Cornwall Chronicle November 1997

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Cornwall Chronicle November 1997 RNWALL CHRONICL VOLUME 7: NUMBER 10 NOVEMBER 1997 ole, Anyone? built to withstand hurricane winds up to 85 restructuring. Efforts miles per hour, said an AT &T spokesman. other the state, Cornwall is last winter by OEMS to require volun­ Moreover, monopoles crumble in on them­ teer ambulance services to provide trying to minimize the impact of t~e new selves; they won't topple on adjoining prop­ paramedic-level emergency medical service telecommunications towers that will soon erties. generated outrage against yet another un­ appear in our area. AT&T has identified two suitable sites: On September 20, representatives from funded mandate from Hartford. Area ambu­ the Peter Van Doren property on Popple AT&T met with town officials to discuss sit­ lance squads and the public argued long and Swamp Road and Merz land near the Com­ loud last spring that the proposed regula­ ing of a monopole antenna in Cornwall. Al­ wall Bridge Firehouse. The Van Dorens do though the Mohawk Mountain tower serves tions were uneconomical and unrealistic not wish to proceed without input from town cellular phones in part of the town, another given the region's rural character. At the officials. Bernice Merz, concerned about both tower is needed in the Cornwall Bridge area. same time, the argument ran, the new re­ visual impact and encroachment, does not Since such towers are federally mandated, quirements would open the door to private want to lease any of her land. towns must cooperate with those wishing to for-profit ambulance services that might re­ fu a recent letter to FM Technologies (con­ erect them. The AT&T representatives re­ place the volunteers. sultants to AT&T) First Selectman Gordon minded the selectmen and other officials that OEMS Director Michael Kliner and his Ridgway has noted that both locations "will "We will not proceed oblivious to local P&Z deputy have both resigned and OEMS's be controversial." He also requested more in­ regulations, but we don't need to file an ap­ structure and procedures are under legisla­ formation regarding "comprehensive plans plication or follow town rules." tive review. -Earl Brecher for the town and region, tower heights, other Placement of towers is under the jurisdic­ potential users of the tower, and specific envi­ Library Gears Up for Move tion of the State Siting Council. By law, AT &T (or any other carrier) is required to follow a ronment impact analysis." Furthermore, he At a special Cornwall Library Associati~n urged that as an alternative to a new tower, meeting on September 9, trustee David pre-siting process: after ~fficial ~otific~ti?n is additional equipment be put on existing tow­ Grossman presented a resolution creating a given to the town, filing IS req~Ir~d Within ?O ers. "We're waiting to hear," said Gordon. days with the "applicant providmg the chief negotiating task force for the move the li­ So are we all. -Ken Keskinen elected official with technical reports con­ brary contemplates to the Monroe-Bodkin building. The resolution also called for a cerning the public need, the site selection Ambulance Fight Won ... For Now process, and the environmental effects of the building and long-range planning task force proposed facility." Thanks to the strong public outcry in Corn­ and a fund-raising task force. The Cornwall Bridge installation would wall and throughout the Northwest Corner, After passing the resolution, the Board of consist of a monopole antenna at least 100 the Connecticut Office of Emergency Medi­ Trustees picked October 23 as the date for feet high, along with an equipment shed cal Services (OEMS) is in the process of major these committees to present to the board re­ measuring 20 by 12 feet. Such towers are ports describing initial plans and ap­ NOVEMBER 1997 (continued on page 2) SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Nov. 3 is the cut-off day for voter registration r .r_·----. ~ 1 by the following persons: those who have become citizens; Jl>:",-~1'·-r.... ,,f"'~Ji ": --· ., .... ( ... • those who have reached the age of 18; and (I. those who have just moved to town. (:f-l~~i.i~ ~~:t_~ Check with the Town Office. ~ ---::;~···' - .. ~..... --~ d(t.: . J!Jf!."' ~, tr Nov. Art Show, Nat. Iron Bank 2 3 Com. Br., Nona Coffill (p.4) 4 ELECTION DAY 5 Parent-Teacher 6 7 08 Conferences at CCS (p.4) Parent-Teacher ... Voter Regis!. cut·off (see above) Polls Open 6 A.M.