Other Records

Bury St Edmunds

As might be expected from the local market town, Bury, like Sudbury, has attracted a number of events, which are probably part of the story of some of the surrounding villages. However Bury also has a line in its own right. Many of the records belong to Mortlocks domiciled elsewhere but I lack any methodology to attribute these to the parent villages.

Flempton with , and the Fornhams

I have grouped these records together as these villages are strung out over a short distance to the north-east of Bury; but see also Hargrave. A family from is included here also.

Gazeley I have included here the London family of Miles who seems to have returned(?) to at the end of his life. There are some later Gazeley records under Chevington in the family of Thomas and Emily, who seem to have hopped about between here and Moulton, presumably in search of work.


Here’s another town which attracts people, and thus genealogical events, from its surrounding villages, notably a family from Cheveley in Cambridgeshire. Newmarket is of course yet another place which straddles a county border. Many of the records refer to events in Higham which was Mortlocked from Chevington.

Elsewhere in Suffolk

Into this group fall some early - as early as 1524 - records from the country round about , but the line appears to have died out, to be replaced by, eventually, Rocky mentioned under Clare. There are also some later records from the area. This section is also the home for those Mortlocks who in 1881 gave their place of birth as “Suffolk” without helping me by naming a town or village.

Suffolk Mortlocks 1 RJHG 05.05.2019 (BStE)(see also ; Hargrave Sfk for Woodditton Cambs; ------& Cheveley, Cambs)

BStE has two parishes, St Mary(StM) and StJames(StJ) see also Pampisford (Cambs) for baptisms to John 1567-8

19.10.1565 2.2.77 John ======(1)Millicent(2)======Robert SOUTH BStEStJ PAGE BStEStM

John ??????? Dorothy weaver +9.9.1575 +23.10.1577

29.11.1573 26.9.1578 Thomas ======(1)Joan(2)======Simon BStEStJ MOTHERSOULE BStEStJ SKULTOCK | Mary 9.1.1576

Catherine = 2.11.1620BStEStM John HARVEY James +6.11.1625BStEStM James = 20.5.1641BStEStM Margaret ABBOTT

1658/61 Elizabeth =====(1)Edmund(2)======Ann(a) +18.9.1658 | /Edward | | |------| | | | Edmund James Edward Anna +26.11.1658 18.12.1663- 6.12.61 24.5.66- {all BStEStJ 25.12.72 14.7.67 {

Ann Mortlock, widow, had messuage at east end of BStEStJ church 1711

Richard = 7.1.1665BStEStJ Margaret COPPING of Kennet, Cambs Elizabeth = 24.1.1689BStE Daniel GREEN John = 7.4.1689BStE Frances ROGERS

23.9.1708 James ======Sarah JOLLY lab. of BStE Lt.Saxham of Gt Saxham ?voter Gt Saxham 1727? | took lease in Methwold, Nfk 1728 as surety for an £80 debt[NCRO,PD313/101] | Sarah 25.8.1715Lt.Saxham

John +17.4.1729 unm. Mary 1723 = 18.9.1747BStEStM Thomas ALVIS 1726 Mary +25.9.1767BStEStM James sent to gaol for selling a stolen turkey 20.11.1775

28.3.1781 Elizabeth ======Robert POTTLE BStEStJ | ------| | | Robert Thomas Mortlock John

Suffolk Mortlocks 2 RJHG 05.05.2019 Bury St Edmunds(2)(see also Bradfield(4), (Chippenham), ------Chevington(6&8), & Hargrave(2); & Wood Ditton (Cambs))

Betty = 14.7.1783BStEStJ, Robert WINKUP -> 7 children bap. BStEStM

Susan = 4.1.1789BStEStM, John GOW botp

John = 27.2.1793Norton, Ann KILBIN ?1750-13.10.1823BStEStM

George 1786Suffolk, blacksmith, in BStE Union workhouse 1841

James in BStE Union workhouse 1851, ?+1Q59BStE ?b.1809Livermere

Sarah sp of BStE StJames accused of passing forged banknote 11.4.1811

Anne = 13.10.1800BStEStM, John WALES -> 2 children bap. BStEStM . . . Miriam Mortlock WALES = 15.10.1827StPancras, John JUDD

