Chapter I

Correctness- A set of standards in the grammatical usage of language established by authorities regulate and policies them.

Dialect- The variety of a language spoken in a particular region or community.

Grammar rules- A system of rules in governing grammatical structure.

Grammatical- Usage that conforms to the rules that native speakers follow; or that native speakers would find acceptable.

Internalized rules- To incorporates the rules of grammar in developing your own language patterns.

Language change- The evolution of words; its change in base form and inflection to produce new words.

Language variation- Variation in dialect in the spoken language from one region to another.

Regionalism- The language that is grammatical or particular to a region.

Standard Written English- The language used by writers, the media, and in public discourse.

Ungrammatical- Usage that does not conform to the rules native speakers follow.

Usage rules- The rules governing grammar usage in a given situation.

Chapter 2

Adjective- a large class of words that act as modifiers; most can be i nf I ee t ed, qua I i f i ed o r i nt ens i f i ed; i t answe r s one of t hese questions: what kind, which one, how many, also it shows closeness and distance.

Adjectival- A structure, no matter its form that functions as an ad j ec t i v e .

Adverb- A class of words that functions as modif iers; they contribute such information as time , place, reason, and manner. certain are inflected and qualified.

Adverbial- Any structure no matter its form that function as modifier of a verb.

Be patterns- Sentence pattern in which a form of the be is the main verb. ; they include, are is, am etc.

Clause- a group of words with a subject and a main verb; they can be dependent or independent.

Complement- A structure that completes the sentence.

Determiner- A word that signals or marks a noun. They include articles, numbers, and etc. 2

Direct Object- In transitive sentences, the direct object names the object or the receiver of the verbs action.

Form- Large open classes of words that provide the lexical content of the language.

Function- The role that a particular structure plays, or the slot it fills, in a sentence.

Headword- The main word that fills the noun slot in a noun phrase, and the verb slot in a verb phrase.

Indirect Object- The noun or that indicates who benefits from the action of the verb.

Intransitive Verb- Verbs, which require no complements to be complete.

Linking Verb- Verbs that acts as a link between the subject and the subjective complement. linking verbs takes the subjective complement.

Noun Phrase- The noun head word with all its attendant and modifier.

Objective Complement- The slot following the direct object, filled by a nominal or a direct object. It completes , modifies or renames the direct object.

Optional Slot- The adverbial information that can be added to all the sentence patterns.

Particle- A word, which cannot stand by itself, that combines with a verb to form a phrasal verb.

Predicate- One of the two principle parts of a sentence, it includes the verb and its complements.

Predicating Verb- The function of the verb slot in a sentence, it includes the main verb with all its auxiliaries.

Preposition- A structure class word that proceeds a nominal, linking the nominal to another part of the sentence.

Prepositional Phrase- A combination of a preposition and nominal, which is known as the object of the preposition.

Pronoun- A word that substitutes for a noun or nominal.

Reciprocal Pronoun- The pronouns such as -each other and -one another, which refers to previously names nouns.

Referent- The thing, person, idea, event, action, that the word or words stands for.

Reflexive Pronoun- A pronoun formed by adding- self or selves to form the personal pronouns used an object in the sentence; used to refer to previously named noun or pronoun.

Sentence Pattern- The simple skeletal sentence made up of two or more elements; ten such patterns exists.

Subject- The noun or nominal that functions as the topic of the sentence.

Subjective Complement- A nominal or adjectival following the verb which names or modifies, or completes the subject. 3

Transitive Verb- A verb, which expresses an action and require at least one complement, the direct object, to be complete.

Verb- A word or string of words that indicates action or state of being of a subject.

Verb Phrase- A verb together with its complements and modifiers; the predicate of the sentence is the verb phrase.

Chapter 3

Active Voice- The Feature of transitive verbs that expresses an action initiated by the subject and directed toward an object.

Agent- The initiator of the action

Aspect- Feature of the verb phrase in which its auxiliaries designate whether the action of the verb is completed.

Auxiliary- A verb marker used with the main verb to indicate tense, voice, person, number, mood, as well as modals.

Conditional Mood- the attitude of probability designated by modal auxiliaries.