-8 P.M. Preschooler Story Hour Cornwall Play Group Conferences at CCS (p.4) Bd. of Selectmen 10 A.M. Library i1t Parent-Teacher Conferences 10 A.M. St. Peter's Agricultural Advisory Comm. 7:30P.M. Town Hall at CCS (p.4) Stretch Exer. Class, 5 P.M. Lib. 7:30P.M. W. C. Firehouse Monday Skating starts, Salis. Sch. Park & Rec. A Rink 7:31l-8:30 P.M. (p.4) 7:30P.M. Town Office Inland Wet. 7:30P.M .. Town Hall 9 10 11 Dem. Town Comm. 12 13 14 @15 Cornwall Library Art Show Cornwall Play Group .. Deadline for 7:30P.M. Town Hall Preschooler Story Hour December Chronicle copy Harvey Offenhartz 10 A.M. St. Peter's 10 A.M. Library through 12/13 (p.4) Republican Town Comm. 7:30P.M. CCS Cont. Room Stretch Exer. Class, 5 P.M. Lib. Park & Rec. Game Night Cornwall Association P&Z 7:30P.M. Town Hall Housatonic River Comm. CCS PTA, 7 P.M. CCS Library 7-9 P.M. W. Cornwall 4 P.M. Town Hall A 7:30P.M. CCS Library Firehouse (p.4) 16 17 18 19 20 21 (t22 Region One i1t Bd. of Selectmen Cornwall Play Group Cornwall Bd. of Ed. ... Board of Education 9 A.M. Town Hall 10 A.M. St. Peter's 5 P.M. CCS Library Preschooler Story Hour 7 P.M. HVRHS Library Stretch Exer. Class, 5 P.M. Lib. Bd. of Finance 10 A.M. Library 7:30P.M. CCS Library A 23 2 25 26 27 THANKSGIVING DAY 28 29 ~ ~A 8 P.M. Town Office Cornwall Play Group Thurber Documentary by 10 A.M. St. Peter's Adam Van Doren (World Stretch Exer. Class, 5 P.M. Lib. Premiere) 5 P.M. Cornwall 30 Library (p.4) Cornwall Fire Department lA 8 P.M. W. C. Firehouse 2 CORNWALL CHRONICLE NOVEMBER 1997 (continued from page 1) 1000 feet elevation and stretched north from the moose spotted last month at the bottom proaches. David Grossman was chosen as the Coltsfoot Valley all the way to Vermont. of Music Mountain and have traced it north the negotiator for the board. Ella Clark and For all its dramatic history, the cave is elu­ of Torrington. However, when asked Norma Lake will assist him. Members of the sive. "You never knew exactly where the whether another animal of interest, the building and planning task force include cave was," recalls Phoebe Prentice, "so it was North American cougar, inhabits our area, John Calhoun, Lynn Cheney, Phyllis Nauts, always exciting, always a great find. And it Peter stated that he will believe it when and Terry Carlson. Hector Prud'homme will would change; sometimes it was scary, some­ someone shows him the photograph. serve on the fund-raising task force as will times not. Go in alone? No way!" Peter Begley lives in Cornwall, is a gradu­ Lisa Simont and Montgomery Hare. Before With Peter Feboriello as guide, and with ate of the University of Massachusetts with a moving the meeting into executive session, the kind permission of landowner Erwin degree in soil science; he has worked with Audrey Ferman, President of the Library's Edelman, your Chronicler was finally able to DEP since his graduation in 1969. Board of Trustees, emphasized that Kay Penn locate the cave in a grand tumble of blunt -Earl Brecher would be much needed as an advisor. boulders and Blistered Rock Tripe (a lichen). It was apparent to all that a great deal had The opening is narrow and dark of entry, and ...,. been accomplished and that discussions on exhaled a surprising cool breath of under­ this issue had reached a new phase. ground into the sunny air. The entrance pas- . · -Anne Zinsser sageway is confining. Suitable only for the • ~ slim and agile-bats, raccoons, teenagers. At' last one stands up in a wide room that glis­ tens with moisture and mica. The flashlight beam moves along the floor, picks up the Good-bye to Friends gleam of broken glass, wanders up the shin- James Cooley ing walls to the roof, which is subtly banded in white, gray, pink, rust, black. Not so subtle Barbara C. Dakin are the sloppily painted graffiti. "These don't Chester E. Lyman hurt the cave itself too much," says Peter, Lotte Goslar Seehaus "but they hurt our sensibilities, the environ­ ment, and certainly they hurt the Thomas H. Whiteside basidiomyces fungi that might be useful in medical research. By the way, you should al­ Land Transfer ways bathe well after caving to wash off the Gunther C. Hepprich and Ursula Dinneen cave fungi that eat hair and nails of dead-or to John D. and Rita Repas, house and 2 acres living-animals." on Kent Road for $142,000. I reported on my trip to Polly Calhoun, who was glad to hear the cave was alive and What a Lovely Fair! well-and accessible. "We loved going On September 20, the Cornwall Green was there," she said. "I am delighted." filled with typical fair activity. Animals, in­ Cornwall Cave Persons -Ella Clark cluding two goats, a huggable calf, and a Baldwin Cave lurks in the Waramaug For­ strutting show-off turkey, filled one tent.
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