INSIDE: • four years after the Orange Revolution – page 3. • Digital archives of Security Service of Ukraine – page 9. • New Bond girl Olga Kurylenko – page 11.

THEPublished U byKRAINIAN the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profitW associationEEKLY Vol. LXXVI No. 48 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 $1/$2 in Ukraine Four candidates in the running Yushchenko addresses the world for post of Verkhovna Rada chair about the of 1932-1933 by Zenon Zawada wanted to return ever since his epony- Following is the text of Press Bureau mous bloc failed to qualify for Parliament the appeal of the President in the 2006 election that produced the of NEW YORK – Parliamentary depu- Anti-Crisis Coalition. Ukraine to the ties, not the coalition government, will The Lytvyn Bloc returned to of the world and the inter- select the Verkhovna Rada’s new chair, Parliament the next year with 4 percent national community on the drawing interest from several potential of the vote in the 2007 election, after occasion of the 75th anni- candidates. adopting a widely suspected campaign versary of the Holodomor All the potential replacements for oust- strategy of buying votes, particularly in of 1932-1933. The ed Rada Chair Arseniy Yatsenyuk served central Ukraine’s rural communities. English-language text was in key posts in the government of former After his close ties to Mr. Kuchma released on November 21. President Leonid Kuchma and are well- caused much controversy, particularly his (It has been edited for entrenched among Ukraine’s establish- alleged role in the murder of journalist clarity by The Ukrainian ment. Heorhii Gongadze, Mr. Lytvyn has tried Weekly.) Yet, given Ukraine’s rancorous to adopt the post-Orange Revolution Parliament, which failed to produce a image of a neutral mediator between I address you with coalition government, a new Rada chair Ukraine’s pro-Western and pro-Russian regard to the 75th anniver- might not emerge anytime soon, said Dr. forces. sary of the most tragic Taras Kuzio, president of Kuzio In order to become elected, he would incident in Ukrainian his- Associates, a government communica- need to align himself with either the Party tory – the Holodomor of tions and consulting firm. of Regions of Ukraine or the Yulia 1932-33. “I have a strong suspicion that nothing Tymoshenko Bloc, both options open to It took decades for the will happen, and no candidate will get him. truth about this genocide enough votes,” he said. “Lytvyn can swing between a larger deliberately perpetrated by Stalin’s regime on the However, at this point in the process, Orange coalition or the Regions,” Dr. Ukrainian land of plenty the names of four candidates for the posi- Kuzio said. “But he must be thinking, ‘Is to make its way to the tion have emerged. this worth the effort?” public. Ivan Pliusch Volodymyr Lytvyn I want to express my The first chair of the Verkhovna Rada deepest appreciation to all The front-runner for the parliamentary has remained a tactful player in Ukrainian who refused to be silent chairmanship is Volodymyr Lytvyn, politics, enjoying close ties with politi- during these years when because he is among the few candidates cians across a broad spectrum. fear bound Ukraine under who can draw support from either side of Mr. Pliusch is particularly friendly the Soviet regime, when the aisle in Ukraine’s fiercely divided with President Viktor Yushchenko, all the rest of the world Parliament. Secretariat Chair Viktor Baloha and preferred to remain com- Having served as the Rada chair industrial kingpin Rinat Akhmetov, the placently ignorant about between 2002 and 2006, Mr. Lytvyn has top financer of the Party of Regions. one of the gravest crimes In Parliament Mr. Pliusch draws the against humanity. Zenon Zawada, our Kyiv Press Bureau most support from the Single Center Only after cutting the correspondent, is currently in the United strings of communist States. (Continued on page 21) Markian Hadzewycz totalitarianism did inde- Display at the entrance to an exhibit about the pendent Ukraine manage Holodomor at the Ukrainian American Cultural to testify aloud about this Center of New Jersey. attempt on the life of the entire nation conducted in distant 1930s of We do not speak about what could have the last century. been done 75 years ago if the world had Today the truth about the Holodomor known the full truth. We raise our voices has been made public. It became impossi- to talk about what can be done today in ble to keep it secret any longer. The order to honor those who perished and gloom of Stalin’s night of 1932-1933 is those who managed to survive in the hell fading away. of the Holodomor. The Holodomor has been already rec- Millions of candles lit by Ukrainians on ognized and condemned by many coun- November 22 in honor of fellow country- tries and international organizations, men tortured with hunger will merge with regional governments and parliaments, and the flame of the International Holodomor municipal councils all over the world. Remembrance Torch that passed through Let me extend my deep respect and 33 countries and all Ukrainian regions, gratitude for this humanism and solidarity becoming filled with the spirit of many with millions of innocent victims of geno- sincere people from different countries and cide. nations. International support sustains our belief I call upon everyone who cannot be that historical justice will be restored. This indifferent to the feelings of mercy, sym- consolidates our common will to strive for pathy and justice, who supports the victory its establishment in full measure. of good over evil to light their own candles The global community must realize that of remembrance and join us in honoring it will be impossible to prevent future the victims of the Holodomor. Zenon Zawada Zenon Zawada crimes against humanity unless past crimes Ukraine remembers! The world Volodymyr Lytvyn Ivan Pliusch are condemned. acknowledges! 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 No. 48 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFS

Verkhovna Rada investigates Yanukovych meets with Putin possible assistance from Russia,” Mr. Yanukovych said. He also called for a return KYIV – The leader of the opposition to the idea of a common economic space. arms supplies to Georgia Party of Regions, Viktor Yanukovych, and Speaking about the worsening of Ukrainian- the chairman of United Russia, Vladimir by Pavel Korduban depot near Lozova at the end of August Russian relations, the PRU leader said that Putin, met on November 21 in , “Ukrainian-Russian relations have been sig- Eurasia Daily Monitor was arson masterminded in order to cover where they discussed prospects for the nificantly spoiled” because of the position up the smuggling of arms to Georgia future development of cooperation between November 19 adopted by the Ukrainian leadership during (,, the two parties. In particular, they discussed the Russian-Georgian military conflict. He A Ukrainian parliamentary commis- September 26). “filling an agreement between the Party of described the position of Ukrainian President sion investigating arms supplies to Mr. Konovaliuk said that most of the Regions and the all-Russian Party United Viktor Yushchenko as “unacceptable,” and Georgia has claimed that they were ille- funds raised from the arms trade during Russia with qualitatively new contents,” the accused him of supporting one of the sides gal. The commission chairman, Valerii the past few years, not only with Georgia, PRU press service reported. The two party in the conflict – Georgia. “As soon as politi- Konovaliuk from the pro-Russian Party did not go into the state coffers. leaders touched upon the need to strengthen of Regions (PRU), insists that President According to his calculations, Ukraine’s good-neighbor relations between Ukraine cal changes are made in Ukraine, relations Viktor Yushchenko was aware that losses from arms supplies to Georgia and Russia, as well as cooperation and coor- with Russia will immediately improve,” Mr. Ukraine supplied arms to Georgia illegal- amounted to some $100 million (Interfax- dination of efforts aimed at overcoming the Yanukovych said, adding that these changes ly. The Security Service of Ukraine Ukraine, October 8). The Ukrainian consequences of the economic crisis conse- will definitely occur. (Ukrinform) (SBU) denied this and prevented the pre- Defense Ministry and the state arms trade quences. Mr. Yanukovych participated in Intelligentsia appeals to sentation in Kyiv of a Russian documen- company, Ukrspetsexport, flatly denied work of the 10th congress of the United tary that reflects Moscow’s interpretation Mr. Konovaliuk’s conclusions. Russia Party. (Ukrinform) KYIV – The Ukrainian intelligentsia of Ukraine’s role in the August Russian- The National Security and Defense addressed the president of Russia and its cit- Georgian conflict over South Ossetia, a Council, a body chaired by President PRU chief promises improved relations izens with an appeal to honor the memory of point of view shared by the commission. Yushchenko, said that Mr. Konovaliuk’s KYIV – Viktor Yanukovych, leader of the victims of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 According to Moscow, Kyiv supplied commission had been set up “in order to in Ukraine. The appeal was read by the arms to Georgia ahead of and during the the Party of Regions of Ukraine (PRU), who use in domestic political fights the dan- attended the 10th congress of the United chairman of the Congress of the Ukrainian conflict in violation of bilateral agree- gerous myth forged by Ukraine’s oppo- Intelligentsia, Ivan Drach, during a press ments and international laws. Kyiv does Russia Party in Moscow on November 20, nents about Ukraine’s involvement in the told journalists that he had participated in conference on November 21. Ukrainians not deny that the supplies took place, but Russia-Georgia conflict” (Ukrayinska addressed the Russian people and the insists that they were legal. Moscow also the congress because his party has a cooper- Pravda, October 8). ation agreement with this ruling party in Russian leadership, asking them on claims that there were Ukrainians fight- Mr. Konovaliuk planned to show November 22 to join in prayer and light ing on Georgia’s side in the conflict. Kyiv Russia. “We, as the most influential parties Ukrainian officials and journalists, as in our countries, will guarantee stable rela- candles to revere the memory of the millions denies this. well as foreign diplomats, a Russian doc- who died during the Holodomor. Mr. Drach The opposition in Ukraine, especially tions between Ukraine and Russia,” he said. umentary about Ukraine’s alleged partici- He added that this cooperation is becoming noted that an opinion expressed by Russian the PRU and the Communists, are pation in the Georgia war. The five-star President Dmitry Medvedev with regard to inclined to believe Moscow. On particularly important in view of the current hotel in Kyiv where the documentary was state of Ukrainian-Russian relations. Mr. the fact that the Ukrainian authorities have September 2 the Ukrainian Parliament set to be shown on November 12 refused, been trying to add a nationalistic character up an ad-hoc commission to look into the Yanukovych slammed the “outrageous however, to host the event after warnings to the Holodomor is an echo of the Soviet issue. The commission is dominated by unprofessional activities of the current from the SBU, according to Mr. regime’s legacy. “In the people’s prison the opposition, so its preliminary find- authorities,” which he believes have trig- Konovaliuk (Kommersant-Ukraine, ruled by the Communist Party, all the ings, reported at the end of September, gered a deep social and economic crisis in November 13). nations suffered and among them the were not surprising. They generally coin- Ukraine. He said that “everybody in Ukraine The Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Russian people,” the statement reads. The cided with the Kremlin’s official line, but is already bored with the weak authorities” Ministry officially protested against the appeal also emphasized that the Ukrainian the focus was slightly different. that have policies that ignore the wishes of Russian Embassy’s involvement in orga- citizens. The leader of the Ukrainian opposi- people share grief for Famine victims of all Mr. Konovaliuk, who visited South nizing the showing of a documentary Ossetia in the wake of the war, said that tion accused the government of spoiling nations. (Ukrinform) that, the Affair Ministry said, “was fabri- relations with Russia. Mr. Yanukovych he had evidence confirming the participa- cated by Russian special services.” In Mace works published in Ukraine tion of Ukrainian nationalists in the con- stressed the need to “end intrigues against reply, the Russian Foreign Ministry Russia” and resume a strategic partnership KYIV – A collection of works by the flict. Mr. Konovaliuk also claimed that accused Ukraine of “hiding the truth” President Yushchenko personally coordi- with the country. Moreover, under condi- well-known American researcher of the about “Ukraine’s involvement in the tions of the global economic crisis, Russian Holodomor 1932-1933, Dr. James Mace, nated the arms trade with Georgia, that events in South Ossetia” (Interfax- Kyiv had known about Georgia’s prepa- assistance might come in handy for Ukraine, titled “Your Dead Have Chosen Me...” has Ukraine, November 13). rations for the war, and that offensive he added. “Given that Russia has found been published in Ukraine. The book pre- Speaking in the Verkhovna Rada on rather than defensive weapons were itself more prepared for this global econom- sentation took place within the framework November 13, Mr. Konovaliuk echoed shipped to Georgia. At the same time, Mr. ic crisis, I think that we need not only to Moscow’s accusations. “The actions by (Continued on page 14) Konovaliuk’s focus was on the alleged coordinate our activities, but also to receive the SBU chief are aimed at covering up damage from the arms trade to the crimes in the sector of arms exports, the Ukrainian army and the economy. violations that the commission exposed Mr. Konovaliuk said that arms were and the damage inflicted on our state, its FOUNDED 1933 sold to Georgia at artificially low prices HE KRAINIAN EEKLY defense capabilities and security,” he said T U W and to the detriment of Ukraine’s own (Interfax-Ukraine, November 13). He military capability. According to Mr. An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Konovaliuk, certain weapons that the also said that his commission wanted to Yearly subscription rate: $55; for UNA members — $45. Ukrainian army was short of were sup- summon Mr. Yushchenko to ask him plied to Georgia rather than to Ukrainian questions about the arms supplies to Periodicals postage paid at Parsippany, NJ 07054 and additional mailing offices. army units. “We have found proof that Georgia (UNIAN, November 14). (ISSN — 0273-9348) we were arming a foreign state that, I am Mr. Konovaliuk also alleged that the The Weekly: UNA: sure, was preparing for military aggres- United States had helped Ukraine ship Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 sion, while destroying our own defense arms to Georgia. “Tanks were loaded for capacities,” he said. He also suggested the first 15 days at the military airfield in Postmaster, send address changes to: that a fire at the Ukrainian ammunition (Continued on page 14) The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz 2200 Route 10 Editors: Matthew Dubas P.O. Box 280 Zenon Zawada (Kyiv) Parsippany, NJ 07054

Yushchenko believes Orange Revolution The Ukrainian Weekly Archive:; e-mail: [email protected] awakened Ukraine’s political consciousness The Ukrainian Weekly, November 30, 2008, No. 48, Vol. LXXVI Copyright © 2008 The Ukrainian Weekly Ukrinform cal pride [the fact] that this took place in Ukraine and I was related to it.” KYIV – President Viktor Yushchenko Mr. Yushchenko assessed the events of said on November 21 that he believes the November-December 2004 as an expression ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA events of 2004 on the “maidan,” or of national dignity. “What is most important Independence Square in Kyiv, were a revo- about the Orange Revolution and maidan Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3041 lution of the political consciousness of the 2004 is that it brought us self-respect. e-mail: [email protected] Ukrainian nation. Really, this maidan brought freedom,” Mr. Maria Oscislawski, advertising manager (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 Speaking in a Channel 5 TV interview Yushchenko said, adding that those on the e-mail: [email protected] dedicated to the fourth anniversary of the maidan spoke out against a president’s Mariyka Pendzola, subscriptions (973) 292-9800, ext. 3042 Orange Revolution, he said, “I will keep for appointment as a result of a stolen election e-mail: [email protected] all my life as a subject of my biggest politi- and defended their right to vote freely. No. 48 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 3 The Holodomor 75 years later: The Poltava Oblast by Zenon Zawada among relatives, it was said that it was Kyiv Press Bureau Stalin’s order,” Dr. Kapustian recalled. The Holodomor Her grandmother, Iryna Honchar, KONCHA ZASPA, Ukraine – Stalin’s would mention furtively how “they in the Poltava Oblast despised “kurkuls” (well-off peasants) destroyed my girls,” referring to her three who thrived on the legendary “chor- daughters who starved to death. 60,000 known casualties * nozem,” or black earth, of the Poltava Knowing her grandchildren wouldn’t 1,990 population centers affected Oblast were the hardest of workers. learn the truth in Soviet textbooks, “babu- 443 known mass graves Even as she rode to the field to harvest sia always said, ‘Stalin vydushyv’ wheat, Baba Hanna spun linen from flax (destroyed us),” Dr. Kapustian recalled. 598 population centers with monuments fibers so as not to waste time. The cart Ms. Honchar also raised her children filled on the way back, she tied the to honor bread and never throw it away. * This figure is a gross underestimate, threads to the bushels and spun as she She never wished vengeance on any- local officials said, and may reach as high walked in tow. one, insisting there is a God, everything as 440,000 as more casualties are official- That’s why long before Dr. James is in His hands and everything will fall ly confirmed. Mace and President Viktor Yushchenko into place, although she watched her raised awareness of the Holodomor, daughters starve. Poltava residents knew it was genocide. to collect such testimonies, many of When revealing such details, Ms. “People didn’t know of Stalin’s orders, which were published in “Memory of Honchar cried only once, when recalling but they knew there couldn’t be a fam- ’33.” ine,” said Halyna Kapustian, who in how she baked bread for the first time in Poltava researchers are still working to October published “The Memory of ’33 July 1933. “She smelled the scent of establish a casualty rate, reported as a bread and was reminded of her three Summons Youth” (“Pamiat 33-ho Klyche Zenon Zawada mere 54,000 in the Poltava chapter of the Molodykh”), a collection of first-hand daughters who had begged for bread just Holodomor Victims National Book of Halyna Kapustian compiled “The accounts of the Holodomor accounts in months earlier,” Dr. Kapustian related. Memory. Memory of ’33 Summons Youth,” a the Poltava Oblast. Even when confronted with hellish Although Poltava was part of the collection of first-hand accounts of the “It was a good harvest, and it was clear conditions, Ukrainians retained their Kharkiv Oblast during the Holodomor, Holodomor accounts in the Poltava that it was intentional,” she underscored. unique sense of humor in finding some the region remained largely rural and was Oblast. Once Mikhail Gorbachev gave relief amidst the torture. not as strongly Russified as Kharkiv, Ukrainians their first glimpses of free- A murderous Soviet brute confronted a though the same techniques of collectiv- she said of those years. dom, Dr. Kapustian rolled up her sleeves, starving peasant and taunted him, “So, ization and destruction were employed. inspired by the eight family members “Don’t forget this,” Ms. Kapustian’s you’re hungry?” Therefore, its residents are more able who perished during the Holodomor in father told her before he died in 1993. “No, I ate breakfast,” the peasant to accept the Holodomor’s truth, as com- her native village of Zaruddia. “Forever preserve our memory and how replied. pared with their neighbors to the east. Now a professor at Kremenchuk State many in our family died.” “You ate breakfast? What?” Nor are they bitter, Dr. Kapustian said. Polytechnic University, she began collect- Like in millions of Ukrainian families, “Varenyky.” “Let the Russian people know that we ing testimonies in the late 1980s, when mentions of the Holodomor would sur- “Varenyky! Where did you get them?” don’t demand compensation or money,” she there were survivors who were teenagers face sporadically, as if a horrid truth that “My wife picked them from the gar- said. “Maybe they fear that, but no. It’s or in their 20s during the Holodomor. couldn’t be contained, but always behind den.” important for us to establish that there was a “The ocean of Ukrainian emotion sur- closed doors and in hushed tones. “Not After the ’s fall, Dr. tragedy caused by the Bolshevik-Muscovite passed that of a Shakespearean tragedy,” outside, but only at home in the yard Kapustian’s students began volunteering center, not by the Russian people.”