Ann | George 15.8.1805BStEStM-21.8.50BStEStM

Mr, whitesmith, sells BStE property (IJ 20.2.1829)

William 1809-1Q75BStE

Emma 1813BStE, lady’s maid in Brighton 1851

Mary 1816-25.2.1827BStEStJ

Elizabeth 1823Suffolk, svt in Risbygate St BStEStJ 1841

Henry, printer in BStE (but see Hawstead/Chippenham)

22.2.1827 Elizabeth ======John WATSON of BStEStJ 1803Sfk BStEStM 1802Sfk

Elizabeth =2.6.1838BStEStM, H William LUDBROOK

Henry 1829BStEStJ, Sgt77th(EMx)[TNA,WO97/1617/161](link to original corrupt)

? 1Q1914 Annie =====(1)William(2)======Eliza Georgina WHITNEY 1876Hendon | 1882BStE Barnet 3Q1874Hendon-3Q1941Brentwood | gardener | family in Loughton 1929 | Edgware | patient in Brentwood mental hospital 1939 | 1911 | Dorothy May William E 3Q06Wheatley Oxon- 1Q12Hendon-2Q12Barnet (?2.6.1)->1929 ?=3Q1935Epping,Charles CLARK butcher's manager

Suffolk Mortlocks 3 RJHG 05.05.2019 Bury St Edmunds(3) ------John WATSON = Mary 1785/90, harness maker | 1790/5 | 12.5.1814 ? James ======Sarah 1785-3.3.1831BStEStJ BStEStJ +1828* carpenter L.Brackland & Short Brackland innkeeper & schoolmaster | | ------| | | | | | | | | Sarah James Charlotte| Emma George Henry %Charles Frederick | Ann 23.9.19 17.8.18 | 25.2.23 17.5.24- Cornelius 21.5.27BStE- | 26.12.16 | | | | 11.2.25* 2.8.25- 29.10.85Shoreditch^ | =17.8.54 V V | V in WATSON 4Q72 18.5.52= | (BStE) next X | W grave Greenwich St Botolph,London| | William page | R.Marines Emma Mary DOEL| | ARMSTRONG Mary-Ann 1845-7 1827Marlboro’Wilts-| | s.of William, 1821 (invalided) 20.09.1909Hackney^| | grocer | [PRO,ADM157/41f602] ------| | V shoemaker BStE 1851 | Sarah Ann | V engine fitter Deptfd 1861 |17.10.60Shoreditch- | ^ bur.Abney Park 4Q59Shoreditch= | 13.10.33Brighton#¬ | cemetery, Hackney Caroline CHICK | | 1834Portsmouth-<9.5.90StPWorkhouse | Thomas dressmaker St Pancras 1901 | 7.4.-19.7.28 | 5.6.53S.Botolph w‘out Aldrsgate-4Q60Shoreditch Charlotte Elizabeth

% in 1851 Charles is with his WATSON grandparents fits with Charles 1827 left Victoria 8.1854 for Liverpool, ship Lightning

Thomas CUTTING V V Thomas HYSLOP warder V W coachman | 18.4.1847 | | 24.10.1852 | William ======Mary-Ann Emma ======Henry 1812Thumind Nfk StP OldCh 1821 25.2.23 StP Old Ch 1824Hackney upholsterer plasterer

¬ of a fractured skull from falling on some steps[E.SussxCRO/COR/3/2/1933/105] In 1881 the family was at 75 Bland St Newington. Charles Frederick was clerk to a barge builder and Emma and Sarah Ann were running a provision shop.

