August 22, 2014
Vol. 72, No. 33 Aug. 22, 2014 Moving forward Soldiers of Company B, 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry Regiment, 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, alternate moving forward in a bounding overwatch during a team live-fi re event, Aug. 13. See Pages 8-9 for story. Photo by Sgt. William Howard Carson to conduct full-scale crisis exercise Garrison Public Affairs Offi ce time. There will be no road closures Wednesday. to test the installation’s emergency procedures. Signage will mark areas set aside for the In the past, full-scale exercise scenarios have U.S. Army Garrison Fort Carson will simulate training exercise. Drivers may encounter road included chemical accidents, tornadoes, winter an explosion by a vehicle-borne device during a full- detours and should allow for extra travel time as weather, aviation accidents, terrorist attacks and scale exercise on post, Tuesday-Wednesday. they may encounter fi rst responders. People are more. By testing these responses before a real-world This year’s full-scale exercise features a encouraged to steer clear of the area so they don’t event, the installation can work out any issues before simulated vehicle-borne improvised explosive device interfere with the exercise. an actual emergency. detonating near Prussman Chapel. The exercise will test, rehearse and evaluate Post offi cials conduct these exercises to ensure Prussman Boulevard between Barkeley and installation emergency response procedures and Soldiers, Families, civilians, retirees and visitors are Magrath avenues and Porter Street will be closed serve as a training mechanism for all involved, which safe at Fort Carson.
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