NEWS ANALYSIS: Four years after the Orange Revolution by Zenon Zawada several key cards in its hand that the U.S. Kyiv Press Bureau is currently incapable of countering. The English language is making enor- KYIV – Four years after the Orange mous strides in Ukraine, particularly Revolution, the Russians have regained the among its youngest generations, but it still upper hand in their battle with the United can’t compete with the predominance of States for Ukraine. (No need to mention Russian as the first or second language of Europe.) Ukrainians. Both of Ukraine’s biggest political forc- The Russian government is well aware es, the Party of Regions of Ukraine (PRU) that keeping Ukrainians thinking and and the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc (YTB), speaking Russian will keep Ukraine in its are vying for Moscow’s favor. sphere of influence. In giving up on the Democratic Forces It’s no coincidence that English- Coalition after the South Ossetian War, a speaking countries, such as the U.S., wise and observant Ms. Tymoshenko cal- Canada, Great Britain and Australia, are culated that allying herself with Russia very close partners. They not only share would be far more promising for the near- the same language, but very similar cultur- term future than teaming with the al and historical traditions. Americans. Russia is aiming to create a similar alli- Meanwhile the politicians that ance with Ukraine, Belarus and Washington placed its chips on – President Kazakhstan, all Russian-speaking nations Viktor Yushchenko and the Our Ukraine with similar cultural and historical tradi- bloc – are on the brink of extinction. tions. If the U.S. government orchestrated the An even greater tool than language in Zenon Zawada Orange Revolution, as old school conser- forming civilizations and alliances is reli- A billboard spotted in October outside a Kharkiv Oblast elementary school tells vatives such as Pat Buchanan allege, then gion. The Russian Orthodox Church, students in Russian, “Study and be a worthy citizen of your Fatherland!” Behind it is a failure. known in Ukraine as the Ukrainian the photos of students, a map depicts the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus In doing nothing to improve rule of law, Orthodox Church – Moscow Patriarchate, and Kazakhstan, as opposed to an independent Ukrainian state. combat corruption and maintain stability, is perhaps the single biggest influence on Mr. Yushchenko has discredited the West Ukrainians in forming foreign policy views Patriarchate, all with the support of the sites of the Russian Orthodox Church, and in the eyes of many Ukrainians. – particularly in the central and eastern local government. Kyiv becoming a NATO outpost would be Efforts such as the Holodomor com- regions. The Russian Orthodox Church promotes perceived by millions, whether appropri- memoration campaign are admirable, but Religion formed the foundation of mod- the notion that the Slavic people, consisting ately or not, as an invasion and conquest. ultimately hollow without meaningful ern civilizations. Although that notion has of Russians, and Ukrainians, Meanwhile, the Moscow Patriarchate reforms, thus further buttressing the cyni- gone by the wayside in Western societies, are all brothers and sisters of a single fami- supports the Party of Regions, Ukraine’s cism of Russophile Ukrainians towards which are increasingly relying more on ly with its roots in the Kyivan Rus civiliza- biggest political force, and the Communist ideas of patriotism and national-democratic government rather than Christian self- tion that accepted Christianity in 988. Party of Ukraine, which stunned political ideals. restraint, it is still highly relevant among Civilizations need ideas and myths to observers by increasing its support in the President-elect Barack Obama and his Ukrainians, who are among the few ultimately survive, and it is this simple the- 2007 election. foreign policy advisers will need a new European peoples that embrace their sis that influences millions of Orthodox In the face of such advantages held by strategy to steer Ukraine out of the Russian Christian heritage. Ukrainians in their support for pro-Russian the Russians in the battle for Ukraine, the sphere of influence. Not only is the Russian Orthodox forces and policies. U.S. is fighting back feebly. But whatever new strategy is developed, Church the most popular in Ukraine, but it Just as Kosovo is sacred to the Serbians, While Ukraine is clearly among Russia’s it’s unlikely to succeed in subverting the is growing. In fact, no other organization Kyiv is sacred to the Russians. top three foreign policy priorities – if not well-entrenched position of the Russian has built more churches in Kyiv since the Kyiv’s Monastery of the Caves Federation, which has effectively played Orange Revolution than the Moscow (Pecherska Lavra) is among the holiest (Continued on page 20) 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 No. 48 Conference discusses tougher Kremlin’s Komichak installed as commander challenges to new U. S. administration of Military Intelligence Group-Europe by Areta Kovalsky Andrei Kortunov of the New Eurasia PARSIPPANY, N.J. – Col. Michael a Master of Science degree in electrical Foundation outlined two factors that Komichak, a resident of Chatham, N.J., was engineering and computer sciences from the WASHINGTON – The American drive Russia closer to the United States. officially installed as commanding officer of Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Enterprise Institute on November 13 The first is the social transformation of the Military Intelligence Group-Europe Cambridge, Mass. He also holds a Master of hosted the conference, “A New White Russia, which comes from the fact that (MIG-E), 7th Civil Support Command Strategic Studies degree from the United House Faces a Tougher Kremlin: the Kremlin cannot isolate Russia from (CSC) during a ceremony held on October States War College. Tackling Contentious Multilateral Issues the outside world. Exposure to the West, 12 in Schwetzingen, Germany. Mobilized twice in support of Operation in U.S.-Russian Relations,” at which through such experiences as Russians The change of command ceremony is a Noble Eagle, and prior to the MIG, Col. experts, policy-makers and government training and traveling abroad, as well as time-honored military tradition representing Komichak was deputy director of the capa- advisers from the United States, Russia, Russian business entering the global mar- a complete transfer of authority from one bilities integration, prioritization and analy- East and Central Europe and Eurasia dis- ket, can limit the state’s authoritarianism individual to another – in this case from Col. sis directorate in the Office of the Deputy cussed the future of U.S.-Russia rela- and centralization. William Dorais to Col. Komichak – and Chief of Staff, G-3/5/7 at the Pentagon. tions. The second factor is external pressure: provides formal recognition in front of their Among his military awards are a merito- The all-day session included five pan- oil prices, global problems and other entire unit. rious service medal and the joint service els: “U.S.-Russian Relations Today: A issues that Russia will have to handle A native of McKees Rocks, Pa., Col. commendation medal with oak leaf cluster. Tour d’Horizon,” “Democratization, with the West. He said he believes there Komichak assumed command of Army Col. Komichak is active with the NATO Membership and the European are reasons to be optimistic about Russia Reserve Soldiers who are trained for deploy- Ukrainian Orthodox League and is a parish- Union,” “Energy and Pipelines,” “Missile moving closer to the U.S., but has no idea able contingencies and events sponsored by ioner at Holy Ascension Ukrainian Orthodox Defense” and “Where Do We Go from how much time it will take, as this is a U.S. Army Europe. His mission is to quickly Church in Maplewood, N.J. Col. Komichak Here?” matter of the will and persistence of the train mobilizing MIG-E units in and outside and his wife, Daria, also perform with the During the panel, “Where Do We Go Russian people. the continental United States. Dumka Choir of New York. from Here?,” the speakers summarized For the short term, Mr. Kortunov said Col. Komichak gained and analyzed some of the points that were he thinks it is a good thing that a NATO training experiences in exer- made earlier in the day and then offered Membership Action Map is postponed for cises ranging from Austere their suggestions on the next steps the Ukraine; the issue can wait and it is Challenge, Darfu Intelligence U.S. should take in relations with Russia. important not to push it for the time Primer and Intelligence The first speaker was Stephen Biegun being. Two issues that he does feel need Readiness Exercises in both of McCain-Palin 2008 and the Ford to be discussed by Russia and the U.S. Poland and Turkey. Motor Co. He began by stating that the are international law and the international “I will strive to live up to U.S. has had an open and patient economic crisis. Regarding international the high standard you have approach to Russia. He suggested that the law, he said there has been an erosion of set,” Col Komichak told Col. U.S. needs a common approach with compliance by all players. Dorais. “I have also come to European allies towards Russia, and that Mr. Kortunov concluded his analysis appreciate the professional- the U.S. needs to engage Georgia and by stating that the U.S. needs to have a ism and dedication of the sol- Ukraine. He also said U.S. must not iso- consensus with European allies vis-à-vis diers of the MIG-E… and late Russia, but must leave an open door, Russia. It is a mistake for European allies see that you are among the and keep Russia engaged. to blindly support the U.S. position. finest with whom I have ever The recent U.S. election, Mr. Biegun Rather, the U.S. needs to understand the served.” said, will allow for new relations with new position of both “old” and “new” Europe. Col. Komichak received lines of communication; however he said An appeasement policy will not work in his commission as a second he does not see the need for new struc- dealing with Russia, and neither will a lieutenant in the Military Lt. Col. Michele R. Sutak tures. He emphasized that the U.S. cannot policy of containment. Intelligence Corps in 1979 Col. and Mrs. Michael Komichak pose for a photo after lose its voice, especially in regard to the Fyodor Lukyanov of the journal Russia from the Reserve Officer’s Komichak assumed command of the Military erosion of democracy in Russia. Over all, in Global Affairs stated that the U.S. can- Training Corps (ROTC). He Intelligence Group-Europe, 7th Civil Support Mr. Biegun said he feels the election and a not expect a miracle in relationship with earned a Bachelor of Science Command, Oct. 26 at Tompkins Barracks, Schwetz- new U.S. administration offer a chance to degree in mathematics, a B.S. ingen, Germany. Daria Komichak, of Chatham, N.J., change the tone in bilateral relations. (Continued on page 14) in electrical engineering, and received a bouquet of flowers during the ceremony.

Delegation from Greenhouse Association of Ukraine visits U.S. by R.L. Chomiak solution to all of Ukraine’s economic and-pop agricultural business owners Departments of Agriculture. Special to The Ukrainian Weekly problems. Rep. Kaptur is active in the were from all regions of Ukraine. In one The level of U.S.-Ukraine relations in Congressional Ukrainian Caucus and case, a Crimean greenhouse now private- trade and investment was spelled out for WASHINGTON – Locally grown pro- happens to be the senior female member ly owned kept the old Soviet name – the visitors by Christine Lucyk, who cov- duce in November? You’ll have to come of the House of Representatives. On “Radyanska Ukraina,” or Soviet Ukraine. ers Ukraine in the U.S. Department of to Ukraine to see how it’s done. November 4 she was re-elected with 73 Also in the delegation was Andriy Commerce. Last year, she said, total U.S. Greenhouse vegetables – by definition percent of the vote. Zhuravlov, who runs a Dutch seed com- exports to Ukraine amounted to $1.3 bil- locally grown – are widely used in The Ukrainian delegation also visited pany in Ukraine that supplies the green- lion, and a similar sum was invested by Ukraine, as in other parts of the former Niagara Falls before heading home. house farmers, and Yevhen Chernyshenko, Americans in Ukraine. Ukraine, in turn, USSR. At the Embassy roundtable discussion president of the Greenhouse Association, exported to the U.S. products worth $1.2 In the old days, the Communst Party on October 15, the Ukrainian “teplych- who runs the biggest greenhouse in billion. elite had to have fresh produce on the nyky” (“teplytsia” is hothouse or green- Ukraine: 125,000 acres under glass, She characterized Ukrainian commer- table, so large hothouses were in opera- house in Ukrainian) had a chance to growing 20,000 tons of vegetables a year. cial relations with the United States as tion throughout Ukraine. Now they are exchange ideas with American specialists While Ukrainians can teach Americans very significant and noted that last April privately owned and employ some 30,000 in this field and with government officials. a thing or two about growing produce the two countries signed a treaty on trade workers who harvest about 480,000 tons Henadiy Nadolenko, who is on his sec- locally year round, avoiding transport and investments. She encouraged of vegetables annually. The story of Ukraine’s greenhouses ond tour in the Washington Embassy, this across the continent or from the southern Ukrainian visitors to keep in touch with was told at the Ukrainian Embassy in time as chief of the Economic and Trade to the northern hemisphere, Ukrainians the commercial section of the American Washington recently, when the U.S.- Mission, welcomed the roundtable partic- who visited the U.S. said they were inter- Embassy in Kyiv. Ukraine Business Council hosted a dele- ipants to the Embassy and passed the ested in American equipment and servic- Morgan Williams, president of the gation of the post-Soviet Greenhouse chair over to Andrew Bihun. In the 1990s es for greenhouses. U.S.-Ukraine Business Council, who has Association of Ukraine. The association, Mr. Bihun headed the commercial section From the American side at the quadrupled the number of council mem- founded in 2002, has 26 member compa- of the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, and now is Embassy roundtable, Dr. George bers since taking over the helm, was on nies out of about 100 such businesses in a partner in Global Trade and Melnykovych, who represents Food one of his frequent visits to Ukraine dur- all parts of Ukraine. Seventeen of the Development Inc. in Washington. Processors Suppliers Association, talked ing the greenhouse delegation’s visit. His entrepreneurs toured the United States as Oleksandr Tomlyak, executive director about machines and packaging produced associate, Iryna Teluk, membership direc- guests of Philadelphia’s Ukrainian of the Ukrainian association, said his by members of his association, some of tor of the council, explained that the orga- Federation of America on October 10-14. members manage more than 1,600 acres them already established in Ukraine. nization works with governments of They visited hothouses and mushroom under glass and about 2,500 acres under Based on American experience, he also Ukraine and the United States for the farms in Pennsylvania; visited Penn State plastic sheeting. Today, he added, green- praised institutions such as the benefit of its members. University, which has an exchange pro- houses in Ukraine are mostly family- Greenhouse Association of Ukraine as a At the end of the visit Executive gram in agriculture with Ukraine; and owned enterprises that supply the market tool for development of the industry. Director Tomlyak told me by phone that visited an agricultural district of Ohio and primarily in the spring, fall and winter Proof of the American penchant for suc- his group was tired, but very satisfied met the district’s Congresswoman Marcy months. cessful associating was participation at with the tour and the contacts its mem- Kaptur, who has kinfolk in Ukraine and A glance at a list of the group visiting the roundtable of Dewitt Ashby, who rep- bers have established. “This was our first who promotes modern agriculture as a the United States showed that these mom- resents the National Association of State trip,” he said, “but not our last.” No. 48 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 5 Ukrainian American Veterans hold 61st convention by Atanas T. Kobryn SOMERSET, N.J. – The 61st National Convention of the Ukrainian American Veterans was held in Somerset, N.J., on September 26-27 to celebrate the 60th birthday of this organization and its con- tinuous service to its members, members’ families, the Ukrainian American com- munity and the United States. It was hosted by three New Jersey UAV Posts: 6 of Newark, 17 of Passaic and 30 of Freehold. National executive board officers, del- egates and guests began to arrive at the Holiday Inn Somerset early on Thursday, September 25. That evening the national executive board held its last meeting, chaired by National Commander Anna Krawczuk. The agenda included officer’s reports approval of the Convention Committee Chairs, and the approval of the agenda of the upcoming convention. Bernard Krawczuk The status of inactive posts and the ways Ukrainian American Veterans gathered at their 61st convention. to reactivate some or all of them was dis- cussed at length. Past National Commander Atanas T. unanimously elected. The next day National Commander Kobryn, member of Post 40 in North Port, The Nominating Committee was Krawczuk opened the convention with Fla., chaired the committee, consisting of unable to find suitable candidates for the the appropriate ceremonies at 10 a.m. past national commanders and State and positions of national historian and web- The roll call of UAV national executive Post Commanders present at the conven- master. The committee recommended that board officers, past national command- tion. for national webmaster the national exec- ers, state and post commanders was exe- After National Commander Krawczuk utive board find a qualified candidate and cuted by UAV National Adjutant Walter called the convention to order at 10 a.m., to make him/her a member of the board if Bodnar, confirming that a quorum was chairs of the convention committees pre- he/she is a UAV member; if the qualified present. sented the reports and recommendations person is not UAV member, engage that The delegates were saddened by the of their committees. person via contractual agreement, with a absence at the 61st Convention of once Brig Gen. Leonid Kondratiuk reported provision for remuneration, if necessary. very active posts, including Post 7 of for the Resolutions Committee, Past For national historian the UAV board was New York, 19 of Spring Valley, N.Y., 23 National Commander Edward A. Zetick directed to find a qualified candidate and of Buffalo, N.Y., 25 of Trenton, N.J., 32 for the Membership Committee, Wasyl to make him/her a member the board, as of Chicago, 33 of New Haven, Conn., Liscynesky for the Finance and Auditing well as to explore possibility of engaging 35 of Palatine, Ill. Committee, Mr. Kostecki for the college students who might be willing to Five delegates, led by Post Quartermaster Committee, Mr. Pryjma work on a part-time basis in arranging Commander Ihor W. Hron, represented for the Welfare Committee, M. Skirka for and cataloguing the archives in return for the Cpl. Roman G. Lazor Post No. 40 of the Scholarship Committee and Bernard scholarships. The committee recommen- North Port, Fla. Jack Palance Post 42 of W. Krawczuk for Public Relations dations were approved without dissent. Lehigh Valley, Pa., was well represented. Committee. National Commander Much time was devoted to discussion The following national board officers Krawczuk spoke about the UAV Archives of the UAV Tribune. The national execu- presented their financial and activity due to the absence of National Historian tive board was instructed to keep up the reports: Finance Officer Wasyl Dr. Vasyl Luchkiw. Jerry Kindrachuk flow of communication with posts and UAV National Commander Brig. Gen. Liscynesky, Quartermaster Stephen reported for the UAV History and members by regularly publishing the Leonid Kondratiuk. Kostecki, Welfare Officer Myroslaw National Monument Committees. UAV Tribune or by instituting other The recommendations included: reacti- appropriate channels of communication. Pryjma and Scholarship Officer Nicholas The singing of the American and Skirka. vating UAV website, enrolling at least 60th anniversary banquet Ukrainian national anthems was led by one new member per post, recognizing National Commander Krawczuk Oksana Telepko. A moving “Missing Man the post with the most new members reported on the status of the UAV At the UAV’s 60th anniversary ban- Honors Ceremony” was masterfully pre- added during the period and establishing Registration Project and UAV National quet, National Commander Krawczuk sented by Mr. Fedorko. a reward for “Post of the Year.” Monument financials. greeted the delegates and guests and In commemoration of the 75th anni- National Judge Advocate Michael Activity reports by National requested the posting of colors. The UAV versary of the Holodomor in Ukraine, Demchuk reported for the By-Laws Commander Krawczuk and other offi- Color Guards were Post Commanders Bishop Daniel Zelinsky of the UOC-USA Committee. The most significant recom- cers, as well as the reading of some Michael Fedirko (Post 6), James Fedorko lit a candle and held a brief service. reports submitted by absent officers, and mendation was the addition of description (Post 17) and Mr. Krawczuk (Post 30); discussion of all reports concluded the of duties and responsibilities for the posi- they were led by Mr. Bojsiuk (Post 40). (Continued on page 20) first day’s activities. tion of National Service Officer/Chaplain In the late afternoon on Friday a large (changed from National Chaplain/Service group of delegates and guests took Officer). Delegates approved all recom- advantage of guided tour of St. Andrew’s mendations. Celebrating 60 years Cemetery by Peter Paluch. The primary Mr. Kobryn, chair of the Nominating Native Ukrainians, naturalized and Iwo Jima in the Pacific theater to goal was to see the location of the future Committee, after calling for nominations American citizens of Ukrainian descent, UAV National Monument. This promi- from the floor as required by protocol, North Africa, Sicily, Normandy and nent site, graciously donated by the presented the slate of candidates for as well as native-born Americans of Central Europe. Many Ukrainian Archdiocesan Center of the Ukrainian national executive board positions, as fol- Ukrainian descent fought in the Armed Americans fought in Korea, Vietnam, and Orthodox Church of the U.S.A., is near lows: Brig. Gen. Kondratiuk (Post 31, Forces of the United States in all wars, Operation Desert Storm, and many do so St. Andrew Memorial Church. The Boston), national commander; Walter from the Revolutionary War of now in Operation Iraqi Freedom, memorial will honor the hundreds of Michajliw (Post 31, Boston), vice-com- Independence through and including the Afghanistan and other parts of the world. thousands of Ukrainian American men mander; Jerry Kindrachuk (Post 42, latest Operation Iraqi Freedom, not to Returning World War I veterans orga- and women who have honorably served Lehigh Valley, Pa.), finance officer; Mr. mention the Ukrainian Zaporozhian nized veterans posts in several cities, but and continue to serve in all branches of Demchuk (Post 24, Cleveland), judge Kozaks accompanying Captain Smith to only the World War II veterans, thanks to the U.S. armed forces. advocate; Mr. Kostecki (Post 31, Boston), the ill-fated Jamestown colony. There are a large degree to the efforts of the late The tour participants also learned quartermaster; Mr. Pryjma (Post 101, no accurate records, but one can find Maj. Michael Darmopray, succeeded in about the history of the 18th century Warren, Mich.), welfare officer; Mr. Ukrainian names in the rosters of various forming the national Ukrainian American Fisher Family Historic Cemetery and Skirka (Post 301, Yonkers, N.Y.), scholar- units and, of course, on the grave markers Veterans organization at the convention saw a number of very important and ship officer; and Mr. Krawczuk (Post 30, on many military cemeteries. that took place on May 29-31, 1948 in impressive monuments, including that of Freehold, N.J.), public relations officer. A significantly larger number of Philadelphia. Michael Hynda from New Metropolitan Vasyl Lypkivskyi and other All nominees were unanimously elected. Ukrainian Americans fought in World Jersey Post No. 6 was elected the UAV’s famous Ukrainians. The Nominating Committee did not War I, many having distinguished them- first national commander. Saturday’s activities began with the recommend any candidate for the position selves in battles in service to the country In the 1980s the UAV was granted war Nominating Committee meeting at 8 a.m. of service officer/chaplain. Rostyslaw they had adapted as their own. World War veterans’ organization status under IRS Ratycz, nominated Marian Bojsiuk, past II saw a quarter million or more Code Section 501 (c) (19), and was incor- Ukrainian Americans in all branches of Atanas T. Kobryn is a past national post commander of post 40 in North Port, porated in the State of New York. commander of the Ukrainian American Fla., for the position. After Mr. Hron sec- service fighting in all corners of the Veterans. onded the nomination, Mr. Bojsiuk was world, from Guadalcanal, the Philippines – Atanas T. Kobryn 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 No. 48

THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Notes from the homeland Giving thanks and giving back by Danylo Peleschuk As we write these words, Thanksgiving – one of our favorite holidays – is almost here. Soon we will be sitting down to Thanksgiving feasts and consider- ing the multitudes of things we have to be thankful for. It is a time to reflect on our families’ good fortune – even in these tough economic times, and to consider Conclusion: Reflection the wealth we enjoy in the form of our families, our friends, our communities, our nation. Now that I’ve been home for nearly as could get by. Especially during my first few As the Thanksgiving holiday leads to Christmas, a time of giving thanks leads long as I was in Ukraine, I’ve had a lot of weeks in the country, every day was an to a season of giving. Yes, we give gifts to those closest to us: our families, time to think. I’ve reflected, remembered adventure, and, as a co-worker described it, friends and colleagues. But surely our Christmastime giving should extend and reminisced, and I’ve fully committed to every conversation was “a battle for infor- beyond that circle. So, as you rush to the shopping malls on the day after life back in the states. mation.” Life was challenging, exciting and Thanksgiving, please keep in mind others – groups, organizations, institutions One thing, though – I’m not over it. unpredictable all at once. and charities – near and dear to your hearts. I haven’t gotten over the freezing, 7 a.m. Sometimes, it was downright frightening. Perhaps we can all follow the cue of local parish youths in these parts who are showers during the entire month and a half Like when a patrolman stopped me late holding a food drive to benefit the Interfaith Food Pantry that serves the needy. the Kyiv City Administration shut down the one night on the “maidan” (Independence This is an especially meaningful project during this 75th anniversary year of the hot water pipes for maintenance, nor have I Square) and asked for my “documents.” Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine when millions were starved to death. Why let go of my newly discovered pushy and Upon telling him that I left my passport at not do as the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America in New York did just adamant side – a major requisite if you ever home, he threatened arrest and, after 20 min- two weeks ago when a food drive was conducted in memory of the Holodomor’s want to get your way in Ukraine. And now, utes of my frantic rebuttal, he asked – albeit victims? In addition to food items, such charities welcome monetary donations as I’m scanning for job openings, sending discreetly – for a bribe. It was my first (but with which they purchase goods for those less fortunate. scores of resumes and digging for connec- not last) experience with the law, and I had There are a number of national and international Ukrainian organizations that tions, I can’t help but keep Ukraine at the no idea how to handle it. When I continued do good works here in North America, Ukraine and other countries where forefront of my mind. arguing in what seemed to be the most fluent Ukrainians reside. Among those we urge readers to consider are the Ukrainian Though I may very well have a few solid and hard-hitting Ukrainian I’d ever spoken, National Foundation (which supports various cultural and educational programs future prospects in the U.S., the idea just he gave up and issued me a warning. here in the United States and is affiliated with the Ukrainian National isn’t as alluring as returning to the home- What got him, I later realized, was when Association), the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America (which has land. As a Ukrainian American in Ukraine, I I spoke about what I was doing in Ukraine. special funds that provide assistance to Ukrainians both in this country and found, you’re plugged into networks both I told him about my trip, my relatives, my abroad), the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee (which, among its foreign and American. You meet people self-discovery – anything that I thought many projects, is still is collecting funds to aid flood-ravaged areas of Ukraine), you’d have never otherwise met, and you would pry his mind away from throwing me the Toronto-based Help Us Help the Children (whose goal is to improve the qual- build relationships with those whom you into the cramped backseat of his Lada with ity of life in Ukraine’s orphanages) and the Chicago-based Ukrainian Catholic least expected to encounter. In short – if a siren slapped on top. Education Foundation (which supports the exemplary work of the Ukrainian you’re a Westerner, you’ve got the world at As we listened to each other’s language Catholic University in ). your feet. and accents, we both knew that the other Nor should readers forget their local organizations, whether their parishes, youth In comparison to Western standards and was from western Ukraine, where the state organizations, dance groups, community centers or schools of Ukrainian studies. luxuries, though, the bar is admittedly lower. language continues to flourish and national These are the institutions from whose work we personally benefit each week of the You won’t find an X-box in every child’s culture is bred proudly. In the end, we con- year, the groups that serve us, our children and our seniors – all segments of our bedroom or a Blackberry in every business- nected – culturally and personally. After we “hromada.” Shouldn’t we give a little something back to those who give us so man’s hand. Likewise, you’ll find that most exchanged names and handshakes, I walked much? A donation at Christmastime will help allow these organizations to continue of your waitresses and servers will be less- away knowing that any other foreigner and perhaps expand their invaluable work within our community. than-pleasant, and if you ever drive a car wouldn’t have gotten off as easily. In short, our goal during this post-Thanksgiving/pre-Christmas season should anywhere besides the Khreshcatyk, you’ll Despite all the tangible setbacks and tri- be both giving thanks and giving back. probably spend more money on tires than als attached to a life abroad, that moment on gas. alone sold me. I realized that, even though So what’s the appeal? home was more than 4,000 miles away, I Simple – it’s not what you’ve grown was actually closer to it than I’d known. accustomed to. It’s not America, or Canada, To those who have tossed around the idea Dec. Turning the pages back... or even Western Europe. It’s out of your of visiting the homeland – do it. To those comfort zone, but still close enough that you who have spent their entire lives propagating Ukrainian customs and values to their chil- 4 Last year, on December 4, 2007, the newly formed Danylo Peleschuk was The Ukrainian dren, but have never visited – do it. Because Democratic Forces Coalition elected 33-year-old Arseniy Weekly’s summer editorial intern at the only now, after returning back “home,” do I 2007 Yatsenyuk as the Verkhovna Rada’s new chairman with all Kyiv Press Bureau. Mr. Peleschuk, who really recognize how meaningful a Ukrainian 227 votes from the coalition. The new Rada chair, the young- hails from Stamford, Conn., is majoring identity is. And only now can I look at my est in Europe, was expected to neutralize the polarized in journalism at Northeastern University grandparents with the utmost respect and Parliament and establish compromise between the pro-Western in Boston. finally say, “Thank you.” and Russian-oriented forces. All three opposition factions, including the Party of Regions, the Communist Party of Ukraine and the Volodymyr Lytvyn Bloc, were against Mr. Yatsenyuk’s candidacy, but didn’t nominate a candidate of their own and didn’t participate in the vote. FOR THE RECORD: Ambassador’s Mr. Yatsenyuk, a member of the Our Ukraine – People’s Self-Defense (OU-PSD) bloc, was seen by political analysts as “not politically compromised.” “He’s not a party politician, but more of a technical bureaucrat and good executor,” letter to The New York Times said Oleksander Lytvynenko, an analyst with the Razumkov Center for Economic and Political Research. “He’s not going to lobby the interests of any particular political Following is the text of a letter to the edi- an effective coalition according to the provi- force.” tor of The New York Times from Ukraine’s sions of the Ukrainian Constitution. Viacheslav Kyrylenko, also of OU-PSD, was also nominated for the post of Rada ambassador to the United States, Oleh By requesting explicit compliance with chair, but a camp within the bloc, led by Presidential Secretariat Viktor Baloha, was Shamshur, that was published on November the constitutional principles and resolutely opposed partly because Mr. Kyrylenko was too closely allied with Yulia Tymoshenko, 15 under the title “Democracy and advocating the national interests, the presi- a candidate for prime minister. Ukraine.” dent of Ukraine has shown again that he is Ms. Tymoshenko spent the December 4, 2007, session of the Verkhovna Rada rally- the undisputed focal point of the nation’s ing in favor of Mr. Yatsenyuk, who wanted to ensure the coalition’s success (which To the Editor: consolidation, the leader capable of protect- had a slim majority by one vote) by quickly approving the candidate for parliamentary Re “As Ukraine Staggers, Its Leaders ing it from economic or political crisis. chair. Having faced the aggravation of the situ- To ensure the secret-ballot vote wouldn’t be undermined, Ms. Tymoshenko person- Quarrel” (news article, November 4): ation in the financial sector, he suspended ally reviewed each deputy’s ballot before he or she threw it in the voting urn. Part of the recent criticism aimed at On December 5, 2007, Mr. Yatsenyuk submitted the coalition’s nomination of Ms. Ukraine stands in sharp contrast with very his decision on elections, so that Parliament Tymoshenko as Ukraine’s next prime minister. real achievements in many areas that define could approve the stabilization package and “Any lack of support will look as a blunt betrayal, and that will hurt Yushchenko. Ukraine as a modern and dynamic country. adopt other urgent socioeconomic measures. The train has already left the station and Our Ukraine has no option other than to sup- I would not deny that some critical I am positive that we shall overcome all port Tymoshenko,” said Yurii Syrotiuk, a political analyst with the Kyiv-based Open remarks aimed at Ukrainian authorities are the difficulties no matter how complicated Society Foundation. to the point. Yet we are committed to demo- the process of our development may look Vowing to listen to all political parties, Mr. Yatsenyuk said, “Every deputy will be cratic procedures. from the outside. heard, every faction will have equal rights, and there won’t be those more or less The decision on early parliamentary elec- Centuries of struggle for independence equal. And we will form a capable organ which is oriented toward only one thing – tions announced by the decree of the presi- and freedom have taught us to uphold them. Ukraine’s reconstruction.” dent has clearly demonstrated his adherence to democratic values. His position might not Oleh Shamshur Source: “Democratic coalition succeeds in electing Yatsenyuk as Rada chair,” by be shared by various political forces, but this Ambassador of Ukraine Zenon Zawada, The Ukrainian Weekly, December 9, 2007. was his response to their inability to create Washington, November 11, 2008 No. 48 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 7

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The things we do ... Syzokryli search Destructive confl ict by Orysia Paszczak Tracz for information is nothing new Dear Editor: Dear Editor: The Syzokryli Ukrainian Dance One can only wonder about the insanity About Ukraine in Q and A Ensemble will celebrate its 30th anniver- of the warfare between President Viktor sary with a concert at New York Yushchenko’s Secretariat and Prime A newly released book should be a University’s Skirball Center for the Minister Yulia Tymoshenko’s Cabinet. The requirement for every “Ridna Shkola” Performing Arts on Saturday, March 28, destructive war between two heroes of the (school of Ukrainian studies) as well as a 2009. Orange Revolution started less than a year source for anyone wanting to know the As part of the celebration we would after its success in 2004 and has continued basics about things Ukrainian: like to acknowledge all of those dancers unabated to the present. “Naitsikavishe pro Ukrainu u Pytanniakh who have performed with Syzokryli The current destruction of the fourth ta Vidpovidiakh” (The Most Interesting through the years. We ask that anyone Ukrainian government under President Facts about Ukraine in Questions and who has been with the company forward Yushchenko is being stocked by the head of Answers by L. V. Mykhailenko, I. M. Rebrova, V. A. Sushko, and T. I. contact information: name, address, tele- the Presidential Secretariat, Viktor Baloha. Lahunova. Kharkiv: Tornado, 2008. ISBN phone number, e-mail, including the years The actions of the Presidential Secretariat 966-635-752-6). This is not a textbook, in which you danced, to nkobryn@hot- will most likely lead to the dismissal of the and should not be considered one. But it democratic government of Ms. Tymoshenko We would also appreciate copies of is fascinating for young and old alike. and resurrection of the pro-Russian govern- any photos and/or videos for an exhibi- As the publisher’s blurb indicates, this ment of Viktor Yanukovych. tion we are planning in conjunction with colorful and interesting book attempts to The architect of this national tragedy is the performance. answer children’s numerous questions President Yushchenko, who during four about Ukraine. It is divided into three Ania Bohachevsky Lonkevych years of his presidency has already subject areas: history, geography, and cul- North Wales, Pa. destroyed three governments of Ukraine ture and tradition. But the book should (led by Ms. Tymoshenko, Yurii Yekhanurov not be limited to children, because any- The letter-writer is executive director and Mr. Yanukovych) and presently is in one interested in Ukraine will find the of the Roma Pryma Bohachevsky Cover of the book “The Most the process of destroying the fourth one. questions and answers enlightening. And Ukrainian Dance Foundation. It is a sad story, but really not a new one. Interesting Facts about Ukraine in what a source for your next Ukrainian Questions and Answers.” In 1834 Mykola Hohol wrote the short Jeopardy game! novel “A Story about the Quarrel between Without giving our dear readers the Genghiz Khan? This sea was called Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich” that answers (hey, you completed your “matu- Basilian Sisters was published as part of the Myrhorod Pontas Melas by the ancient Greeks, and ra,” right?), below are some questions the river flowing into it was the anthology. In it he describes the conflict from the book. seek materials between two dear friends that were promi- Boristhenes – what are they called now? From the section on History: Did our How were the lakes in the Carpathian nent and beloved by the community of Dear Editor: ancestors hunt mammoths? Which ancient and Transcarpathian regions formed? Are Myrhorod’s gentlemen farmers. The con- Greek cities were founded on the territory there waterfalls in Ukraine? Volcanoes From Philadelphia to New York City, flict starts as a result of a quarrel about a of present-day Ukraine? What is a “kapy- are called the hot blood of the earth – are Chicago to Newark, N.J., Hamtramck, material possession (a rifle) and rapidly Mich., to Chesapeake City, Md., the sche?” Which state was the largest in there any volcanoes in Ukraine? Which degenerates into violence and endless court Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great medieval Europe? Where did the “ser- Ukrainian carbonate bedrock caves are battles. In the end, the friends manage to have been a major component of numer- pent’s” (zmiyevi) earthen ramparts the largest? What is loess? Are there destroy each other. ous lives through schools, orphanages throughout Ukraine come from? Why is earthquakes in Ukraine? Apart from the and parishes. The absurdity of the situation as Yaroslav the Wise called the father-in-law one in Kyiv, is there another golden gate In preparation for the 100th anniversa- described by Hohol in his short novel in of Europe? Why is one of the oldest (zoloti vorota) in Ukraine? Who in ry of our ministry in the United States, 1834 is very much like the absurdity of the French national treasures considered Europe published the first map of we are collecting memories of the many Ukrainian political scene in 2008. Hohol Ukrainian? Why is Kyiv called the gold- Ukraine? people whose lives are intertwined with starts his story expressing admiration for en-domed? What happened to Yaroslav’s Now for traditions: How was the Basilian Sisters. the virtues of two dear friends (you can library? Did Volodymyr Monomakh actu- Christmas (or the Winter Feast) celebrat- Anyone with memories of time spent substitute Mr. Yushchenko and Ms. ally wear the “hat of Monomakh?” Why ed by our ancestors? What were some with the Basilian Sisters, photographs or Tymoshenko) and ends by saying “How sad is the Ukrainian currency called “hryvnia” games played at Sviat Vechir (Ukrainian other mementos is asked to contact Sister it is in this world, gentlemen,” when they and what is the difference between Christmas Eve)? How were the elderly Dorothy Ann Busowski at 215-379-3998 destroy each other. And how true this is 174 “hryvnia” and “hryvna?” Which relatives honored at Christmas? How ext. 35, [email protected], or years later. Ukrainian cities were founded during the long did the Christmas celebrations last? 710 Fox Chase Road, Fox Chase Manor, The psyche of the nation has not changed times of Kyivan Rus’? Which contempo- What is a vertep? Who sows grain on the PA 19046. much. It is still Myrhorod. rary Ukrainian symbol is the oldest? What New Year? Are there any new attributes were the requirements to become a of Christmas – from the last two to three Sister Dorothy Ann Busowski Ihor Lysyj Kozak? Why did Catherine II (of Russia) Fox Chase Manor, Pa. Austin, Texas centuries? How was Velykden (Easter) liquidate the Zaporozhian Sich? How celebrated? What are the differences many siches were built by the among pysanky, krashanky and malio- We welcome your opinion Zaporozhian Kozaks? How old is the vanky? How is Green Sunday celebrat- Ukrainian university of Kyiv-Mohyla The Ukrainian Weekly welcomes letters to the editor and commentaries on a variety ed? For what feast are buns with poppy of topics of concern to the Ukrainian American and Ukrainian Canadian communities. Academy, and what was its original cur- seeds baked? How was Kupalo celebrat- Opinions expressed by columnists, commentators and letter-writers are their own and do riculum? What is the Black Way (Chornyi ed? What is the feast of harvesters and not necessarily reflect the opinions of either The Weekly editorial staff or its publisher, the shliakh)? During the Ottoman Empire’s farmers? Why do the mothers of the brid- Ukrainian National Association. 1,000-year-old history, who was the only al couple throw seeds of various grains Letters should be typed and signed (anonymous letters are not published). Letters are woman – a Ukrainian – who became a on them? Why are the “verba” (willow) accepted also via e-mail at [email protected]. The daytime phone number and address sultan’s wife? Who was the author of the and the “kalyna” (viburnum, or high- of the letter-writer must be given for verification purposes. Please note that a daytime phone first democratic constitution in the world? number is essential in order for editors to contact letter-writers regarding clarifications or bush cranberry) so revered in Ukraine? Who was the Robin Hood of Podillia? Why is bread called holy? When do the questions. Who was the first President of Ukraine? Please note: THE LENGTH OF LETTERS CANNOT EXCEED 500 WORDS. domestic animals speak? Why do the Why do we celebrate January 22 as the elderly forbid throwing garbage into a Day of Unification of Ukraine? Why is fire? For whom is a row of ripened grain the legendary “Batko (father) Makhno” left unmowed? How did young women famous? For what was one punished by foretell their future? What did the interior MAY WE HELP YOU? the “zakon pro piat koloskiv” (the law on of a village house look like? Why was five stalks of wheat)? What would have the pich (oven or hearth) so revered? To reach The Ukrainian Weekly call (973) 292-9800, been the fate of Ukraine if Hitler were What are icons? How were rushnyky and dial the appropriate extension (as listed below). successful in his “Ost” plan? (ritual cloths) made? What types of trans- How are we doing so far? Have you port were there in the olden days? What checked for answers with your grandpar- kinds of sorochky (traditional Ukrainian Editorial – 3049, 3088 ents or your grandchildren yet? shirt) are there? What kinds of hairstyles Production – 3063, 3069 Now for some geography: Are there were there for women and men? Was gold deposits in Ukraine? Where? What Administration – 3041 there jewelry long ago? do you know about amber? Where are the And so, I will leave you with many Advertising – 3040 largest deposits of the mineral of wis- questions and no answers. If you’re dom? On which river’s banks was the stumped, look them up in your old Ridna Subscriptions – 3042 first battle between the Kyivan Rus’ armies and the Mongol-Tatar horde of (Continued on page 22) 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 No. 48 FOR THE RECORD: Speeches at the Holodomor service in St. Patrick’s

