which version to download to learn linux 10 Useful Free Linux eBooks for Newbies and Administrators. If you’re planning to take your Linux learning process to more admin/expert level, then we’ve compiled a list of 10 Free Linux eBooks that will help you to build your Linux skills foundation very strong. 10 Free Linux ebooks. We have presented ebook’s order from getting started guide to advance administration in Linux. So, you could download and start improving your Linux skills from very beginning to advance level. 1. Introduction to Linux – A Hands on Guide. This guide was designed as a summary of the Linux , a helping hand to newbies as an investigation journey and getting starter guide with physical activities at the end of each chapter. This book accommodate real examples that procure from the author’s experience as an Linux system administrator or a trainer. I wish these examples will help you a lot and understand Linux system better and motivates you to try things on your own. 2. A Newbie’s Getting Started Guide To Linux. This book is all about learning basic Linux operating system and getting acquaint yourself with the experimental side. If you are new to Linux and want quick and easy access to get started with it than this is it. Linux is an open source operating system, it very fast and safe than window. with this manual start discovering Linux today. 3. Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet. With this concise set of notes you will get daily updates in your email for free. Most of the people abominate the command line, but it’s one of the most systematic way to get things done. We have organized a list of useful Linux commands that can be used to your work more efficiently. 4. User Mode Linux. With this User Mode Linux ebook you can design virtual Linux machines within a Linux computer and use it safely for testing and debug applications, network services, and even kernels. You can also try new distributions, demonstrate with buggy , and even test security. This ebook include discussions on networking and security in depth, implementing cluster, future of virtualization and other specialized configuration examples for setting up user mode Linux servers. 5. The GNU/Linux Advanced Administration. The elements of this 500+ pages ebook are related with system administration. In this you will learn how to install and configure several computers, how to compress and sync the resources using GNU/Linux. This book includes server and data administrator, Linux network, kernel, clustering, security, optimization, migration, tuning with a non-Linux systems. This ebook is must needed one for any serious Linux system administrator. 6. Managing Linux Systems with Webmin. In this 808 pages eBook you will learn the browser based Linux/ administrator with Webmin in a systematic and step by step. Webmin provides you a browser based remedy for virtual and everyday Linux/Unix administrator work. This ebook gives you a brief explanation on how to install, configure and secure basic system services, such as systems, Apache, MySQL, PostgreSQL, FTP, Squid, , Sendmail, Users/Groups, Printing and much more. You will have more than 50 important Webmin task, it offers step by step instructions, screenshots, and list of configuration files that are being modified. 7. Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook. Shell is one of the most important tool on a computer system. Most of them are not aware of how one can perform with it. With the help of simple combine commands you can solve any complex problems that occur in our day to day system usage. This Free 40 pages eBook shows you effective use of shell and perform difficult job easier. This eBook consist of basic use of shell, general commands, their usage and how to use shell to make complex work easy. 8. Shell Scripting: Expert Recipes for Linux . Shell scripting eBook is a collection of shell scripting formula that can be immediately used modified and applied for various solutions. Shell is the basic way to interacting with Linux/Unix systems, a direction with a list of ingredients to program a task. This book also features recipes system tools, shell features and system admin. Come out of your shell and dive into this collection of practically tested shell scripting recipes that you can start using in your system right away. 9. Linux Management. The ebook provides a patch management techniques for Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, SUSE, , and other leading distributions to minimize impacts on administration, networks and users. The ebooks provides a comprehensive coverage on how to use yum, apt and yast online updates to keep your system up-to-date and will reduce your costs, improve the availability of your systems, and dramatically enhance your personal efficiency. 