V James LANGDON X farmer | 13.7.1845 | Charlotte ======Joseph 1818BStE St George 1817Yeovil Somerset Bloomsbury | Joseph John 1851London

This Charlotte fits for Charlotte, 1815/20¬Mx, in St Pancras 1841. In 1834 (? this?) Charlotte, lady’s maid to Lady Newington, was wrongfully imprisoned for theft; a Captain JENNINGS RN had given her handkerchiefs and trinkets that Lady N had intended for him; he was away at sea and could not vouch for her [Harper’s Weekly, 11.4.1851]. Suffolk Mortlocks 4 RJHG 05.05.2019 Bury St Edmunds(4) & Hoxton(HX) [RD Shoreditch] & Tottenham(TN)[RD Edmonton] ------previous page 3.1.1847 | 21.8.1848 Sarah FIELD ======(1)James(2)======Emma CUTTING ?sis of Wm 1809-20.1.47 St Peter 23.9.1819BStE- SMargt 1829Beccles StBotolph Bishopsgate Walworth 1Q67Edmonton Lthbry -2Q1904Edmonton of 34 Anglesea St carpenter1841,7,8 d.of Thomas, he warder Bethnal Green 1847 journeyman joiner1851 ‘house of correction | ’ ------| | | | | | Walter Watson Eliza Susannah Harry Thomas James Chs’ ~William George Alice E 2Q51HX< ---- tw ---- >2Q53HX <16.2.56HX 2Q62TN- 1Q65TN-7.3.35# 4Q66TN- <------bap.7.10.60 ------> 10.10.34# S.Newington 1Q1951 +4Q06Hackney +29.1.1920 shipping Brighton clerk^ Sthend comm.traveller Greenwich clerk 1881clerk to 27.9.99= unm. =>8.8.82Edmontn svt +20.1.26# ivory cutter (Edmonton) |(lic.) 1871,1901 Brentwood then bank Ruth Joy |Amelia Sarah 4Q85Edmonton= secretary HOTSON |LAWSON Emma My HARMAN| =2Q87Edmonton 1865- |1851-6.11.31# 1850Ermington| |Kate Eleanor 23.1.28# |31 Baddow Rd Devon-| |COLDREY 1858- S.Newngtn |Chelmsford 27.2.40#| |21.10.40Brighton# |in Loughton 1901 Brentwood| |------| | | | Winifred May ’Harry Clive Rev Canon Olivia 24.4.83HK- 13.12.1892 Charles Bernard’ Katherine 26.5.83HK 32Bethune d,Stamfd Hll- 27.2.1888TN-31.10.1967 3Q90TN bur.AbneyPk Cmy 29.3.1963Brentwood unm. Capt.25Lond.Cyclsts WWI ~ keen cyclist[Lloyd’s Weekly,25.6.1893] ^ with Cook & Son, Ludgate Circus Harry Thomas, eventually of Woodlands, Primrose Hill, Brentwood, but in 1901 of 33, East Bank, Stamford Hill and described as a cape merchant, rose to a directorship of Durant & Radford, produce brokers of Fenchurch St. Early in his career he was living in Stoke Newington. By 1919 he was in poor health and suffering from ‘brain trouble’. At this point Harry Clive, who had been with Durant and Radford for four years before the war, after leaving Felsted School, tried to get released by the Army but this took until 1921, when he was, however, officially allowed to keep his rank of Captain. Harry Clive then became a director of an import-export house, but it went bust in 1934. In 1939 he volunteered to rejoin the Army in the RAOC, but was turned down, perhaps less because of his age than because his letter sounded more as if he was looking for a job rather than seeking to serve his country. He seems by then to have been in fairly pitiful financial straits and in 1940 was unemployed. He had originally enlisted in August 1914 and had soldiered all through the Kaiser’s war, including serving in France [TNA,WO374/49161].

A keen cricketer, Harry Clive turned out three times for Essex in 1912 and once more, his war service over, in 1921. He was primarily a slow left-arm bowler but was also a useful low-order bat; in the former capacity he took five Derbyshire wickets for 104 runs at Leyton in May 1912.

Canon Charles Bernard was a noted authority on architecture. He served as an Army chaplain in the First World War. He made a couple of transatlantic trips in the fifties - returning from NY 7.12.1950 in SS Ile de France & in SS Liberté 6.5.1952. For more detail, download ‘A Familiar Corbel’ from the Mortlock Encyclopedia.