The following are statements read by Ukrainian religious and community lead- ers, Archbishop Antony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A, Bishop Bishop Paul Chomnycky Paul Chomnycky of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, and Tamara Gallo-Oleksy, president of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, during the Holodomor I want to ask you to search your commemorations at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York on November 15. “memory banks” today and try and recall how you felt on your eighth birthday. Although I cannot remember my eighth birthday in any specific Archbishop Antony detail, I can certainly recall that any childhood years were generally happy. Your Eminence, Cardinal Egan, Your Grace Metropolitan Stefan, Your Grace I was secure, well-fed and well-loved Bishop Basil, Your Grace Bishop Paul, Your Grace Bishop John, Your Excellency and I would like to think that most of Ambassador Shamshur, Your Excellency Ambassador Sergeyev, Honorable Consul- us share a similar experience. General Kyrychenko, Beloved Clergy, Ladies and Gentlemen… GLORY TO Imagine however, that on your JESUS CHRIST! eighth birthday, the only thing you We have come once again to that time of year when we commemorate the seven could think about was the gnawing to ten million men, women and children of the Ukrainian Nation, who perished in hunger in your stomach that would not the genocidal famine of 1932-33. It is difficult to believe that three quarters of a go away. Imagine watching soldiers century – over 75 years – have passed since this tragedy of tragedies occurred – the come into your farmyard and house most horrific example of man’s inhumanity to fellow man known in history. For and confiscate every last morsel of those who visit this cathedral today and are not familiar with the circumstances of food, every grain of wheat, every ker- the genocide, it was a deliberate campaign ordered by Josef Stalin against the nel of corn, every chicken, every cow, Ukrainian population, attempting to force them into the grand soviet collective every pig. Imagine seeing the weakest farming system. Their land, for Ukrainian farmers, was central to their existence members of your family – your grand- and survival. parents, and your younger brothers In a year of bumper wheat harvests, the quotas for grain were set higher and and sisters – slowly and painfully higher in order to feed the wheat export goals of the regime, which, in turn, fed the waste away to skin and bone, and per- never ending needs of building the immense Soviet industrial complexes– in partic- ish until only you and your mother are ular weapons factories. All offers of assistance from foreign nations were rejected left barely alive. Imagine eating leaves because Stalin claimed that no famine existed! and boiled bits of bark and straw to Now, imagine – if you will – gathering together with your entire family at dull the pain in your stomach to allow Babtsia’s home – grandma’s home – on Thanksgiving Day. Imagine the anticipa- tion of sitting down together at the family table to offer thanks for the blessings you to at least fall asleep for an hour Matthew Dubas bestowed upon the family during the past year as babtsia, mom, aunts and cousins or two at night. And imagine, on the Bishop Paul Chomnycky prepare the feast and the men of the family prepare a special large table. morning of your eighth birthday, a Imaging – if you will – the doors of the family home bursting open and five or government official bursting into your house and saying, in a voice full of surprised six Godless government troops forcing their way in to confiscate, in the name of annoyance, as if at some vermin caught in a trap: “What! Are you still alive?” the government, all the grain needed for export… taking every grain stored for the These are the birthday memories of Victor Tkacz, one of the few fortunate individu- long, hard winter… tearing up the floor boards of the home looking for even the als who survived one of the most brutal acts of genocide in the history of mankind, the seed grain reserved for planting next spring… breaking the door off the oven to Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine. This year marks the 75th anniversary of this remove the bread and desserts baking for the Thanksgiving meal… a sacrifice nec- genocide when anywhere from 7 million to 10 million Ukrainians, 3 million of them essary for continuing the “revolution”… and imagine this same scene happening children, starved to death. During this month of November, Ukrainians and many oth- over and over and over, millions of times, until the population of your city, your ers the world over are commemorating this solemn and sad anniversary with vigils, county, your state was left with nothing to eat and no where to find sustenance for solemn marches, conferences and prayer services. life. Seventy-five years ago millions of lives were sacrificed as a direct result of dictator Imagine – if you will – watching as your younger siblings, brothers and sisters, Joseph Stalin’s policy of deliberate grain and food confiscation in Ukraine in order to become the first to suffer without that sustenance because their growing bodies facilitate his policy of collectivization and rapid industrialization. It was designed spe- have such enormous needs to make that growth possible. Imagine that growth stop- cifically to crush the will of the Ukrainian peasantry, who wanted no part of this plan ping and their stomachs swelling. Imagine babtsia and didus, your grandparents, to solidify Soviet control and authority in Ukraine, whose agricultural riches were key and all the older people becoming the next to fade away because their bodies are for the future of the Soviet Union. weak with age and after decades of long, hard work to provide for their families. As Stalin and his lackeys put their lethal plan into action, the first shadows of fam- Imagine – if you will – your family members, your neighbors, your friends, you, ine fell upon Ukrainian villages and towns, and people began to die by the thousands, despite record harvests in 1932. Peasants who attempted to hide grain or other sources yourself slowly – devastatingly slowly – fading away, without enough strength to of food were deported or executed. Withholding grain became a crime punishable by lift a spoon even if a speck of food was provided for you during the next six months death. Heavily guarded grain silos, filled to capacity, lay, ironically, just outside the – most of the deaths occurred in the spring of 1933 after six months of starvation. reach of the starving peasants. Rather than feeding the slowly dying Ukrainians, the Imagine – if you will – daily having to carry a deceased member of your family Soviet government sold the grain in Western markets, the proceeds of which were used or neighborhood from their homes – not to the local cemetery, because they were to finance Stalin’s industrialization plans for the Soviet Union. all full – but simply to the curb, where the horse-drawn wagons came by with The Soviet government rejected all offers of humanitarian aid and instead launched grave-diggers to add them to the mound of other bodies, hauled off to an unknown, a propaganda campaign insisting that the Famine was a slanderous fabrication con- far away destination and dumped into mass graves. Imagine – if you will – when cocted by enemies of the Soviet Union. Even today, Vladimir Putin, the present prime the horses died of starvation and no more wagons came and the grave-diggers per- minister of a now “democratic” Russian Federation, shamelessly apes this tired old ished and no more were buried. line. However, history documents that Moscow sealed Ukraine’s borders, making it Imagine – if you will – the loss of your eyesight and your memory and your abil- impossible for anyone to escape in search of food and to conceal this act of genocide ity to even think at all, before you, yourself, come to your end. I know, my dearly from the outside world. The systematic murder by starvation of millions of men, beloved, that it is difficult and almost impossible to imagine such things – because women and children began in earnest and went virtually unnoticed outside the borders we have such abundance in our life – even during the recessions or depressions we of Ukraine. experience now or in the past. Those we lost in the genocidal famine 75 years ago Today, thank God, the veil of secrecy and deceit is being lifted, and the world is – who never experienced the abundant life – could not have imagined it either. In beginning to realize the horrors of “the other Holocaust” of 20th century Europe. all their poverty – they knew happiness because they had their families, their homes Many books and articles are being written, documentary films are being produced, and their land to sustain themselves. And suddenly, they were gone……… monuments are being erected, and research by many renowned scholars and historians Seven to ten million people – some government officials say even more – we is proceeding to ensure that knowledge of the Holodomor will grow and the memory will probably never know the exact number – 20 to 25% - one-fourth of the popula- of those who perished in this heinous act will be preserved with dignity. tion of Ukraine at the time – gone. Those who would have been their descendents The Holodomor was an act of gross and deliberate dehumanization. The all-power- – never to be – resulting in a population of the nation today at only 50% of what it ful state looked upon the victims, not as living human beings, but as cold statistics, probably would have been, had the genocide not been perpetrated. faceless workers, mere fodder for the engine of Communist progress. The starving We have come here to remember those who perished and I say to you, as I have peasants were stripped of all human dignity and forced to die like vermin. for all the years we have met in this magnificent cathedral: If we permit ourselves But can we not also say that those who perpetrated this act were just as dehuman- the luxury of letting history be history, then we are doomed. If we force the memo- ized, just as much stripped of their humanity, as were those whom they victimized? I ry of those millions who died out of our minds because it makes us, or perhaps maintain that only he who has had every ounce of humanity squeezed out of his being, someone else, uncomfortable, then we fail them. If we ignore our responsibility to only he who has had the smallest breath of human compassion smothered from his assist in correcting the history books and educating present and future generations heart, only he who has been reduced to the level of an animal by a soulless political of young students in Ukraine and throughout the world; if we fail to assist in build- regime could gaze upon a starving mother and child and say without a trace of com- ing a proper memorial in city center – Kyiv – Ukraine’s capital, and one here in passion: “What! Are you still alive?” Ask Victor Tkacz. United States of America and others throughout the world – memorials worthy of As we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Holodomor, let us lift up hearts to the sacrifice of so many millions of modern day martyrs; if we fail to stand for and the Lord and ask, above all, for the gift of healing: preserve the sanctity of life – all of it created by God Almighty, then we will be “Almighty and loving God! You created all people in your tillage and likeness. Lead participating in the creation of all the necessary circumstances for the horror to us to seek your compassion as we listen to the stories of our past. We place before You occur again, for the forces of evil to arise once more. Imagine…if you will…Let us pray to the Lord… (Continued on page 18) No. 48 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 9 Security Service of Ukraine launches Digital Archives Center KYIV – The Security Service of study of documents on the liberation ing recently declassified documents. dence of the fact that the 1932-1933 Ukraine (known by its Ukrainian acro- movement; and to cooperate with domes- In 2008, for instance, the following Holodomor was deliberately engineered nym as SBU), on October 2 launched its tic and foreign research and public orga- hearings, open to the public, were held: by the totalitarian Communist regime. Digital Archives Center (DAC) in an nizations involved in the study of OUN/ “Operations of Secret Agents and Among the orders, Communist Party effort to simplify access to materials UPA history. The center may be contact- Guerrilla Groups,” “UPA: Its Trail in Politburo protocols and secret instruc- stored in the SBU archive. ed at: phone, +38-044-256-98-32; fax, History,” “Accusations against the tions to party activists are instructions on The documents are arranged accord- +38-044-253-13-86, e-mail, arhivsbu@ Nachtigall Unit – Historical Truth or how to apply the notorious “Law on the ing to various topics, including the Political Games,” ”OUN Activities in Five Spikelets [ears of grain]” and direc- 1932-1933 Holodomor, activities of the Digital archive of national heritage Central and Eastern Ukraine,” “Role of tives on arrests in the rural areas. Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists Jews in the Ukrainian Liberation (OUN) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army The SBU together with the Ukrainian Movement.” International cooperation (UPA), repression in Ukraine and the dis- Institute of National Memory has initiated Exhibitions The SBU is involved in cooperation sident movement. the creation of a digital archive of nation- with counterpart agencies abroad, primar- The DAC also provides access to a al heritage. The archive is to facilitate the Based upon declassified materials ily in the former Soviet republics, aiming large number of photos, scientific jour- study of liberation movement history and from SBU archives, three topical exhibi- at finding and exchanging information nals and books, as well as digital versions contribute to its unified assessment tions were arranged. Along with the about the victims of political repressions of exhibitions and presentations. The among Ukrainians. already showcased “UPA: History of the by the totalitarian regime in the Soviet DAC’s easy search system is billed as At present, the bulk of related materi- Unconquered,” the two others are Union. being convenient for scholars, journalists als is stored in state and law-enforcement “Roman Shukhevych” and “Declassified Thus, the SBU is cooperating with the and students of Ukrainian history. agencies archives, as well as the archives Memory.” Committee for National Security of As declassification and conversion of run by NGOs and individual researchers, “Declassified Memory,” which por- Kazakhstan, having received information materials into digital form is under way, both in Ukraine and abroad. The purpose trays the 1932-1933 Holodomor, was dis- regarding 15,675 Ukrainians who were the DAC database is updated daily. At the of establishing the digital archive is to played in all the regions of Ukraine, victims of repressions and served their same time, SBU has appealed to institu- create a unified database allowing com- attracting about 100,000 visitors. sentences in Kazakhstan in 1920s-1950s. tions, NGOs and individuals owning prehensive study of the 20th century lib- Exhibition materials were given to the Notably, the Kazakh security service archival documents on relevant topics to eration movement history. The first stage Ministry of Foreign Affairs for transla- provided a list of 7,103 Ukrainians and make their materials available to DAC of this work is to convert SBU archive tion into other languages and presentation victims of the Steplah concentration visitors. documents into digital form. worldwide. camp and 915 victims of the Karlah camp The SBU Digital Archives Center is (near Karaganda). Publication projects List of Holodomor perpetrators located at 4 Irynynska St., in Kyiv; tele- At the same time, the SBU handed phone, 380-44-255-82-24. Its website The book titled “Declassified Memory. The SBU published and placed on its over to Kazakh authorities a list of 85 may be accessed at 1932-1933 Holodomor in Ukraine as website the first list of high-ranking natives of Kazakhstan who had been Working group studies OUN/UPA reflected in GPU/NKVD documents” was Communist Party and state officials who imprisoned or repressed in the Ukrainian published by the SBU with the assistance were heads of the punitive bodies OGPU SSR. In order to facilitate the impartial treat- of the Ukraine 3000 International (United State Political Department) and SBU website ment of Ukrainian history, the SBU is Charitable Foundation, the country’s aca- GPU (State Political Department) in working on declassifying and publicizing demic institutes and scholars, as well as 1932-1933, as well as the documents The SBU website,, its archival documents on the operations the Ukrainian Institute of National signed by these officials that formed a carries announcements of events, news of Soviet security services and the libera- Memory. legal and organizational base for perpe- about SBU activities, digital versions of tion movement in Ukraine. The book is the first in Ukrainian his- trating the Holodomor and massive polit- publications and exhibitions, copies of In early 2008, a working group of his- tory to present a complete range of docu- ical repressions. archival documents, and protocols of torians was set up at the Security Service ments of Soviet security services (the The documents are conclusive evi- work groups and public hearings. of Ukraine to study the activities of the State Political Department, or GPU, and OUN and UPA. The group is made up of the People’s Commissariat of Internal members of various state and public orga- Affairs, or NKVD), unveiling the causes, nizations: the Ukrainian Institute of strategies and consequences of the National Memory, the State Committee of 1932-1933 Holodomor. The documents Archives of Ukraine, the Institute of shed light on massive political repres- History at the National Academy of sions by state security agencies, unveil Sciences of Ukraine, the truth about the Famine and provide a Kyiv National University, the SBU credible source for the study of activities National University, the SBU Archive of central and local executive officials and the Memorial Society. and party leaders in 1932-1933. According to working group members, “Roman Shukhevych in the Documents their research will focus on the liberation of Soviet State Security Agencies” is a movement in Ukraine from 1920 through collection of materials about various 1991. To be examined separately are: the aspects of the life of the UPA command- dissident movement of the 1960s-1970s er-in-chief. The book was published as well as the democratic movement of together with the Center for Ukrainian the 1980s-1990s. One of the priorities of Studies at Kyiv Shevchenko National the group is to study SBU documents in University. the central and oblast archives. Another book on the 1932-1933 The working group hopes to attract Holodomor is being compiled jointly with scholars interested in the examination of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and archival materials and the implementation Administration of Poland. It is the sev- of joint research and publication projects. enth volume to be published within the The group’s chair is SBU research/publication project of the SBU Chairman’s Adviser Volodymyr and its Polish partners called “Poland and Viatrovych, (who holds a doctorate in Ukraine in the 30s and 40s of the 20th history). His contact phone is Century. Unknown Documents in Secret +380-44-239-70-93. Services’ Archives.” At present, the SBU possesses the larg- The book titled “1932-1933 est amount of materials on OUN/UPA Holodomor in Ukraine in the Documents activities. However, these materials have of Soviet and Polish Secret Services” will been studied inadequately and were not be published in Ukrainian and Polish to available to the public. Given highly commemorate the 75th anniversary of the mixed and controversial feelings on these Holodomor. The book’s presentation is issues existing in Ukraine, the declassifi- scheduled in Kyiv; later it will be trans- cation and publication of archives is of lated into English and presented in the crucial importance. United States, Canada and Europe. Accordingly, the Center for the Study The first volume of this research/publi- of Documents on the History of the cation project was published in 1998 with Liberation Movement was set up in June the support of Presidents Viktor 2008. The center is part of the SBU state Yushchenko and Lech Kaczynski. archive. The center’s main purposes are: Public hearings to search, study, systematize and declassi- fy archives on the history of the liberation With the participation of the working movement; to create an annotated digital group of historians, the SBU has launched directory of materials; to implement pub- a series of public hearings of scholars, lication projects, compile books and arti- journalists and members of the public in cles, organize public hearings on OUN/ order to shed light and discuss the UPA activities; to involve NGOs in the Ukrainian liberation movement, involv- 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 No. 48

NEWS AND VIEWS Ukraine during the Cold War: the role of Prolog Research Corp. by Roman Kupchinsky nature of the agreement worked out that an acceptable cooperation agreement organizations active at that time in the between the two sides and provide impor- would serve the interests of both sides. West. The history of the Cold War, which is “After a thorough study of the tant information about special operations Belladonna being researched in universities and which took place in the early years of the Ukrainian problem and comparison of think-tanks in the West, has been the sub- Cold War. “Operation Belladonna,” written in information from several sources in ject of numerous books and articles by One document called “Operation November 1946, is a 25-page overview Germany, Austria and Rome, source historians and journalists. These publica- Belladonna” describes how and why the of Ukrainian organizations active in post- believes that UHVR, UPA (Ukrainian tions have revealed many anti-Soviet government of the United States came in war Europe, along with biographies of Insurgent Army) and OUN-Bandera are covert activities funded by the U.S. contact with representatives of the UHVR their leaders and an assessment of these the only large and efficient organizations Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during in Rome and why the U.S. came to select groups’ potential to be useful to U.S. among Ukrainians and that most of the this era. However they have not shed any the UHVR as a partner or, as the docu- intelligence-gathering. other organizations are small émigré light thus far on the role played by a ment states, a “collaborator,” in an opera- The various organizations were soon groups without much influence and with- Ukrainian American organization called narrowed down to two groups – the out contact with the homeland. UHVR is Prolog Research and Publishing Corp., tion meant both to support the Ukrainian liberation struggle and to provide the U.S. UHVR and the Organization of Ukrainian recognized as having the support of the which existed from 1952 until 1988. younger generation and of Ukrainians at Prolog, first based in Philadelphia, then government with timely information Nationalists led by Stepan Bandera, the about Soviet intentions in post-war OUN-Bandera group. home, and the authority of its leaders in New York City and finally in Newark, Hrynioch and Lebed is established. Some N.J. where it operated until the time of its Europe. The “Operation Belladonna” document The UHVR, as the political command states that the first contact by an unidenti- other groups are envious of the UHVR demise, was, since the time of its cre- complex because the organization is inde- ation, a subsidiary company of the CIA – of the UPA, controlled a network of guer- fied American intelligence officer with rilla fighters in Ukraine and Poland which the UHVR was made in April 1946 in pendent and forceful and always refused the technical term for an independent to collaborate with Germans, Poles or entity funded by the Agency, but not were well-positioned to act as an early Rome using contacts with representatives warning system and provide accurate and of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church Russians.” under its direct management. The Belladonna report noted that: Prolog initially was given the random- timely intelligence should Stalin’s Red at the Vatican. Army begin marching west. This infor- “Contact was thus established with the “They are determined and able men, ly chosen CIA cryptonym “Aerodynamic” but with the psychology of the hunted. which was later changed to mation was invaluable for the intelli- UHVR for the purpose of obtaining intel- gence-gathering agency of the United ligence concerning the USSR and Soviet They are ready to sacrifice their lives or “QRDynamic.” It emerged as the continu- to commit suicide at any time to further States, the CIG, and its successor, the operations at home and abroad. It was ation of a relationship established their cause or to prevent security viola- CIA. understood from the beginning that the between the CIA and its predecessor, the tions, and they are equally ready to kill if For the UHVR, however, the mission Ukrainians considered themselves not Central Intelligence Group (CIG) and the they must. They are resolved to carry on of the UPA was first and foremost to fight agents but collaborators of the Americans Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council, their work with or without us, and if nec- Soviet forces and establish an indepen- and that their subordinate agents should known in Ukrainian as UHVR (Ukayinska essary against us. They are not seeking dent Ukrainian state. Any other tasks remain ignorant of the American aspects Holovna Vyzvolna Rada), in 1946, during any personal profit or advantage.” assigned by the UHVR to the UPA lead- of their work. On this basis contact has the early stages of the Cold War. “Source feels that the conspiratorial ership were of secondary importance. been maintained with the representatives Recently declassified CIA documents mentality and the extreme distrust of describe how the leadership of the What the UHVR needed more than of the UHVR at the highest level: (Ivan) everything and everyone not tested are UHVR, created in 1944 to be the political anything else was to find a Western ally Hrynioch, (Yuriy) Lopatynsky and great hindrances in dealing with the command of the Ukrainian Insurgent to fund its seemingly romantic and hope- (Mykola) Lebed.” Ukrainians. It is always necessary to Army, the UPA, began cooperating with less activities. The United States was its The author of the Belladonna report the CIA. These documents outline the greatest hope, and its leadership believed provided his assessment of Ukrainian (Continued on page 20)