10. Create Your Own Linux from Scratch. The Linux from Scratch eBook furnishes readers with the framework and direction to build and design own custom Linux system. This 318 pages eBook spotlights the Linux from beginning and the advantages of using this system. It also provides readers to create and modify Linux system according to their needs, including security, directory layout and script set up. The designed system will be arrange completely from the source and the users will be able to specify where, why and how the packages are installed. If You Appreciate What We Do Here On TecMint, You Should Consider: TecMint is the fastest growing and most trusted community site for any kind of Linux Articles, Guides and Books on the web. Millions of people visit TecMint! to search or browse the thousands of published articles available FREELY to all. If you like what you are reading, please consider buying us a coffee ( or 2 ) as a token of appreciation. Help downloading linux? 1) The current release of is 19 and not 12. 2) If you have a 64 bit computer than the 64 bit version will run better. The 32 bit version will still run on a 64 bit computer. Condobloke. Well-Known Member. G'day mary , and Welcome to Linux .org. if you are not sure whether 64 bit or 32 bit. tell us which windows is on there at the moment. (windows 10, windows 8. etc etc) Condobloke . Outback Australian :: LINUX IS THE ANSWER . LINUX MINT used EXCLUSIVELY here. I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people that annoy me. . (Fred Allen) Translate? . DeepL is the answer! “ If you don't like Windows, then don't use Windows. I don't. Ever. Like a good woman, Linux satisfies my every need”. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly …. Especially in C19 times. It has been said that time heals all wounds. I don't agree. The wounds remain. Time — the mind, protecting its sanity — covers them with some scar tissue and the pain lessens, but it is never gone. Rose Kennedy. How to download and install Python Latest Version on Linux. Clearly it won’t be the latest version of python. There can be multiple methods to install python on a linux base system and it all depends on your linux system. For almost every Linux system, the following commands would work definitely. Download and install Python Latest Version on Linux. To install latest version from of Python follow below steps. Download Python Latest Version from python.org. First and foremost step is to open a browser and open https://www.python.org/downloads/source/ Underneath the Stable Releases Download Gzipped source tarball (latest stable release as of now is Python 3.7.4). You can do all the above steps in a single command. Install Python 3.7.4 Latest Version on Linux. For installing Python successfully on Linux, Enter Following command to get the prerequisites and other source files. Now we are all ready to unpack the file downloaded from the python official website’ Move to downloads directory using cd downloads in terminal and then enter following commands. Bingo. The latest version of Python language is installed on your Linux system. You can confirm it using below command. How to set Python 3 as the default version in Linux? One can easily install python using various techniques mentioned above in their Linux system. But how to set it as default? so that whenever you enter Python anywhere in the terminal it always executes python3 . Here is the simple command from which you can set Python3 as default version. Open your terminal and enter, Now any code executed will automatically get python3 as default version. Attention geek! Strengthen your foundations with the Python Programming Foundation Course and learn the basics. To begin with, your interview preparations Enhance your Data Structures concepts with the Python DS Course. And to begin with your Machine Learning Journey, join the Machine Learning – Basic Level Course. 10 Linux Distributions and Their Targeted Users. As a free and open-source operating system, Linux has spawned several distributions over time, spreading its wings to encompass a large community of users. From desktop/home users to Enterprise environments, Linux has ensured that each category has something to be happy about. This guide highlights 10 Linux distributions and aims to shed light on who their targeted users are. 1. Debian. Debian is renowned for being a mother to popular Linux distributions such as , , and Mint which have provided solid performance, stability, and unparalleled user experience. The latest stable release is Debian 10.5 , an update of Debian 10 colloquially known as Debian Buster . Note that Debian 10.5 does not constitute a new version of Debian Buster and is only an update of Buster with the latest updates and added software applications. Also included are security fixes that address pre-existing security issues. If you have your Buster system, there’s no need to discard it. Simply perform a system upgrade using the APT . The Debian project provides over 59,000 software packages and supports a wide range of PCs with each release encompassing a broader array of system architectures. It strives to strike a balance between cutting edge technology and stability. Debian provides 3 salient development branches: Stable , Testing, and Unstable . The stable version, as the name suggests is rock-solid, enjoys full security support but unfortunately, does not ship with the very latest software applications. Nevertheless, It is ideal for production servers owing to its stability and reliability and also makes the cut for relatively conservative desktop