Slrffolk. ( KELLY'~ F ARMEB.S--Continued

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Slrffolk. ( KELLY'~ F ARMEB.S--Continued FAR SlrFFOLK. ( KELLY'~ F ARMEB.S--Continued. Ray Cbarlelj & Samuel, 'I; he Oaks, Tan• Rist pa.vid, Brantha.m, Manningtree l,>ratt J ames, Burnt fen, Mildenhall nington, Wick ham Market Rist ):>. Pond hall, Tattingstone, Ipswich. Pratt James, West rowJ.. :MildenhaU Ray Charles, Green fa,rm, 1'anningt<,>n, Rivets Jobn, Earl. Sqham lane, Fram- Pratt J. ~tation fa.rm, copdock. Ipswich Wickhall} Market lingbam R.S.O Pratt Mrs. Mary~ Norley moat, Little Ray Sl. Brundish. Ji'ramlinghllm ~.S.O Rivett Mrs. Ann, Blundeston, Lowestnft Bradley, Newmarket . 1 Ray W. Tannington, Wickham 'Market Rivett Caleb, West House farm, Fres- 1 Pratt Philip, Church Yard farm, Clop- Raymer George, Shing1e farm, Benhall, singfield, Harleston 1 ton, Woodbridge 1 Saxmund):mm Rivett P.Poplarfrm.Blundeston,i.owstf~ Pratt R.Hall farm,Withersfid. Newmrkt Raymer G. Sudborne, Wickham M;uket Rix George, Waldringfield, Wooqbridge Pratt W. West Hill fm. Copdoc\t,Ipswch Rayner Charles Robert, Fordley hall, Rix Thomas, Thra.ndeston abbey,jSWJle l'ratt W.C. Ket.tleburgh, Wic~hm.Markt Middleton, Saxmundham Rix Willil\m, ~lm vale,, ,Diss Pratt William David, Hill House farm, Rayner Cbarle~, Pa,lgrave, Diss Robb William, Burnt fen, Mildenhall Clopton, Woodbridge Rayner George, Rectory farm, Thran• Roberson & Gough, Sta.nchils farm, B;en, Precious Jesse, Home farm, Parham, deston, Scole grave, Bury St, Edmunds 1 Wickham Market Rayner Jonathan, Red House far:r;n, Roberson Robert, South Elmhall}. ~t. Preston Alfred, The Grove, Worling- Falkenbam, Ipswich Margaret, l!arleston , . worth, Framlingham R.S.O Raynham Frank, Kersey, Ipswich Roberts Mrs. L • .Alderton, Woodbridge Treston Benj. Hill fm. Weybread, Harlstn RaynhamH.Sampson Jdg.Aldhm.Ipswch Roberts Mrs. Wissington, Colches~er 1 1 Preston Edwin Henry, Wood farm, RaynhamJ.(exors.of),Hessett,BurySt.E Roberts Wm. Leavenheath, Colch~ter Worling~orth, Framlingham R.S.O Raynham J. K, IIonington, Bury St. Ed Roberts Wm. Wissington, Colchester l'reston John, Naughton, Ipswich Raynham John, Offton,Needham Markt Robertson Charles 'fhqP1SOU Archibald, Price Walter, sen. Kedington, Haverhill Raynham W. E. Gt.Blakenham,Ipswich Horningsheath, Bury St. ~dmunds Prigg M1sses Mary Ann &. Augusta, Read B. (exors.of),Bram.field, Haleswrth Robe,rtson Tr M. Trinity farm, Buugay Cloggs farm, Gt. Cornard, Sudbp.ry Read Charles, Hall, Hrundish, ;I<'r~.~om- Robinson Charles & .Tames, Elmswell, PriggR. Poplars frm.Gt.Cornard,Sudbry .lingbafil R.S.O. Bury St. Edmunds . · frigg Willia.m, Little Grays, Great Read Edward, Ashfield, Stonbam RobinsonG.