Suffolk Mortlocks 5 RJHG 05.05.2019 Bury St Edmunds(5) (& see Shimpling(7 & 10), (7), Cavendish(2), ------Denham(6,7), Chevington(6 & 11) & Hargrave(2), Suffolk; & the blacksmiths (Hawstead, & (5)))

4Q49 James ==== Martha SYRETT }with SYRETT in-laws 1826BStE,ostler BStE 1822BStE 1851

Elizabeth+2Q44BStE Sarah +3Q46BStE

Sarah = 2Q66BStE ??Robert KERRAGE~/Henry EDWARDS o.s.Sarah D THORN ~ not the RK 1847P.Louis Mauritius

Mary Ann 1857-1Q1936BStE Mary Ann 1860-3Q99BStE Mary Ann 1864-2Q1935BStE Maud A 1871-3Q1922BStE Mary 1872-1Q1927BStE

Charles Thomas 1Q-2Q87BStE

Olive B <9.12.1916BStEStJ(mother MORTLOCK) =4Q1953NMkt, George C BELTON

Harold E 2Q1917BStE(mother MORTLOCK)-2Q1938Cambridge RD

1Q1956 Harry E ======Sheila K CROSS BStE 1Q1934BStE- +<2011 18.3.2011Hawstead

- MORTLOCK | | 4Q1940 %William Robert ======Doris E FROST 1Q1919BStE-31.7.2012Gazeley BStE 1Q1922BStE-11.8.2012Gazeley | ------| | | | | | | 1Q66 1Q67 | Kenneth R Richard J Yvonne M ==== George Vernon L ====(1)Carol A 4Q40BStE 3Q53NMkt 2Q45BStE Nmkt CONNOLLY BELL NMkt 1Q48BStE | | ------| ------(2)=Chris BECKHAM | | | | Becky Sean Richard Warren Mark - JaJa Charles James David Christopher | NOVOKOWA 4Q67NMkt 4Q69NMkt 4Q1968 W R | = | NMkt 2Q72NMkt | Fiona PRITCHARD | | | | Grace CONNOLLY Sophia

% 15 years RN, CPO. In Hunt Class destroyers on Russian convoys. Post-WW2 set up fence erecting business

Suffolk Mortlocks 6 RJHG 05.05.2019 with Hengrave & the Fornhams(immediately NW of BStE) ------(see also Hargrave(2)

James MORTLOCK of FStM ======+1.10.1744$ | | 9.12.1737 Sarah’ ======Richard REEVE’ of FStM +1764$ BStEStM 1715-<64 | ------| | | Sarah’ Susan’ Deborah’

Sarah of Hengrave = 8.11.1815Flempton, James ARBEN of Hengrave

Mary [removed (pregnant) from Barrow to Hengrave 19.10.1825] | William 5.2.1826Flempton

Great Livermere 1722 2.10.1749 Thomas ======(1)Sarah(2)======(2)Thomas +3.2.1746 Flempton MIRRELLS CHAMBERS | ------| ? | | | | | | Thomas Sarah John Mary John George Murrell Mary 15.4.23 5.5.28 8.4.32- 13.3.34 11.1.38- 12.4.41 24.2.45 =25.6.49 19.4.35 29.12.42 GtLivermere ‘of Hunston’ Jos. |---- Sarah HAUNTON HADLY | of Gt Ashfield f.9.1777 bastardy bond [Bury CRO,F520/7/32/11]

Suffolk Mortlocks 7 RJHG 05.05.2019 Gazeley(GZ) & Higham - see also Chevington [RD Newmarket(NMkt)] ------

9.3.1666 Mary ======(1)Miles(2)======Elizabeth BARNES ?+1664 | +1687#~ StPeter +<1687 |Lond.Ardhdcnr &StPaul | reg 14 f240 London ~ ‘admon to creditors’ ------| | | | Anthony Robert- |{all children bap.St Botolph’s 6.10.61- 10.1.64 |{without Aldersgate; 27.8.65 11.9.64 |{Miles’ death do ?plague | | ------| | | | | | | Rebecca Rebecca Elizabeth John Mary Mary Mary 10.2.67- 22.5.70 19.11.71 8.9.74- 17.10- 12.3.75 17.8.79- 25.7.69 =24.1.87StKathTower 13.2.20GZ 20.10.77 1.5.98GZ smallpox Leonard PEADE = gripe cook Fenchurch St |Ann |+1Q1713GZ | ------| | | Ann Samuel Mary 20.11.81GZ 6.4-20.4.1684GZ 20.4.85GZ =24.9.1705GZ =1732GZ |Robert SPALDING William MURRELLS V V Michael YERBURY

3.11.1691 8.6.1715 Miles/Michael‘of Higham’======(1)Frances SUELL’(2)======Thomas BRAND +8.4.1696GZ$ Gazeley Barrow | ------| | | 18.6.1711 Samuel Michael Frances ======David WILLIAMS 29.11.1692GZ- 24.3.95GZ +29.6.1721FR BStE of Freckenham(FR) 23.5.93GZ | dau = 18.10.1742Mildenhall

(see Hawstead for other Michaels)

Mary = 1657 , George EATHERS (& see Hargrave(Wood Ditton(3)))

Suffolk Mortlocks 8 RJHG 05.05.2019 Newmarket (see also Denham(6), Chevington, Mildenhall(3); ------& Freckenham(2), & Hargrave, Sfk for Wood Ditton, Cambs

The Newmarket RD includes Burrough Green, Cheveley, , Gazeley, Higham, Wickhambrook and Woodditton and so straddles the Cambridgeshire/Suffolk border

NB the 1851 census books for the Newmarket area were lost long ago

John ======Margaret' in Suffolk Lay Subsidies 1524 | yeoman +1558# | | ------| | | | | | | | John’ Henry’ Leonard’ Bess’ Joan’ Frances’ Dorothy’ Mary’ =1571NMkt Thomas DAY

30.8.60 17.4.1662 Mary MILES ======(1)Samuel~(2)======Susan’LYNWORD +7.1.61 NMktStM ?b.?1630 NMktStM +20.5.88NMkt$ | Cheveley,Cambs- | | 21.2.1687#NMkt | ~ ‘alias CLOD’ |3 hearths | | 1674 | | | | ------| | | | | | | Anne Samuel John Mary Matilda’ Susan(na)’ Ann all} 25.8.61 25.12.62- 15.6.64- 7.2.66 10.12.68 30.4.71 St Mary} 15.1.63 2.7.66 =28.6.83NMkt =15.7.88NMkt NMkt} Edmund (2)John MATCHET KILBURNE of Huntingdon

15.6.1704: Robert Mortlock, wife and 3 children removed from St Edward’s, Cambridge to St James, Newmarket under the Poor Laws [Cambs CRO,P28/13/4/3]

Thomas +1707$(inventory only)

Martha = 1736NMkt George PRICE

Robert 2Q-3Q50NMkt

James William Edwin +2Q59/512 1Q56-8.5.59StMNMkt/512 f.1Q98NMkt

Suffolk Mortlocks 9 RJHG 05.05.2019 NE Suffolk ------see also Bradfield, & Brandon(Suffolk);& Gt Yarmouth(Norfolk) for Kirkley/, see Bradfield(3), & Bury St Edmunds see Cambridge (Frederick Cheetham MORTLOCK) for FCM’s ‘marriage’ in Long Melford and for the death of two of his daughters in ; for Southwold, also see Clare (migration via Plumstead(London SE))

Thomas in Blythburgh Lay Subsidies 1524 ? Robert HARVEY | 1.8.1546 | Katherine of Blythburgh ======Robert | Frostenden | Thomas 25.12.1562Frostenden (4’ NW of Southwold)

--- DOLLY | |------1559 | | | Agnes ======(?1)Robert(?2)======Anne John’ f.’ CLEMENT Hensted MORTLOCK +1576-7#(Sfk Archd) | = +<1577 Hensted(nr Beccles) | MIDLETON assessed worth £2 ‘in londes’, Elizabeth’ to pay 6s.8d (1568) manor of Wrentham & Hensted surrendered to him 1571 ? ------| | 1575 Marjorie’ Steven’ ======Katherine’ YONGE unm.1589 +1589#(Sfk Archd) Hensted yeoman of Wrentham(nr Beccles) | {Steven was Anne’s executor | ------| | | John’ Elizabeth’ Mary’

Mary = 2.7.1701, Robert HALL of for Bungay baps 1856, 1857 see the Cambridge banking Mortlocks

Michael admitted to Dunwich corporation 30.9.1753 [sacrament certificate, Ipswich CRO,EE6/1144/175/37]

Elizabeth 1771-26.10.1815Redgrave(nr Diss)

Hannah = 1703Oakley,(N Suffolk) John BARNS for Brome see Denham

Suffolk Mortlocks 10 RJHG 05.05.2019 Ipswich(Ips) & Woodbridge ------see also Hempstead (4), & Colchester(3), Essex; Bradfield(2&3), Clare(8), Chevington (9 & 10), Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk; blacksmiths(Lawshall(2)); & Hundon (William the chapel clerk)

1667Ips Thomas ======Elizabeth HARVEY | ------| | | | | | | | Elizabeth Thomas Mary Richard John Elizabeth Stephen Stephen }St Mary 9.6.68 20.8.69 9.3.72 30.8.74 4.5.77 14.2.79 16.5.81 25.1.85 }Stoke Ips

29.9.1814 Rose otp ======Joseph CATT of (?1755/8-<13.8.1826Witnesham) Witnesham ?1765/6-?<29.7.1844Witnesham ?see blacksmiths, Hawstead(6) [4’N.of Ipswich] there are several CATTs in Witnesham and nearby Swilland, many called Joseph

William b.8.1831Ipswich[?]-1852 carpenter; pte RM 1851-2[TNA,ADM157/56 f162] (William b.1831 Suffolk was in Mildenhall Union Workhouse in 1841)

20.7.56 George SMITH ======(?2)Sarah(?1) ----- MORTLOCK 1820Norfolk Swaffham 1832LanghamSfk | ?+1852/6 marine store dealer | | Swaffham Ellen Frederick Charles 1859Swaffham 4Q52Ipswich

‘Brother’ MORTLOCK, Ipswich Oddfellows [IJ,3.11.1894]

Mary A, pauper, in Suffolk county asylum Woodbridge 14.10.1897-16.7.1901 then immediately in Leicester county asylum 16.7.01-15.7.03 no ‘improvement’

William, pauper, in Suffolk county asylum 19.10.1912-29.5.1916 ‘released’

Bury St Edmunds Quarter Sessions Records ======Two Mortlock bad hats: (Those for which a firm attribution is possible are recorded on the appropriate chart; see Shimpling, Denham(5), Mildenhall, & blacksmiths (Freckenham (3) and narrative))

William 5 yrs for arson (with another man), Suffolk Assizes/Qtr Sessions 26.7.1858

Robert sent to prison at Bury 6.7.1863, for larceny; 12 mo same 4.5.66 at Westminster; 18mo larceny after previous 7.9.67 Clerkenwell

And four that got away: 1765 Richard, charged with larceny but discharged 1832 Mary, b.1808, charged with larceny with another female and a male, but discharged ?see Weeley, Essex? 10.1.1837 John ‘alias SKELTON’, b.1807, charged with larceny but discharged 2.7.1864 Charles acquitted of larceny

Suffolk Mortlocks 11 RJHG 05.05.2019 Suffolk unidentified ------William = 16.4.1683Great Bradley, Elizabeth HAYWARD

John ======Mary | James <2.11.1844Sfk(BTs)

Elizabeth b.1824Sfk, married nurse in Camberwell 1881

Emma 1832‘Sfk’, servant in Marylebone 1851

7.3.1855 William(1)======Jane PARTRIDGE 1835Suffolk-1871Sydney Terrara 1832-1857/8 ship's cook 1879 NSW~ : | ~ or Jameroo, Kiana, : ------Shoalhaven NSW 1888 | | Henry J REID ======Eliza J Fanny Ann Sydney 1856Moruya 1857/8Ulladulla NSW-22.7.1938Ashfield =1879Uladulla (as MORTLOCK) : |Alfred LANSDOWN : | : 4s.5d 1859 : 1863 Emily KEEP ======(2)William Augustus%(3)======Annie CASH^ +1861Parramatta Sydney Sydney ?+1888Paddington NSW | +23.9.1871 | | on board ship Ben Lomond | 1886 male Henry Edward ======Mary Ann 1861-1861Parramatta 1865Sydney-21.3.35Sydney Sydney BENNETT railway labourer | 1870-1938 | ------| | | | Ruby Caroline Vera Gladys Beryl Annie 1888Redfern- 28.1.92Redfern- 10.5.1900Redfern- 2.5.1955Ashfield 26.12.67Burwood 1930Ashfield 14.12.20Redfern= 1916Sydney= 30.6.17Sydney= Philip Gordon WRIGHT George Henry LENNON Augustus JAMES 1885- 1884-1937 1891-1987

% William, 5’6”, dark hair, dark complexion, jumped ship in Sydney, with two others, from the Mary Ann [NSW Government Gazette 14.4.1857]. 2nd cook in the Boomerang 1865, then chief cook in Saxonia 1867,Yarra Yarra April 1869 and in Lady Young 5.1869-2.1870. Cook on ship Ben Lomond, 896 tons, London (Deal 10.8.71) to Sydney arr 26.11.1871, died on board 23 Sep.

^ housekeeper, Gladstone Hotel 1871; 1875-6 keeping the Rose of Denmark hotel in Pitt St, Sydney and then from 1877 to 1881 the True Briton hotel in Elizabeth St South (from which in July 1875 a billiard marker lodger decamped without paying his rent arrears).

William '25, Glasgow' so born 1855, cook, late of the SS Hudson of Liverpool, deserted the Yarra Yarra at Newcastle NSW 27.7.1880

Suffolk Mortlocks 12 RJHG 05.05.2019 Suffolk unidentified(2) ------Mary Ann ===== Thomas MORTLOCK Edmund WARMAN = Sarah }cf.familysearch.org | shoemaker bricklayer | ------| 19.10.40 | 30.4.28 / Thomas ======(2)Philadelphia Anne(1)======Thos RIGNAL / 1811¬Mx StBotolph 28.8.08Tonbridge- Whchapel ?+1837/40 | PO messenger 1841 without 2Q77Chelsea |------| family in St Andrew Aldgate lodging house keeper | | | Undershaft,London 1841 | in Ramsgate 1851 Thomas Richard J | ------1828 1837‘Mx’ | | | 4Q71 Maria Charles Thomas ======Sarah J 1817Shadingfld | 29.8.1841St Andrew Undershaft- Kensington LEPPER =8.7.1839 Sfk 5.10.1918# | 1842Wye,Kent- St Mary 25E.St Bromley(Kent) | 1Q1911Bromley Islington | picture framer of Bromley & Burnley | Henry F LEADER “Charles T M & Sons”^ | optician 1839 ------?------grocer 1851 | | | | | | | Avis Evelyne’ Stuart Edmund’ Malcolm Lepper’ Louisa Violet| is Edward‘s| 3Q72Kensingtn- 1Q79Bromley- 6.80Bromley- Jane Harris| father really <25.1.67Kent? 1Q1947Bromley 15.4.1939# 3Q85 3Q85| Thomas?| unm. 1918 insurance Bromley <- Bromley ->| Mge lines say teacher;in clerk 1901 cabinet maker +3Q85 | Edward,clerk| Bromley 1901 =3Q16Bromley 3Q09Pancras= | Elsie E GAYFER Annie Lydia’| | | 16.5.1875 GAYFER| | Edward ======Mary JENNINGS +>1939|------| 1Q45Tunbridge Wells- NottingHl 1849Devizes,Wilts- | | | <3.2.1921Hersham Clements <20.11.1934Hendon Charles W Malcolm S| upholsterer witnRignal bur.Hersham 3Q14Bromley 1Q10Bromley| Hammersmith1881->1901 | V | ------n.p. | | | | | | | Edward Charles Warman~ Avis Emily Alice Louise Lucy Hilda | 14.5.76N.Hill- 25.11.77N.Hill- 18.5.79Chelsea Ethel Mary | 6.5.1937# 2Q1951N.Surrey (b.Paddington)- 2Q85 3Q88 | Chiswick upholstress dressmaker Kensington Bromley | [reg.Southwark RD] =1Q16Brentford dressmaker Kent | butcher in Lambeth 1901,1911 DONNELL | (97 Dalburg Rd Brixton) | =3Q1901Lambeth Charles Thomas |Jane CAMBRAY 2Q88Bromley | electrician |------| | | V Winifred Agnes Cyril Edward next page 1Q03Fulham 4Q05Lambeth