users who don’t really mind having the very latest software packages. Debian Stable is what you would usually install on your system. Debian Testing is a and provides the latest software versions that are yet to be accepted into the stable release. It is a development phase of the next stable Debian release. It’s usually fraught with instability issues and might easily break. Also, it doesn’t get its security patches in a timely fashion. The latest Debian Testing release is Bullseye . The unstable distro is the active development phase of Debian. It is an experimental distro and acts as a perfect platform for developers who are actively making contributions to the code until it transitions to the ‘Testing’ stage. Overall, Debian is used by millions of users owing to its package-rich repository and the stability it provides especially in production environments. Download Debian ISO Images : http://www.debian.org/distrib/. 2. Gentoo. Gentoo is a distro built for professional use and experts who take into consideration what packages they are working with from the word go. This category includes developers, system & network administrators. As such, it’s not ideal for beginners in Linux. Gentoo comes recommended for those who want to have a deeper understanding of the ins and outs of the Linux operating system. Gentoo ships with a package management system known as which is also native to other distros such as Sabayon, and Calculate Linux which is based on Gentoo and backward-compatible with it. It is Python-based and based on the ports’ collections concept. Port collections are sets of patches and makefiles provided for by BSD-based distros such as OpenBSD and NetBSD. Download and Installation of Gentoo : http://www.gentoo.org/main/en/where.xml. 3. Ubuntu. Created and maintained by Canonical , Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distros enjoyed across the globe by beginners, intermediate users, and professionals alike. Ubuntu was specifically designed for beginners in Linux or those transitioning from mac and Windows. By default, Ubuntu ships with GNOME desktop environment with every day out-of-the-box applications such as Firefox, LibreOffice, and image editing applications such as GIMP , music players, and video players such as Audacious and Rhythmbox . The latest version is Ubuntu 20.04 LTS codenamed Focal Fossa . It provides numerous improvements and new features such as the new Yaru theme, new look and polished icons, great support for Snap packages, and the fractional scaling functionality that provides support for high- resolution displays. Ubuntu forms the basis of several other Linux distributions. Some of the distributions based on Ubuntu 20.04 include 20.04 LTS , 20.04, and Linux Mint 20.04 LTS (Ulyana) . Due to its user-friendliness and elegant UI, Ubuntu is ideal for desktop users and newcomers who are trying to wrap their head around Linux. They can readily get started with default Apps as stated earlier on as they work their way towards getting a better understanding of Linux. It’s worth mentioning which is geared towards multimedia production. It targets creatives who are looking to make a career in graphics, photography, audio, and video production. 4. Linux Mint. Linux Mint is a hugely popular community-driven Linux distro based on Ubuntu . It has transcended time to provide one of the most elegant, and user-friendly distributions loved by desktop users and professionals alike. Despite the controversy surrounding the latest release – Mint 20 – dropping snap support by default, Mint remains a stable, powerful and outstanding . Linux Mint Desktop. To enable snap support, simply run the commands: Based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS , Mint 20 is available in 3 desktop editions – Cinnamon , and MATE editions. Mint has dropped support for 32-bit versions and is only available in 64-bit. Under the hood, Linux Mint 20 rides on Linux kernel 5.4 with new enhancements such as improved support for AMD Navi 12, Intel Tiger Lake CPU and NVIDIA GPU. Additionally, the general UI has received a revamp with polished icons, new themes, high-resolution background images and a retouched taskbar. New features include Warpinator , which is a file-sharing program that works in a LAN and fractional scaling feature for HiDPI displays to enjoy sharper and crisp images. You will also get other applications for everyday use such as Firefox, LibreOffice, Audacious music player, Timeshift, and Thunderbird. If you want a fast and stable Linux desktop to perform day-to-day desktop tasks, listening to music, watching videos, and even gaming, Mint is the go-to distribution. Mint 20 is a long term release and will receive support until 2025. We have an article on how to install Mint 20 on your PC. 5. . Abbreviated as RHEL , Red Hat Enterprise Linux is a Linux distro designed for Enterprise or commercial purposes. It’s one of the leading open- source alternatives to other proprietary systems such as Microsoft . Red Hat is usually a top choice for server environments given its stability and regular security patches which boost its overall security. RHEL Linux Distribution. You can readily set it up on physical servers, virtual