&S.MarketWe.ston,Thetford Cornard, Sudbury • Read Fredk, Martlesham, Woodbridge Robinson (1harles, Grejlt Whelnetham1 Prigg W. Tye farm,Gt.Cornard,Sudbry Read G. Capel St. .A.ndrew, Woodbridge Bury St. Edrnun.ds ' Prike Jas. Brad well Ash, :Bury St. Ed Read George, Town farm. ~axfield, Robinson F. W, D, Roo,s ball, Beccle~ Prike Joseph,Cranmoorgreen,Walsham- Framlingham R.S.O Hobinson Frederick Jacob, Whitehouse, le-Willows r Read Henry, Chediston, Halesworth Mendlesha.m, Stonham Prike Robert, Gis1ingham, Eye Read Herbert William, Morston hall, Robinson F. W.Stanton, Hucy St.Edmnds Proctor Shadrach1 .Bildeston Trimley St. Martin, Ipswich. Robinson John, Ashfield, Stonham , Pryke John P. (exoll's. of), Aldersfield Read JamE;s, Bramfield, Halesworth Rob~nson Martin. Combs, Stowmarket hall, Wickhambrook, ~ewmarket Read James, Monks hall, Syleham, Scole RobinsonS.Lovetofts frm.Flowtq.Ipswcb Pryke Thomas,CP.urc)l farm, Theberton,. Read John, Carltoo. Colv~lle, Lowestoft . RobjnsonS.C.Folly Jrm.Copdock,Ipswich Saxmundham 1 Read John,Laxfield,Framlingham R.S.O RobinBOn S. Depden, Bury St. ,Edrnunds Pulham A. Brandeston1 Wickham Markti Read Jn. Wm. Debenham hall, Stonham Robinson Thomas, .A.shfield, Stonbam Pulham James., Shrubbery farm, I Read Samuel, Met field, Harleston Rockhill Thomas ,Atkins, The f Hall, Cretingbam, Wickbam Market I Read Tbos.Tannington, WickhamMarkot Stoven, Wangford R.S.O 'l Pulham John J'eck, Folly farm, Monew-' Read Thomas C. Chediston, llalesworth Rodwell J •. Oak Hill farm, Mendham, den, Wickham Market ,· I Read Wm.C. Grundisburgh, Woodbridge Harleston Punt Isaa.c, Great Bealings,Woodbridge! ReaderBenja.min,Rumburgh,Ha.lesworth Roe Edgar, l"ramsden, Stonham , • Pye Miss Elizabeth, Corton, Lqwestoft. Redgrave David, Hoxne, Sc.!ole & Den- Rogers Isaac, South Elm ham St.Michael., P~·ett James, East Bergholt ham, Wickham Market , Bungay r Pyman Edwin, Park farm, Stow Up- Redgrave John, Gull farm, Pallinghoo, Rolf ~utcher, llarton mills, Mildenhall land, Stow,market Wickbam Market Rolfe James & Sons, Saxes & Rookwood !Pyman J. Ilketshall St.Margaret,Bungay Reeder Henry, Wissett, Balesworth farms, Stanningfield., Bury St.Edmnds Pyman William, Earl Soham, Framling• Reeve Alfred, New House farm, Paken- Rolfe Frederick, Harts-ball, Walsham. ham R, S. 0 , barn, Bury St. Edmunds le-Willows, ~ury f::it. Edmunds r Quintan Edwd.. Fe:q, Combs, Stowmarket Reeve David, The Hall, Redlingfield,Eye. Rolfe J a roes, N orton. }:Jury St. }l:dmunds Quintan G. Denham, Wickham Market Reeve Jn. Ixworth, Bury St. Edmp.nds Rolfe James, West row, Mildenh&U. Race E. Ston4am, Aspall, Earl Stonham ReeveJohn,Saxtead,Fra.mlinghamR.S.O · Rolfe John, Newton, Sudbury Rackham Henry, Gunton, Lowestoft Reeve :Miss Mary (exors. of), The Grange, Rolfe N. Tostock & Nortqn, Bury St,Ediil RackhamH.Woodlands,Corton,Lowestft Worlingworth, Framlingha.m RS.O Rolfe Thomas D. Cowlinge, Newmarket Rackham John. Ubbeston, Sa11.mundhm Reeve William, jun. Worlingworth, Rolfe W. ShimpUng, Bury St. Edmunds Rackham J; Parham, Wickham Market Framlingham R.S.O Rolfe W. The Hogers, Newton, Sudbury .Hackharn Mrs. Laura, !"idler's hall, Reeve William 'l'aylor, Worlingworth, Roll Frank, Herringfleet, Lowestoft Cransford, Framlingham R.S,O l"ramlingbam R.S. 0 Rollinson G. The Kiln,Rede,BurySt.Edm Ra.ckbam William 1 Cowtnn ho-qse, Sud- Revell John, Laxfi11ld, Framlingham Rolph Benjamin, Lakenheath, Brandon borne, Wickh!lm Marke~ r Reynolds Henry, Wb,ite House farm, Rolph Jacob, Lakenheath, Bra.ndon., Rackharp.W.Ivy fm.Blyford,Baleswortb Burgh, Woodbridge RolphJ.Sand