~ gnr RFA WW1; 16.9.1918 severe gunshot wound to buttock penetrated bladder; wound pension [TNA,WO363/M2030]. To 68,Broadway, Leigh on Sea 1921. ^ PA Mortlock, High Row, Silver St, Notting Hill, & CT & EM Mortlock, S.John’s Mews, Ledbury Hill, Bayswater, cabinet makers, bankrupt 1868 [Times, 24.6.68]

Thomas, postman (reads, writes ‘imperfectly’!), ‘b.1811 [or 1808]’, married, one child, 15 years transportation (Old Bailey 18.9.43) [The Era, 24.9.1843] (commuted from death sentence) for stealing a letter containing two sovereigns, arr. Tasmania in the Marion 1844 ‘age 35’ (in City 1841 age 30). In Tasmania 1846, 1849. Suffolk Mortlocks 13 RJHG 05.05.2019 Suffolk unidentified(3) ------previous page | 3Q1908 Charles Thomas ======Edith Annie HEARN 2Q1888Bromley,electrician Lewisham 1899 | ------| | | Charles Walter Arthur Leslie Evelyn E 4Q08Lewisham 9.1910Bromley 4Q12Bromley plumber 15.10.1932Tatsfield Sy= Florence STREETS 1909

previous page | 2Q1938 Malcolm Stuart ======Dorothy E OGLE 22.6.1910Bromley-4Q90Lewes Tonbridge 19.3.1907 bank clerk | ------| | | 2Q63 Malcolm C G Anthony John ======Pat AUSTEN 1943-1968Bromley 15.4.40Tonbridge- Bromley 1Q64Bromley= 16.8.2013Weald | HORTIN | ------| | Andrew Vivienne V ? Andrew Austen of AstraZeneca Manchester (several patents awarded/filed)

MORTLAKE ? Elizabeth (Susan 1891) +<1881 | 1853Thurlow$[nr Haverhill]- but see Surrey? | 3Q1918Hammersmith | 'widow(?)',cook,‘visitor’ | c/o Wm RICHARDSON, | bootmaker 9 Farm St Kensngtn 1881 | charwoman 1891 | family in Shepherd’s Bush 1911 | \ ------\ | | | \ Lilla M Frederick George William Edgar Alfred Spencer 27.4.1876Kensington- 1878Notting Hill- 5.8.80NottngHill- 1888Hammersmth- 3Q1939Westminster 2Q1924Marylebone 2Q1951#Ealing 4Q1940Hammersmth 1901cook Kingstn/Thames plumber’s lab. oil & lacemaker’s =3Q20Chelmsford colour man’s clerk 1911 |Susan WALLIS asst(manager 1939) | army WW1 Douglas W left £2856 2Q-2Q1921Hammersmith =4Q1916Hammersmith Flora Caroline HUNT 26.2.1880->1951

$ but see also Bankers, 'The FINCHES and Frederick Cheetham MORTLOCK', foot of page

Suffolk Mortlocks 14 RJHG 05.05.2019