environments such as VMware , HyperV, and also on the cloud. Red Hat has done a perfect job in containerization technology thanks to OpenShift PaaS (platform as a service), a hybrid cloud environment that is built around Docker containers and managed by Kubernetes. Redhat trains and certifies system administrators through specialist courses such as RHCSA (Red Hat Certified System Administrators) and RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer). Where efficiency, security, and stability are of utmost priority RHEL is the ideal distro to opt for. RHEL is subscription-based and the subscription is renewed annually. You can purchase a license for an array of subscription models such as Linux Developer Workstation, Linux developer suite, and Linux for Virtual Datacenters. Traditionally, Red Hat and its derivatives such as CentOS have used yum package manager. Things have changed now and the latest release – RHEL 8 (Ootpa) – now uses DNF as its default package manager. RHEL is distributed using 2 main repositories – AppStream repository and the BaseOS . The AppStream repository ( Application ) provides all the software applications that you want to install on your system while the BaseOS provides applications only for the core functionality of the system. 6. CentOS. The CentOS Project is a community-driven free operating system that aims at delivering a robust and reliable open source ecosystem. Based on RHEL , CentOS is a perfect alternative to Red Hat Enterprise Linux since it is free to download and install. It gives users the stability and reliability of RHEL while allowing them to enjoy free security and feature updates. CentOS 8 is a favourite among Linux enthusiasts who want to savour the benefits of RHEL. CentOS Linux Distribution. The latest version is CentOS 8.2 which is the third iteration of CentOS 8 . It relies on App stream and BaseOS repositories and ships with the latest software packages such as Python 3.8, GCC 9.1, Maven 3.6, etc. 7. Fedora. Fedora has enjoyed a reputation for being one of the most user-friendly distros for quite a while now owing to its simplicity and out-of-the-box applications which enable newcomers to easily get started. It’s a powerful and flexible operating system that’s tailored for desktops & laptops, servers, and even for IoT ecosystems. Fedora , just like CentOS , is based on Red Hat and is in fact, a testing environment for Red Hat before transitioning to the Enterprise phase. As such, it’s usually used for development and learning purposes and comes in handy for developers and students. Fedora Linux Distribution. Fedora has for a while now used the DNF package manager ( and still uses it as its default package manager) and offers the latest and the very best in RPM software packages. The latest Fedora is Fedora 32 . 8. . Developed and maintained by offensive security, Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distro designed for penetration testing and conducting digital forensics. It ships with out-of-the-box tools meant for penetration testing such as Nmap, Metasploit Framework, Maltego, and Aircrack-ng to mention a few. Kali Linux Distribution. Kali Linux is meant for Cybersecurity experts and students who want to venture into penetration testing. In fact, Kali provides industry-standard certifications such as Penetration Testing with Kali and Kali Linux Certified Professional. Kali uses the APT package manager and the latest version is Kali 2020.2 and here’s a guide on how to install Kali 2020.2. 9. . Arch Linux is a lightweight and flexible geeky Linux distro designed for advanced users or Linux experts who care much about what is installed and the services running. It gives users the freedom to custom or configures the system, to their preference. In a nutshell, Arch is meant for users who really know the ins and outs of working with Linux. Arch is a rolling release implying that it is constantly updated to the latest version and all you need is to update the packages on the terminal. It uses Pacman as the default package manager and leverages the AUR ( Arch User Repository ) which is a community to install software packages and the latest version is 2020.09.01 . 10. OpenSUSE. The OpenSUSE project is a modern and comprehensive community project that provides 2 main SUSE branches: SUSE Leap which is a point release that targets desktop users as well as enterprise development and for testing purposes. This makes it a perfect choice for open source developers and System administrators. On the other hand, it has SUSE Tumbleweed, a rolling release that packs the latest software stacks and IDEs and is the closest you’ll get to a bleeding-edge distro. TumbleWeed is any power user’s or software developer’s piece of cake thanks to the availability of up-to-date packages such as office applications, GCC , and the kernel. OpenSUSE relies on the Yast package manager for managing software packages and is recommended for developers and system administrators. Conclusion. Of course, that’s just a handful of the available Linux distributions out there and is by no means an exhaustive list. There are over 600 Linux distros and about 500 in active development. However, we felt the need to focus on some of the widely used distros some of which have inspired other Linux flavors. If You Appreciate What We Do Here On TecMint, You Should Consider: TecMint is the fastest growing and most trusted community site for any kind of Linux Articles, Guides and Books on the web. Millions of people visit TecMint! to search or browse the thousands of published articles available FREELY to all. If you like what you are reading, please consider buying us a coffee ( or 2 ) as a token of appreciation. We are thankful for your never ending support. Related Posts. 