Teaching at the Center for American Culture at University and at Guizhou Normal University ,

Background Preparation Presentations Impact During the summer of 2011, in Clinton, SC Surveys were distributed to students at Guizhou and Guizhou Normal and Greenville Technical College in Greenville, SC partnered to Universities for the purpose of assessing the impact of the establish a collaboration with Guizhou University in Guiyang, China presentations made by GTC faculty. The results were overwhelming aimed at increasing the Chinese public’s understanding of the positive. United States in a similar manner to the Confucius Institutes which the Chinese government had established at American institutions to Faculty participants were required to provide summaries and improve the American public’s understanding of China. On reflections of their experiences in the classrooms and China generally. September 26, 2011, Dr. Ketih Miller, President of GTC, was Kathryn Hix encompassed many of the common sentiments in an op notified by Dr. John Griffith, President of PC, that the grant ed article about this project published in the Greenville News June 9, application submitted to the US Department of State for this 2012“…when I think back on this trip, I remember most fondly the endeavor had been approved. relationships I formed with colleagues and students. We were treated Guizhou University Campus to amazing meals, sightseeing adventures and even an amazing performance at the Peking Opera. But what resonates with me most is the great rapport we established with the people, our counterparts in In the fall of 211, the Center for International Education at GTC China.” The intellectual and experiential knowledge gained by the The GTC faculty traveled faculty participants will now be shared with the GTC community. announced an application process for faculty interested in participating in in 2 groups, one at the this project. Dr. Reggie Bruster was selected as the project director and beginning and one at end the following faculty members were selected to deliver presentations in of April 2012, each group China: staying for approximately one week. Dianne Chidester – American Community Colleges Kathryn Hix – The Harlem Renaissance The first group toured and Brian Haimbach – Funding Theater in the US met with administrators at Mary Ryan-Morris – Volunteerism in the US residential middle and Jacque Stewart Taylor – Encouraging Creativity high schools on the Bonnie Smith – Delivering Human Services in the US Guizhou University The grant objective was to establish a permanent resource center Tim Smith – American Approach to Marketing campus. at Guizhou University. This would include a library with books, James Williams – Nonviolence and the Civil Rights Movement magazines and newspapers from the US and meeting rooms and The second group visited classrooms and office space. Lectures and seminars by faculty members from PC Dr. Bruster coordinated arrangements with Dr. David Liu of Presbyterian participated in a panel and GTC would be arranged during the 2012 calendar year. The College and Dr. Kejian Jin, visiting professor at Presbyterian College topics would be multi-disciplinary and aimed at helping the Chinese discussion with faculty from Guizhou University. In Guiyang, the graduate students in the members at an public achieve a broader understanding of American culture. Visits School of International Relations and their supervising professor experimental language to local K-12 schools would also be arranged including meetings prepared by making local arrangements, scheduling classes and immersion elementary between school administrators and American faculty members. translating presentations as exemplified here with a translation of some school in Guiyang. of Gandhi’s nonviolent principles used in Mr. Williams’ lecture. Both groups made 1. Nonviolence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is presentations and mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the interacted with students, ingenuity of man. faculty and administrators 非暴力是人类最伟大的武器,比世界上最有杀伤力的武器还更有威力。 at Guizhou Univeristy and Guizhou Normal 2. Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an University, also located in indomitable will. Guiyang. 力量不是来自身体上的,而是来自不屈不挠的精神。 Additionally, both groups concluded their travel to 3. Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. 满意在于努力,不在于达到。 China with a few days in to experience life

in the capital city and see

such things as Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden


PC would provide a director to administer the grant and faculty release time for the lectures and workshops in China. GTC would provide a coordinator to assist with the cultural programming and faculty release time for lectures in China. Guizhou University would provide a physical location for the Center for American Culture and a part-time coordinator for the programming and logistics of the faculty visits.