Scrabble Word List 2016 2 – LETTER WORDS AA: n pl. –S rough, cindery lava EX: n pl. EXES the letter X AB: n pl. –S an abdominal muscle FA: n pl. –S the fourth tone of the diatonic AD: n pl. –S an advertisement musical scale AE: adj one FE: n –FES a Hebrew letter AG: adj pertaining to agriculture FY: an expression of disgust – Can be AH: interj – used to express delight, relief, extended with “S” or contempt GI: a judo or karate costume AI: n pl. –S a three-toed sloth GO: v WENT, GONE, GOING, GOES to move AL: n pl. –S an East Indian tree along AM: present 1st person sing. of BE GU: a simple violin used in Shetland (also AN: indefinite article – used before words GJU, GUE) beginning with a vowel HA: n pl. –S a sound of surprise AR: n pl. –S the letter R HE: n pl. –S a male person AS: adv to the same degree HI: interj – used as a greeting AT: prep in the position of HM: interj – used to express thoughtful AW: interj – used to express protest, disgust, consideration or disbelief HO: interj – used to express surprise AX: v –ED, -ING, -ES to work on with an ax (a ID: n pl. –S a part of the psyche type of cutting tool) IF: n pl. –S a possibility AY: n pl. –S aye IN: v INNED, INNING, INS to harvest BA: n pl. –S the eternal soul in Egyptian IO: a cry of joy mythology IS: v present 3rd person sing. of BE BE: v AM, ARE, ART, WAS, WERE, WAST, IT: pron the 3rd person sing. of BE WERT, BEEN, BEING to have actuality JA: Yes BI: n pl. –S bisexual JO: n pl. -ES a sweetheart BO: n pl. –S a pal KA: n pl. –S the spiritual self of a human BY: n pl. –S a pass in certain card games being in Egyptian religion CH: n. I (English dialect) KI: n pl. -S the vital force in Chinese DA: n. a Burmese heavy knife thought DE: prep of; from – used in names KO: a Maori digging stick DI: a plural of deus (a god) KY: Cows. –Can be extended with “E” or “S” DO: n pl. –S the first tone of the diatonic LA: n pl. –S the sixth tone of the diatonic scale musical scale EA: A river LI: n pl. a Chinese unit of distance ED: n pl. –S education LO: interj – used to attract attention or to EE: n. an eye (Scottish/ Northern English express surprise dialect) MA: n pl. –S mother EF: n pl. –S the letter F ME: pron the objective case of the pronoun I EH: interj – used to express doubt MI: n pl. –MIS the third tone of the diatonic EL: n pl. –S an elevated railroad or train musical scale EM: n pl. –S the letter M MM: interj – Used to express assent or EN: n pl. –S the letter N satisfaction ER: interj – used to express hesitation MO: n pl. –S a moment ES: n pl. ESES the letter S (also spelled ESS) MU: n pl. –S a Greek letter ET: a past tense of EAT 1 MY: pron the possessive form of the PO: A chamber pot pronoun I QI: n p. -S the vital force that in Chinese NA: adv no; not thought is inherent in all things NE: adj born with the name of (also NEE) RE: n pl. –S the second tone of diatonic NO: n pl. NOS or NOES a negative reply musical scale NU: n pl. –S a Greek letter SH: interj – used to urge silence NY: to approach –Can be extended with SI: n pl. –S ti “ES” or “S” SO: n pl. –S the fifth tone of the diatonic OB: an objection musical scale OD: n pl. –S a hypothetical force of natural ST: An exclamation of impatience –can be power extended with “S” OE: n pl. –S a whirlwind off the Faeroe TA: n pl. –S an expression of gratitude Islands TE: A musical note OF: prep coming from TI: n TIS the seventh tone of the diatonic OH: v –ED, -ING, -S to exclaim in surprise, musical scale pain, or desire TO: prep in the direction of OI: v – oy--used to express dismay or pain UG: to arouse loathing [v] OM: n pl. –S a mantra used in contemplation UH: interj – used to express hesitation of ultimate reality UM: interj – used to express hesitation ON: n pl. –S the side of the wicket where a UN: pron pl. –S one batsman stands in cricket UP: v UPPED, UPPING, UPS to raise OP: n pl. –S a style of abstract art UR: A city in Iraq OR: n pl. –S the heraldic color gold US: pron the objective case of the pronoun OS: n pl. –S ORA, OSSA, or OSAR either an we orifice, a bone, or an esker UT: n pl. –S the musical tone C in the French OW: interj – used to express sudden pain solmization system, now replaced by do OU: A bloke WE: pron the 1st person pl. pronoun in the OX: n pl. OXEN or OXES a hoofed mammal nominative case or clumsy person WO: n pl. –S woe OY: interj – used to express dismay or pain XI: n pl. –S a Greek letter PA: n pl. –S a father XU: n pl. XU a monetary unit of Vietnam PE: n pl. –S a Hebrew letter YA: pron you PI: v PIED, PIEING, PIING, or PIES to jumble YE: pron you or disorder YO: interj – used to call attention or express affirmation YU: precious jade ZA: n pl. -S a pizza ZO: A Himalayan cross between a yak and a cow (als DZO, DSO,ZHO, DZHO) 2 3 – LETTER WORDS A ANE: one ANI: tropical American black cuckoo AAH: to exclaim in delight ANT: small insect AAL: East Indian shrub ANY: one or another AAS: [aa] (rough, cindery lava) APE: to mimic ABA: sleeveless garment APO: a type of protein ABB: yarn used for warp APP: computer program (application) ABO: aborigine APT: appropriate ABS: [ab] (abdominal muscle) ARB: stock trader ABY: to pay the penalty for (abye) ARC: to travel a curved course ACE: to make a perfect shot ARD: plough used to scratch top surface ACT: to perform by action of soil ADD: to perform addition ARE: unit of surface measure/conj. of be ADO: bustle ARF: dog's bark ADS: [ad] (advertisement) ARK: large boat ADZ: cutting tool (adze) ARM: to supply with weapons AFF: off ARS: [ar] (letter 'r') AFT: toward the stern ART: skill acquired by experience AGA: Turkish military officer ASH: tree/to burn into ashes AGE: to grow old ASK: to question AGO: in the past ASP: venemous snake AGS: [ag] agriculture ASS: donkey AHA: intj. expressing sudden realization ATE: reckless impulse driving one to ruin AHI: yellow fin tuna ATT: Laotian monetary unit AHS: [ah] to exclaim in amazement AUK: diving seabird AID: to help AVA: at all AIL: to suffer pain AVE: expression of greeting AIM: to point in a direction AVO: monetary unit of Macau AIN: Hebrew letter (ayin) AWA: away AIR: to broadcast AWE: to inspire with awe AIS: [ai] (three-toed sloth) AWL: pointed punching tool AIT: small island AWN: bristle like appendage of certain grasses ALA: wing AXE: to cut with an axe ALB: long-sleeved vestment AYE: affirmative vote ALE: alcoholic beverage AYS: [ay] (affirmative vote) ALK: sap or resin from turpentine trees AZO: containing nitrogen ALL: everything one has ALP: high mountain ALS: [al] (East Indian tree) B ALT: high-pitched note BAA: [baa] (to bleat) AMA: Oriental nurse (amah) BAD: something bad AMI: friend BAG: to put into a bag AMP: unit of electric current strength BAH: intj. expressing disgust AMU: atomic mass unit BAL: type of shoe (balmoral) ANA: collection of info. on a subject BAM: to strike with a dull sound AND: added condition BAN: to prohibit/Rumanian coin 3 BAP: small roll C BAR: to exclude CAB: to drive a taxi BAS: [ba] (eternal soul in Egyptian CAD: ungentlemanly man mythology) CAM: rotating machine part BAT: to hit a baseball CAN: to be able/to put into a can BAY: to howl CAP: to put a cover onto BED: to provide with a bed CAR: automobile BEE: winged insect CAT: to anchor to a cathead BEG: to plead CAW: to caw like a crow BEL: unit of power CAY: small low island BEN: inner room CEE: letter 'c' BES: a Hebrew letter CEL: drawn frame of animation BET: to wager CEP: large mushroom (cepe) BEY: Turkish ruler CHI: Greek letter BIB: to drink alcohol CIG: cigarette BID: to make a bid CIS: having certain atoms on same side of BIG: large molecule BIN: to store in a bin COB: corncob BIO: biography COD: to fool BIS: [bi] (bisexual) COG: to cheat at dice BIT: to restrain with a bit COL: depression between two mountains BIZ: business CON: to swindle BOA: large snake COO: to make the sound of a dove BOB: to move up and down COP: to steal BOD: body COR: intj. expressing surprise BOG: to impede COS: lettuce variety BOO: to deride COT: lightweight bed BOP: to hit COW: to intimidate BOS: [bo] (pal) COX: to direct a racing boat (coxswain) BOT: botfly larva COY: shy/to caress BOW: to bend forward at the waist COZ: cousin BOX: to put into a box CRU: French wine classification BOY: male child CRY: to weep BRA: brassiere CUB: young of certain animals BRO: brother CUD: food portion to be chewed again BRR: intj.
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