110 thoughts on “10 Linux Distributions and Their Targeted Users” Would pick Arch Linux looks very clean… As a long-term Linux user, I tend to avoid anything Ubuntu flavored and am amazed it became so popular because it was just another Debian clone when it first appeared and a very drab ordinary one at that. It is credited with bringing user-friendliness to Linux, which also sticks in my craw because it did nothing of the sort with (a much better Debian clone) more deserving of that title, but their others before that too and Linux was only ever user-unfriendly in its early infancy as a university project. It’s (the U word) obviously got better over the years, but I prefer not to follow the sheep (and media hype) and use something else. Debian is obviously a solid base for any distro, so MX Linux is the one for me. Fast and stable with lots of MX-specific nice touches that make it stand out from the crowd. I’ve flirted with many distros over the last 20 years, but few have remained on the hard drive as daily drivers. I used and variants for many years, along with Conectiva ( now defunct ) and PCLinuxOS till quite recently – still one of the best distros for newcomers to Linux. But MX Linux has proved reliable over the last 6 months or so and I can’t see myself changing it. Tried many distros and always come back to Kubuntu and if you like Mint try Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix. Just a comment on my experience with Linux… I’ve been very happy with Ubuntu the last couple of years, Kubuntu to be exact. Currently running 20.04 LTS . I’ve been running Linux since the first Slackware on a stack of floppies. Then through the Red Hats , Fedora Core , and then Fedora I got tired of upgrading every 6 months or so, on several machines and settled on an LTS distro. Mint Cinnamon was the distro for me then, but then the AMD Ryzen processors (I was an early adopter) came along and Mint did not support that processor at the time I was upgrading my hardware. That’s when I jumped to the latest Ubuntu to get up and running on Ryzen, and finally now on 20.04 LTS. Running 20.04 on a home server, two desktops, a couple of laptops. Running a 32bit Linux version on a netbook really put life back into it. Of course, all my Raspberry Pis all run Raspbian, or PI OS as it is now called (this is Debian). I mention this because I’ve had no driver issues and stability has been great (a few years ago that wasn’t the case!) out of the box. That stigma attached to Linux is gone. Linux has been ‘very’ good in the last few years of just load the OS and use. For us, there is no reason to run Windows at home as LibreOffice, VLC (media player), Firefox, and Thunderbird easily handle the most common use cases and other apps handle the rest. As a by trade, I have access to any tool I choose to use (, c++, Pascal, , Python, , Cobol, Rust, Ada, etc.). Use FreeCad for part design work. KiCad for electronic board design. Any more, if asked, Kubuntu or Mint Cinnamon is the OSs I recommend for everything. Beginner to power user (unless looking for pen testing, then Kali). Load and use. The Arch distro I’d stay away from for beginners… One thing I really like about Linux is choice. Lots of distros and lots of GUIs. I don’t like the Gnome for example. So I settled on KDE, now that it has matured. I was on LXDE for awhile. In Windows, I don’t have a choice. Like it… or lump it. Choices. It’s great! Also freedom. Freedom from having to ‘register’ each install of OS, freedom from pocketbook bleeding (OS, Office, Virus Protection, you name it), freedom from forced to accept downloads, freedom from forced reboots. Multi-user out of the box, no licensing. So many things are better. BTW, Yes, I still use Windows at work, unfortunately. I have worked with/programmed on CPM, DOS, OS/2, Win3.1, to Win10 down thru the years on PCs. . Windows 7 was the last Win OS I ever ‘bought’ years ago and it is no longer spinning (I did install FreeDOS, Win XP, and Win7 in VMs, but rarely run). So Windows free. Linux really ‘fit’ into my computing home life. Ditto, nowadays Ubuntu LTS (only)/Mint are the most stable ones, I am completely into as daily machine Linux leaving behind Windows and Mac. Pros with ubuntu it supports many official software/drivers some examples:- Evernote Client WPS office Crossover Linux Official AMDGPU repo Gnome-Disks Pychess and many more… I cannot live without. Got something to say? Join the discussion. Cancel reply. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Download Now! We have made it easy for you to find a PDF Ebooks without any digging. 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