Indicative Mood- The expression of an idea as fact

Irregular Verb- Any verb in which the -ed an -en forms are not that of the regular verbs.

Main Verb- The f i n i t e verb t hat f i I I s the last slot of the verb expansion rule. It can be marked for tense, mood, and voice.

Modal Auxiliary- Auxiliaries that indicate such conditions as necessity, possibility , probability, capability, and willingness.

Passive Voice- The feature of transitive sentences in which the subject is being acted upon.

Regular Verb- A verb in which the -ed form (past tense) and -en form (the past ) are formed by adding -ed to the base.

Stand-in-auxiliary- Auxiliaries such as do, does, or did which transforms sentences into questions, negatives, or emphatic statements.

Subjunctive Mood- An expression of the verb in its base form rather than. its inflected form. Its use conveys suggestions, wishes, and possibilities contrary to the fact.

Tense- A feature of verbs that indicate time- past, present, or future.

Verb Expansion Rule- A formulas that describes our system for expanding the verb with its auxiliaries to express variations in meaning.

Chapter 4

Appositive- A Structure or noun phrase that renames another structure.

Cantenative Verb- A that can take another verb as its object. 4

Clause- A structure with a subject and a predicate, it can be either dependent or independent.

Complementary - An infinitive that functions as the main verb of the sentence, where the punctuation within the quotes are diagrammed.

Complex Sentence- A sentence with at least one dependent clause.

Dependent Clause- A clause that functions as an adverbial, adjectival, nominal, or a sentence modifier.

Direct Quotation- A statement written word for word with quotation marks.

Expletive- It is a word that has no grammatical function; it enables the writer to shift the stress in a sentence or imbed one sentence within another.

Gerund- A present participle that functions as a nominal.

Finit e Verb- The ma i n v erb of the c I aus e. fills the last slot i n the verb expansion formula. Time, person, and number limit it.

Infinitive- The base form of the verb expressed with the preposition "to" before the verb. they can function adjectivally, verbally , or as a nominal. They name actions behavior, states of being and mind.

Interrogative- A sentence in the form of a question.

Nominal- a word or group of words that functions as a noun phrase usually does.

Nominal Clause - A clause that fills the noun phrase slot.

Nominal Verb Phrase- Reduced clauses without a subject and tensed

verb. The come in two forms, the infinitive and the present participle.

Nonfinite Verbs- Verbs that functions other than the main verb,

they function as adverbials, adjectivals, and nominal within the sentence.

Predicating Verb- The function of the verb slot in the sentence pattern. They consist of the main verb together with its auxiliaries.

Sentence- A word or related groups of words that contains subject and a . It begins with a capitol and ends with a punctuation. It is logically and grammatically complete.

Yes/No Questions- Question introduced by interrogatives that calls for a yes/no response.

Yes/No interrogative- Words that introduce a nominal clause that suggest or implies a yes/no response.

Chapter 5

Cleft sentences- A variation that provides a way of shifting the stress or focus of the sentence.

Command- "Imperative" A sentence, which takes the base form of the verb without the auxiliaries, in the form of a command or request. 5

Declarative sentence- A sentence in the form of a statement.

Do transformation- The addition of the stand-in-auxiliary "do" to a verb string that has no auxiliary.

Emphatic statement- A statement in which the main stress has been shifted to the auxiliary.

Exclamatory sentence- A sentence that expresses excitement or emotion.

Expletive there- It has no grammatical function, it allows the writer to shift the stress or focus of the sentence or imbed one sentence within another.

It cleft- Using the cleft sentence for providing a way of shifting the stress. It, is the main subject with a form of be verb as the main verb.

Locative - An adverb that shows location.

Negative sentence- A sentence with a word of negation which needs an auxiliary or a be verb for the main verb to carry the negative marker or tense.

Person- The form of the that distinguishes the speaker or the writer. Whether it is the person speaking(first person), the spoken to (second person), the person or thing spoken of (third person).

"Stand-in" auxiliary- Placing an auxiliary such as "do" or "did" when the sentence does not have an auxiliary or be verb, which makes the sentence negative emphatic, or a question.

Subject-verb agreement- The subject agrees with verb in person and number.