pitta,Lakenbeath,Brandon Raker J. J. Wenti,s, Gedding,BurySt.Ed Reyi)olds I. Depden, Bury S~. Edmunds Rolph John,, Brandon Ramey Allen, Kenny hill, Mildenha.ll Reynolds R. The Rookery,Lawshall,Bury Rolph Josepb, High fen, Brandoq 1 J Rand Joseph, Duke street, Hadleigh Reynolds W.Tannington, Wickham Mrkt Rolph T. White feu,Lakenpea~h,Brandon Randall Charles., Fressingfield, Harlest.n Ribbans Aaron. Boxfo;rd, Colchester Rap\' George & Artbur, ~ower· ~qben Randall F. Charsfield, Wickham Market Rice Jn. Star hill. Onehouse, Stowmarket Leiston R.S.O n Randalll".Letheringha.m,Wickhm.Mrkt Richards Henry, Syleham, Scole / Rope Edwin James, Sin,~ .fllorm, Glem'-' Randall Mrs. H. Orford,Wickhm.Markt aichardson Mrs. Edwa.rd, The (}range, ham parva, Wickham Market • ]{andall Thomas, Rook Hall farm. Eye Wissington, Colchester . • 1 r Hope George, Blaxhall grove, Blaxhall, Randall W. Bolton St. Mary,Colchester Ricbardson J. Meadow faJ;m, Haverhill Wickham ,Market Ransdale A. Cavenham, Mildenhall ;3.0 Richardson John,Chelmondis~on,Ipswch Roper Charles, Westleton, Saxmundha.m Ransom Frederi~k, Akenhan,J., Richardson Mr!l. aosa, Bolton St. Mary, Ropflr Harry, Wickbam Skeith, EyQ Ransom Jn. Barningham. Bury St. Ed Colchester Raper Hy. Saxtead,Framlingham R.S.O: Ransome Fredk1 Cowlinge, Newmarket Richardson Wm. Bredfield, WooP.qridge Roper Robert, Slougb, Elbell.and, Wool" Ransome Gcorge, Cowlipge, Xewmarket Riches Henry, Fressingfield, Harleston pit, Bury St, Edrnunds Ranson ,Mrs . .Anne ~meli~, Gosbeck, Riches H.jun.Dairy farm,Thorndon,Eye Raper Wm. Woolpit. Bury St. Edmunds Needham Market Riches H.F.D!!nhambal~ WickharnMrkt Rose Cbas.Laxfield,FramlingharnR.S,O iRanson Henry Joseph, Cockfield farm, Riches Jame!!,.-Priory farm, Wr~~tham, Rose James, High house, Hemingsto:Qe, Brettingham, ,Bildeston Wangford R.S.O 1 Needbam Market . Ranson John, Littl~ Blakenbam,IpswiGb Riches Richard; ~C\fiSOIDef Go.swold ball, Rose James, Wickham Skeitb, Eye Ranson William, :U!¥vedere farm, Parade 'I'hrandest~m, Scale Rose ~amuel, Wetberingsett, Stonham . terrace, Ipswiph , R~cbes William, Fressingfield, Harleston; Rosier H. H. Langha.m, BurySt. Edmunds Rant Fredenck,• Rookery far~. South :RlchesW.P,Westo~:Uo.Mendham,Harlstn'Ruunce James, Blundeston, Lowestoft ' Eimham St. Margj>ret, Barleston Ridley F. Alpbeljon, Long Melford R. S. 0 RonnceJ .J. Ch ureh farm,Corton, Lowstft Rash J. J. New Waters, Redgrave, Diss Ridley Wi!liam, Manor farm, Tudden- Rouse Charles, I<'ressingfield, Harlestou 1 Ratcliffe F. Gosbeck, Needbam Market barn St. Martin, Ipswich Rouse Henry, Moat farm, Wrentham, Ratliff James, uo Bt:amford rd. Ipswich Ripger Thorl).as Frederick, Roe'~ farm, Wangford R.S.O Rattle William, Kersey farm, Dalling- Carton, Lowestoft Rouse John, Fressingfield, Barleston boo, Wickham Market Ripper Frederick, Hindercley, Dis11 Row C. Hill farm, Rendham,Saxmndhro Raven J. & D. Lakenheath, Brandon Ripper J. Elm gro. Cotton, Stowmarket, Rowe John, Church farm, Thorndon,Eyo Raven Edward, Henstead, Halesworth Ripper Willi&m, Bramfield, Hale.sworth;~oweW.H.Ivy fa.rm,Kelsale,Saxmndhm .
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