scheduled meeting is on Monday, May 19, 2014, immediately following the trails open house. The site for the trails open house and meeting is anticipated to be the Breckenridge Recreation Center’s Community Room.

Mr. Carlson motioned to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Tennal.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Jeff Cospolich, Chair

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Summit County WRNF Proposed Special Management Area & Wilderness 1:79,441 ±

Proposed Williams Fork Wilderness

Vasquez Peak Wilderness Proposed Ute Pass Wilderness

Proposed Acorn Creek Wilderness

Ptarmigan Peak Wilderness

Proposed Ptarmigan Additions Wilderness

Proposed Porcupine Gulch SMA

Proposed Proposed Tenmile Tenmile SMA SMA

Proposed Tenmile SMA

Proposed Tenmile Proposed Wilderness Tenmile SMA Proposed Tenmile Proposed Wilderness Proposed Tenmile Tenmile Legend Wilderness SMA Proposed SMA Proposed Proposed Wilderness Hoosier Ridge Wilderness Existing Wilderness

Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed Hoosier Ridge Wilderness ±

Legend cent_mtns_update_COCOv3 target Current Prop. Wilderness Non-Federal Land Eagles Nest Wilderness 1:33,033 Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed Tenmile (North) Special Management Area ±

Legend cent_mtns_update_COCOv3 target Current Prop. SMA Current Prop. Wilderness Non-Federal Land Eagles Nest Wilderness 1:45,000 Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed Tenmile (South) Special Management Area & Wilderness ±

Legend cent_mtns_update_COCOv3 target Current Prop. SMA Current Prop. Wilderness Non-Federal Land Eagles Nest Wilderness 1:50,000 Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed