Scrabble Word List 2016
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Scrabble Word List 2016
AA: n pl. –S rough, cindery lava EX: n pl. EXES the letter X AB: n pl. –S an abdominal muscle FA: n pl. –S the fourth tone of the diatonic AD: n pl. –S an advertisement musical scale AE: adj one FE: n –FES a Hebrew letter AG: adj pertaining to agriculture FY: an expression of disgust – Can be AH: interj – used to express delight, relief, extended with “S” or contempt GI: a judo or karate costume AI: n pl. –S a three-toed sloth GO: v WENT, GONE, GOING, GOES to move AL: n pl. –S an East Indian tree along AM: present 1st person sing. of BE GU: a simple violin used in Shetland (also AN: indefinite article – used before words GJU, GUE) beginning with a vowel HA: n pl. –S a sound of surprise AR: n pl. –S the letter R HE: n pl. –S a male person AS: adv to the same degree HI: interj – used as a greeting AT: prep in the position of HM: interj – used to express thoughtful AW: interj – used to express protest, disgust, consideration or disbelief HO: interj – used to express surprise AX: v –ED, -ING, -ES to work on with an ax (a ID: n pl. –S a part of the psyche type of cutting tool) IF: n pl. –S a possibility AY: n pl. –S aye IN: v INNED, INNING, INS to harvest BA: n pl. –S the eternal soul in Egyptian IO: a cry of joy mythology IS: v present 3rd person sing. of BE BE: v AM, ARE, ART, WAS, WERE, WAST, IT: pron the 3rd person sing. of BE WERT, BEEN, BEING to have actuality JA: Yes BI: n pl. –S bisexual JO: n pl. -ES a sweetheart BO: n pl. –S a pal KA: n pl. –S the spiritual self of a human BY: n pl. –S a pass in certain card games being in Egyptian religion CH: n. I (English dialect) KI: n pl. -S the vital force in Chinese DA: n. a Burmese heavy knife thought DE: prep of; from – used in names KO: a Maori digging stick DI: a plural of deus (a god) KY: Cows. –Can be extended with “E” or “S” DO: n pl. –S the first tone of the diatonic LA: n pl. –S the sixth tone of the diatonic scale musical scale EA: A river LI: n pl. a Chinese unit of distance ED: n pl. –S education LO: interj – used to attract attention or to EE: n. an eye (Scottish/ Northern English express surprise dialect) MA: n pl. –S mother EF: n pl. –S the letter F ME: pron the objective case of the pronoun I EH: interj – used to express doubt MI: n pl. –MIS the third tone of the diatonic EL: n pl. –S an elevated railroad or train musical scale EM: n pl. –S the letter M MM: interj – Used to express assent or EN: n pl. –S the letter N satisfaction ER: interj – used to express hesitation MO: n pl. –S a moment ES: n pl. ESES the letter S (also spelled ESS) MU: n pl. –S a Greek letter ET: a past tense of EAT
MY: pron the possessive form of the PO: A chamber pot pronoun I QI: n p. -S the vital force that in Chinese NA: adv no; not thought is inherent in all things NE: adj born with the name of (also NEE) RE: n pl. –S the second tone of diatonic NO: n pl. NOS or NOES a negative reply musical scale NU: n pl. –S a Greek letter SH: interj – used to urge silence NY: to approach –Can be extended with SI: n pl. –S ti “ES” or “S” SO: n pl. –S the fifth tone of the diatonic OB: an objection musical scale OD: n pl. –S a hypothetical force of natural ST: An exclamation of impatience –can be power extended with “S” OE: n pl. –S a whirlwind off the Faeroe TA: n pl. –S an expression of gratitude Islands TE: A musical note OF: prep coming from TI: n TIS the seventh tone of the diatonic OH: v –ED, -ING, -S to exclaim in surprise, musical scale pain, or desire TO: prep in the direction of OI: v – oy--used to express dismay or pain UG: to arouse loathing [v] OM: n pl. –S a mantra used in contemplation UH: interj – used to express hesitation of ultimate reality UM: interj – used to express hesitation ON: n pl. –S the side of the wicket where a UN: pron pl. –S one batsman stands in cricket UP: v UPPED, UPPING, UPS to raise OP: n pl. –S a style of abstract art UR: A city in Iraq OR: n pl. –S the heraldic color gold US: pron the objective case of the pronoun OS: n pl. –S ORA, OSSA, or OSAR either an we orifice, a bone, or an esker UT: n pl. –S the musical tone C in the French OW: interj – used to express sudden pain solmization system, now replaced by do OU: A bloke WE: pron the 1st person pl. pronoun in the OX: n pl. OXEN or OXES a hoofed mammal nominative case or clumsy person WO: n pl. –S woe OY: interj – used to express dismay or pain XI: n pl. –S a Greek letter PA: n pl. –S a father XU: n pl. XU a monetary unit of Vietnam PE: n pl. –S a Hebrew letter YA: pron you PI: v PIED, PIEING, PIING, or PIES to jumble YE: pron you or disorder YO: interj – used to call attention or express affirmation YU: precious jade ZA: n pl. -S a pizza ZO: A Himalayan cross between a yak and a cow (als DZO, DSO,ZHO, DZHO)