Capitalism, poverty and Russification: the ignored interrelationship by Stephen Velychenko the government in citizens’ eyes. What its government create a national public examined by a rigorous content analysis. people do see, however, are ever more communications sphere. Yet, oddly enough, after 17 years of inde- All who follow the activities of Ukraine’s “private” buildings and sites that are not As anyone who has been to Ukraine pendence no one has done such an analy- capitalists (oligarchs) know well some of only clean but “safe” thanks to innumera- knows, even in the capital it is almost sis and, even worse, no one is even the results of their “business activities” – ble “private security” guards. impossible to find a Ukrainian-language engaged in such a project. not the least of which is the horrific destruc- This “privatization of security” is an newspaper or glossy magazine. In a coun- In the three above-mentioned media tion of Kyiv described by Oksana Zabuzhko indication of something the average citi- try where less than 20 percent of the pop- groups I was able to locate two of the top zen does not see – a re-feudalization of ulation is Russian and where all Russians officials and send them a set of questions zabuzhko/483c1a8676ead/. society that is occurring under the name who were born and educated there can on their language policies. Any perusal of will also of “free-market economics” or “capital- read Ukrainian, the printed media is over Guillermo Schmitt of Segodnya, an show that, while Ukraine’s politicians ism” – that is, a situation when the gov- 80 percent Russian-language. Argentinean national, did not reply. engage in seemingly endless confrontation, ernment no longer has a monopoly o n the Particularly curious is that this situa- Jeff Sunden, the American owner of the oligarchs continue “business as usual.” control of violence within its borders. tion seems to be totally unrelated to con- KP Media did. In reply to why 95 percent This includes a corporate-led destruction of That control is now shared, as it was cen- siderations of profit. For instance three of his publications were in Russian and lives and property, including nature- turies ago, with privately commanded big media conglomerates, (the Dutch- why his freely distributed newspaper was reserves, forests, parks and playgrounds in Russian he replied: “more money.” He Kyiv, and the demolition of a 12th century armed men, which were then called mer- based Telegraf media group, and the cenaries and who in Ukraine today are Kyiv-based KP Media and Segodnya expressed indifference about Russian cathedral in Chernihiv to make way for a domination of Ukraine’s public commu- casino-hotel complex ( called “okhorona.” Multimedia) publish a total of 28 news- The rich and powerful in Ukraine papers and journals. Of these, only two nications sphere and stated that he con- static/news/2007/1214397626.html). sidered “abstract national identity” as an Even presidential decrees failed to stop today even want to pass a law that, as in are Ukrainian-language products. Among feudal times, would allow them to evict these products are three mass-circulation “artificial limit” on freedom of speech someone from building a monstrous high- and freedom of the press – which he rise for the rich on the banks of the and resettle whoever lives in buildings four-page Russian-language daily news- they want to demolish and replace with papers that are distributed free in hun- called “natural rights.” Dnipro, near the Mariyinskyi Palace that Mr. Sunden is from a country with no now blots its o nce beautiful skyline – and more of the monstrous high-rises (“svich- dreds of thousands of copies in at least ky”) for the rich that dot Kyiv’s land- four major cities. experience of national oppression and he will someday collapse into the river since understandably reiterates an 18th century the land there cannot support its weight. scape ( Why in a country where everyone can mai/1206609260.html.) read Ukrainian do companies distribute, classical view of language as a “tool of Since few oligarchs pay taxes on their communication” divorced from consider- personal wealth, if they pay at all, the Despite the persistence and extensive for free, Russian-language publications? nature of this criminal activity, there is no Russian-language publications in ations of power, status or prestige – a the- corresponding shortfall in revenue means ory developed by men who had long for- the government must raise rates more organization similar to corporatewatch. Ukraine, simply by virtue of being in org monitoring it. In any case, given the Russian, perpetuate the rationalization for gotten how their medieval ancestors had than they would otherwise and even so, established English in a struggle against still cannot maintain run-down public rampant corruption in government, there being able to read in Russian. This not is little possibility of prosecuting the only perpetuates the notion that Ukrainian Latin and French. But how is it that peo- areas and services, which then discredits ple like Mr. Sunden control media in guilty. is somehow “not acceptable” for areas of post-colonial Ukraine and use it to keep Another area of activity where the life unrelated to folklore or scholarship, the country within the Russian-language owners of private corporations are but maintains a channel for Russia’s Stephen Velychenko is a research fel- communications sphere? engaged in activities that are difficult to Kremlin-dominated politicized media to low at the Chair of Ukrainian Studies Another important unresearched issue imagine as in any way helping Ukrainians influence opinion in Ukraine. (University of Toronto) and visiting pro- concerns Ukraine’s oligarchs. What overcome their historical legacy of for- That having been said, Russian- fessor at the Kyiv Mohyla Academy. An appears to be case is that very few of language materials produced in Ukraine earlier version of this article first eign domination is publishing. Here, Ukraine’s wealthy are Ukrainian speak- appeared on The Ukrainian Center for owners both foreign and native seem to need not necessarily be anti-Ukrainian ers, or that they run their organizations in Independent Political Research site ucipr. be more interested in keeping Ukraine and pro-Russian, and to placate Ukrainian under Russian influence than in helping concerns, the issue could be empirically (Continued on page 22) No. 48 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 11 Ukrainian actress Olga Kurylenko is ’s newest flame by Helen Smindak appeared on the cover of magazines such as Elle and Vogue by age 18 and became the face of Lejaby lingerie. NEW YORK – Legendary agent 007 – James Bond – Her marriage at age 20 to French fashion photographer always gets his man. And his woman. Cedric Van Mol in 2000 ended in divorce four years later. A James Bond’s newest flame is Ukrainian beauty Olga second marriage, to the mobile phone accessory entrepre- Kurylenko, an actress/model who plays Camille in the new neur Damian Gabriel Neufeld, ended in late 2007. Bond movie “.” A native of Berdiansk in Ms. Kurylenko made her debut lead performance in southeastern Ukraine, Ms. Kurylenko stars opposite hand- Diane Bertrand’s “L’Annulaire,” playing the lead of Iris; her some, British-born Daniel Craig, who stepped into James performance was a favorite at the 2005 Toronto film fest and Bond’s shoes when actor retired from the earned her a Certificate of Excellence award for best actress intriguing role some years ago. at the 2006 Brooklyn International Film Festival. The English actress Judi Deneh plays M, Bond’s superi- She followed this with a role as a creepy, unnamed vam- or in the British Secret Sevice. pire opposite in the 2006 movie “Paris, Je The film opened in New York on November 14 (coinci- T’Aime,” a high-profile independent film in which a coop- dentally, Ms. Kurylenko’s 29th birthday), following red- erative of acclaimed international directors told their own carpet premieres in several foreign capitals, including short stories about each district of Paris. Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris and Rome. The gala world pre- That same year, she played the sexy seductress Sofia in miere in London on October 29, benefitting two charities, Eric Barbiere’s thriller “Le Serpent” (The Snake), co-star- was attended by British royals Prince William and Prince ring with French luminaries Yvan Attal, Clover Cornillas Harry. and Pierre Richard. Her success in “Le Serpent” led to her “Quantum of Solace,” the 22nd installment in the Bond first English-language role, as Nika in ’ series, is fast, furious and deafening, as Bond speeds “Hitman,” produced by Luc Besson. through life-threatening escapades in search of the killer of Ms. Kurylenko, who has met with Ukraine’s First Lady Vesper, his girlfriend in the previous Bond film “Casino Kateryna Yushchenko at the Yushchenko family’s country Royale,” hoping to find a measure of consolation by killing house, will be featured on the cover of Maxim Magazine’s her assailant. December 2008 issue. It’s rumored that her next film will be His true assignment, though, as M sarcastically reminds the upcoming 2009 movie “Kirot.” him more than once, is to track a mysterious criminal syndi- Although some critics feel that “Quantum of Solace” is cate that’s out to take over South America’s water supply as not one of the better Bond films, film critics Jeffrey Lyons a step to controlling the world’s most important natural and Alison Bailes of NBC’s “Reel Talk” concur that good resources. talents, like those of Ms. Kurylenko, were wasted in this Among hair-raising action sequences are a wild car chase film. Ben Stein of the CBS “Sunday Morning” show in northern Italy, a motorboat whirl around a busy seaport declared that “the action makes no spatial sense” and “noth- with Mr. Bond and Camille crouching inside the boat to ing seemed (to be) at stake” in “Quantum of Solace.” You’ll escape adversaries’ bullets, and a spine-tingling episode have to see the movie for yourself to judge, and to watch inside a glass building as the two cling to a dangling rope Ms. Kurylenko in action. high above the ground. An MGM Pictures and Columbia Pictures’ production, Eva Oertwig Before he meets his new romantic interest, Bond dallies “Quantum of Solace” was released by Sony Pictures and is Olga Kurylenko, James Bond’s latest flame, is seen briefly with an attractive Canadian Secret Service agent. A rated PG-13 due to the intense sequence of violence and at the red-carpet opening of “Quantum of Solace” in bit later in the movie, Camille turns up at the wheel of a car action and some sexual content. Berlin on November 3. just as Bond runs out of a hotel, looking for escape from another wild confrontation with the enemy, and orders him brusquely to “Get in!” This marks the beginning of a close relationship – but without any dalliances – that has the two paired against those mysterious bad guys who want to take control of the world. Camille, it turns out, is a Bolivian Secret Service agent who’s after the men who murdered her father. As they pursue their quarry, the two turn up in London, Austria and Sienna, Italy, as well as Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and South America, attend a Puccini opera and cross a portion of des- ert unscathed. Personal appearance Several days before the film’s opening, a publicity rep informed me that “Olga Kurylenko will not be in New York this week, and is due to start a promotional tour in Australia and Japan later this week.” Despite this announcement, Ms. Kurylenko appeared as a guest on ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Show” on November 13 during a special all-Bond night (Mr. Craig appeared in another segment), and sparred good- humoredly with Mr. Kimmel about the pronunciation of her last name. Responding to the host’s questions, she said she came Theodore Wood from a small town “near the sea” in the south of Ukraine, Olga Kurylenko and Daniel Craig (right) chat with Prince William and Prince Harry at the red-carpet pre- and revealed that her first acting role occurred in a school miere of “Quantum of Solace” in London on October 29. play in Ukraine. She started modeling at age 16. Her selec- tion as the romantic interest in “Quantum of Solace” came after three auditions. “My agent called me about (the good news) on Christmas Eve.” Russian Communists upset with Kurylenko When Mr. Kimmel slyly produced a photo of her taken at age 2 and another in her teens, Ms. Kurylenko gasped in PARSIPPANY, N.J. – A group of Russia’s The fact that Bond is a fictional British character and that feigned surprise, asking “Where did you get those?” Communists, commenting on 28-year-old Ukrainian- Ms. Kurylenko’s character is a Bolivian agent, seems to She told Mr. Kimmel she did her own stunt work in born Olga Kurylenko, the new Bond girl in “Quantum have escaped the Communists. “Quantum of Solace,” spending the month before filming in of Solace,” wrote on their website on October 21: “In “Everyone knows that the CIA and MI6 finance James a daily four-hour session of fight training – “learning how the name of all Communists we appeal to you, Olga Bond films as a special operation of psychological warfare to fall, how to react to a kick or a punch.” Kurylenko, wanton daughter of unclean Ukraine and against us,” Sergei Malinkovich, leader of the city party told On television, Ms. Kurylenko radiates a soft, beautiful deserter of the Slavic world. The Soviet Union educated The Times. “The Ukrainian girl sleeps with Bond and that image and a somewhat shy personality; as Camille in you, cared for you, and brought you up for free, but no means that Ukraine is sleeping with the West.” “Quantum of Solace,” she is an exotic, sultry-eyed and one suspected that you would commit this act of intel- Ms. Kurylenko’s character, uncharacteristically for a feisty female with a vendetta. lectual and moral betrayal that you would become a Bond girl, does not sleep with Bond in the film, and on Ms. Kurylenko was born in 1979 to a Russian mother, movie kept girl of Bond, who in his movies kills hun- screen only shares a kiss with the British agent. Marina Alyabusheva, and a Ukrainian father, Konstantin dreds of Soviet people and citizens of other socialist Ms. Kurylenko has not commented on the “traitor” Kurylenko. Her parents divorced when she was 3 years old countries: Cubans, Vietnamese, North Koreans, Chinese accusations. and she was raised by her mother; she did not see her father and Nicaraguans.” This is not the first time the Communist Party of St. again until she was 8 and later, when she was 13. Ms. Kurylenko, according to the Communists, could Petersburg, or Leningrad, as they would prefer it to be Discovered by a female model scout while on a week’s only redeem herself by handing over her co-star, Daniel called, have demonstrated that they do not operate in reality. vacation in Moscow, she moved to Paris when she was 15 Craig, to Russian security agencies. Earlier this year, the party declared that Indiana Jones and to pursue a career in acting. Her thespian endeavors ran “Let him tell what other plans are being written in the the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, set in the Cold War of alongside a very successful career as a model in Paris, Pentagon and Hollywood to discredit Russia and drive a 1957, was a vehicle for anti-Soviet propaganda. The party Milan and Canada. At 5 feet 8 1/2 inches tall, with a shapely wedge between Russian and Ukrainian peoples,” the declared Cate Blanchett, who played a Russian spy, and 34-23-35 figure, dark brown hair and green eyes, she Communists wrote. Harrison Ford, capitalist puppets. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 No. 48 No. 48 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 13 Concert in D.C. area celebrates 70th birthday of Myroslav Skoryk by Yaro Bihun Special to The Ukrainian Weekly ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Myroslav Skoryk, Ukraine’s best known contempo- rary composer, was honored here with a special concert celebrating his 75th birth- day. Part of The Washington Group Cultural Fund’s 2008-2009 Music Series, the concert was held on November 9 at the historic Lyceum building in Alexandria, Virginia. The concert featured not only a selection of Mr. Skoryk’s well-known and cherished compositions but the composer himself. He performed along with violinists Oleksandr Abayev and Yuri Kharenko, violist Borys Deviatov, cellist Natalia Khoma and pianist Volodymyr Vynnytsky. This same ensemble performed a week earlier at a similar Skoryk anniversary concert program at the Ukrainian Institute of America in New York City. The concert began with two pieces for Yaro Bihun violin and piano, “Poem” and “Carpathian Composer Myroslav Skoryk (right) and the artists performing his Concerto No. 3 for Piano and String Quartet accept the Rhapsody,” performed by Mr. Kharenko applause of the Greater Washington area audience celebrating his 70th birthday concert. The performers are (from left): vio- with the composer himself at the piano. His linists Yuri Kharenko and Oleksandr Abayev, cellist Natalia Khoma, violist Borys Deviatov and pianist Volodymyr Vynnytsky. Partita No. 6 for String Quartet concluded the first half of the program. Embassy, featuring the composer and bari- After intermission, Messrs. Abayev and tone Oleh Chmyr. And in 1998 the TWG Volodymyr Vynnytsky treated the audience Cultural Fund commemorated his 60th to the very popular “Melody for Violin and birthday with a concert featuring his works Piano.” TWG Cultural Fund Director as performed by Mr. Vynnytsky and the Chrystyna Kinal drew attention to this piece Leontovych String Quartet at the historic in her welcoming remarks to the audience Dumbarton United Methodist Church in at the beginning of the concert, when she Georgetown. He was there as well. spoke about the deeply Ukrainian character Mr. Skoryk’s works are frequently per- found in Mr. Skoryk’s compositions. formed by many of the artists in the TWG As an example of this, she quoted from Cultural Fund’s Music Series concerts – an e-mail received a few days before the most recently by violinist Solomia Soroka concert from Svitlana Shiells, a former who included the Allegretto and Dance from director of the Cultural Fund. Ms. Shiells his “Hutsulian Triptych” in her program in has been living in Vienna, Austria, where April. earlier this year she taught a course on the Eight years earlier, in her debut with the Asian influences on Russian and Ukrainian TWG Cultural Fund, Ms. Soroka’s perfor- art. When her students asked her to describe mance of Skoryk works piqued the interest her feelings about Ukrainian art, Ms. Shiells of Washington Post music critic Joseph said she could not adequately put her feel- McLellan, who, admitting in his review that ings into words. Instead, she let them listen he had “never heard a note composed by to Skoryk’s “Melody,” which, she told Myroslav Skoryk” before this performance, Composer Myroslav Skoryk talks with one of the many well-wishers who came to them, “captures all of the pride, pain and characterized him as “an original, a compos- the concert marking his 70th birthday at the historic Lyceum in Old Towne heavenly beauty of Ukrainian culture.” er with a distinct identity, a mastery of many Alexandria, Va. Next on the program, Mr. Vynnytsky idioms – jazzy, folk-style and moderately joined with Ms. Khoma in Skoryk’s avant-garde – that he uses to shape works poem. He also writes jazz and popular Group, an organization of Ukrainian “A-RI-A,” and followed with continued embodying piquant contrasts, convincing music. American professionals, was formed in with a solo piano piece, “Burlesque.” climaxes and sometimes impish wit.” Mr. Skoryk was born in Lviv, where he 1994 to promote Ukrainian culture in the Mr. Skoryk’s Concerto No. 3 for Piano Mr. Skoryk’s many compositions include received his musical training from childhood Washington metropolitan area. Since then, it and String Quartet, in which the composer orchestral works; concertos for violin, piano through the . In the early has organized more than 100 events – con- joined the ensemble as a percussionist, and cello; sonatas for violin and piano; and 1960s he studied for four years at the certs, art exhibits, book presentations, lec- received a standing ovation from the audi- numerous compositions for the keyboard. , but returned to teach tures and the like. Many are sponsored in ence, as did his three “Jazz Pieces” for He has written music also for some 30 stage at the Lviv Conservatory and later in Kyiv. cooperation with the Embassy of Ukraine. piano four hands with which he and Mr. productions and 40 films, the best-known of He is a respected musicologist and the author Laryssa Courtney was the driving force Vynnytsky concluded the concert. which is the classic “Shadows of Forgotten of numerous articles and two books, the behind the Cultural Fund’s formation and Celebrating Mr. Skoryk’s birthday every Ancestors.” Among his most recent monu- founder of the contrasts International Festival was its director for the first 10 years. The five years is becoming a tradition in mental works are the opera “Moses,” based of Contemporary Music and head of the reins have since passed to Svitlana Shiells, Washington. In 2003 his 65th anniversary on the work by , and the cantata Kyiv Music Fest international festival. Marta Zielyk and, this year, to Chrystyna was marked with a concert at the Ukrainian “Hamalia,” based on the Taras Shevchenko The Cultural Fund of The Washington Kinal.

Marking Myroslav Skoryk’s 70th birthday, the appreciative audience saluted Pianist Volodymyr Vynnytsky and composer-pianist Myroslav Skoryk respond to him with a rendition of “Mnohaya Lita” at the beginning of a reception that fol- the standing ovation that greeted them after their performance of Three Jazz lowed his anniversary concert in Alexandria, Va. Joining in the singing, standing Pieces for Piano for four hands, which concluded the concert celebrating Mr. behind him, is cellist Natalia Khoma. Skoryk’s 70th birthday at the historic Lyceum in Alexandria, Va. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 No. 48

Mohyla Academy. He died on May 3, 2004, NEWSBRIEFS and was buried in Kyiv. (Ukrinform) CLACLASSSSIFIEDIFIEDSS (Continued from page 2) Holodomor recalled in Uzbekistan of events dedicated to the 75th anniversary TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL MARIA OSCISLAWSKI (973) 292-9800 x 3040 of the Holodomor. The book’s title come KYIV – The “To Light a Candle” project OR E-MAIL [email protected] from one of the most emotional articles took place on November 20 at the Ukrainian written by the historian and journalist, who Embassy in Uzbekistan in memory of the was among the first Western researchers to victims of the Holodomor of 1932-1933. SERVICES PROFESSIONALS publicly state that the Holodomor was an act Participating in this project were Embassy of genocide against the Ukrainian people. employees and representatives of other The collection of Dr. Mace’s little-known embassies accredited in Uzbekistan. “The works includes the articles “Political main reason for the Holodomor was the pol- Reasons of the Holodomor in Ukraine icy of the totalitarian regime of Stalin,” said (1932-1933),” “Ukraine as Post-Genocidal Ukraine’s ambassador to Uzbekistan, State,” “The Great Experiment (about Vladyslav Pokhvalskyi. “The Stalin regime national communism in Ukraine)” and oth- acted consciously and according to a precise ers. In 1986-1987, Dr. Mace was staff direc- plan. This brought horrible consequences for tor of the U.S. Commission on the Ukraine the nation; the ethnic structure of the Famine, a special body created by the U.S. Ukrainian population changed and the Congress to study the Holodomor and col- nation’s life potential was undermined,” he lect testimonies of survivors. In 1993 Dr. added. (Ukrinform) GEORGE B. KORDUBA Mace moved to Ukraine; he lived and Counsellor at Law worked in Kyiv, and lectured at the Kyiv (Continued on page 15) Emphasis on Real Estate, Wills, Trusts and Elder Law Ward Witty Drive, P.O. Box 249 Both governments need to explore the MONTVILLE, NJ 07045 Conference discusses... Hours by Appointment Tel.: (973) 335-4555 pillars and find the true priorities, he (Continued from page 4) noted. Russia. Although doubtful about the Another question is how will some of opening of a new chapter in bilateral rela- the main issues — strategic arms control, tions, he said at least we can pretend it is NATO and Russia’s periphery — of the quite new. previous U.S. administration be main- Mr. Lukyanov continued by outlining a tained. few suggestions. First, he said, the con- Also, the U.S. must monitor how its ceptual framework of international law relationship fits into an overall narrative must be reinvented. Provisions of interna- about the country’s place in the world and tional law recently have been undermined determine whether a new narrative is pos- by all sides; consequently, new and sible. There were new ones after the Cold revised principles are needed. Second, the War and after September 11, he pointed U.S. needs to focus on security, including out. nonproliferation and arms control, and The final question Mr. Sestanovich there needs to be stronger security for said the U.S. must keep in mind is how countries outside of NATO. Third, there the economic crisis – something that has is no guarantee for stable developments not been prominent in relations since the through economic interdependence. The 1990s – will affect the preoccupation of Group of 20 can be the first step toward leaders and what impact it will have on creating a new architecture to address priorities and approaches. economic issues and the financial crisis. Mr. Sestanovich concluded on a posi- The fourth and final speaker was tive note, stating that despite all the nega- tive aspects, the forecast is positive. Now, OPPORTUNITY Stephen Sestanovich of the Council on Foreign Relations, who said he believes with a new U.S. administration coming in, there is an opportunity to write a more MERCHANDISE that, since the experts say there will not be a new chapter, one should indeed be constructive narrative. EARN EXTRA INCOME! expected. Furthermore, he noted that it is A few of the main points of consensus that were put forth in the last panel were The Ukrainian Weekly is looking not constructive to talk purely about Russia-U.S. bilateral relations because that the U.S. needs to work together with for advertising sales agents. the relationship will naturally include and have a consensus with its European For additional information contact other countries. It is impossible to ignore allies in regards to Russia. There was also Maria Oscislawski, Advertising the importance of the effect European a general agreement that a MAP should be Manager, The Ukrainian Weekly, allies have on U.S. policy. held off for Ukraine. Although the speak- (973) 292-9800, ext 3040. Mr. Sestanovich said the U.S. must ers did not necessarily denounce a MAP identify what are the major moving parts for Ukraine, taking into account the cur- of its relationship with Russia and where rent issues and events, they do no advise there is room for adjustment. pursuing these next steps for NATO inte- According to Mr. Sestanovich, the U.S. gration. A couple of the speakers spoke Run your advertisement here, must monitor how the issues seen as pil- about the breaches in international law and Insure and be sure. in The Ukrainian Weekly’s lars of the U.S.-Russia relationship — the fact that revisions need to be made in CLASSIFIEDS section. devised after September 11 — figure into the conceptual framework. And finally, Join the UNA! the future. After September 11, U.S. poli- there were mixed opinions and predictions cy assumed it had the opportunity for a on whether or not the new U.S. full-blown Russian-American partner- Administration will allow for a new chap- ship, and that nonproliferation, counter- ter in U.S.-Russian relations—this is only terrorism and energy security would be something time will be able to answer for the strong pillars supporting the relation- us. The overall feeling from the confer- ship. These pillars, however, have proven ence, however, was that the new U.S. to be a disappointment; they ended up administration does at least open an oppor- being a weak platform for cooperation. tunity for some positive changes.

had found no violations of either Verkhovna Rada... Ukrainian or international laws in the (Continued from page 2) arms trade with Georgia (Ukrayinska Kyiv region at night. Military air trans- Pravda, November 17). Mr. Konovaliuk port units of the United States and NATO said that the PRU would insist that SBU were loading missile systems and tanks,” Chief Valentyn Nalyvaichenko be sum- moned to Parliament to report on the he claimed (UT1, November 14). SBU’s investigation (Channel 5, The SBU, after questioning Mr. November 18). Konovaliuk, said that it had completed its own investigation and found that his The article above is reprinted from statements did not correspond to reality Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission and that they had damaged Ukraine’s from its publisher, the Jamestown national interests. The SBU said that it Foundation, No. 48 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 15 NEWSBRIEFS President orders repayment of gas debt KYIV – The Cabinet of Ministers must (Continued from page 14) settle Ukraine’s debt for Russian natural gas Elections could be in February-March within five days, Ukrainian President Viktor Danylo Husiak, Ph.D. KYIV – Ukrainian political experts Yushchenko told the National Security and believe that, because a new chairman of Defense Council meeting on November 21. Passed away on October 19, 2008. He was 61. the Verkhovna Rada has not been elected, The president noted that the gas price in pre-term parliamentary elections will be 2009 must be “economic rather than politi- On the 40th day after his death, we share some delayed further – possibly until February cal,” It is also necessary to take into account thoughts about this beautiful human being who or March of 2009. According to Andrii the rent of Ukrainian land by Russia’s Black was taken away from us too soon. Yermolayev, deadlock in the Verkhovna Sea Fleet and the cost of transit and storage Rada can reappear in December due to of Russian gas in Ukraine. The president Danylo Husiak was born in Brooklyn New York to the failure to elect a chair and “the ques- said the debt of $2 billion (U.S.) is the John and Tekla Husiak. He had a happy child- hood with his brothers Johnny and Stephen… tion of early elections will arise again.” If responsibility of the Cabinet of Ministers. At except for one major trauma – to survive the such a situation arises in December, the the same time, the national joint stock com- tragedy of the Dodgers moving from Ebbets elections can be scheduled for late pany Naftohaz of Ukraine insists that the Field to Los Angeles! At age 12, he joined Plast February or early March 2009, Mr. debt is just $1.267 billion. Meanwhile, an Youth Organization. Plast Camp “Vovcha Tropa” in East Chatham, NY Yermolayev said on November 21 in a ex-minister of fuel and energy and the cur- became his favorite retreat. He loved the heady scent of the pine and birch poll of experts conducted by the Center rent director of the Energy Saving and woods after a rainfall, the expansive vistas, the spectacular sunrises and for Political Values Studies. He noted that Ecology Institute, Serhii Yermylov, said sunsets that spoke to his poetic soul. Most of all, he loved the star-lit such potential candidates as Adam Ukraine “has no debt and cannot have any direct gas debt” to Russia, since Ukraine did nights. It was at this camp that he developed a passion for astronomy. Martyniuk (Communist Party of Ukraine), Later in life, to mark his 60th birthday, he was ecstatic to have the opportu- Volodymyr Lytvyn (Volodymyr Lytvyn not buy anything directly from Russia. Rather, Russia should settle the gas debt nity to purchase a small piece of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite which fell to Bloc), Oleksander Lavrynovych (Party of earth just 14 days after his birth in 1947. Regions), and Ivan Pliusch (Our Ukraine problem with Switzerland, where RosUkrEnergo, the mediator of gas supplies – People’s Self-Defense bloc) equally During his college years, Danylo hitchhiked across this great land; from to Ukraine, is registered. Prime Minister deserve this post, regardless of which the East Coast to the West, from Canada to Mexico, covering over 6,000 Yulia Tymoshenko agreed, saying, “I party they belong to. The selection of miles. Danylo graduated City of College of New York with a Bachelor of believe, the president must know the debt he candidates for Rada chair has now turned Sciences in Chemistry. He was inspired by President John F. Kennedy to is talking about is that of RosUkrEnergo into a struggle among the leading politi- join the Peace Corps and served two years, teaching English and Science cal forces in Ukraine. Another political rather than of Ukraine.” Ms. Tymoshenko in a small village in Sierra Leone, West Africa. When Danylo got homesick expert, Volodymyr Fesenko, explained noted that mediators like RosUkrEnergo for varennyky, wrote to his mother for the recipe and instructions. the reluctance of the biggest factions in operating in the Ukrainian market for sever- However, the only flour available was from the casaba root – the varen- the Verkhovna Rada (the Party of Regions al years have accumulated debts to nyky were not a resounding success! During his tenure, Sierra Leone had and the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc) to elect Gazprom. “So, this is the debt of that not three changes of government. Although, for the most part, these transi- a coalition speaker by pointing to a hypo- very transparent company, rather than of tions were non-violent, Danylo did live through some harrowing moments. thetical new coalition of the Yulia Ukraine,” she stated, voicing hope that as of Tymoshenko Bloc, the Our Ukraine – January 1 the two countries would establish After returning to the U.S., Danylo taught high school chemistry while People’s Self-Defense bloc and the direct contracts between SJSC Naftohaz of earning a Masters in Chemistry and then a Ph.D. in Chemical Physics Lytvyn Bloc, which would like to see a Ukraine and JSC Gazprom. In regard to a from New York University. In 1969, he married Natalia Chudy. Their love- chairman supported by this coalition, possible gas price, Ms. Tymoshenko stressed ly daughter Laryssa was born in 1983. while the Party of Regions wants its own that it would reach the free-market level candidate. Mr. Fesenko also said that the gradually, in keeping with the memorandum After his Ph.D., Danylo worked for AT&T and Bell Labs in technology fore- situation in the Verkhovna Rada had she signed with her Russian counterpart, casting and strategic planning. In 1986, AT&T sent him to Orange County, become a deadlock. (Ukrinform) Vladimir Putin. (Ukrinform) California to run a major project. In California, Danylo found his “paradise” and moved his family to the West Coast. He was recruited by TRW (which later became Experian) and held management positions for several com- mercial divisions of TRW, as Director of Marketing, Strategic Planning and Business Development.

In 1993, he married Luba Dmytryk who also moved from New York to pur- sue a career in film and television production in Los Angeles.

Danylo was active in Los Angeles’ “Ridna Shkola”. Along with some other parents, he developed a curriculum, including History and Culture, for those children who were not fluent in Ukrainian.

In 2000, Danylo and his business partner Frank Scavo co-founded Strativa, Inc. a management consulting firm located in Irvine. Danylo man- aged the Strategic Decisions group, where his specialty was strategic planning and business process reengineering. His clients, included com- panies in the financial services industry, information services, manufactur- ing, distribution, health care, commercial real estate, and Internet-based businesses. In 2005, Danylo and his partner purchased an IT research and advisory firm, Computer Economics.

Danylo was a man with a thirst for knowledge and a curiosity about every- thing. He loved people and discovering what makes them unique. He touched many lives and inspired those around him to reach for the stars. He was passionate about his work. He loved good food and fine wines. He loved to travel, particularly to the regions of his favorite wines such as Barolo in Italy, Burgundy in France and the Saar Valley in Germany. He loved foreign films and novels about espionage. He loved Mystery and Masterpiece Theatre on PBS. But what he loved and cherished above all else, was Family: To Danylo, family was as important as the air he breathed. Danylo is gone now but he has left us with wonderful memories of a life well-lived. We will miss him forever.

He is survived by his wife Luba, daughter Laryssa, mother Tekla, broth- ers John and Stephen, sister-in-law Carole, niece Emily, god-daughter Kathryn and nephew Eli. And the extended family in the U.S., Canada and Ukraine.

40th Day services will be held on Wednesday, November 26 at St. Andrew’s Church in Hamptonburg, New York and at Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary Ukr. Catholic Church in Los Angeles, CA

Donations in Danylo’s memory can be made to his favorite cause: Plast Camp “Vovcha Tropa” c/o Strativa 2082 Business Center Drive Suite 240 Irvine, Ca 92612 Attn: Dan Husiak Memorial 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 No. 48 Branch 1 of Lemko association celebrates 75th anniversary NEW YORK – The first branch of the Organization for the Defense of Lemko- Western Ukraine celebrated the 75th anni- versary of its founding on November 8 with a banquet and dance at the Ukrainian National Home in New York City. More than 200 members and support- ers attended, raising more than $5,000 for the organization’s efforts to support Lemko culture in Poland, including a $1,000 donation presented by the New York Self Reliance Federal Credit Union. The branch of the Lemko organization in New York City is among the oldest Ukrainian diaspora organizations. Nearly two dozen branches sprang up through- out the U.S. “Our branch began the tradition of helping Lemkivschyna and served as the hub for other diaspora Lemko organiza- tions” said Jan Zawada, chair of Branch 1. Among the most critical issues facing the Lemkos today is their alleged associ- ation with the Rusyn movement, which seeks to create an autonomous republic within Ukraine. Myroslava Morokh recites her “Poem Although some Lemkos identify them- of Lemkivschyna” at the November 8 selves as Rusyns, the World Federation Organization for the Defense of Lemko-Western Ukraine President Zenon banquet marking the 75th anniversary of Lemko Organizations condemned Halkowycz presents Jan Zawada, chair of the organization’s first branch, an award of Branch 1 of the Organization for the notions of Rusyn identity and autonomy for his leadership. Defense of Lemko-Western Ukraine. and efforts to integrate Lemkos into that movement. a Ukrainian sub-ethnos, lost their home- or restore churches destroyed by the “It’s significant this branch survived that “They’re trying to change the identity land after the Polish government incorpo- Polish government, Mr. Halkowycz said. long.” of Ukrainians,” said Zenon Halkowycz, rated Lemkivschyna into its territory and As early as 1936, Branch 1 of the The November 8 banquet featured song chair of the Organization for the Defense forcibly deported 550,000 Lemkos Organization for the Defense of and dance performances. The Pavlyshyn of Lemko-Western Ukraine. “Up until between 1945 and 1947 in an ethnocidal Lemkivschyna (as the organization was sisters, Nadia and Natalia, sang Lemko recently we were Ukrainians of Lemko campaign named “Akcja Wisla.” then called in English) sent funds to Lviv and contemporary Ukrainian folk songs. descent. Now they’re saying Lemkos are Funds raised by the November 8 ban- to publish a Lemko newspaper. Myroslava Morokh recited a passionate Rusyns, not Ukrainians, which is histori- quet and similar events finance Ukrainian “Lemkos making 10 cents an hour or self-penned oratory, “Poem of cally and politically false.” schools in Poland, support convents less pooled together money to fund a Lemkivschyna,” that stirred memories and The Lemkos, who consider themselves where nuns live and build new churches newspaper in Lviv,” Mr. Halkowycz said. emotions among the banquet’s attendees.

The Svoboda Book Store is closing its doors. Everything must go!


• A Voice from the Wilderness* J.M. Lazarenko 1.00 • The Saga of Ukraine: Age of Heroism Myron Kuropas • An Orthodox Pomjanyk of Moshe Altbauer (ed.) 1.00 1.00 Seventeenth-Eighteenth Centuries* • Selected Short Stories * Volodymyr Vynnychenko 1.00 • Before the storm: Soviet Ukrainian George Luckyj 1.00 • The Truth About the Lie Roman Dublan 1.00 fictions of the 1920s* • Ukrainians Abroad Volodymyr Kubijovyc (ed.) 1.00 • Cataract* Mykhaylo Osadchy 1.00 • Ukrainians in North America* Myroniuk and Worobec 1.00 • Commission of Inquiry on War Hon. Jules Deschenes 1.00 • The USSR vs. Dr Mikhail Stern* August Stern (ed.) 1.00 • Was it really Russia that was Cardinal Myroslav Lubachivsky 1.00 Criminals Report, Part 1* Christianized in 988? • The Conquerors of the Prairies* Yar Slavutych 1.00 • UNA Jubilee Book (1936) Luke Myshuha 1.00 • Echoes of Glasnost in Soviet Ukraine* Romana Bahry (ed.) 1.00 / Пропам’ятна Книга УНС • The Economic Factors in the Nicholas Chirovsky 1.00 Growth of Russia* • Ukraine: A Concise Encyclopedia, Vol. I UNA 37.50 • Father Agapius Honcharenko* Theodore Luciw 1.00 • Ukraine: A Concise Encyclopedia, Vol. II UNA 37.50 • For a Better Canada* Senator Paul Yuzyk 1.00 • For them the bells did not toll* Oleksa Hay-Holowko 1.00 • Ukrainian-American Citadel: Myron Kuropas 20.00 • From Three Worlds* Ed Hogan (ed.) 1.00 The First One Hundred Years • Funny Tears Mykola Ponedilok 1.00 of the Ukrainian National Association • Glossary of Business Terminology* Y. Havrylyshyn and O. Karkoc 1.00 • The Hidden Nations: The People Nadia Diuk and Adrian Karatnycky 1.00 Challenge the Soviet Union (*) indicates very limited quantities. • Life in America 1.00 Prices do not include postage and handling. • The Man-Made Famine in Ukraine published by AEI 1.00 • Moses and Other Poems Ivan Franko 1.00 Postage and handling: $3.00 for up to 4 books, $5.00 for 5+ books. • Mykhailo Hrushevs’kyi Bibliographic Lubomyr Wynar (ed.) 1.00 Sources 1866-1934 To place an order please send a check to: • Report from the Beria Reserve* Valentyn Moroz 1.00 SVOBODA BOOK STORE • Revolutionary Voices* Slava Stetsko (ed.) 1.00 2200 Rt. 10 • The Saga of Ukraine: Age of Royalty Myron Kuropas 1.00 Parsippany, NJ 07054. No. 48 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 17 Palantine branch of Ukrainian American Youth Association marks 40 years PALATINE, Ill. – The Dmytro branch: Petro Hasiuk and Mykhailo Vitovsky branch of the Ukrainian Jaworsky (one term each); Oleksa American Youth Association Inc. (UAYA) Vashkiw, Myron Dobrowolsky, Yaroslav in Palatine, Ill., celebrated its 40th anni- Mandziy, Arkady Moroko and Fred versary with a dinner dance on Saturday, Stupen (two terms each); Roman November 1. The event capped a season Holowka, Yaroslav Sydorenko and Vera of renewal and growth for the organiza- Dobrowolsky (three terms each); Olya tion, which is in the process of renovat- Fedaj and Oles’ Strilchuk (five terms) ing and expanding its premises, the and Myron Wasiunec, who is currently in Palatine Ukrainian Cultural Center. his eighth term. Located adjacent to Immaculate Myron Wasiunec then spoke about the Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church, achievements of UAYA in Palatine and the youth organization grew as the parish its plans for the future. He explained the expanded. Together with the Palatine organization’s motto, “Remember the office of Selfreliance Ukrainian American past, plan for the future,” and how this Federal Credit Union, they serve as a was incorporated into current growth focal point for Ukrainian life in northwest plans, as the membership of UAYA suburban Chicago. Palatine continues to increase. The UAYA’s Vitovsky branch was Askold Lozynskyj, former president of founded in 1968 by a dedicated group of the Ukrainian World Congress, spoke of individuals who lived in or near the the growth of UAYA and the Vitovsky Selfreliance UAFCU northwest suburbs of Chicago and branch identifying the role its leaders Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union President/CEO Bohdan believed their children should have a played in ensuring its successful initia- Watral presents a $300,000 check to the Ukrainian American Youth Association’s UAYA branch of their own. Their initia- tives in educating Ukrainian youths to be Dmytro Vitovsky branch President, Myron Wasiunec. tive was supported by Branch 31 of the the future leaders of the Ukrainian com- Organization for the Defense of Four munity. Freedoms for Ukraine and the Olena Bohdan Harhaj, U.S. president of Pchilka Women’s Association of the UAYA, congratulated the Vitovsky ODFFU. branch on its achievements, stating that Hundreds of Ukrainian youths have UAYA Palatine is held in the highest participated in UAYA’s programs in regard by the entire organization and its Palatine, which include the Ukrainian leaders deserve to be commended. Saturday School, the Iskra Dance The president/CEO of Selfreliance Ensemble, weekly youth meetings and Ukrainian American Federal Credit special programs, as well as various cul- Union (SUAFCU), Bohdan Watral, then tural, social and sport activities. The greeted the assembled guests. In recogni- Ukrainian American Youth Association tion for its continued cooperation with helps children understand and appreciate the credit union, he presented UAYA their heritage, to socialize with other Palatine with a check for $300,000 Ukrainian youths and be proud of their toward the cost of renovating the Ukrainian identity. In keeping with Ukrainian Cultural Center. The new UAYA’s motto “God and Country,” the premises will also house an office of the Vitovsky branch promotes the principles credit union, so the cooperation between of Christian ethics and pride in the the two organizations will continue into Ukrainian national heritage. UAYA youth the future. learn to be good citizens of their country Heritage Foundation President Julian UAYA Vitovsky branch presidents of the past 40 years. and to honor the memory of their forefa- Kulas praised the leaders of the Vitovsky thers. Children develop lifelong friend- branch for their dedication and presented ships as together they learn to love their the organization with a check for Ukrainian culture. $100,000. The 40th anniversary festivities at the Vera Dobrowolsky, manager of MB Cotillion Hall in Palatine began with a Financial Bank, presented the organizers greeting by Olya Kusyk, chair of the jubi- with a check for $5,000. MB Financial lee committee. She introduced the the has a branch office not far from Palatine’s Rev. Mykhailo Kuzma of Immaculate Ukrainian Cultural Center. Conception Parish, who read the invoca- Yaroslav Abramiuk, president of the tion. Following a moment of silence to UAYA’s Mykola Pavlushkov branch in honor the organization’s departed mem- Chicago, congratulated the Palatine group bers, the youth of UAYA Palatine enter- on its 40 years of dynamic growth and tained the assembly with a medley of wished its leaders all the best in their songs, recitations and dance. future work with Ukrainian youth. Following dinner, Ms. Kusyk provided Ms. Kusyk thanked the guests for their a brief sketch of the organization’s histo- patience during the official part of the ry, at the conclusion of which she asked program and invited everyone to enjoy Volodymyr Kusyk, Myron Luszczak and themselves for the remainder of the eve- Nadia Golash, the widow of Stepan ning. As the musical ensemble Golash, to step up and receive commen- Rendezvous took to the stage, young and dations for their long years of dedicated old alike found their way to the dance The branch’s Iskra dancers. service to the UAYA. She then read a list floor. The celebration continued well into of all the past presidents of the Vitovsky the night.

At the jubilee banquet (from left) are: president of UAYA Vitovsky branch, Myron Wasiunec, the chair of Jubilee Committee, Olha Kusyk, and keynote speaker Dr. Askold Lozynskyj. Young members of the branch file into the banquet hall. 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 No. 48 Bishop Paul Chomnycky (Continued from page 8) Christmas Greetings 2008/09 the pain and anguish that our people have experienced. Touch the hearts of the broken and inflicted and heal their spirits. In Your mercy and compassion, walk with us as we continue our journey of healing to create a future which is just and equitable. Continue your tradition... We place before. You, our God all the wrongs committed against our brothers and sisters during the time of the Holodomor in Ukraine. We pray for those who perpetrat- Use the UNA’s publications to send holiday ed it. We pray for those who find great difficulty in acknowledging its existence. Give greetings and wishes of goodwill, prosperity them the healing grace of Your truth. We pray for all those who suffered great wrongs and the season’s blessings. Please note, to and cruelty at the hands of those who caused it. For those who perished grant the for- accommodate all of our advertisers and the giveness of their sins and eternal rest among Your saints. To those who survived, grant a healing of their memories. Remove whatever bitter- many holiday obligations and deadlines, we ness may still be in their hearts. Grant them the peace that comes from being united must strictly observe the following dates... with You. O Lord, send us Your Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Spirit of all truth fill our hearts PUBLICATION DATES & DEADLINES with love so that we may gain the freedom which comes from You alone, Amen.

Christmas Issue Advertising Publication Date Deadline Tamara Gallo-Oleksy

Seventy-five years ago, the Stalinist gov- The Weekly December 21 December 8 ernment of the Soviet Union did the unthinkable... they used food as the ultimate weapon against the people of Ukraine. They Svoboda December 19 December 8 inflicted a policy of harsh collectivization – so harsh in fact that it was impossible for The Weekly January 4 December 20 the Ukrainians to meet the soaring quotas imposed on them. Subsequently, all food- stuffs were confiscated in order to satisfy Svoboda January 2 December 20 these unrealistic quotas, and the people themselves were left with nothing. So the 1/16 page – $35; 1/8 page – $50; 1/4 page – $100; Holodomor – murder by starvation – 1/2 page – $200; full page – $400 began… It is difficult to comprehend the magni- tude of this famine-genocide in a country All advertising correspondence, reservations and payments should be directed once known as the “breadbasket of Europe.” to Mrs. Maria Oscislawski, advertising manager, tel. 973-292-9800, ext. 3040, It is impossible for us to understand the des- e-mail: [email protected] peration these people must have felt as they tried to save their loved ones and friends – Kindly make checks payable to The Ukrainian Weekly or Svoboda, as appropriate. and the hopelessness that must have over- Please send payment to The Ukrainian Weekly, or Svoboda, P.O. Box 280, 2200 Route 10, Parsippany, NJ 07054 come them as they watched those around them starve to death before their eyes, one by one. Of the millions who perished in 1932-33, approximately 3 million of them were children. How can we possibly imag- ine the state of the desperate mothers in the Matthew Dubas Now at a special price! countryside who would toss their children Tamara Gallo-Oleksy onto city-bound trains in the hopes of sav- ing them? Perhaps someone in the city would take pity on them and offer them a morsel… however, because city dwellers were prohibited from helping the hungry, more often, these children, orphaned and alone, would succomb to starvation. We know only what has been left to us by the courageous survivors – their chilling accounts – in their flight for survival. They witnessed the unimaginable. As Dr. Anna Pachkoyska, in October 1954 at the hearing of the House Select Committee on Communist Agression in Chicago, Illinois, testified: The peasants with faces and legs swollen from the hunger of the famine were invading the town and were dying in masses in the streets. The administration of the town was unable to bury the dead peasants in time, and there was a repulsive odor in the air during all this The two-volume “Ukraine: A Concise Encyclopedia,” time. The police, or rather militia patrols, driving along the streets, collected the corpses. They also took those completely exhausted by starvation who arrived in town to ask for a an essential reference work published “little piece of bread.” The militia put them on the mound of corpses, saying, “you’ll get for the Ukrainian National Association there, don’t worry.” I saw this all myself, and quite often. The policy of Stalin’s regime was nothing less than a systematic campaign to wipe out by the University of Toronto Press. the nationally conscious Ukrainian people, their history, culture, language and way of life – to crush the Ukrainian spirit of independence. According to Ukraine’s President, Viktor Yushchenko, and I quote, “The Holodomor was an act of genocide designed to suppress the Volume I (1963): General Information; Physical Geography and Ukrainian nation. The fact that it failed and Ukraine today exists as a proud and independent Natural History; Population; Ethnography; Language; History; nation does nothing to lessen the gravity of this crime. Nor does it acquit us of the moral Culture; Literature. responsibility to acknowledge what was done.” The Ukrainian diaspora’s efforts over the years have begun to shed light on the Holodomor, referred to in some circles as the forgotten holocaust. This year alone, Volume II (1971): The Law; The Ukrainian Church; Scholarship; Ukrainians around the world embarked on several initiatives - beginning with the Education and Schools; Libraries, Archives, Museums; Book International Holodomor Remembrance Torch that traveled through 22 U.S. cities and 34 Publishing and the Press; The Arts; Music and Choreography; countries before it arrives in Ukraine next week to paritipcate in the official commemoration Theater and Cinema; National Economy; Health and Medical of the 75th anniversary. We have held numerous scholarly conferences, published a range of articles, implemented school curriculms, hosted exhibits and screened films. Service and Physical Culture; The Armed Forces; Ukrainian But it is not enough – much more still needs to be done... Abroad. Today, as we gather within the sacred walls of this magnificent cathedral to mark the cul- mination of the 75th anniversary year – we must vow to continue our work to educate the public about the Holodomor and remember the countless victims who suffered and died as a Now offered at a clearance price of $37.50 for each volume, result of this vicious crime against humanity. plus $5.00 postage. This unprecedented tragedy in Ukraine’s history is one that should never be forgotten – for to do so would be a crime in itself. As Ukrainian Americans we are honor-bound to remember the millions who perished as a result of this deliberate act of genocide – and as To order, send check to: Americans, we must vow to do what is in our power to never allow such a tragedy to repeat itself... in any nation... under any circumstances. Svoboda Book Store By gaining international recognition of the Holodomor as an act of genocide against the Ukrainian nation, we may help to prevent such atrocities from ever happening again - for as 2200 Route 10 President Yushchenko so aptly stated, “We must insist that the world learn the truth about all Parsippany, NJ 07054. crimes against humanity. This is the only way we can ensure that criminals will no longer be emboldened by indifference.” No. 48 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 19 UCU students make pilgrimage to shrine of 20th century martyrs by Mike Rudzinski Bolsheviks, who were fleeing before the German invasion. These martyrs had LVIV – Thirty-three students from the gone to administer the sacraments to a Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) and sick woman in Stradch. Holy Spirit Seminary made a four-hour Beatified by Pope John Paul II during foot pilgrimage on October 4 to Stradch, his trip to Ukraine in June 2001, both Lviv region, to venerate the shrine of two men have become symbols of Ukrainian new Ukrainian martyrs. An annual event faith and culture. They are what the Rev. for the past six years, this has been a rite Shchurko calls “modern martyrs.” of initiation for new students at UCU and In addition, Stradch has a cave monas- the seminary. tery dating back to the 11th century. It “It is going to rain today,” the Rev. Yurii Schurko warned a crowd of UCU also houses a miraculous icon of the students and seminarians huddled outside Mother of God, for which it was declared the seminary’s preparatory-year campus an indulgenced pilgrimage site by Pope in Rudno, near Lviv. (Father Shchurko is, Pius XI in the early 20th century. perhaps not coincidentally, the new head As the students laughed and sang songs of UCU’s Pastoral Department and him- along the trail, the sweet melody of prayer self a graduate of UCU and the seminary.) echoed across the yellow fields and pas- “Do you still want to go on the pilgrim- tures. Farmers and cattle herders bowed age?” their heads, and a man mending a road- Over 30 hands shot into the air as the side fence removed his cap and crossed young pilgrims cheered their reply. With himself. Everywhere the neighbors came a nod and smile, the Rev. Shchurko pro- out to watch and pray with the pilgrims. ceeded to lead the students on a four-hour “When I heard the seminary was mak- The forests of the Lviv region form the backdrop for the pilgrimage to Stradch. trek down a muddy path through farms ing a pilgrimage, I asked myself ‘why and forests to Stradch. not?’” said Nazar Fylypiv, 19. In his sec- Before the final blessing, the pilgrims English and Ukrainian) is available on the “I’ve been to many holy places in ond year in the seminary, he had already trudged down to the cave, where a stone university’s website at Ukraine, but Stradch is an especially visited Stradch six times before – the first sculpture marks the spot where the Virgin Readers may also contact the Ukrainian peaceful place,” said Halyna Yurkevych, time with his family when he was 12. Of Mary appeared to villagers hiding from Catholic Education Foundation, which 16, a first-year history student at UCU the UCU pilgrimage, he noted how Tatar invaders. With only candles to light raises about half of UCU’s annual operat- who had never been to Stradch before. “peaceful and safe” he felt while praying their path home, the seminarians enthusi- ing budget of approximately $2.5 million. Approximately 12 miles from Lviv, the there. astically explained how the monks of The UCEF may be contacted in writing village of Stradch has strong ties to Tired, muddy and wet, the entourage Stradch volunteered their lives in service at 2247 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL Ukrainian identity and history, making it of students and seminarians reached the to the villagers and pilgrims. 60622; telephone, 773-235-8462; e-mail, a popular place of pilgrimage. the Rev. gates of Stradch in early afternoon and “If I was there, I could give my life for [email protected]; website, Mykola Konrad and choir director filed quietly past flower-laden graves to others, too” said Mr. Fylypiv. “That is The phone number of the UCEF in Volodymyr Pryima were murdered in the the church. Seminarians sang hosannas why this place is important to me.” Canada is 416-239-2495. nearby forest on June 26, 1941, by the from the choir loft during divine liturgy. Further information about UCU (in

Ukraine Little League (LL) Baseball (since 1995) & Orphanage Project (since 2003) proudly announce

The First Ever Little League Baseball Championship, in the world, for children from orphanages was held at school 104 in Kyiv on Sept 26-28, 2008, (ages 11-12).

All-star teams from four orphanages, Sieverodonetsk and Lutuhyne, (Lugansk Obl); Mizoch (Rivne Obl); and Kremenets, (Ternopil Obl), were invited to com- pete for first ever Little League Baseball Championships for orphans.

Championship game results on September 28, 2008 Lutuhyne orphanage 12 - Kremenets orphanage 8 The Lutuhyne orphanage wins the first Ukraine Little League Baseball Championships for children from orphanages.

Lead Sponsor for this Championship was the Kyiv Lions Club. Thank you so much for being there for the children.

Other contributors: Thank you all from the children that you helped. Hertz - Ukraine Auto - Rental, Official Sponsor of the Ukraine LL Baseball Program The Self Reliance(NY) Federal Credit Union Ukrainian Congress Committee of America ( UCCA) - Philadelphia Branch Kraft Foods - Ukraine Spring Klein Baseball Program Liddle Family, Chad and mom; McQuillen Family, Tim, Amy, Mark and Kathy Leskiw Family, Roman, Stacey and Anne Kerry Tarasko Family, Basil, Alexandra, Andrei and Michael Weissman Family, Harold and Linda Lupacchino Family, Frank and Deanna Oksana Khlivnyuk, ADA Ukraine Little League Glen Willard, The Ukrainian Observer Charles Cristolon, ADA Ukraine Little League Emily Rivers, Eastern Region Little League Little League Baseball INC Gregoriyy Greshetsky, ADA Ukraine Little League Vitaliy Lizogubenko, Ukraine Ministry of Sports Oleh Boyko, ADA Ukraine LIttle League Anatoliy Sakhno, United States Peace Corps - Ukraine Ukraine Baseball Federation Lufthansa Airlines Plans are being formulated for the second Ukraine Little League Championships for children from orphanages for September of 2009. Financial help is needed. Please consider helping me help those almost forgotten children. Please contact Basil (Vasyl) P. Tarasko to contribute or learn more about this pro- gram for children. District Administrator - Little League Baseball Program in Ukraine (1995); c 718-415-7821; email: [email protected]; website: www. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 No. 48

It’s only common sense to think that some- Catholic weekly America and the Four years after... one who speaks your language is your ally. Ukrainian American... Ukrainian National Women’s League of (Continued from page 3) Though an increasing number of (Continued from page 5) America, greeted the newly elected offi- No. 1 –Ukraine doesn’t make the top five Ukrainians recognize that NATO could After Past National Commander cers and convention delegates. list for the U.S. government, falling behind improve rule of law and reduce corruption, Eugene Sagasz had installed the newly Bishop Daniel gave very moving Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and China. they also recognize that the current global elected UAV national executive board remarks from the chaplain’s point of U.S. diplomats and foreign policy gurus crisis is a direct result of irresponsibility and UAV National Ladies Auxiliary offi- view, ending with a request to remember also appear unaware of just how dirty and and corruption in the U.S. financial indus- cers, the Banquet Committee chairman, and visit forgotten veterans in VA hospi- fierce is the battle the Russians are ready to try. Mr. Fedorko, welcomed all officers, dele- tals and veterans’ homes. fight. Currently they are playing a game of Though integration with the West would gates, and guests. The newly elected national command- improve Ukrainian living standards, divide and conquer with the goal of keep- Bishop Daniel, former chaplain of the er, Brig. Gen. Kondratiuk, delivered the Ukrainians aren’t convinced the same can’t keynote address. An expert in military ing significant chunks of Ukraine should it U.S. armed forces and a UAV member-at- happen in alliance with the Belarusians and history, he presented a concise yet com- ever collapse. large, offered the invocation. Master of Russians. After all, those nations are much prehensive overview of the role, contribu- Westerners demonstrate irresponsibility Ceremonies Zenko Halkowycz, (Post 17) more satisfied with their oppressive gov- tions and sacrifices of Ukrainian on the crucial language issue in Ukraine. introduced the individuals at the head ernments and enjoy higher living standards American officers and enlisted personnel How self-defeating it is when consuls table and called for brief remarks by than Ukrainians. in the U.S. armed forces from the earliest employed in the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv Meanwhile, the same values of multicul- Oksana Koziak, president of the UAV period of our nation up to and including interview visa-seekers in Russian instead turalism and moral relativism, all of which National Ladies Auxiliary, Past National the current hostilities. of Ukrainian. are undermining a Western civilization Commander Krawczuk, and National The anniversary banquet concluded What message does it send when once based on Christian values, are cun- Commander Kondratiuk. with a musical interlude by bandura play- Americans in Ukraine, including Peace ningly employed by the Russians to under- The highlight of the banquet was the er Ms. Telepko, closing remarks by Post Corps volunteers and U.S. government mine the Ukrainian cultural independence recognition and greeting of all veterans 17 Commander Fedorko, the benediction employees, prefer to learn and use Russian critical to NATO integration. present at the banquet, from World War II by Bishop Daniel and the singing of “God instead of Ukrainian? It’s a suicidal strate- In the name of tolerance and diversity, era to Operation Iraqi Freedom, including Bless America.” gy that plays right into the notions of Ukrainian Russophiles successfully uphold those who served in the Ukrainian mili- The officers and members of the UAV Russian cultural supremacy. the status quo of the ’s tary. National Ladies Auxiliary, headed by Westerners don’t seem to understand dominance in all spheres of life and think- This was followed by awarding of cer- President Koziak, contributed to the suc- that Ukrainian cultural and spiritual inde- ing. tificates “for service, dedication and cess of the 61st national convention of pendence are critical to NATO integration Western attempts to create societies, in honor in the cause of freedom” to all the UAV. efforts. The belief that a Russian-speaking which even the most socially oppressed Korean War era member-veterans. The registration of delegates and guests Ukraine will integrate into NATO, and and alienated are comfortable, are under- A special certificate of merit was pre- proceeded smoothly. Officers and mem- encourage the Russians to do so, is short- mining the contemporary efforts of sented to Brig. Gen. Kondratiuk together bers of the UAV NLA not only registered sighted and grounded in ignorance. Ukrainians to somehow reverse the 350 with a symbolic “bulava” (mace) from the arriving delegates and guests and pre- Just as Canadians have always been years of Russian oppression and cultural Ukraine. Past National Commander sented them with convention folders and allied with Americans (nor have the genocide in Ukraine. Tolerance is simply Dmytro Bodnarczuk was awarded a cer- badges, they also managed to raise funds American battled the Brits in centuries), an ineffective weapon against brutal chau- tificate for the book “Ukrainian American for the UAV Scholarship Fund, the Russian-speaking Ukrainians won’t turn vinism. Veterans 1948-1998.” Welfare Fund and the National Veterans their backs on the Russians, particularly And while Europe has long ago conced- Several individuals representing com- Monument Fund. not after watching the Russian evening ed to Russia, the U.S. is picking a fight that munity organizations, including the The UAV National Ladies Auxiliary news for half their lives. For the language it can’t win in Ukraine because it doesn’t Providence Association of Ukrainian held its convention concurrently with that in which you receive your knowledge, val- have the right strategy and isn’t willing to Catholics of America, the Ukrainian of the UAV. ues and perception of the world is the lan- invest enough. guage that shapes emotional ties, biases With the current trend of events and the and allegiances. Americans’ inability to face up to certain The Russian government understands realities, if Ukraine is ever to integrate into Khrushchev complained to U.S. President this, which is why it finances so many NATO, it seems it will do so together with Ukraine during... John F. Kennedy about these mailings. Russian-language initiatives in Ukraine. Russia or not at all. (Continued from page 10) All this would have been impossible remember that they have an almost reli- without the U.S. government as a secure gious worship of their nation and distrust financial base. anything foreign: first and foremost, Prolog played a key role in the release Wherever you are, Polish; then Russian; then German. To of Archbishop Josyf Slipyj from the summarize his continuous observation Soviet Gulag and was instrumental in the The Ukrainian Weekly can be there with you and study of these people, source believes recruitment of a number of high-level that if they are properly treated they can Soviet officials. Prolog’s co-workers were be useful at any time and for any pur- involved in helping Poland’s Solidarity pose.” movement and the Czechoslovak resis- Check out THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY online at By 1952 the Belladonna operation tance after the crushing of the “Prague underwent a substantial change. The UPA Spring” of 1968 by the armies of the struggle had proven to be futile, yet the USSR and the Warsaw Pact. Prolog also U.S. continued to maintain links to the supplied Lithuanian organizations in the UHVR. United States with copies of the samizdat It was then that Prolog Research and Chronicle of the Lithuanian Catholic Publishing Inc., the office of the UHVR Church. which later changed its name to “Foreign Throughout this period Prolog provid- Representation” (Zakordonne ed ongoing political intelligence to the Predstavnytsvo, or ZP UHVR), was cre- CIA about trends in Ukraine and the role ated in Philadelphia with funding from of the Ukrainian SSR within the USSR. the CIA. Prolog existed for almost the duration The history of Prolog is one of the of the Cold War and ended its operations most fascinating yet unknown chapters of in 1988 when the National Security the Cold War. During its 36-year history, Council, on orders from then U.S. Prolog mobilized hundreds of people, President George H.W. Bush ordered the most of whom were unaware of Prolog’s CIA to cease funding QRDynamic. relationship to the CIA, to take tremen- The bulk of CIA documents about dous personal risks to help the cause of Prolog and its activities remain classified Ukrainian freedom and independence. for the time being, but hopefully will be Prolog published the monthly journal released soon, giving historians a chance Suchasnist, the monthly Digest of the to evaluate QRDynamic and the role it Soviet Ukrainian Press, the quarterly played in the collapse of the USSR and Russian language journal Forum, as well the creation of an independent Ukrainian as over 100 books on Ukrainian history, state. political thought, literature, memoirs of Note: The declassified documents are the Stalinist purges in Ukraine during the part of a study of the history of Prolog by 1930s and the underground struggle of Roman Kupchinsky, the head of Prolog the UPA. Research Corp. from 1978 until 1988 and Prolog operatives brought to the West Jaroslav Koshiv, a scholar at the numerous samvydav articles from Woodrow Wilson International Center Ukraine. These were then reprinted and and George Washington University in clandestinely distributed back into 2007. The documents were obtained from Ukraine. It also mailed to Ukraine the the U.S. National Archives in 2007 by Information Bulletin of the ZP UHVR Mr. Koshiw, The aim of their project is to which upset the Soviet leadership to the publish a study of Prolog along with the point that Soviet Premier Nikita accompanying CIA documents. No. 48 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 21 Kule Folklore Center displays Chornobyl fi lm receives wedding traditions in Saskatoon award at Virginia fi lm festival SASKATOON, Saskatchewan – The VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – The film Chornobyl nuclear power plant in Ukrainian Museum of Canada of the “Epiphany At Chornobyl” was selected Ukraine. Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada for a Redemptive Storyteller Award for Both films are based on the novel “The in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, on September 2008 in the Professional Low Budget cat- Sky Unwashed” by Irene Zabytko, who 12 hosted the opening of their latest exhibit, egory by the Redemptive Film Festival, a also co-directed and co-edited “Epiphany “Ukrainian Weddings.” production of FireWorks International, a at Chornobyl” along with filmmaker Peter “Ukrainian Weddings,” a multimedia Christian media production company Mychalcewycz. display, was developed by the staff at the located in Virginia Beach, Va. This is the Using archival photos and recent origi- Kule Folklore Center at the University of festival’s third year. nal footage, “Epiphany at Chornobyl” Alberta for its initial launch at the 2007 Jurors for the festival selected the film chronicles the Chornobyl nuclear power Ukrainian Festival at Harbourfront in based on the following criteria: truth well plant explosion on April 26, 1986, and Toronto, Ontario. told, simplicity of message and excel- features an interview with an elderly The exhibit is a series of panels and vid- lence of presentation. The awards cere- woman who returned to her ancestral vil- eos that explore Ukrainian wedding tradi- mony was held November 1 during the lage after the explosion. Also featured are tions through four different times and set- Redemptive Film Festival at Regent remaining Chornobyl community mem- tings. These settings include classic University School of Communication and bers celebrating the feast day of Epiphany Ukrainian traditions from Ukrainian villag- the Arts in Virginia Beach, Va. in the only functioning church in the es of the 1800s, a 1995 Bukovynian village “Epiphany at Chornobyl” is a 10-min- wedding, wedding traditions from pre-1940 zone. ute offshoot of the larger documentary Throughout, the scenes are punctuated western Canada and post-1970 Ukrainian project, “Life in the Dead Zone,” about wedding traditions. with stunning music composed by the returning evacuees currently living in Mariana Sadovska and performed by the The Saskatoon exhibit also has antique the forbidden “dead zone,” the area with- Ukrainian wedding headpieces, examples in a 30-kilometer radius surrounding the (Continued on page 23) of “korovayi” – a traditional wedding bread – and an authentic wedding dress made by one of the donors of the Kule Folklore A view of Ukrainian wedding artifacts. Center, Anna Kuryliw, in her Ukrainian vil- lage in 1936 and brought to Canada for her ence about the Kule Folklore Center and its wedding to Wasyl Kuryliw. role as the leader of Ukrainian Folklore out- Several members from the Kule Folklore side of Ukraine. Center were on hand for the opening of the They noted that the Kule Folklore Center exhibit, which featured refreshments and is committed to the exploration and docu- hors d’oeuvres and a tsymbalan player who mentation of Ukrainian and Canadian cul- greeted the 130 guests at the exhibit ture through teaching, research, archiving, entrance. publishing, scholarships and active commu- Dr. Andriy Nahachewsky, Huculak Chair nity engagement. of Ukrainian Culture and Ethnography and The exhibit, which has also been shown director of the Kule Folklore Center and at the Moncton Museum, New Brunswick, Nadya Foty, Archivist of the Bohdan Vegreville Pysanka Festival, several Medwidsky Ukrainian Archives, who was Edmonton events, and Folkfest in Saskatoon, instrumental in arranging the exhibit collab- was at Saskatoon’s Ukrainian museum oration with the museum, spoke to the audi- through early November.