There transformation- There functions as an expletive within a sentence; it shifts the stress in the sentence followed by the be verb and then the subject.

Wh-Question- A question that is introduced by an interrogative, such as who, what, when, where, why, or how, that asks for in formation of content.

What-cleft- It produces nominal clauses in subject positions.

Chapter 6

Adverb of frequency- Adverbs that provide information about "how often" . They are the most movable words.

Adverb of manner- Adverbs that are derived from that gives information as to "how" or "in what manner."

Adverbial clause- A clause that functions as an adverb. It is the subordinate clause within the sentence. Also they can function as modifiers of verb phrases.

Adverbial infinitive- An infinitive that functions as an adverb, giving information such as cause or reason.

Adverbial noun phrase- A noun phrase that functions as an adverb, telling time, place, manner, or quantity.

Adverbial prepositional phrase- A prepositional phrase that 6 functions as an adverb; telling time, manner, measure, destination, place, or quantity.

Dangling infinitive- An infinitive that have no stated subject.

Dependent clause- A clause that has a subject and a verb, it functions as an adverbial, adjectival, nominal or sentence modifier. It relies on the independent clause for its complete meaning.

Movability- a word or a phrase that does not have a fixed slot in a sentence diagram; it is the characteristic of an adverb.

Sentence fragment- An Incomplete sentence that is punctuated as a full sentence.

Subordinating clause- A dependent clause that is introduced by a subordinating . They can be nominal, adverbial, or adjectival.

Subordinating conjunction- A word or phrase that begins a dependent clause and links it to an independent clause.


Chapter 7

Adjectival- Any structure that functions as an modif ier of a noun.

Adj ect i val i nf ini t i ve- An i -nf i n i t i ve t ha t s erves as a noun mod i f i er in the postnoun position.

Adjectival clause- A dependent clause modifies a noun and answers such questions as what kind, which one, how many etc.

Adjectival prepositional phrases- It typically modifies the noun headword in relation to time, place, direction, purpose, origin, etc.

Adjective- Any structure that serves as a noun modifier and giving information such as what kind, which one, how many, etc.

Case- A feature of pronouns and certain nouns that denotes their relationship to other words in the sentence. Pronouns have three case distinction subjective, possessive, and objective.

Dangling participle- A participle with no stated or implied subject to refer to.

Demonstrative pronoun- Pronouns such as this, that, these , and those, which functions ass nominal substitutes and determiners; they denote distance-- near or far.

Indefinite - The relative pronouns with ever added, wh i ch have i indefinite referents ; t hey i nt roduce ad j ect i va I c I aus es - 7

Inotation- The inf lection of ones voice affected by its stress, pitch, and pauses.

Nonrestrictive modifier- A modifier in the noun phrase that comments about the noun rather than def ines i t ; they are set of f by commas following the noun.

Participial phrase- A participle with all its complements and modifiers.

Participial- The -ing and -en verb (or verb phrase) functioning as an adjectival.

Passive participle- A past participle in a passive sentence in which the verb of being which precedes that participial phrase is omitted.

Postnoun modifier- A word or any structure following the noun head in that they modify the noun head word, They can be adjectival, preposition, or participial phrases.

Prenoun modifier- A word or any structure such as determiners and adjectives that modif ies the noun headword in the prenoun position.

Relative adverb- The adverbs where, when, and why, that introduce an adjectival clause.

Relative clause- A clause that is introduced by a relative pronoun( who, which,that) or a relative adverb (where, why, what ) that generally modifies a noun.

Relative pronoun- The pronouns who (whom, whose) , which and that which introduce a .

Restrictive modifier- A modif ier in the noun phrase whose function is to restrict the meaning of the noun. It defines the noun and it is not set off by commas.

Chapter 8

Absolute phrase- A noun phrase related to the sentence as a whole that includes a post noun modifier (often a participial phrase). They explain cause or condition, add a detail or a point of focus to the main idea in the main clause.

Broad reference clause- a clause that is introduced by the relative pronouns which, that modifies the entire idea of main clause.

Direct address- Also known as the vocative, it is a word or a structure that modifies the sentence by directing the writer's or speaker's message to a particular person or group.

Elliptical clause- - A clause in which part has been left out but it is understood.

Idiomatic expression- A word or structure that cannot be translated.

Independent modifier- a modifier that does not add information to the whole idea of the main sentence, but it makes a connection or value judgement about the main sentence.

Interjection- A word that is considered independent from the main sentence, often punctuated with an exclamation point. 8

Sentence appositive- A noun phrase, often punctuated with a dash that renames or encapsulates the whole idea of the sentence.

Sentence modifier- A word or phrase that modifies the entire sentence as a whole.

Subordinateclause- A dependent clause introduced by a subordination conjunction such as if, since, because, and although.

Vocative- The noun or noun phrase of direct address, considered a sentence modifier.

Chapter 9

'\FCompound sentence- A sentence with two or more independent clauses. Compound structure- A structure that contains either a compound subject or predicate or both.

Compoiind-complex sentence- A sentence that includes at least two independent clauses and one dependent clause.

@- A conjunction that connects two sentence§with an adverbial emphasis, such as however, therefore, moreover, and nevertheless.

Coordinating conjunction- A conjunction that connects two or more sentences or a structure within a sentence as equals.

tcoordination- A way of expanding sentences in which two or more structures of the same form functions as a unit,

/\C-"Ao rrelative conjunction- A two part conjunction that expresses the relationship between the coordinated structures: either-or, neither-nor, both-and

-lelliptical coordinate structure- A structure in which part has been left out but it is understood.

Parallelism- A technique of expressing all coordinate parts of a structure in the same grammatical form.

@Semicolon- A punctuation mark that separates two independent clause whose relationship are close/; it is use oconjunction, however it is used with a coordinating(:!!@ @,,nction introduce the second independent clause.

Chapter 10

Affix- A morpheme, or meaningful unit, that is added to the beginning or end of a word to change its meaning or grammatical role or its form class.

Allomorph- A variation of a morpheme, usually determined by its environment.

Base morpheme- The morpheme that gives a word its primary lexical meaning.

Bound morpheme- A morpheme that cannot stand alone as a word.

Derivational morpheme- Attaching pref ix and suf f ix endings such as -en, -ize etc. , to adjectives ;which results in a change of their class to verbs. This is not restricted to adjectives. 9

Free morpheme- a morpheme that is also a complete word.

Homophones- Morphemes, both bases and af f i xes, that sound al i ke but have different meanings. ex. sail/sale

Inflectional morpheme- Morphemes that are added to the form classes to change their grammatical role in some way. Nouns have two inflectional suffixes verbs have four; adjectives and some adverbs have two.

Morpheme- A sound or combination of sounds with meaning.

Morphology- The study of morphemes

Prefix- An affix added to the beginning of the word to change its meaning.

Suffix- An affix added to the end of a form-class word to change its class-s.

Chapter 11

Absolute adjective- An adjective with a meaning that generally cannot be intensified or compared.

Adjective complement- Adjectives that fill the complement slots; either subjective or objective.

Adjective derivational suffix- The adjective forming suffixes, -ous,-ish,- ful.

Adjective inflectional suffix- attaching the suffixes -er, the sign for the comparative degree, and -est, the sign for the superlative degree to adjectives.

Adverb derivational suffix- attaching the suffix -ly, to adjectives, , which makes the word an adverb of manner.

Adverb inflectional suffix- The comparative -er, and superlatives -est, inflection which are added to adverbs but in a much more limited way than adjectives.

Attributive adjective- An adjective in the prenoun position.

Common noun- Nouns with a general reference; they may be countable, noncountable, concrete, or abstract.

Collective noun- A noun that refers to a' collection of individuals: group, family, team, etc.; they can be replaced by singular or plural pronouns, depending on the meaning.

Comparative degree- An adjective that is intensified to compare the noun it is modifying to another nominal.

Flat adverb- A class of adverbs that is the same form as the corresponding adjective. ex. earl, fast, early, .

Form class- A large open class of words that provide the lexical content of the language.

Functional shift- The conversion of one word class to another simply by changing its function.

Noncountable noun- Nouns referring to undifferentiated masses (water,sugar,glass etc.), or an abstraction (justice); if you can us e t he indefinte is used as the the noun is countable.