3 – LETTER WORDS A ANE: one ANI: tropical American black cuckoo AAH: to exclaim in delight ANT: small insect AAL: East Indian shrub ANY: one or another AAS: [aa] (rough, cindery lava) APE: to mimic ABA: sleeveless garment APO: a type of protein ABB: yarn used for warp APP: computer program (application) ABO: aborigine APT: appropriate ABS: [ab] (abdominal muscle) ARB: stock trader ABY: to pay the penalty for (abye) ARC: to travel a curved course ACE: to make a perfect shot ARD: plough used to scratch top surface ACT: to perform by action of soil ADD: to perform addition ARE: unit of surface measure/conj. of be ADO: bustle ARF: dog's bark ADS: [ad] (advertisement) ARK: large boat ADZ: cutting tool (adze) ARM: to supply with weapons AFF: off ARS: [ar] (letter 'r') AFT: toward the stern ART: skill acquired by experience AGA: Turkish military officer ASH: tree/to burn into ashes AGE: to grow old ASK: to question AGO: in the past ASP: venemous snake AGS: [ag] agriculture ASS: donkey AHA: intj. expressing sudden realization ATE: reckless impulse driving one to ruin AHI: yellow fin tuna ATT: Laotian monetary unit AHS: [ah] to exclaim in amazement AUK: diving seabird AID: to help AVA: at all AIL: to suffer pain AVE: expression of greeting AIM: to point in a direction AVO: monetary unit of Macau AIN: Hebrew letter (ayin) AWA: away AIR: to broadcast AWE: to inspire with awe AIS: [ai] (three-toed sloth) AWL: pointed punching tool AIT: small island AWN: bristle like appendage of certain grasses ALA: wing AXE: to cut with an axe ALB: long-sleeved vestment AYE: affirmative vote ALE: alcoholic beverage AYS: [ay] (affirmative vote) ALK: sap or resin from turpentine trees AZO: containing nitrogen ALL: everything one has
ALP: high mountain ALS: [al] (East Indian tree) B ALT: high-pitched note BAA: [baa] (to bleat) AMA: Oriental nurse (amah) BAD: something bad AMI: friend BAG: to put into a bag AMP: unit of electric current strength BAH: intj. expressing disgust AMU: atomic mass unit BAL: type of shoe (balmoral) ANA: collection of info. on a subject BAM: to strike with a dull sound AND: added condition BAN: to prohibit/Rumanian coin
BAP: small roll C BAR: to exclude CAB: to drive a taxi BAS: [ba] (eternal soul in Egyptian CAD: ungentlemanly man mythology) CAM: rotating machine part BAT: to hit a baseball CAN: to be able/to put into a can BAY: to howl CAP: to put a cover onto BED: to provide with a bed CAR: automobile BEE: winged insect CAT: to anchor to a cathead BEG: to plead CAW: to caw like a crow BEL: unit of power CAY: small low island BEN: inner room CEE: letter 'c' BES: a Hebrew letter CEL: drawn frame of animation BET: to wager CEP: large mushroom (cepe) BEY: Turkish ruler CHI: Greek letter BIB: to drink alcohol CIG: cigarette BID: to make a bid CIS: having certain atoms on same side of BIG: large molecule BIN: to store in a bin COB: corncob BIO: biography COD: to fool BIS: [bi] (bisexual) COG: to cheat at dice BIT: to restrain with a bit COL: depression between two mountains BIZ: business CON: to swindle BOA: large snake COO: to make the sound of a dove BOB: to move up and down COP: to steal BOD: body COR: intj. expressing surprise BOG: to impede COS: lettuce variety BOO: to deride COT: lightweight bed BOP: to hit COW: to intimidate BOS: [bo] (pal) COX: to direct a racing boat (coxswain) BOT: botfly larva COY: shy/to caress BOW: to bend forward at the waist COZ: cousin BOX: to put into a box CRU: French wine classification BOY: male child CRY: to weep BRA: brassiere CUB: young of certain animals BRO: brother CUD: food portion to be chewed again BRR: intj. used to indicate coldness CUE: to signal a start BUB: young fellow CUM: together with BUD: to grow buds CUP: to place into a cup BUG: to annoy CUR: mongrel dog BUM: to live idly CUT: to make an incision BUN: small bread roll CWM: circular basin with steep walls (cirque) BUR: to remove a rough edge from
BUS: to transport by bus BUT: flatfish D BUY: to purchase DAB: to touch lightly BYE: free advance to next tournament round DAD: father BYS: [by] (side issue) DAG: hanging shred
DAH: dash in Morse code DUO: instrumental duet DAK: transport by relay DUP: to open DAL: lentil dish DYE: to color DAM: to build a dam DAN: skill level in martial arts E DAP: to dip into water EAR: hearing organ DAW: to dawn EAT: to consume DAY: 24 hours EAU: water DEB: debutante EBB: to recede DEE: letter 'd’ ECU: old French coin DEF: excellent EDH: Old English letter DEL: differential calculus operator EDS: [ed] (education) DEN: to live in a lair EEK: intj. expressing fright DEV: Hindu god (deva) EEL: snakelike fish DEW: to wet with dew EFF: letter 'f' (ef) DEX: sulphate used as stimulant EFS: [ef] (letter 'f') DEY: former North African ruler EFT: newt DIB: to fish EGG: to throw eggs at DID: [do-conj] (to execute) EGO: conscious self DIE: to cease living/to make a die EKE: to get with great difficulty DIF: difference ELD: old age DIG: to scoop earth from the ground ELF: small, often mischievous fairy DIM: obscure/to make obscure ELK: large deer DIN: to make a loud noise ELL: letter 'l' DIP: to immerse briefly ELM: deciduous tree DIS: to disrespect ELS: [el] (letter 'l') DIT: dot in Morse code EME: uncle DOC: doctor EMF: electromotive force DOE: female deer EMS: [em] (printer's measurement) DOG: to follow after like a dog EMU: large, flightless bird DOL: unit of pain intensity END: to terminate DOM: title given to certain monk ENG: phonetic symbol DON: to put on ENS: entity DOP: copper cup for holding a diamond while EON: long period of time (aeon) cutting it ERA: chronological period (epoch) DOR: black European beetle ERE: previous to; before DOS: [do] (first tone of diatonic musical scale) ERG: unit of work or energy DOT: to cover with dots ERN: erne DOW: to prosper ERR: to make a mistake DRY: having no moisture ERS: European climbing plant (ervil) DUB: to confer knighthood upon ESS: letter 's' (es) DUD: bomb that fails to explode ETA: Greek letter DUE: something owed ETH: Old English letter (edh) DUG: teat, udder EVE: evening DUH: an ironic response to a question EWE: female sheep DUI: [duo-pl] (instrumental duet) EYE: organ of sight/to watch closely DUN: of a dull brown color/to demand
F FOY: farewell feast or gift FRO: away FAB: fabulous/something fabricated FRY: to cook over direct heat in hot fat or oil FAD: passing fancy FUB: to fob FAG: to make weary by hard work FUD: old-fashioned person FAN: to use a fan to cool FUG: to make stuffy FAR: at or to a great distance FUN: to act playfully FAS: [fa] (fourth tone of diatonic musical FUR: to cover with fur scale)
FAT: obese/to make fat FAX: to reproduce by electronic means G FAY: to join closely GAB: to chatter FED: federal agent GAD: to roam about restlessly FEE: to pay a fee to GAE: to go FEH: Hebrew letter (pe) GAG: to prevent from talking FEM: passive homosexual GAL: girl FEN: marsh GAM: to visit socially FER: for GAN: [gin-conj] (to begin) FES: [fe] a Hebrew letter-feh GAP: to make an opening in FET: to fetch GAR: to compel FEU: to grant land to under Scottish feudal GAS: to supply with gas law GAT: pistol FEW: amounting to or consisting of a small GAY: merry/homosexual number GED: food fish FEY: crazy GEE: to turn right FEZ: brimless cap worn by men in the Near GEL: to become like jelly East GEM: to adorn with gemstones FIB: to tell a white lie GEN: knowledge from an investigation FID: topmast support bar GET: to obtain FIE: intj. expressing disapproval GEY: very FIG: to adorn GHI: liquid butter made in India (ghee) FIL: coin of Iraq, Jordan GIB: to fasten with a wedge FIN: to equip with fins GID: disease of sheep FIR: evergreen tree GIE: to give FIT: healthy/to be suitable for GIG: to catch fish with a pronged spear FIX: to repair GIN: to begin/to remove seeds from cotton FIZ: hissing or sputtering sound GIP: to gyp FLU: virus disease GIT: intj. used as an order of dismissal FLY: to move through the air GNU: large antelope FOB: to deceive GOA: Asian gazelle FOE: enemy GOB: to fill a pit with waste FOG: to cover with fog GOD: a supernatural being FOH: intj. faugh GOO: slimy stuff FON: warm, dry wind (foehn) GOR: intj. used as a mild oath FOP: to deceive GOS: [go] a Japanese board game FOR: directed or sent to GOT: [get-conj] (to obtain) FOU: drunk GOX: gaseous oxygen FOX: to outwit GOY: non-Jewish person
GUL: design in oriental carpets HON: honeybun GUM: to chew without teeth HOP: to move by jumping on one foot GUN: to shoot with a gun HOT: having a high temperature/to heat GUT: to remove the guts of HOW: method of doing something GUV: governor HOY: heavy barge GUY: to ridicule HUB: center of a wheel GYM: large room for sports activities HUE: color GYP: to swindle HUG: to grasp with both arms HUH: intj. expressing surprise H HUM: to sing without words HUN: barbarian HAD: [have-conj] (to possess) HUP: used to mark a marching cadence HAE: to have HUT: to live in a hut HAG: to hack HYP: hypochondria HAH: ha
HAJ: pilgrimage to Mecca (hadj) HAM: to overact I HAO: Vietnamese monetary unit ICE: to cover with ice HAP: to happen ICH: fish disease HAS: [ha] (sound expressing triumph) ICK: intj. expressing distaste HAT: to provide with a hat ICY: covered with ice HAW: to turn left IDS: [id] (part of psyche) HAY: to make into hay IFE: tropical African fibrous plant HEH: Hebrew letter (heth) IFF: if and only if HEM: to add an edge to IFS: [if] (possible condition) HEN: female chicken IGG: to ignore HEP: hip ILK: kind HER: possessive case of the pronoun she ILL: evil HES: [he] (male person) IMP: to graft feathers onto a bird's wing HET: Hebrew letter (heth) INK: to apply ink to HEW: to cut with an ax INN: to house at an inn HEX: to cast an evil spell upon INS: [in] (influence) HEY: intj. used to attract attention ION: electrically charged atom HIC: intj. used to represent a hiccup IRE: to anger HID: [hide-conj] (to conceal) IRK: to annoy HIE: to hurry ISM: doctrine HIM: objective case of the pronoun he IST: one who holds to an 'ism' HIN: Hebrew unit of liquid measure ITS: possessive form of [it] HIP: aware of the most current styles and IVI: Tahitian chestnut tree trends IVY: climbing vine HIS: possessive form of the pronoun he HIT: to strike J HMM: intj. expressing thought JAB: to poke HOB: to provide with hobnails JAG: to cut unevenly HOC: card game, now obsolete JAM: to force together tightly HOD: portable trough JAR: to cause to shake HOE: to use a hoe HOG: to take more than one's share
JAW: to jabber KOB: reddish brown antelope JAY: corvine bird KOI: large Japanese carp JEE: to turn right (gee) KOP: hill JET: to fly in a jet KOR: Hebrew unit of measure JEU: game KOS: land measure in India JEW: to bargain with {offensive} KUE: letter 'q' JIB: to refuse to proceed further KYE: private Korean-American banking club JIG: to bob JIN: Muslim supernatural being (jinn) L JOB: to work by the piece LAB: laboratory JOE: fellow LAC: resinous substance secreted by insects JOG: to run slowly LAD: boy JOT: to write down quickly LAG: to fall behind JOW: to toll LAM: to flee JOY: to rejoice LAP: to drink with the tongue JUD: mass of coal ready for final removal LAR: Roman tutelary god JUG: to put into a jug LAS: [la] (sixth tone of diatonic musical scale) JUN: coin of North Korea LAT: former Latvian monetary unit JUS: legal right LAV: lavatory JUT: to protrude LAW: to sue
LAX: not strict or stringent K LAY: to place KAB: ancient Hebrew unit of measure LEA: meadow KAE: crow-like bird LED: [lead-conj] (to show the way) KAF: Hebrew letter (kaph) LEE: shelter from the wind KAS: large cupboard/pl. of ka LEG: to walk hurriedly KAT: evergreen shrub LEI: flower necklace KAY: letter 'k' LEK: Albanian monetary unit KEA: parrot LET: to rent KED: wingless fly that feeds on livestock LEU: monetary unit of Rumania KEB: ewe that gives birth to stillborn lamb LEV: Bulgarian monetary unit KEF: marijuana LEX: law KEG: small barrel LEY: lea KEN: to know LEZ: lesbian KEP: to catch LIB: liberation KET: carrion; matted wool LID: to provide with a lid KEX: dry, hollow stalk LIE: to tell untruths KEY: to provide with a key LIN: waterfall (linn) KHI: Greek letter (chi) LIP: to touch with the lips KID: to tease LIS: [li] (Chinese unit of distance) KIF: marijuana (kef) LIT: [light] (to illuminate)/former Lithuanian KIN: group of related people monetary unit (litas) KIP: to sleep LOB: to throw in a high arc KIS: the flesh of a young goat LOG: to cut down trees for timber KIR: alcoholic beverage LOO: to subject to a forfeit at the card game KIT: to equip LOP: to chop off KOA: timber tree LOT: to distribute proportionately
LOW: close to the ground/to make the sound MOM: mother of cattle MON: man LOX: to supply with lox (liquid oxygen) MOO: to make the sound of a cow LUG: to pull with effort MOP: to wipe with a mop LUM: chimney MOR: forest humus LUV: sweetheart MOS: [mo] (moment) LUX: unit of illumination MOT: witty saying LYE: solution used to make soap MOW: to cut down grass MUD: to cover with mud M MUG: to assault with intent to rob MUM: to act in disguise MAC: raincoat MUN: man MAD: insane/to madden MUS: [mu] (Greek letter) MAE: more MUT: mutt MAG: magazine MYC: gene that regulates other genes MAN: adult human male/to supply with men
MAP: to draw a map MAR: to destroy the perfection of N MAS: [ma] (mother) NAB: to capture MAT: to pack into a dense mass NAE: no; not MAW: to mow NAG: to find fault incessantly MAX: maximum NAH: no MAY: to have permission NAM: [nim-conj] (to steal) MED: medical NAN: Indian flat round leavened bread MEG: megabyte NAP: to sleep briefly MEL: honey NAW: no MEM: a Hebrew letter NAY: negative vote MEN: [man] (adult human male) NEB: bird beak MET: [meet-conj] (to make the acquaintance NEE: born with the name of of) NEF: ornamental stand in shape of ship for MEW: to meow holding salt or cutlery MHO: unit of electrical conductance NEG: photographic negative MIB: playing marble NET: to catch in a net MIC: microphone NEW: existing only a short time MID: middle NIB: a pen-point MIG: playing marble NIL: nothing MIL: unit of length NIM: to steal MIM: primly demure NIP: to bite quickly MIR: Russian peasant commune NIT: insect egg MIS: [mi] (third tone of diatonic musical NIX: to veto/water sprite scale) NOB: wealthy person MIX: to combine NOD: to move the head downward MOA: extinct flightless bird NOG: strong ale/to fill space with bricks MOB: to crowd about NOH: classical drama of Japan MOC: soft leather heelless shoe (moccasin) NOM: name MOD: one who wears boldly stylish clothes NOO: now MOG: to move away NOR: and not MOL: unit of quantity in chemistry (mole) NOS: [no] (negative reply)
NOT: in no way ORE: a mineral that contains metal and is NOW: present time precious enough to be mined. NTH: pert. to item number n ORS: [or] (heraldic color gold) NUB: protuberance ORT: table scrap NUN: woman belonging to a religious order OSE: ridge of sand (esker) NUS: [nu] (Greek letter) OUD: stringed instrument of northern Africa NUT: to gather nuts OUR: belonging to us OUT: to be revealed O ORF: viral infection of sheep OVA: [ovum-pl] female reproductive cell OAF: clumsy person OWE: to be under obligation to pay OAK: hardwood tree OWL: nocturnal bird OAR: to row with oars OWN: to possess OAT: cereal grass OXO: containing oxygen OBA: hereditary African king OXY: containing oxygen OBE: African sorcery (obeah)
OBI: African sorcery (obeah) OCA: South American herb P ODA: harem room PAC: shoe patterned after a moccasin ODD: one that is odd/unusual PAD: to line with padding ODE: lyric poem PAH: intj. used as an exclamation of disgust ODS: [od] (hypothetical force of natural PAL: to hang around with as friends power) PAM: jack of clubs OES: [oe] (Faroean wind) PAN: to criticize harshly OFF: to kill PAP: soft food for infants OFT: often PAR: to shoot par on a hole OHM: unit of electrical resistance PAS: [pa] (father) OHO: intj. expressing surprise PAT: to touch lightly OHS: [oh] (to exclaim "oh") PAW: to scrape at with a paw OIL: to supply with oil PAX: ceremonial embrace given to signify OKA: Turkish unit of weight Christian love and unity OKE: Turkish unit of weight (oka) PAY: to give money in order to buy OLD: individual of a specified age/living something or existing for a relatively long time PEA: edible seed of an annual herb OLE: shout of approval PEC: pectoral muscle OMS: [om] (mantra used in meditation) PED: natural soil aggregate ONE: number 1 PEE: to urinate {offensive} ONO: large mackerel PEG: to nail (a wooden pin) ONS: [on] (side of wicket in cricket) PEH: Hebrew letter (pe) OOH: to exclaim in amazement PEN: to write OOT: out PEP: to fill with energy OPE: to open PER: for each OPS: [op] (style of abstract art) PES: foot/pl. of pe (Hebrew letter) OPT: to choose PET: to caress with the hand ORA: [os-pl] (orifice) PEW: bench for seating people in church ORB: to form into a sphere PHI: Greek letter ORC: marine mammal (orca) PHT: intj. used as an expression of mild anger or annoyance
PIA: brain membrane R PIC: photograph RAD: to fear PIE: to pi RAG: to scold PIG: to bear pigs (cloven-hoofed mammals) RAH: intj. used to cheer on a team or player PIN: to fasten with a pin RAI: style of popular Algerian music PIP: to break through the shell of an egg RAJ: dominion; sovereignty PIS: [pi] (Greek letter) RAM: to strike with great force PIT: to mark with cavities or depressions RAN: [run-conj] (to move by rapid steps) PIU: more used as a musical direction RAP: to strike sharply PIX: container for the Eucharist (pyx) RAS: Ethiopian prince PLY: to supply with or offer repeatedly RAT: to hunt rats (long-tailed rodents) POD: to produce seed vessels RAW: uncooked/sore or irritated spot POH: intj. expressing disgust RAX: to stretch out POI: Hawaiian food RAY: to emit rays POL: politician REB: Confederate soldier POM: English immigrant in Australia REC: recreation POO: n. feces / intj .or interjection of RED: of the color red/to put into order disappointment REE: female Eurasian sandpiper POP: to make a sharp, explosive sound REF: to referee POT: to put into a pot REG: regulation POW: explosive sound REI: erroneous form of former Portuguese POX: to infect with syphilis coin PRO: argument or vote in favor of something REM: quantity of ionizing radiation PRY: to inquire impertinently into private REP: cross-ribbed fabric matters RES: thing or matter PSI: Greek letter RET: to soak in order to loosen the fiber from PST: used to attract attention the woody tissue PUB: tavern REX: animal with a single wavy layer of PUD: pudding hair/king PUG: to fill in with clay or mortar RHO: Greek letter PUL: coin of Afghanistan RIA: long, narrow inlet PUN: to make a pun (a play on words) RIB: to poke fun at PUP: to give birth to puppies RID: to free from something objectionable PUR: to purr RIF: to lay off from employment PUS: viscous fluid formed in infected tissue RIG: to put in proper condition for use PUT: to place in a particular position RIM: an outer edge PUY: small volcanic cone RIN: to run or melt PYA: copper coin of Burma RIP: to tear or cut apart roughly PYE: book of ecclesiastical rules in the pre ROB: to take property from illegally reformation English church ROC: legendary bird of prey PYX: container for the Eucharist ROD: to provide with a rod
ROE: mass of eggs within a female fish Q ROM: male gypsy QAT: evergreen shrub (kat) ROT: to decompose QIS: [qi] vital life-sustaining energy force ROW: to propel by means of oars QUA: in the capacity of RUB: to move along the surface of a body with pressure
RUE: to feel sorrow or remorse for SIT: to rest on the buttocks RUG: to tear roughly SIX: number 6 RUM: alcoholic liquor/odd SKA: Jamaican music RUN: to move by rapid steps SKI: to travel on skis RUT: to make ruts (grooves) in SKY: to hit or throw toward the sky RYA: Scandinavian hand-woven rug SLY: crafty RYE: cereal grass SOB: to cry with a convulsive catching of the breath S SOD: to cover with sod (turf) SOL: fifth tone of diatonic musical scale (so) SAB: to sob SOM: Kyrgyzstan monetary unit SAC: pouch like structure in an animal or SON: male child plant SOP: to dip or soak in a liquid SAD: unhappy SOS: [so] (fifth tone of diatonic musical scale) SAE: so SOT: habitual drunkard SAG: to bend or sink downward from weight SOU: former French coin or pressure SOW: to scatter over land for growth, as seed SAL: salt SOX: [sock-pl] (knitted or woven covering for SAP: to weaken gradually the foot) SAT: [sit-conj] (to rest on the buttocks) SOY: soybean SAU: xu SPA: mineral spring SAW: to cut or divide with a saw SPY: to watch secretly SAX: saxophone SRI: mister; sir used as a Hindu title of SAY: to utter respect SEA: ocean STY: to keep in a pigpen SEC: secant SUB: to act as a substitute SEE: to perceive with the eyes SUE: to institute legal proceedings against SEG: advocate of racial segregation SUK: marketplace SEI: large whale (rorqual) SUM: to add into one total SEL: self SUN: to expose to the sun SEN: monetary unit of Japan SUP: to eat supper SER: unit of weight of India SUQ: marketplace (souk) SET: to put in a particular position SYN: syne SEW: to mend or fasten with a needle and
thread SEX: to determine the sex of T SHA: intj. used to urge silence (shh) TAB: to name or designate SHE: female person TAD: small boy SHH: intj. used to urge silence TAE: to. SHY: timid/to move suddenly back in fear TAG: to provide with a tag SIB: sibling TAJ: tall, conical cap worn in Muslim SIC: to urge to attack countries SIM: simulation TAM: tight-fitting Scottish cap SIN: to commit a sin TAN: brown from the sun's rays/to convert SIP: to drink in small quantities hide into leather by soaking in SIR: respectful form of address used to a chemicals man TAO: path of virtuous conduct according to a SIS: sister Chinese philosophy
TAP: to strike gently TUN: to store in a large cask TAR: to cover with tar TUP: to copulate with a ewe TAS: [ta] (thanks) TUT: to utter an exclamation of impatience TAT: to make tatting TUX: tuxedo TAU: Greek letter TWA: two TAV: Hebrew letter TWO: number 2 TAW: to convert into white leather by the TYE: chain on a ship application of minerals TAX: to place a tax on U TEA: beverage made by infusing dried leaves UDO: Japanese herb in boiling water UGH: sound of a cough or grunt TED: to spread for drying UKE: ukulele TEE: to place a golf ball on a small peg ULU: Eskimo knife TEG: yearling sheep UMM: intj. expressing hesitation (um) TEL: ancient mound in the Middle East UMP: to umpire TEN: number 10 UNS: [un] (one) TEJ: Ethiopian honey-mead UPO: upon TET: Hebrew letter (teth) UPS: [up] (to raise) TEW: to work hard URB: urban area TEX: unit of measurement of fineness of URD: annual bean grown in India fibres and yarn URE: use; custom THE: article used to specify or make URN: type of vase particular URP: to vomit THO: though USE: to put into service THY: possessive form of the pronoun thou UTA: large lizard TIC: involuntary muscular contraction UTE: utility vehicle TIE: to fasten with a cord or rope UTS: [ut] (musical tone) TIL: sesame plant
TIN: to coat with tin TIP: to tilt V TIS: 7th tone of diatonic musical scale VAC: vacuum cleaner TIT: small bird VAN: large motor vehicle TOD: British unit of weight VAR: unit of reactive power TOE: to touch with the toe VAS: anatomical duct TOG: to clothe VAT: to put into a vat TOM: male of various animals VAU: Hebrew letter (vav) TON: unit of weight VAV: Hebrew letter TOO: in addition VAW: Hebrew letter (vav) TOP: to cut off the top VEE: the letter ‘v’ TOR: high, craggy hill VEG: vegetable TOT: to total VET: to treat animals medically TOW: to pull by means of a rope/chain VEX: to annoy TOY: to amuse oneself as if with a toy VIA: by way of TRY: to attempt VID: video TSK: to utter a scolding exclamation VIE: to strive for superiority TUB: to wash in a tub VIG: charge paid to a bookie on a bet TUG: to pull with force VIM: energy TUI: bird of New Zealand VIS: force or power
VOE: small bay, creek, or inlet WYN: rune for 'W' (wynn) VOW: to make a vow VOX: voice X VUG: small cavity in a rock or lode XIS: [xi] (Greek letter) VUM: expressing surprise
W Y YAD: rod used by readers of the Torah as a WAB: web pointer for following text WAD: to form into a wad YAG: synthetic diamond made of yttrium WAE: woe aluminium garnet WAG: to move briskly up and down or to and YAH: intj. used as an exclamation of disgust fro YAK: to chatter WAN: to become wan/unnaturally pale YAM: plant having an edible root WAP: to wrap YAP: to bark shrilly WAR: to engage in war YAR: yare WAS: [be-conj] (to exist) YAW: to deviate from an intended course WAT: hare/wet YAY: to this extent WAW: Hebrew letter (vav) YEA: affirmative vote WAX: to coat with wax YEH: yeah WAY: method of doing something YEN: to yearn WEB: to provide with a web YEO: stream or drain used in mining WED: to marry YEP: yes WEE: short time/very small YES: to give an affirmative reply to WEN: benign skin tumor YET: up to now WET: soaked with a liquid/to make wet YEW: evergreen tree or shrub WEY: old measure for dry goods usually equal YEX: to hiccup, belch or spit to 40 bushels YID: Jew {offensive} WHA: who YIN: feminine passive principle {Chinese} WHO: what or which person or persons YIP: to yelp WHY: reason or cause of something YOB: hoodlum WIG: to provide with a wig YOD: Hebrew letter WIN: to be victorious/to winnow YOK: boisterous laugh WIS: to know YOM: day WIT: intelligence/to know YON: yonder WIZ: wizard YOU: 2d person sing. or pl. pronoun WOE: tremendous grief YOW: to yowl WOG: dark-skinned foreigner YUK: to laugh loudly WOK: cooking utensil YUM: intj. expressing tasteful pleasure WON: to dwell YUP: yep WOO: to seek the affection of