Four candidates... (Continued from page 1) wing of the Our Ukraine – People’s Self- Defense bloc led by Mr. Baloha. For years Mr. Pliusch opposed the Tymoshenko Bloc, not supporting the coalition government that emerged in December 2007 with Ms. Tymoshenko at the helm. That opposition cost him the support of the wing of the Our Ukraine – People’s Self-Defense bloc that is loyal to the prime minister. “Pliusch would only get votes if a grand coalition was in the making,” Dr. Kuzio said, referring to a union between the Party of Regions and Our Ukraine. Oleksander Lavrynovych UNIAN The former Rukh official has climbed Oleksander Lavrynovych Ukraine’s political ranks swiftly since joining the Party of Regions. He is the party’s top lawyer and served as justice minister in the government of Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych in 2006-2007. He’s unlikely to become Parliament chair for lack of support beyond Ukraine’s pro-Russian forces, Dr. Kuzio said. Adam Martyniuk Always a bridesmaid and never a bride, Mr. Martyniuk, a lifelong Communist, has long positioned himself near the Rada chair, serving as vice-chair three times. Mr. Martyniuk’s election as chair of the Verkhovna Rada is the least likely because the Communists don’t have broad support in Parliament. Furthermore, the Party of Regions is unlikely to support his candidacy over Zenon Zawada that of its own man, Mr. Lavrynovych. Adam Martyniuk 22 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 No. 48

how, throughout the world since the America ( Tymoshenko, Yurii Kostenko and Yurii Capitalism... 1970s corporations, with the collusion of whitney08292008.html). The majority of Lutsenko – all national-democrats in the (Continued from page 10) governments, have used disasters to rid jobs that remain in countries where this broad sense of the term and who together Ukrainian, or that they are in the least territories of local inhabitants and re- kind of capitalism is established are part- consistently get more votes than the neo- concerned about the lack of Ukrainian- make their former “unprofitable” homes time, unskilled, non-union, low-paid, with Soviet pro-Russian Party of Regions and language products o n the market, or that and neighborhoods into “profitable” no benefits, pensions or health-care. What the Communists. The majority of they sponsor Ukrainian national culture. shopping-malls and hotels. benefits it does bring are skewed in favor Russian-speakers, in short, accept inde- O n the o ne hand, Rinat Akhmetov now Exploiting the initial shock of disas- of the very rich. pendent Ukraine as their country (http:// purportedly supports President Viktor ters, corporate agents and their lawyers While Ukraine, for the moment, seems Yushchenko and, implicitly, his initiatives strip away laws protecting national econ- to have been spared the horrors of “disas- Nonetheless, poll after poll tells us that on issues of national significance. O n the omies, the environment and health stan- ter capitalism,” it is getting its share of urban Russian-speaking Russians are other hand, not o nly does Mr. Akhmetov dards; they steal state-assets and elimi- the Dickensian-Friedman version. O ne of more likely to be pro-Russian, neo-Sovi- nate social programs, full-time skilled not seem to finance even o ne Ukrainian- the people involved in this new capital- et, anti-Ukrainian and anti-EU, than rural/ jobs and unions. The redistributed language publication, but he supports a ism, as Klein points out, was a former small town Ukrainian-speaking incomes produce polarized societies with Russian-language newspaper (Segodnya) U.S. ambassador to Ukraine (http://www. Ukrainians (J. Besters-Dilger ed., “Movna a few more wealthy, many more poor and that regularly publishes Ukrainophobic The Polityka ta Movna Sytuatsiia v Ukraini” less in the middle-class than previously. rantings by the Russian extremist-nation- corporation Halliburton, meanwhile, that [Kyiv, 2008]). This scenario is visible in South Ossetia, alist Oles Buzina and anti-NATO editori- made billions in profits from its corrupt It is also the case that whereas there where the o nly group poised to win from activities in Iraq (http://www.source- are well-organized extremist-nationalist als by Mr. Schmitt. the misery are Russia’s oligarchs and How many “Ukrainian” oligarchs can pro-Russian fringe-groups supported their corrupt local agents (http://www. Company, directly or indirectly by the Kremlin in stand alongside someone like Victor Pinchuk, who generously provides grants cle.php?id=12266), and is considered Ukraine, there is no comparable influen- The “capitalism” Ms. Klein describes semi-criminal by critics, is a member of and stipends for students in Ukraine and tial extremist Ukrainian nationalist group. is not of the Keynesian mixed-economy the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council most recently established a multi-million Insofar as such a group once did exist sort that Ukrainians imagined they would ( dollar fund to enable Ukrainian students (UNA-UNSO) it has shrunk to a shadow have in 1991, that brought with it skilled Another member of this group is the to study in the best European and North of its former self. One of its leaders, full-time jobs, good wages, fair corporate Cargill Corp. which, in pursuit of monopoly American universities? How many Dmytro Korchynsky, formed a group taxation, social services and union rights and ever higher profits, during the last “Ukrainian” oligarchs own Ukrainian- called Bratsvo, which he now runs under wherever it was established. It is a variant decades has used government subsidies, language media enterprises? Do any of the auspices of the Kremlin and Russian of the “new” capitalism that has been that is, taxpayers’ money, to systematically them use their wealth and influence to extremists under Alexander Dugin (http:// emerging in the world since the 1980s dispossess farmers and destroy the environ- encourage their European and American and is most often identified with Milton ment with monoculture plantations. In gen- counterparts to produce Ukrainian- load&name=News&file=article&sid=603 Friedman and “neo-liberalism.” eral, this involves replacing the production language products? 2579&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0). This is a throwback to the vicious capi- of staple crops with luxury crops for export. If there is no national Ukrainian capi- Another group based in Kharkiv that uses talism of the early Industrial Revolution. Most recently, the men who run this organi- talist class, the implications would be It is a semi-criminal kind of activity dom- variants of Ukrainian national symbols zation are destroying the Brazilian rainfor- and extremist rhetoric is also, in fact, pro- profound, as it would mean that today, inated by unelected corporate managers, est with their soybean plantations – some of just like 100 years ago, the divide bankers and money-traders who consider Russian ( which are worked by de facto slave labor php?id=1220644493). Set-up by Party of between rich and poor is enforced by a laws passed by elected governments pro- ( divide between poor Ukrainian speakers tecting public assets and interests and Regions hardliners, presumably with the Nonetheless, Ukrainians and all those participation of Kharkiv Mayor Mykhailo and rich non-Ukrainians. If this is indeed regulating international capital flows as concerned with Ukraine’s fate, do not so, it would mean that the national and restrictions o n their right to make profit. Dobkin, the Patriots of Ukraine are a seem to be concerned about this, nor are Kremlin “black-ops” project aimed at dis- social questions in Ukraine have not been These people then direct their untaxed scholars studying how American resolved despite independence. profits to only a small group of sharehold- crediting Ukrainian national ideas and Friedman neo-liberal corporate criminali- 1 In a recent international bestseller, ers and to off-shore accounts and in their independence. ty is supposed to bring Ukraine into the Alongside these two pro-Russian front journalist Naomi Klein (http://www.nao- wake they leave behind them Zimbabwes, European Union faster by destroying its analyzed Zaires and, most recently, George Bush’s groups are the openly pro-Kremlin, anti- productive capacity, and polarizing and Orange, anti-Ukrainian organizations like pauperizing its population. Will the the Communist Party, the Russian Ukrainian society this “new capitalism” Orthodox Church in Ukraine, the Russian is making resemble the shape of an egg or Bloc and the Natalia Vitrenko Bloc – all a pear? If the latter, then Ukraine’s future considered part of the Russian “fifth col- is dim. No one should forget that, for the umn” in their country by national-demo- moment, the EU, with the exception of crats. The clearest evidence of their work Britain, is among those fortunate parts of is visible in the Crimea (Yu. Tyshchenko the world where neo-liberal “new capital- et al, “Suspilno-Politychni Protsesy v AR ism” is weak. Krym: Osnovni Tendentsii” (Kyiv, 2008) Nor does anyone ask why the U.S.- 54-74. Available online: http://www.ucipr. Ukraine Business Council apparently has no criteria of membership. Why, besides In light of these considerations, the Cargill and Halliburton, does it include question arises: how is the dissatisfaction companies like Vanco, which is likely and anger generated by the social disloca- linked to the Russian mafia (http://www. tion, de-industrialization, poverty and polarization that Russifying neo-liberal id=2373367?). Why has the USUBC not capitalism has brought to Ukraine sup- issued any formal statement condemning posed to prepare the country for entry illegal corporate “raiding” and destruc- into the European Union, where the inter- tion of public or citizens’ assets in national language of communication is Ukraine? Why does it condone its mem- English? This is a question no one seems bers running their businesses in Ukraine in Russian? to be studying. Political loyalties in Ukraine are not 1 determined by language use. Russian- Although Ukraine and Russia in 1992 speakers in Kyiv, as is well-known, over- signed an agreement that forbade either side whelmingly supported the national-demo- from using their civilian intelligence agencies against the other, the agreement made no men- cratic Orange Revolution. Russian- tion of Russian Military Intelligence (GRU), speakers are within the majority of the which remains active throughout former population which supports Volodymyr USSR territories ( Lytvyn, Viktor Yushchenko, Yulia art/167/0/763/).

Ukraine, but January 22 of 1918, the first About Ukraine... Independence Day, is not marked or men- (Continued from page 7) tioned at all. Shkola texts, or online at http://www. The Ukrainian Bookstore in Edmonton is hoping to have this new book available This book is beautifully illustrated, but soon (visit http://www.ukrainianbook- I have some quibbles. In the item on In the meantime, if you are pysanky, painted wooden ones (these traveling to Ukraine, do try to find one or don’t count at all!) are shown, not true a few to bring back. Learning is so much pysanky. In the question on embroidery, a fun! woven textile is illustrated. In contempo- rary Ukraine January 22 is celebrated as Orysia Tracz may be contacted at ory- the date of the reunification in 1919 of [email protected]. No. 48 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 23 OUT AND ABOUT

December 5 Lecture by Vladyslav Hrynevych, “Politics and Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Washington Memory: How the History of World War II is Center, 202-691-4000 Perceived and Changed in Ukraine After 1990,” U.S.-Ukraine Foundation, 202-223-2228 December 20 Holiday Bazaar and St. Nicholas program, Taras Bethesda, MD Shevchenko School of Ukrainian Studies, Westland December 5 Lecture by Yevhen Zakharov, “The Evolution of Middle School, Ottawa Civil Society in Ukraine: 1987-2008,” Shevchenko Scientific Society of Canada, Embassy of Ukraine, 613-733-7000 or 613-230-2961 ext. 105 Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions December 6 Wacky Tacky Christmas Sweater Party, Dnipro from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors Baltimore, MD Ukrainian American Sports Club, 410-598-4935 and as space allows; photos will be considered. Please note: items will be printed a maximum of two times each. Please send e-mail to [email protected]. December 7 International conference, “The Legacy of George Y. New York Shevelov,” Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the United States, Ukrainian Institute of America, 212-222-1866 Gardens, Orlando, Fla. Chornobyl film... Ms. Zabytko noted that plans are also December 7 St. Nicholas program, Immaculate Conception (Continued from page 21) under way to return to Chornobyl to con- Hillside, NJ Ukrainian Catholic Church, 908-289-0127 Kitka Women’s Vocal Ensemble from tinue filming “Life in the Dead Zone” their recent CD, “The Rusalka Cycle: early next year if funding comes through. December 7 Christmas concert, “Koliada and Hutsul Music,” Songs Between the Worlds.” “We are very grateful for the generosity New York The Ukrainian Museum, 212-228-0110 “We are delighted and honored to of the Ukrainian communities in North receive this award, considering we had America and to all our worldwide support- December 7 Christmas Bazaar, Levada Choir, St. Nicholas just recently released the film short to the ers who have helped us this far,” she Toronto Ukrainian Catholic Church, 416-239-1685 public,” Ms. Zabytko said. “Actually, we added. “We still have a considerable didn’t intend on doing a short,” she con- amount of money to raise, but we are opti- December 13 Yalynka Christmas Party, Ukrainian Engineers’ tinued, “but we had such great footage mistic that people will see the value in our New York Society of America and Ukrainian Medical from our trip to the zone in January that work and help us continue the project.” Association of North America, Ukrainian Institute we decided a shorter film would create a Donations, which are tax-deductible, of America, 212-222-1866 buzz about our longer film project, ‘Life may be sent to: The Ukrainian Artistic in the Dead Zone.’” Center, 2657 W. Iowa St., First Floor, December 13 Christmas concert, the Ukrainian Dumka Chorus, A sneak preview of “Epiphany at Chicago, IL 60622-4755. New York Our Lady of Refuge Roman Catholic Church, Chornobyl” was first screened at The Checks should be payable to The 718-896-7624 Global Peace Film Festival at Rollins Ukrainian Artistic Center with the memo College in Winter Park, Fla., in “Chornobyl film.” December 14 Christmas Bazaar, St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic September. Other screenings followed at To arrange for a screening of Baltimore, MD Church, 410-675-7557 or 410-967-4981 the “Celebration of the Ukrainian Arts” “Epiphany at Chornobyl” readers may hosted by Friends of Chernobyl Centers- e-mail the filmmakers at info@ December 15 Lecture by Volodymyr Kulik, “Minority Education in U.S. (FOCCUS) on October 30 in or irenezabytko@ Washington Ukraine: Combining Identity and Integration,” Madison, Wis., and the Sierra Club at Leu 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008 No. 48 UNA Christmas Cards PREVIEW OF EVENTS 2008 - 2009 Saturday, December 6 9:30 a.m. Throughout the day there will be plenty of delicious food for breakfast and NEW YORK: The Shevchenko Scientific lunch, hot and cold drinks, games and Society invites all to a lecture by Vita Susak titled “Ukrainian Artists in the entertainment for children, a “Wheel of Context of Ecole de Paris (First Half of he Fortune” and “Basket of Cheer” for adults, 20th Century).” Ms. Susak, an art special- many interesting items for sale, including ist, is director of the division of 19th-20th Christmas cards, traditional Christmas century European art at the Lviv art gal- “kutia,” poppyseeds, books and much lery, as well as a 2008-2009 Fulbright more. St. Nicholas shall pay a visit at 1 Fellow. The lecture will take place at the p.m. The heavenly office (for gifts) will be society’s building, 63 Fourth Ave. open from noon. For information call (between Ninth and 10th streets), at 5 p.m. Halya at 215-745-9838. For additional information call Saturday, December 20 212-254-5130. 1 2 BETHESDA, Md.: The Taras Shevchenko Saturday, December 13 School of Ukrainian Studies will host a NEW YORK: The Ukrainian Chorus Sviatyi Mykolai Show and Holiday Dumka will perform Christmas Music at 7 Bazaar. Students will present a St. p.m. at Our Lady of Refuge Roman Nicholas program at noon and Sviatyi Catholic Church, 2020 Foster Ave., Mykolai (St. Nicholas) will then meet with Brooklyn, NY 11210. The public is cor- each grade/age group. The Heavenly dially invited. For additional information Office will be open at 9:15-11:45 a.m.; call 718-896-7624. please bring only one item per child ($2 fee) and have it clearly labeled (child’s full 3 4 Sunday, December 14 name and grade/age). The bazaar, sched- PHILADELPHIA, PA: The Ukrainian uled for 9:30 a.m. to noon, will include American Youth Association cordially home-baked goods, varenyky and vushka invites everyone to attend its traditional (frozen), books, gift items, etc. Location: annual fun-filled “Christmas Bazaar and Westland Middle School, 5511 Welcoming of St. Nicholas” in the church Massachusetts Ave., Bethesda, MD 20816. hall of Annunciation Ukrainian Catholic For further information visit www.ukie- Church at Old York Road and Cheltenham or contact Lada Onyshkevych, Avenue in Melrose Park. Starting time is [email protected] or 410-730-8108.

PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES Preview of Events is a listing of community events open to the public. It is a 5 6 7 service provided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian community. 1. Pavlo Lopata, Terra Cotta, ON, Canada, - Umilenije Mother of God, egg tempera/gold leaf, 2008; 2. Lyudmyla Mosijczuk, Clearwater, FL - Ukrainian Folk Art – watercolor, 2007; 3. Natalie Gawdiak, Information should be sent to: Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Columbia, MD, Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church, pen on paper, 2008; 4. Irene Twerdochlib, Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054; fax, 973-644-9510; e-mail, Rochester, NY – St. Nicholas church in Kryvchytsy, Ukraine, oil, 1988; 5. Olvin Vladyka, Lviv, Ukraine – [email protected]. NB: If e-mailing, please do not send items as Ukraine is caroling – Indian ink, 2000; 6. Ilona Shytyk, Cherkasy, Ukraine, - Christmas- pen and ink, attachments; simply type the text into the body of the e-mail message. 2007; 7. Marta Shramenko-Randazzo, Potomac, MD, Angel Heralder, ink, 2004