
THE : ORION UCTION ROLLINS RENAISSANCE Henry Rollins comes back to Chico, brings laughter along


~ednesday, November 14.2001 SERVING CHICO SINCE 1975 h t t P : J J www.orion-online.n c-t J

Let the Dead lie . This past week or so has seen me turn a 180 on the subject of one of my favorite bands. The has been a staple of my listening

diet for close to eight years. I E!Y decided a few days ago 1 will no longer support the band. The Dead Kennedys made a name for itself in the late '70s with hyperpoliticallyrics and . the signature sound of a wuiling surf guitar gone mad. Like most punk bands worth their salt. the· Kennedys imploded because membcrs were just too extreme to get along forever. ,Hr The breakup in 1986 was the ~ ... death knell of the West Coast scene. For years I've dreamed of seeing DK live. but knew 1 would never be able to owing to the hostility of the members toward one another. Then a couple of weeks ago 1 heard about the DK show at The Brick Works on Saturday. Of course my first reaction was - to become ... well. let's just say very. very excited. Then I dunked my head into cold water and slapped myself around a· little and remembered a key factoid. The Dead Kennedys is never getting back together because last year the rest of the band sued singer Jella Biafra Punk legends still stayin' alive for fraud and won. The rest of the band got its NICOLE JOHNSTON "After the band broke up. he W;IS running our record label and he panties in a bunch when ~iafra S~'A"I' \11 IU""" did us wrong," said Ray. the lead guitarist. to let Levi Strauss & It resulted in a lawsuit between the rest of the Dead Kenneuys Co. use one of DK's most and Biafra. . Who's playing: :~""famous songs, "Holiday In-· '. T--- he Dead Kennedys aren't· dead. They're alivc and weU, "The problem was we were being paid less than aU of the other . Daall KlInnllllJD, Hit Dr A 5aml. fll1l1l Cambodia." in a TV ad. The . touring and coming to Chico. bands. He wasn't handling the record label well." Ray said. lIown band members sued Biafra, The once popular hardcore punk band frOlil the late '70s and In the end. Biafra was found guilty of fraud. He was a big part 01" Wholl: saying they weren't being early '80s has returned to the music sccne for the tirst timc since thc band. but the Dead Kennedys are still popular. Salllnta" HOll, 17 Where: represented well by Biafra and breaking up in 1986. "The people that want to see him just don't come." Ray said. The Brick WDrks the label The band released its tirst live "" in The Dead Kennedys now have a new lead singer, , Worth the dough?: he manages. They won the right September. The album features unreleased live recordings of the who Ray sllid is doing great. Since breaking up. members Klaus rartmpJ to use the Dead Kennedys name band playing its classic tracks from back in the day. Flouride on bass, D.H. Peligro on drums and Ray have till stayed and all the songs, which Biafra The band had some trouble keeping the rights to its songs after in the music scene. They pltly in other bands and Ray is II produc- wrote many of. former lead singer lello Biafrn became thc caretaker of the band's So the musicians coming to record label. Alternative Tentacles. I'least.! see DEAD ~ (;6 The Brick Works aren't the Dead Kennedys, as far as I'm concerned. They arc the Undead Kenncdys - zombics who should know when to lie down Bookstores offer second chances and die, but keep going for some evil reason I clln't fathom. .. The. Pink Cadillac, The Book~tore Though its name and location arc new. thc store's They aren't doing 6Ulything utmosphere is the same. Heacock said the environment new. just r\!cycling Illllterial give altenlative to sp~U1king-new is user-friendly. Custoincrs mc cncouraged to lounge in from u bygone age and trying to aile of the rocking chairs and browse through books . pluy on the nostalgia of punkers books fronl re~~l chain stores while sipping all complimcntary tea or coffee and uroulld the world. nibbling on cookies. lIike reunion tours as much LINDA OVERI.Y "SO many stores these days ure cold. 'Hurry up. givu us the next sentimental music STili'!' \X'IlITIiIl me your money und get out... • Heucock said. "That'~ Slip, but what the Undend not what we wallted. If you've got time to kill, you clln Kelltledys is doing is u-ying to A nice cscllpe from the day-to-day school grind aUli pick up a book and reud it. If you don't linish it, you call milk the fond memories of its the ollcn predictable Chico bur scene cun be to curl up put a bookmurker in it and put it buck." origilllli funs und tense the with a good book. The Pink Cadillac also olTers books on tupe. card~ younger fnns who hu'Vc never The Pink Cadillac. which opened its doors at 340 and Magnet Poetry sets. Most new books that aren't in scen DK live into shows. Salem St. two weeks IIgo. ol'fers a selection of approx­ the store can be ordered and received within a few days, Al some point I hope the imlltcly 25,000 new lIud riearly ucw books thut mnge in he said. Undeud Kennedys renIize thtlt price from 75 cents to $150. While the store docs not buy books, he said cus­ lelIa Biufru mllde the blind into Owncd by Del Heacock und Phyllis Williams, the tomers can bring in paperback books und get 25 percent the punk powerhouse thnt it store hus sc'Vcral types of books including mystery, or the cOVer price ill store credit toward the purchllse of wus, lIud the resl of the group classics, sclf-help, short stories aull horror. IIny used book, Hardback credit percentages ·vllry. lind u should stop ruping the deud Heacock lind Williul11s owned U bookstore named 25-cenl service fcc is charged for each book purchllsed horse tlml used to be u Pre-owned Books and Pink ClIdillacs in Cheslcl' for with store credit. respcctublc bund. seven yellrs, Aftet· clldUl'ing many harsh wiutel's, the Heacock saill he was a professor of psychology fOl' Tlto Orlell/IIRAII LAMIIERT pair was rcady 1'01' II change. They decided tn relocate to . nine years ut the University of Utah and Boise Stllte

Br{/(Ilmuburt c(m btl rcmc/Juti (/t: One of Tho Pink Cadillac's owners l Phyllis Wllilams i Chico, und reopen the business liS simply The Pink ------­ [email protected] passes time away with a magazine on a rainy day, Cadillac, Hellcock said. Plells(J see ROOKS'" (;4

VIDEO" RIlIlDS Witherspoon and . iI cast of major-movie actors Including TRACKS • Hero Is another sound· LINKS " For all you clliidronof the '80s, tllO Thundorcats Luko Wlison, Mallhow Davis and . track from composer John Williams, homopago offers ondless Ilours of curiosity, Exploro tho cartoon Victor Garber star In "Legally Blonde," responsible for soundtracks from tile sid a of tllO Web site and road the biographies of Llon~O, a g!rl-power comedy about 11 California "Indiana Jones" Illovhis, most of tho "etar Panthra, Wora and the wholo furry gang, sorority girl who defies the stereotype, Wars" movies, "Saving Private Ryan", http://lhundmats.vpoa.com Elle Woodo (Wlthorspoon) chllse·s her "Jurassic Park" and otl1ors, With chimes, boyfriend to Harvard Law, where she a string section and Q tinny brass section climbs tho ranks to catch up to him, to add occnslonal suspense, "Harry Pottor and the Sorcorer's Stono" Is slow, rolaxod .'," and probably good tolall asloep to, i, • .....,.;;:".,;;,,~~~.-.....0..1 ~ I!!!i ..~. '\:- " .. ,,I' 'p' - '.' I