WOP: Italian {offensive} WOS: [wo] (woe) Z WOT: to know ZAG: to turn sharply WOW: to excite to enthusiastic approval ZAP: to kill or destroy WRY: contorted/to contort ZAS: [za] (pizza) WUD: insane ZAX: tool for cutting roof slates WYE: letter 'y' ZED: letter 'z'
ZEE: letter 'z' ZEK: inmate in a Soviet labor camp ZEL: form of Oriental cymbal ZEP: long sandwich ZIG: to turn sharply ZIN: zinfandel ZIP: to move rapidly ZIT: pimple ZOA: [zoon-pl] (whole product of a fertilized egg) ZOO: place where animals are kept for public exhibition ZHO: cross between a yak and a cow ZUG: waterproof leather used for boots ZUZ: ancient Hebrew silver coin ZZZ: intj. representing the sound of snoring
BUQSHA: A monetary unit of Yemen
BURQA: A coverall worn by Muslim women
FAQIR: Variation of FAKIR, a Hindu ascetic
INQILAB: In India, revolution
MBAQANGA: South African dance music
MUQADDAM: An Indian leader
NIQAB: a type of veil worn by some Muslim women
QABALA: A Jewish doctrine based on hidden meanings in sacred texts
QABALAH: A Jewish doctrine based on hidden meanings in sacred texts
QABALISM: A sect based on qabala
QABALIST: Someone who finds hidden meanings in sacred texts
QADI: A Muslim judge
QADIS: Plural of QADI
QAID: A Muslim leader
QAIDS: Plural of QAID
QAIMAQAM: A Turkish officer
QALAMDAN: A Persian writing-case
QANAT: A system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East
QASIDA: An Arabic poem of praise or mourning
QAT: An evergreen shrub
QATS: Plural of QAT
QAWWAL: A male singer of qawwali
QAWWALI: Devotional Sufi music
QI: The vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things
QIBLA: The direction Muslims face when praying
QIGONG A deep breathing exercise
QINDAR: An Albanian currency, a variation of QINTAR
QINGHAOSU: A chemical compound extracted from the plant artemisia
QINTAR: An Albanian currency, also QINDAR
QIS: Plural of QI
QIVIUT: The wool of a musk-ox
QOPH : A letter of the Hebrew alphabet
QOPHS: Plural of QOPH
QORMA: A mild Indian curry
QWERTIES: The plural of QWERTY
QWERTY: A standard typewriter keyboard
QWERTYS: The plural of QWERTY
SHEQALIM: The plural of SHEQEL
SHEQEL: An ancient unit of weight and money
SHEQELS: The plural of SHEQEL
SUQ: A marketplace in the Middle East
SUQS: The plural of SUQ
TALAQ: A form of divorce
TRANQ: A drug that tranquilizes
TSADDIQ: A person of extreme piety in Judaism
TZADDIQ: A person of extreme piety in Judaism
UMIAQ: An open Eskimo boat
WAQF: A donation for pious purposes in Islam
WAQFS: Plural of WAQF
YAQONA: The Fijian name for kava
Addition of new words:
AUGH: interj. Expressing frustration ONESIE: one piece garment combining top with trousers BEZZY: best friend PACKZI: round filled doughnut BLECH: interj. Meaning disgust PODIUMED: to finish in the top three places CAKEHOLE: a person’s mouth in a sporting competition CAZH: casual PWN: to conquer or gain owbership
CHECKBOX: a small clickable box on a QUINZHEE: shelter made from hollowed- computer screen out snow COQUI: type of tree-dwelling frog SCHVITZ: to sweat DENCH: excellent SHOOTIE: type of shoe that covers the ankle DEVO: short for devolution TUNAGE: music EEW: exclamation of disgust TWEEP: person who uses twitter EMOJI: digital icon used in electronic communication VAPE: to inhale nicotine vapor from electronic cigarettes FACETIME: talk with someone via the FaceTime application WAHH: interj. Used to express wailing GEOCACHE: to search for hidden containers YEESH: interj. Expression of frustration using GPS as a recreational activity. WARBOT: any robot or unmanned vehicle or device designed for and used GRR: interj. Expressing anger or in warfare annoyance. WUZ: was HACTIVIST: person who hacks computer systems for political reasons HASHTAG: a word or phrase preceded by a hashmark on social media, used to denote the topic of a post.
IXNAY: No LOLZ: lausghs at someone else’s or one’s own expense. LOTSA: lots of
NEWB: newbie OBVS: obviously