Noun- A word or structure that fills the noun headword slot; they can be inf I ect ed f or plura I or possess ive; they can f unct ion as adverbials or adjectivals.

Noun derivational suffix- The noun forming suffixes -tion,-ion, - sion, -cion, that mainly changes verbs to nouns; also a few can function as both verbs and nouns; they indicates the number and case. 10

Noun inflection suffix- The noun suffixes -'s, s' and -s and -es that indicates case and number

Plural- Feature of nouns or pronouns denoting more than one.

Plural-only-nouns- Nouns that are plural in form even when their function is singular.

Positive degree- The variation adjectives that indicates a simple quality of a noun.

Possessive- The inflected form of nouns and pronouns, usually indicating ownership.

Predi.cative adjective- The adjective that functions as the subjective complement.

Proper noun- A noun with a reference to a person, a historical event, or other name. Proper nouns are capitalize.

Superlative degree- The form of an adjective or adverb expressing the highest degree; it is used when singling out one of more than two nouns.

Verb inflectional suffix- The system of adding -ing and -s to the base form of the verb.

Verb derivatinal suffix- The system of adding the suffixes -en, ify , to the base form of nouns or adjectives which changes the word into a verb.

Chapter 12

@Adverbial conjunction- Adverbs that join sentences to form coordinate structures; but they do so with an adverbial emphasis.

larticle- On(- of the determiner- classes including the indef inite a, o r an, wh i ch s i gna I on I y count ab I e nouns , and t he de f i n i t e t he, which can signal all classes of nouns.

Definite article- The determiner the which generally marks a specific or previously mentioned noun.

Expanded deterniner- The determiner, together with its pre- and post-determiners that qualify and quantify and in other ways alter its meaning.

Explanatory appositive- A structure or word that renames and defines another structure.

Expletive as A word that has no grammatical function in the sentence; it introducescertain objective complements.

Expletive or sentence; that has no grammatical function in the an explanatory appositive. it

Expletive that- A word that has no grammatical function in the sentence ; it introduces a nominal clause.

Indefinite article- The determiner a, or an, which marks an unspecified .

Modal like-verb- A verb or verb phrase that tend to suggest a mood in the sentence. iphrasal preposition- A preposition of two or more words that acts as a unit: according to, because of, out of.

Possessive noun- A noun that is inflected to show possession.

Post determiner- A word or series of words that expand the determiner slot which follows the determiner.

Pre determiner- A word or series of words that expand the determiner slot which precedes the determiner. 11

fqualifier- A structure-class word that qualifies or intensifies an adjective or adverb.

Semi-auxiliary- Modal-like verbs that function as auxiliaries.

Simple preposition- one word prepositions.

Chapter 13

Antecedent- The nominal the noun refers to.

Emphatic - A pronoun that serves as an appositive to emphasize a noun.

Gender- A feature of pronouns and certain nouns that distinguishes whether they are masculine, feminine, or neuter.

Indefinite pronoun- A large category that includes qualifiers (enough, several, many, much), universals (all, every, each) and parties (any, either, neither) They can serve as determiners.

Indefinite relative pronoun- Relative pronouns with -ever added to the pronoun which have no referent; they introduce adjectival clauses.

Intensive pronoun- (same as definition as emphatic pronoun)

Interrogative pronoun- The pronoun (who, which, what) which introduce a nominal clause and produce information questions.

Number- feature of nouns and pronouns, referring to singular or plural.

Objective case- The role of the noun phrase or pronoun when it functions as an object; it can be the direct object,indirect object, or object of the preposition.

Possessive case- Also known as the genitive, it is the inflected form of nouns and pronouns usually indicating ownership.

Pronoun-antecedent- the pronoun must agree with its antecedent in number, person, and gender.

Proximity- A feature of pronouns that denotes whether they are near or far.

Reciprocal pronoun- the pro-nouns -each other and -one another that refers to previously named nouns.

Relative pronoun- The pronouns (who, which, and that) which introduce relative clauses.

Sexism- When the writer or speaker uses a specific gender to refer to an unidentified person.

Singular- Pronouns denoting one referent.