Directory of Experts
CBA Family Law Section Directory of Experts For Use in Family Law Cases 2018 Completed by: Robin Beattie, Esq. Polidori, Franklin, Monahan& Beattie, LLC Joe Pickard, Esq. Pickard Law, PC Helen C. Shreves, Esq. Family Law Dispute Resolution on behalf of the CBA Family Law Section April 16, 2018 Dear Family Law Section Member: We are pleased to present your complimentary copy of the 2018 edition of the “Directory of Experts for Use in Family Law Cases.” We have, this year, updated the previous directories which were published in 1988, 1993, 1999, 2005, 2009, 2011, 2014 and 2016. As you may know, an expert is only included in this directory if he or she has been recommended by a family law attorney. We have solicited input from all members of the CBA Family Law Section and compiled the responses into this directory. This year, we have checked every expert’s name, address, and phone number. We hope that all information is as current as possible, but we apologize for any errors. In providing you with this resource, the CBA Family Law Section does not recommend or endorse any of the listed experts. It is merely provided as a reference tool and a service to our members. Thank you to all who have participated in this project. Very truly yours, Robin Beattie, Joe Pickard and Helen Shreves FORWARD 1. This directory was compiled from a questionnaire submitted to all attorney members of the Colorado Bar Association Family Law Section. Only experts recommended by these attorneys are listed herein. The questionnaire was posted on the CBA Family Law Section website and an email went out to all attorney members of the Section requesting that they print and complete the questionnaire.
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